- //############################################################
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // 03/06/97
- //############################################################
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "Trackball.h"
- #include "Xform.h"
- #include "Projector.h"
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h" // for spinning preference...
- /*
- * Trackball code:
- *
- * Implementation of a virtual trackball.
- * Implemented by Gavin Bell, lots of ideas from Thant Tessman and
- * the August '88 issue of Siggraph's "Computer Graphics,"
- * pp. 121-129.
- *
- * Vector manip code:
- *
- * Original code from:
- * David M. Ciemiewicz, Mark Grossman, Henry Moreton, and
- * Paul Haeberli
- *
- * Much mucking with by:
- * Gavin Bell
- * Kept most maths, changed just about everything else:
- * Kari Pulli
- */
- /*
- This size should really be based on the distance from the
- center of rotation to the point on the object underneath the
- mouse. That point would then track the mouse as closely as
- possible. This is a simple example, though, so that is left
- as an Exercise for the Programmer.
- */
- #define TRACKBALLSIZE (0.8)
- // Local function prototypes (not defined in trackball.h)
- static float tb_project_to_sphere(float, float, float);
- static void normalize_quat(float [4]);
- // Given an axis and angle, compute quaternion.
- void
- axis_to_quat(Pnt3 &a, float phi, float q[4])
- {
- a.normalize();
- a *= sin(phi/2.0);
- q[1]=a[0]; q[2]=a[1]; q[3]=a[2];
- q[0] = cos(phi/2.0);
- }
- /*
- Ok, simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual
- trackball, then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the
- cross product of P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball,
- 0,0,0)
- Note: This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the
- center, but is deformed into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation
- away from the center. This particular function was chosen
- after trying out several variations.
- It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the
- range (-1.0 ... 1.0)
- */
- void
- trackball(float q[4], float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y,
- TbConstraint constraint = CONSTRAIN_NONE)
- {
- if (p1x == p2x && p1y == p2y) {
- // Zero rotation
- q[0] = 1.0;
- q[1] = q[2] = q[3] = 0.0;
- return;
- }
- // First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2
- // to deformed sphere
- Pnt3 p1(p1x,p1y,tb_project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE,p1x,p1y));
- Pnt3 p2(p2x,p2y,tb_project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE,p2x,p2y));
- // get axis of rotation
- Pnt3 a = cross(p1,p2);
- // Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
- float t = dist(p1,p2) / (2.0*TRACKBALLSIZE);
- // Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
- if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0;
- if (t < -1.0) t = -1.0;
- float phi = 2.0 * asin(t); // how much to rotate about axis
- if (constraint == CONSTRAIN_X)
- a[1] = a[2] = 0;
- if (constraint == CONSTRAIN_Y)
- a[0] = a[2] = 0;
- if (constraint == CONSTRAIN_Z)
- a[0] = a[1] = 0;
- axis_to_quat(a,phi,q);
- }
- //
- // Project an x,y pair onto a sphere of radius r OR a hyperbolic
- // sheet if we are away from the center of the sphere.
- //
- static float
- tb_project_to_sphere(float r, float x, float y)
- {
- float d, t, z;
- d = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
- if (d < r * 0.70710678118654752440) { // Inside sphere
- z = sqrt(r*r - d*d);
- } else { // On hyperbola
- t = r / 1.41421356237309504880;
- z = t*t / d;
- }
- return z;
- }
- /*
- Given two rotations, e1 and e2, expressed as quaternion
- rotations, figure out the equivalent single rotation and stuff
- it into dest.
- This routine also normalizes the result every RENORMCOUNT
- times it is called, to keep error from creeping in.
- NOTE: This routine is written so that q1 or q2 may be the same
- as dest (or each other).
- */
- #define RENORMCOUNT 97
- void
- add_quats(float q1[4], float q2[4], float dest[4])
- {
- static int count=0;
- Pnt3 t1(&q1[1]);
- t1 *= q2[0];
- Pnt3 t2(&q2[1]);
- t2 *= q1[0];
- Pnt3 t3 = cross(&q1[1],&q2[1]);
- t3 += t1; t3 += t2;
- // watch out: q1 or q2 may be the same as dest!
- dest[0] = q1[0] * q2[0] - dot(&q1[1],&q2[1]);
- dest[1] = t3[0];
- dest[2] = t3[1];
- dest[3] = t3[2];
- if (++count > RENORMCOUNT) {
- count = 0;
- normalize_quat(dest);
- }
- }
- /*
- Quaternions always obey: a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 = 1.0
- If they don't add up to 1.0, dividing by their magnitude will
- renormalize them.
- Note: See the following for more information on quaternions:
- - Shoemake, K., Animating rotation with quaternion curves,
- Computer Graphics 19, No 3 (Proc. SIGGRAPH'85), 245-254,1985.
- - Pletinckx, D., Quaternion calculus as a basic tool in
- computer graphics, The Visual Computer 5, 2-13, 1989.
- */
- static void
- normalize_quat(float q[4])
- {
- float mag = (q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) q[i] /= mag;
- }
- // Build a rotation matrix, given a quaternion rotation.
- void
- build_rotmatrix(float m[4][4], float q[4])
- {
- m[0][0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
- m[1][0] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[3] * q[0]);
- m[2][0] = 2.0 * (q[3] * q[1] + q[2] * q[0]);
- m[3][0] = 0.0;
- m[0][1] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[3] * q[0]);
- m[1][1] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[3] * q[3] + q[1] * q[1]);
- m[2][1] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[3] - q[1] * q[0]);
- m[3][1] = 0.0;
- m[0][2] = 2.0 * (q[3] * q[1] - q[2] * q[0]);
- m[1][2] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[1] * q[0]);
- m[2][2] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q[2] * q[2] + q[1] * q[1]);
- m[3][2] = 0.0;
- m[0][3] = 0.0;
- m[1][3] = 0.0;
- m[2][3] = 0.0;
- m[3][3] = 1.0;
- }
- Trackball::Trackball(void)
- : spinning_enabled(true),
- rotating(0), spinning(0), panning(0), zooming(0),
- orthographic(false),
- lastTarget(NULL)
- {
- trackball(currQuat, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- setTransScale();
- }
- void
- Trackball::setSize(int w, int h)
- {
- W=w; H=h;
- }
- // c is camera center,
- // o is wherethe camera is looking at,
- // up is the up vector of the camera
- void
- Trackball::setup(float _c[3], float _o[3], float _up[3],
- float r, float fov, float oblique_x, float oblique_y)
- {
- o = Pnt3(_o);
- c = Pnt3(_c);
- up = Pnt3(_up);
- radius = r;
- field_of_view = fov;
- oblique_camera_offset_x = oblique_x;
- oblique_camera_offset_y = oblique_y;
- resetXform();
- resetAxes();
- }
- void
- Trackball::resetXform(void)
- {
- trans = Pnt3();
- rotating = spinning = panning = zooming = 0;
- constraint = CONSTRAIN_NONE;
- //bUndoable = false;
- trackball(currQuat, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- trackball(lastQuat, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- void
- Trackball::newRotationCenter(float _o[3], TbObj* target)
- {
- Pnt3 newCtr = Pnt3(_o);
- float distmoved = dist(newCtr, o);
- if (!distmoved)
- return;
- // radius used for clipping planes
- radius += distmoved;
- if (target) {
- target->new_rotation_center(newCtr);
- return;
- }
- Xform<float> newTrans;
- newTrans.translate (trans);
- newTrans.translate (o);
- newTrans.rotQ (-currQuat[0], currQuat[1], currQuat[2], currQuat[3]);
- newTrans.translate (-o);
- newTrans.translate (newCtr);
- newTrans.rotQ (currQuat[0], currQuat[1], currQuat[2], currQuat[3]);
- newTrans.translate (-newCtr);
- newTrans.getTranslation (trans);
- Pnt3 noBasisTrans;
- float tempQ[4];
- getXform (tempQ, noBasisTrans);
- o = newCtr;
- resetAxes();
- Xform<float> newBasis;
- newBasis.fromFrame (u, v, z, Pnt3());
- newBasis.apply (noBasisTrans, trans);
- }
- void
- Trackball::changeFOV(float fov)
- {
- field_of_view = fov;
- }
- float
- Trackball::getFOV (void)
- {
- return field_of_view;
- }
- void
- Trackball::setObliqueCamera(float x, float y)
- {
- oblique_camera_offset_x = x;
- oblique_camera_offset_y = y;
- }
- void
- Trackball::resetAxes(void)
- {
- // z is from the object to camera
- z = c - o;
- d = z.norm();
- z /= d;
- // u (x vector) is up X z
- u = cross(up,z);
- u.normalize();
- // v (y vector) is z X u
- v = cross(z,u);
- //clipping planes based on camera and object
- setClippingPlanes (o, radius);
- }
- void
- Trackball::setClippingPlanes(Pnt3 bb_ctr, float bb_r)
- {
- // calculate the radius around o
- radius = bb_r + dist(bb_ctr, o);
- // calculate the distance from the camera to center of rotation,
- // down the z axis -- d = distance from o to c along z, then subtract
- // out the translation (also projected onto z axis)
- float d_oc = d - dot (trans, z);
- zfar = d_oc+radius;
- znear = zfar - 2*radius;
- enforceZlimits();
- }
- void
- Trackball::pressButton(int button, int up, int x, int y, int t,
- TbObj* target)
- {
- spinning_enabled = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (g_tclInterp, "spinningAllowed",
- lastTarget = target;
- y = (H-1)-y;
- if (!panning && !spinning && !zooming) {
- // new interaction... save state for undo
- //saveUndoPos (target);
- target->save_for_undo();
- }
- if (button == 1) {
- if (up == 0) {
- if (panning) {
- zooming = 1;
- panning = 0;
- } else {
- rotating = 1;
- spinning = 0;
- }
- } else {
- assert(up == 1);
- rotating = 0;
- if (zooming) {
- panning = 1;
- zooming = 0;
- // just stopped zooming.
- // clipping planes changed, so translation scale needs to change
- resetTransScale();
- }
- }
- } else {
- assert(button == 2);
- if (up == 0) {
- if (rotating) {
- zooming = 1;
- rotating = 0;
- } else
- panning = 1;
- } else {
- assert(up == 1);
- panning = 0;
- spinning = 0;
- if (zooming) {
- rotating = 1;
- zooming = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // check if mouse was moving as button was released --
- // compare timestamps
- // on this event and last event;
- // if there was any significant delay
- // between the release and the last mousemove, then don't spin.
- if (up) {
- float mousedist = (x-beginx)*(x-beginx) + (y-beginy)*(y-beginy);
- if (mousedist < .2*(t-begint)) {
- // mouse moving really slow: turn off spin on release
- //printf ("event age: %un", t - begint);
- //fflush (stdout);
- spinning = 0; // unless they were still moving
- }
- }
- beginx = x;
- beginy = y;
- begint = t;
- #if 0 //debug
- cout << "press button" << button << (up?" up":" down") << endl;
- SHOW(zooming);
- SHOW(panning);
- SHOW(rotating);
- SHOW(spinning);
- SHOW(beginx);
- SHOW(beginy);
- #endif
- }
- void
- Trackball::move(int x, int y, int t, TbObj *target)
- {
- //if (target) cout << "move obj" << endl;
- //else cout << "move cam" << endl;
- y = (H-1)-y;
- if (rotating) {
- trackball(lastQuat,
- 2.0 * beginx / W - 1.0,
- 2.0 * beginy / H - 1.0,
- 2.0 * x / W - 1.0,
- 2.0 * y / H - 1.0,
- constraint);
- /*
- float phi = 2*asin(lastQuat[0]);
- float mag = Pnt3(lastQuat+1).norm();
- cout << "lastQuat "
- << 2*asin(lastQuat[0]) << " "
- << lastQuat[1]/mag << " "
- << lastQuat[2]/mag << " "
- << lastQuat[3]/mag << endl;
- */
- // let spin() apply the rotation
- if (target) spin();
- spinning = 1;
- } else {
- Pnt3 dt;
- if (panning) {
- float factor = transScale ? transScale : ((d-trans[2])/W);
- dt[0] = factor*(x-beginx);
- dt[1] = factor*(y-beginy);
- }
- if (zooming) {
- float focalDistance = fabs(d - dot (trans, z));
- if (orthographic) {
- dt[2] = (beginy-y) * focalDistance / 400;
- orthoHeight -= dt[2];
- if (orthoHeight <= 1.e-6)
- orthoHeight = 1.e-6;
- } else {
- float newFocalDist = focalDistance * powf(2.0,
- (y-beginy)/80.0);
- dt[2] = (focalDistance - newFocalDist);
- }
- if (target == NULL) {
- // moving the camera
- zfar -= dt[2];
- znear = zfar - 2*radius;
- enforceZlimits();
- }
- }
- translateInEyeCoords (dt, target, false);
- }
- beginx = x;
- beginy = y;
- begint = t;
- #if 0 //debug
- cout << "move" << endl;
- SHOW(zooming);
- SHOW(panning);
- SHOW(rotating);
- SHOW(spinning);
- SHOW(beginx);
- SHOW(beginy);
- #endif
- }
- void
- Trackball::getXform (float quat[4], float t[3])
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- quat[i] = currQuat[i];
- t[0] = dot (trans, u);
- t[1] = dot (trans, v);
- t[2] = dot (trans, z);
- }
- void
- Trackball::getXform(float m[4][4], float t[3])
- {
- float q[4];
- getXform (q, t);
- build_rotmatrix(m, q);
- }
- void
- Trackball::applyXform(int bReinitMatrix)
- {
- spin();
- reapplyXform (bReinitMatrix);
- }
- void
- Trackball::reapplyXform (int bReinitMatrix)
- {
- float m[4][4], t[3];
- getXform(m,t);
- if (bReinitMatrix) {
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
- }
- glTranslatef(-c[0], -c[1], -c[2]); // move the camera
- glTranslatef(t[0], t[1], t[2]); // pan and zoom
- glTranslatef(o[0], o[1], o[2]); // rotate around origin
- glMultMatrixf(&m[0][0]);
- glTranslatef(-o[0], -o[1], -o[2]);
- #if 0
- if (this != &tbView)
- // return;
- cout << "mesh -- ";
- else
- cout << "view -- ";
- cout << "applyXform:nCamera is at ";
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) cout << c[i] << "t";
- cout << endl;
- cout << "translated by ";
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) cout << t[i] << "t";
- cout << endl;
- cout << "Object is at ";
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) cout << o[i] << "t";
- cout << endl;
- cout << "rotated by" << endl;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- cout << m[i][j] << "t";
- cout << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- #endif
- }
- void
- Trackball::enable_spinning(void)
- {
- spinning_enabled = true;
- }
- void
- Trackball::disable_spinning(void)
- {
- spinning_enabled = false;
- }
- void
- Trackball::spin(void)
- {
- if (rotating || isSpinning()) {
- if (lastTarget == NULL) {
- add_quats(lastQuat, currQuat, currQuat);
- } else {
- // undo view transform, apply inverse rotation,
- // redo view transform
- float q[4],cq[4],lq[4];
- cq[0] = -currQuat[0]; cq[1] = currQuat[1];
- cq[2] = currQuat[2]; cq[3] = currQuat[3];
- lq[0] = lastQuat[0]; lq[1] = lastQuat[1];
- lq[2] = lastQuat[2]; lq[3] = lastQuat[3];
- add_quats(cq,lq,q);
- cq[0] = -cq[0];
- add_quats(q,cq,q);
- lastTarget->rotate(q[0],q[1],q[2],q[3], false);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- void
- Trackball::undo_last (void)
- {
- if (!bUndoable)
- return;
- spinning = false;
- Xform<float> redo;
- if (lastTarget) {
- redo = lastTarget->getXform();
- lastTarget->setXform (undoPosition);
- } else {
- redo = getUndoXform();
- this->setUndoXform (undoPosition);
- }
- undoPosition = redo;
- }
- */
- bool
- Trackball::isSpinning (void)
- {
- if (!spinning_enabled) return false;
- return spinning && !rotating && !zooming && !panning;
- }
- bool
- Trackball::isManipulating (void)
- {
- return (spinning && spinning_enabled) || rotating || zooming || panning;
- }
- void
- Trackball::stop (void)
- {
- spinning = false;
- }
- // return the viewing direction
- Pnt3
- Trackball::dir(void)
- {
- float m[4][4];
- build_rotmatrix(m, currQuat);
- return Pnt3(m[0][2],m[1][2],m[2][2]);
- }
- void
- Trackball::getRotationCenter (float center[3])
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- center[i] = o[i];
- }
- void
- Trackball::getCameraCenter (float center[3])
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- center[i] = c[i];
- }
- // rotate angle_rads radians around axis: axis can be any vector,
- // normalization is not necessary
- void
- Trackball::rotateAroundAxis (const Pnt3& axis, float angle_rads,
- TbObj* target)
- {
- float q[4];
- Pnt3 a = axis; // mungeable copy
- axis_to_quat (a, angle_rads, q);
- rotateQuat (q, target);
- }
- void
- Trackball::rotateQuat (float q[4], TbObj* target)
- {
- if (target == NULL) { // rotate viewer
- target->save_for_undo();
- add_quats (q, currQuat, currQuat);
- } else {
- // undo view transform, apply inverse rotation,
- // redo view transform
- float *c = currQuat;
- target->rotate(-c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
- target->rotate(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], false);
- target->rotate(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], false);
- }
- }
- void
- Trackball::constrainRotation (TbConstraint _constraint)
- {
- constraint = _constraint;
- }
- void
- Trackball::getBounds (float& left, float& right, float& bottom, float& top)
- {
- float halfdiag = tan(0.5 * M_PI/180.0 * field_of_view) * znear;
- top = halfdiag * H / sqrt(W*W+H*H);
- bottom = -top;
- right = W/H * top;
- left = -right;
- right -= oblique_camera_offset_x * znear;
- left -= oblique_camera_offset_x * znear;
- top -= oblique_camera_offset_y * znear;
- bottom -= oblique_camera_offset_y * znear;
- }
- void
- Trackball::getFrustum (float& left, float& right,
- float& bottom, float& top,
- float& _znear, float& _zfar)
- {
- getBounds (left, right, bottom, top);
- _znear = znear;
- _zfar = zfar;
- }
- void
- Trackball::setPerspXform(void)
- {
- float left, right, bottom, top;
- getBounds (left, right, bottom, top);
- glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar);
- }
- float
- Trackball::getOrthoHeight(void)
- {
- // if not in orthographic mode, value won't be up-to-date
- if (orthographic)
- return orthoHeight;
- else
- return sqrt (znear * zfar);
- }
- void
- Trackball::setOrthoXform(void)
- {
- float aspect = (float)W/H;
- glOrtho(-orthoHeight/2*aspect, orthoHeight/2*aspect,
- -orthoHeight/2, orthoHeight/2,
- znear, zfar);
- }
- void
- Trackball::applyProjection()
- {
- int mm;
- glGetIntegerv (GL_MATRIX_MODE, &mm);
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity();
- if (orthographic)
- setOrthoXform();
- else
- setPerspXform();
- glMatrixMode ((GLenum) mm);
- }
- void
- Trackball::getProjection (float &pFov, float &pAspect,
- float &pNear, float &pFar)
- {
- pFov = field_of_view;
- pAspect = (float)W / H;
- pNear = znear;
- pFar = zfar;
- }
- void
- Trackball::setOrthographic (bool bOrtho)
- {
- if (bOrtho == orthographic)
- return; // nothing to do
- orthographic = bOrtho;
- // need to set new camera params to a reasonable facsimile of old ones
- if (orthographic) {
- // going orthographic
- orthoHeight = sqrt (znear * zfar);
- } else {
- // going perspective
- //znear = orthoHeight - radius;
- //zfar = orthoHeight + radius;
- }
- setClippingPlanes (o, radius);
- enforceZlimits();
- }
- bool
- Trackball::getOrthographic (void)
- {
- return orthographic;
- }
- void
- Trackball::enforceZlimits (void)
- {
- // znear needs both absolute and relative caps -- absolute because it
- // has to be >0, relative because it needs to be within 24 bits of zfar
- // (actually, notably less than 24 bits) to maintain z-buffer resolution
- if (znear < 1.e-6) znear = 1.e-6;
- if (znear < zfar / 1.e3)
- znear = zfar / 1.e3;
- if (zfar < znear) zfar = znear + 1.0;
- }
- Xform<float>
- Trackball::getUndoXform (void)
- {
- Xform<float> xf;
- xf.fromQuaternion (currQuat, trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]);
- // need to save zoom... here's a hack.
- // in the xf, members m[0][3], m[1][3], m[2][3] are unused.
- xf(3,0) = znear;
- xf(3,1) = zfar;
- return xf;
- }
- void
- Trackball::setUndoXform (const Xform<float>& xf)
- {
- // hack -- see comments under getUndoXform
- znear = xf(3,0);
- zfar = xf(3,1);
- xf.toQuaternion (currQuat);
- xf.getTranslation (trans);
- }
- void
- Trackball::translateInEyeCoords (Pnt3& dt, TbObj* target, bool undoable)
- {
- if (target) {
- // moving an object
- // translate the mesh instead of camera
- Pnt3 tr;
- tr[0] = dot (dt, u);
- tr[1] = dot (dt, v);
- tr[2] = dot (dt, z);
- Xform<float> xf;
- xf.rotQ(-currQuat[0], currQuat[1], currQuat[2], currQuat[3]);
- xf(tr);
- target->translate(tr[0], tr[1], tr[2], undoable);
- // note that this translate should check the scene and
- // set up the correct clipping planes by calling
- // Trackball::setClippingPlanes(Pnt3 ctr, float r)
- } else {
- // moving the camera
- if (undoable)
- target->save_for_undo();
- trans += dt;
- }
- }
- /*
- void
- Trackball::saveUndoPos (TbObj* target)
- {
- if (target)
- undoPosition = target->getXform();
- else
- undoPosition = this->getUndoXform();
- lastTarget = target;
- bUndoable = true;
- }
- */
- void
- Trackball::getState (Pnt3& _c, Pnt3& _o, Pnt3& _t, float q[4],
- float& _fov, float &_oblique_x, float &_oblique_y)
- {
- _c = c;
- _o = o;
- _t = trans;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- q[i] = currQuat[i];
- _fov = field_of_view;
- _oblique_x = oblique_camera_offset_x;
- _oblique_y = oblique_camera_offset_y;
- }
- void
- Trackball::setState (Pnt3& _t, float q[4])
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- currQuat[i] = q[i];
- trans = _t;
- }
- void
- Trackball::zoomToRect (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- {
- // need to translate (at focal point) in screen plane, such that
- // given rect goes to center of screen, then translate perpendicular
- // to screen plane to zoom in by ratio of area of rect to screen
- int rectW = x2 - x1;
- int rectH = y2 - y1;
- int cx = x1 + rectW / 2;
- int cy = y1 + rectH / 2;
- int dx = W / 2 - cx;
- int dy = H / 2 - cy;
- float zoom = MIN ((float)W / rectW, (float)H / rectH);
- // now need to translate such that in screen coords, we go (dx, dy, dz)
- // where dz gives the desired zoom factor.
- // copied from ::move:
- Pnt3 dt;
- float factor = transScale ? transScale: ((d-trans[2])/W);
- dt[0] = factor*(dx);
- dt[1] = factor*(dy);
- dt[2] = (d - trans[2]) * (1 - 1/zoom);
- // and go there!
- translateInEyeCoords (dt, NULL, true);
- setClippingPlanes (o, radius);
- }
- void
- Trackball::setTransScale (const Pnt3& clickPt)
- {
- if (clickPt[2] != 0.) {
- float zeye = znear * zfar / (clickPt[2] * (zfar - znear) - zfar);
- //cerr << "setting near-click-far = " << znear << " " << zeye << " "
- // << zfar << " (" << clickPt[2] << ")" << endl;
- // copied from Trackball::setPerspXform
- float halfdiag = tan(0.5 * M_PI/180.0 * field_of_view) * zeye;
- float top = halfdiag / sqrt(W*W + H*H);
- transScale = (-2 * top);
- // save point that we're using as translation reference, in world
- // coords, in case we need to reproject it
- Unprojector unp (this);
- transScaleReference = unp (clickPt[0], clickPt[1], clickPt[2]);
- } else {
- transScale = 0.;
- transScaleReference = Pnt3 (0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- void
- Trackball::resetTransScale (void)
- {
- // recomputes transScale based on previous point passed to
- // setTransScale -- useful if clipping planes change, ie after zoom.
- if (transScaleReference[2]) {
- // it doesn't suffice to recompute the transScale using the new
- // znear/zfar and old zscale value, because the zscale value (read from
- // depth buffer) will be different for the same pixel with old and new
- // clipping planes. Need to reproject it.
- Projector proj (this);
- Pnt3 rep = proj (transScaleReference);
- setTransScale (rep);
- }
- }