- // FileSwitch.odl : type library source for FileSwitch.dll
- // This file will be processed by the MIDL compiler to produce the
- // type library (FileSwitch.tlb).
- [ uuid(2D0B89B4-4841-4F45-8E68-F8D7EC0E9182), version(1.0) ]
- library FileSwitch
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- // Primary dispatch interface for CConvDwg2Kmg
- [ uuid(859B1323-1130-4E4D-A3DA-BF73E9265A65) ]
- dispinterface IConvDwg2Kmg
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CConvDwg2Kmg)
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CConvDwg2Kmg)
- [id(1)] boolean BeginConverter(BSTR strRegistryKey);
- [id(2)] boolean EndConverter();
- [id(3)] boolean ConverterDwg2Kmg(BSTR strDwgFilename, BSTR strKmgFilename, long hwnd);
- [id(4)] boolean GetProgressInfo(double* pdProgress, BSTR* pstrProgressTip);
- [id(5)] long GetRegInt(BSTR strName1, BSTR strName2, long iDefault);
- [id(6)] BSTR GetRegStr(BSTR strName1, BSTR strName2, BSTR strDefault);
- [id(7)] void SetRegInt(BSTR strName1, BSTR strName2, long iValue);
- [id(8)] void SetRegStr(BSTR strName1, BSTR strName2, BSTR strValue);
- };
- // Class information for CConvDwg2Kmg
- [ uuid(B4CAB403-44A6-4287-B9A3-3FE032C64134) ]
- coclass ConvDwg2Kmg
- {
- [default] dispinterface IConvDwg2Kmg;
- };
- // Primary dispatch interface for CConvKmg2Dwg
- [ uuid(F2AAD484-E483-4C96-A865-CD4776307858) ]
- dispinterface IConvKmg2Dwg
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CConvKmg2Dwg)
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CConvKmg2Dwg)
- [id(1)] boolean BeginConverter(BSTR strRegistryKey);
- [id(2)] boolean EndConverter();
- [id(3)] boolean ConverterKmg2Dwg(BSTR strKmgFilename, BSTR strDwgFilename);
- [id(4)] boolean GetProgressInfo(double* pdProgress, BSTR* pstrProgressTip);
- };
- // Class information for CConvKmg2Dwg
- [ uuid(2848550E-02EB-448C-901D-CA7870DBA6CC) ]
- coclass ConvKmg2Dwg
- {
- [default] dispinterface IConvKmg2Dwg;
- };
- // Primary dispatch interface for CConvKmg2Iges
- [ uuid(F92D4772-5CAE-4620-993B-5E649F91EA3D) ]
- dispinterface IConvKmg2Iges
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CConvKmg2Iges)
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CConvKmg2Iges)
- [id(1)] boolean EndConverter();
- [id(2)] boolean BeginConverter(BSTR strRegistryKey);
- [id(3)] boolean ConverterKmg2Iges(BSTR strKmgFilename, BSTR strIgesFilename);
- [id(4)] boolean GetProgressInfo(double* pdProgress, BSTR* pstrProgressTip);
- };
- // Class information for CConvKmg2Iges
- [ uuid(91D9C15B-57BC-4A00-AAFB-61240ADA0523) ]
- coclass ConvKmg2Iges
- {
- [default] dispinterface IConvKmg2Iges;
- };
- // Primary dispatch interface for CConvIges2Kmg
- [ uuid(FED117A9-C501-4271-A7E0-38E09449FD07) ]
- dispinterface IConvIges2Kmg
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CConvIges2Kmg)
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CConvIges2Kmg)
- [id(1)] boolean BeginConverter(BSTR strRegistryKey);
- [id(2)] boolean EndConverter();
- [id(3)] boolean ConverterIges2Kmg(BSTR strIgesFilename, BSTR strKmgFilename);
- [id(4)] boolean GetProgressInfo(double* pdProgress, BSTR* pstrProgressTip);
- };
- // Class information for CConvIges2Kmg
- [ uuid(6B897F7D-3C31-4445-BD35-9E7034BC8BB3) ]
- coclass ConvIges2Kmg
- {
- [default] dispinterface IConvIges2Kmg;
- };
- };