- Scripting scanalyze
- magi@cs, last update 5/2/99
- Table of contents:
- 0. Prerequisites
- 1. Starting scanalyze
- 2. Configuration and defaults
- 3. Basic scripting
- 3a. Loading scans
- 3b. Listing scans
- 3c. Saving scans
- 0. Prerequisites
- This document assumes you already know Tcl scripting.
- You'll do best if you already know how to use scanalyze (interactively)
- to perform the task you want to script, because you'll have an idea of
- the steps involved and if you want you can just go through the scanalyze
- Tcl source (publicly visible in the scanalyze directory) to see what the
- UI does to accomplish the task.
- 1. Starting scanalyze
- syntax: scanalyze [-noui] [somescript.tcl] [scanfile1] [scanfileN...]
- All parameters are optional.
- -noui, which allows you to run with no X display set, must be the first
- argument on the command line. Note that in -noui mode many commands
- will be unavailable; this document mostly pertains to -noui mode, but
- major differences will be explained below.
- If you specify a script on the command line, scanalyze will execute it
- as arbitrary Tcl script after startup, then exit, even if your script
- does not end with the exit command. There's no way that I know to have
- scanalyze load, process a given script, and then stay loaded for
- interactive use (although you could put such a script in your
- ~/scanalyzerc file).
- If you load scan files from the command line, these filenames must be
- at the end of the command line.
- 2. Configuration and defaults
- The latest public versions of scanalyze live in
- /usr/graphics/project/scanner/scanalyze/[target type].
- The version of scanalyze that will run if you execute 'scanalyze'
- depends on the environment variable SCANALYZE_DIR, which you can set to
- force a specific copy of scanalyze to be used (ie, if you are a
- developer and build your own copy). If this variable is not set,
- scanalyze will look for the variable SCANALYZE_VERSION, which corresponds
- to one of the target types in the above-named directory. If this is not
- set, a default version will be chosen based on the machine you are running
- on. In most cases you should not need either of these variables, and the
- right thing will happen.
- At startup, scanalyze reads configuration settings from
- ~/scanalyzedefaults, which it maintains automatically with preferences
- information.
- Scanalyze also processes ~/scanalyzerc, if present, as arbitrary Tcl
- script, for further customization options.
- 3. Basic scripting
- This section lists how to load and save scan files, as well as find out
- what's loaded in a way that you can refer back to it.
- 3a. Loading files
- Load files using the 'readfile' command. readfile takes any number of
- arguments, which can contain the normal wildcards. Note that [ and ] are
- special to Tcl, so if you want to use a filespec such as [mf]*/*.sd, you
- will have to escape the [ character, as in `readfile [mf]*/*.sd`.
- readfile will load all given files into scanalyze, and return a list
- of scan identifiers naming all the scans it just loaded.
- Scan identifiers are how scanalyze refers to scans internally, and
- how you will name them in scripting commands. They are the same names
- that you see in the Mesh Controls window if running with the UI.
- Unlike filenames, they are guaranteed unique (if you load the same file
- twice, it will have different scan identifiers each time.)
- 3b. Listing loaded scans
- You can obtain a list of the scan identifiers for all loaded scans
- with the plv_listscans command (which takes no arguments).
- If running with the UI, there are also a couple of additional
- functions that return the same information: getMeshList will return the
- list of all scan identifiers, and getVisibleMeshes will return only the
- scan identifiers for visible meshes (visibility is a concept that is
- largely meaningless in -noui mode). Note that these commands will NOT
- work on -noui mode.
- You can also obtain the scan list sorted by various criteria with
- plv_sort_scan_list (which needs arguments) or its easier wrapper
- getSortedMeshList, which returns the scans sorted in the same order as
- the MeshControls window.
- 3c. Saving scans
- There are various ways you can save a scan: in its native format, a
- complete copy of all resolutions written as triangle meshes in .ply
- format, a single mesh written in .ply format, or even a single
- rendering in .rgb format.
- For all these methods, you need at least two things: the scan
- identifier for the scan you want to save, and an output filename. If you
- want to know the filename that the scan was loaded from, either to
- overwrite it or as a base name for further munging, use the
- plv_get_scan_filename command, which takes the scanid as its argument.
- Writing a scan in its native format:
- plv_write_scan scanid [outputname]
- If outputname is omitted, the scan will attempt to overwrite the file
- it was loaded from. If the scan was not loaded from a file (ie, was
- created by cliipping) this will fail.
- Writing a scan as a multires .ply set:
- saveScanAsPlySetToDir scanid dirname
- A directory called dirname will be created, containing scanid.set and
- one or more .ply files corresponding to the various resolutions of the
- scan that you saved.
- Writing a single resolution of a scan as a .ply file:
- plv_write_resolutionmesh scanid resolution filename.ply
- Resolution should be the number of polygons in the resolution you want
- to save, and can be obtained from the 'plv_getreslist scanid' command.
- Writing an .rgb file of the current rendering:
- (not applicable in -noui mode)
- plv_writeiris renderwindow filename.rgb
- Will save the contents of renderwindow to filename.rgb. The name of
- the main rendering window can be obtained with [globalset toglPane];
- only a few other things (like line-depth analysis windows) will
- require a different renderwindow.
- Saving everything as multires .ply sets:
- Finally, if you want to export the entire dataset loaded into
- scanalyze as multires .ply sets with a minimum of effort, there's the
- saveAllScansAsPlySets command, which executes saveScanAsPlySetToDir
- automatically for each scan using scanid as the directory name.
- *** more to come. ***