- {*******************************************************************}
- { }
- { Almediadev Visual Component Library }
- { BusinessSkinForm }
- { Version 1.98 }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Almediadev }
- { }
- { Home: }
- { Support: }
- { }
- {*******************************************************************}
- unit bsSkinTabs;
- {$P+,S-,W-,R-}
- interface
- uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls,
- CommCtrl, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, bsSkinData, bsSkinBoxCtrls;
- type
- TbsSkinCustomTabSheet = class(TTabSheet)
- protected
- procedure WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
- procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
- public
- procedure PaintBG(DC: HDC);
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TbsSkinTabSheet = class(TbsSkinCustomTabSheet)
- protected
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TbsSkinPageControl = class(TPageControl)
- private
- FActiveTab, FOldActiveTab: Integer;
- FActiveTabIndex, FOldActiveTabIndex: Integer;
- function GetPosition: Integer;
- function GetInVisibleItemCount: Integer;
- procedure OnUpDownChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DrawTabs(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure DrawTab(TI: Integer; const Rct: TRect; Active, MouseIn: Boolean; Cnvs: TCanvas);
- function GetItemRect(index: integer): TRect;
- procedure SetItemSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- procedure CheckScroll;
- procedure ShowSkinUpDown;
- procedure HideSkinUpDown;
- procedure TestActive(X, Y: Integer);
- protected
- //
- FSD: TbsSkinData;
- FSkinDataName: String;
- FIndex: Integer;
- FSkinUpDown: TbsSkinUpDown;
- FDefaultFont: TFont;
- FUseSkinFont: Boolean;
- FDefaultItemHeight: Integer;
- procedure SetDefaultItemHeight(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetDefaultFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure Change; override;
- procedure GetSkinData;
- //
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure SetSkinData(Value: TbsSkinData);
- procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
- procedure WMHSCROLL(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd); message WM_HSCROLL;
- procedure WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
- procedure PaintDefaultWindow(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure PaintSkinWindow(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;
- procedure WndProc(var Message:TMessage); override;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
- public
- //
- Picture: TBitMap;
- SkinRect, ClRect, TabRect,
- ActiveTabRect, FocusTabRect, MouseInTabRect: TRect;
- TabsBGRect: TRect;
- LTPoint, RTPoint, LBPoint, RBPoint: TPoint;
- TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset: Integer;
- FontName: String;
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- FontHeight: Integer;
- FontColor, ActiveFontColor, FocusFontColor, MouseInFontColor: TColor;
- UpDown: String;
- BGPictureIndex: Integer;
- //
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ChangeSkinData;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure UpDateTabs;
- published
- property DefaultFont: TFont read FDefaultFont write SetDefaultFont;
- property UseSkinFont: Boolean read FUseSkinFont write FUseSkinFont;
- property DefaultItemHeight: Integer read FDefaultItemHeight write SetDefaultItemHeight;
- property SkinData: TbsSkinData read FSD write SetSkinData;
- property SkinDataName: String read FSkinDataName write FSkinDataName;
- property Color;
- property ActivePage;
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DockSite;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property HotTrack;
- property Images;
- property OwnerDraw;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property RaggedRight;
- property ScrollOpposite;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabHeight;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabPosition;
- property TabStop;
- property TabWidth;
- property Visible;
- property OnChange;
- property OnChanging;
- property OnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnDrawTab;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnGetImageIndex;
- property OnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnUnDock;
- end;
- TbsSkinTabControl = class(TTabControl)
- private
- FOldTop, FOldBottom: Integer;
- FActiveTab, FOldActiveTab: Integer;
- function GetPosition: Integer;
- function GetInVisibleItemCount: Integer;
- procedure OnUpDownChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DrawTabs(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure DrawTab(TI: Integer; const Rct: TRect; Active, MouseIn: Boolean; Cnvs: TCanvas);
- function GetItemRect(index: integer): TRect;
- procedure SetItemSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
- procedure CheckScroll;
- procedure ShowSkinUpDown;
- procedure HideSkinUpDown;
- procedure TestActive(X, Y: Integer);
- protected
- //
- FSD: TbsSkinData;
- FSkinDataName: String;
- FIndex: Integer;
- FSkinUpDown: TbsSkinUpDown;
- FDefaultFont: TFont;
- FUseSkinFont: Boolean;
- FDefaultItemHeight: Integer;
- procedure SetDefaultItemHeight(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetDefaultFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
- procedure WMPaint(var Msg: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
- procedure GetSkinData;
- //
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure SetSkinData(Value: TbsSkinData);
- procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
- procedure WMHSCROLL(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd); message WM_HSCROLL;
- procedure PaintDefaultWindow(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure PaintSkinWindow(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;
- procedure WndProc(var Message:TMessage); override;
- procedure Change; override;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
- public
- //
- Picture: TBitMap;
- SkinRect, ClRect, TabRect,
- ActiveTabRect, FocusTabRect, MouseInTabRect: TRect;
- TabsBGRect: TRect;
- LTPoint, RTPoint, LBPoint, RBPoint: TPoint;
- TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset: Integer;
- FontName: String;
- FontStyle: TFontStyles;
- FontHeight: Integer;
- FontColor, ActiveFontColor, FocusFontColor, MouseInFontColor: TColor;
- UpDown: String;
- BGPictureIndex: Integer;
- //
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ChangeSkinData;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure UpDateTabs;
- published
- property DefaultFont: TFont read FDefaultFont write SetDefaultFont;
- property UseSkinFont: Boolean read FUseSkinFont write FUseSkinFont;
- property DefaultItemHeight: Integer read FDefaultItemHeight write SetDefaultItemHeight;
- property SkinData: TbsSkinData read FSD write SetSkinData;
- property SkinDataName: String read FSkinDataName write FSkinDataName;
- property Color;
- property Align;
- property Anchors;
- property BiDiMode;
- property Constraints;
- property DockSite;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property Font;
- property HotTrack;
- property Images;
- property OwnerDraw;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property RaggedRight;
- property ScrollOpposite;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabHeight;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabPosition;
- property TabStop;
- property TabWidth;
- property Visible;
- property OnChange;
- property OnChanging;
- property OnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnDrawTab;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnGetImageIndex;
- property OnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnUnDock;
- end;
- implementation
- uses Consts, ComStrs, bsUtils, ImgList, BusinessSkinForm, bsEffects;
- procedure DrawRotate90_1(Cnvs: TCanvas; B: TBitMap; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- B1, B2: TbsEffectBmp;
- begin
- B1 := TbsEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(B.Handle);
- B2 := TbsEffectBmp.Create(B1.Height, B1.Width);
- B1.Rotate90_1(B2);
- B2.Draw(Cnvs.Handle, X, Y);
- B1.Free;
- B2.Free;
- end;
- procedure DrawRotate90_2(Cnvs: TCanvas; B: TBitMap; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- B1, B2: TbsEffectBmp;
- begin
- B1 := TbsEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(B.Handle);
- B2 := TbsEffectBmp.Create(B1.Height, B1.Width);
- B1.Rotate90_2(B2);
- B2.Draw(Cnvs.Handle, X, Y);
- B1.Free;
- B2.Free;
- end;
- procedure DrawTabGlyphAndText(Cnvs: TCanvas; W, H: Integer; S: String;
- IM: TCustomImageList; IMIndex: Integer;
- AEnabled: Boolean);
- var
- R, TR: TRect;
- GX, GY, GW, GH, TW, TH: Integer;
- begin
- R := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- DrawText(Cnvs.Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), R, DT_CALCRECT);
- TW := RectWidth(R) + 2;
- TH := RectHeight(R);
- GW := IM.Width;
- GH := IM.Height;
- GX := W div 2 - (GW + TW + 2) div 2;
- GY := H div 2 - GH div 2;
- TR.Left := GX + GW + 2;
- TR.Top := H div 2 - TH div 2;
- TR.Right := TR.Left + TW;
- TR.Bottom := TR.Top + TH;
- DrawText(Cnvs.Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), TR, DT_CENTER);
- IM.Draw(Cnvs, GX, GY, IMIndex, AEnabled);
- end;
- constructor TbsSkinCustomTabSheet.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Align := alClient;
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls, csNoDesignVisible];
- Visible := False;
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinCustomTabSheet.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomTabSheet.WMEraseBkGnd;
- begin
- PaintBG(Msg.DC);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomTabSheet.WMSize;
- begin
- inherited;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomTabSheet.PaintBG;
- var
- C: TCanvas;
- TabSheetBG: TBitMap;
- PC: TbsSkinPageControl;
- X, Y, XCnt, YCnt, XO, YO, w, h, w1, h1: Integer;
- begin
- if (Width <= 0) or (Height <=0) then Exit;
- PC := TbsSkinPageControl(Parent);
- if PC = nil then Exit;
- PC.GetSkinData;
- C := TCanvas.Create;
- C.Handle := DC;
- if (PC.FSD <> nil) and (not PC.FSD.Empty) and
- (PC.FIndex <> -1) and (PC.BGPictureIndex <> -1)
- then
- begin
- TabSheetBG := TBitMap(PC.FSD.FActivePictures.Items[PC.BGPictureIndex]);
- if (Width > 0) and (Height > 0)
- then
- begin
- XCnt := Width div TabSheetBG.Width;
- YCnt := Height div TabSheetBG.Height;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- C.Draw(X * TabSheetBG.Width, Y * TabSheetBG.Height, TabSheetBG);
- end;
- C.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- w1 := Width;
- h1 := Height;
- TabSheetBG := TBitMap.Create;
- TabSheetBG.Width := w1;
- TabSheetBG.Height := h1;
- if PC.FIndex <> -1
- then
- with TabSheetBG.Canvas, PC do
- begin
- w := RectWidth(ClRect);
- h := RectHeight(ClRect);
- XCnt := w1 div w;
- YCnt := h1 div h;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if X * w + w > w1 then XO := X * w + w - w1 else XO := 0;
- if Y * h + h > h1 then YO := Y * h + h - h1 else YO := 0;
- CopyRect(Rect(X * w, Y * h, X * w + w - XO, Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + ClRect.Left, SkinRect.Top + ClRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Left + ClRect.Right - XO,
- SkinRect.Top + ClRect.Bottom - YO));
- end;
- end
- else
- with TabSheetBG.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clbtnface;
- FillRect(Rect(0, 0, w1, h1));
- end;
- C.Draw(0, 0, TabSheetBG);
- TabSheetBG.Free;
- C.Free;
- end;
- {TTabSheetes}
- constructor TbsSkinTabSheet.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinTabSheet.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabSheet.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- end;
- { TbsSkinPageControl }
- constructor TbsSkinPageControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Ctl3D := False;
- FIndex := -1;
- Picture := nil;
- Font.Name := 'Arial';
- Font.Style := [];
- Font.Color := clBtnText;
- Font.Height := 14;
- FSkinUpDown := nil;
- FSkinDataName := 'tab';
- FDefaultFont := TFont.Create;
- FDefaultFont.Name := 'Arial';
- FDefaultFont.Style := [];
- FDefaultFont.Color := clBtnText;
- FDefaultFont.Height := 14;
- FDefaultItemHeight := 20;
- FActiveTab := -1;
- FOldActiveTab := -1;
- FActiveTabIndex := -1;
- FOldActiveTabIndex := -1;
- FUseSkinFont := True;
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinPageControl.Destroy;
- begin
- FDefaultFont.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.UpDateTabs;
- begin
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- SetItemSize(0, RectHeight(TabRect))
- else
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- if MultiLine and (FSkinUpDown <> nil)
- then
- HideSkinUpDown;
- ReAlign;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.CMMouseLeave;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- if (FOldActiveTabIndex <> - 1) and (FOldActiveTabIndex <> TabIndex) and
- (FOldActiveTabIndex < PageCount)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FOldActiveTabIndex);
- DrawTab(FOldActiveTab, R, False, False, Canvas);
- FOldActiveTabIndex := -1;
- FOldActiveTab := -1;
- end;
- if (FActiveTabIndex <> - 1) and (FActiveTabIndex <> TabIndex) and
- (FActiveTabIndex < PageCount)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FActiveTabIndex);
- DrawTab(FActiveTab, R, False, False, Canvas);
- FActiveTabIndex := -1;
- FActiveTab := -1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.MouseDown;
- begin
- inherited;
- if (Button = mbLeft) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- TestActive(X, Y);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.MouseMove;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- TestActive(X, Y);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.SetDefaultItemHeight;
- begin
- FDefaultItemHeight := Value;
- if FIndex = -1
- then
- begin
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- Change;
- ReAlign;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.SetDefaultFont;
- begin
- FDefaultFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.OnUpDownChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FSkinUpDown.Max := GetInVisibleItemCount;
- SendMessage(Handle, WM_HSCROLL,
- MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, FSkinUpDown.Position), 0);
- end;
- function TbsSkinPageControl.GetPosition: Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- j := 0;
- for i := 0 to PageCount - 1 do
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(i);
- if R.Right <= 0 then inc(j);
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- function TbsSkinPageControl.GetInVisibleItemCount;
- var
- i, j, k: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- Limit: Integer;
- begin
- if FSkinUpDown = nil
- then
- Limit := Width - 3
- else
- Limit := Width - FSkinUpDown.Width - 3;
- j := 0;
- k := -1;
- for i := 0 to PageCount - 1 do
- if Pages[i].TabVisible
- then
- begin
- inc(k);
- R := GetItemRect(k);
- if (R.Right > Limit) or (R.Right <= 0)
- then inc(j);
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.CheckScroll;
- var
- Wnd: HWND;
- InVCount: Integer;
- begin
- Wnd := FindWindowEx(Handle, 0, 'msctls_updown32', nil);
- if Wnd <> 0 then DestroyWindow(Wnd);
- InVCount := GetInVisibleItemCount;
- if ((InVCount = 0) or MultiLine) and (FSkinUpDown <> nil)
- then
- HideSkinUpDown
- else
- if (InVCount > 0) and (FSkinUpDown = nil)
- then
- ShowSkinUpDown;
- if FSkinUpDown <> nil
- then
- begin
- FSkinUpDown.Max := InVCount;
- FSkinUpDown.Left := Width - FSkinUpDown.Width;
- if TabPosition = tpTop
- then
- FSkinUpDown.Top := 0
- else
- FSkinUpDown.Top := Height - FSkinUpDown.Height;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.ShowSkinUpDown;
- begin
- FSkinUpDown := TbsSkinUpDown.Create(Self);
- FSkinUpDown.Parent := Self;
- FSkinUpDown.Width := FDefaultItemHeight * 2;
- FSkinUpDown.Height := FDefaultItemHeight;
- FSkinUpDown.Min := 0;
- FSkinUpDown.Max := GetInVisibleItemCount;
- FSkinUpDown.Position := GetPosition;
- FSkinUpDown.Increment := 1;
- FSkinUpDown.OnChange := OnUpDownChange;
- FSkinUpDown.Left := Width - FSkinUpDown.Width;
- if TabPosition = tpTop
- then
- FSkinUpDown.Top := 0
- else
- FSkinUpDown.Top := Height - FSkinUpDown.Height;
- FSkinUpDown.SkinDataName := UpDown;
- FSkinUpDown.SkinData := SkinData;
- FSkinUpDown.Visible := True;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.HideSkinUpDown;
- begin
- FSkinUpDown.Free;
- FSkinUpDown := nil;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.WMHSCROLL;
- begin
- inherited;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.WMSize;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.Change;
- begin
- if FSkinUpDown <> nil
- then FSkinUpDown.Position := GetPosition;
- inherited;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.GetSkinData;
- begin
- BGPictureIndex := -1;
- if FSD = nil
- then
- begin
- FIndex := -1;
- Exit;
- end;
- if FSD.Empty
- then
- FIndex := -1
- else
- FIndex := FSD.GetControlIndex(FSkinDataName);
- //
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- if TbsDataSkinControl(FSD.CtrlList.Items[FIndex]) is TbsDataSkinTabControl
- then
- with TbsDataSkinTabControl(FSD.CtrlList.Items[FIndex]) do
- begin
- if (PictureIndex <> -1) and (PictureIndex < FSD.FActivePictures.Count)
- then
- Picture := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures.Items[PictureIndex])
- else
- Picture := nil;
- Self.SkinRect := SkinRect;
- Self.ClRect := ClRect;
- Self.TabRect := TabRect;
- if IsNullRect(ActiveTabRect)
- then
- Self.ActiveTabRect := TabRect
- else
- Self.ActiveTabRect := ActiveTabRect;
- if IsNullRect(FocusTabRect)
- then
- Self.FocusTabRect := ActiveTabRect
- else
- Self.FocusTabRect := FocusTabRect;
- //
- Self.TabsBGRect := TabsBGRect;
- Self.LTPoint := LTPoint;
- Self.RTPoint := RTPoint;
- Self.LBPoint := LBPoint;
- Self.RBPoint := RBPoint;
- Self.TabLeftOffset := TabLeftOffset;
- Self.TabRightOffset := TabRightOffset;
- //
- Self.FontName := FontName;
- Self.FontColor := FontColor;
- Self.ActiveFontColor := ActiveFontColor;
- Self.FocusFontColor := FocusFontColor;
- Self.FontStyle := FontStyle;
- Self.FontHeight := FontHeight;
- Self.UpDown := UpDown;
- Self.BGPictureIndex := BGPictureIndex;
- Self.MouseInTabRect := MouseInTabRect;
- Self.MouseInFontColor := MouseInFontColor;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.ChangeSkinData;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- //
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- if FUseSkinFont
- then
- begin
- Font.Name := FontName;
- Font.Height := FontHeight;
- Font.Style := FontStyle;
- Font.CharSet := DefaultFont.CharSet;
- end
- else
- Font.Assign(FDefaultFont);
- Font.Color := FontColor;
- SetItemSize(0, RectHeight(TabRect));
- end
- else
- begin
- Font.Assign(FDefaultFont);
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- end;
- //
- Change;
- ReAlign;
- if FSkinUpDown <> nil
- then
- begin
- HideSkinUpDown;
- CheckScroll;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.SetSkinData;
- begin
- FSD := Value;
- if (FSD <> nil) then
- if not FSD.Empty and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- ChangeSkinData;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.Notification;
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSD) then FSD := nil;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.PaintDefaultWindow;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(ClientRect);
- R := Self.DisplayRect;
- InflateRect(R, 1, 1);
- Frame3D(Cnvs, R, clBtnShadow, clBtnShadow, 1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.PaintSkinWindow;
- var
- TOff, LOff, Roff, BOff: Integer;
- DR, R: TRect;
- TBGOffX, TBGOffY, X, Y, XCnt, YCnt, w, h, rw, rh, XO, YO: Integer;
- NewLTPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint: TPoint;
- begin
- TOff := ClRect.Top;
- LOff := ClRect.Left;
- ROff := RectWidth(SkinRect) - ClRect.Right;
- BOff := RectHeight(SkinRect) - ClRect.Bottom;
- DR := DisplayRect;
- R := Rect(DR.Left - LOff, DR.Top - TOff, DR.Right + ROff, DR.Bottom + BOff);
- XO := RectWidth(R) - RectWidth(SkinRect);
- YO := RectHeight(R) - RectHeight(SkinRect);
- NewLTPoint := LTPoint;
- NewRTPoint := Point(RTPoint.X + XO, RTPoint.Y);
- NewLBPoint := Point(LBPoint.X, LBPoint.Y + YO);
- NewRBPoint := Point(RBPoint.X + XO, RBPoint.Y + YO);
- // Draw tabs BG
- if not IsNullRect(TabsBGRect)
- then
- begin
- if TabPosition = tpLeft
- then
- begin
- TBGOffY := 0;
- TBGOffX := 0;
- rw := R.Left;
- rh := Height;
- end
- else
- if TabPosition = tpRight
- then
- begin
- TBGOffY := 0;
- TBGOffX := R.Right;
- rw := Width - R.Right;
- rh := Height;
- end
- else
- if TabPosition = tpTop
- then
- begin
- TBGOffX := 0;
- TBGOffY := 0;
- rh := R.Top;
- rw := Width;
- end
- else
- begin
- TBGOffX := 0;
- TBGOffY := R.Bottom;
- rh := Height - R.Bottom;
- rw := Width;
- end;
- w := RectWidth(TabsBGRect);
- h := RectHeight(TabsBGRect);
- XCnt := rw div w;
- YCnt := rh div h;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if X * w + w > rw then XO := X * w + w - rw else XO := 0;
- if Y * h + h > rh then YO := Y * h + h - rh else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(TBGOffX + X * w, TBGOffY + Y * h,
- TBGOffX + X * w + w - XO, TBGOffY + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(TabsBGRect.Left, TabsBGRect.Top,
- TabsBGRect.Right - XO, TabsBGRect.Bottom - YO));
- end;
- end;
- // Draw frame around displayrect
- // draw lines
- w := RTPoint.X - LTPoint.X;
- XCnt := (NewRTPoint.X - NewLTPoint.X) div w;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- begin
- if NewLTPoint.X + X * w + w > NewRTPoint.X
- then XO := NewLTPoint.X + X * w + w - NewRTPoint.X else XO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewLTPoint.X + X * w, R.Top,
- R.Left + NewLTPoint.X + X * w + w - XO, R.Top + TOff),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + LTPoint.X, SkinRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Left + RTPoint.X - XO, SkinRect.Top + TOff));
- end;
- w := RBPoint.X - LBPoint.X;
- XCnt := (NewRBPoint.X - NewLBPoint.X) div w;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- begin
- if NewLBPoint.X + X * w + w > NewRBPoint.X
- then XO := NewLBPoint.X + X * w + w - NewRBPoint.X else XO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewLBPoint.X + X * w, R.Bottom - BOff,
- R.Left + NewLBPoint.X + X * w + w - XO, R.Bottom),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + LBPoint.X, SkinRect.Bottom - BOff,
- SkinRect.Left + RBPoint.X - XO, SkinRect.Bottom));
- end;
- w := LOff;
- h := LBPoint.Y - LTPoint.Y;
- YCnt := (NewLBPoint.Y - NewLTPoint.Y) div h;
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h + h > NewLBPoint.Y
- then YO := NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - NewLBPoint.Y else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top + NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h,
- R.Left + w, R.Top + NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left, SkinRect.Top + LTPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Left + w, SkinRect.Top + LBPoint.Y - YO));
- end;
- w := ROff;
- h := RBPoint.Y - RTPoint.Y;
- YCnt := (NewRBPoint.Y - NewRTPoint.Y) div h;
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h + h > NewRBPoint.Y
- then YO := NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - NewRBPoint.Y else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Right - w, R.Top + NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h,
- R.Right, R.Top + NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Right - w, SkinRect.Top + RTPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Right, SkinRect.Top + RBPoint.Y - YO));
- end;
- // draw corners
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top, R.Left + LTPoint.X, R.Top + LTPoint.Y),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left, SkinRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Left + NewLTPoint.X, SkinRect.Top + NewLTPoint.Y));
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewRTPoint.X, R.Top,
- R.Right, R.Top + NewRTPoint.Y),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + RTPoint.X, SkinRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Right, SkinRect.Top + RTPoint.Y));
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top + NewLBPoint.Y,
- R.Left + NewLBPoint.X, R.Bottom),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left, SkinRect.Top + LBPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Left + LBPoint.X, SkinRect.Bottom));
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewRBPoint.X, R.Top + NewRBPoint.Y,
- R.Right, R.Bottom),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + RBPoint.X, SkinRect.Top + RBPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Right, SkinRect.Bottom));
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- if FIndex = -1
- then
- begin
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- Change;
- ReAlign;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd);
- begin
- if Self.PageCount = 0
- then
- inherited
- else
- Msg.Result := 1;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.WndProc(var Message:TMessage);
- var
- TOff, LOff, Roff, BOff: Integer;
- begin
- if Message.Msg = TCM_ADJUSTRECT
- then
- begin
- inherited WndProc(Message);
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- TOff := ClRect.Top;
- LOff := ClRect.Left;
- ROff := RectWidth(SkinRect) - ClRect.Right;
- BOff := RectHeight(SkinRect) - ClRect.Bottom;
- end;
- case TabPosition of
- tpLeft:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left + LOff - 4;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - ROff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 3;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 5;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - 1;
- end;
- tpRight:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := LOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - ROff + 4;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 3;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right + 3;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 5;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - 1;
- end;
- tpTop:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := LOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - ROff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 5;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - 1;
- end;
- tpBottom:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := LOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - ROff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom + 4 - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom + 3;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- if Message.Msg = TCM_GETITEMRECT
- then
- begin
- inherited WndProc(Message);
- if Style = tsTabs
- then
- case TabPosition of
- tpLeft:
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - 2;
- end;
- tpRight:
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left + 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right + 2;
- end;
- tpTop:
- begin
- if not MultiLine
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - 2;
- end;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom - 2;
- end;
- tpBottom:
- begin
- if not MultiLine
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - 2;
- end;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top + 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom + 2;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- inherited WndProc(Message);
- if (Message.Msg = WM_SIZE) and (not MultiLine) and
- not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- begin
- CheckScroll;
- end;
- end;
- function TbsSkinPageControl.GetItemRect(index: integer): TRect;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- SendMessage(Handle, TCM_GETITEMRECT, index, Integer(@R));
- Result := R;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.SetItemSize;
- begin
- SendMessage(Handle, TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MakeLParam(AWidth, AHeight));
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.PaintWindow(DC: HDC);
- var
- SaveIndex: Integer;
- B: TBitMap;
- begin
- if (Width <= 0) or (Height <=0) then Exit;
- GetSkinData;
- SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);
- try
- Canvas.Handle := DC;
- B := TBitMap.Create;
- B.Width := Width;
- B.Height := Height;
- if FIndex = -1
- then
- PaintDefaultWindow(B.Canvas)
- else
- PaintSkinWindow(B.Canvas);
- DrawTabs(B.Canvas);
- Canvas.Draw(0, 0, B);
- B.Free;
- Canvas.Handle := 0;
- finally
- RestoreDC(DC, SaveIndex);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.TestActive(X, Y: Integer);
- var
- i, j, k: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- FOldActiveTab := FActiveTab;
- FOldActiveTabIndex := FActiveTabIndex;
- k := -1;
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to PageCount - 1 do
- if Pages[i].TabVisible then
- begin
- Inc(k);
- R := GetItemRect(k);
- if PtInRect(R, Point(X, Y))
- then
- begin
- j := k;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- FActiveTab := i;
- FActiveTabIndex := j;
- if (FOldActiveTabIndex <> FActiveTabIndex)
- then
- begin
- if (FOldActiveTabIndex <> - 1) and (FOldActiveTabIndex <> TabIndex) and
- (FOldActiveTabIndex < PageCount)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FOldActiveTabIndex);
- DrawTab(FOldActiveTab, R, False, False, Canvas);
- end;
- if (FActiveTabIndex <> -1) and (FActiveTabIndex <> TabIndex) and
- (FActiveTabIndex < PageCount)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FActiveTabIndex);
- DrawTab(FActiveTab, R, False, True, Canvas );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.DrawTabs;
- var
- i, j: integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to PageCount-1 do
- if Pages[i].TabVisible then
- begin
- inc(j);
- R := GetItemRect(j);
- DrawTab(i, R, (j = TabIndex), j = FActiveTabIndex, Cnvs);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinPageControl.DrawTab;
- var
- R: TRect;
- S: String;
- TB: TBitMap;
- DrawGlyph: Boolean;
- W, H: Integer;
- begin
- DrawGlyph := (Images <> nil) and (TI < Images.Count);
- S := Pages[TI].Caption;
- TB := TBitMap.Create;
- if (TabPosition = tpTop) or (TabPosition = tpBottom)
- then
- begin
- W := RectWidth(Rct);
- H := RectHeight(Rct);
- end
- else
- begin
- H := RectWidth(Rct);
- W := RectHeight(Rct);
- end;
- R := Rect(0, 0, W, H);
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- if MouseIn and not Active and not IsNullRect(MouseInTabRect)
- then
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, MouseInTabRect, W, H)
- else
- if Active and Focused
- then
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, FocusTabRect, W, H)
- else
- if Active
- then
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, ActiveTabRect, W, H)
- else
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, TabRect, W, H);
- with TB.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if FUseSkinFont
- then
- begin
- Font.Name := FontName;
- Font.Style := FontStyle;
- Font.Height := FontHeight;
- Font.CharSet := Self.Font.CharSet;
- end
- else
- Font.Assign(Self.Font);
- if MouseIn and not Active
- then
- Font.Color := MouseInFontColor
- else
- if Active and Focused
- then
- Font.Color := FocusFontColor
- else
- if Active
- then Font.Color := ActiveFontColor
- else Font.Color := FontColor;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- TB.Width := W;
- TB.Height := H;
- if MouseIn and not Active
- then
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := BS_XP_BTNACTIVECOLOR;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end
- else
- if Active and Focused
- then
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := BS_XP_BTNDOWNCOLOR;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end
- else
- if Active
- then
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := BS_XP_BTNACTIVECOLOR;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end
- else
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end;
- with TB.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Font.Assign(Self.Font);
- end;
- end;
- //
- if DrawGlyph
- then
- DrawTabGlyphAndText(TB.Canvas, TB.Width, TB.Height, S,
- Images, TI, Pages[TI].Enabled)
- else
- DrawText(TB.Canvas.Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), R, DT_CENTER or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER);
- if TabPosition = tpLeft
- then
- DrawRotate90_1(Cnvs, TB, Rct.Left, Rct.Top)
- else
- if TabPosition = tpRight
- then
- DrawRotate90_2(Cnvs, TB, Rct.Left, Rct.Top)
- else
- Cnvs.Draw(Rct.Left, Rct.Top, TB);
- TB.Free;
- end;
- { TbsSkinTabControl }
- constructor TbsSkinTabControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Ctl3D := False;
- FIndex := -1;
- Picture := nil;
- Font.Name := 'Arial';
- Font.Style := [];
- Font.Color := clBtnText;
- Font.Height := 14;
- FOldTop := 0;
- FOldBottom := 0;
- FSkinUpDown := nil;
- FSkinDataName := 'tab';
- FDefaultFont := TFont.Create;
- FDefaultFont.Name := 'Arial';
- FDefaultFont.Style := [];
- FDefaultFont.Color := clBtnText;
- FDefaultFont.Height := 14;
- FDefaultItemHeight := 20;
- FUseSkinFont := True;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.MouseMove;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- TestActive(X, Y);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.MouseDown;
- begin
- inherited;
- if (Button = mbLeft) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- TestActive(X, Y);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.CMMouseLeave;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- if (FOldActiveTab <> - 1) and (FOldActiveTab <> TabIndex) and
- (FOldActiveTab < Self.Tabs.Count)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FOldActiveTab);
- DrawTab(FOldActiveTab, R, False, False, Canvas);
- FOldActiveTab := -1;
- end;
- if (FActiveTab <> - 1) and (FActiveTab <> TabIndex) and
- (FActiveTab < Self.Tabs.Count)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FActiveTab);
- DrawTab(FActiveTab, R, False, False, Canvas);
- FActiveTab := -1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.TestActive(X, Y: Integer);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- FOldActiveTab := FActiveTab;
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to Tabs.Count-1 do
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(i);
- if PtInRect(R, Point(X, Y))
- then
- begin
- j := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- FActiveTab := j;
- if (FOldActiveTab <> FActiveTab)
- then
- begin
- if (FOldActiveTab <> - 1) and (FOldActiveTab <> TabIndex) and
- (FOldActiveTab < Self.Tabs.Count)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FOldActiveTab);
- DrawTab(FOldActiveTab, R, False, False, Canvas);
- end;
- if (FActiveTab <> -1) and (FActiveTab <> TabIndex) and
- (FActiveTab < Self.Tabs.Count)
- then
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(FActiveTab);
- DrawTab(FActiveTab, R, False, True, Canvas );
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.SetDefaultItemHeight;
- begin
- FDefaultItemHeight := Value;
- if FIndex = -1
- then
- begin
- SetitemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- Change;
- ReAlign;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.SetDefaultFont;
- begin
- FDefaultFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.OnUpDownChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FSkinUpDown.Max := GetInVisibleItemCount;
- SendMessage(Handle, WM_HSCROLL,
- MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, FSkinUpDown.Position), 0);
- end;
- function TbsSkinTabControl.GetPosition: Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- j := 0;
- for i := 0 to Tabs.Count - 1 do
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(i);
- if R.Right <= 0 then inc(j);
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- function TbsSkinTabControl.GetInVisibleItemCount;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- Limit: Integer;
- begin
- if FSkinUpDown = nil
- then
- Limit := Width - 3
- else
- Limit := Width - FSkinUpDown.Width - 3;
- j := 0;
- for i := 0 to Tabs.Count - 1 do
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(i);
- if (R.Right > Limit) or (R.Right <= 0)
- then inc(j);
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.CheckScroll;
- var
- Wnd: HWND;
- InVCount: Integer;
- begin
- Wnd := FindWindowEx(Handle, 0, 'msctls_updown32', nil);
- if Wnd <> 0 then DestroyWindow(Wnd);
- InVCount := GetInVisibleItemCount;
- if (InVCount = 0) and (FSkinUpDown <> nil)
- then
- HideSkinUpDown
- else
- if (InVCount > 0) and (FSkinUpDown = nil)
- then
- ShowSkinUpDown;
- if FSkinUpDown <> nil
- then
- begin
- FSkinUpDown.Max := InVCount;
- FSkinUpDown.Left := Width - FSkinUpDown.Width;
- if TabPosition = tpTop
- then
- FSkinUpDown.Top := 0
- else
- FSkinUpDown.Top := Height - FSkinUpDown.Height;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.ShowSkinUpDown;
- begin
- FSkinUpDown := TbsSkinUpDown.Create(Self);
- FSkinUpDown.Parent := Self;
- FSkinUpDown.Width := 36;
- FSkinUpDown.Height := 18;
- FSkinUpDown.Min := 0;
- FSkinUpDown.Max := GetInVisibleItemCount;
- FSkinUpDown.Position := GetPosition;
- FSkinUpDown.Increment := 1;
- FSkinUpDown.OnChange := OnUpDownChange;
- FSkinUpDown.Left := Width - FSkinUpDown.Width;
- if TabPosition = tpTop
- then
- FSkinUpDown.Top := 0
- else
- FSkinUpDown.Top := Height - FSkinUpDown.Height;
- FSkinUpDown.SkinDataName := UpDown;
- FSkinUpDown.SkinData := SkinData;
- FSkinUpDown.Visible := True;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.HideSkinUpDown;
- begin
- FSkinUpDown.Free;
- FSkinUpDown := nil;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.WMPaint;
- begin
- if ControlCount = 0
- then
- PaintHandler(Msg)
- else
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.WMHSCROLL;
- begin
- inherited;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.WMSize;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinTabControl.Destroy;
- begin
- FDefaultFont.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.Change;
- begin
- if FSkinUpDown <> nil
- then FSkinUpDown.Position := GetPosition;
- inherited;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.GetSkinData;
- begin
- BGPictureIndex := -1;
- if FSD = nil
- then
- begin
- FIndex := -1;
- Exit;
- end;
- if FSD.Empty
- then
- FIndex := -1
- else
- FIndex := FSD.GetControlIndex(FSkinDataName);
- //
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- if TbsDataSkinControl(FSD.CtrlList.Items[FIndex]) is TbsDataSkinTabControl
- then
- with TbsDataSkinTabControl(FSD.CtrlList.Items[FIndex]) do
- begin
- if (PictureIndex <> -1) and (PictureIndex < FSD.FActivePictures.Count)
- then
- Picture := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures.Items[PictureIndex])
- else
- Picture := nil;
- Self.SkinRect := SkinRect;
- Self.ClRect := ClRect;
- Self.TabRect := TabRect;
- if IsNullRect(ActiveTabRect)
- then
- Self.ActiveTabRect := TabRect
- else
- Self.ActiveTabRect := ActiveTabRect;
- if IsNullRect(FocusTabRect)
- then
- Self.FocusTabRect := ActiveTabRect
- else
- Self.FocusTabRect := FocusTabRect;
- //
- Self.TabsBGRect := TabsBGRect;
- Self.LTPoint := LTPoint;
- Self.RTPoint := RTPoint;
- Self.LBPoint := LBPoint;
- Self.RBPoint := RBPoint;
- Self.TabLeftOffset := TabLeftOffset;
- Self.TabRightOffset := TabRightOffset;
- //
- Self.FontName := FontName;
- Self.FontColor := FontColor;
- Self.ActiveFontColor := ActiveFontColor;
- Self.FocusFontColor := FocusFontColor;
- Self.FontStyle := FontStyle;
- Self.FontHeight := FontHeight;
- Self.UpDown := UpDown;
- Self.BGPictureIndex := BGPictureIndex;
- Self.MouseInFontColor := MouseInFontColor;
- Self.MouseInTabRect := MouseInTabRect;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.ChangeSkinData;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- //
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- Font.Color := FontColor;
- if FUseSkinFont
- then
- begin
- Font.Name := FontName;
- Font.Height := FontHeight;
- Font.Style := FontStyle;
- Font.CharSet := DefaultFont.CharSet;
- end
- else
- Font.Assign(FDefaultFont);
- SetItemSize(0, RectHeight(TabRect));
- end
- else
- begin
- Font.Assign(FDefaultFont);
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- end;
- //
- Change;
- ReAlign;
- RePaint;
- if FSkinUpDown <> nil
- then
- begin
- HideSkinUpDown;
- CheckScroll;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.SetSkinData;
- begin
- FSD := Value;
- if (FSD <> nil) then
- if not FSD.Empty and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- ChangeSkinData;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.Notification;
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSD) then FSD := nil;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.PaintDefaultWindow;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(ClientRect);
- R := Self.DisplayRect;
- InflateRect(R, 1, 1);
- Frame3D(Cnvs, R, clBtnShadow, clBtnShadow, 1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.PaintSkinWindow;
- var
- TOff, LOff, Roff, BOff: Integer;
- DR, R: TRect;
- TBGOffX, TBGOffY, X, Y, XCnt, YCnt, w, h, w1, h1, rw, rh, XO, YO: Integer;
- NewLTPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint: TPoint;
- B: TBitMap;
- begin
- TOff := ClRect.Top;
- LOff := ClRect.Left;
- ROff := RectWidth(SkinRect) - ClRect.Right;
- BOff := RectHeight(SkinRect) - ClRect.Bottom;
- DR := DisplayRect;
- R := Rect(DR.Left - LOff, DR.Top - TOff, DR.Right + ROff, DR.Bottom + BOff);
- XO := RectWidth(R) - RectWidth(SkinRect);
- YO := RectHeight(R) - RectHeight(SkinRect);
- NewLTPoint := LTPoint;
- NewRTPoint := Point(RTPoint.X + XO, RTPoint.Y);
- NewLBPoint := Point(LBPoint.X, LBPoint.Y + YO);
- NewRBPoint := Point(RBPoint.X + XO, RBPoint.Y + YO);
- // DrawBG
- if BGPictureIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- B := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures.Items[BGPictureIndex]);
- if (Width > 0) and (Height > 0)
- then
- begin
- XCnt := Width div B.Width;
- YCnt := Height div B.Height;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- Cnvs.Draw(X * B.Width, Y * B.Height, B);
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- w := RectWidth(ClRect);
- h := RectHeight(ClRect);
- w1 := RectWidth(R);
- h1 := RectHeight(R);
- XCnt := w1 div w;
- YCnt := h1 div h;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if X * w + w > w1 then XO := X * w + w - w1 else XO := 0;
- if Y * h + h > h1 then YO := Y * h + h - h1 else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + X * w, R.Top + Y * h,
- R.Left + X * w + w - XO, R.Top + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + ClRect.Left, SkinRect.Top + ClRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Left + ClRect.Right - XO,
- SkinRect.Top + ClRect.Bottom - YO));
- end;
- // Draw tabs BG
- if not IsNullRect(TabsBGRect)
- then
- begin
- if TabPosition = tpLeft
- then
- begin
- TBGOffY := 0;
- TBGOffX := 0;
- rw := R.Left;
- rh := Height;
- end
- else
- if TabPosition = tpRight
- then
- begin
- TBGOffY := 0;
- TBGOffX := R.Right;
- rw := Width - R.Right;
- rh := Height;
- end
- else
- if TabPosition = tpTop
- then
- begin
- TBGOffX := 0;
- TBGOffY := 0;
- rh := R.Top;
- rw := Width;
- end
- else
- begin
- TBGOffX := 0;
- TBGOffY := R.Bottom;
- rh := Height - R.Bottom;
- rw := Width;
- end;
- w := RectWidth(TabsBGRect);
- h := RectHeight(TabsBGRect);
- XCnt := rw div w;
- YCnt := rh div h;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if X * w + w > rw then XO := X * w + w - rw else XO := 0;
- if Y * h + h > rh then YO := Y * h + h - rh else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(TBGOffX + X * w, TBGOffY + Y * h,
- TBGOffX + X * w + w - XO, TBGOffY + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(TabsBGRect.Left, TabsBGRect.Top,
- TabsBGRect.Right - XO, TabsBGRect.Bottom - YO));
- end;
- end;
- // Draw frame around displayrect
- // draw lines
- w := RTPoint.X - LTPoint.X;
- XCnt := (NewRTPoint.X - NewLTPoint.X) div w;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- begin
- if NewLTPoint.X + X * w + w > NewRTPoint.X
- then XO := NewLTPoint.X + X * w + w - NewRTPoint.X else XO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewLTPoint.X + X * w, R.Top,
- R.Left + NewLTPoint.X + X * w + w - XO, R.Top + TOff),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + LTPoint.X, SkinRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Left + RTPoint.X - XO, SkinRect.Top + TOff));
- end;
- w := RBPoint.X - LBPoint.X;
- XCnt := (NewRBPoint.X - NewLBPoint.X) div w;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- begin
- if NewLBPoint.X + X * w + w > NewRBPoint.X
- then XO := NewLBPoint.X + X * w + w - NewRBPoint.X else XO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewLBPoint.X + X * w, R.Bottom - BOff,
- R.Left + NewLBPoint.X + X * w + w - XO, R.Bottom),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + LBPoint.X, SkinRect.Bottom - BOff,
- SkinRect.Left + RBPoint.X - XO, SkinRect.Bottom));
- end;
- w := LOff;
- h := LBPoint.Y - LTPoint.Y;
- YCnt := (NewLBPoint.Y - NewLTPoint.Y) div h;
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h + h > NewLBPoint.Y
- then YO := NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - NewLBPoint.Y else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top + NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h,
- R.Left + w, R.Top + NewLTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left, SkinRect.Top + LTPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Left + w, SkinRect.Top + LBPoint.Y - YO));
- end;
- w := ROff;
- h := RBPoint.Y - RTPoint.Y;
- YCnt := (NewRBPoint.Y - NewRTPoint.Y) div h;
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h + h > NewRBPoint.Y
- then YO := NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - NewRBPoint.Y else YO := 0;
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Right - w, R.Top + NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h,
- R.Right, R.Top + NewRTPoint.Y + Y * h + h - YO),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Right - w, SkinRect.Top + RTPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Right, SkinRect.Top + RBPoint.Y - YO));
- end;
- // draw corners
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top, R.Left + LTPoint.X, R.Top + LTPoint.Y),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left, SkinRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Left + NewLTPoint.X, SkinRect.Top + NewLTPoint.Y));
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewRTPoint.X, R.Top,
- R.Right, R.Top + NewRTPoint.Y),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + RTPoint.X, SkinRect.Top,
- SkinRect.Right, SkinRect.Top + RTPoint.Y));
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left, R.Top + NewLBPoint.Y,
- R.Left + NewLBPoint.X, R.Bottom),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left, SkinRect.Top + LBPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Left + LBPoint.X, SkinRect.Bottom));
- Cnvs.CopyRect(Rect(R.Left + NewRBPoint.X, R.Top + NewRBPoint.Y,
- R.Right, R.Bottom),
- Picture.Canvas,
- Rect(SkinRect.Left + RBPoint.X, SkinRect.Top + RBPoint.Y,
- SkinRect.Right, SkinRect.Bottom));
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- if FIndex = -1
- then
- begin
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- Change;
- ReAlign;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkGnd);
- begin
- Msg.Result := 1;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.WndProc(var Message:TMessage);
- var
- TOff, LOff, Roff, BOff: Integer;
- begin
- if Message.Msg = TCM_ADJUSTRECT
- then
- begin
- inherited WndProc(Message);
- TOff := 0;
- LOff := 0;
- ROff := 0;
- BOff := 0;
- if (FIndex <> -1) and (BGPictureIndex = -1)
- then
- begin
- TOff := ClRect.Top;
- LOff := ClRect.Left;
- ROff := RectWidth(SkinRect) - ClRect.Right;
- BOff := RectHeight(SkinRect) - ClRect.Bottom;
- end;
- case TabPosition of
- tpLeft:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left + LOff - 4;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - ROff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 3;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 5;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - 1;
- end;
- tpRight:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := LOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - ROff + 4;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 3;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right + 3;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 5;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - 1;
- end;
- tpTop:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := LOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - ROff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 5;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := ClientHeight - 1;
- end;
- tpBottom:
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := LOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - ROff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 6 + TOff;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom + 4 - BOff;
- end
- else
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := ClientWidth - 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := 1;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom + 3;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- if Message.Msg = TCM_GETITEMRECT
- then
- begin
- inherited WndProc(Message);
- if Style = tsTabs
- then
- case TabPosition of
- tpLeft:
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - 2;
- end;
- tpRight:
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left + 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right + 2;
- end;
- tpTop:
- begin
- if not MultiLine
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - 2;
- end;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom - 2;
- end;
- tpBottom:
- begin
- if not MultiLine
- then
- begin
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left - 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right - 2;
- end;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top + 2;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom + 2;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- inherited WndProc(Message);
- if (Message.Msg = WM_SIZE) and (not MultiLine)
- then
- begin
- CheckScroll;
- end;
- end;
- function TbsSkinTabControl.GetItemRect(index: integer): TRect;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- SendMessage(Handle, TCM_GETITEMRECT, index, Integer(@R));
- Result := R;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.SetItemSize;
- begin
- SendMessage(Handle, TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MakeLParam(AWidth, AHeight));
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.PaintWindow(DC: HDC);
- var
- SaveIndex: Integer;
- RealPicture: TBitMap;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);
- try
- RealPicture := TBitMap.Create;
- Canvas.Handle := DC;
- RealPicture.Width := Width;
- RealPicture.Height := Height;
- if FIndex = -1
- then
- PaintDefaultWindow(RealPicture.Canvas)
- else
- PaintSkinWindow(RealPicture.Canvas);
- DrawTabs(RealPicture.Canvas);
- Canvas.Draw(0, 0, RealPicture);
- Canvas.Handle := 0;
- RealPicture.Free;
- finally
- RestoreDC(DC, SaveIndex);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.DrawTabs;
- var
- i: integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Tabs.Count-1 do
- begin
- R := GetItemRect(i);
- DrawTab(i, R, i = TabIndex, i = FActiveTab, Cnvs);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.UpDateTabs;
- begin
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- SetItemSize(0, RectHeight(TabRect))
- else
- SetItemSize(0, FDefaultItemHeight);
- if MultiLine and (FSkinUpDown <> nil)
- then
- HideSkinUpDown;
- ReAlign;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinTabControl.DrawTab;
- var
- R: TRect;
- S: String;
- TB: TBitMap;
- DrawGlyph: Boolean;
- W, H: Integer;
- begin
- DrawGlyph := (Images <> nil) and (TI < Images.Count);
- S := Tabs[TI];
- TB := TBitMap.Create;
- if (TabPosition = tpTop) or (TabPosition = tpBottom)
- then
- begin
- W := RectWidth(Rct);
- H := RectHeight(Rct);
- end
- else
- begin
- H := RectWidth(Rct);
- W := RectHeight(Rct);
- end;
- R := Rect(0, 0, W, H);
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- if MouseIn and not Active and not IsNullRect(MouseInTabRect)
- then
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, MouseInTabRect, W, H)
- else
- if Active and Focused
- then
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, FocusTabRect, W, H)
- else
- if Active
- then
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, ActiveTabRect, W, H)
- else
- CreateHSkinImage(TabLeftOffset, TabRightOffset,
- TB, Picture, TabRect, W, H);
- with TB.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if FUseSkinFont
- then
- begin
- Font.Name := FontName;
- Font.Style := FontStyle;
- Font.Height := FontHeight;
- Font.CharSet := Self.Font.CharSet;
- end
- else
- Font.Assign(Self.Font);
- if MouseIn and not Active
- then
- Font.Color := MouseInFontColor
- else
- if Active and Focused
- then
- Font.Color := FocusFontColor
- else
- if Active
- then Font.Color := ActiveFontColor
- else Font.Color := FontColor;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- TB.Width := W;
- TB.Height := H;
- if MouseIn and not Active
- then
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := BS_XP_BTNACTIVECOLOR;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end
- else
- if Active and Focused
- then
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := BS_XP_BTNDOWNCOLOR;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end
- else
- if Active
- then
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := BS_XP_BTNACTIVECOLOR;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end
- else
- begin
- TB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- TB.Canvas.FillRect(R);
- end;
- with TB.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Font.Assign(Self.Font);
- end;
- end;
- //
- if DrawGlyph
- then
- DrawTabGlyphAndText(TB.Canvas, TB.Width, TB.Height, S,
- Images, TI, True)
- else
- DrawText(TB.Canvas.Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), R, DT_CENTER or DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER);
- if TabPosition = tpLeft
- then
- DrawRotate90_1(Cnvs, TB, Rct.Left, Rct.Top)
- else
- if TabPosition = tpRight
- then
- DrawRotate90_2(Cnvs, TB, Rct.Left, Rct.Top)
- else
- Cnvs.Draw(Rct.Left, Rct.Top, TB);
- TB.Free;
- end;
- end.