- //############################################################
- // DisplayMesh.cc
- // Matt Ginzton / Brian Curless
- // Wed Jul 1 15:08:21 PDT 1998
- //
- // Rendering code for mesh data
- //############################################################
- #include <vector.h>
- #include <algo.h>
- #include "RigidScan.h"
- #include "Mesh.h"
- #include "DisplayMesh.h"
- #include "plvMeshCmds.h"
- #include "plvScene.h"
- #include "plvDraw.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "togl.h"
- #include "GlobalReg.h"
- #include "BailDetector.h"
- #include "VertexFilter.h"
- #include "Bbox.h"
- #include "MeshTransport.h"
- #include "plvViewerCmds.h"
- #include "OrganizingScan.h"
- // we use some rendering features (glPolygonOffset, vertex arrays) that
- // are only supported under OpenGL 1.1. IRIX versions prior to 6.5 only
- // have OpenGL 1.0, but have EXT versions of the same functionality that
- // work almost as well.
- // g_glVersion >= 1.1 enables usage of OpenGL 1.1 features.
- // Core functionality: shared by both real meshes and organizing groups.
- // Lots of other stuff is "supported" by both (in the public interface)
- // but is stubbed out by one or the other and doesn't share implementation.
- DisplayableMesh::DisplayableMesh()
- {
- meshData = NULL;
- displayName = NULL;
- }
- DisplayableMesh::~DisplayableMesh()
- {
- delete[] displayName;
- }
- bool
- DisplayableMesh::getVisible (void)
- {
- return bVisible
- && meshData->localBbox().valid();
- }
- void
- DisplayableMesh::setVisible (bool bVis)
- {
- bVisible = bVis;
- }
- RigidScan*
- DisplayableMesh::getMeshData (void) const
- {
- return meshData;
- }
- void
- DisplayableMesh::resetMeshData (RigidScan* _meshData)
- {
- invalidateCachedData();
- meshData = _meshData;
- }
- RigidScan*
- MeshData (DisplayableMesh* disp)
- {
- return disp ? disp->getMeshData() : NULL;
- }
- const char*
- DisplayableMesh::getName (void) const
- {
- return displayName;
- }
- void
- DisplayableMesh::setName (const char* name)
- {
- displayName = new char [strlen (name) + 1];
- strcpy (displayName, name);
- }
- const vec3uc&
- DisplayableMesh::getFalseColor (void) const
- {
- return colorFalse;
- }
- void
- DisplayableMesh::setFalseColor (const vec3uc& color)
- {
- colorFalse[0] = color[0];
- colorFalse[1] = color[1];
- colorFalse[2] = color[2];
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // a real DisplayableMesh::
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DisplayableRealMesh::DisplayableRealMesh (RigidScan* _meshData, char* nameBase)
- {
- meshData = _meshData;
- setHome();
- if (nameBase == NULL)
- setName((char*)meshData->get_basename().c_str());
- else
- setName (nameBase);
- theScene->meshColors.chooseNewColor(colorFalse);
- myTexture = NULL;
- bBlend = false;
- alpha = 1.0;
- bUseDisplayList = false;
- iDisplayList = 0;
- bVisible = true;
- mBounds = NULL;
- cache[0].mesh = cache[1].mesh = NULL;
- invalidateCachedData();
- }
- DisplayableRealMesh::~DisplayableRealMesh (void)
- {
- invalidateCachedData();
- }
- bool
- DisplayableRealMesh::useDisplayList (void) const
- {
- return bUseDisplayList;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::useDisplayList (bool bUseNow)
- {
- if (bUseDisplayList && !bUseNow) {
- invalidateDisplayList();
- }
- bUseDisplayList = bUseNow;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::invalidateCachedData (void)
- {
- for (int iCache = 0; iCache < 2; iCache++) {
- delete cache[iCache].mesh;
- cache[iCache].mesh = NULL;
- cache[iCache].bPerVertex = 0;
- cache[iCache].bStrips = 0;
- cache[iCache].color = RigidScan::colorNone;
- cache[iCache].cbColor = 0;
- }
- invalidateDisplayList();
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::invalidateDisplayList (void)
- {
- if (iDisplayList != 0) {
- cout << "Warning: nuking display list for "
- << displayName << endl;
- glDeleteLists(iDisplayList, 1);
- iDisplayList = 0;
- }
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::setHome (void)
- {
- homePos.setXform (meshData->getXform());
- homePos.new_rotation_center (meshData->worldCenter());
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::goHome (void)
- {
- meshData->setXform (homePos.getXform());
- meshData->new_rotation_center (homePos.worldCenter());
- theScene->computeBBox();
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::setBlend (bool newBlend, float newAlpha)
- {
- bBlend = newBlend;
- alpha = newAlpha;
- }
- bool
- DisplayableRealMesh::transparent (void)
- {
- return (theRenderParams->blend && bBlend)
- || (theRenderParams->colorMode == registrationColor);
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::setTexture(Ref<TextureObj> newtexture)
- {
- myTexture = newtexture; // Ain't reference counting great!
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::drawSelf (bool bAllowList)
- {
- if (!getVisible())
- return;
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- meshData->gl_xform();
- glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE);
- glPushMatrix();
- meshData->gl_xform();
- // get clipping filter, if we're using bbox acceleration
- if (theRenderParams->accelerateWithBbox)
- mBounds = new ScreenBox (NULL,
- 0, Togl_Width(toglCurrent) - 1,
- 0, Togl_Height(toglCurrent) - 1);
- // but if the whole thing is onscreen, testing the fragment bboxes
- // is a waste of time
- if (mBounds && mBounds->acceptFully (meshData->localBbox())) {
- //cout << displayName << ": whole scan onscreen; no clip test necessary"
- // << endl;
- delete mBounds;
- mBounds = NULL;
- }
- if (!mBounds || mBounds->accept (meshData->localBbox())) {
- bManipulating = isManipulatingRender();
- if (transparent()) {
- glEnable (GL_BLEND);
- glDepthMask (GL_FALSE);
- }
- if (bAllowList)
- drawList();
- else
- drawImmediate();
- if (theScene->wantMeshBBox (this))
- drawBoundingBox();
- if (transparent()) {
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
- }
- } else {
- cerr << displayName << ": skipping entire mesh" << endl;
- }
- glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE);
- glPopMatrix();
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPopMatrix();
- delete mBounds;
- mBounds = NULL;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::drawList (void)
- {
- if (bUseDisplayList
- && !(bManipulating && theRenderParams->bRenderManipsSkipDlist)) {
- if (iDisplayList > 0) {
- glCallList (iDisplayList);
- } else {
- cout << "Warning: building new display list for mesh "
- << meshData->get_name() << endl;
- iDisplayList = glGenLists (1);
- glNewList(iDisplayList, GL_COMPILE);
- drawImmediate();
- glEndList();
- glCallList (iDisplayList);
- }
- } else {
- drawImmediate();
- }
- }
- // hidden line rendering -- works by rendering black polygons shifted
- // just slightly back in z, to fill the z buffer with the necessary values
- // for depth testing, then rendering visible lines -- which only win the
- // depth test if they should be visible (in case of a tie, they should win
- // due to the offset given the polygons).
- // This is carried out with glPolygonOffset, but it's a bit of a pain
- // because I can't get the OGL-1.1 specified call to work on SGI's --
- // whereas an older EXT flavor works fine. On WIN32, at least with the
- // AccelGraphics card, glPolygonOffset with the same parameters works fine.
- // here, for nobody's benefit, but since it took me a while to figure this
- // out, is a table of what works where:
- // glPolygonOffset: (supp'd) (works); glPolygonOffsetEXT: (supp'd) (works)
- // Lambert: (RE2, OGL1.0) no,no yes,yes
- // Aegean: (O2, OGL1.0) yes,no yes,yes
- // Radiance: (IR, OGL1.0) yes,no yes,no
- // Maglio: (IR, OGL1.1) yes,??? yes,yes
- // Wavelet: (RE2, OGL1.1) yes,yes yes,yes
- // Shape: (GLINT, OGL1.1) yes,yes yes*,?
- // * glGetString says it's there, but no way to link to it
- // This applies to the display, not the computational host -- so if you
- // run plyview on radiance using lambert's display, it works ok.
- // The problem appears to be that lambert, radiance, and aegean are using
- // pre-IRIX 6.5 OS's that implement OGL 1.0. On IRIX 6.3 and 6.4,
- // glPolygonOffset is supported as a no-op; on IRIX 6.2 it fails and exits
- // the program. Hopefully once everyone is running IRIX 6.5 this can be
- // revisited.
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::drawImmediate (void)
- {
- if (theRenderParams->hiddenLine && !bManipulating) {
- //valid for lines and points... don't use this for polys
- GLenum realMode = theRenderParams->polyMode;
- GLenum ofsMode;
- if (g_glVersion >= 1.1) {
- glEnable (ofsMode = GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);
- glPolygonOffset (1.0, 1.0);
- } else {
- #ifdef sgi
- glEnable (ofsMode = GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_EXT);
- glPolygonOffsetEXT (1.0, 1.0e-6);
- #endif
- }
- //first render polys to fill depth buffer
- theRenderParams->polyMode = GL_FILL;
- drawImmediateOnce();
- //then render the visible lines/points
- theRenderParams->polyMode = realMode;
- glDisable (ofsMode);
- }
- drawImmediateOnce();
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::drawImmediateOnce (void)
- {
- if (meshData->num_resolutions() == 0)
- return; //nothing to do
- int cbColor;
- RigidScan::ColorSource color;
- setMaterials (cbColor, color);
- bool perVertex = theRenderParams->shadeModel != realPerFace;
- bool strips = theRenderParams->useTstrips && perVertex;
- getMeshTransport (perVertex, strips, color, cbColor);
- renderMeshTransport();
- if (!theRenderParams->shadows) {
- // A bit of cleanup...
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- }
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::getMeshTransport (bool perVertex, bool strips,
- ColorSource color, int cbColor)
- {
- bool bLores = bManipulating && theRenderParams->bRenderManipsLores;
- DrawData& cache = bLores ? this->cache[1] : this->cache[0];
- if (perVertex != cache.bPerVertex
- || strips != cache.bStrips
- || color != cache.color
- || cbColor != cache.cbColor) {
- delete cache.mesh;
- cache.mesh = NULL;
- }
- if (!cache.mesh) {
- int iOldRes = 0;
- if (bLores) {
- iOldRes = meshData->current_resolution().abs_resolution;
- meshData->select_coarsest();
- }
- // RigidScan* meshData
- cache.mesh = meshData->mesh (perVertex, strips, color, cbColor);
- if (bLores)
- meshData->select_by_count (iOldRes);
- cache.bPerVertex = perVertex;
- cache.bStrips = strips;
- cache.color = color;
- cache.cbColor = cbColor;
- buildStripInds (cache);
- }
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::renderMeshTransport (void)
- {
- bool bLores = bManipulating && theRenderParams->bRenderManipsLores;
- DrawData& cache = bLores ? this->cache[1] : this->cache[0];
- if (!cache.mesh) {
- if (!meshData->render_self (cache.color))
- cerr << displayName << ": cannot render!" << endl;
- return;
- }
- if (cache.bPerVertex) {
- renderMeshArrays();
- } else {
- renderMeshSingle();
- }
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::renderMeshArrays (void)
- {
- BailDetector bail;
- bool bPointsOnly = (theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_POINT);
- bool bGeometryOnly = false;
- bool bLores = bManipulating && theRenderParams->bRenderManipsLores;
- DrawData& cache = bLores ? this->cache[1] : this->cache[0];
- if (!bUseDisplayList || theRenderParams->bRenderManipsSkipDlist) {
- // don't stick the points-only view in a dlist!
- if (bManipulating) {
- if (theRenderParams->bRenderManipsPoints) {
- // draw points-only view for speed
- bPointsOnly = true;
- if (theRenderParams->bRenderManipsTinyPoints) {
- glPointSize (1.0);
- } else {
- glPointSize (2.0);
- }
- }
- if (theRenderParams->bRenderManipsUnlit) {
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- bGeometryOnly = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // hidden-line back pass doesn't need anything but geometry
- if (theRenderParams->hiddenLine &&
- (theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_FILL))
- bGeometryOnly = true;
- bool bWantNormals = theRenderParams->light && !bGeometryOnly;
- bool bWantColor = (cache.mesh->color.size() == cache.mesh->vtx.size()
- && !bGeometryOnly);
- if (bWantColor)
- // set up client vertex-pointer state with relevant pointers
- if (g_glVersion >= 1.1) {
- // vertex arrays -- only supported under OpenGL 1.1 (Irix 6.5)
- glEnableClientState (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
- if (bWantNormals)
- glEnableClientState (GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
- for (int imesh = 0; imesh < cache.mesh->vtx.size(); imesh++) {
- if (cache.mesh->bbox[imesh].valid()) {
- Bbox bbox = cache.mesh->bbox[imesh].worldBox (cache.mesh->xf[imesh]);
- if (mBounds != NULL && !mBounds->accept (bbox)) {
- //cerr << displayName << ": skipping fragment " << imesh << endl;
- continue;
- }
- }
- glVertexPointer (3, GL_FLOAT, 0, cache.mesh->vtx[imesh]->begin());
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glMultMatrixf (cache.mesh->xf[imesh]);
- // we should do this but it overflows the texture matrix stack...
- // TODO: make our own internalPushMatrix function
- //glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE);
- //glPushMatrix();
- //glMultMatrixf (cache.mesh->xf[imesh]);
- if (bWantNormals)
- glNormalPointer (MeshTransport::normal_type, 0,
- cache.mesh->nrm[imesh]->begin());
- // the second test below avoids using color arrays of size 1, even
- // if there is only 1 vertex -- this tends to hang GL on maglio.
- // The "color the whole fragment that color without using
- // glColorPointer" case takes care of it anyway, without hanging.
- bool bThisWantColor = bWantColor
- && (cache.mesh->color[imesh]->size() > 4)
- && (cache.mesh->color[imesh]->size()
- == 4 * cache.mesh->vtx[imesh]->size());
- if (bThisWantColor) {
- // only enable vertex-array color if array is expected size.
- glEnableClientState (GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
- glColorPointer (4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0,
- cache.mesh->color[imesh]->begin());
- } else {
- // don't have a full color array...
- glDisableClientState (GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
- // but we might have a per-fragment color for all these vertices.
- if (bWantColor && cache.mesh->color[imesh]->size() == 4) {
- glColor4ubv (cache.mesh->color[imesh]->begin());
- }
- }
- if (bPointsOnly) {
- glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- #if 1
- // this is obviously slower than hell for small count. But maglio
- // appears to have a bug such that the second form times out and
- // hangs for a huge vtx list, if lighting is enabled. Turn off
- // lighting or glDisableClientState (GL_NORMAL_ARRAY) and it's ok.
- // And if we render the same data 1 at a time, no prob.
- // In fact, it works for count = 1M, but not 1.5M. ???
- // one more note on this: a dejanews search for "GL:Wait Rdata"
- // turns up exactly one pair of hits, in which someone else
- // complains of a similar situation on an Onyx2 IR irix 6.5.1, and
- // an sgi rep acknowledges it sounds like an sgi bug.
- // with any significant value for count, this shouldn't be any
- // slower anyway so I'll leave it enabled.
- // 1M vertices per pass works fine for non-colored renderings
- // but crashes for color sometimes, so
- // we'll use 400K.
- // While we're documenting the follies of the IR, when color is
- // enabled, maglio consistently hits the same GL:Wait Rdata timeout
- // for vertex arrays of size 1.
- int total = cache.mesh->vtx[imesh]->size();
- int count = 400000;
- if (bThisWantColor ) {
- while ((total % count) == 1) // to avoid yet another hang
- --count;
- }
- glDrawArrays (GL_POINTS, 0, total % count);
- for (int i = total%count; i < total; i += count) {
- glDrawArrays (GL_POINTS, i, count);
- }
- #else
- glDrawArrays (GL_POINTS, 0, cache.mesh->vtx[imesh]->size());
- #endif
- } else if (cache.bStrips) {
- const int* lenEnd = cache.StripInds[imesh].end();
- const int* start = cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->begin();
- for (const int* len = cache.StripInds[imesh].begin();
- len < lenEnd; len++) {
- glDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, *len,
- GL_UNSIGNED_INT, start);
- start += *len + 1;
- }
- } else {
- #if 1
- int total = cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->size();
- int count = 600000; // must be divisible by 3
- glDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, total%count,
- GL_UNSIGNED_INT, cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->begin());
- for (int i = total%count; i < total; i += count)
- glDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, count,
- cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->begin() + i);
- #else
- glDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->size(),
- GL_UNSIGNED_INT, cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->begin());
- #endif
- }
- //glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE);
- //glPopMatrix();
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPopMatrix();
- if (bail())
- break;
- }
- glDisableClientState (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
- glDisableClientState (GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
- glDisableClientState (GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
- } else {
- // OpenGL 1.0 -- no standard vertex arrays
- // but can use gldrawarraysext, glvertexpointerext, etc. on older IRIX
- // if anyone needs this, they need to rewrite it
- cerr << "OpenGL 1.0 not currently supported. "
- << "Have fun doing anything but rendering." << endl;
- }
- glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
- glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::renderMeshSingle (void)
- {
- // kberg 10 July 2001 - actually draws while manipulating now
- //DrawData& cache = bManipulating ? this->cache[1] : this->cache[0];
- bool bLores = bManipulating && theRenderParams->bRenderManipsLores;
- DrawData& cache = bLores ? this->cache[1] : this->cache[0];
- bool bPointsOnly = (theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_POINT);
- if (!bUseDisplayList || theRenderParams->bRenderManipsSkipDlist) {
- // don't stick the points-only view in a dlist!
- if (bManipulating) {
- if (theRenderParams->bRenderManipsPoints) {
- // draw points-only view for speed
- bPointsOnly = true;
- if (theRenderParams->bRenderManipsTinyPoints) {
- glPointSize (1.0);
- } else {
- glPointSize (2.0);
- }
- }
- /* TODO: implement bGeometryOnly in renderMeshSingle*/
- if (theRenderParams->bRenderManipsUnlit) {
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- //bGeometryOnly = true;
- }
- }
- }
- int frags = cache.mesh->vtx.size();
- const vector<Pnt3>* vtx = NULL;
- const vector<int>* tri = NULL;
- const vector<short>* nrm = NULL;
- const vector<uchar>* color = NULL;
- for (int ifrag = 0; ifrag < frags; ifrag++) {
- vtx = cache.mesh->vtx[ifrag];
- tri = cache.mesh->tri_inds[ifrag];
- int nTris = tri->size() / 3;
- if (ifrag < cache.mesh->nrm.size())
- nrm = cache.mesh->nrm[ifrag];
- else
- #else
- cerr << "Flat normals not supported in hack-normals-back-to-floats mode" << endl;
- #endif
- nrm = NULL;
- if (nrm && nrm->size() != nTris * 3)
- nrm = NULL;
- if (ifrag < cache.mesh->color.size())
- color = cache.mesh->color[ifrag];
- else
- color = NULL;
- if (color && color->size() != nTris * 4)
- color = NULL;
- if (color)
- if (bPointsOnly)
- glBegin (GL_POINTS);
- else
- glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
- for (int it = 0; it < nTris; it++) {
- int it3 = 3*it;
- if (color)
- glColor4ubv (&(*color)[4*it]);
- if (nrm)
- glNormal3sv (&(*nrm)[it3]);
- glVertex3fv (&((*vtx)[(*tri)[it3]])[0]);
- glVertex3fv (&((*vtx)[(*tri)[it3+1]])[0]);
- glVertex3fv (&((*vtx)[(*tri)[it3+2]])[0]);
- }
- glEnd();
- glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
- }
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::buildStripInds (DrawData& cache)
- {
- cache.StripInds.clear();
- if (cache.bStrips && cache.mesh) {
- // store indices of ends of strips
- for (int imesh = 0; imesh < cache.mesh->tri_inds.size(); imesh++) {
- cache.StripInds.push_back (vector<int>());
- vector<int>& si = cache.StripInds.back();
- const int* last = cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->begin() - 1;
- const int* triEnd = cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->end();
- for (const int *i = cache.mesh->tri_inds[imesh]->begin();
- i < triEnd; i++) {
- if (*i == -1) { // end of strip
- si.push_back (i - last - 1);
- last = i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #if 0
- #define OFFSETOF(Struct,Field)
- ((char*)((Struct).Field) - (char*)&(Struct))
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::cache_smooth_confidence (const vector<Pnt3>& vtx,
- const vector<Pnt3>& nrm,
- const vector<int>& tri_inds,
- const vector<uchar>& colors,
- bool stripped)
- {
- uchar conf;
- uchar _alpha = alpha * 255;
- const int* triEnd = tri_inds.end();
- freeVtxArray();
- buildStripInds (stripped, tri_inds);
- // optimization for InfiniteReality: (man glVertexPointerEXT)
- // need to store: GLubyte c[4]; GLshort n[3]; GLfloat v[3];
- struct {
- GLubyte c[4];
- NORMAL n[3];
- GLfloat v[3];
- } vertex;
- cachedVertSize = sizeof (vertex);
- cachedVertCount = vtx.size();
- cache = new char [cachedVertSize * cachedVertCount];
- cachedClrOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, c);
- cachedNrmOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, n);
- cachedVtxOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, v);
- for (int vert = 0; vert < cachedVertCount; vert++) {
- char* basePtr = cache + (vert * cachedVertSize);
- GLubyte* colorPtr = (GLubyte*)(basePtr + cachedClrOfs);
- NORMAL* normPtr = (NORMAL*) (basePtr + cachedNrmOfs);
- GLfloat* vertPtr = (GLfloat*)(basePtr + cachedVtxOfs);
- conf = colors[vert] * theRenderParams->confScale;
- conf = MIN(conf, 255) * 0.7;
- colorPtr[0] = 178;
- colorPtr[1] = conf;
- colorPtr[2] = conf;
- colorPtr[3] = _alpha;
- normPtr[0] = nrm[vert][0] * NRM_SCALE;
- normPtr[1] = nrm[vert][1] * NRM_SCALE;
- normPtr[2] = nrm[vert][2] * NRM_SCALE;
- memcpy (vertPtr, &vtx[vert][0], 3 * sizeof(vertPtr[0]));
- }
- cachedType = smooth_conf;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::cache_smooth_color (const vector<Pnt3>& vtx,
- const vector<Pnt3>& nrm,
- const vector<int>& tri_inds,
- const vector<uchar>& colors,
- int colorsize,
- bool stripped)
- {
- uchar _alpha = 255 * alpha;
- freeVtxArray();
- buildStripInds (stripped, tri_inds);
- // need to store: GLubyte c[4]; GLshort n[3]; GLfloat v[3];
- struct {
- GLubyte c[4];
- NORMAL n[3];
- GLfloat v[3];
- } vertex;
- cachedVertSize = sizeof (vertex);
- cachedVertCount = vtx.size();
- cache = new char [cachedVertSize * cachedVertCount];
- cachedClrOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, c);
- cachedNrmOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, n);
- cachedVtxOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, v);
- for (int vert = 0; vert < cachedVertCount; vert++) {
- char* basePtr = cache + (vert * cachedVertSize);
- GLubyte* colorPtr = (GLubyte*)(basePtr + cachedClrOfs);
- NORMAL* normPtr = (NORMAL*) (basePtr + cachedNrmOfs);
- GLfloat* vertPtr = (GLfloat*)(basePtr + cachedVtxOfs);
- if (colorsize == 3) {
- colorPtr[0] = colors[3*vert + 0];
- colorPtr[1] = colors[3*vert + 1];
- colorPtr[2] = colors[3*vert + 2];
- } else {
- colorPtr[0] = colorPtr[1] = colorPtr[2] = colors[vert];
- }
- colorPtr[3] = _alpha;
- normPtr[0] = nrm[vert][0] * NRM_SCALE;
- normPtr[1] = nrm[vert][1] * NRM_SCALE;
- normPtr[2] = nrm[vert][2] * NRM_SCALE;
- memcpy (vertPtr, &vtx[vert][0], 3 * sizeof (vertPtr[0]));
- }
- cachedType = smooth_color;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::cache_smooth_solid (const vector<Pnt3>& vtx,
- const vector<Pnt3>& nrm,
- const vector<int>& tri_inds,
- bool stripped)
- {
- freeVtxArray();
- buildStripInds (stripped, tri_inds);
- // need to store: GLshort n[3]; GLfloat v[3];
- struct {
- NORMAL n[3];
- GLfloat v[3];
- } vertex;
- cachedVertSize = sizeof (vertex);
- cachedVertCount = vtx.size();
- cache = new char [cachedVertSize * cachedVertCount];
- cachedNrmOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, n);
- cachedVtxOfs = OFFSETOF (vertex, v);
- cachedClrOfs = -1;
- for (int vert = 0; vert < cachedVertCount; vert++) {
- char* basePtr = cache + (vert * cachedVertSize);
- NORMAL* normPtr = (NORMAL*) (basePtr + cachedNrmOfs);
- GLfloat* vertPtr = (GLfloat*)(basePtr + cachedVtxOfs);
- normPtr[0] = nrm[vert][0] * NRM_SCALE;
- normPtr[1] = nrm[vert][1] * NRM_SCALE;
- normPtr[2] = nrm[vert][2] * NRM_SCALE;
- memcpy (vertPtr, &vtx[vert][0], 3 * sizeof (vertPtr[0]));
- }
- cachedType = smooth_solid;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::draw_flat_confidence (const vector<Pnt3>& vtx,
- const vector<Pnt3>& nrm,
- const vector<int>& tri_inds,
- const vector<uchar>& colors)
- {
- uchar conf;
- uchar confColor[4];
- confColor[0] = 178;
- confColor[3] = alpha * 255;
- glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);
- const int* triEnd = tri_inds.end();
- int iTri = 0;
- for (const int* tri = &tri_inds[0];
- tri < triEnd; tri += 3, iTri++) {
- conf = theRenderParams->confScale*colors[*tri];
- conf = MIN(conf, 255);
- conf *= 0.7;
- confColor[1] = conf;
- confColor[2] = conf;
- glColor4ubv(confColor);
- glNormal3fv(nrm[iTri]);
- glVertex3fv (vtx[tri[0]]);
- glVertex3fv (vtx[tri[1]]);
- glVertex3fv (vtx[tri[2]]);
- }
- glEnd();
- glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
- cachedType = flat_conf;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::draw_flat_color (const vector<Pnt3>& vtx,
- const vector<Pnt3>& nrm,
- const vector<int>& tri_inds,
- const vector<uchar>& colors,
- int colorsize)
- {
- glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);
- const int* triEnd = tri_inds.end();
- int iTri = 0;
- for (const int* tri = &tri_inds[0];
- tri < triEnd; tri += 3, iTri++) {
- if (colorsize == 3)
- glColor3ubv(&colors[3*iTri]);
- else
- glColor3ub (colors[iTri], colors[iTri], colors[iTri]);
- glNormal3fv(nrm[iTri]);
- glVertex3fv(vtx[tri[0]]);
- glVertex3fv(vtx[tri[1]]);
- glVertex3fv(vtx[tri[2]]);
- }
- glEnd();
- glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
- cachedType = flat_color;
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::draw_flat_solid (const vector<Pnt3>& vtx,
- const vector<Pnt3>& nrm,
- const vector<int>& tri_inds)
- {
- glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);
- const int* triEnd = tri_inds.end();
- int iTri = 0;
- for (const int* tri = &tri_inds[0];
- tri < triEnd; tri += 3, iTri++) {
- glNormal3fv(nrm[iTri]);
- glVertex3fv(vtx[tri[0]]);
- glVertex3fv(vtx[tri[1]]);
- glVertex3fv(vtx[tri[2]]);
- }
- glEnd();
- cachedType = flat_solid;
- }
- #endif
- void glMaterialubv (GLenum face, GLenum pname, const uchar* bp)
- {
- // glMaterialubv doesn't exist, this wraps glMaterialfv
- float fp[4] = { bp[0] / 255., bp[1] / 255., bp[2] / 255., bp[3] / 255. };
- glMaterialfv (face, pname, fp);
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::setMaterials (int& colorSize,
- RigidScan::ColorSource& colorSource)
- {
- static float nocolor[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- static float regThisColor[4] = { 0, 0, 1, .5 };
- static float regYesColor[4] = { 0, 1, 0, .5 };
- static float regNoColor[4] = { 1, 0, 0, .5 };
- static float white[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
- float diff[4];
- bool bDontReset = false;
- // Reset materials
- glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, nocolor);
- glMaterialubv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, theRenderParams->specular);
- glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, nocolor);
- glMaterialf (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS,
- theRenderParams->shininess);
- if (!theRenderParams->shadows) {
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R);
- }
- // not needed - two sided lighting takes care of back emmisive
- //if (theRenderParams->backFaceEmissive)
- // glMaterialubv(GL_BACK, GL_EMISSION, theRenderParams->background);
- if (theRenderParams->twoSidedLighting) {
- if (theRenderParams->backfaceMode == lit) {
- glMaterialubv(GL_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, theRenderParams->backDiffuse);
- glMaterialubv(GL_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, theRenderParams->backSpecular);
- glMaterialf(GL_BACK, GL_SHININESS, theRenderParams->backShininess);
- }
- else if (theRenderParams->backfaceMode == emissive)
- glMaterialubv(GL_BACK, GL_EMISSION, theRenderParams->backDiffuse);
- }
- // default to solid color unless otherwise overridden
- colorSize = 0;
- colorSource = RigidScan::colorNone;
- if (theRenderParams->hiddenLine
- && theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_FILL)
- {
- // "fill the depth buffer" pass -- render black
- // so reset the only materials that were not set to nocolor above
- glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, nocolor);
- glMaterialf (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 0);
- glColor4fv (nocolor);
- // we need to go through the below switch statement to set the
- // showColor and showConfidence vars, but we don't want to make
- // any more glMaterial/glColor calls...
- bDontReset = true;
- }
- GLenum matMode = theRenderParams->useEmissive ?
- if (!bDontReset)
- glMaterialubv(GL_FRONT, matMode, theRenderParams->diffuse);
- switch (theRenderParams->colorMode) {
- case falseColor:
- if (!bDontReset) {
- diff[0] = colorFalse[0]/255.0;
- diff[1] = colorFalse[1]/255.0;
- diff[2] = colorFalse[2]/255.0;
- diff[3] = alpha;
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, matMode, diff);
- glColor4fv (diff);
- }
- break;
- case boundaryColor:
- case confidenceColor:
- case intensityColor:
- case trueColor:
- colorSize = 4;
- switch (theRenderParams->colorMode) {
- case confidenceColor:
- colorSource = RigidScan::colorConf; break;
- case intensityColor:
- colorSource = RigidScan::colorIntensity; break;
- case trueColor:
- colorSource = RigidScan::colorTrue; break;
- case boundaryColor:
- colorSource = RigidScan::colorBoundary; break;
- }
- if (!bDontReset) {
- if (theRenderParams->useEmissive)
- glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, nocolor);
- glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT, matMode);
- }
- break;
- case registrationColor:
- if (!bDontReset) {
- if (this == theSelectedScan) {
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, matMode, regThisColor);
- } else {
- assert (theScene->globalReg);
- bool bTrans = atoi (Tcl_GetVar (g_tclInterp, "regColorTransitive",
- if (theScene->globalReg->pairRegistered
- (this->getMeshData(), theSelectedScan->getMeshData(), bTrans)) {
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, matMode, regYesColor);
- } else {
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, matMode, regNoColor);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case noColor:
- glColor4ubv (theRenderParams->diffuse);
- break;
- case textureColor:
- if (myTexture) {
- myTexture->setupTexture();
- glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, matMode, white);
- glColor4fv(white);
- break;
- }
- // else fall through...
- case grayColor:
- default:
- // just set color in case it's not set from lighting
- // material properties are already ok (they have to be, since this
- // is the fallback case and may be invoked without warning if we
- // fail to extract color info requested from the RigidScan)
- if (!bDontReset) {
- diff[0] = diff[1] = diff[2] = 0.7;
- diff[3] = alpha;
- glColor4fv (diff);
- }
- break;
- }
- // set polygon mode, so we can draw points/lines/polys with same
- // series of calls to glBegin/glVertex/glEnd
- if (theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_FILL) {
- glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- }
- else if (theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_POINT) {
- glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT);
- glPointSize(theRenderParams->pointSize);
- }
- else { // if (theRenderParams->polyMode == GL_LINE)
- glLineWidth(theRenderParams->lineWidth);
- glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
- }
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::drawBoundingBox (void)
- {
- // assumes mesh transformation is in place, and draws bounding box edges
- // in local (mesh) coordinates
- ::drawBoundingBox (meshData->localBbox());
- }
- void
- DisplayableRealMesh::setName (const char* baseName)
- {
- char bName[1024];
- strcpy(bName, baseName);
- char* begin = strrchr (bName, '/');
- char tempName[500];
- if (begin == NULL)
- {
- begin=bName;
- strcpy(tempName, bName);
- }
- else
- {
- begin[0]=' ';
- // printf ("suffix:%sn",begin-3);
- // Check if this is really a sweep, if so name funkyness
- if (strcmp(begin-3,".sd")==0)
- {
- char* begin2 = strrchr (bName, '/');
- if (begin2 == NULL)
- {
- begin2=bName;
- }
- else
- {
- begin2++;
- }
- // printf ("begin2:%sn",begin2);
- *(begin-3)=' ';
- strcpy(tempName,begin2);
- strcat(tempName,"__");
- strcat(tempName,begin+1);
- }
- else
- {
- // printf("fail:%sn",begin+1);
- begin++;
- strcpy(tempName,begin );
- }
- }
- //printf ("tempname:%sn",tempName);
- int suffix = 0;
- while (FindMeshDisplayInfo (tempName) != NULL) {
- ++suffix;
- sprintf (tempName + strlen(tempName), "%d", suffix);
- }
- DisplayableMesh::setName (tempName);
- }