资源名称:SMDK2440.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- /*++
- Copyright (c) 2001. Samsung Electronics, co. ltd All rights reserved.
- Module Name:
- Abstract:
- This file implements the S3C2440 LCD function
- rev:
- 2002.4.4 : First S3C2410 version (kwangyoon LEE, kwangyoon@samsung.com)
- 2002.1.31 : CE.NET port (kwangyoon LEE, kwangyoon@samsung.com)
- Notes:
- --*/
- #include "precomp.h"
- #ifdef CLEARTYPE
- #include <ctblt.h>
- #endif
- #include <aablt.h>
- DWORD gdwLCDVirtualFrameBase;
- INSTANTIATE_GPE_ZONES(0x3,"MGDI Driver","unused1","unused2") // Start with errors and warnings
- static GPE *gGPE = (GPE*)NULL;
- static ulong gBitMasks[] = { 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F }; // 565 MODE
- static TCHAR gszBaseInstance[256] = _T("Drivers\Display\S3C2440\CONFIG");
- #define dim(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
- // This prototype avoids problems exporting from .lib
- BOOL APIENTRY GPEEnableDriver(ULONG engineVersion, ULONG cj, DRVENABLEDATA *data,
- PENGCALLBACKS engineCallbacks);
- // GWES will invoke this routine once prior to making any other calls into the driver.
- // This routine needs to save its instance path information and return TRUE. If it
- // returns FALSE, GWES will abort the display initialization.
- DisplayInit(LPCTSTR pszInstance, DWORD dwNumMonitors)
- {
- DWORD dwStatus;
- HKEY hkDisplay;
- RETAILMSG(0, (_T("SALCD2: display instance '%s', num monitors %drn"),
- pszInstance != NULL ? pszInstance : _T("<NULL>"), dwNumMonitors));
- if(pszInstance != NULL) {
- _tcsncpy(gszBaseInstance, pszInstance, dim(gszBaseInstance));
- }
- // sanity check the path by making sure it exists
- dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszBaseInstance, 0, 0, &hkDisplay);
- if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RegCloseKey(hkDisplay);
- fOk = TRUE;
- } else {
- RETAILMSG(0, (_T("SALCD2: DisplayInit: can't open '%s'rn"), gszBaseInstance));
- }
- return fOk;
- }
- BOOL APIENTRY DrvEnableDriver(ULONG engineVersion, ULONG cj, DRVENABLEDATA *data,
- PENGCALLBACKS engineCallbacks)
- {
- // make sure we know where our registry configuration is
- if(gszBaseInstance[0] != 0) {
- fOk = GPEEnableDriver(engineVersion, cj, data, engineCallbacks);
- }
- return fOk;
- }
- //
- // Main entry point for a GPE-compliant driver
- //
- GPE *GetGPE(void)
- {
- if (!gGPE)
- {
- gGPE = new S3C2440DISP();
- }
- return gGPE;
- }
- #if (LCD_TYPE == TFT640_480)
- WORD TempBuffer[641][480];
- #elif (LCD_TYPE == TFT240_320)
- WORD TempBuffer[241][320];
- #endif
- S3C2440DISP::S3C2440DISP (void)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("++S3C2440DISP::S3C2440DISPrn")));
- // setup up display mode related constants
- #if (LCD_TYPE == TFT640_480)
- m_nScreenWidth = 640;
- m_nScreenHeight = 480;
- #elif (LCD_TYPE == TFT240_320)
- m_nScreenWidth = 240;
- m_nScreenHeight = 320;
- #endif
- m_colorDepth = 16;
- m_cbScanLineLength = m_nScreenWidth * 2;
- m_FrameBufferSize = m_nScreenHeight * m_cbScanLineLength;
- // memory map register access window, frame buffer, and program LCD controller
- InitializeHardware();
- #ifdef ROTATE
- m_iRotate = 0;
- SetRotateParms();
- #endif //ROTATE
- // setup ModeInfo structure
- m_ModeInfo.modeId = 0;
- m_ModeInfo.width = m_nScreenWidth;
- m_ModeInfo.height = m_nScreenHeight;
- m_ModeInfo.Bpp = m_colorDepth;
- m_ModeInfo.format = gpe16Bpp;
- m_ModeInfo.frequency = 60; // ?
- m_pMode = &m_ModeInfo;
- // allocate primary display surface
- #ifdef ROTATE
- m_pPrimarySurface = new GPESurfRotate(m_nScreenWidthSave, m_nScreenHeightSave, (void*)(m_VirtualFrameBuffer), m_cbScanLineLength, m_ModeInfo.format);
- #else
- m_pPrimarySurface = new GPESurf(m_nScreenWidth, m_nScreenHeight, (void*)(m_VirtualFrameBuffer), m_cbScanLineLength, m_ModeInfo.format);
- #endif //!ROTATE
- memset ((void*)m_pPrimarySurface->Buffer(), 0x0, m_FrameBufferSize);
- // init cursor related vars
- m_CursorVisible = FALSE;
- m_CursorDisabled = TRUE;
- m_CursorForcedOff = FALSE;
- memset (&m_CursorRect, 0x0, sizeof(m_CursorRect));
- m_CursorBackingStore = NULL;
- m_CursorXorShape = NULL;
- m_CursorAndShape = NULL;
- #ifdef CLEARTYPE
- HKEY hKey;
- DWORD dwValue;
- if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szGamma,0, NULL,0,0,0,&hKey,&dwValue))
- {
- {
- DWORD dwSize = sizeof(LONG);
- if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey,szGammaValue,0,&dwType,(BYTE *)&dwValue,&dwSize))
- {
- ulGamma = dwValue;
- }
- }
- else if (dwValue == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY )
- {
- RegSetValueEx(hKey,szGammaValue,0,REG_DWORD,(BYTE *)&ulGamma,sizeof(DWORD));
- }
- RegCloseKey(hKey);
- }
- SetClearTypeBltGamma(ulGamma);
- SetClearTypeBltMasks(gBitMasks[0], gBitMasks[1], gBitMasks[2]);
- #endif //CLEARTYPE
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("--S3C2440DISP::S3C2440DISPrn")));
- }
- void S3C2440DISP::InitializeHardware (void)
- {
- WORD *ptr;
- DWORD index;
- HKEY hkDisplay = NULL;
- DWORD dwLCDPhysicalFrameBase;
- DWORD dwStatus, dwType, dwSize;
- RETAILMSG(0, (_T("++S3C2440DISP::InitializeHardwarern")));
- // open the registry key and read our configuration
- dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszBaseInstance, 0, 0, &hkDisplay);
- dwType = REG_DWORD;
- if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) {
- dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
- dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hkDisplay, _T("LCDVirtualFrameBase"), NULL, &dwType,
- (LPBYTE) &gdwLCDVirtualFrameBase, &dwSize);
- }
- if(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) {
- dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
- dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hkDisplay, _T("LCDPhysicalFrameBase"), NULL, &dwType,
- (LPBYTE) &dwLCDPhysicalFrameBase, &dwSize);
- }
- // close the registry key
- if(hkDisplay != NULL) {
- RegCloseKey(hkDisplay);
- }
- // did we get everything?
- if(dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RETAILMSG(0, (_T("SALCD2: InitializeHardware: couldn't get registry configurationrn")));
- return;
- }
- // map frame buffer into process space memory
- #if (LCD_TYPE == TFT640_480)
- m_VirtualFrameBuffer = (DWORD)VirtualAlloc(0, (0xA0000), MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
- if (m_VirtualFrameBuffer == NULL)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0,(TEXT("m_VirtualFrameBuffer is not allocatednr")));
- return;
- }
- else if (!VirtualCopy((PVOID)m_VirtualFrameBuffer, (PVOID)gdwLCDVirtualFrameBase, (0xA0000), PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_NOCACHE))
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("m_VirtualFrameBuffer is not mappednr")));
- VirtualFree((PVOID)m_VirtualFrameBuffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- return;
- }
- #elif (LCD_TYPE == TFT240_320)
- m_VirtualFrameBuffer = (DWORD)VirtualAlloc(0, (0x30000), MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
- if (m_VirtualFrameBuffer == NULL)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0,(TEXT("m_VirtualFrameBuffer is not allocatednr")));
- return;
- }
- else if (!VirtualCopy((PVOID)m_VirtualFrameBuffer, (PVOID)gdwLCDVirtualFrameBase, (0x30000), PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_NOCACHE))
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("m_VirtualFrameBuffer is not mappednr")));
- VirtualFree((PVOID)m_VirtualFrameBuffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("m_VirtualFrameBuffer is mapped at %x(PHY : %x)nr"), m_VirtualFrameBuffer, gdwLCDVirtualFrameBase));
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("Clearing frame buffer !!!nr")));
- ptr = (WORD *)m_VirtualFrameBuffer;
- // clear rest of frame buffer out
- #if (LCD_TYPE == TFT640_480)
- for (index = 0; index < 640*480; index++)
- {
- if(index < 640*120)
- {
- ptr[index] = 0xf800;
- }
- else if(index < 640*120*2)
- {
- ptr[index] = 0x07e0;
- }
- else if(index < 640*120*3)
- {
- ptr[index] = 0x001f;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr[index] = 0xffff;
- }
- }
- #elif (LCD_TYPE == TFT240_320)
- for (index = 0; index < 320*240; index++)
- {
- if(index < 3200)
- {
- ptr[index] = 0xf800;
- }
- else if(index < 6400)
- {
- ptr[index] = 0x07e0;
- }
- else if(index < 9600)
- {
- ptr[index] = 0x001f;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr[index] = 0xffff;
- }
- }
- #endif
- RETAILMSG(1, (_T("--S3C2440DISP::InitializeHardwarern")));
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::SetMode (INT modeId, HPALETTE *palette)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("++S3C2440DISP::SetModern")));
- if (modeId != 0)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::SetMode Want mode %d, only have mode 0rn"),modeId));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- if (palette)
- {
- *palette = EngCreatePalette (PAL_BITFIELDS, 0, NULL, gBitMasks[0], gBitMasks[1], gBitMasks[2]);
- }
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("--S3C2440DISP::SetModern")));
- return S_OK;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::GetModeInfo(GPEMode *mode, INT modeNumber)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("++S3C2440DISP::GetModeInforn")));
- if (modeNumber != 0)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- *mode = m_ModeInfo;
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("--S3C2440DISP::GetModeInforn")));
- return S_OK;
- }
- int S3C2440DISP::NumModes()
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("++S3C2440DISP::NumModesrn")));
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("--S3C2440DISP::NumModesrn")));
- return 1;
- }
- void S3C2440DISP::CursorOn (void)
- {
- UCHAR *ptrScreen = (UCHAR*)m_pPrimarySurface->Buffer();
- UCHAR *ptrLine;
- UCHAR *cbsLine;
- #ifndef ROTATE
- UCHAR *xorLine;
- UCHAR *andLine;
- #endif //!ROTATE
- int x, y;
- if (!m_CursorForcedOff && !m_CursorDisabled && !m_CursorVisible)
- {
- #ifdef ROTATE
- RECTL rSave;
- int iRotate;
- #endif //ROTATE
- if (!m_CursorBackingStore)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::CursorOn - No backing store availablern")));
- return;
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- rSave = m_CursorRect;
- RotateRectl(&m_CursorRect);
- #endif //ROTATE
- for (y = m_CursorRect.top; y < m_CursorRect.bottom; y++)
- {
- if (y < 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- if (y >= m_nScreenHeightSave)
- #else
- if (y >= m_nScreenHeight)
- #endif //ROTATE
- {
- break;
- }
- ptrLine = &ptrScreen[y * m_pPrimarySurface->Stride()];
- cbsLine = &m_CursorBackingStore[(y - m_CursorRect.top) * (m_CursorSize.x * (m_colorDepth >> 3))];
- #ifndef ROTATE
- xorLine = &m_CursorXorShape[(y - m_CursorRect.top) * m_CursorSize.x];
- andLine = &m_CursorAndShape[(y - m_CursorRect.top) * m_CursorSize.x];
- #endif //!ROTATE
- for (x = m_CursorRect.left; x < m_CursorRect.right; x++)
- {
- if (x < 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- if (x >= m_nScreenWidthSave)
- #else
- if (x >= m_nScreenWidth)
- #endif //!ROTATE
- {
- break;
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- switch (m_iRotate)
- {
- case DMDO_0:
- iRotate = (y - m_CursorRect.top)*m_CursorSize.x + x - m_CursorRect.left;
- break;
- case DMDO_90:
- iRotate = (x - m_CursorRect.left)*m_CursorSize.x + m_CursorSize.y - 1 - (y - m_CursorRect.top);
- break;
- case DMDO_180:
- iRotate = (m_CursorSize.y - 1 - (y - m_CursorRect.top))*m_CursorSize.x + m_CursorSize.x - 1 - (x - m_CursorRect.left);
- break;
- case DMDO_270:
- iRotate = (m_CursorSize.x -1 - (x - m_CursorRect.left))*m_CursorSize.x + y - m_CursorRect.top;
- break;
- default:
- iRotate = (y - m_CursorRect.top)*m_CursorSize.x + x - m_CursorRect.left;
- break;
- }
- #endif //ROTATE
- cbsLine[(x - m_CursorRect.left) * (m_colorDepth >> 3)] = ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3)];
- #ifdef ROTATE
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3)] &= m_CursorAndShape[iRotate];
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3)] ^= m_CursorXorShape[iRotate];
- #else
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3)] &= andLine[x - m_CursorRect.left];
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3)] ^= xorLine[x - m_CursorRect.left];
- #endif //ROTATE
- if (m_colorDepth > 8)
- {
- cbsLine[(x - m_CursorRect.left) * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1] = ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1];
- #ifdef ROTATE
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1] &= m_CursorAndShape[iRotate];
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1] ^= m_CursorXorShape[iRotate];
- #else
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1] &= andLine[x - m_CursorRect.left];
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1] ^= xorLine[x - m_CursorRect.left];
- #endif //ROTATE
- if (m_colorDepth > 16)
- {
- cbsLine[(x - m_CursorRect.left) * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2] = ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2];
- #ifdef ROTATE
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2] &= m_CursorAndShape[iRotate];
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2] ^= m_CursorXorShape[iRotate];
- #else
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2] &= andLine[x - m_CursorRect.left];
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2] ^= xorLine[x - m_CursorRect.left];
- #endif //ROTATE
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- m_CursorRect = rSave;
- #endif
- m_CursorVisible = TRUE;
- }
- }
- void S3C2440DISP::CursorOff (void)
- {
- UCHAR *ptrScreen = (UCHAR*)m_pPrimarySurface->Buffer();
- UCHAR *ptrLine;
- UCHAR *cbsLine;
- int x, y;
- if (!m_CursorForcedOff && !m_CursorDisabled && m_CursorVisible)
- {
- #ifdef ROTATE
- RECTL rSave;
- #endif //ROTATE
- if (!m_CursorBackingStore)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::CursorOff - No backing store availablern")));
- return;
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- rSave = m_CursorRect;
- RotateRectl(&m_CursorRect);
- #endif //ROTATE
- for (y = m_CursorRect.top; y < m_CursorRect.bottom; y++)
- {
- // clip to displayable screen area (top/bottom)
- if (y < 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- #ifndef ROTATE
- if (y >= m_nScreenHeight)
- #else
- if (y >= m_nScreenHeightSave)
- #endif //!ROTATE
- {
- break;
- }
- ptrLine = &ptrScreen[y * m_pPrimarySurface->Stride()];
- cbsLine = &m_CursorBackingStore[(y - m_CursorRect.top) * (m_CursorSize.x * (m_colorDepth >> 3))];
- for (x = m_CursorRect.left; x < m_CursorRect.right; x++)
- {
- // clip to displayable screen area (left/right)
- if (x < 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- #ifndef ROTATE
- if (x >= m_nScreenWidth)
- #else
- if (x>= m_nScreenWidthSave)
- #endif //!ROTATE
- {
- break;
- }
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3)] = cbsLine[(x - m_CursorRect.left) * (m_colorDepth >> 3)];
- if (m_colorDepth > 8)
- {
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1] = cbsLine[(x - m_CursorRect.left) * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 1];
- if (m_colorDepth > 16)
- {
- ptrLine[x * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2] = cbsLine[(x - m_CursorRect.left) * (m_colorDepth >> 3) + 2];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- m_CursorRect = rSave;
- #endif //ROTATE
- m_CursorVisible = FALSE;
- }
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::SetPointerShape(GPESurf *pMask, GPESurf *pColorSurf, INT xHot, INT yHot, INT cX, INT cY)
- {
- UCHAR *andPtr; // input pointer
- UCHAR *xorPtr; // input pointer
- UCHAR *andLine; // output pointer
- UCHAR *xorLine; // output pointer
- char bAnd;
- char bXor;
- int row;
- int col;
- int i;
- int bitMask;
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::SetPointerShape(0x%X, 0x%X, %d, %d, %d, %d)rn"),pMask, pColorSurf, xHot, yHot, cX, cY));
- // turn current cursor off
- CursorOff();
- // release memory associated with old cursor
- if (m_CursorBackingStore)
- {
- delete (void*)m_CursorBackingStore;
- m_CursorBackingStore = NULL;
- }
- if (m_CursorXorShape)
- {
- delete (void*)m_CursorXorShape;
- m_CursorXorShape = NULL;
- }
- if (m_CursorAndShape)
- {
- delete (void*)m_CursorAndShape;
- m_CursorAndShape = NULL;
- }
- if (!pMask) // do we have a new cursor shape
- {
- m_CursorDisabled = TRUE; // no, so tag as disabled
- }
- else
- {
- m_CursorDisabled = FALSE; // yes, so tag as not disabled
- // allocate memory based on new cursor size
- m_CursorBackingStore = new UCHAR[(cX * (m_colorDepth >> 3)) * cY];
- m_CursorXorShape = new UCHAR[cX * cY];
- m_CursorAndShape = new UCHAR[cX * cY];
- // store size and hotspot for new cursor
- m_CursorSize.x = cX;
- m_CursorSize.y = cY;
- m_CursorHotspot.x = xHot;
- m_CursorHotspot.y = yHot;
- andPtr = (UCHAR*)pMask->Buffer();
- xorPtr = (UCHAR*)pMask->Buffer() + (cY * pMask->Stride());
- // store OR and AND mask for new cursor
- for (row = 0; row < cY; row++)
- {
- andLine = &m_CursorAndShape[cX * row];
- xorLine = &m_CursorXorShape[cX * row];
- for (col = 0; col < cX / 8; col++)
- {
- bAnd = andPtr[row * pMask->Stride() + col];
- bXor = xorPtr[row * pMask->Stride() + col];
- for (bitMask = 0x0080, i = 0; i < 8; bitMask >>= 1, i++)
- {
- andLine[(col * 8) + i] = bAnd & bitMask ? 0xFF : 0x00;
- xorLine[(col * 8) + i] = bXor & bitMask ? 0xFF : 0x00;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::MovePointer(INT xPosition, INT yPosition)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::MovePointer(%d, %d)rn"), xPosition, yPosition));
- CursorOff();
- if (xPosition != -1 || yPosition != -1)
- {
- // compute new cursor rect
- m_CursorRect.left = xPosition - m_CursorHotspot.x;
- m_CursorRect.right = m_CursorRect.left + m_CursorSize.x;
- m_CursorRect.top = yPosition - m_CursorHotspot.y;
- m_CursorRect.bottom = m_CursorRect.top + m_CursorSize.y;
- CursorOn();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- void S3C2440DISP::WaitForNotBusy(void)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::WaitForNotBusyrn")));
- return;
- }
- int S3C2440DISP::IsBusy(void)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::IsBusyrn")));
- return 0;
- }
- void S3C2440DISP::GetPhysicalVideoMemory(unsigned long *physicalMemoryBase, unsigned long *videoMemorySize)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::GetPhysicalVideoMemoryrn")));
- *physicalMemoryBase = gdwLCDVirtualFrameBase;
- *videoMemorySize = m_cbScanLineLength * m_nScreenHeight;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::AllocSurface(GPESurf **surface, INT width, INT height, EGPEFormat format, INT surfaceFlags)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::AllocSurfacern")));
- if (surfaceFlags & GPE_REQUIRE_VIDEO_MEMORY)
- {
- }
- // Allocate from system memory
- *surface = new GPESurf(width, height, format);
- if (*surface != NULL)
- {
- // Check that the bits were allocated succesfully
- if (((*surface)->Buffer()) == NULL)
- {
- delete *surface; // Clean up
- }
- else
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::WrappedEmulatedLine (GPELineParms *lineParameters)
- {
- SCODE retval;
- RECT bounds;
- int N_plus_1; // Minor length of bounding rect + 1
- // calculate the bounding-rect to determine overlap with cursor
- if (lineParameters->dN) // The line has a diagonal component (we'll refresh the bounding rect)
- {
- N_plus_1 = 2 + ((lineParameters->cPels * lineParameters->dN) / lineParameters->dM);
- }
- else
- {
- N_plus_1 = 1;
- }
- switch(lineParameters->iDir)
- {
- case 0:
- bounds.left = lineParameters->xStart;
- bounds.top = lineParameters->yStart;
- bounds.right = lineParameters->xStart + lineParameters->cPels + 1;
- bounds.bottom = bounds.top + N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 1:
- bounds.left = lineParameters->xStart;
- bounds.top = lineParameters->yStart;
- bounds.bottom = lineParameters->yStart + lineParameters->cPels + 1;
- bounds.right = bounds.left + N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 2:
- bounds.right = lineParameters->xStart + 1;
- bounds.top = lineParameters->yStart;
- bounds.bottom = lineParameters->yStart + lineParameters->cPels + 1;
- bounds.left = bounds.right - N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 3:
- bounds.right = lineParameters->xStart + 1;
- bounds.top = lineParameters->yStart;
- bounds.left = lineParameters->xStart - lineParameters->cPels;
- bounds.bottom = bounds.top + N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 4:
- bounds.right = lineParameters->xStart + 1;
- bounds.bottom = lineParameters->yStart + 1;
- bounds.left = lineParameters->xStart - lineParameters->cPels;
- bounds.top = bounds.bottom - N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 5:
- bounds.right = lineParameters->xStart + 1;
- bounds.bottom = lineParameters->yStart + 1;
- bounds.top = lineParameters->yStart - lineParameters->cPels;
- bounds.left = bounds.right - N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 6:
- bounds.left = lineParameters->xStart;
- bounds.bottom = lineParameters->yStart + 1;
- bounds.top = lineParameters->yStart - lineParameters->cPels;
- bounds.right = bounds.left + N_plus_1;
- break;
- case 7:
- bounds.left = lineParameters->xStart;
- bounds.bottom = lineParameters->yStart + 1;
- bounds.right = lineParameters->xStart + lineParameters->cPels + 1;
- bounds.top = bounds.bottom - N_plus_1;
- break;
- default:
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("Invalid direction: %drn"), lineParameters->iDir));
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- // check for line overlap with cursor and turn off cursor if overlaps
- if (m_CursorVisible && !m_CursorDisabled &&
- m_CursorRect.top < bounds.bottom && m_CursorRect.bottom > bounds.top &&
- m_CursorRect.left < bounds.right && m_CursorRect.right > bounds.left)
- {
- CursorOff();
- m_CursorForcedOff = TRUE;
- }
- // do emulated line
- retval = EmulatedLine (lineParameters);
- // se if cursor was forced off because of overlap with line bouneds and turn back on
- if (m_CursorForcedOff)
- {
- m_CursorForcedOff = FALSE;
- CursorOn();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::Line(GPELineParms *lineParameters, EGPEPhase phase)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::Linern")));
- if (phase == gpeSingle || phase == gpePrepare)
- {
- if ((lineParameters->pDst != m_pPrimarySurface))
- {
- lineParameters->pLine = EmulatedLine;
- }
- else
- {
- lineParameters->pLine = (SCODE (GPE::*)(struct GPELineParms *)) WrappedEmulatedLine;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::BltPrepare(GPEBltParms *blitParameters)
- {
- RECTL rectl;
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::BltPreparern")));
- // default to base EmulatedBlt routine
- blitParameters->pBlt = EmulatedBlt;
- // see if we need to deal with cursor
- if (m_CursorVisible && !m_CursorDisabled)
- {
- // check for destination overlap with cursor and turn off cursor if overlaps
- if (blitParameters->pDst == m_pPrimarySurface) // only care if dest is main display surface
- {
- if (blitParameters->prclDst != NULL) // make sure there is a valid prclDst
- {
- rectl = *blitParameters->prclDst; // if so, use it
- }
- else
- {
- rectl = m_CursorRect; // if not, use the Cursor rect - this forces the cursor to be turned off in this case
- }
- if (m_CursorRect.top < rectl.bottom && m_CursorRect.bottom > rectl.top &&
- m_CursorRect.left < rectl.right && m_CursorRect.right > rectl.left)
- {
- CursorOff();
- m_CursorForcedOff = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // check for source overlap with cursor and turn off cursor if overlaps
- if (blitParameters->pSrc == m_pPrimarySurface) // only care if source is main display surface
- {
- if (blitParameters->prclSrc != NULL) // make sure there is a valid prclSrc
- {
- rectl = *blitParameters->prclSrc; // if so, use it
- }
- else
- {
- rectl = m_CursorRect; // if not, use the CUrsor rect - this forces the cursor to be turned off in this case
- }
- if (m_CursorRect.top < rectl.bottom && m_CursorRect.bottom > rectl.top &&
- m_CursorRect.left < rectl.right && m_CursorRect.right > rectl.left)
- {
- CursorOff();
- m_CursorForcedOff = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- if (m_iRotate && (blitParameters->pDst == m_pPrimarySurface || blitParameters->pSrc == m_pPrimarySurface))
- {
- blitParameters->pBlt = (SCODE (GPE::*)(GPEBltParms *))EmulatedBltRotate;
- }
- #endif //ROTATE
- #ifdef CLEARTYPE
- if (((blitParameters->rop4 & 0xffff) == 0xaaf0 ) && (blitParameters->pMask->Format() == gpe8Bpp))
- {
- switch (m_colorDepth)
- {
- case 16:
- blitParameters->pBlt = (SCODE (GPE::*)(struct GPEBltParms *)) ClearTypeBlt::ClearTypeBltDst16;
- return S_OK;
- case 24:
- blitParameters->pBlt = (SCODE (GPE::*)(struct GPEBltParms *)) ClearTypeBlt::ClearTypeBltDst24;
- return S_OK;
- case 32:
- blitParameters->pBlt = (SCODE (GPE::*)(struct GPEBltParms *)) ClearTypeBlt::ClearTypeBltDst32;
- return S_OK;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif //CLEARTYPE
- // see if there are any optimized software blits available
- EmulatedBltSelect02(blitParameters);
- EmulatedBltSelect08(blitParameters);
- EmulatedBltSelect16(blitParameters);
- return S_OK;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::BltComplete(GPEBltParms *blitParameters)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::BltCompletern")));
- // see if cursor was forced off because of overlap with source or destination and turn back on
- if (m_CursorForcedOff)
- {
- m_CursorForcedOff = FALSE;
- CursorOn();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- INT S3C2440DISP::InVBlank(void)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::InVBlankrn")));
- return 0;
- }
- SCODE S3C2440DISP::SetPalette(const PALETTEENTRY *source, USHORT firstEntry, USHORT numEntries)
- {
- RETAILMSG(0, (TEXT("S3C2440DISP::SetPalettern")));
- if (firstEntry < 0 || firstEntry + numEntries > 256 || source == NULL)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- ULONG S3C2440DISP::GetGraphicsCaps()
- {
- #ifdef CLEARTYPE
- #else
- return GCAPS_GRAY16;
- #endif
- }
- void RegisterDDHALAPI(void)
- {
- return; // no DDHAL support
- }
- #if defined(CLEARTYPE) || defined(ROTATE)
- //extern GetGammaValue(ULONG * pGamma);
- //extern SetGammaValue(ULONG ulGamma, BOOL bUpdateReg);
- ULONG S3C2440DISP::DrvEscape(
- SURFOBJ *pso,
- ULONG iEsc,
- ULONG cjIn,
- PVOID pvIn,
- ULONG cjOut,
- PVOID pvOut)
- {
- /*
- {
- return GetGammaValue((ULONG *)pvOut);
- }
- else if (iEsc == DRVESC_SETGAMMAVALUE)
- {
- return SetGammaValue(cjIn, *(BOOL *)pvIn);
- }
- */
- #ifdef ROTATE
- {
- *(int *)pvOut = ((DMDO_0 | DMDO_90 | DMDO_180 | DMDO_270) << 8) | ((BYTE)m_iRotate);
- }
- {
- if ((cjIn == DMDO_0) ||
- (cjIn == DMDO_90) ||
- (cjIn == DMDO_180) ||
- (cjIn == DMDO_270) )
- {
- return DynRotate(cjIn);
- }
- }
- #endif //ROTATE & ROTATE
- return 0;
- }
- #endif //CLEARTYPE
- ULONG *APIENTRY DrvGetMasks(DHPDEV dhpdev)
- {
- return gBitMasks;
- }
- #ifdef ROTATE
- void S3C2440DISP::SetRotateParms()
- {
- int iswap;
- switch(m_iRotate)
- {
- case DMDO_0:
- m_nScreenHeightSave = m_nScreenHeight;
- m_nScreenWidthSave = m_nScreenWidth;
- break;
- case DMDO_180:
- m_nScreenHeightSave = m_nScreenHeight;
- m_nScreenWidthSave = m_nScreenWidth;
- break;
- case DMDO_90:
- case DMDO_270:
- iswap = m_nScreenHeight;
- m_nScreenHeight = m_nScreenWidth;
- m_nScreenWidth = iswap;
- m_nScreenHeightSave = m_nScreenWidth;
- m_nScreenWidthSave = m_nScreenHeight;
- break;
- default:
- m_nScreenHeightSave = m_nScreenHeight;
- m_nScreenWidthSave = m_nScreenWidth;
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- LONG S3C2440DISP::DynRotate(int angle)
- {
- GPESurfRotate *pSurf = (GPESurfRotate *)m_pPrimarySurface;
- if (angle == m_iRotate)
- m_iRotate = angle;
- switch(m_iRotate)
- {
- case DMDO_0:
- case DMDO_180:
- m_nScreenHeight = m_nScreenHeightSave;
- m_nScreenWidth = m_nScreenWidthSave;
- break;
- case DMDO_90:
- case DMDO_270:
- m_nScreenHeight = m_nScreenWidthSave;
- m_nScreenWidth = m_nScreenHeightSave;
- break;
- }
- m_pMode->width = m_nScreenWidth;
- m_pMode->height = m_nScreenHeight;
- pSurf->SetRotation(m_nScreenWidth, m_nScreenHeight, angle);
- }
- #endif //ROTATE