- function f=frames(sys,mod,nbr,p,np,cpar)
- %FRAMES Interface between camera model and optimization routine.
- %Allows multiple to be used.
- %
- %Usage:
- % f = frames(sys,mod,nbr,p)
- %
- %where
- % sys = system configuration information (see configc.m)
- % mod = matrix for the 3-D coordinates of the control points (n x 3)
- % nbr = number of points per frame
- % p = parameter vector (8+N*6 x 1)
- % p(1:8) contains the camera intrinsic parameters
- % p(9...) contains the camera position and orientation for
- % each N images.
- % f = synthetic image coordinates
- % Version 2.1b 25.08.1998
- % Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu, Finland
- nr=size(mod,1);
- npos=(length(p)-np)/6;
- if npos~=length(nbr)
- error('Conflict in the number of camera positions');
- end
- if size(mod,2)~=3
- error('Data matrix should have three columns');
- end
- index=[1 cumsum(nbr)+1];
- if np>0
- par=p(1:np);
- else
- par=cpar;
- end
- f=[];
- for i=1:npos
- si=(i-1)*6+np+1; ei=i*6+np;
- pos=p(si:ei);
- pnts=mod(index(i):index(i+1)-1,:);
- cp=cmodel(sys,mod(index(i):index(i+1)-1,:),p(si:ei),par);
- f=[f;cp];
- end