



  1. using System;
  2. using System.Windows.Forms;
  3. using System.Drawing;
  4. namespace DrawTools
  5. {
  6. /// <summary>
  7. /// Pointer tool
  8. /// </summary>
  9. class ToolPointer : DrawTools.Tool
  10. {
  11.         private enum SelectionMode
  12.         {
  13.             None,
  14.             NetSelection,   // group selection is active
  15.             Move,           // object(s) are moves
  16.             Size            // object is resized
  17.         }
  18.         private SelectionMode selectMode = SelectionMode.None;
  19.         // Object which is currently resized:
  20.         private DrawObject resizedObject;
  21.         private int resizedObjectHandle;
  22.         // Keep state about last and current point (used to move and resize objects)
  23.         private Point lastPoint = new Point(0,0);
  24.         private Point startPoint = new Point(0, 0);
  25.         private CommandChangeState commandChangeState;
  26.         bool wasMove;
  27. public ToolPointer()
  28. {
  29. }
  30.         /// <summary>
  31.         /// Left mouse button is pressed
  32.         /// </summary>
  33.         /// <param name="drawArea"></param>
  34.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  35.         public override void OnMouseDown(DrawArea drawArea, MouseEventArgs e)
  36.         {
  37.             commandChangeState = null;
  38.             wasMove = false;
  39.             selectMode = SelectionMode.None;
  40.             Point point = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
  41.             // Test for resizing (only if control is selected, cursor is on the handle)
  42.             foreach (DrawObject o in drawArea.GraphicsList.Selection)
  43.             {
  44.                 int handleNumber = o.HitTest(point);
  45.                 if (handleNumber > 0)
  46.                 {
  47.                     selectMode = SelectionMode.Size;
  48.                     // keep resized object in class member
  49.                     resizedObject = o;
  50.                     resizedObjectHandle = handleNumber;
  51.                     // Since we want to resize only one object, unselect all other objects
  52.                     drawArea.GraphicsList.UnselectAll();
  53.                     o.Selected = true;
  54.                     commandChangeState = new CommandChangeState(drawArea.GraphicsList);
  55.                     break;
  56.                 }
  57.             }
  58.             // Test for move (cursor is on the object)
  59.             if ( selectMode == SelectionMode.None )
  60.             {
  61.                 int n1 = drawArea.GraphicsList.Count;
  62.                 DrawObject o = null;
  63.                 for ( int i = 0; i < n1; i++ )
  64.                 {
  65.                     if ( drawArea.GraphicsList[i].HitTest(point) == 0 )
  66.                     {
  67.                         o = drawArea.GraphicsList[i];
  68.                         break;
  69.                     }
  70.                 }
  71.                 if ( o != null )
  72.                 {
  73.                     selectMode = SelectionMode.Move;
  74.                     // Unselect all if Ctrl is not pressed and clicked object is not selected yet
  75.                     if ( ( Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control ) == 0  && !o.Selected )
  76.                         drawArea.GraphicsList.UnselectAll();
  77.                     // Select clicked object
  78.                     o.Selected = true;
  79.                     commandChangeState = new CommandChangeState(drawArea.GraphicsList);
  80.                     drawArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
  81.                 }
  82.             }
  83.             // Net selection
  84.             if ( selectMode == SelectionMode.None )
  85.             {
  86.                 // click on background
  87.                 if ( ( Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control ) == 0 )
  88.                     drawArea.GraphicsList.UnselectAll();
  89.                 selectMode = SelectionMode.NetSelection;
  90.             }
  91.             lastPoint.X = e.X;
  92.             lastPoint.Y = e.Y;
  93.             startPoint.X = e.X;
  94.             startPoint.Y = e.Y;
  95.             drawArea.Capture = true;
  96.             drawArea.Refresh();
  97.             if ( selectMode == SelectionMode.NetSelection )
  98.             {
  99.                 // Draw selection rectangle in initial position
  100.                 ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(
  101.                     drawArea.RectangleToScreen(DrawRectangle.GetNormalizedRectangle(startPoint, lastPoint)),
  102.                     Color.Black,
  103.                     FrameStyle.Dashed);
  104.             }
  105.         }
  106.         /// <summary>
  107.         /// Mouse is moved.
  108.         /// None button is pressed, or left button is pressed.
  109.         /// </summary>
  110.         /// <param name="drawArea"></param>
  111.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  112.         public override void OnMouseMove(DrawArea drawArea, MouseEventArgs e)
  113.         {
  114.             Point point = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
  115.             Point oldPoint = lastPoint;
  116.             wasMove = true;
  117.             // set cursor when mouse button is not pressed
  118.             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.None)
  119.             {
  120.                 Cursor cursor = null;
  121.                 for (int i = 0; i < drawArea.GraphicsList.Count; i++)
  122.                 {
  123.                     int n = drawArea.GraphicsList[i].HitTest(point);
  124.                     if (n > 0)
  125.                     {
  126.                         cursor = drawArea.GraphicsList[i].GetHandleCursor(n);
  127.                         break;
  128.                     }
  129.                 }
  130.                 if (cursor == null)
  131.                     cursor = Cursors.Default;
  132.                 drawArea.Cursor = cursor;
  133.                 return;
  134.             }
  135.             if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)
  136.                 return;
  137.             /// Left button is pressed
  138.             // Find difference between previous and current position
  139.             int dx = e.X - lastPoint.X;
  140.             int dy = e.Y - lastPoint.Y;
  141.             lastPoint.X = e.X;
  142.             lastPoint.Y = e.Y;
  143.             // resize
  144.             if (selectMode == SelectionMode.Size)
  145.             {
  146.                 if (resizedObject != null)
  147.                 {
  148.                     resizedObject.MoveHandleTo(point, resizedObjectHandle);
  149.                     drawArea.SetDirty();
  150.                     drawArea.Refresh();
  151.                 }
  152.             }
  153.             // move
  154.             if (selectMode == SelectionMode.Move)
  155.             {
  156.                 foreach (DrawObject o in drawArea.GraphicsList.Selection)
  157.                 {
  158.                     o.Move(dx, dy);
  159.                 }
  160.                 drawArea.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
  161.                 drawArea.SetDirty();
  162.                 drawArea.Refresh();
  163.             }
  164.             if (selectMode == SelectionMode.NetSelection)
  165.             {
  166.                 // Remove old selection rectangle
  167.                 ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(
  168.                     drawArea.RectangleToScreen(DrawRectangle.GetNormalizedRectangle(startPoint, oldPoint)),
  169.                     Color.Black,
  170.                     FrameStyle.Dashed);
  171.                 // Draw new selection rectangle
  172.                 ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(
  173.                     drawArea.RectangleToScreen(DrawRectangle.GetNormalizedRectangle(startPoint, point)),
  174.                     Color.Black,
  175.                     FrameStyle.Dashed);
  176.                 return;
  177.             }
  178.         }
  179.         /// <summary>
  180.         /// Right mouse button is released
  181.         /// </summary>
  182.         /// <param name="drawArea"></param>
  183.         /// <param name="e"></param>
  184.         public override void OnMouseUp(DrawArea drawArea, MouseEventArgs e)
  185.         {
  186.             if ( selectMode == SelectionMode.NetSelection )
  187.             {
  188.                 // Remove old selection rectangle
  189.                 ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame(
  190.                     drawArea.RectangleToScreen(DrawRectangle.GetNormalizedRectangle(startPoint, lastPoint)),
  191.                     Color.Black,
  192.                     FrameStyle.Dashed);
  193.                 // Make group selection
  194.                 drawArea.GraphicsList.SelectInRectangle(
  195.                     DrawRectangle.GetNormalizedRectangle(startPoint, lastPoint));
  196.                 selectMode = SelectionMode.None;
  197.             }
  198.             if ( resizedObject != null )
  199.             {
  200.                 // after resizing
  201.                 resizedObject.Normalize();
  202.                 resizedObject = null;
  203.             }
  204.             drawArea.Capture = false;
  205.             drawArea.Refresh();
  206.             if ( commandChangeState != null  && wasMove )
  207.             {
  208.                 // Keep state after moving/resizing and add command to history
  209.                 commandChangeState.NewState(drawArea.GraphicsList);
  210.                 drawArea.AddCommandToHistory(commandChangeState);
  211.                 commandChangeState = null;
  212.             }
  213.         }
  214. }
  215. }