- //
- // setup.h
- //
- // define external interface of setup module
- //
- // notes:
- // side effect : these function calls do synchronous IO, so if caller want to do real-time job,
- // please consider it's worst case(max. timeout time)
- //
- // history:
- // 2002/02/07 : create
- //
- //AC3 related setting(including sperker gain, delay and Dolby digital setting)
- //when we change DSP audio decoder to AC3, call this
- void setup_SetAC3Config();
- //DTS related setting(including sperker gain and delay)
- //when we change DSP audio decoder to DTS, call this
- void setup_SetDTSConfig();
- //common DSP audio related setting
- void setup_SetAudioConfig();
- void setup_save_exit(void);
- int setup_IsSet2SPDIF_Bitstream();
- int setup_IsSet2SPDIF_PCM();
- int setup_IsSet2SPDIF_OFF();
- int setup_DTSCD_IsSet2SPDIF_PCMAndOff(void);
- void setup_Set2SPDIF_PCM();
- int setup_IsMICoff();
- void setup_CheckPasswd();
- void setup_SetKey();
- void setup_SetEcho();
- void setup_SetMic();
- int IsOSDChinese();
- int setup_IsMICOff(); //Jeff 20020524
- void setup_SetMICAuto();
- int setup_IsSpkSubwooferOn();//2-6-16 20:45
- void setup_SetDTSCDConfig();
- int setup_IsSpkDownmixOff(void);
- int WillKeyShiftNotDo(void);
- void setup_SetDTSDOWNMIXConfig();//nono 2003-11-24 14:47
- void setup_SetAC3PCMConfig();//nono 2004-8-4 9:27
- void setup_DVD3DSound(BYTE set);
- UINT8 setup_GetDownmixMode(void); //wanghaoying 2003-9-11 14:12
- UINT8 setup_GetPrologicII(void); //wanghaoying 2003-9-18 11:36
- int OsdIsEnglish(void);
- void setup_DVD_TVType(BYTE set);
- #endif
- int setup_IsVGAOn(); //wangfeng,2003-10-23 13:17
- int setup_IsPrologicOn(); //wangfeng 2004-2-2 11:27
- void setup_SetMPEGLogo(void);
- #endif//#ifdef USER_MPEG_LOGO
- #if defined(S_VIDEO_OUT)&&defined(S_VIDEO_SET_TV_DAC3_OFF)
- UINT8 setup_GetVideoMode(void);
- #endif
- void setup_SetFreqMaskConfig(void);
- void init_val_by_record(void);
- //=========================================ending========================================