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- goto :done
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- :done
- "
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- Description="Making help file..."
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- copy "hlp$(InputName).hlp" "$(OutDir)"
- goto :done
- :Error
- echo hlp"$(InputName)".hpj(1) : error:
- type "hlp$(InputName).log"
- :done
- "
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- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
- Description="Making help include file..."
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- makehm ID_,HID_,0x10000 IDM_,HIDM_,0x10000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
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- makehm IDP_,HIDP_,0x30000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Resources (IDR_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDR_,HIDR_,0x20000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Dialogs (IDD_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDD_,HIDD_,0x20000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Frame Controls (IDW_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDW_,HIDW_,0x50000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- "
- Outputs="hlp$(TargetName).hm"/>
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- Name="Release|Win32">
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- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
- Description="Making help include file..."
- CommandLine="echo. >"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Commands (ID_* and IDM_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm ID_,HID_,0x10000 IDM_,HIDM_,0x10000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Prompts (IDP_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDP_,HIDP_,0x30000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Resources (IDR_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDR_,HIDR_,0x20000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Dialogs (IDD_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDD_,HIDD_,0x20000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo. >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- echo // Frame Controls (IDW_*) >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- makehm IDW_,HIDW_,0x50000 resource.h >>"hlp$(TargetName).hm"
- "
- Outputs="hlp$(TargetName).hm"/>
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- RelativePath="系统优化.h">
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- Name="Debug|Win32">
- <Tool
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
- Description="Copying contents file..."
- CommandLine="copy "hlp$(InputName).cnt" "$(OutDir)"
- "
- Outputs="$(OutDir)$(InputName).cnt"/>
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- <FileConfiguration
- Name="Release|Win32">
- <Tool
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
- Description="Copying contents file..."
- CommandLine="copy "hlp$(InputName).cnt" "$(OutDir)"
- "
- Outputs="$(OutDir)$(InputName).cnt"/>
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