- //文件名:CHAPTER9-32.cpp
- #include <set>
- #include <iostream>
- #if _MSC_VER > 1020 // if VC++ version is > 4.2
- using namespace std; // std c++ libs implemented in std
- #endif
- void main( )
- {
- multiset <int> ms1;
- multiset <int> :: const_iterator ms1_AcIter, ms1_RcIter;
- ms1.insert( 10 );
- ms1.insert( 20 ); ms1.insert( 20 );
- ms1.insert( 30 );
- ms1_RcIter = ms1.upper_bound( 20 );
- cout << "The first element of multiset ms1 with a key greater "
- << "than 20 is: " << *ms1_RcIter << "." << endl;
- ms1_RcIter = ms1.upper_bound( 30 );
- // If no match is found for the key, end( ) is returned
- if ( ms1_RcIter == ms1.end( ) )
- cout << "The multiset ms1 doesn't have an element "<< "with a key greater than 30." << endl;
- else
- cout << "The element of multiset ms1 with a key > 40 is: "<< *ms1_RcIter << "." << endl;
- // The element at a specific location in the multiset can be
- // found using a dereferenced iterator addressing the location
- ms1_AcIter = ms1.begin( );
- ms1_RcIter = ms1.upper_bound( *ms1_AcIter );
- cout << "The first element of ms1 with a key greater than"
- << endl << "that of the initial element of ms1 is: "<< *ms1_RcIter << "." << endl;
- }