- #!/bin/csh -f
- if ($#argv == 0) then
- echo ''
- echo 'Usage: mesh.ply im.tsai [im2.tsai ...]'
- echo ' Pastes im.rgb.. onto mesh.ply, using the transform in im.tsai'
- echo ' A single .ply file results with all images on it'
- echo ''
- exit
- endif
- set MESH=$argv[1]
- shift
- # Start looping though image files
- set TMPFILE = /tmp/tsai2cply$$
- # pick the pastecolortempfile loc
- if ( -d "/tmp/openspace") then
- set PASTECOLORTMP = /tmp/openspace
- else
- set PASTECOLORTMP = /tmp
- endif
- # Set up the conf file for paste_color
- #cat /mich4/uvdavid/bin/pasteconf > $TMPFILE
- cat > $TMPFILE << DONE
- plyunits = millimeters
- tempfile = "$PASTECOLORTMP/pastedavid_tmp_delete_nukit"
- neardist = 400
- fardist = 100000
- do_light_processing = yes
- light_pos = (0, 0, 0)
- depth_thresh = 0.9
- write_ply_normals = no
- write_ply_tstrips = no
- dynam_range_feather = 0
- // with cos.power 2, 70-degree cutoff is .117
- // with cos.power 1, 75-degree cutoff is .436
- //uncert_cosine_power = 2
- // min_confidence = 0.1
- min_confidence = 0.01
- // set unknown color to be green, for fun.
- unknown_color = (70, 18 , 18)
- echo readply "${MESH}" >> $TMPFILE
- foreach file ($argv)
- echo Processing $file ...
- echo camera "${file}" >> $TMPFILE
- echo processimage "${file:r}.rgb" >> $TMPFILE
- end
- set OUTFILEC = ${MESH:r}.c.ply
- set OUTFILECS = ${MESH:r}.cs.ply
- echo writeply "${OUTFILEC}" >> $TMPFILE
- # Paste color
- if ( -e "${OUTFILEC}" || -e "${OUTFILECS}" ) then
- echo ${OUTFILEC} already exists.
- else
- pastecolor $TMPFILE
- endif
- # Fix up the ply file the results
- if ( -e "${OUTFILECS}" ) then
- echo ${OUTFILECS} already exists
- else
- echo "Cropping ${OUTFILEC}"
- # Throw away all the points that didn't get colored
- # plyconfcrop ${file:r}.c.ply >! ${file:r}.cs.ply
- # convert to multi-res set
- echo "Crunching $OUTFILECS"
- ply2crunchset $OUTFILECS
- # plystrip everything for faster loading
- echo "Stripping $OUTFILECS"
- foreach i ($OUTFILECS:r.*.ply)
- plystrip -s -q $i >! tmp.ply
- /bin/mv tmp.ply $i
- end
- echo "Done with $OUTFILEC"
- endif
- # Remove the TMPFILE