- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // This is a part of the GuiLib MFC Extention. //
- // Autor : Francisco Campos //
- // (C) 2002 Francisco Campos <> All rights reserved //
- // This code is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed //
- // or implied. Any use is at your own risk. //
- // You must obtain the author's consent before you can include this code //
- // in a software library. //
- // If the source code in this file is used in any application //
- // then acknowledgement must be made to the author of this program //
- // //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------//
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "GuiDrawLayer.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::DarkenColor( long lScale, COLORREF lColor)
- {
- long R = MulDiv(GetRValue(lColor),(255-lScale),255);
- long G = MulDiv(GetGValue(lColor),(255-lScale),255);
- long B = MulDiv(GetBValue(lColor),(255-lScale),255);
- return RGB(R, G, B);
- }
- GuiDrawLayer::GuiDrawLayer()
- {
- if (!m_img.Create(IDB_DOCKBAR,9,10,RGB(255,0,255)))
- {
- TRACE0("error");
- }
- m_iWidthDrowDown=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHTHUMB);
- CBitmap cbmp;
- BITMAP bmp;
- cbmp.LoadBitmap(IDB_DOCKBAR);
- cbmp.GetBitmap(&bmp);
- mHeight=CPoint(bmp.bmWidth,bmp.bmHeight);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBColorWhite()
- {
- return RGB(255,255,255);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBColorTabs()
- {
- BYTE byRvalue =GetRValue(GetRGBColorXP());
- BYTE byGvalue =GetGValue(GetRGBColorXP());
- BYTE byBvalue =GetBValue(GetRGBColorXP());
- // byRvalue =byRvalue>>2;
- // byGvalue =byGvalue>>2;
- // byBvalue =byBvalue>>2;
- int iMaximo=max(byRvalue,byGvalue);
- iMaximo=max(iMaximo,byBvalue);
- iMaximo= 255-iMaximo;
- iMaximo=iMaximo-(int)(iMaximo*0.08);
- return RGB(byRvalue+iMaximo,byGvalue+iMaximo,byBvalue+iMaximo);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBColorBTNHigh()
- {
- return ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBColorFace()
- {
- return ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBColorShadow()
- {
- return ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBPressBXP()
- {
- COLORREF clrPress = ::GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
- BYTE byRvalue =GetRValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- BYTE byGvalue =GetGValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- BYTE byBvalue =GetBValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- byRvalue =byRvalue>>2;
- byGvalue =byGvalue>>2;
- byBvalue =byBvalue>>2;
- int iMaximo=max(byRvalue,byGvalue);
- iMaximo=max(iMaximo,byBvalue);
- iMaximo= 255-iMaximo;
- iMaximo=iMaximo-(int)(iMaximo*0.21);
- return RGB(byRvalue+iMaximo,byGvalue+iMaximo,byBvalue+iMaximo);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBCaptionXP()
- {
- BYTE byRvalue =GetRValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- BYTE byGvalue =GetGValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- BYTE byBvalue =GetBValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- return RGB(byRvalue+10,byGvalue+10,byBvalue+10);
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBFondoXP()
- {
- BYTE byRvalue =GetRValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- BYTE byGvalue =GetGValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- BYTE byBvalue =GetBValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- byRvalue =byRvalue>>2;
- byGvalue =byGvalue>>2;
- byBvalue =byBvalue>>2;
- int iMaximo=max(byRvalue,byGvalue);
- iMaximo=max(iMaximo,byBvalue);
- iMaximo= 255-iMaximo;
- iMaximo=iMaximo-(int)(iMaximo*0.14);
- return RGB(byRvalue+iMaximo,byGvalue+iMaximo,byBvalue+iMaximo);
- }
- BOOL GuiDrawLayer::IsGrayed()
- {
- BYTE byRvalue =GetRValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- BYTE byGvalue =GetGValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- BYTE byBvalue =GetBValue(::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- if ((byRvalue ==byGvalue) && (byGvalue == byBvalue) &&
- (byBvalue > 190 && byBvalue < 193) || (byBvalue == 216))
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- COLORREF GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBColorXP()
- {
- COLORREF clr3DFace = ::GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE);
- return RGB (((3*GetRValue (clr3DFace)+240)/4)+1,
- ((3*GetGValue (clr3DFace)+240)/4)+1,
- ((3*GetBValue (clr3DFace)+240)/4)+1);
- }
- GuiDrawLayer::~GuiDrawLayer()
- {
- }
- HICON GuiDrawLayer::LoadIconLib(UINT uIcon)
- {
- HINSTANCE hIrs = AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(uIcon),
- return (HICON)::LoadImage(hIrs, MAKEINTRESOURCE(uIcon), IMAGE_ICON,16, 16, 0);
- }
- void GuiDrawLayer::DrawArrow(CDC* pDC,CRect m_rc,BOOL m_bDown)
- {
- int difh =m_rc.Height()-mHeight.y;
- difh/=2;
- m_rc.left=m_rc.right-m_iWidthDrowDown;
- m_img.Draw(pDC,m_bDown?0:2,CPoint(m_rc.left+2,,ILD_TRANSPARENT);
- }
- void GuiDrawLayer::DrawCheck(CDC* pDC,CRect m_rcTemp)
- {
- int iMediaAltura=(m_rcTemp.Height()/2)-2;
- int iMedioBox= m_rcTemp.Width()/2;
- CPen cp(PS_SOLID,1,GuiDrawLayer::GetRGBCaptionXP());
- CPen *pOld=pDC->SelectObject(&cp);
- pDC->MoveTo(m_rcTemp.left+1,;
- pDC->LineTo(m_rcTemp.left+3,m_rcTemp.bottom-2);
- pDC->MoveTo(m_rcTemp.left+3,m_rcTemp.bottom-2);
- pDC->LineTo(m_rcTemp.right-1,;
- pDC->MoveTo(m_rcTemp.left+1,;
- pDC->LineTo(m_rcTemp.left+3,m_rcTemp.bottom-3);
- pDC->MoveTo(m_rcTemp.left+3,m_rcTemp.bottom-3);
- pDC->LineTo(m_rcTemp.right-1,;
- pDC->MoveTo(m_rcTemp.left+1,;
- pDC->LineTo(m_rcTemp.left+3,m_rcTemp.bottom-4);
- pDC->MoveTo(m_rcTemp.left+3,m_rcTemp.bottom-4);
- pDC->LineTo(m_rcTemp.right-1,;
- pDC->SelectObject(pOld);
- }
- HICON GuiDrawLayer::GetIcon(int nIcon)
- {
- return m_img.ExtractIcon(nIcon);
- }
- //function of Bruno Podetti
- void GuiDrawLayer::DrawShade( CRect Rect,CPoint screen,CDC* pDC)
- {
- // if(!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDROPSHADOW,0,&bEnabled,0))
- // return;
- // Get the size of the menu...
- long winW = Rect.Width();
- long winH = Rect.Height();
- long xOrg = screen.x;
- long yOrg = screen.y;
- // Get the desktop hDC...
- HDC hDcDsk = GetWindowDC(0) ;
- int X,Y;
- // Simulate a shadow on right edge...
- for (X=1; X<=2 ;X++)
- {
- for (Y=0; Y<2 ;Y++)
- {
- SetPixel(pDC->m_hDC,winW-X,Y, GetPixel(hDcDsk,xOrg+winW-X,yOrg+Y) );
- }
- for (Y=4; Y<8 ;Y++)
- {
- COLORREF c = GetPixel(hDcDsk, xOrg + winW - X, yOrg + Y) ;
- SetPixel(pDC->m_hDC,winW-X,Y,DarkenColor(3 * X * (Y - 3), c)) ;
- }
- for (Y=8; Y<=(winH-5) ;Y++)
- {
- COLORREF c = GetPixel(hDcDsk, xOrg + winW - X, yOrg + Y) ;
- SetPixel(pDC->m_hDC, winW - X, Y, DarkenColor(15 * X, c) );
- }
- for (Y=(winH-4); Y<=(winH-1) ;Y++)
- {
- COLORREF c = GetPixel(hDcDsk, xOrg + winW - X, yOrg + Y) ;
- SetPixel( pDC->m_hDC, winW - X, Y, DarkenColor(3 * X * -(Y - winH), c)) ;
- }
- }
- // Simulate a shadow on the bottom edge...
- for(Y=1; Y<=2 ;Y++)
- {
- for(X=0; X<=2 ;X++)
- {
- SetPixel(pDC->m_hDC,X,winH-Y, GetPixel(hDcDsk,xOrg+X,yOrg+winH-Y)) ;
- }
- for(X=4; X<=7 ;X++)
- {
- COLORREF c = GetPixel(hDcDsk, xOrg + X, yOrg + winH - Y) ;
- SetPixel(pDC->m_hDC, X, winH - Y, DarkenColor(3 * (X - 3) * Y, c)) ;
- }
- for(X=8; X<=(winW-5) ;X++)
- {
- COLORREF c = GetPixel(hDcDsk, xOrg + X, yOrg + winH - Y);
- SetPixel(pDC->m_hDC, X, winH - Y, DarkenColor(15 * Y, c)) ;
- }
- }
- // Release the desktop hDC...
- ReleaseDC(0,hDcDsk);
- }