- {*******************************************************************}
- { }
- { Almediadev Visual Component Library }
- { DynamicSkinForm }
- { Version 5.60 }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Almediadev }
- { }
- { Home: }
- { Support: }
- { }
- {*******************************************************************}
- {$P+,S-,W-,R-}
- unit SkinHint;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- SkinData, ExtCtrls;
- type
- TspSkinHint = class;
- TspSkinHintWindow = class(THintWindow)
- private
- NewClRect: TRect;
- NewLTPoint, NewRTPoint,
- NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint: TPoint;
- FspHint: TspSkinHint;
- DrawBuffer: TBitMap;
- FSD: TspSkinData;
- SI: TBitMap;
- FRgn: HRGN;
- OldAlphaBlend: Boolean;
- OldAlphaBlendValue: Integer;
- procedure WMNCPaint(var Message: TMessage); message WM_NCPAINT;
- procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_EraseBkgnd;
- function FindHintComponent: TspSkinHint;
- procedure CalcHintSize(Cnvs: TCanvas; S: String; var W, H: Integer);
- protected
- procedure SetHintWindowRegion;
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure Paint; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ActivateHint(Rect: TRect; const AHint: string); override;
- end;
- TspSkinHint = class(TComponent)
- private
- FOnShowHint: TShowHintEvent;
- FActive: Boolean;
- FSD: TspSkinData;
- HW: TspSkinHintWindow;
- FAlphaBlendSupport: Boolean;
- FDefaultFont: TFont;
- FUseSkinFont: Boolean;
- HintTimer: TTimer;
- HintText: String;
- procedure SetDefaultFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetAlphaBlendSupport(Value: Boolean);
- procedure HintTime1(Sender: TObject);
- procedure HintTime2(Sender: TObject);
- protected
- FAlphaBlend: Boolean;
- FAlphaBlendValue: Byte;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure SetSkinData(Value: TspSkinData);
- procedure SelfOnShowHint(var HintStr: string;
- var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetCursorHeightMargin: Integer;
- procedure ActivateHint(P: TPoint; const AHint: string);
- procedure ActivateHint2(const AHint: string);
- procedure HideHint;
- function IsVisible: Boolean;
- published
- property DefaultFont: TFont read FDefaultFont write SetDefaultFont;
- property UseSkinFont: Boolean read FUseSkinFont write FUseSkinFont;
- property AlphaBlendSupport: Boolean read FAlphaBlendSupport
- write SetAlphaBlendSupport;
- property AlphaBlend: Boolean read FAlphaBlend write FAlphaBlend;
- property AlphaBlendValue: Byte
- read FAlphaBlendValue write FAlphaBlendValue;
- property SkinData: TspSkinData read FSD write SetSkinData;
- property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive;
- property OnShowHint: TShowHintEvent read FOnShowHint write FOnShowHint;
- end;
- implementation
- Uses spUtils, spEffBmp;
- constructor TspSkinHintWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- SI := TBitMap.Create;
- FRgn := 0;
- OldAlphaBlend := False;
- OldAlphaBlendValue := 0;
- end;
- destructor TspSkinHintWindow.Destroy;
- begin
- SI.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- if FRgn <> 0 then DeleteObject(FRgn);
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.WMNCPaint(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.SetHintWindowRegion;
- var
- TempRgn: HRgn;
- MaskPicture: TBitMap;
- begin
- if (FSD <> nil) and (FSD.HintWindow.MaskPictureIndex <> -1)
- then
- begin
- TempRgn := FRgn;
- with FSD.HintWindow do
- begin
- MaskPicture := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures[MaskPictureIndex]);
- CreateSkinRegion
- (FRgn, LTPoint, RTPoint, LBPoint, RBPoint, ClRect,
- NewLTPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint, NewClRect,
- MaskPicture, Width, Height);
- end;
- SetWindowRgn(Handle, FRgn, False);
- if TempRgn <> 0 then DeleteObject(TempRgn);
- end
- else
- if FRgn <> 0 then
- begin
- SetWindowRgn(Handle, 0, False);
- DeleteObject(FRgn);
- FRgn := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.CalcHintSize(Cnvs: TCanvas; S: String; var W, H: Integer);
- var
- R: TRect;
- PW, PH, OX, OY: Integer;
- begin
- R := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- DrawText(Cnvs.Handle, PChar(S), -1, R, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT);
- W := RectWidth(R);
- H := RectHeight(R);
- if FSD <> nil
- then
- begin
- with FSD.HintWindow do
- begin
- PW := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures[WindowPictureIndex]).Width;
- PH := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures[WindowPictureIndex]).Height;
- W := W + ClRect.Left + (PW - ClRect.Right);
- H := H + ClRect.Top + (PH - ClRect.Bottom);
- if W < PW then W := PW;
- if H < PH then H := PH;
- OX := W - PW;
- OY := H - PH;
- NewClRect := ClRect;
- Inc(NewClRect.Right, OX);
- Inc(NewClRect.Bottom, OY);
- NewLTPoint := LTPoint;
- NewRTPoint := Point(RTPoint.X + OX, RTPoint.Y);
- NewLBPoint := Point(LBPoint.X, LBPoint.Y + OY);
- NewRBPoint := Point(RBPoint.X + OX, RBPoint.Y + OY);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Inc(W, 4);
- Inc(H, 4);
- end;
- end;
- function TspSkinHintWindow.FindHintComponent;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if (Application.MainForm <> nil) and
- (Application.MainForm.ComponentCount > 0)
- then
- with Application.MainForm do
- for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
- if (Components[i] is TspSkinHint) and
- (TspSkinHint(Components[i]).Active)
- then
- begin
- Result := TspSkinHint(Components[i]);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.ActivateHint(Rect: TRect; const AHint: string);
- const
- WS_EX_LAYERED = $80000;
- var
- HintWidth, HintHeight: Integer;
- CanSkin: Boolean;
- begin
- FspHint := FindHintComponent;
- if FspHint = nil then Exit;
- if not FspHint.Active then Exit;
- CanSkin := (FspHint.FSD <> nil) and (not FspHInt.FSD.Empty) and
- (FspHint.FSD.HintWindow.WindowPictureIndex <> -1);
- //
- if CanSkin then FSD := FspHint.FSD else FSD := nil;
- if FSD <> nil
- then
- begin
- with Canvas, FSD.HintWindow do
- begin
- if FspHint.UseSkinFont
- then
- begin
- Font.Height := FontHeight;
- Font.Name := FontName;
- Font.Style := FontStyle;
- Font.CharSet := FspHint.DefaultFont.CharSet;
- end
- else
- Font.Assign(FspHint.FDefaultFont);
- end;
- end
- else
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Font.Assign(FspHint.FDefaultFont);
- end;
- Caption := AHint;
- CalcHintSize(Canvas, Caption, HintWidth, HintHeight);
- Rect.Right := Rect.Left + HintWidth;
- Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top + HIntHeight;
- //
- if (Rect.Right > Screen.Width) then OffsetRect(Rect, -HintWidth-2, 0);
- if (Rect.Bottom > Screen.Height) then OffsetRect(Rect, 0, -HintHeight-2);
- //
- BoundsRect := Rect;
- if (OldAlphaBlend <> FspHint.AlphaBlend) and FSpHint.AlphaBlendSupport
- then
- begin
- if OldAlphaBlend
- then
- SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and (not WS_EX_LAYERED))
- else
- begin
- SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE)
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(Handle, FspHint.AlphaBlendValue);
- end;
- OldAlphaBlend := FspHint.AlphaBlend;
- end;
- if (OldAlphaBlendValue <> FspHint.AlphaBlendValue) and FSpHint.AlphaBlendSupport and
- FspHint.AlphaBlend
- then
- begin
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(Handle, FspHint.AlphaBlendValue);
- OldAlphaBlendValue := FspHint.AlphaBlendValue;
- end;
- //
- if FspHint.AlphaBlend and not FspHint.AlphaBlendSupport
- then
- begin
- SI.Width := Width;
- SI.Height := Height;
- GetScreenImage(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, SI);
- end;
- //
- SetHintWindowRegion;
- //
- SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, 0,
- Visible := True;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
- begin
- inherited CreateParams(Params);
- Params.Style := Params.Style - WS_BORDER;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.Paint;
- var
- R: TRect;
- kf: Double;
- EB1, EB2: TspEffectBmp;
- B: TBitMap;
- W, H, X, Y: Integer;
- begin
- //
- if (Width <= 0) or (Height <= 0) then Exit;
- DrawBuffer := TBitMap.Create;
- DrawBuffer.Width := Width;
- DrawBuffer.Height := Height;
- //
- if FSD <> nil
- then
- with DrawBuffer.Canvas, FSD.HintWindow do
- begin
- B := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures[WindowPictureIndex]);
- CreateSkinImageBS(LTPoint, RTPoint, LBPoint, RBPoint,
- CLRect, NewLTPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint,
- NewClRect, DrawBuffer, B,
- Rect(0, 0, B.Width, B.Height), Width, Height, True,
- FSD.HintWindow.LeftStretch, FSD.HintWindow.TopStretch,
- FSD.HintWindow.RightStretch, FSD.HintWindow.BottomStretch);
- end
- else
- with DrawBuffer.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clInfoBk;
- FillRect(ClientRect);
- R := ClientRect;
- Frame3D(DrawBuffer.Canvas, R, clBtnShadow, clBtnShadow, 1);
- end;
- //
- if FSD <> nil
- then
- with DrawBuffer.Canvas, FSD.HintWindow do
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if FspHint.UseSkinFont
- then
- begin
- Font.Height := FontHeight;
- Font.Style := FontStyle;
- Font.Name := FontName;
- Font.CharSet := FspHint.DefaultFont.CharSet;
- end
- else
- Font.Assign(FspHint.FDefaultFont);
- Font.Color := FontColor;
- R := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), -1, R, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT);
- W := RectWidth(R);
- H := RectHeight(R);
- X := NewClRect.Left + RectWidth(NewClRect) div 2 - W div 2;
- Y := NewClRect.Top + RectHeight(NewClRect) div 2 - H div 2;
- R := Rect(X, Y, X + W, Y + H);
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), -1, R, DT_LEFT);
- end
- else
- with DrawBuffer.Canvas do
- begin
- Font.Assign(FspHint.FDefaultFont);
- Font.Color := clInfoText;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- R := Rect(2, 2, Width - 2, Height - 2);
- DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), -1, R, DT_LEFT);
- end;
- //
- if FspHint.AlphaBlend and not FspHint.AlphaBlendSupport
- then
- begin
- EB1 := TspEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(DrawBuffer.Handle);
- SI.Width := DrawBuffer.Width;
- EB2 := TspEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(SI.Handle);
- kf := 1 - FspHint.AlphaBlendValue / 255;
- EB1.Morph(EB2, kf);
- EB1.Draw(DrawBuffer.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0);
- EB1.Free;
- EB2.Free;
- end;
- //
- Canvas.Draw(0, 0, DrawBuffer);
- DrawBuffer.Free;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHintWindow.WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd);
- begin
- Msg.Result := 1;
- end;
- constructor TspSkinHint.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- HintTimer := nil;
- FDefaultFont := TFont.Create;
- FUseSkinFont := True;
- FAlphaBlend := False;
- FAlphaBlendValue := 200;
- FAlphaBlendSupport := True;
- FSD := nil;
- FActive := True;
- HW := TspSkinHintWindow.Create(Self);
- HW.Visible := False;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- begin
- HintWindowClass := TspSkinHintWindow;
- with Application do begin
- ShowHint := not ShowHint;
- ShowHint := not ShowHint;
- OnShowHint := SelfOnShowHint;
- Application.HintShortPause := 100;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- destructor TspSkinHint.Destroy;
- begin
- HW.Free;
- FDefaultFont.Free;
- if HintTimer <> nil then HintTimer.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TspSkinHint.IsVisible: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (HW <> nil) and HW.Visible;
- end;
- function TspSkinHint.GetCursorHeightMargin: Integer;
- var
- IconInfo: TIconInfo;
- BitmapInfoSize, BitmapBitsSize, ImageSize: DWORD;
- Bitmap: PBitmapInfoHeader;
- Bits: Pointer;
- BytesPerScanline: Integer;
- function FindScanline(Source: Pointer; MaxLen: Cardinal;
- Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; assembler;
- asm
- end;
- begin
- { Default value is entire icon height }
- Result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCURSOR);
- if GetIconInfo(GetCursor, IconInfo) then
- try
- GetDIBSizes(IconInfo.hbmMask, BitmapInfoSize, BitmapBitsSize);
- Bitmap := AllocMem(DWORD(BitmapInfoSize) + BitmapBitsSize);
- try
- Bits := Pointer(DWORD(Bitmap) + BitmapInfoSize);
- if GetDIB(IconInfo.hbmMask, 0, Bitmap^, Bits^) and
- (Bitmap^.biBitCount = 1) then
- begin
- { Point Bits to the end of this bottom-up bitmap }
- with Bitmap^ do
- begin
- BytesPerScanline := ((biWidth * biBitCount + 31) and not 31) div 8;
- ImageSize := biWidth * BytesPerScanline;
- Bits := Pointer(DWORD(Bits) + BitmapBitsSize - ImageSize);
- { Use the width to determine the height since another mask bitmap
- may immediately follow }
- Result := FindScanline(Bits, ImageSize, $FF);
- { In case the and mask is blank, look for an empty scanline in the
- xor mask. }
- if (Result = 0) and (biHeight >= 2 * biWidth) then
- Result := FindScanline(Pointer(DWORD(Bits) - ImageSize),
- ImageSize, $00);
- Result := Result div BytesPerScanline;
- end;
- Dec(Result, IconInfo.yHotSpot);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Bitmap, BitmapInfoSize + BitmapBitsSize);
- end;
- finally
- if IconInfo.hbmColor <> 0 then DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor);
- if IconInfo.hbmMask <> 0 then DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.SetDefaultFont(Value: TFont);
- begin
- FDefaultFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.SetAlphaBlendSupport(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value
- then
- begin
- if not CheckW2KWXP and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- Value := False;
- end;
- FAlphaBlendSupport := Value;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.SetSkinData;
- begin
- FSD := Value;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.Notification;
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSD) then FSD := nil;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.SetActive(Value: Boolean);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- FActive := Value;
- if FActive and (Application.MainForm <> nil)
- then
- with Application.MainForm do
- for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
- if (Components[i] is TspSkinHint) and (Components[i] <> Self)
- then
- if TspSkinHint(Components[i]).Active
- then TspSkinHint(Components[i]).Active := False;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and FActive
- then Application.OnShowHint := SelfOnShowHint;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.SelfOnShowHint(var HintStr: string;
- var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnShowHint) then FOnShowHint(HintStr, CanShow, HintInfo);
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.HintTime1(Sender: TObject);
- var
- R: TRect;
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- if HintTimer = nil then Exit;
- GetCursorPos(P);
- P.Y := P.Y + GetCursorHeightMargin;
- R := Rect(P.X, P.Y, P.X, P.Y);
- HW.ActivateHint(R, HintText);
- HW.Visible := True;
- HintTimer.Enabled := False;
- HintTimer.Interval := Application.HintHidePause;
- HintTimer.OnTimer := HintTime2;
- HintTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.HintTime2(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- HideHint;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.ActivateHint2(const AHint: string);
- begin
- if HintTimer <> nil
- then
- begin
- HintTimer.Enabled := False;
- HintTimer.Free;
- HintTimer := nil;
- end;
- HintText := AHint;
- HintTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
- HintTimer.Enabled := False;
- HintTimer.Interval := Application.HintPause;
- HintTimer.OnTimer := HintTime1;
- HintTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.ActivateHint(P: TPoint; const AHint: string);
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- R := Rect(P.X, P.Y, P.X, P.Y);
- HW.ActivateHint(R, AHint);
- HW.Visible := True;
- end;
- procedure TspSkinHint.HideHint;
- begin
- if HintTimer <> nil
- then
- begin
- HintTimer.Enabled := False;
- HintTimer.Free;
- HintTimer := nil;
- end;
- if HW.Visible
- then
- begin
- HW.Visible := False;
- SetWindowPos(HW.Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0,
- end;
- end;
- end.