- // MainDlg.h : interface of the CMainDlg class
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #pragma once
- #include <sstream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <atltime.h>
- #include "ListCtrl.h"
- class CUserProfile
- {
- public:
- CUserProfile()
- {
- m_bAdministrator = FALSE;
- m_strUserName = _T( "" );
- m_strDepartment = _T( "" );
- m_strPhoneNumber = _T( "" );
- }
- CUserProfile( BOOL bAdministrator, LPCTSTR lpszUserName, LPCTSTR lpszDepartment, LPCTSTR lpszPhoneNumber )
- {
- m_bAdministrator = bAdministrator;
- m_strUserName = lpszUserName;
- m_strDepartment = lpszDepartment;
- m_strPhoneNumber = lpszPhoneNumber;
- }
- BOOL m_bAdministrator;
- CString m_strUserName;
- CString m_strDepartment;
- CString m_strPhoneNumber;
- };
- class CListUserData : public CListImpl< CListUserData >
- {
- public:
- DECLARE_WND_CLASS( _T( "UserList" ) )
- protected:
- CImageList m_ilItemImages;
- CListArray < CUserProfile > m_aUsers;
- enum UserColumns { colName, colDept, colPhone };
- public:
- BOOL Initialise()
- {
- if ( !m_ilItemImages.CreateFromImage( IDB_EXAMPLE, 16, 0, RGB( 255, 0, 255 ), IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ) )
- return FALSE;
- SetImageList( m_ilItemImages );
- AddColumn( _T( "User Name" ), 150 );
- AddColumn( _T( "Department" ), 100 );
- AddColumn( _T( "Phone Number" ), 100 );
- return CListImpl< CListUserData >::Initialise();
- }
- int AddUser( CUserProfile userProfile )
- {
- m_aUsers.Add( userProfile );
- return CListImpl< CListUserData >::AddItem() ? GetItemCount() - 1 : -1;
- }
- int AddUser( BOOL bAdministrator, LPCTSTR lpszUserName, LPCTSTR lpszDepartment, LPCTSTR lpszPhoneNumber )
- {
- return AddUser( CUserProfile( bAdministrator, lpszUserName, lpszDepartment, lpszPhoneNumber ) );
- }
- int GetItemCount() // required by CListImpl
- {
- return m_aUsers.GetSize();
- }
- BOOL GetUser( int nItem, CUserProfile& userProfile )
- {
- if ( nItem < 0 || nItem >= GetItemCount() )
- return FALSE;
- userProfile = m_aUsers[ nItem ];
- return TRUE;
- }
- CString GetItemText( int nItem, int nSubItem ) // required by CListImpl
- {
- CUserProfile userProfile;
- if ( !GetUser( nItem, userProfile ) )
- return _T( "" );
- switch ( (UserColumns)nSubItem )
- {
- case colName: return userProfile.m_strUserName;
- case colDept: return userProfile.m_strDepartment;
- case colPhone: return userProfile.m_strPhoneNumber;
- }
- return _T( "" );
- }
- int GetItemImage( int nItem, int nSubItem ) // overrides CListImpl::GetItemImage
- {
- if ( (UserColumns)nSubItem != colName )
- return -1;
- CUserProfile userProfile;
- if ( !GetUser( nItem, userProfile ) )
- return -1;
- return userProfile.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0;
- }
- void ReverseItems() // overrides CListImpl::ReverseItems
- {
- m_aUsers.Reverse();
- }
- class CompareItem
- {
- public:
- CompareItem( UserColumns colColumn ) : m_colColumn( colColumn ) {}
- inline bool operator() ( const CUserProfile& userProfile1, const CUserProfile& userProfile2 )
- {
- switch ( m_colColumn )
- {
- case colName: return ( userProfile1.m_strUserName.Compare( userProfile2.m_strUserName ) < 0 );
- case colDept: return ( userProfile1.m_strDepartment.Compare( userProfile2.m_strDepartment ) < 0 );
- case colPhone: return ( userProfile1.m_strPhoneNumber.Compare( userProfile2.m_strPhoneNumber ) < 0 );
- }
- return false;
- }
- protected:
- UserColumns m_colColumn;
- };
- void SortItems( int nColumn, BOOL bAscending ) // overrides CListImpl::SortItems
- {
- m_aUsers.Sort( CompareItem( (UserColumns)nColumn ) );
- }
- };
- class CMainDlg : public CDialogImpl<CMainDlg>
- {
- public:
- CMainDlg()
- {
- m_wndListCtrl.RegisterClass();
- m_wndUserData.RegisterClass();
- m_wndUserList.RegisterClass();
- m_bShowMessage = TRUE;
- m_bShowThemed = TRUE;
- }
- enum { IDD = IDD_MAINDLG };
- protected:
- CListCtrl m_wndListCtrl;
- CListCtrlData< CUserProfile > m_wndUserData;
- CListUserData m_wndUserList;
- CImageList m_ilItemImages;
- CFont m_fntCustomFont1;
- CFont m_fntCustomFont2;
- BOOL m_bShowMessage;
- BOOL m_bShowThemed;
- LRESULT OnInitDialog(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
- {
- // center the dialog on the screen
- CenterWindow();
- // set icons
- HICON hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME),
- IMAGE_ICON, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
- SetIcon(hIcon, TRUE);
- HICON hIconSmall = (HICON)::LoadImage(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME),
- SetIcon(hIconSmall, FALSE);
- m_wndListCtrl.SubclassWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_LISTCTRL ) );
- m_wndUserData.SubclassWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_USERDATA ) );
- m_wndUserList.SubclassWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_USERLIST ) );
- if ( !m_ilItemImages.CreateFromImage( IDB_EXAMPLE, 16, 0, RGB( 255, 0, 255 ), IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ) )
- return FALSE;
- InitBasicList();
- InitDataList();
- InitUserList();
- return TRUE;
- }
- void InitBasicList()
- {
- LOGFONT logFont = { 0 };
- logFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- logFont.lfHeight = 90;
- lstrcpy( logFont.lfFaceName, _T( "New Times Roman" ) );
- logFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
- logFont.lfItalic = (BYTE)TRUE;
- m_fntCustomFont1.CreatePointFontIndirect( &logFont );
- logFont.lfHeight = 100;
- lstrcpy( logFont.lfFaceName, _T( "Arial" ) );
- logFont.lfUnderline = (BYTE)TRUE;
- m_fntCustomFont2.CreatePointFontIndirect( &logFont );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetImageList( m_ilItemImages );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetFocusSubItem( TRUE );
- m_wndListCtrl.AddColumn( _T( "Column 1" ), 150 );
- m_wndListCtrl.AddColumn( _T( "" ), 0, ITEM_IMAGE_3STATE, TRUE, ITEM_FORMAT_CHECKBOX_3STATE );
- m_wndListCtrl.AddColumn( _T( "Column 2" ), 130 );
- m_wndListCtrl.AddColumn( _T( "Column 3" ), 80, -1, FALSE, ITEM_FORMAT_NONE, ITEM_FLAGS_RIGHT );
- m_wndListCtrl.AddColumn( _T( "Column 4" ), 120 );
- m_wndListCtrl.AddColumn( _T( "Column 5" ), 170, ITEM_IMAGE_ATTACHMENT, FALSE, ITEM_FORMAT_PROGRESS );
- srand( 12345 );
- for ( int nItem = 1; nItem <= 1000; nItem++ )
- {
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- wostringstream osItemText;
- #else
- ostringstream osItemText;
- #endif
- osItemText << _T( "Item " ) << nItem;
- int nNewItem = m_wndListCtrl.AddItem( osItemText.str().c_str(), rand() % 6 );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemCheck( nNewItem, 1, ( rand() % 3 ) - 1 );
- osItemText.str( _T( "" ) );
- TCHAR nSortChar = _T( 'A' ) + ( rand() % 26 );
- osItemText << nSortChar << _T( " Random Text" );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( nNewItem, 2, osItemText.str().c_str() );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemImage( nNewItem, 2, rand() % 6 );
- osItemText.str( _T( "" ) );
- osItemText << nItem;
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( nNewItem, 3, osItemText.str().c_str() );
- osItemText.str( _T( "" ) );
- osItemText << ( rand() % 101 );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( nNewItem, 5, osItemText.str().c_str() );
- }
- CListArray < CString > aComboList;
- aComboList.Add( _T( "Item 1" ) );
- aComboList.Add( _T( "Item 2" ) );
- aComboList.Add( _T( "Item 3" ) );
- aComboList.Add( _T( "Item 4" ) );
- aComboList.Add( _T( "Item 5" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 0, 4, _T( "Combo (Edit):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 0, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_COMBO, ITEM_FLAGS_COMBO_EDIT, aComboList );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemComboIndex( 0, 5, 0 ); // "Item 1"
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 1, 4, _T( "Combo (List):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 1, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_COMBO, ITEM_FLAGS_NONE, aComboList );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 1, 5, _T( "Item 1" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 2, 4, _T( "Edit:" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 2, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_EDIT );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 2, 5, _T( "<alpha-numeric>" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 3, 4, _T( "Edit (Numeric):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 3, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_EDIT, ITEM_FLAGS_EDIT_NUMBER );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 3, 5, _T( "123" ) );
- CTime tmDateTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
- SYSTEMTIME stDateTime;
- tmDateTime.GetAsSystemTime( stDateTime );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 4, 4, _T( "Date (inc Time):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemDate( 4, 5, stDateTime );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 5, 4, _T( "Date (Date only):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 5, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_DATETIME, ITEM_FLAGS_DATE_ONLY );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemDate( 5, 5, stDateTime );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 6, 4, _T( "Solid progress:" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 7, 4, _T( "Normal progress:" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 8, 4, _T( "Checkbox:" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 8, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_CHECKBOX );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 9, 4, _T( "Checkbox (3 State):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 9, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_CHECKBOX_3STATE );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 10, 4, _T( "Checkbox (read-only):" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 10, 5, ITEM_FORMAT_CHECKBOX, ITEM_FLAGS_READ_ONLY );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 11, 4, _T( "Hyperlink" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFormat( 11, 4, ITEM_FORMAT_HYPERLINK );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 12, 4, _T( "Some very long text that should trigger titletip" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 13, 4, _T( "Built-in tooltip support" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemToolTip( 13, _T( "This is anmultiline tooltip" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 14, 4, _T( "Font Support" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFont( 14, 4, m_fntCustomFont1 );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 15, 4, _T( "Font Support" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemFont( 15, 4, m_fntCustomFont2 );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 16, 4, _T( "Colour Support" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemColours( 16, 4, RGB( 128, 128, 64 ), RGB( 0, 255, 0 ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemText( 17, 4, _T( "Colour Support" ) );
- m_wndListCtrl.SetItemColours( 17, 4, RGB( 128, 0, 128 ), RGB( 255, 255, 128 ) );
- }
- void InitDataList()
- {
- CUserProfile userProfile1( FALSE, _T( "Fred" ), _T( "Accounts" ), _T( "1234" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile2( TRUE, _T( "Simon" ), _T( "Accounts" ), _T( "1235" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile3( FALSE, _T( "Kate" ), _T( "Development" ), _T( "2341" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile4( FALSE, _T( "David" ), _T( "Development" ), _T( "2342" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile5( TRUE, _T( "Jake" ), _T( "Development" ), _T( "2343" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile6( FALSE, _T( "Mike" ), _T( "Marketing" ), _T( "5343" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile7( FALSE, _T( "Tony" ), _T( "Marketing" ), _T( "5344" ) );
- m_wndUserData.SetImageList( m_ilItemImages );
- m_wndUserData.AddColumn( _T( "User Name" ), 150 );
- m_wndUserData.AddColumn( _T( "Department" ), 100 );
- m_wndUserData.AddColumn( _T( "Phone Number" ), 100 );
- int nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile1.m_strUserName, userProfile1.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile1.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile1.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile1 );
- nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile2.m_strUserName, userProfile2.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile2.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile2.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile2 );
- nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile3.m_strUserName, userProfile3.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile3.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile3.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile3 );
- nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile4.m_strUserName, userProfile4.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile4.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile4.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile4 );
- nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile5.m_strUserName, userProfile5.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile5.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile5.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile5 );
- nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile6.m_strUserName, userProfile6.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile6.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile6.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile6 );
- nUser = m_wndUserData.AddItem( userProfile7.m_strUserName, userProfile7.m_bAdministrator ? 6 : 0 );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 1, userProfile7.m_strDepartment );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemText( nUser, 2, userProfile7.m_strPhoneNumber );
- m_wndUserData.SetItemData( nUser, userProfile7 );
- }
- void InitUserList()
- {
- CUserProfile userProfile1( FALSE, _T( "Fred" ), _T( "Accounts" ), _T( "1234" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile2( TRUE, _T( "Simon" ), _T( "Accounts" ), _T( "1235" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile3( FALSE, _T( "Kate" ), _T( "Development" ), _T( "2341" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile4( FALSE, _T( "David" ), _T( "Development" ), _T( "2342" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile5( TRUE, _T( "Jake" ), _T( "Development" ), _T( "2343" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile6( FALSE, _T( "Mike" ), _T( "Marketing" ), _T( "5343" ) );
- CUserProfile userProfile7( FALSE, _T( "Tony" ), _T( "Marketing" ), _T( "5344" ) );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile1 );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile2 );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile3 );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile4 );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile5 );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile6 );
- m_wndUserList.AddUser( userProfile7 );
- }
- LRESULT OnUserDataSelected( LPNMHDR lpNMHDR )
- {
- CListNotify *pListNotify = reinterpret_cast<CListNotify *>( lpNMHDR );
- CUserProfile userProfile;
- m_wndUserData.GetItemData( pListNotify->m_nItem, userProfile );
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- wostringstream osItemText;
- #else
- ostringstream osItemText;
- #endif
- osItemText << _T( "User Selected: " ) << userProfile.m_strUserName << _T( "rn" );
- osItemText << _T( "Press Cancel to stop notifications" );
- if ( m_bShowMessage )
- {
- if ( MessageBox( osItemText.str().c_str(), _T( "Selected" ), MB_OKCANCEL ) != IDOK )
- m_bShowMessage = FALSE;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- {
- CListNotify *pListNotify = reinterpret_cast<CListNotify *>( lpNMHDR );
- MessageBox( _T( "Hyperlink clicked" ), _T( "Hyperlink" ) );
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnUserListSelected( LPNMHDR lpNMHDR )
- {
- CListNotify *pListNotify = reinterpret_cast<CListNotify *>( lpNMHDR );
- CUserProfile userProfile;
- m_wndUserList.GetUser( pListNotify->m_nItem, userProfile );
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- wostringstream osItemText;
- #else
- ostringstream osItemText;
- #endif
- osItemText << _T( "User Selected: " ) << userProfile.m_strUserName << _T( "rn" );
- osItemText << _T( "Press Cancel to stop notifications" );
- if ( m_bShowMessage )
- {
- if ( MessageBox( osItemText.str().c_str(), _T( "Selected" ), MB_OKCANCEL ) != IDOK )
- m_bShowMessage = FALSE;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnAppAbout(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
- {
- CSimpleDialog<IDD_ABOUTBOX, FALSE> dlg;
- dlg.DoModal();
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnOK(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
- {
- // TODO: Add validation code
- EndDialog(wID);
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnCancel(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
- {
- EndDialog(wID);
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnTheme(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
- {
- m_bShowThemed = !m_bShowThemed;
- m_wndListCtrl.ShowThemed( m_bShowThemed );
- m_wndUserData.ShowThemed( m_bShowThemed );
- m_wndUserList.ShowThemed( m_bShowThemed );
- return 0;
- }
- };