- function [pos,foc,u0,v0,b1,b2]=dlt(sys,data)
- %DLT Direct linear transform, which calculates the initial camera
- %parameters for nonlinear optimization.
- %
- %Usage:
- % [pos,foc,u0,v0,b1,b2] = dlt(sys,data)
- %
- %where
- % sys = system configuration information (see configc.m)
- % data = matrix that contains the 3-D coordinates of the
- % control points (in fixed right-handed frame) and corresponding
- % image observations (in image frame, origo in the upper left
- % corner and the y-axis downwards)
- % Dimensions: (n x 5) matrix, format: [wx wy wz ix iy]
- % NOTE: control points should not be coplanar
- % pos = camera position and orientation [x y z w p r]
- % foc = effective focal length (obtained from sys)
- % u0, v0 = principal point (obtained from sys)
- % b1, b2 = linear distortion coefficients
- %Reference:
- % Trond Melen: Geometrical modelling and calibration of video
- % cameras for underwater navigation, Ph.D.-thesis,
- % ITK-rapport 1994:103-W, NTH, Norway.
- %
- % Version 2.0 15.5.-97
- % Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu, Finland
- NDX=sys(1); NDY=sys(2); Sx=sys(3); Sy=sys(4); f0=sys(5);
- wx=data(:,1); wy=data(:,2); wz=data(:,3);
- num=size(data,1);
- u = Sx*data(:,4)/NDX;
- v = Sy*data(:,5)/NDY;
- Lu=[wx wy wz 0*u+1 0*u 0*u 0*u 0*u -wx.*u -wy.*u -wz.*u];
- Lv=[0*v 0*v 0*v 0*v wx wy wz 0*v+1 -wx.*v -wy.*v -wz.*v];
- L=reshape([Lu';Lv'],11,2*num)';
- l=reshape([u';v'],2*num,1);
- a=pinv(L)*l;
- a(12)=1;
- A=reshape(a,4,3)';
- t=inv(A(:,1:3))*A(:,4);
- lambda=sqrt(A(3,1)^2+A(3,2)^2+A(3,3)^2);
- [Q,R]=qr(inv(A(:,1:3)/lambda));
- R=inv(R); Q=Q';
- J=diag(sign(diag(R)));
- R=R*J;
- tth=-R(1,2)/(R(1,1)+R(2,2));
- sth=tth/sqrt(1+tth^2); cth=1/sqrt(1+tth^2);
- S=[cth sth 0;-sth cth 0;0 0 1];
- M=S'*J*Q;
- lambda=det(M)*lambda;
- M=det(M)*M;
- G=R*S;
- b1=-(G(1,1)-G(2,2))/(G(1,1)+G(2,2));
- b2=-2*G(1,2)/(G(1,1)+G(2,2));
- foc=2*(G(1,1)*G(2,2)-G(1,2)^2)/(G(1,1)+G(2,2));
- u0=G(1,3)*NDX/Sx; v0=G(2,3)*NDY/Sy;
- t=M*t;
- pa=asin(M(3,1));
- wa=atan2(-M(3,2)/cos(pa),M(3,3)/cos(pa));
- ra=atan2(-M(2,1)/cos(pa),M(1,1)/cos(pa));
- pos=[t' -[wa pa ra]*180/pi];