- function ic=cmodel(sys,cpts,pos,par)
- %CMODEL Camera model that generates synthetic image coordinates from
- %3-D coordinates and camera parameters.
- %
- %Usage:
- % ic = cmodel(sys,cpts,pos,par)
- %
- %where
- % sys = system configuration information (see configc.m)
- % cpts = coordinates for the 3-D control points
- % pos = camera position and orientation
- % par = camera intrinsic parameters:
- % par(1) = scale factor ~1
- % par(2) = effective focal length
- % par(3:4) = principal point
- % par(5:6) = radial distortion coefficients
- % par(7:8) = tangential distortion coefficients
- % ic = synthetic image coordinates
- % Version 2.0 15.5.-97
- % Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu, Finland
- NDX=sys(1); NDY=sys(2); Sx=sys(3); Sy=sys(4);
- if length(pos)~=6
- error('Position vector should contain [x y z w p r].');
- end
- if length(par)~=8
- error('Parameter vector should be 1 x 8 matrix.');
- end
- if size(cpts,2)~=3
- error('Control point matrix should have three columns [xp yp zp]');
- end
- n=size(cpts,1);
- Asp=par(1); Foc=par(2);
- Cpx=par(3); Cpy=par(4);
- Rad1=par(5); Rad2=par(6);
- Tan1=par(7); Tan2=par(8);
- M=eye(4);
- wa=pos(4)*pi/180;
- pa=pos(5)*pi/180;
- ra=pos(6)*pi/180;
- cw=cos(wa); sw=sin(wa);
- cp=cos(pa); sp=sin(pa);
- cr=cos(ra); sr=sin(ra);
- M(1,:)=[cr*cp -sr*cw+cr*sp*sw sr*sw+cr*sp*cw pos(1)];
- M(2,:)=[sr*cp cr*cw+sr*sp*sw -cr*sw+sr*sp*cw pos(2)];
- M(3,:)=[-sp cp*sw cp*cw pos(3)];
- c=M*[cpts';ones(1,n)];
- x=[Foc.*c(1,:)./c(3,:)]';
- y=[Foc.*c(2,:)./c(3,:)]';
- r2=x.*x+y.*y;
- delta=Rad1*r2+Rad2*r2.*r2;
- xn=x.*(1+delta)+2*Tan1*x.*y+Tan2*(r2+2*x.*x);
- yn=y.*(1+delta)+Tan1*(r2+2*y.*y)+2*Tan2*x.*y;
- ic=NDX*Asp*xn/Sx+Cpx;
- ic(:,2)=NDY*yn/Sy+Cpy;