- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Utility functions for triangle meshes that are represented
- // as list of vertices and list of indices that define the
- // mesh connectivity.
- //
- //############################################################
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <vector.h>
- #include <hash_map.h>
- #include <hash_set.h>
- #include "TriMeshUtils.h"
- #include "Median.h"
- #include "ply++.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "Progress.h"
- #include "Timer.h"
- // calculate vertex normals by averaging from triangle
- // normals (obtained from cross products)
- // possibly weighted with triangle areas
- void
- getVertexNormals(const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tri,
- bool strips,
- vector<short> &nrm_s,
- int useArea)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> nrm (vtx.size(), Pnt3());
- int ntris = tri.size();
- if (!useArea) {
- if (strips) {
- bool flip = false;
- vector<int>::const_iterator i;
- for (i = tri.begin(); i < tri.end(); i++) {
- if (*(i+2) == -1) {
- // end of strip
- i += 2;
- flip = false;
- continue;
- }
- int b, c;
- if (flip) {
- b = *(i+2); c = *(i+1); flip = false;
- } else {
- b = *(i+1); c = *(i+2); flip = true;
- }
- Pnt3 norm = normal(vtx[*i], vtx[b], vtx[c]);
- nrm[*i] += norm;
- nrm[b] += norm;
- nrm[c] += norm;
- }
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < ntris; i += 3) {
- Pnt3 norm = normal(vtx[tri[i+0]],
- vtx[tri[i+1]],
- vtx[tri[i+2]]);
- nrm[tri[i+0]] += norm;
- nrm[tri[i+1]] += norm;
- nrm[tri[i+2]] += norm;
- }
- }
- } else { // do use area norm
- if (strips) {
- bool flip = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < ntris; i++) {
- if (tri[i+2] == -1) {
- // end of strip
- i += 2;
- flip = false;
- continue;
- }
- int a, b, c;
- if (flip) {
- a = tri[i]; b = tri[i+2]; c = tri[i+1]; flip = false;
- } else {
- a = tri[i]; b = tri[i+1]; c = tri[i+2]; flip = true;
- }
- //float area = .5 * cross(vtx[a], vtx[b], vtx[c]).norm();
- //Pnt3 areaNorm = normal(vtx[a], vtx[b], vtx[c]);
- //areaNorm *= area;
- Pnt3 areaNorm = cross(vtx[a], vtx[b], vtx[c]);
- nrm[a] += areaNorm;
- nrm[b] += areaNorm;
- nrm[c] += areaNorm;
- }
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < ntris; i += 3) {
- /*
- float area = .5 * cross(vtx[tri[i+0]], vtx[tri[i+1]],
- vtx[tri[i+2]]).norm();
- Pnt3 areaNorm = normal(vtx[tri[i+0]],
- vtx[tri[i+1]],
- vtx[tri[i+2]]);
- areaNorm *= area;
- */
- Pnt3 areaNorm = cross(vtx[tri[i+0]],
- vtx[tri[i+1]],
- vtx[tri[i+2]]);
- nrm[tri[i+0]] += areaNorm;
- nrm[tri[i+1]] += areaNorm;
- nrm[tri[i+2]] += areaNorm;
- }
- }
- }
- nrm_s.clear();
- nrm_s.reserve (3 * vtx.size());
- for (Pnt3* n = nrm.begin(); n != nrm.end(); n++) {
- n->set_norm(32767.0);
- nrm_s.push_back (short(n->operator[](0)));
- nrm_s.push_back (short(n->operator[](1)));
- nrm_s.push_back (short(n->operator[](2)));
- }
- }
- float
- median_edge_length(vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- vector<int> &tri,
- bool strips,
- int percentile)
- {
- int n = tri.size();
- if (n < 3) return 0.0;
- Median<float> med(percentile, n);
- if (strips) {
- int *end = &tri[n];
- // reuse the "inner edge" length in the strip
- float inner_edge = dist2(vtx[0], vtx[1]);
- for (int *i=&tri[2]; i<end; i++) {
- if (*i == -1) {
- // skip over the start part of the next strip
- int cnt = 0;
- while (cnt < 3) {
- i++;
- if (i >= end) goto done;
- if (*i == -1) cnt = 0;
- else cnt++;
- }
- inner_edge = dist2(vtx[*(i-1)], vtx[*(i-2)]);
- }
- med += inner_edge;
- inner_edge = dist2(vtx[*(i-1)], vtx[*i]);
- med += inner_edge;
- med += dist2(vtx[*(i-2)], vtx[*i]);
- }
- } else {
- // edge lengths
- for (int i=0; i<n; i+=3) {
- med += dist2(vtx[tri[i+0]], vtx[tri[i+1]]);
- med += dist2(vtx[tri[i+2]], vtx[tri[i+1]]);
- med += dist2(vtx[tri[i+0]], vtx[tri[i+2]]);
- }
- }
- done:
- return sqrtf(med.find());
- }
- // find the median edge length
- // if a triangle has an edge that's longer than
- // factor times the median (or percentile), remove the triangle
- void
- remove_stepedges(vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- vector<int> &tri,
- int factor,
- int percentile,
- bool strips)
- {
- // calculate the threshold
- float thr = median_edge_length(vtx, tri, strips, percentile);
- thr *= thr * float(factor * factor);
- int n = tri.size();
- if (strips) {
- vector<int> ntri;
- ntri.reserve(n);
- bool strip_on = false;
- int cnt = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (strip_on) {
- // strip is on
- bool end_found = (tri[i] == -1);
- bool end_here = false;
- if (!end_found) {
- // check for too long edges
- if (cnt == 1)
- end_here = (dist2(vtx[tri[i]], vtx[tri[i-1]]) > thr);
- else
- end_here = (dist2(vtx[tri[i]], vtx[tri[i-1]]) > thr ||
- dist2(vtx[tri[i]], vtx[tri[i-2]]) > thr);
- }
- if (end_found || end_here) {
- // found an end, clean up
- if (cnt < 3) {
- ntri.pop_back();
- if (cnt == 2) ntri.pop_back();
- if (ntri.size()) assert(ntri.back() == -1);
- } else {
- ntri.push_back(-1);
- }
- strip_on = false;
- }
- if (end_here) {
- if (cnt % 2) {
- // cnt odd, check if can add a single triangle
- if (i > n-4) break; // almost done, break...
- if (tri[i+1] != -1 &&
- tri[i+2] != -1 &&
- dist2(vtx[tri[i ]], vtx[tri[i+1]]) < thr &&
- dist2(vtx[tri[i ]], vtx[tri[i+2]]) < thr &&
- dist2(vtx[tri[i+1]], vtx[tri[i+2]]) < thr) {
- ntri.push_back(tri[i]);
- ntri.push_back(tri[i+1]);
- ntri.push_back(tri[i+2]);
- ntri.push_back(-1);
- }
- } else {
- // cnt even, restart a strip
- strip_on = true;
- cnt = 1;
- ntri.push_back(tri[i]);
- }
- }
- if (!end_found && !end_here) {
- // continue this strip
- ntri.push_back(tri[i]);
- cnt++;
- }
- } else {
- // strip is not on
- if (tri[i] != -1) {
- ntri.push_back(tri[i]);
- strip_on = true;
- cnt = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!strip_on) cnt = 0;
- }
- tri = ntri;
- } else {
- // could make faster by not recalculating edges!
- for (int i=n-3; i>=0; i-=3) {
- if (dist2(vtx[tri[i+0]], vtx[tri[i+1]]) > thr ||
- dist2(vtx[tri[i+2]], vtx[tri[i+1]]) > thr ||
- dist2(vtx[tri[i+0]], vtx[tri[i+2]]) > thr) {
- // remove the triangle
- tri[i+2] = tri.back(); tri.pop_back();
- tri[i+1] = tri.back(); tri.pop_back();
- tri[i+0] = tri.back(); tri.pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // check whether some vertices in vtx are not being used in tri
- // if so, remove them and also adjust the tri indices
- void
- remove_unused_vtxs(vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- vector<int> &tri)
- {
- // prepare vertex index map
- vector<int> vtx_ind(vtx.size(), -1);
- // march through the triangles
- // and mark the vertices that are actually used
- int n = tri.size();
- for (int i=0; i<n; i+=3) {
- vtx_ind[tri[i+0]] = tri[i+0];
- vtx_ind[tri[i+1]] = tri[i+1];
- vtx_ind[tri[i+2]] = tri[i+2];
- }
- // remove the vertices that were not marked,
- // also keep tab on how the indices change
- int cnt = 0;
- n = vtx.size();
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (vtx_ind[i] != -1) {
- vtx_ind[i] = cnt;
- vtx[cnt] = vtx[i];
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- vtx.erase(&vtx[cnt], vtx.end());
- // march through triangles and correct the indices
- n = tri.size();
- for (i=0; i<n; i+=3) {
- tri[i+0] = vtx_ind[tri[i+0]];
- tri[i+1] = vtx_ind[tri[i+1]];
- tri[i+2] = vtx_ind[tri[i+2]];
- assert(tri[i+0] >=0 && tri[i+0] < vtx.size());
- assert(tri[i+1] >=0 && tri[i+1] < vtx.size());
- assert(tri[i+2] >=0 && tri[i+2] < vtx.size());
- }
- }
- // count the number of triangles in a tstrip
- int
- count_tris(const vector<int> &strips)
- {
- int cnt = 0;
- int i = 0;
- while (i < strips.size()) {
- // skip over the 2 first inds
- i+=2;
- while (strips[i++] != -1) {
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- return cnt;
- }
- struct _edge {
- int a,b;
- _edge(void) : a(0),b(0) {}
- _edge(int _a, int _b)
- {
- if (_a < _b) { a=_a; b=_b; }
- else { b=_a; a=_b; }
- }
- void set(int _a, int _b)
- {
- if (_a < _b) { a=_a; b=_b; }
- else { b=_a; a=_b; }
- }
- bool operator==(const _edge &e) const
- {
- return a == e.a && b == e.b;
- }
- };
- struct equal_edge
- {
- bool operator()(const _edge &e1, const _edge &e2) const
- {
- return e1.a == e2.a && e1.b == e2.b;
- }
- };
- struct hash_edge
- {
- size_t operator()(const _edge &e) const
- {
- return e.a * 1000000 + e.b;
- }
- };
- static void
- remove_this_triangle(vector<int> &ts, int i)
- {
- for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
- int curr = ts[i+j]; // current neighbor
- if (curr >= 0) {
- if (ts[curr] == -2) continue; // nbor has been removed
- // mark the correct edge of the neighbor to
- // not have a neighbor any more
- if (ts[curr] == i) ts[curr] = -1;
- else if (ts[curr+1] == i) ts[curr+1] = -1;
- else if (ts[curr+2] == i) ts[curr+2] = -1;
- }
- ts[i+j] = -2; // remove
- }
- }
- static int Verbose = 1;
- static int Warnings = 1;
- static void
- old_tris_to_strips(const vector<int> &tris,
- vector<int>& tstripinds,
- const char* name)
- {
- int nTris = tris.size();
- tstripinds.clear();
- tstripinds.reserve(1.1*nTris/3);
- // build a multimap: map edges to incident triangles
- typedef hash_multimap<_edge,int,hash_edge,equal_edge> hmm;
- hmm edges;
- hmm::iterator edge_it;
- int i,j;
- _edge e;
- cout << "Creating triangle strips from raw triangle data..."
- << endl;
- if (Verbose)
- printf ("input: %d vertices (%d triangles)n", nTris, nTris/3);
- // show progress graphically
- Progress progress (nTris * 3, "Create %s T-Strips", name);
- for (i = 0; i < nTris; i+=3) { // for all tris
- if (i%300 == 0)
- progress.update (i);
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // for all edges
- // create an edge
- e.set(tris[i+j], tris[i+(j+1)%3]);
- // store the edge and starting vertex of the triangle
- edges.insert(pair<const _edge,int>(e,i));
- }
- }
- // march through triangles
- // store for each edge the neighboring triangle
- // -1 if neighbor doesn't exist,
- // later -2 if the triangle is removed/processed
- vector<int> tri_nbors(nTris);
- for (i = 0; i < nTris; i+=3) {
- if (i%300 == 0)
- progress.update (i + nTris);
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- // find all instances of current edge
- e.set(tris[i+j], tris[i+(j+1)%3]);
- pair<hmm::iterator, hmm::iterator> p = edges.equal_range(e);
- edge_it = p.first;
- // shouldn't have more than two triangles sharing this edge:
- p.first++;
- if (p.first != p.second) {
- p.first++;
- if (p.first != p.second) {
- if (Warnings) {
- fprintf(stderr, "More than two pointers to same "
- "edge (%d,%d)n", e.a, e.b);
- while (Verbose && edge_it != p.second) {
- int tri = (*edge_it).second;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "t: offending tri: #%d (%d,%d,%d)n",
- tri, tris[tri+0],
- tris[tri+1], tris[tri+2]);
- edge_it++;
- }
- }
- // non-manifold edge, no neighbors across this
- tri_nbors[i+j] = -1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- // there's only 1 or 2 triangles for this edge
- if ((*edge_it).second != i) {
- // if the first match is not this triangle,
- // the neighbor across this edge is the current triangle
- tri_nbors[i+j] = (*edge_it).second;
- } else {
- // the first of range is the current one
- edge_it++;
- if (edge_it == p.second) {
- // that was the only edge, so this edge is not shared.
- tri_nbors[i+j] = -1;
- } else {
- // found another edge
- // so the neighbor across this edge is now in .second
- assert((*edge_it).first == e);
- assert((*edge_it).second != i);
- tri_nbors[i+j] = (*edge_it).second;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int nStrips = 0; //for stat-keeping
- // start removing triangles from the tri_nbors
- // and build the t-strips
- int nNbors = tri_nbors.size();
- for (i = 0; i < nNbors; i += 3) {
- if (i%300 == 0)
- progress.update (2* nTris + i);
- if (tri_nbors[i] == -2) continue; // has been removed
- // try finding a neighbor
- int nbor = -1;
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- if (tri_nbors[i+j] >= 0) {
- nbor = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nbor == -1) {
- // single triangle
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[i+0]);
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[i+1]);
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[i+2]);
- } else {
- // initialize the tstrip
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[i+(nbor+2)%3]);
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[i+(nbor ) ]);
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[i+(nbor+4)%3]);
- int prev = i;
- int dir = 1;
- int curr = tri_nbors[prev+nbor];
- while (curr != -1) {
- // find from which nbor we came to curr
- if (tri_nbors[curr] == prev) nbor = 0;
- else if (tri_nbors[curr+1] == prev) nbor = 1;
- else if (tri_nbors[curr+2] == prev) nbor = 2;
- else printf ("Warning: really lost!n");
- remove_this_triangle(tri_nbors, prev);
- tstripinds.push_back(tris[curr+(nbor+2)%3]);
- // find next nbor
- nbor = (nbor+1+dir)%3;
- dir ^= 1;
- prev = curr;
- curr = tri_nbors[prev+nbor];
- }
- remove_this_triangle(tri_nbors, prev);
- }
- ++nStrips; //just for stat-keeping
- tstripinds.push_back(-1);
- }
- if (Verbose)
- printf ("output: %ld vertices (%d strips); avg. length %.1fn",
- tstripinds.size()-nStrips, nStrips,
- ((float)tstripinds.size()/nStrips) - 3);
- printf ("Done.n");
- }
- typedef unsigned* adjacentfacelist;
- adjacentfacelist*
- TriMesh_FindAdjacentFaces (int numvertices,
- const vector<int>& faces,
- int*& numadjacentfaces)
- {
- cout << " Computing vtx->face mappings..." << flush;
- int numfaces = faces.size();
- assert (numvertices != 0);
- assert (numfaces != 0);
- // Step I - compute numadjacentfaces
- numadjacentfaces = new int[numvertices];
- memset(numadjacentfaces, 0, numvertices*sizeof(int));
- for (int i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
- numadjacentfaces[faces[i]]++;
- }
- // allocate one chunk of memory for all adjacent face lists
- // total number of adjacent faces is numfaces
- unsigned* adjacentfacedata = new unsigned [numfaces];
- // this pointer will be incremented as needed but adjacentfaces[0]
- // will always point to the beginning so it can later be freed
- // Step II - compute the actual vertex->tri lists...
- adjacentfacelist* adjacentfaces = new adjacentfacelist[numvertices];
- for (i = 0; i < numvertices; i++) {
- adjacentfaces[i] = adjacentfacedata;
- adjacentfacedata += numadjacentfaces[i];
- //for (int j=0; j<numadjacentfaces[i]; j++)
- // adjacentfaces[i][j] = numfaces;
- }
- assert (adjacentfacedata == adjacentfaces[0] + numfaces);
- for (unsigned* afdp = adjacentfaces[0]; afdp < adjacentfacedata; afdp++)
- *afdp = numfaces;
- for (i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
- unsigned *p = adjacentfaces[faces[i]];
- while (*p != numfaces)
- p++;
- // snap to nearest multiple of 3, the start of tri data for that face
- *p = (i/3) * 3;
- }
- return adjacentfaces;
- }
- #define FOR_EACH_VERTEX_OF_FACE(i,j)
- for (int jtmp = 0, j = faces[i];
- jtmp < 3;
- jtmp++, j = faces[i + jtmp])
- for (int jtmp=0, j = adjacentfaces[i][0];
- jtmp < numadjacentfaces[i];
- jtmp++, j = adjacentfaces[i][jtmp])
- static bool* done = NULL;
- static unsigned* stripsp = NULL;
- static int* numadjacentfaces = NULL;
- static adjacentfacelist* adjacentfaces = NULL;
- static const int* faces = NULL;
- static int nstrips = 0;
- static int nEvilTriangles;
- // Figure out the next triangle we're headed for...
- static inline int
- Tstrip_Next_Tri(unsigned tri, unsigned v1, unsigned v2)
- {
- if ((f1 == tri) || done[f1/3])
- continue;
- if ((f2 == tri) || done[f2/3])
- continue;
- if (f1 == f2)
- return f1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- // Build a whole strip of triangles, as long as possible...
- static void Tstrip_Crawl(unsigned v1, unsigned v2, unsigned v3,
- unsigned next)
- {
- // Insert the first tri...
- *stripsp++ = v1;
- *stripsp++ = v2;
- *stripsp++ = v3;
- unsigned vlast1 = v3;
- unsigned vlast2 = v2;
- bool shouldbeflipped = true;
- // Main loop...
- do {
- // Find the next vertex
- int vnext;
- FOR_EACH_VERTEX_OF_FACE(next,vnext_tmp) {
- if ((vnext_tmp == vlast1) || (vnext_tmp == vlast2))
- continue;
- vnext = vnext_tmp;
- break;
- }
- bool thisflipped = true;
- if ((faces[next+0] == vlast2) &&
- (faces[next+1] == vlast1) &&
- (faces[next+2] == vnext))
- thisflipped = false;
- if ((faces[next+2] == vlast2) &&
- (faces[next+0] == vlast1) &&
- (faces[next+1] == vnext))
- thisflipped = false;
- if ((faces[next+1] == vlast2) &&
- (faces[next+2] == vlast1) &&
- (faces[next+0] == vnext))
- thisflipped = false;
- if (thisflipped != shouldbeflipped) {
- if (nEvilTriangles-- > 0) {
- cerr << "Tstrip generation: inconsistent triangle orientation, "
- << "tri " << next << endl;
- }
- goto bail;
- }
- // Record it
- *stripsp++ = vnext;
- vlast2 = vlast1;
- vlast1 = vnext;
- done[next/3] = true;
- shouldbeflipped = !shouldbeflipped;
- // Try to find the next tri
- } while ((next = Tstrip_Next_Tri(next, vlast1, vlast2)) != -1);
- bail:
- // OK, done. Mark end of strip
- *stripsp++ = -1;
- ++nstrips;
- }
- // Begin a tstrip, starting with triangle tri
- // tri is ordinal, not index (counts by 1)
- static void Tstrip_Bootstrap(unsigned tri)
- {
- done[tri] = true;
- // Find two vertices with which to start.
- // We do only a bit of lookahead, starting with vertices that will
- // let us form a strip of length at least 2...
- tri *= 3;
- unsigned vert1 = faces[tri];
- unsigned vert2 = faces[tri+1];
- unsigned vert3 = faces[tri+2];
- // Try vertices 1 and 2...
- int nextface = Tstrip_Next_Tri(tri, vert1, vert2);
- if (nextface != -1) {
- Tstrip_Crawl(vert3, vert1, vert2, nextface);
- return;
- }
- // Try vertices 2 and 3...
- nextface = Tstrip_Next_Tri(tri, vert2, vert3);
- if (nextface != -1) {
- Tstrip_Crawl(vert1, vert2, vert3, nextface);
- return;
- }
- // Try vertices 3 and 1...
- nextface = Tstrip_Next_Tri(tri, vert3, vert1);
- if (nextface != -1) {
- Tstrip_Crawl(vert2, vert3, vert1, nextface);
- return;
- }
- // OK, nothing we can do. Do a single-triangle-long tstrip.
- *stripsp++ = vert1;
- *stripsp++ = vert2;
- *stripsp++ = vert3;
- *stripsp++ = -1;
- ++nstrips;
- }
- static unsigned *Build_Tstrips(int numvertices,
- const vector<int>& tris,
- unsigned*& endstrips,
- int& outNstrips)
- {
- adjacentfaces = TriMesh_FindAdjacentFaces
- (numvertices, tris, numadjacentfaces);
- cout << " stripping... " << flush;
- int numfaces = tris.size() / 3;
- // Allocate more than enough memory
- unsigned* strips = new unsigned[4*numfaces+1];
- stripsp = strips;
- nEvilTriangles = 3;
- // Allocate array to record what triangles we've already done
- done = new bool[numfaces];
- memset(done, 0, numfaces*sizeof(bool));
- faces = &tris[0];
- nstrips = 0;
- // Build the tstrips
- for (int i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
- if (!done[i])
- Tstrip_Bootstrap (i);
- }
- endstrips = stripsp;
- outNstrips = nstrips;
- if (nEvilTriangles < 0) {
- cerr << "And there were " << -nEvilTriangles
- << " more evil triangles for which no warnings were printed."
- << endl << endl;
- }
- // cleanup global arrays
- delete [] done; done = NULL;
- delete [] numadjacentfaces; numadjacentfaces = NULL;
- delete [] adjacentfaces[0]; // ptr to one chunk of data for all
- delete [] adjacentfaces; adjacentfaces = NULL;
- stripsp = NULL;
- faces = NULL;
- cout << " done." << endl;
- return strips;
- }
- void
- tris_to_strips(int numvertices,
- const vector<int>& tris,
- vector<int>& tstripinds,
- const char* name)
- {
- #if 0
- old_tris_to_strips (tris, tstripinds, name);
- #else
- cout << "Tstripping " << tris.size()/3 << " triangles ("
- << tris.size() << " vertices)..." << endl;
- tstripinds.clear();
- unsigned *strips, *end;
- int nStrips = 0;
- if (tris.size()) {
- strips = Build_Tstrips (numvertices, tris, end, nStrips);
- // this is a hair faster...
- //tstripinds.reserve (end-strips);
- //memcpy (&tstripinds[0], strips, 4*(end-strips));
- // but this is legal :)
- #if 0
- tstripinds.assign (strips, end);
- #else
- // as long as your compiler supports member templates :(
- tstripinds.reserve (end - strips);
- while (strips < end)
- tstripinds.push_back (*strips++);
- #endif
- }
- cout << "Tstrip results: " << nstrips << " strips ("
- << tstripinds.size() - nStrips << " vertices, avg. length "
- << ((float)tstripinds.size()/nStrips) - 3 << ")." << endl;
- #endif
- }
- void
- strips_to_tris(const vector<int> &tstrips,
- vector<int>& tris, int nTris)
- {
- if (!tstrips.size())
- return;
- assert(tstrips.back() == -1);
- tris.clear();
- if (!nTris)
- nTris = tstrips.size() * 3; // estimate
- tris.reserve (nTris);
- vector<int>::const_iterator vert;
- for (vert = tstrips.begin(); vert != tstrips.end(); vert++) {
- while (*vert == -1) { // handle 0-length strips
- ++vert;
- if (vert == tstrips.end()) break;
- }
- if (vert == tstrips.end()) break;
- vert += 2; //we'll look backwards at these
- int dir = 0;
- while (*vert != -1) {
- tris.push_back(vert[-2 + dir]);
- tris.push_back(vert[-1 - dir]);
- tris.push_back(vert[0]);
- vert++;
- dir ^= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- flip_tris(vector<int> &inds, bool stripped)
- {
- int n = inds.size();
- if (stripped) {
- int i=0;
- while (i<n) {
- i++; // skip the first one
- // after that, swap all complete pairs until -1
- while (1) {
- int tmp = inds[i++];
- // after break, inds[i-1] == -1
- if (tmp == -1) break;
- if (inds[i] == -1) { i++; break; }
- inds[i-1] = inds[i];
- inds[i++] = tmp;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 3)
- swap(inds[i], inds[i+1]);
- }
- }
- #define BEFORE(mod, var)
- ((mod == 0) ? tris[var + 2] : tris[var - 1])
- #define AFTER(mod, var)
- ((mod == 2) ? tris[var - 2] : tris[var + 1])
- // sort a ring of neighbors
- static void
- sort_nbors(int *nbors, int n, const vector<int> &tris)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- int vb = BEFORE(nbors[i]%3, nbors[i]);
- for (int j=i+2; j<n; j++) {
- if (AFTER(nbors[j]%3, nbors[j]) == vb) {
- // swap
- int tmp = nbors[i+1];
- nbors[i+1] = nbors[j];
- nbors[j] = tmp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void
- nbors_tris(int n_vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris,
- int* &n_nbors, // number of neighbors for vtx i
- int** &nbors, // the actual neighbors
- bool sorted = false)
- {
- // Step I - compute numadjacentfaces
- n_nbors = new int[n_vtx];
- memset(n_nbors, 0, n_vtx*sizeof(int));
- int n_tri_inds = tris.size();
- for (int i=0; i<n_tri_inds; i++) {
- n_nbors[tris[i]]++;
- }
- // allocate one chunk of memory for all neighbor triangle lists
- // total number of neighboring triangles is n_tri_inds
- int *data = new int[n_tri_inds];
- // this pointer will be incremented as needed but nbors[0]
- // will always point to the beginning so it can later be freed
- // Step II - compute the actual vertex->tri lists...
- nbors = new int*[n_vtx];
- for (i=0; i<n_vtx; i++) {
- nbors[i] = data;
- data += n_nbors[i];
- }
- assert (data == nbors[0] + n_tri_inds);
- // mark as empty
- int *p;
- for (p = nbors[0]; p<data; p++) {
- *p = -1;
- }
- for (i=0; i<n_tri_inds; i++) {
- int *p = nbors[tris[i]];
- while (*p != -1) p++;
- *p = i;
- }
- if (sorted) {
- for (i=0; i<n_vtx; i++) {
- sort_nbors(nbors[i], n_nbors[i], tris);
- }
- }
- }
- // assume bdry has the right size and has been initialized with
- // zeroes
- void
- mark_boundary_verts(vector<char> &bdry,
- const vector<int> &tris)
- {
- cout << "Marking boundary vertices ... " << flush;
- int nv = bdry.size();
- int *n_nbors, **nbors;
- nbors_tris(nv, tris, n_nbors, nbors, true);
- // for each vertex, try to find a full loop
- // around it, if can't its boundary
- int va, vb; // vertex after, vertex before
- for (int i=0; i<nv; i++) {
- if (n_nbors[i] <= 1) {
- bdry[i] = 1;
- continue;
- }
- int jend = n_nbors[i] - 1;
- for (int j=0; j<jend; j++) {
- // which vtx comes before this (corner j)?
- int k = nbors[i][j];
- vb = BEFORE(k % 3, k);
- // which vtx comes after this (corner j+1)?
- k = nbors[i][j+1];
- va = AFTER(k % 3, k);
- if (va != vb) {
- // not a continuous neighbor chain
- bdry[i] = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bdry[i] == 0) {
- // check the last possible link (from end to start)
- // which vtx comes before this (corner jend)?
- int k = nbors[i][jend];
- vb = BEFORE(k % 3, k);
- // which vtx comes after this (corner jstart)?
- k = nbors[i][0];
- va = AFTER(k % 3, k);
- if (va != vb) {
- // not a continuous neighbor chain
- bdry[i] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- delete[] n_nbors;
- delete[] nbors[0]; // ptr to one chunk of data for all
- delete[] nbors;
- cout << "done" << endl;
- }
- typedef vector< vector<int> > vecvec;
- typedef vector<int>::const_iterator vicit;
- static void
- build_nbor_map(vecvec &nlist, const vector<int> &tris)
- {
- // build an edge set
- typedef hash_set<_edge,hash_edge,equal_edge> hs;
- hs edges;
- int n = tris.size();
- for (int i=0; i<n; i+=3) {
- edges.insert(_edge(tris[i+0], tris[i+1]));
- edges.insert(_edge(tris[i+1], tris[i+2]));
- edges.insert(_edge(tris[i+2], tris[i+0]));
- }
- // for every edge, create an entry to neighborhood map
- hs::const_iterator edge_it;
- for (edge_it = edges.begin(); edge_it != edges.end(); edge_it++) {
- nlist[(*edge_it).a].push_back((*edge_it).b);
- nlist[(*edge_it).b].push_back((*edge_it).a);
- }
- }
- #if 0
- // assume bdry has the right size and has been initialized with
- // zeroes
- void
- distance_from_boundary(vector<float> &distances,
- const vector<Pnt3> &pnts,
- const vector<int> &tris)
- {
- TIMER(dist);
- int n = pnts.size();
- // find boundary verts
- vector<char> bdry(n, 0);
- mark_boundary_verts(bdry, tris);
- // initialize distance vector
- distances.clear();
- distances.insert(distances.begin(), n, 1e33);
- int nbdry = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (bdry[i]) { distances[i] = 0.0; nbdry++; }
- }
- // build neighborhood map
- vecvec nmap(n);
- build_nbor_map(nmap, tris);
- // find the neighbors of bdry vertices
- hash_set<int,hash<int>,equal_to<int> > prevset, workset, nextset;
- hash_set<int,hash<int>,equal_to<int> >::const_iterator hcit;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (bdry[i]) {
- vicit end = nmap[i].end();
- for (vicit it = nmap[i].begin(); it != end; it++) {
- if (!bdry[*it]) {
- workset.insert(*it);
- }
- }
- prevset.insert(i);
- }
- }
- // first round: just go through the mesh in the
- // topological order in increasing distance from the
- // mesh boundary
- int cnt = nbdry;
- cout << pnts.size() << "..." << flush;
- while (!workset.empty()) {
- cout << pnts.size() - cnt << "..." << flush;
- cnt += workset.size();
- for (hcit = workset.begin(); hcit != workset.end(); hcit++) {
- i = *hcit;
- vicit end = nmap[i].end();
- for (vicit it = nmap[i].begin(); it != end; it++) {
- // calculate new distance
- float dij = dist(pnts[i], pnts[*it]);
- float d = dij + distances[*it];
- if (d < distances[i]) distances[i] = d;
- // should neighbor go to the nextset?
- if (workset.find(*it) != workset.end()) continue;
- if (prevset.find(*it) != prevset.end()) continue;
- nextset.insert(*it);
- d = dij + distances[i];
- if (d < distances[*it]) distances[*it] = d;
- }
- }
- prevset = workset;
- workset = nextset;
- nextset.clear();
- }
- cout << endl << "Restart" << endl;
- // second round: put all the nonboundary vertices into
- // the workset, all the
- workset.clear();
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (!bdry[i]) {
- workset.insert(i);
- }
- }
- while (!workset.empty()) {
- cout << workset.size() << "..." << flush;
- nextset.clear();
- // calculate distances
- for (hcit = workset.begin(); hcit != workset.end(); hcit++) {
- i = *hcit;
- vicit end = nmap[i].end();
- for (vicit it = nmap[i].begin(); it != end; it++) {
- float d = dist(pnts[i], pnts[*it]) + distances[*it];
- if (d < distances[i]) distances[i] = d;
- }
- }
- // see if neighbors should be in set
- for (hcit = workset.begin(); hcit != workset.end(); hcit++) {
- i = *hcit;
- vicit end = nmap[i].end();
- for (vicit it = nmap[i].begin(); it != end; it++) {
- float d = dist(pnts[i], pnts[*it]) + distances[i];
- if (d < distances[*it]) {
- distances[*it] = d;
- nextset.insert(*it);
- }
- }
- }
- workset = nextset;
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- #else
- // assume bdry has the right size and has been initialized with
- // zeroes
- void
- distance_from_boundary(vector<float> &distances,
- const vector<Pnt3> &pnts,
- const vector<int> &tris)
- {
- TIMER(dist);
- int n = pnts.size();
- // find boundary verts
- vector<char> bdry(n, (char)0);
- int *n_nbors, **nbors;
- nbors_tris(n, tris, n_nbors, nbors, true);
- // for each vertex, try to find a full loop
- // around it, if can't its boundary
- int va, vb; // vertex after, vertex before
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (n_nbors[i] <= 1) {
- bdry[i] = 1;
- continue;
- }
- int jend = n_nbors[i] - 1;
- for (int j=0; j<jend; j++) {
- // which vtx comes before this (corner j)?
- int k = nbors[i][j];
- vb = BEFORE(k % 3, k);
- // which vtx comes after this (corner j+1)?
- k = nbors[i][j+1];
- va = AFTER(k % 3, k);
- if (va != vb) {
- // not a continuous neighbor chain
- bdry[i] = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bdry[i] == 0) {
- // check the last possible link (from end to start)
- // which vtx comes before this (corner jend)?
- int k = nbors[i][jend];
- vb = BEFORE(k % 3, k);
- // which vtx comes after this (corner jstart)?
- k = nbors[i][0];
- va = AFTER(k % 3, k);
- if (va != vb) {
- // not a continuous neighbor chain
- bdry[i] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- cout << "done boundary" << endl;
- // initialize distance vector
- distances.clear();
- distances.insert(distances.begin(), n, 1e33);
- int nbdry = 0;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (bdry[i]) { distances[i] = 0.0; nbdry++; }
- }
- // find the neighbors of bdry vertices
- hash_set<int,hash<int>,equal_to<int> > prevset, workset, nextset;
- hash_set<int,hash<int>,equal_to<int> >::const_iterator hcit;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (bdry[i]) {
- for (int j=0; j<n_nbors[i]; j++) {
- int k = AFTER(nbors[i][j]%3, nbors[i][j]);
- if (!bdry[k]) workset.insert(k);
- k = BEFORE(nbors[i][j]%3, nbors[i][j]);
- if (!bdry[k]) workset.insert(k);
- }
- prevset.insert(i);
- }
- }
- // first round: just go through the mesh in the
- // topological order in increasing distance from the
- // mesh boundary
- int cnt = nbdry;
- cout << pnts.size() << "..." << flush;
- while (!workset.empty()) {
- cout << pnts.size() - cnt << "..." << flush;
- cnt += workset.size();
- for (hcit = workset.begin(); hcit != workset.end(); hcit++) {
- i = *hcit;
- for (int j=0; j<n_nbors[i]; j++) {
- int k = AFTER(nbors[i][j]%3, nbors[i][j]);
- // calculate new distance
- float dij = dist(pnts[i], pnts[k]);
- float d = dij + distances[k];
- if (d < distances[i]) distances[i] = d;
- // should neighbor go to the nextset?
- if (workset.find(k) != workset.end()) continue;
- if (prevset.find(k) != prevset.end()) continue;
- nextset.insert(k);
- d = dij + distances[i];
- if (d < distances[k]) distances[k] = d;
- }
- }
- prevset = workset;
- workset = nextset;
- nextset.clear();
- }
- cout << endl << "Restart" << endl;
- // second round: put all the nonboundary vertices into
- // the workset, all the
- workset.clear();
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (!bdry[i]) {
- workset.insert(i);
- }
- }
- while (!workset.empty()) {
- cout << workset.size() << "..." << flush;
- nextset.clear();
- // calculate distances
- for (hcit = workset.begin(); hcit != workset.end(); hcit++) {
- i = *hcit;
- for (int j=0; j<n_nbors[i]; j++) {
- int k = AFTER(nbors[i][j]%3, nbors[i][j]);
- float d = dist(pnts[i], pnts[k]) + distances[k];
- if (d < distances[i]) distances[i] = d;
- }
- }
- // see if neighbors should be in set
- for (hcit = workset.begin(); hcit != workset.end(); hcit++) {
- i = *hcit;
- for (int j=0; j<n_nbors[i]; j++) {
- int k = AFTER(nbors[i][j]%3, nbors[i][j]);
- float d = dist(pnts[i], pnts[k]) + distances[i];
- if (d < distances[k]) {
- distances[k] = d;
- nextset.insert(k);
- }
- }
- }
- workset = nextset;
- }
- cout << endl;
- // cleanup
- delete[] n_nbors;
- delete[] nbors[0]; // ptr to one chunk of data for all
- delete[] nbors;
- }
- #endif
- void
- quadric_simplify(const vector<Pnt3> &vtx_in,
- const vector<int> &tri_in,
- vector<Pnt3> &vtx_out,
- vector<int> &tri_out,
- int goal,
- int optLevel,
- float errLevel,
- float boundWeight)
- {
- char inName[L_tmpnam], outName[L_tmpnam];
- FILE *f;
- int i;
- char ins[200];
- vtx_out.clear();
- tri_out.clear();
- // Write out the original mesh data to a temporary input file
- if (!tmpnam(inName)) {
- cerr << "ERROR: Unable to get temporary filename for QSlim input" << endl;
- return;
- }
- if (!(f = fopen(inName, "w"))) {
- cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file " << inName << " for QSlim input"
- << endl;
- return;
- }
- for (i=0; i<vtx_in.size(); ++i)
- fprintf(f, "v %f %f %fn", vtx_in[i][0], vtx_in[i][1], vtx_in[i][2]);
- for (i=0; i<tri_in.size(); i+=3)
- fprintf(f, "f %d %d %dn", tri_in[i]+1, tri_in[i+1]+1, tri_in[i+2]+1);
- fclose(f);
- // Get a filename for the temporary output file
- if (!tmpnam(outName)) {
- cerr << "ERROR: Unable to get temporary filename for QSlim output"
- << endl;
- remove(inName);
- return;
- }
- // Run QSlim as an external program to simplify the mesh
- char qslimCmd[200];
- sprintf(qslimCmd, "qslim -t %d -B %f -o %s %s", goal, boundWeight,
- outName, inName);
- if (system(qslimCmd)) {
- cerr << "nERROR: Unable to execute call to external QSlim program:n"
- << qslimCmd << "nPlease verify that qslim is properly installed"
- << " and accessible on your system." << endl;
- remove(inName);
- remove(outName);
- return;
- }
- // Read in the simplified mesh from the resulting output file
- float v1, v2, v3;
- int f1, f2, f3;
- if (!(f = fopen(outName, "r"))) {
- cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file " << outName << " from QSlim"
- << endl;
- remove(inName);
- return;
- }
- while (fscanf(f, "%s", ins) == 1) {
- if (!strcmp(ins, "v")) {
- fscanf(f, "%f %f %f", &v1, &v2, &v3);
- vtx_out.push_back(Pnt3(v1, v2, v3));
- }
- else if (!strcmp(ins, "f")) {
- fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", &f1, &f2, &f3);
- tri_out.push_back(f1-1);
- tri_out.push_back(f2-1);
- tri_out.push_back(f3-1);
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- remove(inName);
- remove(outName);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////
- // BEGIN write_ply_file() HELPER CODE
- struct PlyVertex {
- float x, y, z;
- float nx, ny, nz;
- uchar diff_r, diff_g, diff_b;
- float tex_u, tex_v;
- float intensity;
- float std_dev;
- float confidence;
- };
- const int MAX_FACE_VERTS = 100;
- struct PlyFace {
- uchar nverts;
- int verts[MAX_FACE_VERTS];
- };
- struct CoordConfVert {
- float v[3];
- float conf;
- };
- struct TriLocal {
- uchar nverts;
- int index[3];
- };
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_x =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_y =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_z =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_nx =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_ny =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_nz =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_intens =
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_conf =
- {"confidence", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, 0, 0, PLY_START_TYPE,
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_diff_r =
- {"diffuse_red", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, 0, 0, PLY_START_TYPE, PLY_START_TYPE, 0};
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_diff_g =
- {"diffuse_green", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, 0, 0, PLY_START_TYPE, PLY_START_TYPE, 0};
- static PlyProperty vert_prop_diff_b =
- {"diffuse_blue", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, 0, 0, PLY_START_TYPE, PLY_START_TYPE, 0};
- static PlyProperty face_props[] = {
- {"vertex_indices", PLY_INT, PLY_INT, 0, true, PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, 0},
- };
- struct tstrip_info {
- int nverts;
- const int* vertData;
- };
- static PlyProperty tstrips_props[] = {
- {"vertex_indices", PLY_INT, PLY_INT, 4, true, PLY_INT, PLY_INT, 0},
- };
- static void
- set_offsets(void)
- {
- static int first = 1;
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- vert_prop_x.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,x);
- vert_prop_y.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,y);
- vert_prop_z.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,z);
- vert_prop_nx.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,nx);
- vert_prop_ny.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,ny);
- vert_prop_nz.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,nz);
- vert_prop_intens.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,intensity);
- vert_prop_conf.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,confidence);
- vert_prop_diff_r.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,diff_r);
- vert_prop_diff_g.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,diff_g);
- vert_prop_diff_b.offset = offsetof(PlyVertex,diff_b);
- tstrips_props[0].offset = offsetof(tstrip_info,vertData);
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////
- // write_ply_file() : called by all exported wrappers to handle the different
- // variants of ply files.
- static void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity,
- const vector<float> &confidence,
- bool hasNrm, bool hasIntensity, bool hasConfidence)
- {
- int i;
- char *elem_names[] = {"vertex", strips ? "tristrips" : "face"};
- bool hasColor = false;
- bool hasAlpha = false;
- if (hasIntensity) {
- if (intensity.size() == 3 * vtx.size()) {
- hasColor = true;
- hasIntensity = false;
- } else if (intensity.size() == 4 * vtx.size()) {
- hasColor = true;
- hasAlpha = true;
- hasIntensity = false;
- }
- }
- PlyFile ply;
- if (!ply.open_for_writing(fname, 2, elem_names,PLY_BINARY_BE))
- return;
- vector<PlyProperty> vert_props;
- set_offsets();
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_x);
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_y);
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_z);
- if (hasNrm) {
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_nx);
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_ny);
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_nz);
- }
- if (hasIntensity) {
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_intens);
- }
- if (hasConfidence) {
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_conf);
- }
- if (hasColor) {
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_diff_r);
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_diff_g);
- vert_props.push_back(vert_prop_diff_b);
- }
- // count offset
- face_props[0].offset = offsetof(PlyFace, verts);
- face_props[0].count_offset = offsetof(PlyFace, nverts);
- ply.describe_element ("vertex", vtx.size(),
- vert_props.size(), &vert_props[0]);
- if (strips)
- ply.describe_element ("tristrips", 1, 1, tstrips_props);
- else
- ply.describe_element ("face", tris.size()/3, 1, face_props);
- ply.header_complete();
- // set up and write the vertex elements
- PlyVertex plyVert;
- ply.put_element_setup ("vertex");
- for (i = 0; i < vtx.size(); i++) {
- plyVert.x = vtx[i][0];
- plyVert.y = vtx[i][1];
- plyVert.z = vtx[i][2];
- if (hasIntensity)
- plyVert.intensity = intensity[i] / 255.0;
- if (hasColor) {
- int ci = (hasAlpha ? 4 : 3) * i;
- plyVert.diff_r = intensity[ci ];
- plyVert.diff_g = intensity[ci+1];
- plyVert.diff_b = intensity[ci+2];
- }
- if (hasNrm) {
- plyVert.nx = nrm[i][0];
- plyVert.ny = nrm[i][1];
- = nrm[i][2];
- }
- if (hasConfidence) {
- plyVert.confidence = confidence[i];
- }
- ply.put_element((void *) &plyVert);
- }
- if (strips) {
- ply.put_element_setup ("tristrips");
- tstrip_info ts_info = { tris.size(), tris.begin() };
- ply.put_element (&ts_info);
- } else {
- ply.put_element_setup ("face");
- PlyFace plyFace;
- for (i = 0; i < tris.size(); i+=3) {
- plyFace.nverts = 3;
- plyFace.verts[0] = tris[i+0];
- plyFace.verts[1] = tris[i+1];
- plyFace.verts[2] = tris[i+2];
- ply.put_element_static_strg((void *) &plyFace);
- }
- }
- }
- // exported wrappers for write_ply_file
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity,
- const vector<float> &confidence)
- {
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- true, true, true);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity)
- {
- vector<float> confidence;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- true, true, false);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm)
- {
- vector<uchar> intensity;
- vector<float> confidence;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- true, false, false);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> nrm;
- vector<uchar> intensity;
- vector<float> confidence;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- false, false, false);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> nrm;
- vector<float> confidence;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- false, true, false);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<float> &confidence)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> nrm;
- vector<uchar> intensity;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- false, false, true);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity,
- const vector<float> &confidence)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> nrm;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- false, true, true);
- }
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<float> &confidence)
- {
- vector<uchar> intensity;
- write_ply_file(fname, vtx, tris, strips, nrm, intensity, confidence,
- true, false, true);
- }
- void
- pushNormalAsShorts (vector<short>& nrms, Pnt3 n)
- {
- n *= 32767;
- nrms.push_back (n[0]);
- nrms.push_back (n[1]);
- nrms.push_back (n[2]);
- }
- void
- pushNormalAsPnt3 (vector<Pnt3>& nrms, short* n, int i)
- {
- i *= 3;
- Pnt3 nrm (n[i]/32767.0, n[i+1]/32767.0, n[i+2]/32767.0);
- nrms.push_back (nrm);
- }