- // skelecton.cpp: implementation of the skelecton class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "skelecton.h"
- #include "kalman.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "vector3f.h"
- #include <assert.h>
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int coordinator_X,coordinator_Y=0; //图像中心坐标
- const double MaxMinZero=0.0000001; //小于这个值认为是0
- const double f=200; //pin-hole的有效焦距
- const double StardardLength=500; //对应现实世界的人体的高度,实际上是对应的象素
- const double StardardLengthNoiseRatio = 0.3 ; //测量误差占整个测量的比率
- double arc_y= 0;//y轴旋转15度
- double arc_z= 0;//z轴旋转15度
- skelecton::skelecton()
- {
- bone *pbone = new bone (1,"neck",0);
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (2,"head",1);
- pbone->start_arc_x = 30.0; //角度定义为右手坐标系
- pbone->end_arc_x = -30.0;
- pbone->start_arc_z = 10.0;
- pbone->end_arc_z = -80.0;
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (3,"rShoulder",1);
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (4,"lShoulder",1);
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (5,"rElbow",3);
- pbone->start_arc_y = -90;
- pbone->end_arc_y = 90;
- pbone->start_arc_z = 90;
- pbone->end_arc_z = -60.0;
- pbone->CID = 7;
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (6,"lElbow",4);
- pbone->start_arc_y = -90;
- pbone->end_arc_y = 90;
- pbone->start_arc_z = -90;
- pbone->end_arc_z = 60.0;
- pbone->LengthRatio = 0.15;
- pbone->CID = 8;
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (7,"rWrist",5);
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone (8,"lWrist",6);
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- bonevec.push_back (bone (9,"Waist",1));
- pbone = new bone (10,"rKnee",9);
- pbone->CID = 12;
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- pbone = new bone(11,"lKnee",9);
- pbone->CID = 13;
- bonevec.push_back (*pbone);
- bonevec.push_back (bone (12,"rAnkle",10));
- bonevec.push_back (bone (13,"lAnkle",11));
- delete pbone;
- pbone=NULL;
- pre_ske=NULL;
- //pgl = m_OpenGL;
- //pgl->Init();
- }
- skelecton::~skelecton()
- {
- //这里释放出错,需要再次检查是否有循环引用
- /*
- if(pre_ske!=NULL)
- {
- delete pre_ske;
- pre_ske = NULL;
- }
- if(pgl!=NULL)
- {
- delete pgl;
- pgl = NULL;
- }
- */
- bonevec.empty();
- }
- int skelecton::draw2D(CvArr* motion_track_img)
- {
- bone_vector::iterator theIterator;
- bone *pbone = 0;
- bone *ppbone = 0;
- for (theIterator = bonevec.begin(); theIterator != bonevec.end();
- theIterator++)
- {
- pbone = theIterator;
- cvCircle( motion_track_img, cvPoint(pbone->x,pbone->y),10, CV_RGB(0,255,0),3, CV_AA, 0 );
- if ( 0 != pbone->PID )
- {
- ppbone = get_bone_by_ID(pbone->PID);
- cvLine( motion_track_img, cvPoint(pbone->x,pbone->y),cvPoint(ppbone->x,ppbone->y),CV_RGB(0,255,0),2,CV_AA, 0 );
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bone* skelecton::get_bone_by_name(char *name)
- {
- bone_vector::iterator theIterator;
- bone_vector::iterator theIterator2;
- theIterator2 = 0;
- for (theIterator = bonevec.begin(); theIterator != bonevec.end();
- theIterator++)
- {
- if (0 == strncmp(theIterator->name, name , 4 ))
- {
- theIterator2=theIterator;
- break;
- }
- }
- return (theIterator2);
- }
- bone* skelecton::get_bone_by_ID(int ID)
- {
- return (&bonevec[ID-1]);
- }
- int skelecton::reset()
- {
- bone_vector::iterator theIterator;
- bone *pbone = 0;
- for (theIterator = bonevec.begin(); theIterator != bonevec.end();
- theIterator++)
- {
- pbone = theIterator;
- pbone->x =0 ;
- pbone->y =0 ;
- pbone->is_marked = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int skelecton::draw3D(CvArr *motion_track_img)
- {
- //2d坐标转化为3d坐标
- bone_vector::iterator theIterator;
- bone *pbone = 0;
- bone *ppbone = 0;
- ppbone = get_bone_by_name("head");
- ppbone->r_z =0; //初始化head的坐标为0
- ppbone->r_x=ppbone->x - coordinator_X;
- ppbone->r_y=ppbone->y - coordinator_Y;
- CvSize ImageSize;
- ImageSize = cvGetSize(motion_track_img);
- coordinator_X = (int)ImageSize.width/2;
- coordinator_Y = (int)ImageSize.height/2;
- CalcBonePosition();
- //绘制3d坐标系
- if(ske_pause) arc_y+=5;
- const double pi = 3.1415926535;
- double cosx = cos(arc_y/90*pi);
- double sinx = sin(arc_y/90*pi);
- double cosx_z = cos(arc_z/90*pi);
- double sinx_z = sin(arc_z/90*pi);
- const float ZX[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0,cosx,sinx,0,
- 0,-sinx,cosx,0,
- 0,0,0,1
- };
- const float ZY[] = { cosx,0,sinx,0,
- 0,1,0,0,
- -sinx,0,cosx,0,
- 0,0,0,1
- };
- const float ZZ[] = { cosx_z,sinx_z, 0, 0,
- -sinx_z,cosx_z,0,0,
- 0,0,1,0,
- 0,0,0,1
- };
- const float Zoom[] = {
- 1,0,0,0,
- 0,1,0,0,
- 0,0,1,0,
- coordinator_X,coordinator_Y,coordinator_X,1
- }; //缩放比率,并且平移100
- CvMat* RotateMatrix = cvCreateMat( 4, 4, CV_32FC1 ); //旋转矩阵
- memcpy( RotateMatrix->data.fl, ZY, sizeof(ZY));
- CvMat* tempMatrix = cvCreateMat( 4, 4, CV_32FC1 );
- memcpy( tempMatrix->data.fl, ZZ, sizeof(ZZ));
- cvMatMul( RotateMatrix, tempMatrix, RotateMatrix);
- memcpy( tempMatrix->data.fl, Zoom, sizeof(Zoom));
- cvMatMul( RotateMatrix, tempMatrix, RotateMatrix);
- CvMat* PointVector = cvCreateMat( 1, 4, CV_32FC1 ); //点矢量矩阵
- float pt[] = { 0,0, 0, 1};
- int ox,oy=0; //原点
- memcpy( PointVector->data.fl, pt, sizeof(pt));
- cvMatMul(PointVector,RotateMatrix,PointVector);
- ox = PointVector->data.fl[0];
- oy = PointVector->data.fl[1];
- pt[0]=300 ;
- pt[1]=0 ;
- pt[2]=0;
- memcpy( PointVector->data.fl, pt, sizeof(pt));
- cvMatMul(PointVector,RotateMatrix,PointVector);
- cvLine( motion_track_img, cvPoint(ox,oy),cvPoint(PointVector->data.fl[0],PointVector->data.fl[1]),CV_RGB(255,255,255),2,CV_AA, 0 );
- //printf( "PointVector->data.fl[0,1]: %f,%f n",PointVector->data.fl[0],PointVector->data.fl[1]);
- pt[0]=0 ;
- pt[1]=300 ;
- pt[2]=0;
- memcpy( PointVector->data.fl, pt, sizeof(pt));
- cvMatMul(PointVector,RotateMatrix,PointVector);
- cvLine( motion_track_img, cvPoint(ox,oy),cvPoint(PointVector->data.fl[0],PointVector->data.fl[1]),CV_RGB(0,255,255),2,CV_AA, 0 );
- //printf( "PointVector->data.fl[0,1]: %f,%f n",PointVector->data.fl[0],PointVector->data.fl[1]);
- pt[0]=0 ;
- pt[1]=0 ;
- pt[2]=300;
- memcpy( PointVector->data.fl, pt, sizeof(pt));
- cvMatMul(PointVector,RotateMatrix,PointVector);
- cvLine( motion_track_img, cvPoint(ox,oy),cvPoint(PointVector->data.fl[0],PointVector->data.fl[1]),CV_RGB(255,255,0),2,CV_AA, 0 );
- //printf( "PointVector->data.fl[0,1]: %f,%f n",PointVector->data.fl[0],PointVector->data.fl[1]);
- for (theIterator = bonevec.begin(); theIterator != bonevec.end();
- theIterator++)
- {
- pbone = theIterator;
- pt[0]=pbone->r_x ;
- pt[1]=pbone->r_y ;
- pt[2]=pbone->r_z ;
- memcpy( PointVector->data.fl, pt, sizeof(pt));
- cvMatMul(PointVector,RotateMatrix,PointVector);
- pbone->rotated_X = PointVector->data.fl[0];
- pbone->rotated_Y = PointVector->data.fl[1];
- if(pbone->is_marked==0) continue; //未标记则不画
- /*
- printf( "%s,r_x,r_y,r_z: %d,%d,%d n",pbone->name,pbone->r_x,pbone->r_y,pbone->r_z);
- printf( "rotated_X,Y: %d,%d n",pbone->rotated_X,pbone->rotated_Y);
- printf( "---------------------------------------------------n");
- */
- cvCircle( motion_track_img, cvPoint(pbone->rotated_X,pbone->rotated_Y),5, CV_RGB(0,255,0),2, CV_AA, 0 );
- if ( 0 != pbone->PID )
- {
- ppbone = get_bone_by_ID(pbone->PID);
- cvLine( motion_track_img, cvPoint(pbone->rotated_X,pbone->rotated_Y),cvPoint(ppbone->rotated_X,ppbone->rotated_Y),CV_RGB(0,255,0),2,CV_AA, 0 );
- }
- }
- pgl->display();
- return 0;
- }
- //假设pin hole模型
- int skelecton::CalcBoneRealWorldPosition(char *pname, char *ppName,double LengthRatio)
- {
- bone *ppbone = 0;
- bone *pbone = 0;
- int cx0,cy0=0; //校正后的坐标
- int cx,cy=0; //校正后的坐标
- double A,B,C,det,sqdet,x1,x2=0;
- ppbone = get_bone_by_name(pname);
- pbone = get_bone_by_name(ppName);
- cx0= ppbone->r_x;
- cy0= ppbone->r_y;
- cx= pbone->x - coordinator_X ;
- cy= pbone->y - coordinator_Y ;
- //'求解二元一次方程
- A = pow(cx/f,2) + pow(cy/f,2) + 1;
- B = -2*(cx/f)*ppbone ->r_x -2*(cy/f)*ppbone ->r_y - 2*ppbone->r_z;
- C = pow(ppbone->r_x,2) + pow(ppbone->r_y,2) + pow(ppbone->r_z,2) - pow(LengthRatio*StardardLength,2);
- //'B^2-4AC
- det = pow(B,2) - 4*A*C;
- //'det>0 两个解
- if (det>MaxMinZero)
- {
- //需要舍弃一个无意义的解
- sqdet = sqrt(det);
- x1=(-B+sqdet)/(2*A);
- x2=(-B-sqdet)/(2*A);
- }
- //'det==0 单解
- else if (det<MaxMinZero && det>0)
- {
- x1=x2=(-B)/(2*A);
- }
- //'det<0 无解
- else if (det<0)
- {
- //需要再次探索
- x1=x2=0;
- }
- pbone->r_z =x1;
- pbone ->r_x = pbone->x * pbone->r_z / f;
- pbone ->r_y = pbone->y * pbone->r_z / f;
- /*
- printf( "A: %f n",A);
- printf( "B: %f n",B);
- printf( "C: %f n",C);
- */
- return 0;
- }
- //假设平行光模型
- int skelecton::CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel(char *pname, char *ppName)
- {
- bone *ppbone = 0;
- bone *pbone = 0;
- int cx0,cy0=0; //校正后的坐标
- ppbone = get_bone_by_name(pname);
- pbone = get_bone_by_name(ppName);
- if(pbone!=NULL && pbone->is_marked)
- {
- cx0= ppbone->x - coordinator_X ;
- cy0= ppbone->y - coordinator_Y ;
- ppbone ->r_x = cx0;
- ppbone ->r_y = cy0;
- double A,B,C,det,sqdet,x1,x2=0;
- int cx,cy=0; //校正后的坐标
- cx= pbone->x - coordinator_X ;
- cy= pbone->y - coordinator_Y ;
- //'求解二元一次方程
- A = 1;
- B = - 2*ppbone->r_z;
- C = pow(cx-cx0,2) + pow(cy-cy0,2) + pow(ppbone->r_z,2) - pow(pbone->LengthRatio*StardardLength,2);
- //'B^2-4ACy
- det = pow(B,2) - 4*A*C;
- //'det>0 两个解
- if (det>MaxMinZero)
- {
- //需要舍弃一个无意义的解
- sqdet = sqrt(det);
- x1=(-B+sqdet)/(2*A);
- x2=(-B-sqdet)/(2*A);
- x1=get_porper_Z(x1,x2,pbone);
- }
- //'det==0 单解
- else if (det<MaxMinZero && det>0)
- {
- x1=x2=(-B)/(2*A);
- }
- //'det<0 无解
- else if (det<0)
- {
- //需要再次探索
- x1=x2=0;
- }
- pbone->r_z =x1;
- pbone ->r_x = cx ;
- pbone ->r_y = cy ;
- /*
- printf( "A: %f n",A);
- printf( "B: %f n",B);
- printf( "C: %f n",C);
- */
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void skelecton::CorrectPosition(int ID,CvPoint2D32f &pt,kalman &bone_kalman,const CvArr* grey)
- {
- /*
- 一些假设:1。neck为支点不动,
- 2。支点坐标轴不偏斜,始终y向上,x向左,z向外,即人体运动垂直与摄像位置,
- 没有明显的侧身运动等。躯干运动不受限制。
- head: L*-sinx2 < r_x < L*sinx1 , x^2 + y^2 <= L^2 ;
- shoulder: shoulder.x <= neck.x + L ;
- eblow: x^2 + y^2 <= L^2 ;
- rWrist: x^2 + y^2 <= L^2 ;
- waist: waist.y = neck.y + L
- keen: x^2 + y^2 <= L^2 ; x<0;
- ankle: x^2 + y^2 <= L^2 ;
- */
- //检查坐标,将经过跟踪后的2D坐标,代入表达式
- //如果位于人体运动范围内
- //
- //如果超出人体运动范围内(如丢掉特征点,自遮挡),开始利用kalman滤波,
- //如果kalman滤波位于人体运动范围内,以kalman预测的点周围寻找新的特征点
- //如果kalman滤波超出人体运动范围内,按照线性插值给一个特征点
- bone *pbone;
- bone *ppbone;
- bool is_inarea=true;
- CvPoint2D32f predict_point;
- double bone_length = 0; //对应骨架的长度
- pbone = get_bone_by_ID (ID);
- pbone->is_marked =1;
- double x,y,x0,y0;
- x=pt.x;
- y=pt.y;
- if(0!=pbone->PID)
- {
- bone_length = (pbone->LengthRatio * (1+StardardLengthNoiseRatio)) * StardardLength;
- ppbone = get_bone_by_ID(pbone->PID);
- x0=ppbone->x;
- y0=ppbone->y;
- if(pow(x-x0,2) + pow(y-y0,2) > pow(bone_length,2))
- is_inarea = false;
- }
- //printf("before : %f %f n",x,y);
- predict_point = bone_kalman.get_predict(x,y);
- //printf("predict : %f %f n",predict_point.x,predict_point.y);
- if(is_inarea)
- {
- //左肩右肩,脖子,腰部,加刚性三角形约束
- }
- else
- {
- if(pow(predict_point.x-x0,2) + pow(predict_point.y-y0,2) > pow(bone_length,2))
- {
- //预测点也不在刚体约束内,则宣布特征点丢失
- //特征点丢失,利用运动连续性,根据上五帧的情况,按照匀速线性插值,预测一个点
- //to do list
- if (pre_ske!=NULL)
- {
- bone* pre_pbone =NULL;
- //pre_pbone = pre_ske->get_bone_by_ID (pbone->ID);
- //pt.x = pre_pbone->r_x;
- //pt.y = pre_pbone->r_y;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //预测点在刚体约束内,添加在指定范围寻找特征点
- //to do list
- pt.x = predict_point.x;
- pt.y = predict_point.y;
- }
- /*
- cvFindCornerSubPix( grey, &pt, 1,
- cvSize(10,10), cvSize(-1,-1),
- cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03));
- */
- }
- pbone->x = (int)pt.x;
- pbone->y = (int)pt.y;
- }
- void skelecton::CalcLengthRatio(int ID,CvPoint2D32f pt)
- {
- bone *pbone;
- bone *ppbone;
- double bone_length;
- double x,y,x0,y0;
- pbone = get_bone_by_ID(ID);
- if(pbone!=NULL)
- {
- if(0!=pbone->PID)
- {
- x=pt.x;
- y=pt.y;
- ppbone = get_bone_by_ID(pbone->PID);
- x0=ppbone->x;
- y0=ppbone->y;
- bone_length = sqrt(pow(x-x0,2) + pow(y-y0,2));
- pbone->LengthRatio = bone_length/StardardLength ;
- }
- else
- pbone->LengthRatio = 0;
- pbone->x = (int)pt.x;
- pbone->y = (int)pt.y;
- }
- }
- //根据人体模型来消除z坐标的二义性
- int skelecton::get_porper_Z(int x1, int x2, bone *pbone)
- {
- //return x2;
- //利用上一状态估计当前状态,取离上一状态最近的点
- bone *pre_pbone=NULL;
- int result = 0;
- int pre_z = 0 ;
- if (pre_ske!=NULL)
- {
- pre_pbone = pre_ske->get_bone_by_ID (pbone->ID);
- pre_z = pre_pbone->r_z ;
- if(abs(pre_z-x1)>abs(pre_z-x2))
- result= x2;
- else
- result= x1;
- }
- result= x1;
- //肢体本身的二义性
- if(pre_pbone!=NULL)
- {
- switch(pbone->ID)
- {
- case 5: //rElbow 胳膊肘不能向外拐
- result = check_porper_Z(x1,x2,pre_pbone,false);
- break;
- case 6: //lElbow 胳膊肘不能向外拐
- result = check_porper_Z(x1,x2,pre_pbone,true);
- break;
- case 10: //rKnee 膝盖不能内弯
- result = check_porper_Z(x1,x2,pre_pbone,false);
- break;
- case 11: //lKnee 膝盖不能内弯
- result = check_porper_Z(x1,x2,pre_pbone,true);
- break;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- void skelecton::CalcBonePosition()
- {
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("neck","head");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("neck","rShoulder");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("neck","lShoulder");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("rShoulder","rElbow");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("lShoulder","lElbow");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("rElbow","rWrist");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("lElbow","lWrist");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("neck","Waist");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("Waist","rKnee");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("Waist","lKnee");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("rKnee","rAnkle");
- CalcBoneRealWorldPosition_parallel("lKnee","lAnkle");
- }
- void skelecton::set_previous_skelecton(skelecton *pre_skelecton)
- {
- pre_ske = pre_skelecton;
- }
- //将坐标旋转到肩膀与手腕的向量上,求得到点的值是否在向量上方
- int skelecton::check_porper_Z(int x1, int x2, bone *pbone,bool IsLeft)
- {
- int xx0,zz0,xx1,xx2,zz1,zz2,result=0;
- float sinx,cosx,radiolen;
- float zz,zzz;
- bone *ppbone,*cpbone;
- ppbone = pre_ske->get_bone_by_ID (pbone->PID);
- cpbone = pre_ske->get_bone_by_ID (pbone->CID);
- if (ppbone!=NULL && cpbone!=NULL)
- {
- xx1 = ppbone->r_x;
- zz1 = ppbone->r_z;
- xx2 = cpbone->r_x;
- zz2 = cpbone->r_z;
- xx0=xx2-xx1;
- zz0=zz2-zz1;
- radiolen = sqrt(xx0*xx0 + zz0*zz0);
- sinx=xx0/radiolen;
- cosx=zz0/radiolen;
- zz=(x1-zz1)*sinx+(x1-zz1)*cosx;
- zzz=(x2-zz1)*sinx+(x2-zz1)*cosx;
- if(IsLeft)
- {
- if(zz<0)
- result = x1;
- if(zzz<0)
- result = x2;
- }
- else
- {
- if(zz>0)
- result = x1;
- if(zzz>0)
- result = x2;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- int skelecton::drawOpenGL3D(CvArr *motion_track_img)
- {
- bone_vector::iterator theIterator;
- bone *pbone = 0;
- bone *ppbone = 0;
- Vector3f vt1,vt2;
- ppbone = get_bone_by_name("neck");
- ppbone->r_z =0; //初始化head的坐标为0
- CvSize ImageSize;
- ImageSize = cvGetSize(motion_track_img);
- coordinator_X = (int)ImageSize.width/2;
- coordinator_Y = (int)ImageSize.height/2;
- CalcBonePosition();
- assert(pgl!=NULL);
- if(pgl!=NULL) pgl->clear();
- for (theIterator = bonevec.begin(); theIterator != bonevec.end();
- theIterator++)
- {
- pbone = theIterator;
- if(pbone->is_marked==0) continue; //未标记则不画
- if ( 0 != pbone->PID )
- {
- ppbone = get_bone_by_ID(pbone->PID);
- vt1.x = pbone->r_x;
- vt1.y = pbone->r_y;
- vt1.z = pbone->r_z;
- vt2.x = ppbone->r_x;
- vt2.y = ppbone->r_y;
- vt2.z = ppbone->r_z;
- if(pgl!=NULL) pgl->draw2point(vt1,vt2);
- }
- }
- if(pgl!=NULL)
- {
- //pgl->Correct_3D_Layout(vt1,vt2);
- pgl->display();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void skelecton::view_up()
- {
- if(pgl!=NULL)
- pgl->x_arc = (pgl ->x_arc + 5) % 360;
- }
- void skelecton::view_down()
- {
- if(pgl!=NULL)
- pgl->x_arc = (pgl ->x_arc - 5) % 360;
- }
- void skelecton::view_left()
- {
- if(pgl!=NULL)
- pgl->y_arc = (pgl ->y_arc + 5) % 360;
- }
- void skelecton::view_right()
- {
- if(pgl!=NULL)
- pgl->y_arc = (pgl ->y_arc - 5) % 360;
- }