- /*
- ** freyman delete this file from Makefile 2004-3-23 15:07
- */
- #include "user_init.h"
- #ifdef SVA_SAMPLE
- #include "global.h"
- #include "osd.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "ircmd.h"
- #include "memmap.h"
- #include "dsp3_if.h"
- #include "cchar.h"
- #define LFront 0
- #define RFront 1
- #define LSurround 2
- #define RSurround 3
- #define CCenter 4
- #define SWoofer 5
- #define TOPLEVEL 16
- BYTE amp_enter_flag = 0;
- typedef void (*AMPFUNC) ();
- extern void osd_init_ampvol(void);
- extern void strcat1(char *,char *);
- extern void set_lfront(void);
- extern void set_rfront(void);
- extern void set_lrear(void);
- extern void set_rrear(void);
- extern void set_center(void);
- extern void set_woofer(void);
- void ShowAmpvolPage(void);
- void ampvol_show_level(int id,INT8 level,BYTE total_level) ;
- /*
- ** WARNING!!!!
- ** If you want to modify following two lists,
- ** You must be sure that you have known the meaning of them and how they
- ** be used in functions,
- ** OR,
- ** You must make the three list in the same sequence
- ** you can't declar lev_list to const type ,for the levels could be modified.
- */
- BYTE * lev_list[6] =
- {
- &lfront_level,&rfront_level,
- &lrear_level,&rrear_level,
- ¢er_level,&woofer_level,
- };
- const AMPFUNC amp_func_table[6] =
- {
- set_lfront,
- set_rfront,
- set_lrear,
- set_rrear,
- set_center,
- set_woofer,
- };
- const UINT16 id_list[6] =
- {
- };
- void ampvol_func(void)
- {
- full_scrn=AMPVOL;
- if(amp_enter_flag==0)
- {
- set_volume(80);
- amp_enter_flag++;
- }
- else if(amp_enter_flag==1)
- {
- ampvol_init();
- amp_enter_flag++;
- }
- else if(amp_enter_flag==2)
- {
- ampvol_exit();
- amp_enter_flag = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Function ampvol_init:
- ** 1.set index_y to 0 means active line at present;
- ** 2.init osd for ampvol that is different to others, coordinate and quantity of regions
- ** the page on screen
- */
- void ampvol_init(void)
- {
- index_y = 0;
- // full_scrn=AMPVOL;
- osd_init_ampvol();
- ShowAmpvolPage();
- }
- /*
- ** show six lines that we need, the sequence is
- ** according to the list of level
- */
- void ShowAmpvolPage(void)
- {
- BYTE temp;
- for(temp=0;temp<6;temp++)
- ampvol_show_level(temp,*lev_list[temp],TOPLEVEL);
- }
- /*
- ** func_left to responce to the iremote of left button
- ** both display and set pt2322 register
- */
- void ampvol_func_left(void)
- {
- if(amp_enter_flag==1)
- {
- set_volume(0);
- return;
- }
- if((*lev_list[index_y])==0)
- return;
- (*lev_list[index_y])--;
- ampvol_show_level(index_y,*lev_list[index_y],TOPLEVEL);
- amp_func_table[index_y]();
- }
- /*
- ** func_right to responce to the iremote of right button
- ** both display and set pt2322 register
- */
- void ampvol_func_right(void)
- {
- if(amp_enter_flag==1)
- {
- set_volume(1);
- return;
- }
- if((*lev_list[index_y])==15)
- return;
- (*lev_list[index_y])++;
- ampvol_show_level(index_y,*lev_list[index_y],TOPLEVEL);
- amp_func_table[index_y]();
- }
- /*
- ** func_up to responce to the iremote of up button
- ** display the line active present and renew the line before
- */
- void ampvol_func_up(void)
- {
- if(index_y==0)
- return;
- index_y--;
- ampvol_show_level(index_y+1,*lev_list[index_y+1],TOPLEVEL);
- ampvol_show_level(index_y,*lev_list[index_y],TOPLEVEL);
- }
- /*
- ** func_down to responce to the iremote of down button
- ** display the line active present and renew the line before
- */
- void ampvol_func_down(void)
- {
- if(index_y==5)
- return;
- index_y++;
- ampvol_show_level(index_y-1,*lev_list[index_y-1],TOPLEVEL);
- ampvol_show_level(index_y,*lev_list[index_y],TOPLEVEL);
- }
- /*
- ** exit function :
- ** 1.reset index_y to 0
- ** 2.init osd to ready for other application
- **
- */
- void ampvol_exit(void)
- {
- index_y = 0;
- osd_disable();
- full_scrn=0;
- amp_enter_flag = 0;
- osd_init();
- }
- /*
- **
- */
- void ampvol_show_level(int id,INT8 level,BYTE total_level)
- {
- BYTE i;
- int pos;
- BYTE buf[5];
- linebuf[0] = ' ';
- linebuf[1] = '[';
- pos = 2;
- for(i=pos;i<level+pos;i++)
- linebuf[i] = N_longbar; //long bar
- for(i=level+pos;i<total_level-1+pos;i++)
- linebuf[i] = N_shortbar; //short bar
- linebuf[total_level-1+pos] = 0;
- psprintf(RegionValStr[id+1],"] %02d",level);
- strcat1(linebuf,RegionValStr[id+1]);
- if(index_y==id)
- {
- strcpy(buf,_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][STR_OS_DIR7]);
- strcat1(linebuf,buf);
- }
- strcpy(RegionValStr[id+1], linebuf);
- PrintOsdMsg(id_list[id], (id+1),0,1);
- }
- #endif //SVA_SAMPLE