资源名称:matlab编程.zip [点击查看]
- % Script file: select_object.m
- %
- % Purpose:
- % This program illustrates the use of waitforbuttonpress
- % and gco to select graphics objects. It creates a plot
- % of sin(x) and cos(x), and then allows a user to select
- % any object and examine its properties. The program
- % terminates when a key press occurs.
- %
- % Record of revisions:
- % Date Programmer Description of change
- % ==== ========== =====================
- % 11/23/97 S. J. Chapman Original code
- %
- % Define variables:
- % details -- Object details
- % H1 -- Handle of sine line
- % H2 -- Handle of cosine line
- % Handle -- Handle of current object
- % k -- Result of waitforbuttonpress
- % type -- Object type
- % x -- Independent variable
- % y1 -- sin(x)
- % y2 -- cos(x)
- % yn -- Yes/No
- % Calculate sin(x) and cos(x)
- x = -3*pi:pi/10:3*pi;
- y1 = sin(x);
- y2 = cos(x);
- % Plot the functions.
- H1 = plot(x,y1);
- set(H1,'LineWidth',2);
- hold on;
- H2 = plot(x,y2);
- set(H2,'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle',':','Color','r');
- title('bfPlot of sin itx rmbf and cos itx');
- xlabel('bfitx');
- ylabel('bfsin itx rmbf and cos itx');
- legend('sine','cosine');
- hold off;
- % Now set up a loop and wait for a mouse click.
- k = waitforbuttonpress;
- while k == 0
- % Get the handle of the object
- Handle = gco;
- % Get the type of this object.
- type = get(Handle,'Type');
- % Display object type
- disp (['Object type = ' type '.']);
- % Do we display the details?
- yn = input('Do you want to display details? (y/n) ','s');
- if yn == 'y'
- details = get(Handle);
- disp(details);
- end
- % Check for another mouse click
- k = waitforbuttonpress;
- end