- /*
- * History
- * Terry,2004/2/6 05:38PM
- */
- #include "set.h"
- #include "user_init.h"
- #include "load.h"
- #include "memmap0.h"
- /*
- ** FILE
- ** dvdL.ld
- ** linker script for dvd system (in little-endian mode)
- **
- ** ****************
- ** EMU-type0
- **
- ** ROM 88000000
- ** 00400000
- ** SDRAM 80000000
- **
- ** ****************
- ** EMU-type1 & ASIC-type0
- **
- ** ROM 88000000 (granuate A)
- ** 80000000 (granuate ABC)
- ** SDRAM 80000000
- */
- /*
- ** this file is VERY IMPORTANT for all systems. please keep
- ** every thing simple here for cleaness.
- */
- #include "input_lib.h"
- #define TO080(y) (0x080000000+1024*(y))
- #define TO180(y) (0x180000000+1024*(y))
- #define K(y) (1024*(y))
- //data ram,terry,2004/7/26 02:51PM
- #define TO_DR(x,y) (0x0bfff0000+1024*(y)+x)
- //stack pointer
- #include "stack.ldp"
- {
- /*===========================================================================
- * SDRAM 1 ,code ,rom data
- *=============================================================================*/
- /*
- * iop driver
- */
- .drv_iop :
- {
- _text_drv_iop = .;
- . = ALIGN(16);
- *iop.o (.rodata)
- } > sdram_drv_iop
- /*
- * iop standby driver
- */
- .drv_iop_rst :
- {
- . = ALIGN(16);
- *ioprom.o (.rodata)
- } > sdram_iop_rst
- /*
- * mpeg driver
- */
- .ramdrv1 :
- {
- _text_drv = .;
- . = ALIGN(16);
- *rwdk.o (.text*)
- #ifdef LOAD_MPEG
- *mpegsys*.o (.text*)
- *supdrv*.o (.text*) //terry,2004/2/4 04:22PM
- #if !defined(BBK_DVD)&&!defined(NINTAUS_DVD) ||defined(NIN_612_4M) //terry,2003/12/17 06:18PM
- *setup_ui1.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- } > sdram_drv1
- /*
- * jpeg driver
- */
- .ramdrv2 :
- {
- . = ALIGN(16);
- #ifdef LOAD_JPEG
- *jpegtest.o (.rodata)
- *jpegtest.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif
- } > sdram_drv2
- /*
- * navigation
- */
- .drv_dvd :
- {
- _text_drv_dvd = .;
- #if !defined(UNLOAD_ROMCODE)
- #ifdef LOAD_NAV
- *nav.o (.text*)
- *pgc.o (.text*)
- *user_if.o (.text*)
- *ncmd.o (.text*)
- *ncmd_exe.o (.text*)
- *vts.o (.text*)
- *vmg.o (.text*)
- *preview.o (.rodata)
- *preview.o (.text*)
- *psd.o (.rodata)
- *psd.o (.text*)
- *v11.o (.rodata)
- *v11.o (.text*)
- *svcd.o (.rodata)
- *svcd.o (.text*)
- *cdg.o (.rodata)
- *cdg.o (.text*)
- *gf2m_c.o (.text*)
- *rs2420.o (.text*)
- *rs42.o (.rodata)
- *rs42.o (.text*)
- *navif.o (.text*)
- *book.o (.text*)
- *srv0.o (.text*)
- *srv1.o (.text*)
- #if !defined(NINTAUS_DVD)&& !defined(HUAJIA_DVD)&& !defined(GBM_DVD)&& !defined(MINTON_DVD)||defined(NIN_612_4M)
- *prvdrv.o (.text*)
- *int_decerr.o (.text*)
- *supdec*.o (.text*)
- *slowback.o (.text*)
- // *cd.o (.text*)
- *cdfunc.o (.text*)
- #if !defined(PMP_DVD)
- *mainproc.o (.text*)
- *sysmain2.o (.text*)
- #endif //#if !defined(PMP_DVD)
- *dvdpe.o (.text*)
- // *audhw.o (.text*)//nono 2004-6-22 18:40 for WHEN JPEG PLAYING, setting SPDIF item will reset.
- // *cderr.o (.text*)
- *repeat.o (.text*)
- //cannot reduce rom code,
- *css-des.o (.text*)
- *css-auth.o (.rodata)
- *css-auth.o (.text*)
- *dvdauth.o (.text*)
- *dvdioctl.o (.text*)
- #endif//!defined(NINTAUS_DVD)
- *viddec.o (.rodata)
- *int_fld.o (.text*)
- *int_pend.o (.text*)
- *genint.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_dvd
- /*
- * boot-strap
- */
- .boot_flash :
- {
- *boot_flashs.o (.text*)
- *boot_flashs.o (.rodata)
- *boot_flash.o (.text*)
- *boot_flash.o (.rodata)
- *boot_emuio.o (.text*)
- *boot_emuio.o (.rodata)
- *boot_uart.o (.text*)
- *boot_uart.o (.rodata)
- *boot_sio.o (.text*)
- *boot_sio.o (.rodata)
- . = ALIGN(16);
- _text_rombin_start = .;
- } > sdram_flash
- .drv_cdrom :
- {
- _text_drv_cdrom = .;
- *flash.o (.text*)
- *flash.o (.rodata)
- #ifdef LOAD_CDROM
- *ThumbNav.o (.rodata)
- *ThumbNav.o (.text*)
- *fsNAV.o (.rodata)
- #ifndef PMP_DVD
- *fsGUI.o (.text*)
- *fsGUI.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- *fsNAV.o (.text*)
- *fs_nav_upgrade.o (.text*)
- *fs_nav_upgrade.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- *udf.o (.text*)
- *udf.o (.rodata)
- *fs9660.o (.text*)
- *fs9660.o (.rodata)
- *fsCDDA.o (.rodata)//nono 4-9-1 12:01 move from sdram_drv1
- *fsCDDA.o (.text*)
- *NESInit.o (.text*)
- // *nesif.o (.text*)
- // *nesif.o (.rodata)
- *fsFile.o (.rodata)
- *fsFile.o (.text*)
- *fsGUIX.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #ifdef LOAD_AP
- //nono 2004-10-10 13:20 move here from "drv_ap1".
- #if !defined(BBK_DVD)&&!defined(NINTAUS_DVD)||defined(NIN_612_4M) //terry,2003/12/17 06:18PM
- *graph.o (.rodata)
- *graph.o (.text*)
- *atapi_if.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif//#ifdef LOAD_AP
- #if defined(LOAD_AP_OTHER)&&!defined(DVD_AUDIO)&&!defined(DVD_ESP_2S)//nono 2004-10-16 16:23
- *cderr.o (.text*)
- #endif//LOAD_AP_OTHER
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_cdrom
- .drv_ap1 :
- {
- _text_drv_ap = .;
- #ifdef LOAD_AP
- *ircmd.o (.rodata)
- *ircmd.o (.text*)
- *ir_parser.o (.rodata)
- *ir_parser.o (.text*)
- *ir_drv.o (.text*)
- *disp.o (.rodata)
- *disp.o (.text*)
- *polling.o (.text*)
- *sound_if.o (.text*)
- *audif.o (.text*)
- *audif.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- #ifndef SUPPORT_MIDI
- *osd1.o (.text*)
- #endif
- *vfd.o (.rodata)
- *vfd.o (.text*)
- #if !defined(NINTAUS_DVD)||defined(NIN_612_4M)
- *setup.o (.rodata)
- #endif//#if !defined(NINTAUS_DVD)
- #if defined(SUPPORT_MP4)||defined(SUPPORT_ID3)||defined(SUPPORT_OSDID3) //linrc 2004-11-08 10:57
- *fs_message_show.o (.rodata)
- *fs_message_show.o (.text)
- #endif
- #if !defined(BBK_DVD)&&!defined(NINTAUS_DVD)||defined(NIN_612_4M) //terry,2003/12/17 06:18PM
- *safe.o (.rodata)
- *safe.o (.text*)
- *prog.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef LOAD_SERVO
- *Servo.o (.text*)
- *Servo.o (.rodata)
- *DecUtil.o (.text*)
- *DecUtil.o (.rodata)
- *IdeMain.o (.text*)
- *IdeMain.o (.rodata)
- *DecInit.o (.text*)
- *DecISR.o (.text*)
- *DecISR.o (.rodata*)
- *Atapicmd.o (.text*)
- *Atapicmd.o (.rodata)
- *DecUpdt.o (.text*)
- *DecUpdt.o (.rodata)
- *DSPCode.o (.text*)
- *SUtil.o (.text*)
- *Servoset.o (.text*)
- *TimerISR.o (.text*)
- *DecExUtil.o (.text*)
- *DecExUtil.o (.rodata)
- *ServoSet.o (.text*)
- *ServoSet.o (.rodata*)
- *SrvCom.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #ifdef LOAD_AP_OTHER //terry,2004/4/13 09:36PM
- *avd.o (.text*)
- *timer.o (.text*)
- *ircode.o (.rodata)
- *osdutil.o (.rodata)
- *font_offset.o (.rodata)
- *sound.o (.rodata)
- *sysmain2.o (.rodata)
- *estd.o (.text)
- *supset.o (.text)
- *cvdogt.o (.text)
- *sup.o (.text)
- *memcfg.o (.text)
- *util.o (.text)
- *nav_util.o (.text)
- *read.o (.text)
- *score.o (.text)
- *kernel.o (.text)
- *ninf.o (.text)
- *_Xdivdi3.o (.text)
- *setvideo.o (.text)
- // *hwif.o (.text)//cause 8200 standby fail.2004-4-30 11:32
- *cd.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_ap1
- .drv_ap2 :
- {
- _text_drv_ap2 = .;
- #ifdef LOAD_AP
- *setup.o (.text*)
- *intdrv.o (.text*)
- *prog.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_ap2
- .drv_ap3 :
- {
- . = ALIGN(16);
- #ifdef LOAD_AP
- /* *prog.o (.text*)*/
- /* *sound.o (.text*)*/
- #endif
- #endif
- } > sdram_ap3
- .drv_srvdp :
- {
- _text_drv_srvdp = .;
- *DSPCode.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- } > sdram_srvdp
- .drv_free :
- {
- _text_drv_free = .;
- #ifdef LOAD_AP
- #ifndef SUPPORT_JPEG_MIC //terry,2004/1/7 07:12PM
- #if !defined(PMP_DVD)&&!defined(BBK_DVD)&&!defined(NINTAUS_DVD)&&!defined(GBM_CARD_READER)||defined(NIN_612_4M) //nono 4-2-2 15:15
- *osd1.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- *search.o (.text*)
- *search.o (.rodata)
- *macro.o (.text*)
- *macro.o (.rodata)
- *image.o (.text*)
- *iop.o (.text*)
- *cderr.o (.text*)
- *cderr.o (.rodata)
- *hostx.o (.text*)
- *hostx.o (.rodata)
- *dsp3_if.o (.text*)
- *dsp3_if.o (.rodata)
- *fs9660_util.o (.text*)
- *fsNav_util.o (.text*)
- *fsGUI_util.o (.text*)
- *fsGUIShowFont.c (.text*) // 2004/02/01 yltseng
- *framebuf*.o (.text*)
- *sound.o (.text*)
- *fs.o (.text*)
- *fs.o (.rodata)
- *vpp_728.o (.text*)
- *jpegeffect.o (.rodata)
- *jpegeffect.o (.text*)
- //*jpegeffect_help.o (.rodata)
- //*jpegeffect_help.o (.text*)
- *lbaif.o (.rodata)
- *lbaif.o (.text*)
- *supintr.o (.text*)
- *viddec.o (.text*)
- #ifdef LOAD_MP4 // 2004/12/16 yltseng
- *viddec_mp4.o (.text*)
- #endif
- *time.o (.text*)
- *time.o (.rodata)
- *vpp_728.o (.rodata)
- *sp8200tv.o (.text*)
- *sp8200tv.o (.rodata)
- *mjpeg.o (.rodata)
- *mjpeg.o (.text*)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- } > sdram_free
- .drv_mp4 :
- {
- _text_drv_mp4 = .;
- #ifdef LOAD_MP4
- *mp4vid.o (.text*)
- *mp4vid.o (.rodata)
- *mp4vid.o (.bss)
- *mp4vid.o (COMMON)
- *mp4vid.o (.sbss)
- *mp4vid.o (.scommon)
- *avi_if.o (.text*)
- *avi_if.o (.rodata)
- #endif
- #endif
- } > sdram_mp4
- .drv_wma :
- {
- _text_drv_wma = .;
- #ifdef LOAD_WMA
- *asfheader.o (.text*)
- *asfheader.o (.rodata)
- *asfdata.o (.text*)
- *asfdata.o (.rodata)
- *asfheader.o (COMMON)
- *asfdata.o (.scommon)
- #endif
- #endif
- } > sdram_wma
- /*===========================================================================
- // ROM 1
- //===========================================================================*/
- /*
- ** .rom1: text image
- **
- ** this section keeps all the text-section rom image.
- ** the order of first few files is to ensure there will
- ** not be any cache trashing. don't modify it unless
- ** you know what you are doing.
- **
- */
- .rom1 :
- {
- #ifndef LOAD_OTHER
- /* normal */
- MIPS/init0.o (.text*) /* boot code */
- #ifndef DVDRELEASE
- *viddec.o (.text*)
- *viddec.o (.rodata)
- *intdrv.o (.text*)
- *int_fld.o (.text*)
- *int_pend.o (.text*)
- *genint.o (.text*)
- #endif
- /* *srv*.o (.text*)*/
- * (.text*)
- MIPS/crt0.o (.text*) /* c runtime code */
- #else
- /* download all code to SDRAM */
- MIPS/init0.o (.text*) /* boot code */
- MIPS/rominit.o (.text*) /* data/bss init code */
- MIPS/crt0.o (.text*) /* c runtime code */
- *reset.o (.text*) /* reset routine */
- *sysmain.o (.text*) /* c main-routine */
- *lexra.o (.text*)
- *dsp3_config.o (.text*)
- *bitop.o (.text*)
- *dtsrom.o (.rodata)
- *intdrv.o (.text*)
- *emuio.o (.text*)
- *uart0fifo.o (.text*)
- *other.o (.text*)
- *sdram.o (.text*)
- *sio.o (.text*)
- *sio.o (.rodata*)
- *uart1null.o (.text*)
- *hwcpu*.o (.text*)
- *crt0.o (.rodata*)
- *init0.o (.rodata*)
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > rom
- /*===========================================================================
- SDRAM 2, global var.
- ===========================================================================*/
- /*
- ** .ram1: DATA section
- **
- ** this section is the virtual mapping of data-sections.
- ** data section is for initialized read/write variables.
- ** we have to store the initial value of these variables
- ** somewhere(.rom1_2). during building the binary image
- ** we will dumping .ram1 content to .rom1_2
- **
- */
- .ram1 :
- {
- _data = .; /* beginning of data segment */
- * (.data)
- _gp = .; /* $gp global pointer, _gp for crt0.S to load */
- * (.sdata)
- * (.lit8)
- * (.lit4)
- * (.lita)
- _edata = .; /* end of data area (to be copied from ROM) */
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_cs
- /*===========================================================================
- ROM 2
- ===========================================================================*/
- /*
- ** .rom1_2: padding section for DATA initialization
- */
- .rom1_2 :
- {
- _data_ps = .;
- . += SIZEOF(.ram1);
- _data_pe = .;
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > rom
- /*
- ** .rom2: constant data
- */
- .rom2 :
- {
- /* CONSTANT DATA (read-only) */
- #ifndef LOAD_OTHER
- * (.rdata)
- * (.rodata)
- #else
- /* only load these essential data to ROM */
- MIPS/rominit.o (.rodata)
- MIPS/crt0.o (.rodata)
- *reset.o (.rodata)
- *sysmain.o (.rodata)
- *lexra.o (.rodata)
- //*memcfg.o (.rodata)
- *dsp3_config.o (.rodata)
- *bitop.o (.rodata)
- /* MIPS/title.o (.rodata)*/
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > rom
- .rom3 :
- {
- MIPS/title.o (.rodata)
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > rom_title
- /*===========================================================================
- // SDRAM 3
- //===========================================================================*/
- .ram_jpeg :
- {
- *jpegtest.o (.bss)
- *jpegtest.o (COMMON)
- *mjpeg.o (.bss)
- *mjpeg.o (COMMON)
- //*mjpeg.o (.sbss)
- //*mjpeg.o (.scommon)
- /*
- // These datas are moved to sdram_mp4 section
- *mp4vid.o (.bss)
- *mp4vid.o (COMMON)
- *mp4vid.o (.sbss)
- *mp4vid.o (.scommon)
- */
- //*asfheader.o (COMMON)
- //*asfheader.o (.scommon)
- //*asfdata.o (.scommon)
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_jpeg
- .drv_other :
- {
- _text_other = .;
- #ifdef LOAD_OTHER
- * (.text*)
- * (.rodata)
- #endif
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_other
- /*
- ** .ramf
- ** fast un-initialized variable storage.
- **
- */
- .ramF :
- {
- MIPS/databuf.o (.bss)
- MIPS/databuf.o (COMMON)
- . = ALIGN(16);
- } > sdram_cs
- /*
- ** .ram2: un-initialized data
- */
- .ram2 :
- {
- _bstart = .;
- * (.sbss)
- * (.scommon)
- * (.bss)
- * (COMMON)
- . = ALIGN(16);
- _bend = .;
- } > sdram_cs
- .rel :
- {
- * (.rel.dyn)
- } > garbage
- _etext = ADDR(.rom1) + SIZEOF(.rom1) + SIZEOF(.rom2); /* end of ROM image */
- _stextf = _etext + SIZEOF(.ram1);
- _tt_gb_size = SIZEOF(.ram1) + SIZEOF(.ram2) + SIZEOF(.ramF);
- .udf_buf :
- {
- _udf_work_buf = .;
- _udf_work_buf_end = .;
- } > sdram_udfbuf
- #if !defined( SDRAM_16Mb_Mode ) || !defined( SUPPORT_FILE_SYSTEM_MODE ) // 2004/06/12 yltseng
- #if !defined(FAT_FILE_MODE)&&!defined(FILE_MODE_WRITE)//liweihua 2004-10-20 17:25//sunzhh 2004-12-30
- _fs9660_buf = TO080(FS9660YA);
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_NAV_BUF
- wb_buf = TO080(N_NAVYA);
- #endif
- #ifndef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- decomp_fnTable = TO080(COMP_OSD_FONT);
- osd_temp_buf = TO080(OSD0_TEMP_YA);
- #endif
- /*===========================================================================
- // STACK
- //===========================================================================*/
- /*
- ** STACK location , 1.7K ,terry,2004/7/26 02:51PM
- */
- _stkptr = STK_PTR;
- _stkptr_dbg = STK_DBG_PTR;
- _stkbtm = STK_BTM_PTR;
- _stkbtm_dbg = STK_DBG_BTM_PTR;
- }
- {
- garbage : org = 0x00000000, l = 1m
- bootrom : org = 0xbfc00000, l = 512k /* Un-cached ROM boot */
- rom : org = 0x88000000, l = 1024k /* cached ROM image in ROM */
- rom_title : org = 0x88000000+987*1024, l = 37k
- /*
- * reference memmap0b.txt
- */
- #ifdef USE_C_IOP
- sdram_drv_iop : org = 0x080400000, l = 64k /* 0000 */
- sdram_iop_rst : org = 0x180400000, l = 64k /* 0000 */
- #else
- sdram_drv_iop : org = 0x080000000, l = 2k /* 0000 */
- sdram_iop_rst : org = 0x180000000, l = 2k /* 0000 */
- #endif
- sdram_cs : org = TO080(SDRAM_CS_ST), l = K(SDRAM_CS_SZ) /* 0007 */
- //#ifdef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- // sdram_jpeg : org = 0x080000000 + 87*1024,l = 8k /* AUDYA=85, 36-34=2, 85+2=87 */
- // #else
- // sdram_jpeg : org = 0x080000000 + 102*1024,l = 8k
- // #endif
- //#else
- sdram_jpeg : org = TO080(JPEG_CODE_YA), l = K(JPEG_CODE_SIZE) /* 3422 */
- //#endif
- sdram_flash : org = TO180(100), l = 10k /* 0100 */
- //#ifdef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- sdram_drv1 : org = TO080(DRV1N2_ST), l = K(DRV1_2_CODESIZE) /* PCM_YA=51 */
- sdram_drv2 : org = TO180(DRV1N2_ST), l = K(DRV1_2_CODESIZE) /* PCM_YA=51 */
- //#else
- // sdram_drv1 : org = 0x080000000+1024*DRV1N2_ST, l = 1024*DRV1_2_CODESIZE /* 2530 */
- // sdram_drv2 : org = 0x180000000+1024*DRV1N2_ST, l = 1024*DRV1_2_CODESIZE /* 2530 */
- //#endif
- sdram_ap2 : org = TO080(AP2N3_ST), l = K(AP2_CODESIZE) /* 2566 */
- sdram_ap3 : org = TO180(AP2N3_ST), l = K(AP3_CODESIZE) /* 2566 */
- sdram_ap1 : org = TO080(AP1_ST), l = K(AP_CODESIZE) /* 2598 */
- sdram_udfbuf : org = TO080(A_UDF_WORK_BUF), l = K(UDF_WORK_BUF_SIZE) /* 2744 */
- //#ifdef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- sdram_srvdp : org = TO080(A_SERVO_YA), l = K(SERVO_SIZE) /* 2028 */
- sdram_cdrom : org = TO080(CDROM_CODE_YA), l = K(CDROM_CODE_SIZE) /* 1968 */
- sdram_dvd : org = TO080(DVD_NAV_CODE), l =K(DVD_CODE_SIZE) /* 3770 */
- //#else
- // sdram_srvdp : org = TO080(A_SERVO_YA), l = K(SERVO_SIZE) /* 2744 */
- // sdram_cdrom : org = TO080(CDROM_CODE_YA), l = K(CDROM_CODE_SIZE) /* 3430 */
- // sdram_dvd : org = TO080(DVD_NAV_CODE), l = K(DVD_CODE_SIZE) /* 3770 */
- //#endif
- sdram_mp4 : org = TO080(A_MP4_CODE_YA), l = K(MP4_CODE_SIZE)
- sdram_wma : org = TO080(A_WMA_CODE_YA), l = K(WMA_CODE_SIZE)
- #ifdef SDRAM_16Mb_Mode
- sdram_free : org = TO080(FREE_CODE_YA), l = K(FREE_CODESIZE+1) /* 4022 */
- #else
- sdram_free : org = TO080(FREE_CODE_YA), l = K(FREE_CODESIZE+2) /* 4022 */
- #endif
- #else
- sdram_free : org = TO080(FREE_CODE_YA), l = K(FREE_CODESIZE) /* 4022 */
- #endif
- sdram_other : org = 0x180700000, l = 1024k /* 7168 */
- }
- ENTRY(__romstart)