- //文件名:CHAPTER8-42.cpp
- #include <list>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <functional>
- int main()
- {
- //default constructor
- std::list<int> c1 ;
- //create list with 10 copies of 4
- std::list<int> c2(10, 4) ;
- //copy constructor
- std::list<int> c3(c2) ;
- int ai[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ;
- int i ;
- std::list<int> c4 ;
- //get_allocator
- std::list<int>::allocator_type a1 = c4.get_allocator() ;
- //push_back
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- c4.push_back(ai[i]) ;
- //range copy constructor
- std::list<int> c5(c4.begin(), c4.end()) ;
- //begin, end
- std::cout << "c4 (using begin, end) = " ;
- std::list<int>::iterator Iter ;
- for(Iter = c4.begin(); Iter != c4.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- //rbegin, rend
- std::cout << "c4 (using rbegin, rend) = " ;
- std::list<int>::reverse_iterator RevIter ;
- for(RevIter = c4.rbegin(); RevIter != c4.rend(); RevIter++)
- std::cout << *RevIter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- //assign
- c2.assign(c5.begin(), c5.end()) ;
- c1.assign(10, 4) ;
- //back
- std::cout << "last element in c2 = " << c2.back() << std::endl ;
- //front
- std::cout << "first element in c2 = " << c2.front() << std::endl ;
- //size
- std::cout << "number of elements in c2 = " << c2.size() << std::endl ;
- //max_size
- std::cout << "max number of elements c2 can hold using current allocator = "
- << c2.max_size() << std::endl ;
- //erase
- c3.erase(c3.begin(), c3.end()) ;
- //clear
- c2.clear() ;
- //empty
- if (c2.empty() == true)
- std::cout << "c2 is now empty" << std::endl ;
- //resize
- c2.resize(10, 30) ;
- std::cout << "number of elements in c2 = " << c2.size() << std::endl ;
- std::cout << "last element in c2 = " << c2.back() << std::endl ;
- std::cout << "first element in c2 = " << c2.front() << std::endl ;
- //push_front
- c2.push_front(25) ;
- std::cout << "first element in c2 = " << c2.front() << std::endl ;
- //pop_back
- c2.pop_back() ;
- std::cout << "last element in c2 = " << c2.back() << std::endl ;
- //pop_front
- c2.pop_front() ;
- std::cout << "first element in c2 = " << c2.front() << std::endl ;
- //swap
- c3.swap(c2) ;
- std::cout << "number of elements in c3 = " << c3.size() << std::endl ;
- std::cout << "last element in c3 = " << c3.back() << std::endl ;
- std::cout << "first element in c3 = " << c3.front() << std::endl ;
- //insert
- c1.insert(c1.begin(), 20) ;
- c3.insert(c3.begin(), 4, 10) ;
- c3.insert(c3.end(), c5.begin(), c5.end()) ;
- std::cout << "c1 = " ;
- for(Iter = c1.begin(); Iter != c1.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- //reverse
- c3.reverse() ;
- std::cout << "c3, after reversing = " ;
- for(Iter = c3.begin(); Iter != c3.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- //remove
- c3.remove(30) ;
- std::cout << "c3, after removing all occurences of 30 = " ;
- for(Iter = c3.begin(); Iter != c3.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- c2.insert(c2.begin(), 4, 10) ;
- //remove_if
- c2.remove_if(std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<int>(), 10)) ;
- std::cout << "c2, after removing all elements which are not equal to 10 = " ;
- for(Iter = c2.begin(); Iter != c2.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- c2.insert(c2.begin(), 35) ;
- //sort
- c3.sort() ;
- std::cout << "c3, after sorting = " ;
- for(Iter = c3.begin(); Iter != c3.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- //unique
- c2.unique() ;
- std::cout << "c2, after removing duplicates = " ;
- for(Iter = c2.begin(); Iter != c2.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- //splice
- c3.splice(c3.end(), c2) ;
- c3.splice(c3.end(), c4, c4.begin()) ;
- c3.splice(c3.end(), c1, c1.begin(), c1.end()) ;
- c3.sort() ;
- c3.unique() ;
- std::cout << "c3 = " ;
- for(Iter = c3.begin(); Iter != c3.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- std::cout << "c2 = " ;
- for(Iter = c2.begin(); Iter != c2.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- std::cout << "c1 = " ;
- for(Iter = c1.begin(); Iter != c1.end(); Iter++)
- std::cout << *Iter << ", " ;
- std::cout << std::endl ;
- return 0 ;
- }