- function [cdata,dpr]=asymc(sys,par,pos,data,nbr,snorm)
- %ASYMC Routine that corrects the effect of the asymmetric projection
- %of the circular control points.
- %
- %Usage:
- % [cdata,dpr]=asymc(sys,par,pos,data,nbr,snorm)
- %
- %where
- % sys = system configuration information (see configc.m)
- % par = approximation of the intrinsic parameters of the camera
- % pos = approximation of the camera positions and orientations
- % (6 x m matrix)
- % data = matrix that contains the 3-D coordinates of the
- % control points (in fixed right-handed frame) and corresponding
- % image observations (in image frame, origo in the upper left
- % corner)
- % Dimensions: (n x 5) matrix, format: [wx wy wz ix iy]
- % nbr = number of points per frame
- % snorm = normal vectors for each point (n x 3 matrix)
- % cdata = corrected data matrix
- % dpr = error term
- % Version 2.0 15.5.-97
- % Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu, Finland
- NDX=sys(1); NDY=sys(2); Sx=sys(3); Sy=sys(4);
- radius=sys(6); Asp=par(1); foc=par(2); n=length(data);
- v1=-snorm;
- vv=randn(3,1); vv=vv/norm(vv);
- v2=ones(n,1)*vv'-v1*[vv vv vv].*v1;
- nnn=sqrt(sum(v2'.^2))';
- v2=v2./[nnn nnn nnn];
- v3=[v1(:,2).*v2(:,3)-v1(:,3).*v2(:,2) ...
- v1(:,3).*v2(:,1)-v1(:,1).*v2(:,3) ...
- v1(:,1).*v2(:,2)-v1(:,2).*v2(:,1)];
- ind=cumsum([1 nbr]);
- dpr=zeros(n,2);
- num=size(pos,2);
- for i=1:num
- M=eye(4);
- wa=pos(4,i)*pi/180;
- pa=pos(5,i)*pi/180;
- ra=pos(6,i)*pi/180;
- cw=cos(wa); sw=sin(wa);
- cp=cos(pa); sp=sin(pa);
- cr=cos(ra); sr=sin(ra);
- M(1,:)=[cr*cp -sr*cw+cr*sp*sw sr*sw+cr*sp*cw pos(1,i)];
- M(2,:)=[sr*cp cr*cw+sr*sp*sw -cr*sw+sr*sp*cw pos(2,i)];
- M(3,:)=[-sp cp*sw cp*cw pos(3,i)];
- iM=inv(M);
- cpos=iM(1:3,4);
- cx=-v2(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,:)*cpos;
- cy=-v3(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,:)*cpos;
- cz=-v1(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,:)*cpos;
- A1=[v2(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,:) cx]*iM;
- A2=[v3(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,:) cy]*iM;
- A3=[v1(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,:) cz]*iM;
- mod=data(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,1:3);
- dx=mod(:,1).*v2(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,1)+mod(:,2).*v2(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,2)+...
- mod(:,3).*v2(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,3)+cx;
- dy=mod(:,1).*v3(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,1)+mod(:,2).*v3(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,2)+...
- mod(:,3).*v3(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,3)+cy;
- dz=mod(:,1).*v1(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,1)+mod(:,2).*v1(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,2)+...
- mod(:,3).*v1(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,3)+cz;
- alpha=dx./dz;
- beta=dy./dz;
- gamma=radius./dz;
- kt=A1(:,1)-alpha.*A3(:,1); lt=A1(:,2)-alpha.*A3(:,2);
- mt=(A1(:,3)-alpha.*A3(:,3))*foc; nt=A2(:,1)-beta.*A3(:,1);
- pt=A2(:,2)-beta.*A3(:,2); qt=(A2(:,3)-beta.*A3(:,3))*foc;
- rt=gamma.*A3(:,1); st=gamma.*A3(:,2); tt=gamma.*A3(:,3)*foc;
- uc=(kt.*pt-nt.*lt).*(lt.*qt-pt.*mt)-(kt.*st-lt.*rt).*(tt.*lt-mt.*st)-...
- (nt.*st-pt.*rt).*(tt.*pt-qt.*st);
- vc=(kt.*pt-nt.*lt).*(mt.*nt-kt.*qt)-(kt.*st-lt.*rt).*(mt.*rt-kt.*tt)-...
- (nt.*st-pt.*rt).*(qt.*rt-nt.*tt);
- den=(kt.*pt-nt.*lt).^2-(kt.*st-lt.*rt).^2-(nt.*st-pt.*rt).^2;
- uc=uc./den; vc=vc./den;
- u0=(lt.*qt-pt.*mt)./(kt.*pt-nt.*lt);
- v0=(mt.*nt-kt.*qt)./(kt.*pt-nt.*lt);
- dpr(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,1)=NDX*Asp*(uc-u0)/Sx;
- dpr(ind(i):ind(i+1)-1,2)=NDY*(vc-v0)/Sy;
- end
- cdata=[data(:,1:3) data(:,4:5)-dpr];