- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* FileName : clPlot.h
- //* Description : Real Time Plot for MFC
- //* Contents: : axis y (x) axis info.
- //* timeaxis time axis info
- //* legend legend info.
- //* serie data serie info & array
- //* clPlot The plot itself.
- //* Author : Jan Vidar Berger, Modified by Bill Chen
- //* Time : 2004.7.20
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- #if !defined(AFX_DQPLOT_H__0D536D37_5CF1_11D1_AED1_0060973A08A4__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_DQPLOT_H__0D536D37_5CF1_11D1_AED1_0060973A08A4__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- // clPlot.h : header file
- //
- #define SERIENUMBER 5
- #define MAXSIRIEDATA 140 // 60 * 2, 每格最多两个数据
- #define COORWIDTH 35 // 坐标数值的宽度
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* simple data value struct. used in dynamic array
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- typedef struct _value{
- double dValue;
- CTime ValueTime;
- }value;
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* non-time axis. used for left and right y axis. might be used for x as well.
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- class AFX_EXT_CLASS axis
- {
- public:
- double minrange;
- double maxrange;
- double m_dValuePrPixel;
- axis()
- {
- minrange = 0.0;
- maxrange = 200.0;
- m_dValuePrPixel = 1;
- };
- };
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* time axis
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- class AFX_EXT_CLASS timeaxis
- {
- public:
- CString m_szTitle; // time axis title;
- CTime m_mintime; // min time
- CTime m_maxtime; // max time
- int m_iTimeMode; // axis grid and legend interval index
- double m_dSecondsPrPixel; //时间间隔(秒)/画图区宽度
- timeaxis()
- {
- m_szTitle = "Time";
- m_mintime = 0;
- m_maxtime = 600;
- m_iTimeMode = 0;
- m_dSecondsPrPixel = 1;
- }
- };
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* legend
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- /*
- class AFX_EXT_CLASS legend
- {
- public:
- COLORREF m_color; // legend color code
- int m_istyle;
- CString m_szTitle; // legend title
- legend(){
- m_color = 0;
- m_istyle = PS_SOLID;
- m_szTitle = "";
- }
- };
- */
- /*******************************************************************************************************
- //* data serie
- 改进的循环队列, 元素个数为 #define MAXSIRIEDATA 120 + 1 个,
- 开始时, m_lbegin == m_lend
- 访问数据时, 若 m_lbegin != m_lend, go on!
- *******************************************************************************************************/
- class AFX_EXT_CLASS serie
- {
- public:
- COLORREF m_color; // serie line color
- int m_iLineStyle; // line style
- value m_pvalues[MAXSIRIEDATA]; // value array
- int m_lbegin; // list begin
- int m_lend; // list end
- // Added later
- int m_nMinValue;
- int m_nMaxValue;
- CString m_strTitle;
- serie();
- ~serie();
- void AddPoint(CTime &valuetime, double y);
- void Reset();
- //private:
- int m_lNoValues; // number values (used for array size)
- };
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Class : clPlot
- //*
- //* Base Class : public CWnd
- //*
- //* Description : Plot Component.
- //*
- //* This is a standard plot and can be used for any application.
- //*
- //* 1. A special 'autoscroll'mode exist for real time plots.
- //* 2. Only a minimum of features are implemented.
- //* 3. Series and legends are separated and must be set up individually.
- //* 4. A set of defines (see top of file) are used to set the max array sizes.
- //* 5. Only time are supported as x-axis.
- //* 6. A large range of pre-calculated values are used for maximum speed.
- //*
- //* Author : Jan Vidar Berger
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- class AFX_EXT_CLASS clPlot : public CWnd
- {
- // Construction
- public:
- clPlot( int timespan = 1 ); // timespan in minutes
- // clPlot(clPlot &plot);
- virtual ~clPlot();
- // Attributes
- public:
- int m_nSpanTime;
- // bool m_bReDraw;
- CRect m_clientRect; // actual controlled rect
- CRect m_plotRect; // clientRect - margins
- int m_iMleft; // left margin
- int m_iMright; // right margin
- int m_iMtop; // top margin
- int m_iMbottom; // bottom margin
- COLORREF m_ctlBkColor; // control background color
- COLORREF m_gridColor; // grid line color
- BOOL m_bAutoScrollX; // automatic x range scrolling, import
- // legend m_pLegends[SERIENUMBER];
- serie m_series[SERIENUMBER]; // 存放点位置
- timeaxis m_timeaxis; // bottom axis
- CFont m_font;
- // 定义两种字体格式
- LOGFONT m_logFont;
- LOGFONT m_zoomFont; // 默认字体, used in ComputeRects
- double m_dzoom;
- int m_TextHeight; // 一个字符的高度
- // Operations
- public:
- BOOL Create(DWORD dwstyle, CRect &rect, CWnd *pParent, UINT id);
- void MoveWindow(CRect &Rect);
- void ClearData();
- virtual void Draw(CDC * dc); // Draw the entire plot
- virtual void DrawBasic(CDC * dc); // Draw plot basics
- virtual void DrawPlot(CDC * dc); // Draw the plot series
- virtual void DrawSerie(CDC *dc, int serie);
- virtual void DrawGrid(CDC * dc); // Draw grids
- virtual void DrawYAxisGrid(CDC * dc);
- virtual void DrawXAxisGrid(CDC * dc);
- virtual void ComputeRects(BOOL bInitialize);
- virtual BOOL AddPoint(int serie, CTime &valuetime, double y);
- virtual void SetBXRange(CTime &fromtime, CTime &totime,BOOL bMove=TRUE);
- virtual void SetSerie(int s, int style, COLORREF color,
- int minrange, int maxrange, const char *szTitle);
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(clPlot)
- // Implementation
- public:
- // void SetRedraw( bool b );
- // clPlot& operator = ( clPlot &plot );
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(clPlot)
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- //}}AFX_MSG
- BOOL clPlot::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) ;
- private:
- void WriteLegend(CDC *dc, int s);
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined(AFX_DQPLOT_H__0D536D37_5CF1_11D1_AED1_0060973A08A4__INCLUDED_)