资源名称:SMDK2440.rar [点击查看]
Windows CE
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ;
- ;
- ; Use of this source code is subject to the terms of the Microsoft end-user
- ; license agreement (EULA) under which you licensed this SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
- ; If you did not accept the terms of the EULA, you are not authorized to use
- ; this source code. For a copy of the EULA, please see the LICENSE.RTF on your
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- ;
- ; Module Name:
- ;
- ; mmu.s
- ;
- ; Abstract:
- ;
- ; This module contains code for setting up a page table, enabling the MMU,
- ; and enabling the Dcache. It is used to set up for the bootloader.
- ;
- ; Author:
- ;
- ; Thomas Fenwick (thomasf) 04-Feb-97
- ;
- ; Environment:
- ;
- ; Kernel mode only.
- ;
- ; Revision History:
- ;
- ; Janet Schneider (v-janets) 06-November-1997
- ; Scott Shell (scottsh) 18-Jan-1999 Revised for Hornet
- ;
- ; Revised from armtrap.s
- ;
- ;--
- INCLUDE kxarm.h
- MemoryMap EQU 0x2a4 ; From ksarm.h - to get this to compile
- BANK_SIZE EQU 0x00100000 ; 1MB per bank in MemoryMap array
- ;
- ; Define RAM space for the Page Tables:
- ;
- PHYBASE EQU 0x30000000 ; physical start
- PTs EQU 0x30010000 ; 1st level page table address (PHYBASE + 0x10000)
- ; save room for interrupt vectors.
- MTC15 $cpureg, $cp15reg
- mcr p15, 0, $cpureg, $cp15reg, c0, 0
- MFC15 $cpureg, $cp15reg
- mrc p15, 0, $cpureg, $cp15reg, c0, 0
- IMPORT main
- ; KernelStart - Set up the MMU and Dcache for bootloader
- ;
- ; This routine will initialize the first-level page table based up the contents
- ; of the MemoryMap array and enable the MMU and caches.
- ;
- ; Entry (r0) = pointer to MemoryMap array in physical memory
- ; Exit returns if MemoryMap is invalid
- ; For Catfish, we are always in RAM.
- LEAF_ENTRY KernelStart
- 15 mov r11, r0 ; (r11) = &MemoryMap (save pointer)
- ldr r10, =PTs ; (r10) = 1st level page table
- ; Setup 1st level page table (using section descriptor)
- ; Fill in first level page table entries to create "un-mapped" regions
- ; from the contents of the MemoryMap array.
- ;
- ; (r10) = 1st level page table
- ; (r11) = ptr to MemoryMap array
- add r10, r10, #0x2000 ; (r10) = ptr to 1st PTE for "unmapped space"
- mov r0, #0x0E ; (r0) = PTE for 0: 1MB cachable bufferable
- orr r0, r0, #0x400 ; set kernel r/w permission
- 20 mov r1, r11 ; (r1) = ptr to MemoryMap array
- 25 ldr r2, [r1], #4 ; (r2) = virtual address to map Bank at
- ldr r3, [r1], #4 ; (r3) = physical address to map from
- ldr r4, [r1], #4 ; (r4) = num MB to map
- cmp r4, #0 ; End of table?
- beq %F29
- ldr r5, =0x1FF00000
- and r2, r2, r5 ; VA needs 512MB, 1MB aligned.
- ldr r5, =0xFFF00000
- and r3, r3, r5 ; PA needs 4GB, 1MB aligned.
- add r2, r10, r2, LSR #18
- add r0, r0, r3 ; (r0) = PTE for next physical page
- 28 str r0, [r2], #4
- add r0, r0, #0x00100000 ; (r0) = PTE for next physical page
- sub r4, r4, #1 ; Decrement number of MB left
- cmp r4, #0
- bne %B28 ; Map next MB
- bic r0, r0, #0xF0000000 ; Clear Section Base Address Field
- bic r0, r0, #0x0FF00000 ; Clear Section Base Address Field
- b %B25 ; Get next element
- 29 tst r0, #8
- bic r0, r0, #0x0C ; clear cachable & bufferable bits in PTE
- add r10, r10, #0x0800 ; (r10) = ptr to 1st PTE for "unmapped uncached space"
- bne %B20 ; go setup PTEs for uncached space
- sub r10, r10, #0x3000 ; (r10) = restore address of 1st level page table
- ; setup mmu to map (VA == 0) to (PA == 0x30000000)
- ldr r0, =PTs ; PTE entry for VA = 0
- ldr r1, =0x3000040E ; uncache/unbuffer/rw, PA base == 0x30000000
- str r1, [r0]
- ; uncached area
- add r0, r0, #0x0800 ; PTE entry for VA = 0x0200.0000 , uncached
- ldr r1, =0x30000402 ; uncache/unbuffer/rw, base == 0x30000000
- str r1, [r0]
- ; Comment:
- ; The following loop is to direct map RAM VA == PA. i.e.
- ; VA == 0x30XXXXXX => PA == 0x30XXXXXX for S3C2400
- ; Fill in 8 entries to have a direct mapping for DRAM
- ldr r10, =PTs ; restore address of 1st level page table
- ldr r0, =PHYBASE
- add r10, r10, #(0x3000 / 4) ; (r10) = ptr to 1st PTE for 0x30000000
- add r0, r0, #0x1E ; 1MB cachable bufferable
- orr r0, r0, #0x400 ; set kernel r/w permission
- mov r1, #0
- mov r3, #64
- 35 mov r2, r1 ; (r2) = virtual address to map Bank at
- cmp r2, #0x20000000:SHR:BANK_SHIFT
- add r2, r10, r2, LSL #BANK_SHIFT-18
- strlo r0, [r2]
- add r0, r0, #0x00100000 ; (r0) = PTE for next physical page
- subs r3, r3, #1
- add r1, r1, #1
- bgt %B35
- ldr r10, =PTs ; (r10) = restore address of 1st level page table
- ;
- ; The page tables and exception vectors are setup. Initialize the MMU and turn
- ; it on.
- mov r1, #1
- MTC15 r1, c3 ; setup access to domain 0
- MTC15 r10, c2
- mcr p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0 ; flush I+D TLBs
- mov r1, #0x0071 ; Enable: MMU
- orr r1, r1, #0x0004 ; Enable the cache
- ldr r0, =VirtualStart
- cmp r0, #0 ; make sure no stall on "mov pc,r0" below
- MTC15 r1, c1 ; enable the MMU & Caches
- mov pc, r0 ; & jump to new virtual address
- nop
- ; MMU & caches now enabled.
- ;
- ; (r10) = physcial address of 1st level page table
- VirtualStart
- mov sp, #0x8C000000
- add sp, sp, #0x30000 ; arbitrary initial super-page stack pointer
- b main