



  1. Font_traditional.c:0x1f, 0xff, 0x07, 0x30, 0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0xf8, 
  2. Font_traditional.c:0x0f, 0xfe, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0e, 0xee, 0xff, 0xf8, 
  3. Font_traditional.c:0x0e, 0xee, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0xe7, 0x38, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0xe7, 0x38, 
  4. Font_traditional.c:0x0e, 0xee, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x0e, 0xee, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0xe7, 0x38, 
  5. Font_traditional.c:0x0f, 0xfe, 0xe7, 0x38, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 
  6. Font_traditional.c:0x1f, 0xff, 0xe7, 0x38, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xe7, 0x38, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xe7, 0x38, 
  7. Font_traditional.c: 0x07, 0x83, 0xde, 0x00, 0x03, 0xbf, 0xff, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 
  8. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0x9f, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x9c, 0x01, 0xc0, 
  9. Font_traditional.c: 0x03, 0x9f, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x9c, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x9f, 0xff, 0xc0, 
  10. Font_traditional.c: 0x03, 0x9c, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x9f, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 
  11. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0x3f, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x0c, 0x1f, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 
  12. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x38, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3c, 0x0e, 0x00, 
  13. Font_traditional.c: 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 
  14. Font_traditional.c: 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0x00, 
  15. Font_traditional.c: 0x0f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 
  16. Font_traditional.c: 0x07, 0x70, 0x3d, 0xe0, 0x3f, 0xff, 0xf8, 0xf0, 0x3f, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x78, 
  17. Font_traditional.c: 0x1c, 0x8b, 0xff, 0xfc, 0x1d, 0xdf, 0xef, 0xec, 0x1f, 0xff, 0x80, 0x00, 
  18. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0x7f, 0xbf, 0xf0, 0x1e, 0x77, 0xbf, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xff, 0x8e, 0x70, 
  19. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0xff, 0x8e, 0x70, 0x1d, 0x1b, 0x8e, 0x70, 0x1f, 0xbf, 0x8e, 0x70, 
  20. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0xff, 0x8f, 0xf0, 0x1e, 0xf7, 0x8f, 0xe0, 0x1e, 0x63, 0x8e, 0x00, 
  21. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0xff, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x1f, 0xff, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  22. Font_traditional.c: 0x03, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x83, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x07, 0x9f, 0x80, 0xe0, 
  23. Font_traditional.c: 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x1c, 0x3b, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x1f, 0xf3, 0xff, 0xe0, 
  24. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0xf3, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xc3, 0x80, 0xe0, 
  25. Font_traditional.c: 0x07, 0x83, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0x3f, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0xff, 0x80, 0xe0, 
  26. Font_traditional.c: 0x0f, 0xf3, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x0c, 0x03, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x80, 0xe0, 
  27. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  28. Font_traditional.c: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0f, 0xff, 0x38, 0xf0, 
  29. Font_traditional.c: 0x0f, 0xff, 0x3d, 0xe0, 0x00, 0xe7, 0x1f, 0xc0, 0x00, 0xe7, 0x07, 0x80, 
  30. Font_traditional.c: 0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xe7, 0x07, 0x00, 
  31. Font_traditional.c: 0x01, 0xc7, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xf0, 
  32. Font_traditional.c: 0x03, 0x80, 0x07, 0x00, 0x03, 0x80, 0x07, 0x00, 0x07, 0xff, 0x87, 0x00, 
  33. Font_traditional.c: 0x0f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x3d, 0xc3, 0x87, 0x00, 
  34. Font_traditional.c: 0x39, 0xc3, 0x87, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc3, 0x87, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0x87, 0x00, 
  35. Font_traditional.c: 0x01, 0xff, 0x87, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc3, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  36. Font_traditional.c: encoding_bian_0010,     //0xff  S:編
  37. Gb_struct.h (h):** currently used psd-list, 0xffff if PSD disabled.
  38. Gpio.c:                                     0xff,0x82,0x80,0xac /* 12,13,14,15 */
  39. Gpio.c:        regs0->sft_cfg3 &= 0xfff8;
  40. Gpio.c:regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0xfff<<3);   //ra21~ra26 is gpio
  41. Gpio.c:    regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0xfff << 3);//ra21~ra26//pin 130~131, pin 133~136
  42. Gpio.c:    regs0->gpio_master[38 / 16] |= (0xff << (38 % 16)); // gpio[38~45]
  43. Gpio.c:    regs0->sft_cfg6 &= 0xFFDF;  // SBA12 disable
  44. Gpio.c:    regs0->sft_cfg6 &= 0xFFBF;  // SBA1 disable
  45. Gpio.c:    regs0->sft_cfg3 &=0xffdf ;
  46. Gpio.c:    regs0->sft_cfg6 &=0xffdf ;
  47. Gpio.c:        regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0xfffc << 1);  //Disable ra20~ra26 pin 129~131, pin 133~136
  48. Ht1611.c:     // vfd_mem[36] = 0xff;  //kenny mark it 2001/9/24
  49. Ht1611.c:     // vfd_mem[37] = 0xff;
  50. Hwif.c (system):        regs0->reset = 0xffff;
  51. Hwif.c (system):        regs0->reset2 = 0xffff;
  52. Hwif.c (system):    WriteServoReg(0x036, 0xff);
  53. Hwif.c (system):    return regs0->stamp & 0xff;
  54. Iop.c (iop):    regs0->sft_cfg0 &= ~(0xff << 7);
  55. Iop.c (iop):    iCmd=(iDeviceAddr<<8)|((iAddr<<1)&0x0e00)|(iAddr&0xff);
  56. Iop.c (iop):        iCmd=(iDeviceAddr<<8)|((iAddr<<1)&0x0e00)|(iAddr&0xff);
  57. Iop.c (iop):            if (bI2cWaitResponse==0xffff)
  58. Iop.c (iop):    iCmd=(iDeviceAddr<<8)|((iAddr<<1)&0x0e00)|(iAddr&0xff);
  59. Iop.c (iop):  iCmd=(iDeviceAddr<<8)|((iAddr<<1)&0x0e00)|(iAddr&0xff);
  60. Iop.c (iop):    *bBuffer++=(BYTE)(regs0->iop_data[I2C_DATA]&0xff);
  61. Iop.c (iop):    iCmd=(iDeviceAddr<<8)|((iAddr<<1)&0x0e00)|(iAddr&0xff);
  62. Iop.c (iop):        *bBuffer++=(BYTE)(regs0->iop_data[I2C_DATA]&0xff);
  63. Iop.c (iop):    //if (regs0->iop_data[4] != 0xffff)
  64. Iop.c (iop):        for(iDelay=0;iDelay<0xfffff;iDelay++);
  65. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd): if  (((resumeMSF)&&(resumeMSF != 0xffffffff)) &&
  66. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):    psd_st.psd_list_id = 0xffff;
  67. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):    write_vfd_led(0xff);
  68. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):write_vfd_led(0xff);
  69. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):            ( ((UINT32)((G)&0xff)<<24)|((UINT32)((B)&0xff)<<16)|((UINT32)((R)&0xff)<<8)|(A&0xff) ) 
  70. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        SetOsdCol(0,0,5,__palette4F(128,64,255,0xff));
  71. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        SetOsdCol(0,0,8,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  72. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        SetOsdCol(0,0,9,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  73. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):    //old_cd_type=0xff;//TERRY,2003-8-1 15:45
  74. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):                if(jpg_slide_time == 0xffffffff)
  75. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        else if (((resumeMSF)&&(resumeMSF != 0xffffffff)) &&
  76. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):                if(rep_mode==0xFF) rep_mode = REPEAT_DISC;
  77. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        if ((audio_channel>max_chn)&&(audio_channel != 0xFF)) audio_channel=0;  // ren 910725
  78. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        if (audio_channel == 0xFF) audio_channel = max_chn;  // ren 910725
  79. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        RSM_save(0xff,0);           
  80. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):            tv_dacoff(0xff);
  81. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        WriteToI2c(0xa0,0xff,&KeyLockStatus,1);
  82. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        WriteToI2c(0xa0,0xff,&KeyLockStatus,1);
  83. Ircmd.c (ir_vfd):        if(NP_SPSTN!=0xffbf)  //can't switch the second subtitle when main subtitle off.
  84. Ircmd_num.c (ir_vfd):                if(jpg_slide_time == 0xffffffff)
  85. Ircmd_video.c (ir_vfd):                close_pll(0xff);
  86. Ircode_aistar.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  87. Ircode_aistar.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  88. Ircode_gbm1.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir): IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  89. Ircode_gbm2.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir): IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,        IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  90. Ircode_hobo.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir): IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  91. Ircode_intech.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  92. ircode_jieke2.C (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  93. ircode_N700.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  94. Ircode_ourmind.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):  IRC_NULL,     IRC_NULL,               IRC_NULL,               IRC_NULL,  //0xfc, 0xfd ,0xfe, 0xff
  95. Ircode_ourmind.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  96. Ircode_sunplus_8200.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  97. Ircode_sunplus_8200.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  98. Ircode_sunplus_8200.c (ir_vfdir_code_dir):    IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,           IRC_NULL,       IRC_NULL,       // 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff
  99. Ircode_sunplus_8200.h (ir_vfdir_code_dir):#define IR_POWER 0xff    //No POWER button in NINTAUS_DVD, Jeff 20020524
  100. Ir_drv.c (ir_vfd):        call_ir_func(monir & 0xff);
  101. Ir_parser.c (ir_vfd):        default: return 0xff;//terry,2004/2/2 04:35PM
  102. Ir_parser.c (ir_vfd):        default: return 0xff;//terry,2004/2/2 04:35PM
  103. Ir_parser.c (ir_vfd):        return 0xff;
  104. Navdata.h (h):#define SUP_OFF_DEF                     (0xffbf)
  105. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(3,3,2,__palette4F(255, 132, 255, 0xff));
  106. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(3,3,2,__palette4F(255, 132, 255, 0xff));//font color is near to white
  107. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(2,2,7,0xffffffff);
  108. Osd1.c:        SetOsdCol(0,0,5,__palette4F(128,64,255,0xff));
  109. Osd1.c:        SetOsdCol(0,0,8,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  110. Osd1.c:        SetOsdCol(0,0,9,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  111. Osd1.c:            SetOsdCol(1,1,3,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  112. Osd1.c:            SetOsdCol(0,0,5,__palette4F(128,64,255,0xff));
  113. Osd1.c:            SetOsdCol(0,0,8,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  114. Osd1.c:            SetOsdCol(0,0,9,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  115. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(1,1,3,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  116. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(0,0,5,__palette4F(128,64,255,0xff));
  117. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(0,0,8,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  118. Osd1.c:    SetOsdCol(0,0,9,__palette4F(128,255,0,0xff));
  119. Osd1.c:                pTopLine[iRegionWidth/4*i+j] = 0xffffffff; //f is the color index(palette_16color_setup) of transparent color
  120. Osd1.c:                pBtmLine[iRegionWidth/4*i+j] = 0xffffffff; //0 is the transparent color
  121. Osd1.c:            pTopLine[74*i+j] = 0xffffffff;
  122. Osd1.c:            pBtmLine[74*i+j] = 0xffffffff;                        
  123. Osd1.c:    if((id&0xff)==STR_OS_MENUPLAY)
  124. Osd1.c:        id&=0xffffff00;
  125. Osd1.c:    osd_id=id&0xff;
  126. Osd1.c:                        UINT8 *p=0,id1=id&0xff;                            
  127. Osd1.c:                t=t&0xff;    
  128. Osd1.c:    int g = (0xff000000 & uiColor) >> 24;
  129. Osd1.c:    if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
  130. Osd1.c:    if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
  131. Osd1.c:                pTopLine[i] =  0xff;
  132. Osd1.c:                pBtmLine[i] =  0xff;                   
  133. Osd1.c:                    pTopLine[i] =  0xff;
  134. Osd1.c:                    pBtmLine[i] =  0xff;                   
  135. Osd1.c:            pTopLine[i] =  0xff;
  136. Osd1.c:            pBtmLine[i] =  0xff;                   
  137. Osd1.c:            pTopLine[i] =  0xff;
  138. Osd1.c:            pBtmLine[i] =  0xff;                   
  139. Osd1.c:        SetOsdCol(3,7,0, __palette4F(  10, 10, 10,0xff));          
  140. Osd1.c:        SetOsdCol(3,7,1, __palette4F(  10, 10, 10,0xff));                               
  141. Osd_palette.h (h):#define LINK_NULL   (0xffff)
  142. Osd_palette.h (h):    0xff,                                                   //1111 1111 1111
  143. Osd_palette.h (h): 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0xf0, 0xf3, 0xfc, 0xff
  144. Osd_palette.h (h): 0xea, 0xeb, 0xee, 0xef, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfe, 0xff
  145. Osd_palette.h (h): 0xD5, 0xD7, 0xDD, 0xDF, 0xF5, 0xF7, 0xFD, 0xFF,
  146. Polling.c (system):            QSI_PIPO_error_code_time_flag = 0xff;
  147. Polling.c (system):        regs0->aud_pcm_ramp_delta   = 0xff;
  148. Polling.c (system):    if(force_act_tm!=0xffffffff)
  149. Radio_mv114_kst.c:            if(ptyReadyFlag == 0xff)
  150. Radio_mv114_kst.c:            if((txtBreadyFlag == 0xffff)||(txtAreadyFlag == 0xffff))
  151. Radio_mv114_kst.c:            if(ctReadyFlag == 0xff)
  152. Reset.c (system):    regs0->clken0       = 0xff7f;   // (grfx)
  153. Reset.c (system):    regs0->clken1       = 0xffff;   // ()
  154. Reset.c (system):    regs0->gclken0      = 0xffff;
  155. Reset.c (system):    regs0->gclken1      = 0xffff;
  156. Reset.c (system):  regs0->timer2_divisor = 0xffff;
  157. Reset.c (system):    gpGPIOini = 0xff;
  158. Reset.c (system):    memory_config_saved = 0xff;
  159. Reset.c (system):    watchdog_renew(0xffff);     // n*16/90k, first time we set to maximum (about 12-second)
  160. Reset.c (system): regs0->sft_cfg3 &= 0xffcf; //disable ATAPI
  161. Reset.c (system): regs0->sft_cfg2 = (regs0->sft_cfg2 & 0xfff1) | 0x06; //select TS interface
  162. Reset.c (system):    regs0->sft_cfg7 = (cfg7 & ~0xfff) | ((ns<<6)|(s));
  163. Reset.c (system):    regs0->sft_cfg9 = (cfg9 & ~0xfff) | ((ns<<6)|(s));
  164. Rsm_util.h (ir_vfd): RSM_save(0xff,0);
  165. Rsm_util.h (ir_vfd):                RSM_save(0xff,0);
  166. Rsm_util.h (ir_vfd):    disc_resume_index[i] = 0xff;
  167. Rsm_util.h (ir_vfd): RSM_save(0xff,0);
  168. Set.h (h):// for 8Mbit Flash, uses addr 0xf0000-0xfffff for disc id
  169. Setup_exe.c (setup):     close_pll(0xff);
  170. Setup_exe.c (setup):            close_pll(0xff);
  171. Setup_exe.c (setup): UserSet.SPSTN =0xffbf;//setting sub-picture on
  172. Setup_exe.c (setup): UserSet.SPSTN =0xffbf;//setting sub-picture on
  173. Setup_newstyle_ui.c (setup): psprintf(buf, "%02x%03x", (regs0->stamp & 0xff),get_iop_b_status()); //2004/11/30 ycwen
  174. Setup_newstyle_ui.c (setup): psprintf(buf, "%02x%04x", (regs0->stamp & 0xff),get_iop_b_status()); //2004/11/30 ycwen
  175. Setup_show_page.c (setup):    psprintf(buf, "%02x%03x", (regs0->stamp & 0xff),get_iop_b_status()); //2004/11/30 ycwen
  176. Setup_tab.c (setup):        romCheckSum = *pSum &0xffffff;
  177. Setup_tab.c (setup):    UserSet.P_A_CFG=0xffff;// should be config//uinted states:US ,china:CN , taiwan:TW
  178. Setup_tab.c (setup):    #define CH_LOCK   0xff
  179. Setup_tab.c (setup):             iVal=0x7fffff - ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[0]]<<16) | 0xffff);    
  180. Setup_tab.c (setup):          else iVal=0x7fffff - ( (VolTab[15]<<16) | 0xffff);   
  181. Setup_tab.c (setup):              iVal=0x7fffff - ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[0]]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031114
  182. Setup_tab.c (setup):            iVal=0x7fffff-( (VolTab[audio_volume]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031114
  183. Setup_tab.c (setup):        iVal = 0x7fffff - ( (MICVolTab[mic_volume]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031110
  184. Setup_tab.c (setup):        iVal = 0x7fffff - (( MICVolTab[mic_volume]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031110
  185. Setup_tab.c (setup):    //iVal = (0x7fffff-(( MICVolTab[8]<<16) | 0xffff)); 
  186. Setup_tab.c (setup):        iVal=0x7fffff- ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[x-38]]<<16) | 0xffff);   //[x-38]:1->left-channel 2...
  187. Setup_tab.c (setup):         iVal=0x7fffff- ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[x-40]]<<16) | 0xffff);   //[x-38]:1->left-channel 2...
  188. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  189. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  190. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  191. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  192. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  193. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  194. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  195. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):   I = (P>>8)&0xff;
  196. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):   S = P&0xff; 
  197. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  198. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):            I = P&0xff;
  199. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    if(pi!=0xffff)
  200. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        exe_setup_function(setup_item[pi>>8][pi & 0xff][1],setup_item[pi>>8][pi & 0xff][setup_sel[pi>>8][pi & 0xff]],0);
  201. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        romCheckSum = *pSum &0xffffff;
  202. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    UserSet.P_A_CFG=0xffff;// should be config//uinted states:US ,china:CN , taiwan:TW
  203. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  204. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  205. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  206. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  207. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  208. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):                I=P&0xff;
  209. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  210. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):              iVal=0x7fffff - ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[0]]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031114
  211. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):            iVal=0x7fffff-( (VolTab[audio_volume]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031114
  212. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        iVal = 0x7fffff - ( (MICVolTab[mic_volume]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031110
  213. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        iVal = 0x7fffff - (( MICVolTab[mic_volume]<<16) | 0xffff); //Jeff 20031110
  214. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    //iVal = (0x7fffff-(( MICVolTab[8]<<16) | 0xffff)); 
  215. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):            I=P&0xff;
  216. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):            I=P&0xff;
  217. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):            I=P&0xff;
  218. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  219. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  220. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        iVal=0x7fffff- ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[x-38]]<<16) | 0xffff);   //[x-38]:1->left-channel 2...
  221. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):         iVal=0x7fffff- ( (VolTab[volume_5SPK[x-40]]<<16) | 0xffff);   //[x-38]:1->left-channel 2...
  222. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  223. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I2=P2&0xff;
  224. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  225. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  226. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I2=P2&0xff;
  227. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=(P>>8)&0xff;
  228. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    S=P&0xff;
  229. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  230. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):   I=P&0xff;
  231. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  232. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  233. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  234. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    if(P==0xff) // STR_OS_FREQ_MASK doesn't exist in setup_item[][][]
  235. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  236. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  237. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        I=P&0xff;
  238. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;   
  239. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  240. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  241. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  242. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):        I=P&0xff;
  243. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  244. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  245. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  246. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  247. Setup_tab_reeng.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  248. Setup_tab_ui1.c (setup):                psprintf(buf, "%02x%03x", (regs0->stamp & 0xff),get_iop_b_status()); //2004/11/30 ycwen
  249. Setup_tab_ui1.c (setup):    psprintf(buf, "%02x%04x", (regs0->stamp & 0xff),get_iop_b_status()); //2004/11/30 ycwen
  250. Setup_tab_ui1_exit.c (setup):    I=P&0xff;
  251. setup_tab_ui_SFM.c (setup): newpassword=0xffff; //liumzh
  252. setup_tab_ui_SFM.c (setup): confirmpassword=0xffff;
  253. setup_tab_ui_SFM.c (setup):       if(newpassword!=0xffff)
  254. setup_tab_ui_SFM.c (setup): psprintf(buf, "%02x%03x", (regs0->stamp & 0xff),get_iop_b_status()); //2004/11/30 ycwen
  255. setup_ui_sel_SFM.c (setup): osd_changeAlpha(0xff);
  256. Setup_ui_util.c (setup):    #define CH_LOCK   0xff
  257. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): selPos= 0xffffff;
  258. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): if(selPos!=0xffffff) {break;}
  259. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): if(selPos!=0xffffff) {break;}
  260. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): //printf("  P:%d I:%d S:%dn", (selPos>>16), ((selPos>>8)&0xff), (selPos&0xff));
  261. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): itemPos= 0xffff;
  262. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): if(itemPos!=0xffff) {break;}
  263. Setup_ui_util.c (setup): //printf("  P:%d I:%dn", (itemPos>>8),(itemPos&0xff));
  264. setup_VA.h (setup):#define SETUP_VA_NONE 0xff
  265. Sleep.c (system):    write_vfd_led(0xff);  //wangap add 2004/6/29
  266. Sleep.c (system):        vfd_key_data1=(BYTE)((regs0->iop_data[1]&0xff00)>>8);
  267. Sleep.c (system):        vfd_key_data3=(BYTE)((regs0->iop_data[7]&0xff00)>>8);        
  268. Sleep.c (system):    regs0->iop_data[IR_PORT]=0xff;
  269. Sleep.c (system):    regs0->iop_data[5]=0xff;
  270. Stop.c (ir_vfd):                            resumeMSF = ( is_svo_dvd() ) ? s_msf&0xffffffff : s_msf&0x00ffffff; //2004/01/13 yltseng for DVD disk containing data
  271. Str_os_aud_out.inc (setup):                I=P&0xff;
  272. Str_os_aud_out.inc (setup):                 I=P&0xff;
  273. Str_os_aud_out.inc (setup): I=P&0xff;
  274. Str_os_aud_out.inc (setup):                     I=P&0xff;
  275. Str_os_aud_out.inc (setup):                I=P&0xff;
  276. Str_os_aud_out.inc (setup):                  I=P&0xff;
  277. Sysmain2.c:    cd_trk_hi=0xff;
  278. Sysmain2.c:    psd_st.psd_list_id = 0xffff;
  279. Sysmain2.c:                    old_cd_type=0xff;
  280. Sysmain2.c:        regs0->pcmcia_iorw_wait = 0xffff;  
  281. Sysmain2.c:       ReadFromI2c(0xa0,0xff,&KeyLockStatus,1);
  282. Sysmain2.c:        WriteToI2c(0xa0,0xff,&KeyLockStatus,1);
  283. Sysmain2.c:for(i=0;i<128;i++)  eBuffer[i]=0xff;
  284. Sysmain2.c:watchdog_renew(0xffff);//reset watchdog
  285. Sysmain2.c:                    watchdog_renew(0xffff); // reset watchdog
  286. Sysmain2.c://                    watchdog_renew(0xffff); // reset watchdog
  287. Sysmain2.c:                        psd_st.psd_list_id = 0xffff;
  288. Sysmain2.c:                    psd_st.psd_list_id = 0xffff;
  289. Sysmain2.c:                        psd_st.psd_list_id = 0xffff;
  290. Sysmain2.c:                    if(psd_st.psd_list_id == 0xffff)
  291. Sysmain2.c:                if(cd_trk_lo!=0xff)  //jhuang 2000/11/16
  292. Sysmain_inc.h (h):      res=res&0xff;
  293. Sysmain_inc.h (h):  stream_audio = 0xff;
  294. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x00,0x00,0x01,0xb3,0x2d,0x01,0xe0,0x15,0xff,0xff,0xe0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xb2  /*....-...........*/,
  295. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x00,0x00,0x01,0xb8,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x0f,0xff,0xf8  /*.......@........*/,
  296. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x87,0x53,0x91,0xff,0xf8,0xe6,0xab,0x97,0xb6,0xdc,0xf7,0x38,0x08,0xde,0x58,0xda  /*.S.........8..X.*/,
  297. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0x6f,0x82,0x5d,0xf8,0xaa,0x82,0xff,0xd9,0xf5,0x99,0x2b,0xbe,0xc3,0xed,0x09  /*.o.].......+....*/,
  298. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xa6,0x2c,0x91,0xc0,0x5f,0x20,0xcc,0xd9,0x5a,0xdb,0x6c,0xcf,0xdc,0xf6,0xb9,0xff  /*.,.._ ..Z.l.....*/,
  299. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x6e,0xff,0xf5,0x3d,0x47,0x3b,0xc6,0x95,0xfe,0xfd,0xe9,0xc8,0x6c,0xc2,0x49,0xf6  /*n..=G;......l.I.*/,
  300. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xc8,0x56,0xda,0xb8,0x67,0xff,0xff,0xfe,0x1c,0xc3,0xaa,0x23,0x40,0xde,0xff,0x8f  /*.V..g......#@...*/,
  301. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xb4,0x25,0x6f,0xb6,0x5b,0x6b,0xd1,0xd1,0xcf,0xdf,0xff,0x87,0xca,0x5a,0xf6,0x13  /*.%o.[k.......Z..*/,
  302. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x6d,0xd1,0xc7,0xee,0x47,0xa3,0x04,0xff,0xf6,0xf9,0x55,0x74,0x90,0xde,0x17,0x9a  /*m...G.....Ut....*/,
  303. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x5b,0xff,0xfb,0x0f,0x62,0x26,0xd6,0x29,0xd7,0xbe,0x8c,0x2d,0xb7,0x6f,0x61,0xf3  /*[...b&.)...-.oa.*/,
  304. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xb9,0x86,0x8a,0xdb,0x8f,0x59,0x06,0xeb,0x25,0x19,0xff,0xf8,0x72,0x88,0x9b,0x5d  /*.....Y..%...r..]*/,
  305. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x5d,0xae,0x58,0x12,0xc1,0x71,0x46,0x67,0xfc,0xff,0x51,0x1a,0x06,0xa9,0x9b,0x6a  /*].X..qFg..Q....j*/,
  306. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xc6,0x2d,0xff,0xfd,0x8e,0x76,0x22,0x6d,0x72,0x6e,0xff,0x28,0xf9,0x69,0x6d,0x95  /*.-...v"mrn.(.im.*/,
  307. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x84,0x1b,0xc8,0x60,0x64,0xbc,0x84,0x32,0x3e,0x6d,0xff,0x36,0xf4,0x81,0x20,0x07  /*...`d..2>m.6.. .*/,
  308. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x13,0x13,0xff,0xe9,0x6e,0x81,0xaf,0x86,0x32,0xfb,0x2d,0x9a,0xa1,0x90,0xf7,0xf2  /*....n...2.-.....*/,
  309. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xbc,0xd3,0x81,0x67,0xb0,0x65,0x55,0x6b,0x8a,0x46,0xff,0xed,0x9f,0x9f,0xcd,0xec  /*...g.eUk.F......*/,
  310. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x3e,0x6c,0x84,0x23,0xff,0xb6,0xdf,0x9f,0xc7,0x89,0xbd,0x58,0x08,0x0b,0x49,0x60  /*>l.#.......X..I`*/,
  311. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x53,0x7f,0xff,0xeb,0x5f,0x13,0xef,0x6e,0x52,0x7f,0xc0,0x29,0x48,0x15,0xc9,0x37  /*S..._..nR..)H..7*/,
  312. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0x49,0x48,0xff,0x9b,0xf6,0xfe,0xeb,0x80,0x99,0x2e,0x84,0x81,0x7e,0x96,0xe0  /*.IH..........~..*/,
  313. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x66,0xff,0x30,0x76,0xf1,0x91,0xdf,0xae,0x2f,0xe5,0xc5,0x10,0x83,0x0a,0xee,0x84  /*f.0v............*/,
  314. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x21,0x1c,0xe7,0xc8,0xd8,0x89,0x5c,0x58,0x14,0x0c,0x4f,0xdf,0x94,0x8f,0xff,0x5f  /*!.....X..O...._*/,
  315. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x8d,0xb5,0xcd,0xa5,0x4f,0xe2,0xfa,0xa5,0x90,0x83,0x0b,0xee,0x92,0x91,0xf8,0xff  /*....O...........*/,
  316. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xa0,0xc0,0x28,0x94,0x06,0x81,0x94,0xa4,0x6f,0x18,0x31,0x48,0xdb,0x33,0xb8,0xff  /*..(.....o.1H.3..*/,
  317. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xf4,0xdd,0x08,0x01,0x01,0x5f,0xfe,0x5b,0x16,0x9f,0xff,0xff,0xe2,0x76,0xcf,0xd5  /*....._.[.....v..*/,
  318. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x2c,0x8f,0xaa,0xff,0x34,0x46,0xd8,0x4c,0xe3,0x51,0x82,0xae,0x7d,0xdc,0xd6,0x37  /*,...4F.L.Q..}..7*/,
  319. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x4b,0xe4,0xe4,0xf4,0xff,0xc6,0xe6,0x58,0xa6,0x57,0xc2,0x2f,0x13,0x34,0x74,0xbe  /*K......X.W...4t.*/,
  320. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x5f,0x58,0xb9,0xf6,0xae,0xeb,0xff,0xa7,0xff,0xfb,0xfe,0x7f,0xac,0xa5,0xc7,0x21  /*_X.............!*/,
  321. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x10,0x8b,0x02,0xa9,0x18,0x8c,0x27,0x99,0xb0,0xff,0x61,0x55,0xe9,0x0c,0x0c,0x49  /*......'...aU...I*/,
  322. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xf5,0x96,0x7d,0xbf,0x33,0xc4,0xae,0x59,0x76,0xff,0xb6,0xb1,0xa0,0x98,0x9e,0x7a  /*..}.3..Yv......z*/,
  323. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x7f,0xdc,0x6f,0xea,0x38,0xed,0x73,0xd6,0xf7,0xd0,0x28,0x03,0x42,0xb6,0x09,0xff  /*..o.8.s...(.B...*/,
  324. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xa5,0xdf,0xe9,0xbf,0x99,0x53,0x55,0xfe,0xff,0xf1,0xfd,0xeb,0x2b,0xb1,0xbe,0x59  /*.....SU.....+..Y*/,
  325. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0xf0,0x0a,0x9b,0x3f,0x1a,0x9d,0x94,0x38,0xf2,0x25,0xd1,0x65,0x7f,0xa3,0x0b  /*....?...8.%.e...*/,
  326. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x4f,0x2d,0x3d,0x3c,0xff,0xdf,0xda,0xac,0x60,0x60,0xb0,0x24,0x90,0xaf,0x28,0x18  /*O-=<....``.$..(.*/,
  327. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x98,0x52,0x50,0x31,0xf3,0x28,0x89,0x79,0xb7,0xb5,0xe7,0xc6,0xba,0xff,0x55,0xbe  /*.RP1.(.y......U.*/,
  328. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x79,0xf2,0x5a,0xe0,0x21,0x39,0x37,0xa6,0xff,0x7a,0x64,0xb4,0xa7,0x7e,0x33,0x2a  /*y.Z.!97..zd..~3**/,
  329. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0xb4,0xd4,0xfa,0xfb,0x39,0x6b,0xf9,0xc8,0x06,0x44,0xde,0x57,0x4a,0x0f,0xc7  /*.....9k...D.WJ..*/,
  330. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x2a,0xe7,0xda,0xbb,0x4f,0xff,0xef,0xfb,0xfa,0xc8,0x52,0xc6,0x77,0xc4,0x26,0x01  /**...O.....R.w.&.*/,
  331. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x26,0xf3,0x77,0xab,0x4a,0xff,0x88,0xbd,0x95,0xb5,0x55,0xb5,0xca,0xee,0xae,0xa9  /*&.w.J.....U.....*/,
  332. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xa2,0x56,0xd5,0x90,0xae,0xfd,0xa2,0x2d,0xff,0xb7,0xf3,0xbd,0x1e,0xbb,0x9d,0x38  /*.V.....-.......8*/,
  333. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xad,0xab,0x6c,0x35,0xb1,0x17,0xd5,0xf6,0xff,0x72,0x13,0xae,0xa7,0xb9,0xb5,0xa5  /*..l5.....r......*/,
  334. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xd3,0x91,0x97,0xfd,0x95,0x05,0x24,0x37,0x8c,0x46,0xff,0xf1,0xd7,0xc8,0x08,0x40  /*......$7.F.....@*/,
  335. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x43,0x45,0xea,0xe9,0xd8,0xff,0xb1,0xe7,0xf6,0x38,0xf0,0xa9,0x09,0x68,0x02,0x68  /*CE.......8...h.h*/,
  336. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x0b,0xc3,0x9c,0x8c,0xbb,0xd8,0x16,0x59,0x2f,0xff,0xdd,0x97,0xb1,0xf9,0x47,0x09  /*.......Y......G.*/,
  337. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xc1,0x7a,0xb0,0x6a,0x07,0xe0,0xbc,0x65,0x06,0x61,0xc4,0xff,0x54,0x4a,0x40,0xe2  /*.z.j...e.a..TJ@.*/,
  338. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xf5,0x21,0xa4,0xd4,0x65,0x65,0xf2,0x75,0xed,0x3a,0x52,0x93,0xff,0xe2,0x7d,0xa2  /*.!..ee.u.:R...}.*/,
  339. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xd1,0xe9,0x6b,0xab,0xf7,0x9e,0xb6,0xab,0x5a,0xd9,0xdd,0xff,0x5a,0x2e,0x55,0xb3  /*..k.....Z...Z.U.*/,
  340. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x5e,0xd7,0xa8,0x00,0xd5,0x41,0x98,0x11,0xff,0x70,0x00,0xd1,0x37,0x8e,0xda,0xf5  /*^....A...p..7...*/,
  341. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x77,0xe3,0xf7,0x7b,0x42,0x4b,0xe8,0xff,0x28,0xef,0xc9,0xcf,0x31,0x5d,0xcc,0x6b  /*w..{BK..(...1].k*/,
  342. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xcf,0x7a,0x7e,0x1b,0xb1,0xff,0x60,0xfb,0x5f,0x01,0xd9,0x58,0xd0,0xa9,0xc5,0xf9  /*.z~...`._..X....*/,
  343. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0x43,0x2c,0x4a,0x87,0x9d,0x6d,0x7e,0xfb,0x1b,0xe5,0x3b,0xf3,0xba,0xc7,0xae  /*.C,J..m~...;....*/,
  344. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x6f,0x77,0x40,0xc8,0x88,0x12,0xff,0x36,0xea,0xfa,0x8b,0xf3,0xaf,0x28,0xdd,0x7a  /*ow@....6.....(.z*/,
  345. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xad,0x2c,0xde,0xe8,0xe1,0xa5,0xf3,0x7d,0xd0,0xff,0xf3,0x78,0x5d,0x5d,0xa7,0xda  /*.,.....}...x]]..*/,
  346. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xe6,0x66,0x1e,0x39,0xee,0x2f,0xff,0x1d,0xae,0xda,0x56,0xc2,0x45,0x8e,0xf7,0x9a  /*.f.9......V.E...*/,
  347. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0xbf,0x00,0xde,0xe1,0xf6,0xdb,0xb9,0xd2,0x8b,0xd4,0x03,0x7f,0x8c,0x75,0x6f  /*..............uo*/,
  348. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x5a,0x82,0x61,0x78,0xf6,0x35,0x6e,0x77,0xff,0x77,0xc4,0xfb,0x16,0x26,0x16,0xdb  /*Z.ax.5nw.w...&..*/,
  349. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x5e,0xb9,0x6c,0xbc,0x5e,0x0d,0x16,0xaf,0xff,0x2b,0xad,0xea,0xc6,0xda,0x9a,0x8d  /*^.l.^....+......*/,
  350. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0x23,0xa5,0x89,0xc7,0x1e,0xcb,0xa9,0xc4,0xde,0xfb,0x74,0x33,0xf2,0xb1,0xa0  /*.#.........t3...*/,
  351. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x61,0x4e,0x52,0x5b,0x64,0x0d,0x43,0x95,0xff,0x4e,0x47,0xc9,0x4a,0xcb,0xc8,0x6f  /*aNR[d.C..NG.J..o*/,
  352. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x11,0x7f,0x42,0x6c,0x3a,0x66,0xb9,0xff,0x5a,0x6f,0x1a,0xf4,0x6f,0x6b,0x5a,0x5a  /*..Bl:f..Zo..okZZ*/,
  353. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x7b,0xf5,0x54,0xbc,0xff,0x26,0x35,0xa4,0x95,0xae,0x9b,0x1b,0xea,0xc8,0xf6,0x11  /*{.T..&5.........*/,
  354. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x9c,0x6b,0x5f,0x96,0x2f,0xd7,0x37,0xce,0x90,0x02,0x70,0x18,0x8c,0xcd,0xff,0x57  /*.k_...7...p....W*/,
  355. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xd7,0xff,0x7d,0x94,0x00,0xec,0x07,0x63,0x8c,0x40,0x1e,0xc3,0xd6,0x02,0x40,0x35  /*..}....c.@....@5*/,
  356. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xe9,0xb5,0xf9,0x9b,0x5f,0xd7,0xa8,0xe4,0xd2,0xf9,0xb6,0xae,0x94,0xf3,0xff,0xa0  /*...._...........*/,
  357. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x7b,0x16,0xdf,0x0f,0xcd,0xae,0x90,0x61,0x33,0x16,0x84,0xff,0xd9,0x88,0x17,0xce  /*{......a3.......*/,
  358. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xb6,0x15,0x79,0x14,0x23,0x96,0x42,0xdb,0x33,0x8b,0x13,0x68,0xa3,0x07,0x4b,0xff  /*..y.#.B.3..h..K.*/,
  359. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xed,0x92,0xcd,0x99,0xc5,0xd8,0x46,0x16,0xff,0x27,0x6f,0x87,0x81,0xcb,0x0d,0xb0  /*......F..'o.....*/,
  360. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xcf,0xe2,0x61,0x69,0xff,0x3f,0x80,0xdd,0x11,0x79,0x69,0x68,0x1b,0xa0,0x37,0x4a  /*..ai.?...yih..7J*/,
  361. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x78,0xed,0x8e,0xd7,0x6d,0xaa,0xe1,0x45,0x37,0x77,0xff,0x9b,0xc2,0xed,0x76,0x2a  /*x...m..E7w....v**/,
  362. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0xff,0x0f,0x4d,0xeb,0xff,0xf3,0xff,0xaf,0x7b,0x3d,0x75,0x6f,0x67,0x6d,0x08,0xcb  /*..M.....{=uogm..*/,
  363. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x65,0xac,0x7f,0x69,0xff,0x87,0x49,0xeb,0x9e,0xda,0xca,0xd5,0xf9,0xd8,0xeb,0x2e  /*e..i..I.........*/,
  364. Title_8202s.c (customerssunplus):0x3a,0x56,0x11,0x5e,0xff,0xd1,0xfd,0x52,0xbc,0x9b,0x1d,0x61,0x7b,0x76,0xf2,0x3c  /*:V.^...R...a{v.<*/,
  365. Tvif.h (h): sp8200tv_setup_dacoff(0xff);
  366. User_if.h (h):#define ERROR 0xffffffff
  367. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): vfd_mem[i] = 0xff;
  368. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): vfd_mem[i] = 0xff;
  369. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): vfd_mem[36]=0xff;
  370. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): vfd_mem[37]=0xff;
  371. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): write_vfd_led(0xff);
  372. Vfd.c (ir_vfd):// write_vfd_led(0xff);
  373. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): write_vfd_led(0xff);
  374. Vfd.c (ir_vfd): write_vfd_led(0xff);
  375. Vfd.c (ir_vfd):     write_vfd_led(0xff);
  376. Vfd.c (ir_vfd):     write_vfd_led(0xff);
  377. Vfd.c (ir_vfd):        write_vfd_led(0xff);
  378. Vfd_drv_ad7312.c (ir_vfdvfd):        if(key_data == 0xffffff)
  379. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd): regs0->iop_data[VFD_DAT0] = 0xff00 | led_id;
  380. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd): if(key_data == 0xffffff)
  381. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd): regs0->iop_data[VFD_DAT0] = 0xff00 | bData;
  382. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x16,IR_USER_CODE_LOW8 & 0xff);
  383. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x17,IR_USER_CODE_HIGHT8 & 0xff);
  384. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x18,TP6317_IR_CODE1 & 0xff);
  385. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x19,TP6317_IR_CODE2 & 0xff);
  386. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x1a,TP6317_IR_CODE3 & 0xff);
  387. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x1b,TP6317_IR_CODE4 & 0xff);
  388. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x1c,TP6317_IR_CODE5 & 0xff);
  389. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x1d,TP6317_IR_CODE6 & 0xff);
  390. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x1e,TP6317_IR_CODE7 & 0xff);
  391. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x1f,TP6317_IR_CODE8 & 0xff);
  392. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x20,TP6317_VFD_KEY_CODE1 & 0xff);
  393. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x21,TP6317_VFD_KEY_CODE2 & 0xff);
  394. Vfd_drv_nec16312.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_data(0x22,TP6317_VFD_KEY_CODE3 & 0xff);
  395. Vfd_drv_old.c (ir_vfdvfd): //if (key_data == 0xffffff) 
  396. Vfd_drv_sp110.c (ir_vfdvfd): if(key_data != 0xffffff)
  397. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        vfd_mem[i] = 0xff;
  398. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        vfd_mem[i] = 0xff;  
  399. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    vfd_mem[36]=0xff;
  400. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    vfd_mem[37]=0xff;
  401. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_led(0xff);
  402. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd)://      write_vfd_led(0xff);
  403. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    write_vfd_led(0xff);
  404. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):            write_vfd_led(0xff);
  405. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):            write_vfd_led(0xff);
  406. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):            write_vfd_led(0xff);
  407. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):            write_vfd_led(0xff);
  408. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        //if (key_data == 0xffffff) 
  409. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd): write_vfd_led(0xff);
  410. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        if(key_data == 0xffffff)
  411. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        if(key_data == 0xffffff)
  412. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        if(key_data != 0xffffff)
  413. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->iop_data[VFD_DAT0] = 0xff00 | led_id;
  414. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->gpio_master[4 / 16] |= (0xff << (4 % 16));   // gpio[4~7]
  415. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->gpio_oe[4 / 16] &= (~(0xff << (4 % 16)));
  416. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xffff;
  417. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    key_data = (regs0->gpio_in[4 / 16] & (0xff << (4 % 16)));
  418. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff,key_previ2 = 0xfff;
  419. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff,key_previ2 = 0xfff;
  420. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xffff;
  421. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff;//,key_previ2 = 0xfff;
  422. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff;//,key_previ2 = 0xfff;
  423. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xffff;
  424. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff;
  425. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff;
  426. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff;
  427. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static BYTE key_previ = 0xff;   //for debounce,2004-3-16 18:49
  428. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):        key_previ= 0xff;
  429. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_previ = 0xfff;
  430. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    static UINT32 key_prev = 0xffffffff;
  431. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):            for(temp = 0;temp<0xffff;temp++)
  432. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->gpio_oe[3]&= 0xffcf;     //jhuang org 011f
  433. Vfd_o.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->gpio_oe[3]&= 0xffcf;     //jhuang org 011f
  434. Vfd_portable.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->gpio_oe[3]&= 0xffcf;     //jhuang org 011f
  435. Vfd_portable.c (ir_vfdvfd):    regs0->gpio_oe[3]&= 0xffcf;     //jhuang org 011f
  436. Vfd_vfd32.c (customerssunplus): linebuf[j+OFFSET]=c&0xff;
  437. Vfd_vfd32_l.h (customerssunplus):#define VFD_7SEG_MASK  0xff
  438. Vfd_yux_l.h (customerssunplus):#define VFD_7SEG_MASK  0xff
  439. ---- 0xff Search Errors Encountered (866) ----
  440. The following 866 files could not be processed:
  441. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~41.bat : File could not be opened.
  442. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~411.bat : File could not be opened.
  443. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~416.bat : File could not be opened.
  444. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~42.bat : File could not be opened.
  445. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~432.bat : File could not be opened.
  446. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hadv7176.h : File could not be opened.
  447. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4ampvol.c : File could not be opened.
  448. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4amp_gui.c : File could not be opened.
  449. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4amp_ui.c : File could not be opened.
  450. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hasf_if.h : File could not be opened.
  451. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haspect.h : File could not be opened.
  452. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hassert.h : File could not be opened.
  453. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hata.h : File could not be opened.
  454. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hauctrl.h : File could not be opened.
  455. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haudclk.h : File could not be opened.
  456. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4audctrl.c : File could not be opened.
  457. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haudctrl.h : File could not be opened.
  458. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4auddac.c : File could not be opened.
  459. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hauddac.h : File could not be opened.
  460. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4auddrv.bat : File could not be opened.
  461. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hauddrv.h : File could not be opened.
  462. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haudhw.h : File could not be opened.
  463. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haudif.h : File could not be opened.
  464. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haudio.h : File could not be opened.
  465. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4audkernel.c : File could not be opened.
  466. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4haudkernel.h : File could not be opened.
  467. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4auth.bat : File could not be opened.
  468. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHauth_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  469. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHauth_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  470. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havb.h : File could not be opened.
  471. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havb_if.h : File could not be opened.
  472. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havd.h : File could not be opened.
  473. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havdctrl.h : File could not be opened.
  474. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havi_dbg.h : File could not be opened.
  475. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havi_if.h : File could not be opened.
  476. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havi_type.h : File could not be opened.
  477. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4havsync.h : File could not be opened.
  478. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4bbk.bat : File could not be opened.
  479. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hbitop.h : File could not be opened.
  480. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDbit_rate.c : File could not be opened.
  481. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hbit_rate.h : File could not be opened.
  482. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hboard.h : File could not be opened.
  483. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4book.c : File could not be opened.
  484. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4boot.bat : File could not be opened.
  485. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4browse_func.c : File could not be opened.
  486. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hbrowse_gui.h : File could not be opened.
  487. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hbufloc.h : File could not be opened.
  488. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcardfs.h : File could not be opened.
  489. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4cardGUI.c : File could not be opened.
  490. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemcardif.c : File could not be opened.
  491. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4cardwriter.c : File could not be opened.
  492. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcard_main.h : File could not be opened.
  493. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcd.h : File could not be opened.
  494. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcddrv.h : File could not be opened.
  495. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcddsp.h : File could not be opened.
  496. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcderr.h : File could not be opened.
  497. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcdfunc.h : File could not be opened.
  498. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcdg.h : File could not be opened.
  499. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcdrom.h : File could not be opened.
  500. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hCDText.h : File could not be opened.
  501. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hCDTextUtil.h : File could not be opened.
  502. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcdxa.h : File could not be opened.
  503. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcf.h : File could not be opened.
  504. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcmd.h : File could not be opened.
  505. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcolor.h : File could not be opened.
  506. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hconfig.h : File could not be opened.
  507. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4copy_icon16.bat : File could not be opened.
  508. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcppm.h : File could not be opened.
  509. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcpu.h : File could not be opened.
  510. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcs4228.h : File could not be opened.
  511. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemcs8403a.c : File could not be opened.
  512. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcs8403a.h : File could not be opened.
  513. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hcss-des.h : File could not be opened.
  514. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4cust_nav.c : File could not be opened.
  515. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4databuf.c : File could not be opened.
  516. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pldate.pl : File could not be opened.
  517. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdbgif.h : File could not be opened.
  518. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hddx8000.h : File could not be opened.
  519. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4ddx8000_binary.c : File could not be opened.
  520. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hddx8000_xq.h : File could not be opened.
  521. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hddx8001.h : File could not be opened.
  522. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdevice.h : File could not be opened.
  523. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4dis.bat : File could not be opened.
  524. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdisc.h : File could not be opened.
  525. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdma.h : File could not be opened.
  526. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdmabuf.h : File could not be opened.
  527. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4double_title.c : File could not be opened.
  528. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4drm.bat : File could not be opened.
  529. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdrm.h : File could not be opened.
  530. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hDRM_UI.h : File could not be opened.
  531. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4dsp3.bat : File could not be opened.
  532. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3aacd.c : File could not be opened.
  533. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3aacd.inc : File could not be opened.
  534. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3aacp.c : File could not be opened.
  535. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdsp3code.h : File could not be opened.
  536. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3Codec.inc : File could not be opened.
  537. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3mp3d.c : File could not be opened.
  538. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3mp3d.inc : File could not be opened.
  539. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3mp3p.c : File could not be opened.
  540. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3mp3p.inc : File could not be opened.
  541. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3noise.c : File could not be opened.
  542. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3pm.c : File could not be opened.
  543. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.c : File could not be opened.
  544. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.108.dtscd.c : File could not be opened.
  545. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.108.dtscd.inc : File could not be opened.
  546. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.945.ac3.c : File could not be opened.
  547. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.945.ac3.inc : File could not be opened.
  548. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.945.dts.c : File could not be opened.
  549. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.945.dts.inc : File could not be opened.
  550. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.aac.c : File could not be opened.
  551. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.aac.inc : File could not be opened.
  552. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  553. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  554. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.5.1ch.16M.c : File could not be opened.
  555. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.5.1ch.16M.inc : File could not be opened.
  556. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.c : File could not be opened.
  557. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.inc : File could not be opened.
  558. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.raw.analog.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  559. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.raw.analog.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  560. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.spi.8200.c : File could not be opened.
  561. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.spi.8200.inc : File could not be opened.
  562. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.spi.8202.c : File could not be opened.
  563. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.spi.8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  564. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ac3.spi.c : File could not be opened.
  565. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  566. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  567. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.c : File could not be opened.
  568. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.inc : File could not be opened.
  569. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.spi.8200.c : File could not be opened.
  570. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.spi.8200.inc : File could not be opened.
  571. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.spi.8202.c : File could not be opened.
  572. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.spi.8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  573. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.cd.spi.c : File could not be opened.
  574. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.5.1ch.16M.c : File could not be opened.
  575. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.5.1ch.16M.inc : File could not be opened.
  576. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.8200.c : File could not be opened.
  577. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.8200.inc : File could not be opened.
  578. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.8202.c : File could not be opened.
  579. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  580. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.c : File could not be opened.
  581. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.spi.8200.c : File could not be opened.
  582. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.spi.8200.inc : File could not be opened.
  583. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.spi.8202.c : File could not be opened.
  584. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.spi.8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  585. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dts.spi.c : File could not be opened.
  586. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dtscd.c : File could not be opened.
  587. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.dtscd.inc : File could not be opened.
  588. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.hdcd.c : File could not be opened.
  589. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.hdcd.inc : File could not be opened.
  590. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.jp.c : File could not be opened.
  591. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  592. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.2ch.EQ.16M.c : File could not be opened.
  593. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.2ch.EQ.16M.inc : File could not be opened.
  594. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  595. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.c : File could not be opened.
  596. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.fudo.c : File could not be opened.
  597. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.fudo.inc : File could not be opened.
  598. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.lpcm.inc : File could not be opened.
  599. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.midi.c : File could not be opened.
  600. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.midi.inc : File could not be opened.
  601. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  602. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.2ch.EQ.16M.c : File could not be opened.
  603. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.2ch.EQ.16M.inc : File could not be opened.
  604. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  605. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.c : File could not be opened.
  606. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.inc : File could not be opened.
  607. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.jpg.c : File could not be opened.
  608. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.jpg.inc : File could not be opened.
  609. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.mix.c : File could not be opened.
  610. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.mp3.mix.inc : File could not be opened.
  611. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.nes.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  612. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.nes.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  613. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.nes.c : File could not be opened.
  614. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.nes.inc : File could not be opened.
  615. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.noise.c : File could not be opened.
  616. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.noise.inc : File could not be opened.
  617. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ppcm.c : File could not be opened.
  618. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.ppcm.inc : File could not be opened.
  619. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.raw.dtscd.c : File could not be opened.
  620. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.raw.dtscd.inc : File could not be opened.
  621. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spdif.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  622. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spdif.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  623. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spdif.c : File could not be opened.
  624. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spdif.dts.c : File could not be opened.
  625. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spdif.dts.inc : File could not be opened.
  626. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spg.c : File could not be opened.
  627. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.spg.inc : File could not be opened.
  628. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.tuner.c : File could not be opened.
  629. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.tuner.inc : File could not be opened.
  630. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.wma.2ch.c : File could not be opened.
  631. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.wma.2ch.inc : File could not be opened.
  632. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.wma.c : File could not be opened.
  633. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16.wma.inc : File could not be opened.
  634. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16_dts.dts.c : File could not be opened.
  635. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3rom.d16_dts.dts.inc : File could not be opened.
  636. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdsp3rom.h : File could not be opened.
  637. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdsp3_16Mb.bat : File could not be opened.
  638. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3_cmd.c : File could not be opened.
  639. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdsp3_codec_extern_param.h : File could not be opened.
  640. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdsp3_if.h : File could not be opened.
  641. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dsp3_intr.c : File could not be opened.
  642. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4dsp3_run.bat : File could not be opened.
  643. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4dsplib.bat : File could not be opened.
  644. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4DSP3dts_rom.c : File could not be opened.
  645. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pldump2hex.pl : File could not be opened.
  646. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4dvda.bat : File could not be opened.
  647. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdvddsp.h : File could not be opened.
  648. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdvdioctl.h : File could not be opened.
  649. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdvdpe.h : File could not be opened.
  650. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdvdpe_c.h : File could not be opened.
  651. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdvdpe_d.h : File could not be opened.
  652. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4ef_sqrt.c : File could not be opened.
  653. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hemu.h : File could not be opened.
  654. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4emuio.c : File could not be opened.
  655. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hemuio.h : File could not be opened.
  656. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hemuiodrv.h : File could not be opened.
  657. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hendian.h : File could not be opened.
  658. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hepp.h : File could not be opened.
  659. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4herror.h : File could not be opened.
  660. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hestd.h : File could not be opened.
  661. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfastmath.h : File could not be opened.
  662. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fdlibm.c : File could not be opened.
  663. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfdlibm.h : File could not be opened.
  664. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fifo.c : File could not be opened.
  665. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfifo.h : File could not be opened.
  666. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfilemode.h : File could not be opened.
  667. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hFileMode_pub.h : File could not be opened.
  668. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfile_def.h : File could not be opened.
  669. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfile_if.h : File could not be opened.
  670. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfile_var.h : File could not be opened.
  671. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4font.bat : File could not be opened.
  672. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hFontInterface.h : File could not be opened.
  673. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4font_lowercase.c : File could not be opened.
  674. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4font_offset.c : File could not be opened.
  675. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4font_ori_arabic.c : File could not be opened.
  676. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4font_ori_korean.c : File could not be opened.
  677. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4font_traditional_16m.c : File could not be opened.
  678. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hframebuf.h : File could not be opened.
  679. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hFrameBuf_BmpUI.h : File could not be opened.
  680. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fs.bat : File could not be opened.
  681. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfs.h : File could not be opened.
  682. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfs96602.h : File could not be opened.
  683. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsfont.h : File could not be opened.
  684. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUI.h : File could not be opened.
  685. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUI1.h : File could not be opened.
  686. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUIX.h : File could not be opened.
  687. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUI_BmpUI.h : File could not be opened.
  688. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUI_new.h : File could not be opened.
  689. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUI_osd_def.h : File could not be opened.
  690. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsGUI_osd_func.h : File could not be opened.
  691. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsmidi.h : File could not be opened.
  692. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsMidiUI.h : File could not be opened.
  693. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsMP3TXT.h : File could not be opened.
  694. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsNAV.h : File could not be opened.
  695. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsNAV_PMP.h : File could not be opened.
  696. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfsTXT.h : File could not be opened.
  697. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHfs_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  698. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHfs_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  699. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fs_krnl.bat : File could not be opened.
  700. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemfs_message_show.c : File could not be opened.
  701. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fs_midi.bat : File could not be opened.
  702. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fs_mp4.bat : File could not be opened.
  703. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfs_OSD_bmp.h : File could not be opened.
  704. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4fs_pmp.bat : File could not be opened.
  705. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfs_show.h : File could not be opened.
  706. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfs_util.h : File could not be opened.
  707. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfut_6_bt_253gk.h : File could not be opened.
  708. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfut_6_bt_265gk.h : File could not be opened.
  709. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfut_6_bt_265_1gk.h : File could not be opened.
  710. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfut_6_bt_267gk.h : File could not be opened.
  711. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hfut_6_bt_269gk1.h : File could not be opened.
  712. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4game.bat : File could not be opened.
  713. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgame16.h : File could not be opened.
  714. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4gbm.bat : File could not be opened.
  715. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgb_aviq.h : File could not be opened.
  716. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgb_def.h : File could not be opened.
  717. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgb_io.h : File could not be opened.
  718. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgb_knl.h : File could not be opened.
  719. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgb_sh.h : File could not be opened.
  720. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgb_sz.h : File could not be opened.
  721. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4gccl2.bat : File could not be opened.
  722. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgetbits.h : File could not be opened.
  723. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgpio.h : File could not be opened.
  724. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgpio_8202.h : File could not be opened.
  725. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgpio_mute_8200.h : File could not be opened.
  726. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4gpio_portable.c : File could not be opened.
  727. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgpio_portable.h : File could not be opened.
  728. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hgraph.h : File could not be opened.
  729. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hc165.c : File could not be opened.
  730. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hc4094.c : File could not be opened.
  731. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemhdd_copy.c : File could not be opened.
  732. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemhdd_file.c : File could not be opened.
  733. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhdd_fs.h : File could not be opened.
  734. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemhdd_gui.c : File could not be opened.
  735. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhdd_if.h : File could not be opened.
  736. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhdd_info.h : File could not be opened.
  737. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hdd_play.c : File could not be opened.
  738. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemhdd_play.c : File could not be opened.
  739. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4helvr12.c : File could not be opened.
  740. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4plhex2bin.pl : File could not be opened.
  741. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4higui.bat : File could not be opened.
  742. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hj.bat : File could not be opened.
  743. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhost_811.h : File could not be opened.
  744. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hht_13d_15s.h : File could not be opened.
  745. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhw.h : File could not be opened.
  746. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhwdev.h : File could not be opened.
  747. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhwif.h : File could not be opened.
  748. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemhwif2.c : File could not be opened.
  749. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hhw_ms.h : File could not be opened.
  750. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4icon.c : File could not be opened.
  751. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hIcon.h : File could not be opened.
  752. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4icon_bbk.h : File could not be opened.
  753. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4ide.bat : File could not be opened.
  754. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hieeefp.h : File could not be opened.
  755. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4himage.h : File could not be opened.
  756. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hInfoBanner_def.h : File could not be opened.
  757. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hInfoBanner_func.h : File could not be opened.
  758. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4input_lib.h : File could not be opened.
  759. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4packageinstall.bat : File could not be opened.
  760. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hintdef.h : File could not be opened.
  761. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hintr.h : File could not be opened.
  762. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hint_tmr1.h : File could not be opened.
  763. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hiophw.h : File could not be opened.
  764. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom.inc : File could not be opened.
  765. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22.inc : File could not be opened.
  766. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_256_ns_ad7312_key08_688.inc : File could not be opened.
  767. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  768. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202E_216pin_ns_16bit_game.inc : File could not be opened.
  769. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202PMP_256_ns_16bit_MCU810.inc : File could not be opened.
  770. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202PMP_256_ns_16bit_MCU810_new_I2C.inc : File could not be opened.
  771. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_216pin_ns_16bit.inc : File could not be opened.
  772. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_216pin_ns_16bit_game.inc : File could not be opened.
  773. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin.inc : File could not be opened.
  774. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit.inc : File could not be opened.
  775. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_eastech_2030.inc : File could not be opened.
  776. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_eastech_30H0.inc : File could not be opened.
  777. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_game_16312_588.inc : File could not be opened.
  778. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_midi_sy_m5.inc : File could not be opened.
  779. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_nogame.inc : File could not be opened.
  780. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_pca9564.inc : File could not be opened.
  781. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_pca9564_1.inc : File could not be opened.
  782. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_philips.inc : File could not be opened.
  783. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_32bit.inc : File could not be opened.
  784. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_32bit_588.inc : File could not be opened.
  785. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ns_32bit_game_588.inc : File could not be opened.
  786. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_8202_256pin_ps2m_9798.inc : File could not be opened.
  787. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_oldi2c.inc : File could not be opened.
  788. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_ps2m.inc : File could not be opened.
  789. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_u.inc : File could not be opened.
  790. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v.inc : File could not be opened.
  791. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_1.inc : File could not be opened.
  792. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_256pin_ns_16bit_m3004_121.5_5b8.inc : File could not be opened.
  793. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_256_ns_ad7312_key01_688.inc : File could not be opened.
  794. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202S_16bit_konka_16312_5b8.inc : File could not be opened.
  795. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202s_216pin_game_16312_588.inc : File could not be opened.
  796. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202_256pin_ns_1621_5b8.inc : File could not be opened.
  797. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202_256pin_ns_16bit_16312_game_m3004_5b8.inc : File could not be opened.
  798. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202_256pin_ns_32bit_16312_game_konka_5b8.inc : File could not be opened.
  799. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202_256pin_ns_32bit_16312_game_m3004_5b8.inc : File could not be opened.
  800. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_8202_ht1621_6e8.inc : File could not be opened.
  801. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_945.inc : File could not be opened.
  802. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_hc164.inc : File could not be opened.
  803. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_ht1621.inc : File could not be opened.
  804. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_HT1621_94_5.inc : File could not be opened.
  805. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_mico.inc : File could not be opened.
  806. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_new.inc : File could not be opened.
  807. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_new_2.inc : File could not be opened.
  808. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_p.inc : File could not be opened.
  809. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_pt6554.inc : File could not be opened.
  810. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_pt6961.inc : File could not be opened.
  811. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom22_v_spl10.inc : File could not be opened.
  812. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom_portable.inc : File could not be opened.
  813. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  814. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_8202_16312_RISC_POWER_ON.inc : File could not be opened.
  815. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_8202_eastwin.inc : File could not be opened.
  816. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_8202_ex_ir.inc : File could not be opened.
  817. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_eastech_2030.inc : File could not be opened.
  818. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_eastech_30H0.inc : File could not be opened.
  819. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_GBM.inc : File could not be opened.
  820. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_hc164.inc : File could not be opened.
  821. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_HJ_ad7312.inc : File could not be opened.
  822. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_ht1621.inc : File could not be opened.
  823. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPRESETioprom_reset_yadai_standby.inc : File could not be opened.
  824. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom_spi_teac_8202.inc : File could not be opened.
  825. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IOPioprom_spi_teac_8202_216.inc : File could not be opened.
  826. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hio_epp.h : File could not be opened.
  827. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hio_uart0.h : File could not be opened.
  828. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hio_uart1.h : File could not be opened.
  829. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4ir.bat : File could not be opened.
  830. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir.h : File could not be opened.
  831. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_3dsound.c : File could not be opened.
  832. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_amp.c : File could not be opened.
  833. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_card.c : File could not be opened.
  834. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_dir.c : File could not be opened.
  835. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_receiver.c : File could not be opened.
  836. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_subtitle.c : File could not be opened.
  837. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_util.c : File could not be opened.
  838. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_vfd_gpio.c : File could not be opened.
  839. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircmd_zoom.c : File could not be opened.
  840. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDircode.h : File could not be opened.
  841. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_315.c : File could not be opened.
  842. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_315.h : File could not be opened.
  843. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_49.h : File could not be opened.
  844. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_8202_receiver.c : File could not be opened.
  845. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_aistar.h : File could not be opened.
  846. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_aki.h : File could not be opened.
  847. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_aviq_HNVC06SS91.C : File could not be opened.
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  849. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_bbk.c : File could not be opened.
  850. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_bbk.h : File could not be opened.
  851. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_bmt.c : File could not be opened.
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  853. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_desay.c : File could not be opened.
  854. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_desay.h : File could not be opened.
  855. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_dongli.c : File could not be opened.
  856. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_dongli.h : File could not be opened.
  857. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_dss_555.c : File could not be opened.
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  861. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_east_dp2030.c : File could not be opened.
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  863. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_east_dp3240.c : File could not be opened.
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  865. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_everstar.c : File could not be opened.
  866. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_everstar.h : File could not be opened.
  867. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fengkai.c : File could not be opened.
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  869. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fudi.c : File could not be opened.
  870. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fudi.h : File could not be opened.
  871. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fudi_906g.c : File could not be opened.
  872. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fudi_906g.h : File could not be opened.
  873. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss.c : File could not be opened.
  874. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss.h : File could not be opened.
  875. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_feiyang.c : File could not be opened.
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  877. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_lide.c : File could not be opened.
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  879. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_masco.c : File could not be opened.
  880. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_masco.h : File could not be opened.
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  883. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_sanying.c : File could not be opened.
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  885. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_shengke.c : File could not be opened.
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  887. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_fuss_xinqiao.c : File could not be opened.
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  889. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_g.c : File could not be opened.
  890. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_g.h : File could not be opened.
  891. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gaodasi.c : File could not be opened.
  892. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gaodasi.h : File could not be opened.
  893. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm.c : File could not be opened.
  894. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm.h : File could not be opened.
  895. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm1.h : File could not be opened.
  896. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm2.h : File could not be opened.
  897. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm_haier.c : File could not be opened.
  898. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm_haier.h : File could not be opened.
  899. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm_portable.c : File could not be opened.
  900. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_gbm_portable.h : File could not be opened.
  901. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_hanyang_dvd300.c : File could not be opened.
  902. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_hanyang_dvd300.h : File could not be opened.
  903. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_hengchen.c : File could not be opened.
  904. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_hengchen.h : File could not be opened.
  905. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_himage_112w.c : File could not be opened.
  906. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_himage_112w.h : File could not be opened.
  907. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_himage_dp313.c : File could not be opened.
  908. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_himage_dp313.h : File could not be opened.
  909. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_himage_dp316.c : File could not be opened.
  910. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_himage_dp316.h : File could not be opened.
  911. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_hobo.h : File could not be opened.
  912. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia.c : File could not be opened.
  913. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia.h : File could not be opened.
  914. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia_2290.c : File could not be opened.
  915. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia_2290.h : File could not be opened.
  916. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia_ad1200.c : File could not be opened.
  917. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia_ad1200.h : File could not be opened.
  918. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia_ir240.c : File could not be opened.
  919. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huajia_ir240.h : File could not be opened.
  920. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huifengyuan.c : File could not be opened.
  921. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_huifengyuan.h : File could not be opened.
  922. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_idall.c : File could not be opened.
  923. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_idall.h : File could not be opened.
  924. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_intech.h : File could not be opened.
  925. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jcg.c : File could not be opened.
  926. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jcg.h : File could not be opened.
  927. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke.C : File could not be opened.
  928. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke.H : File could not be opened.
  929. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke2.H : File could not be opened.
  930. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke3.C : File could not be opened.
  931. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke3.H : File could not be opened.
  932. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke4.C : File could not be opened.
  933. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_jieke4.H : File could not be opened.
  934. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_kenloon.c : File could not be opened.
  935. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_kenloon.h : File could not be opened.
  936. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_KF8000x.c : File could not be opened.
  937. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_KF8000x.h : File could not be opened.
  938. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ksd.c : File could not be opened.
  939. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ksd.h : File could not be opened.
  940. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ksd_2.c : File could not be opened.
  941. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ksd_2.h : File could not be opened.
  942. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_lucky.c : File could not be opened.
  943. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_lucky.h : File could not be opened.
  944. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_m.c : File could not be opened.
  945. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_m.h : File could not be opened.
  946. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_M168.c : File could not be opened.
  947. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_M168.h : File could not be opened.
  948. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_mico.c : File could not be opened.
  949. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_mico.h : File could not be opened.
  950. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_minton.c : File could not be opened.
  951. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_minton.h : File could not be opened.
  952. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_Mustek_ESS.c : File could not be opened.
  953. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_Mustek_ESS.h : File could not be opened.
  954. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_n.h : File could not be opened.
  955. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_N700.h : File could not be opened.
  956. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_n9663.c : File could not be opened.
  957. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_n9663.h : File could not be opened.
  958. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_newfuss.c : File could not be opened.
  959. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_newfuss.h : File could not be opened.
  960. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_nextbase.c : File could not be opened.
  961. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_nextbase.h : File could not be opened.
  962. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_nintaus.c : File could not be opened.
  963. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_nintaus.h : File could not be opened.
  964. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_oritron.c : File could not be opened.
  965. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_oritron.h : File could not be opened.
  966. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ourmind.h : File could not be opened.
  967. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ourmind_no_lcd.c : File could not be opened.
  968. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_ourmind_no_lcd.h : File could not be opened.
  969. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_p.c : File could not be opened.
  970. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_p.h : File could not be opened.
  971. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda.c : File could not be opened.
  972. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda.h : File could not be opened.
  973. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_600.c : File could not be opened.
  974. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_600.h : File could not be opened.
  975. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_6961.c : File could not be opened.
  976. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_6961.h : File could not be opened.
  977. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_dp109.c : File could not be opened.
  978. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_dp109.h : File could not be opened.
  979. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_spanish.c : File could not be opened.
  980. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_panda_spanish.h : File could not be opened.
  981. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_proview.c : File could not be opened.
  982. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_proview.h : File could not be opened.
  983. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_qisheng.c : File could not be opened.
  984. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_qisheng.h : File could not be opened.
  985. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_s.h : File could not be opened.
  986. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_SAMSUNG1.c : File could not be opened.
  987. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_SAMSUNG1.h : File could not be opened.
  988. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_skyworth.c : File could not be opened.
  989. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_skyworth.h : File could not be opened.
  990. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_skyworth2.c : File could not be opened.
  991. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_skyworth2.h : File could not be opened.
  992. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_smt.c : File could not be opened.
  993. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_smt.h : File could not be opened.
  994. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_sunplus_8200_old.c : File could not be opened.
  995. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_sunplus_8200_old.h : File could not be opened.
  996. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_sunplus_IR200.h : File could not be opened.
  997. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_suojia.c : File could not be opened.
  998. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_suojia.h : File could not be opened.
  999. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_suojia_jx2002.c : File could not be opened.
  1000. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_suojia_jx2002.h : File could not be opened.
  1001. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_sva.c : File could not be opened.
  1002. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_sva.h : File could not be opened.
  1003. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_SVCD30.c : File could not be opened.
  1004. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_SVCD30.h : File could not be opened.
  1005. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_syber.c : File could not be opened.
  1006. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_syber.h : File could not be opened.
  1007. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_syber1.c : File could not be opened.
  1008. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_syber1.h : File could not be opened.
  1009. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_t.h : File could not be opened.
  1010. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_v.c : File could not be opened.
  1011. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_v.h : File could not be opened.
  1012. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_vtrek.c : File could not be opened.
  1013. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_vtrek.h : File could not be opened.
  1014. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_wangine.c : File could not be opened.
  1015. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_wangine.h : File could not be opened.
  1016. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_wangine_IR28.c : File could not be opened.
  1017. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_wangine_IR28.h : File could not be opened.
  1018. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_weicheng.c : File could not be opened.
  1019. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_weicheng.h : File could not be opened.
  1020. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_weiking_m3004.c : File could not be opened.
  1021. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_weiking_m3004.h : File could not be opened.
  1022. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_weiking_tuner.c : File could not be opened.
  1023. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_weiking_tuner.h : File could not be opened.
  1024. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_WYD.c : File could not be opened.
  1025. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_WYD.h : File could not be opened.
  1026. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_x.h : File could not be opened.
  1027. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_xuke.c : File could not be opened.
  1028. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_xuke.h : File could not be opened.
  1029. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_yadai.c : File could not be opened.
  1030. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_yadai.h : File could not be opened.
  1031. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_yuxing.c : File could not be opened.
  1032. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDir_code_dirircode_yuxing.h : File could not be opened.
  1033. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDirout.h : File could not be opened.
  1034. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hiso9660.h : File could not be opened.
  1035. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4jpeg.bat : File could not be opened.
  1036. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hjpegeffect.h : File could not be opened.
  1037. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemjpegeffect_help.c : File could not be opened.
  1038. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hjpeglib.h : File could not be opened.
  1039. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hjpeglib_o.h : File could not be opened.
  1040. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHjpeg_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  1041. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHjpeg_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  1042. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4kernel.bat : File could not be opened.
  1043. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4kernel.c : File could not be opened.
  1044. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hkernel.h : File could not be opened.
  1045. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4keyboard_bmp.h : File could not be opened.
  1046. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4kfptr.c : File could not be opened.
  1047. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4kinf.c : File could not be opened.
  1048. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hkinf.h : File could not be opened.
  1049. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4LanguageUtil.c : File could not be opened.
  1050. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hLanguageUtil.h : File could not be opened.
  1051. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4LanguageUtil.inc : File could not be opened.
  1052. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hlbaif.h : File could not be opened.
  1053. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hlbc.h : File could not be opened.
  1054. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4license.c : File could not be opened.
  1055. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4license.h : File could not be opened.
  1056. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4line21.c : File could not be opened.
  1057. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hline21.h : File could not be opened.
  1058. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4load.h : File could not be opened.
  1059. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunpluslogo_mp3.c : File could not be opened.
  1060. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemmacro.c : File could not be opened.
  1061. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmacro.h : File could not be opened.
  1062. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4plmakedep.pl : File could not be opened.
  1063. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmath.h : File could not be opened.
  1064. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmem.h : File could not be opened.
  1065. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4membuf.c : File could not be opened.
  1066. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4membufv.c : File could not be opened.
  1067. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemmemcfg.c : File could not be opened.
  1068. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemcfg.h : File could not be opened.
  1069. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemmap.h : File could not be opened.
  1070. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemmap0.h : File could not be opened.
  1071. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemmap0b.h : File could not be opened.
  1072. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemmap0s.h : File could not be opened.
  1073. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemmap0_pmp.h : File could not be opened.
  1074. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmemmap_dsp3.h : File could not be opened.
  1075. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemmem_anchor.h : File could not be opened.
  1076. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmenu_def.h : File could not be opened.
  1077. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmenu_func.h : File could not be opened.
  1078. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmenu_page.h : File could not be opened.
  1079. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmisc.h : File could not be opened.
  1080. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4mjpeg.bat : File could not be opened.
  1081. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmjpeg.h : File could not be opened.
  1082. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmonitor.h : File could not be opened.
  1083. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmp3test.h : File could not be opened.
  1084. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4mp4.bat : File could not be opened.
  1085. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmpegsys.h : File could not be opened.
  1086. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmpgkern.h : File could not be opened.
  1087. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmpgsys.h : File could not be opened.
  1088. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmpgvid.h : File could not be opened.
  1089. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hms.H : File could not be opened.
  1090. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hmytypes.h : File could not be opened.
  1091. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4nav.bat : File could not be opened.
  1092. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hnavif.h : File could not be opened.
  1093. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHnav_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  1094. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHnav_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  1095. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hncmd.h : File could not be opened.
  1096. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hNESInit.h : File could not be opened.
  1097. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4ninf.c : File could not be opened.
  1098. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hninf.h : File could not be opened.
  1099. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4nintaus.bat : File could not be opened.
  1100. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPone_key_pass.h : File could not be opened.
  1101. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osdfont.inc : File could not be opened.
  1102. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osdfont_decompress.c : File could not be opened.
  1103. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosdGUI_def.h : File could not be opened.
  1104. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosdGUI_func.h : File could not be opened.
  1105. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosdhw.h : File could not be opened.
  1106. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplusosdsaver.inc : File could not be opened.
  1107. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplusosdsaver_color.inc : File could not be opened.
  1108. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4OSDShowFont.c : File could not be opened.
  1109. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosdsup.h : File could not be opened.
  1110. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osd_16BDC.c : File could not be opened.
  1111. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosd_arc.h : File could not be opened.
  1112. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosd_Bmp.h : File could not be opened.
  1113. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hOsd_BmpPalette.h : File could not be opened.
  1114. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osd_BmpUI.c : File could not be opened.
  1115. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosd_BmpUI.h : File could not be opened.
  1116. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osd_jpg_rotate.c : File could not be opened.
  1117. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osd_midi.c : File could not be opened.
  1118. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosd_pal_16b.h : File could not be opened.
  1119. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosd_pal_32b.h : File could not be opened.
  1120. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hosd_pal_rgb_32b.h : File could not be opened.
  1121. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osd_SFM.c : File could not be opened.
  1122. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4osd_show_font.c : File could not be opened.
  1123. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systempca9564.c : File could not be opened.
  1124. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systempca9564.h : File could not be opened.
  1125. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpcm1723.h : File could not be opened.
  1126. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpcm1742.h : File could not be opened.
  1127. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pe.bat : File could not be opened.
  1128. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4periphGUI.c : File could not be opened.
  1129. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHpe_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  1130. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHpe_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  1131. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpinf.h : File could not be opened.
  1132. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hplaymode.h : File could not be opened.
  1133. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDpmpkey.c : File could not be opened.
  1134. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpolling.h : File could not be opened.
  1135. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpolling_fun.h : File could not be opened.
  1136. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systempolling_PS2.c : File could not be opened.
  1137. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4prog_bmp.c : File could not be opened.
  1138. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4prog_mp3dir.c : File could not be opened.
  1139. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4prog_null_func.c : File could not be opened.
  1140. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpsd.h : File could not be opened.
  1141. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pt2258.c : File could not be opened.
  1142. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pt2320.c : File could not be opened.
  1143. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pt2322.c : File could not be opened.
  1144. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hpu8560.h : File could not be opened.
  1145. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4radio.c : File could not be opened.
  1146. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hradio_mv114_kst.h : File could not be opened.
  1147. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4radio_new_ui.c : File could not be opened.
  1148. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hradio_rds.h : File could not be opened.
  1149. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4read.c : File could not be opened.
  1150. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hread.h : File could not be opened.
  1151. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4receiver.bat : File could not be opened.
  1152. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hregdef.h : File could not be opened.
  1153. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hregloc.h : File could not be opened.
  1154. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hregmap.h : File could not be opened.
  1155. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hregmapa.h : File could not be opened.
  1156. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hregmapa_8200.h : File could not be opened.
  1157. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hregmapa_8202.h : File could not be opened.
  1158. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hreset.h : File could not be opened.
  1159. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hringbuf.h : File could not be opened.
  1160. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemriscint.c : File could not be opened.
  1161. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemriscint1.c : File could not be opened.
  1162. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemriscint2.c : File could not be opened.
  1163. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemriscint3.c : File could not be opened.
  1164. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemriscint4.c : File could not be opened.
  1165. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4plrm.pl : File could not be opened.
  1166. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplusrolsen.c : File could not be opened.
  1167. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4romfinit.c : File could not be opened.
  1168. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4rominit.c : File could not be opened.
  1169. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4rominit2.c : File could not be opened.
  1170. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hrommap_roma.h : File could not be opened.
  1171. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hrommap_romb.h : File could not be opened.
  1172. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hrom_bus_io.h : File could not be opened.
  1173. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4safe.c : File could not be opened.
  1174. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplussafe_sunplus.c : File could not be opened.
  1175. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4sbar.inc : File could not be opened.
  1176. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4scl.bat : File could not be opened.
  1177. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4score.c : File could not be opened.
  1178. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4scorefont.c : File could not be opened.
  1179. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hscsi.h : File could not be opened.
  1180. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsd.h : File could not be opened.
  1181. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsdctrl.h : File could not be opened.
  1182. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4sdctrl.inc : File could not be opened.
  1183. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4sdram.h : File could not be opened.
  1184. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4search.c : File could not be opened.
  1185. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4search1.c : File could not be opened.
  1186. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup.h : File could not be opened.
  1187. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup_def.h : File could not be opened.
  1188. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup_def_SFM.h : File could not be opened.
  1189. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup_if.c : File could not be opened.
  1190. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup_ui_def.h : File could not be opened.
  1191. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup_ui_down_SFM.c : File could not be opened.
  1192. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPsetup_ui_up_SFM.c : File could not be opened.
  1193. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsetvideo.c : File could not be opened.
  1194. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsft.c : File could not be opened.
  1195. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsig.h : File could not be opened.
  1196. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsinf.h : File could not be opened.
  1197. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsio.h : File could not be opened.
  1198. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hslowback.h : File could not be opened.
  1199. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsmc.h : File could not be opened.
  1200. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4sound.c : File could not be opened.
  1201. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsound_if.c : File could not be opened.
  1202. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsp721.h : File could not be opened.
  1203. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsp8200tv.h : File could not be opened.
  1204. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsphe8200.h : File could not be opened.
  1205. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemspif.c : File could not be opened.
  1206. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hspif.h : File could not be opened.
  1207. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hSPV301.h : File could not be opened.
  1208. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsreg.bat : File could not be opened.
  1209. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsrgb.c : File could not be opened.
  1210. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsrgb.h : File could not be opened.
  1211. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4srv.bat : File could not be opened.
  1212. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsrv2.c : File could not be opened.
  1213. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsrv2.h : File could not be opened.
  1214. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4srv_lib_8202_pj.h : File could not be opened.
  1215. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4srv_lib_std.h : File could not be opened.
  1216. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hstc.h : File could not be opened.
  1217. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hstdlib.h : File could not be opened.
  1218. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_16_9.inc : File could not be opened.
  1219. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_4_3lb.inc : File could not be opened.
  1220. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_4_3ps.inc : File could not be opened.
  1221. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_downmix_setup.inc : File could not be opened.
  1222. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_pc_vga.inc : File could not be opened.
  1223. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_prologic2.inc : File could not be opened.
  1224. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_pscan_yuv.inc : File could not be opened.
  1225. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_svideo.inc : File could not be opened.
  1226. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_tv_rgb.inc : File could not be opened.
  1227. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4SETUPstr_os_ycbcr.inc : File could not be opened.
  1228. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsup.h : File could not be opened.
  1229. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsupfunc.h : File could not be opened.
  1230. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsup_drv.h : File could not be opened.
  1231. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsvcd.h : File could not be opened.
  1232. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hswfformat.h : File could not be opened.
  1233. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hswitch.h : File could not be opened.
  1234. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsyscfg.h : File could not be opened.
  1235. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsysclk.h : File could not be opened.
  1236. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsysmain2.h : File could not be opened.
  1237. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsysmain2_car.h : File could not be opened.
  1238. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsysmain2_h.h : File could not be opened.
  1239. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hsysmain2_inc.h : File could not be opened.
  1240. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4sysmain_receiver.c : File could not be opened.
  1241. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsystem_game16.c : File could not be opened.
  1242. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsystem_jpeg_logo.c : File could not be opened.
  1243. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsystem_mjpeg.c : File could not be opened.
  1244. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsystem_mp4.c : File could not be opened.
  1245. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsystem_servo.c : File could not be opened.
  1246. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemsystem_sleep.c : File could not be opened.
  1247. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHsys_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  1248. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHsys_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  1249. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4task.bat : File could not be opened.
  1250. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4htask.h : File could not be opened.
  1251. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4tda7448.c : File could not be opened.
  1252. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4htest.h : File could not be opened.
  1253. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hThumbNav.h : File could not be opened.
  1254. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4htimer.h : File could not be opened.
  1255. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4title.c : File could not be opened.
  1256. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_arlink_1000.c : File could not be opened.
  1257. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_arlink_dvq_2005.c : File could not be opened.
  1258. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_arlink_dvq_2005_01.c : File could not be opened.
  1259. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_arlink_tr201.c : File could not be opened.
  1260. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_arlink_tr210.c : File could not be opened.
  1261. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_modify1_.c : File could not be opened.
  1262. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_rolsen.c : File could not be opened.
  1263. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplustitle_windows.c : File could not be opened.
  1264. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4pltouch.pl : File could not be opened.
  1265. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemtstsdram.c : File could not be opened.
  1266. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4htypes.h : File could not be opened.
  1267. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4uart.c : File could not be opened.
  1268. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4huart.h : File could not be opened.
  1269. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4UartComm.c : File could not be opened.
  1270. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hUartComm.h : File could not be opened.
  1271. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4huartfifo.h : File could not be opened.
  1272. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4huartsup.h : File could not be opened.
  1273. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemUartTxd.c : File could not be opened.
  1274. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hUartTxd.h : File could not be opened.
  1275. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hudf.h : File could not be opened.
  1276. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hudf_167.h : File could not be opened.
  1277. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4huhci.h : File could not be opened.
  1278. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4husb.h : File could not be opened.
  1279. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hUSBfs.h : File could not be opened.
  1280. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4USBGUI.c : File could not be opened.
  1281. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemusbpll.c : File could not be opened.
  1282. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4husbpll.h : File could not be opened.
  1283. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4husb_host_drv.h : File could not be opened.
  1284. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4userlogo.c : File could not be opened.
  1285. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4userlogo.h : File could not be opened.
  1286. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4systemutil.c : File could not be opened.
  1287. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hutil.h : File could not be opened.
  1288. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4vcd.bat : File could not be opened.
  1289. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHvcd_16.bat : File could not be opened.
  1290. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4BATCHvcd_32.bat : File could not be opened.
  1291. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hverify.h : File could not be opened.
  1292. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDvfd.h : File could not be opened.
  1293. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDVFDvfd_drv_gpio.c : File could not be opened.
  1294. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDVFDvfd_drv_gt1128.c : File could not be opened.
  1295. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDVFDvfd_drv_mcu810.c : File could not be opened.
  1296. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4IR_VFDVFDvfd_io_util.c : File could not be opened.
  1297. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4customersSunplusvfd_yux.c : File could not be opened.
  1298. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4virtual_keyboard.c : File could not be opened.
  1299. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hvpp.h : File could not be opened.
  1300. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hvstub.h : File could not be opened.
  1301. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4plwecho.pl : File could not be opened.
  1302. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hwm8720.h : File could not be opened.
  1303. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hwm8736.h : File could not be opened.
  1304. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hwm8746.h : File could not be opened.
  1305. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4hzigzag.h : File could not be opened.
  1306. D:work工作移交8202S_~150405~4zoom.c : File could not be opened.
  1307. ---- 0x07 Matches (12993 in 47 files) ----
  1308. Auddef.h (h):#define OUT_51DownmixL0R0       0x07
  1309. Auddrv.c://0x06:5.1 channel, 0x07:2 channel, 0x08:DownMix Lx,Rx(for ProLogic)
  1310. Audif.c: spdifin_mode =  0x07 & spdifin_info;
  1311. Cchar_ori_korean.h (h):#define KCh_07          "rxea"  //0x07  7
  1312. Cchar_ori_thai.h (h):#define Th_07          "rxea"  //0x07  7
  1313. Cust_def.h:#define  pt6554         0x07
  1314. Cust_def.h:#define ZEC_0601        0x07      // Made by Futaba
  1315. Dsp3_if.c (dsp3):        0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x08, 0x09,  //06--10
  1316. Dsp3_if.c (dsp3):        0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a,  //06--10
  1317. Dsp3_if.c (dsp3):        0x07,   //6
  1318. Dsp3_if.c (dsp3):        0x07,   //5
  1319. Dsp3_if.c (dsp3):            regs0->dsp24_port[0] = 0x0700 | cType;
  1320. Dspkernel.c:            regs0->dsp24_port[0] = 0x0700 | cType;
  1321. Font.c:0x07, 0xe0, 0x3f, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x3f, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  1322. Font.c:0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 
  1323. Font.c:0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 
  1324. Font.c:0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 
  1325. Font.c:0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1326. Font.c:0x07, 0x7f, 0x63, 0x80, 0x07, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0x00, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x7e, 0x00, 
  1327. Font.c:0x03, 0xf0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0xf1, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x71, 0xe3, 0x00, 
  1328. Font.c:0x07, 0x70, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x63, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x07, 0x00, 
  1329. Font.c:0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 
  1330. Font.c:0x00, 0x07, 0xff, 0x80, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1331. Font.c:0x03, 0x9c, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03, 0x9c, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0x9f, 0xff, 0x00, 
  1332. Font.c:0x07, 0x1f, 0xff, 0x00, 0x03, 0x1c, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  1333. Font.c:0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1334. Font.c:0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc7, 0x0f, 0x80, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80, 
  1335. Font.c:0x00, 0x0e, 0x71, 0x80, 0x07, 0x8e, 0x71, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x8e, 0x71, 0xc0, 
  1336. Font.c:0x00, 0x0e, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x70, 0x00, 0x07, 0x8e, 0x70, 0xe0, 
  1337. Font.c:0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1338. Font.c:0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1339. Font.c:0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 
  1340. Font.c:0x03, 0x87, 0x8e, 0x00, 0x03, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x00, 0x07, 0x1f, 0xff, 0x80, 
  1341. Font.c:0x03, 0x9c, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x03, 0x1d, 0xbe, 0x00, 0x07, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0xc0, 
  1342. Font.c:0x07, 0x1f, 0x07, 0xe0, 0x07, 0x1c, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1343. Font.c:0x00, 0xe1, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 
  1344. Font.c:0x03, 0x9f, 0xf9, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x9f, 0xf9, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 
  1345. Font.c:0x07, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1346. Font.c:0x01, 0x80, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x07, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  1347. Font.c:0x00, 0x7c, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x07, 0xf0, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x03, 0x70, 0x1c, 0x00, 
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  1383. Font.c:0x0e, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xfd, 0xff, 0xf8, 
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  1396. Font.c: 0x07, 0xb8, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xf8, 0x61, 0xc0, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x79, 0xc0,
  1397. Font.c: 0x01, 0xf8, 0x1d, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xbc, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x1e, 0x01, 0xc0,
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  1401. Font.c: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00,
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  1405. Font.c: 0x00, 0x03, 0x80, 0x00, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80,
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  1407. Font.c: 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x0e, 0x00,
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  1411. Font.c: 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x7f, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x0f, 0xf3, 0xe0,
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  1416. Font.c:0x0f, 0xee, 0x07, 0x70, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x3f, 0xf0, 0x03, 0x9f, 0xbf, 0xf0,
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  1432. Font.c: 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x00,
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  1436. Font.c: 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x03, 0x81, 0xc0,
  1437. Font.c: 0x07, 0x03, 0x81, 0xc0, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0,
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  1440. Font.c: 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
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  1450. Font.c: 0x01, 0xc1, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xc1, 0xff, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00,
  1451. Font.c: 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00,
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  1453. Font.c: 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x07, 0x00,