- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Mon Jun 29 11:51:05 PDT 1998
- //
- // Store range scan information from a generic range scanner
- // that gives range maps.
- // Not much if anything is known of the scanner properties,
- // so orthographics scan geometry is assumed.
- //
- //############################################################
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include "GenericScan.h"
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "Mesh.h"
- #include "RangeGrid.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "plvScene.h"
- #include "plvDraw.h"
- #include "KDindtree.h"
- #include "ColorUtils.h"
- #include "TriMeshUtils.h"
- #include "FileNameUtils.h"
- #include "MeshTransport.h"
- #include "VertexFilter.h"
- GenericScan::GenericScan ()
- {
- _Init();
- }
- void
- GenericScan::_Init()
- {
- bDirty = true;
- bNameSet = false;
- pushcount = 0;
- myRangeGrid = NULL;
- }
- GenericScan::GenericScan (Mesh* mesh, const crope& name)
- {
- _Init();
- insertMesh (mesh, name);
- computeBBox();
- set_name (name);
- }
- GenericScan::~GenericScan ()
- {
- while (meshes.size()) {
- delete meshes.back();
- meshes.pop_back();
- }
- while (kdtree.size()) {
- delete kdtree.back();
- kdtree.pop_back();
- }
- delete myRangeGrid;
- }
- MeshTransport*
- GenericScan::mesh(bool perVertex, bool stripped,
- ColorSource color, int colorSize)
- {
- if (stripped && !perVertex) {
- cerr << "No t-strips without per-vertex properties";
- return NULL;
- }
- Mesh* mesh = currentMesh();
- MeshTransport* mt = new MeshTransport;
- mt->setVtx (&mesh->vtx, MeshTransport::share);
- if (perVertex)
- mt->setNrm (&mesh->nrm, MeshTransport::share);
- else {
- vector<short>* faceNrm = new vector<short>;
- mesh->simulateFaceNormals (*faceNrm);
- mt->setNrm (faceNrm, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- if (stripped)
- mt->setTris (&mesh->getTstrips(), MeshTransport::share);
- else
- mt->setTris (&mesh->getTris(), MeshTransport::share);
- if (color != colorNone)
- setMTColor (mesh, mt, perVertex, color, colorSize);
- return mt;
- }
- void
- GenericScan::setMTColor (Mesh* mesh, MeshTransport* mt,
- bool perVertex, ColorSource source,
- int colorsize)
- {
- if (source == colorBoundary) {
- mesh->mark_boundary_verts();
- } else if (source == colorConf) {
- if (!mesh->vertConfidence)
- return; // confidence data requested but does not exist
- } else {
- if (!mesh->vertMatDiff && !mesh->vertIntensity &&
- (perVertex || !mesh->triMatDiff))
- return; // no color data at all, or only per-face but per-vert requested
- }
- // we know color data can at the least be synthesized... do it!
- vector<uchar>* colors = new vector<uchar>;
- mt->setColor (colors, MeshTransport::steal);
- if (source == colorConf) {
- if (perVertex) {
- // per-vertex confidence
- colors->reserve (colorsize * mesh->vtx.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vtx.size(); i++)
- pushConf (*colors, colorsize, mesh->vertConfidence[i]);
- } else {
- // per-face confidence
- colors->reserve (colorsize * mesh->getTris().size()/3);
- for (int i = 0; i < mesh->tris.size(); i+=3) {
- pushConf (*colors, colorsize,
- (mesh->vertConfidence[mesh->tris[i+0]]
- + mesh->vertConfidence[mesh->tris[i+1]]
- + mesh->vertConfidence[mesh->tris[i+2]]) / 3);
- }
- }
- } else if (source == colorBoundary) {
- colors->reserve (colorsize * mesh->bdry.size());
- char* end = mesh->bdry.end();
- for (char* c = mesh->bdry.begin(); c < end; c++)
- pushConf (*colors, colorsize, (uchar)(*c ? 0 : 255));
- } else { // real diffuse color, not confidence
- if (perVertex) {
- // per-vertex truecolor or intensity
- colors->reserve (colorsize * mesh->vtx.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < mesh->vtx.size(); i++) {
- if (source == colorTrue) { // prefer rgb over intensity
- if (mesh->vertMatDiff)
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize, mesh->vertMatDiff[i]);
- else
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize, mesh->vertIntensity[i]);
- } else { // prefer intensity over rgb
- if (mesh->vertIntensity)
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize, mesh->vertIntensity[i]);
- else
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize,
- intensityFromRGB (mesh->vertMatDiff[i]));
- }
- }
- } else {
- // per-face truecolor or intensity
- colors->reserve (colorsize * mesh->getTris().size()/3);
- for (int i = 0; i < mesh->tris.size(); i+=3) {
- if (source == colorTrue) { // prefer rgb from faces,
- // then rgb from verts, then intensity
- if (mesh->triMatDiff)
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize, mesh->triMatDiff[i/3]);
- else if (mesh->vertMatDiff)
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize,
- mesh->vertMatDiff[mesh->tris[i+0]],
- mesh->vertMatDiff[mesh->tris[i+1]],
- mesh->vertMatDiff[mesh->tris[i+2]]);
- else
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize,
- mesh->vertIntensity[mesh->tris[i+0]],
- mesh->vertIntensity[mesh->tris[i+1]],
- mesh->vertIntensity[mesh->tris[i+2]]);
- } else { // prefer intensity, then rgb from faces, then rgb from verts
- if (mesh->vertIntensity)
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize,
- mesh->vertIntensity[mesh->getTris()[i+0]],
- mesh->vertIntensity[mesh->tris[i+1]],
- mesh->vertIntensity[mesh->tris[i+2]]);
- else if (mesh->triMatDiff)
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize, mesh->triMatDiff[i/3]);
- else
- pushColor (*colors, colorsize,
- uchar (((int)intensityFromRGB (mesh->vertMatDiff[mesh->getTris()[i+0]])
- + intensityFromRGB (mesh->vertMatDiff[mesh->tris[i+1]])
- + intensityFromRGB (mesh->vertMatDiff[mesh->tris[i+2]]))/3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- GenericScan::computeBBox()
- {
- bool nonEmpty;
- bbox.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) {
- if (meshes[i]->num_verts() != 0) {
- bbox.add(meshes[i]->bbox);
- nonEmpty = 1;
- }
- }
- if (nonEmpty) {
- rot_ctr =;
- } else {
- rot_ctr = Pnt3();
- }
- }
- int
- GenericScan::num_vertices(void)
- {
- return currentMesh()->num_verts();
- }
- void
- GenericScan::subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p,
- vector<Pnt3> &n)
- {
- currentMesh()->subsample_points(rate, p, n);
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::read (const crope &fname)
- {
- bool success = FALSE;
- // initialize name and remove trailing slash, if it's a directory
- set_name (fname);
- // check if it's a .set file -- or a directory containing a .set
- if ( has_ending(".set") ) {
- success = readSet (fname);
- } else {
- // treat filename as directory name, and look for .set file
- crope fn(get_name());
- fn += crope("/") + get_name() + ".set";
- if (0 == access (fn.c_str(), R_OK)) {
- success = readSet (fn);
- if (success)
- set_name(fn);
- }
- }
- // if none of the directory/set forms exist, look for single
- // fully-specified file
- if (!success)
- success = readSingleFile (get_name());
- if (success) {
- // try reading transformation
- pushd();
- TbObj::readXform(get_basename());
- popd();
- bDirty = false;
- bNameSet = true;
- }
- return success;
- }
- void
- GenericScan::setd (const crope& dir, bool bCreate)
- {
- char setDir [PATH_MAX];
- strcpy (setDir, dir.c_str());
- char* psep = strrchr (setDir, '/');
- if (psep != NULL) {
- // terminate before filename part
- *psep = 0;
- setdir = setDir;
- } else {
- // default to current directory
- getcwd (setDir, PATH_MAX);
- }
- cout << "Set directory is " << setDir << "/" << endl;
- if (bCreate)
- portable_mkdir (setDir, 00775);
- }
- void
- GenericScan::pushd (void)
- {
- //cout << "push: count is " << pushcount << endl;
- if (pushcount++ == 0) {
- assert (pusheddir.empty());
- char szCwd [PATH_MAX];
- getcwd (szCwd, PATH_MAX);
- pusheddir = szCwd;
- chdir (setdir.c_str());
- }
- }
- void
- GenericScan::popd (void)
- {
- if (--pushcount == 0) {
- assert (!pusheddir.empty());
- chdir (pusheddir.c_str());
- pusheddir = crope();
- }
- //cout << "pop: count is " << pushcount << endl;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::readSet (const crope& fn)
- {
- //read .set file
- ifstream in (fn.c_str());
- if ( {
- cout << "FAILED: " << fn << " does not exist." << endl;
- return false;
- }
- int nMeshes;
- int nDefaultRes;
- in.ignore (20, '=');
- in >> nMeshes;
- in.ignore (20, '=');
- in >> nDefaultRes;
- cout << "Set has " << nMeshes << " meshesn";
- cout << "Default res is " << nDefaultRes << endl;
- // semantics of filenames in set files: relative pathnames are relative
- // to directory containing set file
- setd (fn);
- pushd();
- //read meshes mentioned in .set file
- meshes.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < nMeshes; i++) {
- char load[20];
- int nRes;
- char path[PATH_MAX];
- in >> load >> nRes >> path;
- bool bPreload = !strcmp (load, "preload");
- if (nRes == nDefaultRes) //always load the default resolution
- bPreload = true;
- if (bPreload) { // otherwise leave blank
- Mesh* mesh = readMeshFile (path);
- if (mesh)
- insertMesh (mesh, path, true, true, nRes);
- //else
- //cerr << "Mesh " << path
- // << " named in .set file does not exist" << endl;
- } else { // insert dummy mesh
- insertMesh (new Mesh, path, false, false, nRes);
- }
- }
- popd();
- //set default mesh according to .set file
- if (!select_by_count (nDefaultRes)) // didn't find default
- select_coarsest(); // so set to lowest res
- computeBBox();
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::readSingleFile (const crope& fn)
- {
- const char* filename = fn.c_str();
- if (is_range_grid_file(filename)) {
- RangeGrid* rangeGrid = new RangeGrid();
- if (rangeGrid->readRangeGrid(filename) == 0) {
- delete rangeGrid;
- return false;
- }
- int subSamp = 1;
- int nAutoGenRes = 4;
- int iPolys = rangeGrid->numSamples * 2;
- for (int i = 0; i < nAutoGenRes; i++) {
- char name[PATH_MAX];
- strcpy (name, filename);
- char* ext = strrchr (name, '.');
- if (ext == NULL)
- ext = name + strlen (name);
- sprintf (ext, "_samp%d.ply", subSamp);
- insertMesh (new Mesh, name, false, false, iPolys / subSamp);
- subSamp *= (SubSampleBase * SubSampleBase);
- }
- myRangeGrid = rangeGrid;
- } else {
- Mesh* mesh = readMeshFile (filename);
- if (!mesh)
- return false;
- insertMesh (mesh, filename);
- }
- // set current directory here
- set_name (filename);
- setd();
- select_coarsest();
- computeBBox();
- return true;
- }
- Mesh*
- GenericScan::readMeshFile (const char* name)
- {
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh;
- cout << "Reading mesh " << name << "... " << flush;
- if (!mesh->readPlyFile (name)) {
- cout << "failed!" << endl;
- delete mesh;
- return NULL;
- }
- cout << "calculating normals... " << flush;
- mesh->updateScale();
- mesh->initNormals(UseAreaWeightedNormals);
- cout << "done." << endl;
- return mesh;
- }
- int
- GenericScan::create_resolution_absolute(int budget, Decimator dec)
- {
- Mesh *origMesh = highestRes();
- if (origMesh->num_tris() == 0) {
- cerr << "No triangles in the original mesh" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- cerr << "targetSize = " << budget << endl;
- cerr << "num meshes = " << num_resolutions() << endl;
- Mesh *newMesh = origMesh->Decimate(budget, PLACE_OPTIMAL,
- 0, 1000, dec);
- char numberEnding[20];
- sprintf(numberEnding, ".%d.ply", newMesh->num_tris());
- cerr << "output vertSize = " << newMesh->num_verts() << endl;
- cerr << "output triSize = " << newMesh->num_tris() << endl;
- newMesh->bNeedsSave = TRUE; //mark that this is worth keeping
- insertMesh(newMesh, basename + numberEnding);
- computeBBox();
- cerr << "new num meshes = " << num_resolutions() << endl;
- theScene->invalidateDisplayCaches();
- #if 0
- for (int i=0; i<meshes.size(); i++) {
- cout << i << endl;
- cout << meshes[i]->num_tris() << endl;
- cout << meshes[i]->num_verts() << endl;
- cout << meshes[i]->vtx[100] << endl;
- cout << meshes[i]->nrm[100] << endl;
- cout << meshes[i]->tris[100] << endl;
- }
- #endif
- bDirty = true;
- return newMesh->num_tris();
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::delete_resolution (int nPolys)
- {
- int iRes = findLevelForRes (nPolys);
- if (iRes < 0) {
- cerr << "FAILED: Attempt to delete resolution " << nPolys << endl;
- return false;
- }
- delete meshes[iRes];
- meshes.erase (&meshes[iRes]);
- resolutions.erase (&resolutions[iRes]);
- select_coarser();
- return true;
- }
- void
- GenericScan::flipNormals (void)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++)
- meshes[i]->flipNormals();
- bDirty = true;
- }
- void
- GenericScan::insertMesh(Mesh *m, const crope& filename,
- bool bLoaded, bool bAlwaysLoad,
- int nRes)
- {
- // insert into resolution vector (sorted by vertex count)
- if (nRes == 0) // allow override of
- nRes = m->num_tris(); // temporary resolution
- insert_resolution (nRes, filename, bLoaded, bAlwaysLoad);
- // now add to mesh vector, sorted parallel to resolution vector
- int iPos = findLevelForRes (nRes);
- meshes.insert (&meshes[iPos], m);
- kdtree.insert (&kdtree[iPos], NULL);
- }
- Mesh*
- GenericScan::currentMesh (void)
- {
- int i = current_resolution_index();
- if (!resolutions[i].in_memory) {
- load_resolution (i);
- }
- return meshes[i];
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::load_resolution (int i)
- {
- if (resolutions[i].in_memory)
- return true;
- Mesh* loaded = NULL;
- if (myRangeGrid) {
- // build mesh from range grid
- int subSamp = 1;
- for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- subSamp *= SubSampleBase;
- }
- loaded = myRangeGrid->toMesh(subSamp, false);
- loaded->updateScale();
- loaded->initNormals(UseAreaWeightedNormals);
- loaded->bNeedsSave = true;
- } else {
- // mesh should be plyfile on disk
- pushd();
- loaded = readMeshFile (resolutions[i].filename.c_str());
- if (!loaded) {
- popd();
- return false;
- }
- popd();
- }
- delete meshes[i];
- meshes[i] = loaded;
- resolutions[i].in_memory = true;
- resolutions[i].abs_resolution = loaded->num_tris();
- computeBBox();
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::release_resolution (int nPolys)
- {
- int iRes = findLevelForRes (nPolys);
- if (iRes < 0) {
- cerr << "FAILD: Attempt to release resolution " << nPolys << endl;
- return false;
- }
- if (!resolutions[iRes].in_memory)
- return true;
- delete meshes[iRes];
- meshes[iRes] = new Mesh;
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = false;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::getXformFilename (const char* meshName, char* xfName)
- {
- const char* meshFile = meshName;
- const char* dir = setdir.c_str();
- int dirLen = strlen(dir);
- if (dirLen && !strncmp (meshName, dir, dirLen))
- meshFile += dirLen + 1;
- return get_filename_new_ending (meshFile, ".xf", xfName);
- }
- KDindtree*
- GenericScan::get_current_kdtree()
- {
- int iTree = current_resolution_index();
- assert (iTree < kdtree.size());
- if (kdtree[iTree] != NULL)
- return kdtree[iTree];
- Mesh* mesh = currentMesh();
- kdtree[iTree] = CreateKDindtree(mesh->vtx.begin(),
- mesh->nrm.begin(),
- mesh->vtx.size());
- return kdtree[iTree];
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr, bool bdry_ok)
- {
- KDindtree* tree = get_current_kdtree();
- if (!tree)
- return false;
- int ind, ans;
- Mesh* mesh = currentMesh();
- ans = tree->search(mesh->vtx.begin(), mesh->nrm.begin(), p, n, ind, thr);
- if (ans) {
- if (bdry_ok == 0) {
- // disallow closest points that are on the mesh boundary
- mesh->mark_boundary_verts();
- if (mesh->bdry[ind]) return 0;
- }
- cp = mesh->vtx[ind];
- short *sp = &mesh->nrm[ind*3];
- cn.set(sp[0]/32767.0,
- sp[1]/32767.0,
- sp[2]/32767.0);
- }
- return ans;
- }
- crope
- GenericScan::getInfo (void)
- {
- char info[512];
- sprintf(info, "Polygon file: %ld resolutionsn"
- "verts %d tris %ld strips %ldnn",
- resolutions.size(),
- currentMesh()->num_verts(),
- currentMesh()->tris.size() / 3,
- currentMesh()->tstrips.size());
- return crope(info) + RigidScan::getInfo();
- }
- Mesh*
- GenericScan::getMesh (int level)
- {
- if (level >= meshes.size())
- level = meshes.size() - 1;
- if (level < 0) level = 0;
- if (!resolutions[level].in_memory)
- load_resolution (level);
- return meshes[level];
- }
- inline Mesh*
- GenericScan::highestRes (void)
- {
- return getMesh (0);
- }
- /* For each triangle in the ply file, this function
- prints out the coordinates of the voxel from which
- it came. This function is called from
- which has already called filtered_copy to generate a list
- of the trianlges enclosed by a user-specified box.
- N.B.'s:
- 1. This feature should only be called on a *small* set of
- polygons since information is printed out for every polygon
- chosen.
- 2. This feature uses the same mechanism as clipping to decide
- which polygons are inside the box. So, just as clipping returns
- polygons which are inside and facing the box as well as inside
- and facing away from the box, this feature prints information
- for all polygons regardless of whether they are forwards or
- backwards facing.
- - leslie 2001
- */
- void GenericScan::PrintVoxelInfo()
- {
- printf("Printing voxel information...n");
- Mesh *mesh = currentMesh();
- if (!mesh->hasVoxels) {
- printf("There is no voxel information storedn"); return;
- }
- int triSize = mesh->getTris().size();
- if (triSize != mesh->fromVoxels.size()) {
- printf("Voxel information error: %d tris, %d voxelsn", triSize,
- mesh->fromVoxels.size());
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < triSize; i += 3) {
- printf("Triangle with vertices atn");
- printf("(%f, %f, %f), (%f, %f, %f), (%f, %f, %f)n",
- mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i]][0], mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i]][1],
- mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i]][2],
- mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i+1]][0], mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i+1]][1],
- mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i+1]][2],
- mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i+2]][0], mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i+2]][1],
- mesh->vtx[mesh->tris[i+2]][2]);
- printf("came from voxel atn");
- printf("(%f, %f, %f)n", mesh->fromVoxels[i],
- mesh->fromVoxels[i+1], mesh->fromVoxels[i+2]);
- }
- }
- // copy the part of the mesh that is in the clip box
- // into the newMeshSet (clipmesh)
- RigidScan*
- GenericScan::filtered_copy(const VertexFilter& filter)
- {
- int i, j;
- GenericScan* newMeshSet = new GenericScan;
- assert(newMeshSet != NULL);
- Mesh *newMesh, *oldMesh;
- newMeshSet->setXform(getXform());
- for (j = 0; j < meshes.size(); j++) {
- vector<int> newIndices;
- newMesh = new Mesh;
- oldMesh = getMesh(j);
- // figure out which vertices remain
- int vertCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->num_verts(); i++) {
- if (filter.accept (oldMesh->vtx[i])) {
- newIndices.push_back(1);
- vertCount++;
- } else {
- newIndices.push_back(-1);
- }
- }
- // and then which faces remain
- int triCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->getTris().size(); i += 3) {
- if (newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i ]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+1]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+2]] >= 0) {
- triCount++;
- }
- }
- // copy other mesh properties
- newMesh->hasVertNormals = oldMesh->hasVertNormals;
- if (oldMesh->vertMatDiff != NULL)
- newMesh->vertMatDiff = new vec3uc[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->vertIntensity != NULL)
- newMesh->vertIntensity = new float[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->vertConfidence != NULL)
- newMesh->vertConfidence = new float[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->texture != NULL)
- newMesh->texture = new vec2f[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->triMatDiff != NULL)
- newMesh->triMatDiff = new vec3uc[triCount];
- // copy the surviving vertices
- int count = 0;
- newMesh->vtx.reserve (vertCount);
- if (oldMesh->nrm.size())
- newMesh->nrm.reserve (vertCount);
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->num_verts(); i++) {
- if (newIndices[i] > 0) {
- newIndices[i] = count;
- newMesh->copyVertFrom (oldMesh, i, count);
- count++;
- }
- }
- // copy and reindex the surviving faces
- count = 0;
- newMesh->tris.reserve (triCount * 3);
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->tris.size(); i += 3) {
- if (newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i ]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+1]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+2]] >= 0) {
- newMesh->copyTriFrom (oldMesh, i/3, count/3);
- newMesh->tris[count ] = newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i ]];
- newMesh->tris[count+1] = newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+1]];
- newMesh->tris[count+2] = newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+2]];
- // copy fromVoxels info - for voxel display feature
- if (oldMesh->hasVoxels) {
- newMesh->fromVoxels[count] = oldMesh->fromVoxels[i];
- newMesh->fromVoxels[count+1] = oldMesh->fromVoxels[i+1];
- newMesh->fromVoxels[count+2] = oldMesh->fromVoxels[i+2];
- }
- count += 3;
- }
- }
- // and finalize this resolution
- newMesh->bNeedsSave = true;
- newMesh->computeBBox();
- // and insert it into new GenericScan
- crope clipName(get_basename());
- char info[20];
- sprintf (info, "Clip.%d.ply", triCount);
- clipName += info;
- newMeshSet->insertMesh (newMesh, clipName);
- }
- // done!
- newMeshSet->computeBBox();
- newMeshSet->curr_res = curr_res;
- return newMeshSet;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::filter_inplace(const VertexFilter &filter)
- {
- for (int iRes = 0; iRes < resolutions.size(); iRes++) {
- vector<int> newIndices;
- Mesh* newMesh = new Mesh;
- Mesh* oldMesh = getMesh(iRes);
- // figure out which vertices remain
- int vertCount = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < oldMesh->num_verts(); i++) {
- if (filter.accept (oldMesh->vtx[i])) {
- newIndices.push_back(1);
- vertCount++;
- } else {
- newIndices.push_back(-1);
- }
- }
- // and then which faces remain
- int triCount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->getTris().size(); i += 3) {
- if (newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i ]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+1]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+2]] >= 0) {
- triCount++;
- }
- }
- // copy other mesh properties
- newMesh->hasVertNormals = oldMesh->hasVertNormals;
- if (oldMesh->vertMatDiff != NULL)
- newMesh->vertMatDiff = new vec3uc[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->vertIntensity != NULL)
- newMesh->vertIntensity = new float[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->vertConfidence != NULL)
- newMesh->vertConfidence = new float[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->texture != NULL)
- newMesh->texture = new vec2f[vertCount];
- if (oldMesh->triMatDiff != NULL)
- newMesh->triMatDiff = new vec3uc[triCount];
- // copy the surviving vertices
- int count = 0;
- newMesh->vtx.reserve (vertCount);
- if (oldMesh->nrm.size())
- newMesh->nrm.reserve (vertCount);
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->num_verts(); i++) {
- if (newIndices[i] > 0) {
- newIndices[i] = count;
- newMesh->copyVertFrom (oldMesh, i, count);
- count++;
- }
- }
- // copy and reindex the surviving faces
- count = 0;
- newMesh->tris.reserve (triCount * 3);
- for (i = 0; i < oldMesh->tris.size(); i += 3) {
- if (newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i ]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+1]] >= 0 &&
- newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+2]] >= 0) {
- // newIndices holds renumbered vertices
- newMesh->copyTriFrom (oldMesh, i/3, count/3);
- newMesh->tris[count ] = newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i ]];
- newMesh->tris[count+1] = newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+1]];
- newMesh->tris[count+2] = newIndices[oldMesh->tris[i+2]];
- // copy from voxel info if we're supporting clipping later
- // for voxel display feature
- //if (oldMesh->hasVoxels) {
- //newMesh->fromVoxels[count] = oldMesh->fromVoxels[i];
- //newMesh->fromVoxels[count+1] = oldMesh->fromVoxels[i+1];
- //newMesh->fromVoxels[count+2] = oldMesh->fromVoxels[i+2];
- //}
- count += 3;
- }
- }
- // and finalize this resolution
- newMesh->bNeedsSave = true;
- newMesh->computeBBox();
- // and insert it in place of original
- delete oldMesh;
- meshes[iRes] = newMesh;
- resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution = newMesh->num_tris();
- // nuke any kdtree for this resolution
- delete kdtree[iRes];
- kdtree[iRes] = NULL;
- }
- // done!
- computeBBox();
- bDirty = true;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::filter_vertices (const VertexFilter& filter, vector<Pnt3>& p)
- {
- Mesh* mesh = currentMesh();
- Pnt3* vtxend = mesh->vtx.end();
- for (Pnt3* pnt = mesh->vtx.begin(); pnt < vtxend; pnt++) {
- if (filter.accept (*pnt))
- p.push_back (*pnt);
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::is_modified (void)
- {
- return bDirty;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::write_metadata (MetaData data)
- {
- bool success = false;
- pushd(); // don't return without matching popd!
- switch (data) {
- case md_xform: {
- success = TbObj::writeXform(get_basename());
- break;
- }
- }
- popd();
- return success;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::write(const crope &fname)
- {
- if (fname.empty()) { // no filename given...
- if (!bNameSet) // and we don't already have one
- return false; // so bail
- } else if (name != fname) {
- cout << "Scan " << name << " being saved as " << fname << endl;
- // need to force all meshes to load before changing name
- for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.size(); i++) {
- load_resolution (i);
- meshes[i]->bNeedsSave = true;
- }
- set_name (fname);
- bNameSet = false; // mark that we need to regenerate child names
- }
- if (ending == crope("set")) {
- } else {
- //need to generate .set name from current name
- const char* dirName = strrchr (name.c_str(), '/');
- if (dirName == NULL) {
- dirName = name.c_str();
- } else {
- dirName++; // skip past the /
- }
- name += crope("/") + crope(dirName);
- set_name (name + ".set");
- cout << "Creating new set file " << name << endl;
- setd (name, true);
- }
- cout << "Writing whole scan to " << name << endl;
- ofstream out (name.c_str());
- out << "NumMeshes = " << meshes.size() << endl;
- out << "DefaultRes = " << meshes[current_resolution_index()]->num_tris()
- << endl;
- pushd();
- for (int i = 0; i < meshes.size(); i++) {
- if (!bNameSet) {
- char stupidbuf[10];
- sprintf (stupidbuf, "%d", meshes[i]->num_tris());
- resolutions[i].filename = basename
- + "." + stupidbuf + ".ply";
- // need to rename associated meshes
- }
- out << (resolutions[i].desired_in_mem ? "preload" : "noload") << " ";
- out << resolutions[i].abs_resolution << " ";
- out << resolutions[i].filename << endl;
- if (resolutions[i].in_memory && meshes[i]->bNeedsSave) {
- cout << "Writing mesh " << resolutions[i].filename << endl;
- meshes[i]->writePlyFile(resolutions[i].filename.c_str(), true, false);
- }
- }
- popd();
- cout << "Done." << endl;
- // save transform
- write_metadata (md_xform);
- bDirty = false;
- bNameSet = true;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GenericScan::write_resolution_mesh (int nPolys, const crope& fname,
- Xform<float> xfBy)
- {
- if (!xfBy.isIdentity()) {
- // can't handle this any better than default implementation
- return RigidScan::write_resolution_mesh (nPolys, fname, xfBy);
- }
- int iRes = findLevelForRes (nPolys);
- if (iRes < 0 || iRes >= resolutions.size())
- return false;
- crope& meshName = resolutions[iRes].filename;
- if (!fname.empty())
- meshName = fname;
- if (meshName.empty())
- return false;
- cout << "Writing plyfile " << meshName << "... "<< flush;
- bool ok = getMesh(iRes)->writePlyFile (meshName.c_str(), false, false);
- if (ok)
- cout << "done." << endl;
- else
- cout << "failed!" << endl;
- return ok;
- }
- int
- PlvWritePlyForVripCmd(ClientData clientData,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 3) {
- interp->result =
- "Usage: PlvWritePlyForVripCmd <res level, 0=max> <dir> ";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int iRes = atoi (argv[1]);
- char* dir = argv[2];
- portable_mkdir (dir, 00775);
- char name[PATH_MAX];
- crope result;
- bool success = true;
- // vrip can't read tstrips
- char* oldStripVal = Tcl_GetVar (interp, "meshWriteStrips",
- Tcl_SetVar (interp, "meshWriteStrips", "never",
- char confFN[PATH_MAX];
- sprintf (confFN, "%s/vrip.conf", dir);
- ofstream conffile (confFN, ios::app);
- DisplayableMesh** dm = theScene->meshSets.begin();
- for (; dm < theScene->meshSets.end(); dm++) {
- if (!(*dm)->getVisible())
- continue;
- RigidScan* sd = (*dm)->getMeshData();
- GenericScan* gs = dynamic_cast<GenericScan*> (sd);
- if (!gs)
- continue;
- vector<ResolutionCtrl::res_info> ri;
- int thisIRes;
- const char* filename = sd->get_basename().c_str();
- const char* slash;
- if (NULL != (slash = strrchr (filename, '/')))
- filename = slash + 1;
- else if (NULL != (slash = strrchr (filename, '\')))
- filename = slash + 1;
- sprintf(name, "%s/%s-v.ply", dir, filename);
- if (access (name, R_OK)) {
- cout << "Writing " << name << " ... " << flush;
- } else {
- cout << "Skipping " << name << " (already exists) ... " << endl;
- continue;
- }
- sd->existing_resolutions (ri);
- thisIRes = MIN (iRes, ri.size() - 1);
- gs->load_resolution (thisIRes);
- sd->existing_resolutions (ri);
- int res = ri[thisIRes].abs_resolution;
- if (res) {
- // write plyfile
- if (!gs->write_resolution_mesh (res, name, Xform<float>())) {
- cerr << "Scan " << sd->get_name()
- << " failed to write self!" << endl;
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- cout << "done." << endl;
- // write config string:
- // bmesh filename x y z i j k r
- char bmesh[PATH_MAX + 200];
- float t[3];
- float q[4];
- Xform<float> xf = sd->getXform();
- xf.toQuaternion (q);
- xf.getTranslation (t);
- sprintf (bmesh, "bmesh %s %g %g %g %g %g %g %g",
- 1+strrchr(name,'/'),
- t[0], t[1], t[2], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3], q[0]);
- // write xf
- strcpy (name + strlen(name) - 3, "xf");
- cout << "Writing " << name << " ... " << flush;
- ofstream xffile (name);
- xffile << xf;
- if ( {
- cerr << "Scan " << sd->get_name()
- << " failed to write xform!" << endl;
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- cout << "done." << endl;
- conffile << bmesh << endl;
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- Tcl_SetVar (interp, "meshWriteStrips", oldStripVal,
- if (!success)
- return TCL_ERROR;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- void GenericScan::dequantizationSmoothing(int iterations, double maxDisplacement)
- {
- Mesh *mesh=currentMesh();
- // Get the original verts into both lists
- mesh->restoreOrigVerts();
- for (int i=0;i<iterations;i++)
- mesh->dequantizationSmoothing(maxDisplacement);
- }
- void GenericScan::commitSmoothingChanges()
- {
- Mesh *mesh=currentMesh();
- // Copy the vtx -> orig_vtx, so the real orig is gone
- mesh->saveOrigVerts();
- }