- //############################################################
- //
- // TriMeshUtils.h
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Thu Jul 9 15:50:50 PDT 1998
- //
- // Utility functions for triangle meshes that are represented
- // as list of vertices and list of indices that define the
- // mesh connectivity.
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _TRIMESHUTILS_H_
- #define _TRIMESHUTILS_H_
- #include <vector.h>
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- // calculate vertex normals by averaging from triangle
- // normals (obtained from cross products)
- // possibly weighted with triangle areas
- void
- getVertexNormals(const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tri,
- bool strips,
- vector<short> &nrm,
- int useArea = 0);
- void
- pushNormalAsShorts (vector<short>& nrms, Pnt3 n);
- void
- pushNormalAsPnt3 (vector<Pnt3>& nrms, short* n, int i);
- // find the median (or percentile) edge length
- float
- median_edge_length(vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- vector<int> &tri,
- bool strips = false,
- int percentile = 50);
- // find the median edge length
- // if a triangle has an edge that's longer than
- // factor times the median (or percentile), remove the triangle
- void
- remove_stepedges(vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- vector<int> &tri,
- int factor,
- int percentile = 50,
- bool strips = false);
- // check whether some vertices in vtx are not being used
- // in tri
- // if so, remove them and also adjust the tri indices
- void
- remove_unused_vtxs(vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- vector<int> &tri);
- // count #tris in tstrip
- int
- count_tris(const vector<int> &strips);
- void
- tris_to_strips(int numvertices,
- const vector<int>& tris,
- vector<int>& tstripinds,
- const char* name = NULL);
- void
- strips_to_tris(const vector<int> &tstripinds,
- vector<int>& tris, int nTris = 0);
- void
- flip_tris(vector<int> &inds, bool stripped = 0);
- // assume bdry has the right size and has been initialized with
- // zeroes
- void
- mark_boundary_verts(vector<char> &bdry,
- const vector<int> &tris);
- void
- distance_from_boundary(vector<float> &distances,
- const vector<Pnt3> &pnts,
- const vector<int> &tris);
- /* typedef: optLevelT
- * -------
- * Used to select the level of optimization for Decimate().
- * Refers to the placement of points after pair contraction.
- * The options:
- * - PLACE_ENDPOINTS: consider only the ends of the line segment
- * - PLACE_ENDORMID: consider ends or mids of the line segment
- * - PLACE_LINE: find the best position on the line segment
- * - PLACE_OPTIMAL: find the best position anywhere in space
- */
- typedef enum {
- } optLevelT;
- // simplify a mesh using Michael Garlands qslim package
- void
- quadric_simplify(const vector<Pnt3> &vtx_in,
- const vector<int> &tri_in,
- vector<Pnt3> &vtx_out,
- vector<int> &tri_out,
- int goal,
- int optLevel,
- float errLevel,
- float boundWeight);
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- // write geometry/topology data, representing triangle mesh, as .ply file
- // supports various combinations of per-vertex data besides position;
- // others are possible if useful.
- //
- // Any form of write_ply_file that takes intensity can also take
- // true-color data with 3 or 4 bytes per vertex, and the first 3 bytes per
- // vertex will be written out as RGB components. It's not currently
- // supported to write both intensity and RGB color but it could be added
- // in the future if useful.
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<float> &confidence);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<float> &confidence);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity,
- const vector<float> &confidence);
- void
- write_ply_file(const char *fname,
- const vector<Pnt3> &vtx,
- const vector<int> &tris, bool strips,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrm,
- const vector<uchar> &intensity,
- const vector<float> &confidence);
- #endif // TRIMESHUTILS_H_