- // KmMatch.h: interface for the KmMatch class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_KMMATCH_H__E584C49D_8C60_4C0E_B610_78706C4D756B__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_KMMATCH_H__E584C49D_8C60_4C0E_B610_78706C4D756B__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include "KmObject.h"
- class CMatch1
- {
- public:
- CMatch1();
- ~CMatch1();
- public:
- AD_OBJHANDLE m_handle;
- int m_ltype;
- double m_lscale;
- short m_index;
- };
- class CMatch2
- {
- public:
- CMatch2();
- ~CMatch2();
- public:
- AD_OBJHANDLE m_handle;
- UINT m_id;
- double m_lscale;
- BOOL m_bRef;
- BOOL m_bUseful;
- };
- class CMatch3
- {
- public:
- CMatch3();
- ~CMatch3();
- public:
- AD_OBJHANDLE m_handle;
- CString m_layeroutname;
- int m_iplotsheet;
- };
- class CMatch4
- {
- public:
- CMatch4();
- ~CMatch4();
- public:
- AD_OBJHANDLE m_handle;
- BOOL m_showmiter;//(show miters)
- BOOL m_startline;//(start with a square cap)
- BOOL m_startinner;//(start with an inner arc cap)
- BOOL m_startouter;//(start with an outer round cap)
- BOOL m_endline;//(end with a square cap)
- BOOL m_endinner;//(end with an inner arc cap)
- BOOL m_endouter;//(end with an outer round cap)
- CArray<int,int>segcolor;
- CArray<int,int>segltyle;
- };
- class CShape
- {
- public:
- CShape();
- virtual ~CShape();
- public:
- CString m_strShapefilename;
- CString m_strBigFontfilename;
- CString m_strShapename;
- long m_lShapeCapacity;
- UINT m_utShapeflag1;
- UINT m_utShapeflag2;
- double m_dShapeAngle;
- double m_dShapeHeight;
- double m_dShapeWidth;
- BOOL m_bUseSHX;
- UINT m_KmWordStyleID;
- };
- class CMatch5
- {
- public:
- CMatch5();
- ~CMatch5();
- public:
- AD_OBJHANDLE m_handle;
- CShape* m_shape;
- };
- class CMatch6
- {
- public:
- CMatch6();
- ~CMatch6();
- public:
- AD_OBJHANDLE m_handle;
- CString m_strDicdflt;
- };
- //匹配链表
- class CMatchList1
- {
- public:
- CMatchList1();
- virtual ~CMatchList1();
- private:
- CList<CMatch1*,CMatch1*>m_List;
- public:
- void ReInit();
- void Add(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,int ltype,double lscale,short sindex); //添加到列表中
- short Get(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,int <ype,double &lscale); //添加到列表中
- void Get(AD_OBJHANDLE& handle,int ltype); //添加到列表中
- int Get(short sindex);
- public:
- POSITION GetHeadPosition();
- CMatch1* GetNext(POSITION& pos);
- };
- class CMatchList2
- {
- public:
- CMatchList2();
- virtual ~CMatchList2();
- private:
- CList<CMatch2*,CMatch2*>m_List;
- public:
- void ReInit();
- void Add(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,UINT id,double lscale,BOOL bRef); //添加到列表中
- void Get(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,UINT &id,double &lscale); //添加到列表中
- BOOL Get(AD_OBJHANDLE &handle,UINT id); //添加到列表中
- BOOL Get(UINT &id,AD_OBJHANDLE handle); //添加到列表中
- public:
- POSITION GetHeadPosition();
- CMatch2* GetNext(POSITION& pos);
- };
- class CMatchList3
- {
- public:
- CMatchList3();
- virtual ~CMatchList3();
- private:
- CList<CMatch3*,CMatch3*>m_List;
- public:
- void ReInit();
- void Add(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CString strlayeroutname,int iplotsheet);//添加到列表中
- BOOL IsInList(AD_OBJHANDLE handle);
- public:
- POSITION GetHeadPosition();
- CMatch3* GetNext(POSITION& pos);
- };
- class CMatchList4
- {
- public:
- CMatchList4();
- virtual ~CMatchList4();
- private:
- CList<CMatch4*,CMatch4*>m_List;
- public:
- void ReInit();
- void Add(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CMatch4* match); //添加到列表中
- BOOL Get(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CMatch4*& match); //添加到列表中
- };
- class CMatchList5
- {
- public:
- CMatchList5();
- virtual ~CMatchList5();
- private:
- CList<CMatch5*,CMatch5*>m_List;
- public:
- void Add(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CShape* shape); //添加到列表中
- BOOL Get(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CMatch5*& match);
- CShape* Get(UINT kmid);
- void ReInit();
- CShape* GetHead();
- };
- class CMatchList6
- {
- public:
- CMatchList6();
- virtual ~CMatchList6();
- private:
- CList<CMatch6*,CMatch6*>m_List;
- public:
- void Add(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CString strDicdflt); //添加到列表中
- BOOL Get(AD_OBJHANDLE handle,CString& strDicdflt);
- void ReInit();
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_KMMATCH_H__E584C49D_8C60_4C0E_B610_78706C4D756B__INCLUDED_)