- #include "config.h"
- #include "regmap.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "sio.h"
- #include "epp.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "memmap.h"
- #ifdef CS8403_ENABLE
- #define CS8403A_BASE_64 (32) //32 * 64K(2^16)
- #define CS8403A_BASE_S (ROM_BASE_UNCACHED | ((CS8403A_BASE_64*2)<<16))
- //#define CS8403A_BASE_64 (0x100) //32 * 64K(2^16)
- //#define CS8403A_BASE_S (ROM_BASE_UNCACHED | (0x1000000) )
- void write_cs8403a(BYTE StartAdd,BYTE CmdData);
- static inline void SET_RW_0(void)
- {
- #ifdef SPHE8202
- // GPIO_O_SET(17,0);
- GPIO_O_SET(16,0);
- #else
- regs0->gpio_out[55 / 16] &= ~(0x1 << (55 % 16));
- #endif
- }
- static inline void SET_RW_1(void)
- {
- #ifndef SPHE8202
- regs0->gpio_out[55 / 16] |= (0x1 << (55 % 16));
- #endif
- //GPIO_O_SET(17,1);
- //delay_1ms(10);
- GPIO_O_SET(16,1);
- }
- static inline void init_cs8403a(void)
- {
- //UINT32 u;
- BYTE i;
- write_cs8403a(1,0x00);
- //write_cs8403a(2,0x80);//CHIP DIABLE and MUTE
- write_cs8403a(2,0x83);//CHIP ENABLE and MUTE
- write_cs8403a(3,0x0D);//I2S LEft alignment
- write_cs8403a(4,0x00);//USER data
- write_cs8403a(5,0x00);//USER data
- write_cs8403a(6,0x00);//USER data
- write_cs8403a(7,0x00);//USER data
- write_cs8403a(8,0x00);//CHANELL STATUS
- write_cs8403a(9,0x98);//CHANELL STATUS
- write_cs8403a(10,0x00);//CHANELL STATUS
- write_cs8403a(11,0x40);//CHANELL STATUS 48kHZ
- //write_cs8403a(11,0x00);//CHANELL STATUS 44kHZ
- for(i=12;i<32;i++)
- {
- write_cs8403a(i,0x00);//CHANELL STATUS
- }
- regs0->sft_cfg1=regs0->sft_cfg1&(~(1<<0x02));//pin77,GPIO 17
- GPIO_M_SET(17,1);
- GPIO_E_SET(17,1);
- GPIO_O_SET(17,1);
- }
- void init_cs8403a__(void)
- {
- BYTE i;
- regs0->rom1_base = CS8403A_BASE_64;
- regs0->rom2_base = CS8403A_BASE_64*2;
- regs0->rom3_base = CS8403A_BASE_64*3;
- #ifdef SPHE8202
- regs0->sft_cfg1=regs0->sft_cfg1&(~(1<<0x03));//pin76,GPIO 16
- GPIO_M_SET(16,1);
- GPIO_E_SET(16,1);
- //regs0->sft_cfg1=regs0->sft_cfg1&(~(1<<0x02));//pin77,GPIO 17
- regs0->sft_cfg1=regs0->sft_cfg1|((1<<0x02));//pin77,GPIO 17
- //GPIO_M_SET(17,1);
- //GPIO_E_SET(17,1);
- //GPIO_O_SET(17,1);
- #else
- regs0->sft_cfg1 |= (0x7<<1);
- #endif
- for(i=0;i<2;i++)
- {
- init_cs8403a();
- }
- }
- void write_cs8403a(BYTE StartAdd,BYTE CmdData)
- {
- BYTE *sndPtr; //write pointer
- sndPtr = (BYTE *)(CS8403A_BASE_S+StartAdd);
- SET_RW_0();
- *sndPtr= CmdData;
- SET_RW_1();
- }
- #endif