- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Matt Ginzton
- // Mon Aug 3 13:17:07 PDT 1998
- //
- // C++ interface to tcl progressbar code.
- //
- //############################################################
- #include <tcl.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <vector.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- # include "winGLdecs.h"
- #endif
- #include <GL/glu.h>
- #include "togl.h"
- #include "Progress.h"
- #include "BailDetector.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "Timer.h"
- #include "ToglText.h"
- int Progress::nProgressBarsActive = 0;
- // performance tweaks -- higher values will seem less responsive,
- // but waste less time on progress bars.
- // can be changed through "plv_progress" public Tcl interface.
- // minimum amount of time to elapse between successive updates
- static int kUpdateFrequency = 300; // in ms
- // min. operation length to deserve a status bar
- static int kTransience = 4; // in multiples of update frequency
- Progress::Progress (int end, const char* name, bool cancellable)
- {
- _init (end, name);
- }
- Progress::Progress (int end, const char* operation, const char* name,
- bool cancellable)
- {
- char nameBuf[600];
- sprintf (nameBuf, operation, name);
- _init (end, nameBuf);
- }
- void Progress::_init (int end, const char* _name)
- {
- value = 0;
- maximum = end;
- pBailDetector = new BailDetector;
- lastUpdateTime = 0;
- lastUpdateValue = 0;
- nUpdates = 0;
- iId = nProgressBarsActive++;
- baseY = 5 + iId * 28;
- if (strlen (_name) >= sizeof (name)) {
- strncpy (name, _name, sizeof(name));
- name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0;
- } else {
- strcpy (name, _name);
- }
- }
- static void rect (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- {
- glVertex2i (x1, y1);
- glVertex2i (x2, y1);
- glVertex2i (x2, y2);
- glVertex2i (x1, y2);
- }
- Progress::~Progress()
- {
- delete pBailDetector;
- nProgressBarsActive--;
- }
- bool Progress::update (int current)
- {
- if (g_bNoUI)
- return true;
- value = current;
- unsigned int timestamp = Timer::get_system_tick_count();
- if (value == lastUpdateValue ||
- timestamp < (lastUpdateTime + kUpdateFrequency))
- return true;
- // make sure enough updates have happened to warrant a redraw
- if (nUpdates++ % kTransience != 0)
- return true;
- glDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT);
- // save all the bits just so I don't turn off something
- // that someone else expects to be on
- glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS);
- glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- // clear the modelview matrix - save previous
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- // clear the projection matrix - save previous
- glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- // set orthagraphic to encompass the entire screen
- gluOrtho2D (0, theWidth, 0, theHeight);
- glBegin (GL_QUADS);
- glColor3f (.7, 0, 0); rect (0, baseY, theWidth - 1, baseY + 19);
- glColor3f (.2, 0, 0); rect (1, baseY + 1, theWidth, baseY + 20);
- glEnd();
- // render new portion of progress bar
- // subtract one so the bar "
- int width = value / (double)maximum * theWidth;
- if (g_verbose) cerr << "width = " << width << endl;
- glBegin (GL_QUADS);
- glColor3f (1, 0, 0); rect (0, baseY + 2, width, baseY + 18);
- glEnd();
- // setup XOR mode
- glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);
- glLogicOp (GL_XOR);
- // draw text in red for past-end-of-bar
- glColor3f (1, 0, 0);
- glRasterPos2i (15, baseY + 6);
- DrawText (toglCurrent, name);
- glLogicOp (GL_COPY);
- glDisable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP);
- //pop the matrices
- glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
- glPopMatrix();
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPopMatrix();
- glFinish();
- glPopAttrib(); // restore the previous attributes
- lastUpdateTime = timestamp;
- lastUpdateValue = value;
- return !(*pBailDetector)();
- }
- bool Progress::updateInc (int increment)
- {
- return update (value + increment);
- }
- static vector<Progress*> inprogress;
- int
- PlvProgressCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 2) {
- interp->result = "missing args to plv_progress";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- bool result = true;
- if (!strcmp (argv[1], "start")) {
- Progress* prog = new Progress (atoi (argv[2]), argv[3]);
- inprogress.push_back (prog);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "update")) {
- assert (inprogress.size() > 0);
- result = inprogress.back()->update (atoi (argv[2]));
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "updateinc")) {
- assert (inprogress.size() > 0);
- if (argc == 2)
- result = inprogress.back()->updateInc();
- else
- result = inprogress.back()->updateInc (atoi (argv[2]));
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "done")) {
- assert (inprogress.size() > 0);
- Progress* prog = inprogress.back();
- inprogress.pop_back();
- delete prog;
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "transience")) {
- kTransience = atoi (argv[2]);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "frequency")) {
- kUpdateFrequency = atoi (argv[2]);
- } else {
- interp->result = "Bad arg to plv_progress";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- interp->result = result ? "1" : "0";
- return TCL_OK;
- }