- function [par,pos,iter,res,er,C]=circal(name,data1,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6)
- %CIRCAL Three-step calibration routine for computing the camera parameters.
- %In the first step the initial values are solved by using the DLT method.
- %The second step contains nonlinear minimization and in the third step
- %the accuracy is improved by taking into account the asymmetric projection
- %of the circular control points.
- %
- %Usage:
- % [par,pos,iter,res,er,C]=circal(name,data1,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6)
- %
- %where
- % name = string that is specific to the camera and the framegrabber.
- % This string must be defined in configc.m
- % data1...data6 = matrices that contain the 3-D coordinates of the
- % control points (in fixed right-handed frame) and corresponding
- % image observations (in image frame, origo in the upper left
- % corner). In addition the surface normal of each point must
- % be given.
- % dimensions: (n x 8) matrices,
- % row format: [wx wy wz ix iy nx ny nz],
- % units: mm for control points, pixels for image points,
- % min. number of images = 1 (requires 3-D control point structure)
- % max. number of images = 6
- % par = camera intrinsic parameters
- % pos = camera position and orientation for each image (n x 6 matrix)
- % iter = number of iterations used
- % res = residual (sum of squared errors)
- % er = remaining error for each point
- % C = error covariance matrix of the estimated parameters
- % Version 2.0 15.5.-97
- % Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu, Finland
- num=nargin-1;
- if ~isstr(name)
- error('The first argument should be the camera type');
- end
- sys=configc(name);
- data=[]; obs=[]; sdata=[]; snorm=[]; ipos=[]; tic;
- fprintf(1,'step 1: '); %step 1
- for i=1:num
- dt=eval(['data' num2str(i)]);
- if size(dt,2)~=8
- error('Data matrix should contain the surface normal');
- end
- data=[data;dt(:,1:3)]; obs=[obs;dt(:,4:5)]; snorm=[snorm;dt(:,6:8)];
- sdata=[sdata;size(dt,1)];
- if norm(dt(:,3))
- [ip,foc,u0,v0,b1,b2]=dlt(sys,dt(:,1:5));
- else
- [ip,foc,u0,v0,b1,b2]=dlt2d(sys,dt(:,1:5));
- end
- ipos=[ipos ip(:)];
- end
- fprintf(1,'donen');
- nbr=sdata'; n=sum(sdata);
- iparam=[1 foc u0 v0 0 0 0 0 ipos(:)'];
- fprintf(1,'step 2: '); %step 2
- [param,iter,res,er,J,success]=lmoptc(sys,[data obs],nbr,iparam);
- if success
- par=param(1:8);
- pos=reshape(param(9:length(param)),6,num);
- fprintf(1,'step 3: '); %step 3
- [cdata,dpr]=asymc(sys,par,pos,[data obs],nbr,snorm);
- [param,iter2,res,er,J,success2]=lmoptc(sys,cdata,nbr,param);
- if success2
- q=ones(n,1)*std(reshape(er,n,2));
- Q=spdiags(q(:).^2,1,2*n,2*n);
- X=inv(J'*J)*J';
- C=full(X*Q*X');
- par=param(1:8);
- pos=reshape(param(9:length(param)),6,num);
- disp('Calibration was successfully completed. Here are the results:');
- disp(sprintf('nCamera parameters (%s):',sys(10:length(sys))));
- disp('==================');
- disp(sprintf('Scale factor: %.4f Effective focal length: %.4f mm',...
- par(1),par(2)));
- disp(sprintf('Principal point: (%.4f,%.4f)',par(3),par(4)));
- disp(sprintf('Radial distortion: K1 = %e K2 = %e',par(5),par(6)));
- disp(sprintf('Tangential distortion: T1 = %e T2 = %e',par(7),par(8)));
- disp(sprintf('nOther information:'));
- disp('==================');
- disp(sprintf('Standard error in pixels: %f',std(er(:))));
- disp(sprintf('Standard deviation of the estimated intrinsic parameters:'));
- disp(sprintf('%.2e ',sqrt(diag(C(1:8,1:8))')));
- disp(sprintf('Number of iterations: %d',iter+iter2));
- disp(sprintf('Elapsed time: %.1f sec.',toc));
- else
- disp('Sorry, calibration failed in step 3');
- end
- else
- disp('Sorry, calibration failed in step 2');
- end