Visual C++
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "GradientProgressCtrl.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /*
- Modified by 谢红伟 2000.12
- 功能:渐变色进度条显示效果
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGradientProgressCtrl
- CGradientProgressCtrl::CGradientProgressCtrl()
- {
- // Defaults assigned by CProgressCtrl()
- m_nLower = 0;
- m_nUpper = 100;
- m_nCurrentPosition = 0;
- m_nStep = 10;
- // Initial colors
- m_clrStart = COLORREF(RGB(128, 0,128));
- m_clrEnd = COLORREF(RGB(0,128,0));
- //改变渐变色进度条背景色
- m_clrBkGround = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE);
- m_clrText = COLORREF(RGB(0, 255, 255));
- // Initial show percent
- m_bShowPercent = TRUE;
- }
- CGradientProgressCtrl::~CGradientProgressCtrl()
- {
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGradientProgressCtrl, CProgressCtrl)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGradientProgressCtrl)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGradientProgressCtrl message handlers
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- OnPaint
- The main drawing routine. Consists of two parts
- (1) Call the DrawGradient routine to draw the visible part of the progress gradient
- (2) If needed, show the percentage text
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CGradientProgressCtrl::OnPaint()
- {
- CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
- // TODO: Add your message handler code here
- CRect rectClient;
- GetClientRect(&rectClient);
- // If the current positionis invalid then we should fade into the background
- if (m_nCurrentPosition <= m_nLower || m_nCurrentPosition > m_nUpper)
- {
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- CBrush brush;
- //重画时渐变色进度条设为自定义颜色
- brush.CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBkGround);//::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
- dc.FillRect(&rect, &brush);
- VERIFY(brush.DeleteObject());
- return;
- }
- // The actions to take depend on whether or not we are a vertical control
- DWORD dwStyles = GetStyle();
- BOOL bVertical = (BOOL)(dwStyles & PBS_VERTICAL);
- // Figure out what part should be visible so we can stop the gradient when needed
- float maxWidth;
- if (bVertical)
- maxWidth = ((float)m_nCurrentPosition/(float)m_nUpper * (float)rectClient.bottom);
- else
- maxWidth = ((float)m_nCurrentPosition/(float)m_nUpper * (float)rectClient.right);
- // Draw the gradient
- DrawGradient(&dc, rectClient, (int)maxWidth, bVertical);
- // Show percent indicator if needed
- if (m_bShowPercent)
- {
- CString strPercent;
- float fp = 100.0f;
- fp *= (float)(m_nCurrentPosition-m_nLower);
- fp /= (float)(m_nUpper-m_nLower);
- strPercent.Format(_T("%3.0f %%"), fp);
- dc.SetTextColor(m_clrText);
- dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- dc.DrawText(strPercent, &rectClient, DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
- }
- // Do not call CProgressCtrl::OnPaint() for painting messages
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- SetRange
- Overridden base class member to remember where the indicator thinks
- it is and the boundary range of the control.
- Params
- nLower lower bound
- nUpper uppoer bound
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CGradientProgressCtrl:: SetRange(int nLower, int nUpper)
- {
- m_nLower = nLower;
- m_nUpper = nUpper;
- m_nCurrentPosition = nLower;
- CProgressCtrl::SetRange(nLower, nUpper);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- SetRange32
- Overridden base class member to remember where the indicator thinks
- it is and the boundary range of the control.
- Params
- nLower lower bound
- nUpper uppoer bound
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CGradientProgressCtrl:: SetRange32( int nLower, int nUpper )
- {
- if ( nLower == nUpper ) return;
- m_nLower = nLower;
- m_nUpper = nUpper;
- m_nCurrentPosition = nLower;
- CProgressCtrl::SetRange(nLower, nUpper);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- SetPos
- Overridden base class member to retain where the current progress indicator
- is located.
- Params
- nPos Current position in range
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CGradientProgressCtrl:: SetPos(int nPos)
- {
- m_nCurrentPosition = nPos;
- return (CProgressCtrl::SetPos(nPos));
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- SetStep
- Overridden base class member to retain the step interval used when
- filling the progress control
- Params
- nStep step interval for filling progress control
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CGradientProgressCtrl:: SetStep(int nStep)
- {
- m_nStep = nStep;
- return (CProgressCtrl::SetStep(nStep));
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- StepIt
- Overridden base class member to increment the control according to the
- current position and the step interval
- Params
- nStep step interval for filling progress control
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CGradientProgressCtrl:: StepIt(void)
- {
- m_nCurrentPosition += m_nStep;
- return (CProgressCtrl::StepIt());
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- DrawGradient
- Called from OnPaint, it does most of the work of filling in the client
- rectangle with the appropriate colors. The normal routine would fill
- the entire client rectangle, but we truncate the drawing to reflect
- the current position in the progress control
- Params
- pDC pointer to CPaintDC for rendering
- rectClient client rectangle where we should draw
- nMaxWidth where we should stop drawing the gradient
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CGradientProgressCtrl::DrawGradient(CPaintDC *pDC, const RECT &rectClient, const int &nMaxWidth, const BOOL &bVertical)
- {
- RECT rectFill; // Rectangle for filling band
- float fStep; // How wide is each band?
- CBrush brush; // Brush to fill in the bar
- CMemDC1 memDC(pDC);
- // First find out the largest color distance between the start and end colors. This distance
- // will determine how many steps we use to carve up the client region and the size of each
- // gradient rect.
- int r, g, b; // First distance, then starting value
- float rStep, gStep, bStep; // Step size for each color
- BOOL bSameColor = FALSE; // Handle case if start color == end color
- // Get the color differences
- r = (GetRValue(m_clrEnd) - GetRValue(m_clrStart));
- g = (GetGValue(m_clrEnd) - GetGValue(m_clrStart));
- b = (GetBValue(m_clrEnd) - GetBValue(m_clrStart));
- // Check to see if colors are same
- if((r == 0) && (g == 0) && (b == 0))
- {
- bSameColor = TRUE;
- //Added the three lines below to fix the drawing
- //problem which used to occur when both the start
- //and end colors are same.
- r = GetRValue(m_clrStart);
- g = GetGValue(m_clrStart);
- b = GetBValue(m_clrStart);
- }
- int nSteps;
- //Select max. possible value for nSteps if the colors are equal
- if(bSameColor && m_clrStart == 0)
- nSteps = 255;
- else // Make the number of steps equal to the greatest distance
- nSteps = max(abs(r), max(abs(g), abs(b)));
- // Determine how large each band should be in order to cover the
- // client with nSteps bands (one for every color intensity level)
- if (bVertical)
- fStep = (float)rectClient.bottom / (float)nSteps;
- else
- fStep = (float)rectClient.right / (float)nSteps;
- // Calculate the step size for each color
- rStep = r/(float)nSteps;
- gStep = g/(float)nSteps;
- bStep = b/(float)nSteps;
- // Reset the colors to the starting position
- r = GetRValue(m_clrStart);
- g = GetGValue(m_clrStart);
- b = GetBValue(m_clrStart);
- // Start filling bands
- for (int iOnBand = 0; iOnBand < nSteps; iOnBand++)
- {
- // Fill the vertical control
- if (bVertical)
- {
- ::SetRect(&rectFill,
- 0, // Upper left X
- (int)(iOnBand * fStep), // Upper left Y
- rectClient.right+1, // Lower right X
- (int)((iOnBand+1) * fStep));// Lower right Y
- // CDC::FillSolidRect is faster, but it does not handle 8-bit color depth
- if ( brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(r+rStep*iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand, b + bStep *iOnBand)) )
- {
- memDC.FillRect(&rectFill,&brush);
- VERIFY(brush.DeleteObject());
- }
- // If we are past the maximum for the current position we need to get out of the loop.
- // Before we leave, we repaint the remainder of the client area with the background color.
- if (rectFill.bottom > nMaxWidth)
- {
- ::SetRect(&rectFill, 0, rectFill.bottom, rectClient.right, rectClient.bottom);
- if ( brush.CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBkGround) )
- {
- memDC.FillRect(&rectFill, &brush);
- VERIFY(brush.DeleteObject());
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- else // Fill the horizontal control
- {
- ::SetRect(&rectFill,
- (int)(iOnBand * fStep), // Upper left X
- 0, // Upper left Y
- (int)((iOnBand+1) * fStep), // Lower right X
- rectClient.bottom+1); // Lower right Y
- // CDC::FillSolidRect is faster, but it does not handle 8-bit color depth
- if ( brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(r+rStep*iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand, b + bStep *iOnBand)) )
- {
- memDC.FillRect(&rectFill,&brush);
- VERIFY(brush.DeleteObject());
- }
- // If we are past the maximum for the current position we need to get out of the loop.
- // Before we leave, we repaint the remainder of the client area with the background color.
- if (rectFill.right > nMaxWidth)
- {
- ::SetRect(&rectFill, rectFill.right, 0, rectClient.right, rectClient.bottom);
- if ( brush.CreateSolidBrush(m_clrBkGround) )
- {
- memDC.FillRect(&rectFill, &brush);
- VERIFY(brush.DeleteObject());
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- OnEraseBkgnd
- Overridden CWnd function so that all drawing is done in the OnPaint call.
- We return TRUE so that CWnd doesn't try to erase our background.
- Params
- pDC pointer to CDC for rendering
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CGradientProgressCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
- {
- // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGradientProgressCtrl::Create(CStatusBar *parent, UINT id, DWORD style)
- {
- CRect r;
- setup(parent, id, r);
- return CProgressCtrl::Create(style | WS_CHILD, r, parent, id);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * CStatusControl::setup
- * Inputs:
- * CStatusBar * parent: Parent window (status bar)
- * UINT id: ID of pane
- * CRect & r: Place to put rectangle
- * Result: BOOL
- * TRUE if successful
- * FALSE if the area is off-window
- * Effect:
- * Computes the rectangle for the pane, given the status bar and id
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL CGradientProgressCtrl::setup(CStatusBar *parent, UINT id, CRect &r)
- {
- int i = parent->CommandToIndex(id);
- parent->GetItemRect(i, &r);
- parent->SetPaneText(i, "");
- // If the pane was not visible, GetItemRect has returned a
- // (0, 0, 0, 0) rectangle. Attempting to create the control
- // using this rectangle creates it, possibly of zero size,
- // at the left of the status bar. We correct this by
- // forcing it to be off the visible right end of the status
- // bar. If the programmer properly handles the parent frame's
- // OnSize method, when the control becomes visible it will
- // move to the correct location.
- if(r.IsRectEmpty())
- { /* offscreen */
- CRect r1;
- parent->GetWindowRect(&r1); // get parent width
- r.left = r1.right + 1;
- =;
- r.right = r1.right + 2;
- r.bottom = r1.bottom;
- return FALSE;
- } /* offscreen */
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CGradientProgressCtrl::Reposition()
- {
- if ( m_hWnd == NULL)
- return;
- UINT id = ::GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_ID);
- CRect r;
- // Note that because the control ID is the same as the
- // pane ID, this actually works well enough that
- // no special variable is required to obtain the
- // pane index.
- CStatusBar * parent = (CStatusBar *)GetParent();
- int i = parent->CommandToIndex(id);
- parent->GetItemRect(i, &r);
- SetWindowPos(&wndTop, r.left,, r.Width(), r.Height(), 0);
- }