- begin
- if FRollUpState
- then
- begin
- OldHeight := FForm.Height;
- CreateRollUpForm2;
- end
- else
- RestoreRollUpForm2;
- end
- else
- if not FSD.FRollUpPicture.Empty
- then
- begin
- if FRollUpState
- then
- begin
- OldHeight := FForm.Height;
- CreateRollUpForm;
- end
- else
- RestoreRollUpForm;
- end
- else
- FRollUpState := False;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeRollUpState) then FOnChangeRollUpState(Self);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.BeforeUpDateSkinControls;
- procedure CheckControl(C: TControl);
- begin
- if C is TspSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then BeforeChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspGraphicSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TspGraphicSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then BeforeChangeSkinData;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- CheckControl(WC);
- for i := 0 to WC.ControlCount - 1 do
- begin
- if WC.Controls[i] is TWinControl
- then
- BeforeUpDateSkinControls(AFSD, TWinControl(WC.Controls[i]))
- else
- CheckControl(WC.Controls[i]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.UpDateSkinControls;
- procedure CheckControl(C: TControl);
- begin
- if C is TspGraphicSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TspGraphicSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinPageControl
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinPageControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinTabControl
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinTabControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinCustomEdit
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinCustomEdit(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinMemo
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinMemo(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinLinkLabel
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinLinkLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinButtonLabel
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinButtonLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinStdLabel
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinStdLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinTextLabel
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinTextLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinCustomTreeView
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinTreeView(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinCustomListView
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinListView(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinHeaderControl
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinHeaderControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinControlBar
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinControlBar(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinSplitter
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinSplitter(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TspSkinBevel
- then
- begin
- with TspSkinBevel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- CheckControl(WC);
- for i := 0 to WC.ControlCount - 1 do
- begin
- if WC.Controls[i] is TWinControl
- then
- UpDateSkinControls(AFSD, TWinControl(WC.Controls[i]))
- else
- CheckControl(WC.Controls[i]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.UnLinkControlFromArea(Control: TControl);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to AreaList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if PAreaInfo(AreaList.Items[i])^.Control = Control
- then
- begin
- j := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if j <> -1
- then
- begin
- FreeMem(PAreaInfo(AreaList.Items[i]), Sizeof(TAreaInfo));
- AreaList.Delete(j);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.LinkControlToArea;
- function GetAreaRect: TRect;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := FSD.GetAreaIndex(AreaName);
- if i <> - 1
- then
- Result := TspDataSkinArea(FSD.AreaList.Items[i]).AreaRect
- else
- Result := NullRect;
- end;
- var
- PAI: PAreaInfo;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- R := GetAreaRect;
- if IsNullRect(R) then Exit;
- GetMem(PAI, Sizeof(TAreaInfo));
- Control.Align := alNone;
- PAI^.Control := Control;
- PAI^.AreaRect := R;
- AreaList.Add(PAI);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.ControlsToAreas;
- var
- i: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- FCanScale: Boolean;
- begin
- if AreaList.Count = 0 then Exit;
- FCanScale := CanScale;
- for i := 0 to AreaList.Count - 1 do
- with PAreaInfo(AreaList.Items[i])^ do
- begin
- if FCanScale
- then
- R := CalcRealObjectRect(AreaRect)
- else
- R := AreaRect;
- Control.SetBounds(R.Left, R.Top, RectWidth(R), RectHeight(R));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.PopupSkinMenu;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- SkinMenuOpen;
- R := Rect(P.X, P.Y, P.X, P.Y);
- if MenusSkinData = nil
- then
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, SkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, False)
- else
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, MenusSkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, False);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.PopupSkinMenu1;
- begin
- SkinMenuOpen;
- if MenusSkinData = nil
- then
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, SkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, PopupUp)
- else
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, MenusSkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, PopupUp);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SetMainMenu;
- begin
- FMainMenu := Value;
- if (FSD <> nil) and not FSD.Empty and
- not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then UpDateMainMenu(True);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SkinMenuOpen;
- begin
- if not InMainMenu
- then
- begin
- HookApp;
- end;
- if not InMenu
- then
- begin
- InMenu := True;
- if Assigned(FOnSkinMenuOpen) then FOnSkinMenuOpen(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SkinMainMenuClose;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- InMainMenu := False;
- if SkinMenu.Visible then SkinMenu.Hide;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then
- FMainMenuBar.MenuExit
- else
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem then
- begin
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if Active then
- begin
- MouseLeave;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- UnHookApp;
- if Assigned(FOnMainMenuExit) then FOnMainMenuExit(Self);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SkinMenuClose2;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- InMenu := False;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then
- FMainMenuBar.MenuClose
- else
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem then
- begin
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FDown then
- begin
- SetDown(False);
- MouseEnter;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnSkinMenuClose) then FOnSkinMenuClose(Self);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SkinMenuClose;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- InMenu := False;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem then
- begin
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FDown then
- begin
- Active := False;
- SetDown(False);
- Break;
- end;
- end
- else
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinButtonObject then
- begin
- with TspSkinButtonObject (ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if (MenuItem <> nil) and FDown then
- begin
- SetDown(False);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- UnHookApp;
- if Assigned(FOnSkinMenuClose) then FOnSkinMenuClose(Self);
- if InMainMenu
- then
- begin
- InMainMenu := False;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil then FMainMenuBar.MenuExit;
- if Assigned(FOnMainMenuExit) then FOnMainMenuExit(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CheckWindowState;
- begin
- if (ActiveObject <> -1)
- then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- begin
- if FRollUpState
- then
- RollUpState := False
- else
- if not FSizeAble
- then
- RollUpState := True
- else
- if WindowState = wsNormal
- then WindowState := wsMaximized
- else WindowState := wsNormal;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CheckObjects;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- B: Boolean;
- begin
- if ObjectList.Count > 0 then
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinAnimateObject
- then
- with TspSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if ButtonStyle and (Command <> cmDefault)
- then
- begin
- if not (biRollUp in FBorderIcons) and
- (Command = cmRollUp) then Enabled := False else
- if not (biMaximize in FBorderIcons) and
- (Command = cmMaximize) then Enabled := False else
- if not (biMinimize in FBorderIcons) and
- (Command = cmMinimize) then Enabled := False else
- if not (biSystemMenu in FBorderIcons) and
- (Command = cmSysMenu) then Enabled := False;
- end;
- end
- else
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinStdButtonObject
- then
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if not (biRollUp in FBorderIcons) and (Command = cmRollUp)
- then
- begin
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := not SkinRectInAPicture;
- end
- else
- if not (biMaximize in FBorderIcons) and (Command = cmMaximize)
- then
- begin
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := not SkinRectInAPicture;
- end
- else
- if not (biMinimize in FBorderIcons) and (Command = cmMinimize)
- then
- begin
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := not SkinRectInAPicture;
- end
- else
- if not (biSystemMenu in FBorderIcons) and (Command = cmSysMenu)
- then
- begin
- Enabled := False;
- Visible := not SkinRectInAPicture;
- end;
- end
- else
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- with TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if DefaultCaption
- then FTextValue := FForm.Caption;
- end;
- B := False;
- j := -1;
- if ObjectList.Count > 0
- then
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- with TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if DefaultCaption
- then
- begin
- B := True;
- Break;
- end
- else
- if j = -1 then j := i;
- if (j <> -1) and not B and
- (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[j]) is TspSkinCaptionObject)
- then
- with TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[j]) do
- begin
- DefaultCaption := True;
- FTextValue := FForm.Caption;
- end;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.CanScale;
- begin
- if (FSD.RBPoint.X - FSD.LTPoint.X = 0) or
- (FSD.RBPoint.Y - FSD.LTPoint.Y = 0)
- then
- Result := False
- else
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.GetIndex;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if AIDName = TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).IDName
- then
- begin
- j := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.UserObjectDraw;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> -1
- then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspUserObject
- then
- TspUserObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Draw(FForm.Canvas, True);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SwitchChangeStateEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnSwitchChangeStateEvent)
- then FOnSwitchChangeStateEvent(IDName, State);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.AnimateStart;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinAnimateObject
- then
- TspSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Start;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.AnimateStop;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinAnimateObject
- then
- TspSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Stop;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TrackBarChangeValueEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnTrackBarChangeValueEvent)
- then FOnTrackBarChangeValueEvent(IDName, Value);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.FrameRegulatorChangeValueEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnFrameRegulatorChangeValueEvent)
- then FOnFrameRegulatorChangeValueEvent(IDName, Value);
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.TrackBarGetValue;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> -1
- then
- begin
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinTrackBarObject
- then
- with TspSkinTrackBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do Result := Value
- else
- Result := 0;
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.BitLabelSetText;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinBitLabelObject
- then
- with TspSkinBitLabelObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SetTextValue(AValue, False)
- else SetTextValue(AValue, True);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.GaugeSetValue;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinGaugeObject
- then
- with TspSkinGaugeObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SimplySetValue(AValue)
- else Value := AValue;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.FrameGaugeSetValue;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinFrameGaugeObject
- then
- with TspSkinFrameGaugeObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SimplySetValue(AValue)
- else Value := AValue;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.LabelSetText;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinLabelObject
- then
- with TspSkinLabelObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SetTextValue(ATextValue, False)
- else SetTextValue(ATextValue, True);
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.FrameRegulatorGetValue;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> -1
- then
- begin
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinFrameRegulatorObject
- then
- with TspSkinFrameRegulatorObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do Result := Value
- else
- Result := 0;
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.FrameRegulatorSetValue;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinFrameRegulatorObject
- then
- with TspSkinFrameRegulatorObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SimplySetValue(AValue)
- else Value := AValue;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TrackBarSetValue;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinTrackBarObject
- then
- with TspSkinTrackBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SimplySetValue(AValue)
- else Value := AValue;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.DoMagnetic;
- var
- R: TRect;
- LW, TR: Integer;
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIChild
- then
- SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @R, 0)
- else
- begin
- R := GetMDIWorkArea;
- P := Application.MainForm.ClientToScreen(Point(0, 0));
- OffsetRect(R, P.X, P.Y);
- end;
- if (L < R.Left + FMagneticSize) and (L > R.Left - FMagneticSize)
- then L := R.Left;
- if (T < R.Top + FMagneticSize) and (T > R.Top - FMagneticSize)
- then T := R.Top;
- LW := L + W; TR := T + H;
- if (LW > R.Right - FMagneticSize) and (LW < R.Right + FMagneticSize)
- then L := R.Right - W;
- if (TR > R.Bottom - FMagneticSize) and (TR < R.Bottom + FMagneticSize)
- then T := R.Bottom - H;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.InForm;
- var
- H: HWND;
- begin
- H := WindowFromPoint(P);
- Result := H = FForm.Handle;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.PtInMask;
- var
- B: Boolean;
- begin
- if PtInRect(NewMaskRectArea, P)
- then
- B := True
- else
- if P.Y <= NewMaskRectArea.Top
- then
- B := RMTop.Canvas.Pixels[P.X, P.Y] = BlackColor
- else
- if P.Y >= NewMaskRectArea.Bottom
- then
- B := RMBottom.Canvas.Pixels[P.X, P.Y - NewMaskRectArea.Bottom] = BlackColor
- else
- if P.X <= NewMaskRectArea.Left
- then
- B := RMLeft.Canvas.Pixels[P.X, P.Y - NewMaskRectArea.Top] = BlackColor
- else
- B := RMRight.Canvas.Pixels[P.X - NewMaskRectArea.Right, P.Y - NewMaskRectArea.Top] = BlackColor;
- Result := B;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SetWindowState;
- begin
- if FWindowState <> Value
- then
- begin
- if not ((Value = wsMinimized) and (FForm = Application.MainForm))
- then
- FWindowState := Value;
- case Value of
- wsNormal: DoNormalize;
- wsMaximized: DoMaximize;
- wsMinimized: DoMinimize;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.DoMinimize;
- var
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- if (Application.MainForm = FForm) or not FSupportNCArea
- then
- Application.Minimize
- else
- begin
- if IsNullRect(OldBoundsRect)
- then OldBoundsRect := FForm.BoundsRect;
- P := GetMinimizeCoord;
- FForm.SetBounds(P.X, P.Y, GetMinWidth, GetMinHeight);
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (FWindowState <> wsMaximized)
- then
- begin
- SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, WM_MDICHILDRESTORE, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.DoMaximize;
- var
- R: TRect;
- OW, OH: Integer;
- begin
- if IsNullRect(OldBoundsRect) then OldBoundsRect := FForm.BoundsRect;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then
- begin
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- TestActive(-1, -1, False);
- R := GetMDIWorkArea;
- OW := FForm.Width;
- OH := FForm.Height;
- FForm.SetBounds(0, 0, RectWidth(R), RectHeight(R));
- if (OW = RectWidth(R)) and (OH = RectHeight(R)) then UpDateForm;
- SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, WM_MDICHILDMAX, 0, 0);
- end
- else
- begin
- if not FMaximizeOnFullScreen
- then
- SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @R, 0)
- else
- R := Rect(0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height);
- FForm.SetBounds(R.Left, R.Top, RectWidth(R), RectHeight(R));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.DoNormalize;
- var
- OW, OH: Integer;
- begin
- MaxRollUpState := False;
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- OW := FForm.Width;
- OH := FForm.Height;
- FForm.SetBounds(OldBoundsRect.Left, OldBoundsRect.Top,
- RectWidth(OldBoundsRect),
- RectHeight(OldBoundsRect));
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- if (OW = RectWidth(OldBoundsRect)) and
- (OH = RectHeight(OldBoundsRect))
- then
- UpDateForm;
- FForm.RePaint;
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (FWindowState <> wsMaximized)
- then
- begin
- SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, WM_MDICHILDRESTORE, 0, 0);
- end;
- OldBoundsRect := NullRect;
- end
- else
- begin
- FForm.SetBounds(OldBoundsRect.Left,OldBoundsRect.Top,
- RectWidth(OldBoundsRect),
- RectHeight(OldBoundsRect));
- OldBoundsRect := NullRect;
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.LinkMenu;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinButtonObject)
- then
- with TspSkinButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- MenuItem := AMenu.Items;
- FPopupUp := APopupUp;
- end
- else
- if (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinAnimateObject)
- then
- with TspSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if ButtonStyle
- then
- begin
- MenuItem := AMenu.Items;
- FPopupUp := APopupUp;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CheckSize;
- var
- CS: Boolean;
- begin
- CS := CanScale;
- if not CS
- then
- begin
- if FForm.ClientWidth <> FSD.FPicture.Width
- then FForm.ClientWidth := FSD.FPicture.Width;
- if FForm.ClientHeight <> FSD.FPicture.Height
- then FForm.ClientHeight := FSD.FPicture.Height;
- FSizeAble := False;
- end
- else
- if (FMinWidth = 0) or (FMinHeight = 0)
- then
- begin
- if FForm.ClientWidth < FSD.FPicture.Width
- then
- FForm.ClientWidth := FSD.FPicture.Width;
- if FForm.ClientHeight < FSD.FPicture.Height
- then
- FForm.ClientHeight := FSD.FPicture.Height;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.UpDateForm;
- begin
- with FForm do
- begin
- if Width - 1 >= GetMinWidth
- then
- begin
- Width := Width - 1;
- Width := Width + 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- Width := Width + 1;
- Width := Width - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.ChangeSkinData;
- var
- CS: Boolean;
- NotRollUp: Boolean;
- begin
- OldActiveObject := -1;
- ActiveObject := -1;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- if (FSD = nil) or (FSD.Empty)
- then
- FSkinSupport := False
- else
- FSkinSupport := True;
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- LoadObjects;
- CheckObjects;
- end
- else
- CreateNewRegion(True);
- FInChangeSkinData := True;
- if (FForm.Width < GetMinWidth) and (FForm.Height < GetMinHeight)
- then
- begin
- FForm.SetBounds(FForm.Left, FForm.Top,
- GetMinWidth, GetMinHeight);
- end
- else
- if FForm.Height < GetMinHeight then FForm.Height := GetMinHeight else
- if FForm.Width < GetMinWidth then FForm.Width := GetMinWidth else
- UpDateForm;
- if (FRollUpState or (FWindowState = wsMinimized)) and
- (FForm.Height <> GetMinHeight)
- then
- FForm.Height := GetMinHeight;
- if (FWindowState = wsMinimized) and (FForm.Width <> GetMinWidth)
- then
- FForm.Width := GetMinWidth;
- FFormWidth := FForm.Width;
- FFormHeight := FForm.Height;
- if FSkinSupport then CreateNewForm(True);
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm)
- then
- begin
- ReDrawWindow(FForm.ClientHandle, nil, 0, RDW_ERASE or RDW_INVALIDATE);
- ResizeMDIChilds;
- end
- else
- FForm.RePaint;
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (WindowState = wsMaximized)
- then FormChangeActive(False)
- else FormChangeActive(True);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSkinData) then FOnChangeSkinData(Self);
- FInChangeSkinData := False;
- end
- else
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- CS := CanScale;
- NotRollUp := FRollUpState and FSD.FRollUpPicture.Empty;
- if NotRollUp
- then
- begin
- FRollUpState := False;
- RestoreRollUpForm;
- end;
- if not FRollUpState then CheckSize;
- LoadObjects;
- CheckObjects;
- if not NotRollUp and FRollUpState then CreateRollUpForm;
- FInChangeSkinData := True;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeSkinData) then FOnChangeSkinData(Self);
- if not FRollUpState then
- if CS or (not CS and (FForm.ClientWidth = FSD.FPicture.Width) and
- (FForm.ClientHeight = FSD.FPicture.Height))
- then CreateNewForm(CS);
- LinkControlsToAreas;
- ControlsToAreas;
- FormChangeActive(True);
- FInChangeSkinData := False;
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SetSkinData(Value: TspSkinData);
- begin
- FSD := Value;
- if (FSD <> nil) then
- if not FSD.Empty and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then ChangeSkinData;
- FSysTrayMenu.SkinData := Value;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SetMenusSkinData(Value: TspSkinData);
- begin
- FMSD := Value;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.LinkControlsToAreas;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- with FForm do
- for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
- if Controls[i] is TspSkinControl
- then
- begin
- if TspSkinControl(Controls[i]).AreaName <> ''
- then
- LinkControlToArea(TspSkinControl(Controls[i]).AreaName, Controls[i]);
- end
- else
- if Controls[i] is TspGraphicSkinControl
- then
- begin
- if TspGraphicSkinControl(Controls[i]).AreaName <> ''
- then
- LinkControlToArea(TspGraphicSkinControl(Controls[i]).AreaName, Controls[i]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSD)
- then FSD := nil else
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FMSD)
- then FMSD := nil else
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FMainMenu)
- then FMainMenu := nil else
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSystemMenu)
- then FSystemMenu := nil else
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FMainMenuBar)
- then FMainMenuBar := nil else
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FTrayIcon)
- then FTrayIcon := nil;
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSkinHint)
- then FSkinHint := nil;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.UpdateMainMenu;
- function DeleteMainMenuItem: Boolean;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- j := -1;
- for i := ObjectList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- begin
- j := i;
- Break;
- end;
- if j <> - 1
- then
- begin
- TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[j]).Free;
- ObjectList.Delete(j);
- Result := True;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- //delete old items
- repeat
- until not DeleteMainMenuItem;
- //create new menu
- CreateMainMenu;
- R := NewMainMenuRect;
- if ARedraw
- then
- if SupportNCArea
- then
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPaint, 0, 0)
- else
- InvalidateRect(FForm.Handle, @R, True);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CreateMainMenu;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- MMIData: TspDataSkinMainMenuItem;
- begin
- if FMainMenu = nil then Exit;
- j := FSD.GetIndex('MAINMENUITEM');
- if j <> -1
- then
- begin
- MMIData := TspDataSkinMainMenuItem(FSD.ObjectList.Items[j]);
- for i := 0 to FMainMenu.Items.Count - 1 do
- if FMainMenu.Items[i].Visible
- then
- begin
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinMainMenuItem.Create(Self, MMIData));
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- IDName := FMainMenu.Items[i].Name;
- Enabled := FMainMenu.Items[i].Enabled;
- MenuItem := FMainMenu.Items[i];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.LoadDefObjects;
- var
- NotNullRect: TRect;
- begin
- ClearObjects;
- NotNullRect := Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinStdButtonObject.Create(Self, nil));
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- SkinRectInAPicture := True;
- SkinRect := NotNullRect;
- ActiveSkinRect := NotNullRect;
- DownRect := NotNullRect;
- Command := cmClose;
- IDName := 'closebutton';
- end;
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinStdButtonObject.Create(Self, nil));
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- SkinRectInAPicture := True;
- SkinRect := NotNullRect;
- ActiveSkinRect := NotNullRect;
- DownRect := NotNullRect;
- Command := cmMaximize;
- IDName := 'maxbutton';
- end;
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinStdButtonObject.Create(Self, nil));
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- SkinRectInAPicture := True;
- SkinRect := NotNullRect;
- ActiveSkinRect := NotNullRect;
- DownRect := NotNullRect;
- Command := cmMinimize;
- IDName := 'minbutton';
- end;
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinStdButtonObject.Create(Self, nil));
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- SkinRectInAPicture := True;
- SkinRect := NotNullRect;
- ActiveSkinRect := NotNullRect;
- DownRect := NotNullRect;
- Command := cmRollUp;
- IDName := 'rollupbutton';
- end;
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinStdButtonObject.Create(Self, nil));
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- SkinRectInAPicture := True;
- SkinRect := NotNullRect;
- ActiveSkinRect := NotNullRect;
- DownRect := NotNullRect;
- Command := cmSysMenu;
- IDName := 'sysmenubutton';
- end;
- CheckObjects;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.LoadObjects;
- var
- i: Integer;
- OL: TList;
- begin
- ClearObjects;
- OL := FSD.ObjectList;
- for i := 0 to OL.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if (TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinMainMenuItem) or
- (TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinMenuItem) or
- (TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinMainMenuBarButton)
- then
- begin
- end
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinGauge
- then
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinGaugeObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinGauge(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinStdButton
- then
- ObjectList.Add(TspSkinStdButtonObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinStdButton(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinButton
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinButtonObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinButton(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinCaption
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinCaptionObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinCaption(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataUserObject
- then ObjectList.Add(TspUserObject.Create(Self, TspDataUserObject(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinSwitch
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinSwitchObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinSwitch(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinTrackBar
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinTrackBarObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinTrackBar(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinLabel
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinLabelObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinLabel(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinAnimate
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinAnimateObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinAnimate(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinBitLabel
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinBitLabelObject.Create(Self, TspDataSkinBitLabel(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinFrameRegulatorObject
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinFrameRegulatorObject.Create(Self,
- TspDataSkinFrameRegulatorObject(OL.Items[i])))
- else
- if TspDataSkinObject(OL.Items[i]) is TspDataSkinFrameGaugeObject
- then ObjectList.Add(TspSkinFrameGaugeObject.Create(Self,
- TspDataSkinFrameGaugeObject(OL.Items[i])));
- end;
- CreateMainMenu;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.ClearObjects;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Free;
- ObjectList.Clear;
- for i := 0 to AreaList.Count - 1 do
- FreeMem(PAreaInfo(AreaList.Items[i]), Sizeof(TAreaInfo));
- AreaList.Clear;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TestActive;
- var
- i: Integer;
- B: Boolean;
- ObjHint: String;
- begin
- if (ObjectList.Count = 0) or (not GetFormActive and FSupportNCArea)
- then
- Exit;
- OldActiveObject := ActiveObject;
- i := -1;
- B := False;
- repeat
- Inc(i);
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if CanObjectTest(RollUp) and Enabled and Visible
- then
- B := PtInRect(ObjectRect, Point(X, Y));
- end;
- until B or (i = ObjectList.Count - 1);
- if B and InFrm
- then ActiveObject := i
- else ActiveObject := -1;
- if (MouseCaptureObject <> -1) and
- (ActiveObject <> MouseCaptureObject) and (ActiveObject <> -1)
- then
- ActiveObject := -1;
- if OldActiveObject >= ObjectList.Count then OldActiveObject := -1;
- if ActiveObject >= ObjectList.Count then ActiveObject := -1;
- if (OldActiveObject <> ActiveObject)
- then
- begin
- if OldActiveObject <> - 1
- then
- begin
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).Enabled and
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).Visible
- then TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).MouseLeave;
- if FShowObjectHint and (FSkinHint <> nil) and
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).Enabled and
- (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).Hint <> '') and
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).Visible
- then FSkinHint.HideHint;
- end;
- if ActiveObject <> -1
- then
- begin
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).Enabled and
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).Visible
- then TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).MouseEnter;
- // show object hint
- if FShowObjectHint and (FSkinHint <> nil) and
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).Enabled and
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).Visible
- then
- begin
- ObjHint := TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).Hint;
- if ObjHint <> '' then FSkinHint.ActivateHint2(ObjHint);
- end;
- //
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TestCursors;
- var
- CurIndex: Integer;
- begin
- CurIndex := 0;
- if ActiveObject = -1
- then
- begin
- if FSD.CursorIndex <> -1
- then
- CurIndex := FSD.StartCursorIndex + FSD.CursorIndex
- end
- else
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) do
- begin
- if CursorIndex <> -1
- then
- CurIndex := FSD.StartCursorIndex + CursorIndex
- else
- if FSD.CursorIndex <> -1
- then
- CurIndex := FSD.CursorIndex + FSD.StartCursorIndex;
- end;
- if FForm.Cursor <> CurIndex
- then
- FForm.Cursor := CurIndex;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TestMouse;
- var
- P, P1: TPoint;
- B: Boolean;
- L, T: Integer;
- begin
- if not FSkinSupport and not FSupportNCArea then Exit;
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(P);
- B := InForm(P);
- if not B
- then
- begin
- TestActive(-1, -1, False);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- end
- else
- if not FSizeMove then
- begin
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- if not PtInRect(NewClRect, P)
- then
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, B)
- else
- if ActiveObject <> -1 then TestActive(-1, -1, True);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- GetCursorPos(P1);
- P := FForm.ScreenToClient(P1);
- if FIsDragging
- then
- begin
- if (P1.X <> FOLDX) or (P1.Y <> FOLDY)
- then
- begin
- L := FForm.Left + P1.X - FOldX;
- T := FForm.Top + P1.Y - FOldY;
- if FMagnetic
- then
- begin
- DoMagnetic(L, T, FForm.Width, FForm.Height);
- end;
- FForm.SetBounds(L, T, FForm.Width, FForm.Height);
- FOLDX := P1.X;
- FOLDY := P1.Y;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- B := InForm(P1);
- if not B
- then
- begin
- TestActive(-1, -1, False);
- MouseIn := False;
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- end
- else
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, B);
- end;
- if FUseSkinCursors then TestCursors;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TestAnimate;
- var
- i: Integer;
- StopAnimate: Boolean;
- begin
- StopAnimate := True;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinAnimateObject
- then
- with TspSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if Active
- then
- begin
- ChangeFrame;
- StopAnimate := False;
- end;
- if StopAnimate
- then AnimateTimer.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.TestMorph;
- var
- i: Integer;
- StopMorph: Boolean;
- begin
- StopMorph := True;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Morphing and CanMorphing
- then
- begin
- DoMorphing;
- StopMorph := False;
- end;
- end;
- if StopMorph then MorphTimer.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.PaintEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnPaintEvent) then FOnPaintEvent(IDName, Canvas, ObjectRect);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseUpEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnMouseUpEvent)
- then FOnMouseUpEvent(IDName, X, Y, ObjectRect, Button);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseDownEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnMouseDownEvent)
- then FOnMouseDownEvent(IDName, X, Y, ObjectRect, Button);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseMoveEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnMouseMoveEvent)
- then FOnMouseMoveEvent(IDName, X, Y, ObjectRect);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseEnterEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnMouseEnterEvent) then FOnMouseEnterEvent(IDName);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseLeaveEvent;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnMouseLeaveEvent) then FOnMouseLeaveEvent(IDName);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.StartDragg;
- var
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- FIsDragging := True;
- P := FForm.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y));
- FOldX := P.X;
- FOldy := P.Y;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.EndDragg;
- begin
- FIsDragging := False;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseMove;
- begin
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if MouseCaptureObject <> -1
- then TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[MouseCaptureObject]).MouseMove(X, Y)
- else
- if ActiveObject <> -1
- then TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).MouseMove(X, Y);
- end
- else
- begin
- if not FIsDragging
- then
- if MouseCaptureObject <> -1
- then TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[MouseCaptureObject]).MouseMove(X, Y)
- else
- if ActiveObject <> -1
- then TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).MouseMove(X, Y);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseDblClick;
- begin
- if (ActiveObject <> - 1) then
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) do
- begin
- DblClick;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseDown;
- begin
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if (ActiveObject <> - 1) then
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) do
- begin
- if not (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) is
- TspSkinCaptionObject)
- then SetCapture(FForm.Handle);
- MouseCaptureObject := ActiveObject;
- MouseDown(X, Y, Button);
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- FIsDragging := False;
- if (ActiveObject <> - 1)
- then
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) do
- begin
- MouseCaptureObject := ActiveObject;
- MouseDown(X, Y, Button);
- end
- else
- if (Button = mbLeft) and (FWindowState <> wsMaximized) and FDraggable
- then
- StartDragg(X, Y);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.MouseUp;
- begin
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if (MouseCaptureObject <> -1)
- then
- begin
- if not (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[MouseCaptureObject]) is
- TspSkinCaptionObject)
- then ReleaseCapture;
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[MouseCaptureObject]).MouseUp(X, Y, Button);
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- EndDragg;
- if (MouseCaptureObject <> -1)
- then
- begin
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[MouseCaptureObject]).MouseUp(X, Y, Button);
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CreateRealBitMap;
- begin
- CreateSkinImage(FSD.LTPoint, FSD.RTPoint, FSD.LBPoint, FSD.RBPoint,
- FSD.ClRect, NewLtPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint, NewClRect,
- DestB, SourceB, Rect(0, 0, SourceB.Width, SourceB.Height), FFormWidth,
- FFormHeight, True);
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.CalcRealObjectRect;
- var
- NewR: TRect;
- LeftTop, LeftBottom, RightTop, RightBottom: TRect;
- OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer;
- function CorrectResizeRect: TRect;
- var
- NR: TRect;
- begin
- NR := R;
- if PtInRect(LeftTop, R.TopLeft) and
- PtInRect(RightBottom, R.BottomRight)
- then
- begin
- Inc(NR.Right, OffsetX);
- Inc(NR.Bottom, OffsetY);
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(LeftTop, R.TopLeft) and
- PtInRect(RightTop, R.BottomRight)
- then
- Inc(NR.Right, OffsetX)
- else
- if PtInRect(LeftBottom, R.TopLeft) and
- PtInRect(RightBottom, R.BottomRight)
- then
- begin
- Inc(NR.Right, OffsetX);
- OffsetRect(NR, 0, OffsetY);
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(LeftTop, R.TopLeft) and
- PtInRect(LeftBottom, R.BottomRight)
- then
- Inc(NR.Bottom, OffsetY)
- else
- if PtInRect(RightTop, R.TopLeft) and
- PtInRect(RightBottom, R.BottomRight)
- then
- begin
- OffsetRect(NR, OffsetX, 0);
- Inc(NR.Bottom, OffsetY);
- end;
- Result := NR;
- end;
- begin
- LeftTop := Rect(0, 0, FSD.LTPoint.X, FSD.LTPoint.Y);
- LeftBottom := Rect(0, FSD.LBPoint.Y, FSD.LBPoint.X, FSD.FPicture.Height);
- RightTop := Rect(FSD.RTPoint.X, 0, FSD.FPicture.Width, FSD.RTPoint.Y);
- RightBottom := Rect(FSD.RBPoint.X, FSD.RBPoint.Y, FSD.FPicture.Width, FSD.FPicture.Height);
- OffsetX := NewRBPoint.X - FSD.RBPoint.X;
- OffsetY := NewRBPoint.Y - FSD.RBPoint.Y;
- NewR := R;
- if RectInRect(R, LeftTop)
- then NewR := R
- else
- if RectInRect(R, RightTop)
- then OffsetRect(NewR, OffsetX, 0)
- else
- if RectInRect(R, LeftBottom)
- then OffsetRect(NewR, 0, OffsetY)
- else
- if RectInRect(R, RightBottom)
- then
- OffsetRect(NewR, OffsetX, OffsetY)
- else
- NewR := CorrectResizeRect;
- Result := NewR;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CalcAllRealObjectRect;
- var
- i: Integer;
- OffsetX, OffsetY, BW, BH: Integer;
- Button: TspSkinStdButtonObject;
- C: TspSkinCaptionObject;
- function GetCaption: TspSkinCaptionObject;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- for I := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[I]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- begin
- Result := TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[I]);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- function GetStdButton(C: TStdCommand): TspSkinStdButtonObject;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- for I := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[I]) is TspSkinStdButtonObject
- then
- with TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[I]) do
- if Visible and SkinRectInAPicture and (Command = C)
- then
- begin
- Result := TspSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[I]);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetStdButtonRect(B: TspSkinStdButtonObject);
- begin
- if B <> nil
- then
- with B do
- begin
- if (Command = cmSysMenu) and Parent.ShowIcon and SkinRectInAPicture
- then
- GetIconSize(BW, BH)
- else
- begin
- BW := RectWidth(SkinRect);
- BH := RectHeight(SkinRect);
- end;
- ObjectRect := Rect(OffsetX - BW, OffsetY, OffsetX, OffsetY + BH);
- OffsetX := OffsetX - NewButtonsOffset - BW;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetStdButtonRect2(B: TspSkinStdButtonObject);
- begin
- if B <> nil
- then
- with B do
- begin
- if (Command = cmSysMenu) and Parent.ShowIcon and SkinRectInAPicture
- then
- GetIconSize(BW, BH)
- else
- begin
- BW := RectWidth(SkinRect);
- BH := RectHeight(SkinRect);
- end;
- ObjectRect := Rect(OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetX + BW, OffsetY + BH);
- OffsetX := OffsetX + NewButtonsOffset + BW;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetStdObjectsRect;
- begin
- Button := GetStdButton(cmClose);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMaximize);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMinimize);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmRollUp);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- C := GetCaption;
- if IsNullRect(NewButtonsRect) and (C <> nil)
- then
- C.ObjectRect.Right := OffsetX + NewButtonsOffset;
- OffsetX := NewCaptionRect.Left;
- Button := GetStdButton(cmSysMenu);
- if Button <> nil
- then
- begin
- OffsetY := NewCaptionRect.Top;
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- Button.ObjectRect.Top := OffsetY + RectHeight(NewCaptionRect) div 2 -
- BH div 2;
- Button.ObjectRect.Bottom := Button.ObjectRect.Top + BH;
- if C <> nil
- then
- C.ObjectRect.Left := OffsetX - NewButtonsOffset;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetStdObjectsRect2;
- begin
- Button := GetStdButton(cmClose);
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMaximize);
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMinimize);
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmRollUp);
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- if IsNullRect(NewButtonsRect) and NewButtonsInLeft
- then
- begin
- Button := GetStdButton(cmSysmenu);
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- end;
- C := GetCaption;
- if IsNullRect(NewButtonsRect) and (C <> nil)
- then C.ObjectRect.Left := OffsetX + NewButtonsOffset;
- if not NewButtonsInLeft and not IsNullRect(NewCaptionRect)
- then
- begin
- OffsetY := NewCaptionRect.Top;
- OffsetX := NewCaptionRect.Left;
- Button := GetStdButton(cmSysMenu);
- if Button <> nil
- then
- begin
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- Button.ObjectRect.Top := OffsetY + RectHeight(NewCaptionRect) div 2 -
- BH div 2;
- Button.ObjectRect.Bottom := Button.ObjectRect.Top + BH;
- if C <> nil
- then
- C.ObjectRect.Left := OffsetX - NewButtonsOffset;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- ObjectRect := CalcRealObjectRect(SkinRect);
- // caption buttons rects
- if IsNullRect(NewButtonsRect) and not IsNullRect(NewCaptionRect)
- then
- begin
- OffsetY := NewCaptionRect.Top;
- if not NewButtonsInLeft
- then
- begin
- OffsetX := NewCaptionRect.Right;
- SetStdObjectsRect;
- end
- else
- begin
- OffsetX := NewCaptionRect.Left;
- SetStdObjectsRect2;
- end;
- end
- else
- if not IsNullRect(NewButtonsRect)
- then
- begin
- OffsetY := NewButtonsRect.Top;
- if not NewButtonsInLeft
- then
- begin
- OffsetX := NewButtonsRect.Right;
- SetStdObjectsRect;
- end
- else
- begin
- OffsetX := NewButtonsRect.Left;
- SetStdObjectsRect2;
- end;
- end;
- //
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.PaintBG2(DC: HDC);
- var
- C: TCanvas;
- X, Y, XCnt, YCnt: Integer;
- B: TBitMap;
- begin
- if (FSD = nil) or FSD.Empty then Exit;
- C := TCanvas.Create;
- C.Handle := DC;
- B := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures.Items[FSD.BGPictureIndex]);
- if (FForm.ClientWidth > 0) and (FForm.ClientHeight > 0)
- then
- begin
- XCnt := FForm.ClientWidth div B.Width;
- YCnt := FForm.ClientHeight div B.Height;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- C.Draw(X * B.Width, Y * B.Height, B);
- end;
- C.Free;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.PaintBG(DC: HDC);
- var
- C: TCanvas;
- X, Y, XCnt, YCnt, w, h,
- rw, rh, XO, YO: Integer;
- BGImage: TBitMap;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- if (FSD = nil) or FSD.Empty then Exit;
- C := TCanvas.Create;
- C.Handle := DC;
- if IsNullRect(FSD.ClRect)
- then
- begin
- with C do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- R := FForm.ClientRect;
- FillRect(R);
- end;
- C.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- BGImage := TBitMap.Create;
- if (FForm.ClientWidth > 0) and (FForm.ClientHeight > 0)
- then
- begin
- BGImage.Width := FForm.ClientWidth;
- BGImage.Height := FForm.ClientHeight;
- w := RectWidth(FSD.ClRect);
- h := RectHeight(FSD.ClRect);
- rw := BGImage.Width;
- rh := BGImage.Height;
- with BGImage.Canvas do
- begin
- XCnt := rw div w;
- YCnt := rh div h;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if X * w + w > rw then XO := X * W + W - rw else XO := 0;
- if Y * h + h > rh then YO := Y * h + h - rh else YO := 0;
- CopyRect(Rect(X * w, Y * h,X * w + w - XO, Y * h + h - YO),
- FSD.FPicture.Canvas,
- Rect(FSD.ClRect.Left, FSD.ClRect.Top,
- FSD.ClRect.Right - XO, FSD.ClRect.Bottom - YO));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- C.Draw(0, 0, BGImage);
- BGImage.Free;
- C.Free;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.Paint;
- var
- i: Integer;
- Canvas: TCanvas;
- R: TRect;
- PW, PH: Integer;
- RealPicture: TBitMap;
- begin
- if FFormWidth = 0 then FFormWidth := FForm.Width;
- if FFormheight = 0 then FFormHeight := FForm.Height;
- Canvas := TCanvas.Create;
- Canvas.Handle := DC;
- RealPicture := TBitMap.Create;
- if (FSD = nil) or (FSD.Empty)
- then
- begin
- R := FForm.ClientRect;
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- Pen.Color := clBlack;
- Rectangle(R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom);
- end;
- Canvas.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- with Canvas do
- begin
- if FRollUpState and not FSD.FRollUpPicture.Empty
- then
- begin
- with FSD do
- begin
- PW := FRollUpPicture.Width;
- PH := FRollUpPicture.Height;
- if RollUpRightPoint.X > RollUpLeftPoint.X
- then
- begin
- CreateHSkinImage(
- RollUpLeftPoint.X, PW - RollUpRightPoint.X,
- RealPicture, FRollUpPicture,
- Rect(0, 0, PW, PH), FForm.Width, PH);
- end
- else
- begin
- RealPicture.Width := PW;
- RealPicture.Height := PH;
- RealPicture.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, FSD.FRollUpPicture);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- if (FSD.LTPoint.X = 0) and (FSD.LTPoint.Y = 0)
- and
- (FSD.RBPoint.X = 0) and (FSD.RBPoint.Y = 0)
- then
- begin
- RealPicture.Width := FSD.FPicture.Width;
- RealPicture.Height := FSD.FPicture.Height;
- RealPicture.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, FSD.FPicture);
- end
- else
- begin
- CreateRealBitMap(RealPicture, FSD.FPicture);
- end;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if (not RollUp and not FRollUpState) or (RollUp and FRollUpState)
- then
- Draw(RealPicture.Canvas, False);
- end;
- Draw(0, 0, RealPicture);
- end;
- RealPicture.Free;
- Canvas.Free;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.NewDefNCHitTest;
- const
- Offset = 2;
- var
- CR: TRect;
- begin
- if (FWindowState = wsMaximized) or FRollUpState or not FSizeAble or
- (FWindowState = wsMinimized)
- then
- with FForm do
- begin
- CR := GetDefCaptionRect;
- if PtInRect(CR, P)
- then
- Result := HTCAPTION
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(3, GetDefCaptionHeight + 3, Width - 3, Height - 3), P)
- then
- Result := HTCLIENT
- else
- Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- else
- if (ActiveObject <> -1)
- then
- begin
- Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- else
- with FForm do
- if (P.X <= Offset) and (P.Y <= Offset)
- then
- Result := HTTOPLEFT
- else
- if (P.X >= Width - Offset) and (P.Y <= Offset)
- then
- Result := HTTOPRIGHT
- else
- if (P.X <= Offset) and (P.Y >= Height - Offset)
- then
- else
- if (P.X >= Width - Offset) and (P.Y >= Height - Offset)
- then
- else
- if (P.X <= Offset)
- then
- Result := HTLEFT
- else
- if (P.Y <= Offset)
- then
- Result := HTTOP
- else
- if (P.X >= Width - Offset)
- then
- Result := HTRIGHT
- else
- if (P.Y >= Height - Offset)
- then
- Result := HTBOTTOM
- else
- begin
- CR := GetDefCaptionRect;
- if PtInRect(CR, P)
- then
- Result := HTCAPTION
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(3, GetDefCaptionHeight + 3, Width - 3, Height - 3), P)
- then
- Result := HTCLIENT
- else
- Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.NewNCHitTest(P: TPoint): Integer;
- var
- LP, TP, RP, BP: TPoint;
- CR: TRect;
- BW: Integer;
- function InCaption: Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- with TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if CanObjectTest(RollUp) and PtInRect(ObjectRect, P)
- then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- function CanHit: Boolean;
- begin
- if FSD.FMask.Empty
- then
- begin
- Result := not (PtInRect(CR, LP) and PtInRect(CR, TP) and
- PtInRect(CR, RP) and PtInRect(CR, BP));
- end
- else
- Result := not PtInRect(NewMaskRectArea, P) and
- not (PtInMask(LP) and PtInMask(TP) and
- PtInMask(RP) and PtInMask(BP));
- end;
- begin
- if FRollUpState or (WindowState = wsMinimized)
- then
- begin
- if InCaption
- then Result := HTCAPTION
- else Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- else
- if (ActiveObject <> -1) and not InCaption and not PtInRect(NewClRect, P)
- then
- begin
- Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- else
- if (WindowState = wsMaximized) or not FSizeAble
- then
- begin
- if PtInRect(NewClRect, P)
- then
- Result := HTCLIENT
- else
- if InCaption
- then Result := HTCAPTION
- else Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- else
- begin
- BW := FSD.BorderW;
- LP := Point(P.X - BW, P.Y);
- TP := Point(P.X, P.Y - BW);
- RP := Point(P.X + BW, P.Y);
- BP := Point(P.X, P.Y + BW);
- CR := Rect(0, 0, FForm.Width, FForm.Height);
- if CanHit
- then
- begin
- if (P.X <= NewHitTestLtPoint.X) and (P.Y <= NewHitTestLtPoint.Y)
- then
- Result := HTTOPLEFT
- else
- if (P.X >= NewHitTestRTPoint.X) and (P.Y <= NewHitTestRTPoint.Y)
- then
- Result := HTTOPRIGHT
- else
- if (P.X <= NewHitTestLBPoint.X) and (P.Y >= NewHitTestLBPoint.Y)
- then
- else
- if (P.X >= NewHitTestRBPoint.X) and (P.Y >= NewHitTestRBPoint.Y)
- then
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(NewHitTestLTPoint.X, 0,
- NewHitTestRTPoint.X, NewClRect.Top), P)
- then
- Result := HTTOP
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(NewHitTestLBPoint.X, NewClRect.Bottom,
- NewHitTestRBPoint.X, CR.Bottom), P)
- then
- Result := HTBOTTOM
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(0, NewHitTestLTPoint.Y,
- NewCLRect.Left, NewHitTestLBPoint.Y), P)
- then
- Result := HTLEFT
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(NewClRect.Right, NewHitTestRTPoint.Y,
- CR.Right, NewHitTestRBPoint.Y), P)
- then
- Result := HTRIGHT
- else
- if PtInRect(NewClRect, P)
- then
- Result := HTCLIENT
- else
- if InCaption
- then Result := HTCAPTION
- else Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(NewClRect, P)
- then
- begin
- Result := HTCLIENT
- end
- else
- if InCaption
- then Result := HTCAPTION
- else Result := HTNCACTIVE;
- end;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.NewHitTest;
- var
- LP, TP, RP, BP: TPoint;
- CR: TRect;
- BW: Integer;
- function CanHit: Boolean;
- begin
- if FSD.FMask.Empty
- then
- begin
- Result := not (PtInRect(CR, LP) and PtInRect(CR, TP) and
- PtInRect(CR, RP) and PtInRect(CR, BP));
- end
- else
- Result := not PtInRect(NewMaskRectArea, P) and
- not (PtInMask(LP) and PtInMask(TP) and
- PtInMask(RP) and PtInMask(BP));
- end;
- begin
- if (not FSizeable or ((WindowState = wsMaximized) or FRollUpState)) or (ActiveObject <> -1)
- then
- begin
- Result := HTCLIENT;
- Exit;
- end
- else
- if (FSD <> nil) and not FSD.Empty
- then
- begin
- BW := FSD.BorderW;
- LP := Point(P.X - BW, P.Y);
- TP := Point(P.X, P.Y - BW);
- RP := Point(P.X + BW, P.Y);
- BP := Point(P.X, P.Y + BW);
- CR := Rect(0, 0, FForm.Width, FForm.Height);
- if CanHit
- then
- begin
- if (P.X <= NewHitTestLtPoint.X) and (P.Y <= NewHitTestLtPoint.Y)
- then
- Result := HTTOPLEFT
- else
- if (P.X >= NewHitTestRTPoint.X) and (P.Y <= NewHitTestRTPoint.Y)
- then
- Result := HTTOPRIGHT
- else
- if (P.X <= NewHitTestLBPoint.X) and (P.Y >= NewHitTestLBPoint.Y)
- then
- else
- if (P.X >= NewHitTestRBPoint.X) and (P.Y >= NewHitTestRBPoint.Y)
- then
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(NewHitTestLTPoint.X, 0,
- NewHitTestRTPoint.X, NewClRect.Top), P)
- then
- Result := HTTOP
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(NewHitTestLBPoint.X, NewClRect.Bottom,
- NewHitTestRBPoint.X, CR.Bottom), P)
- then
- Result := HTBOTTOM
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(0, NewHitTestLTPoint.Y,
- NewCLRect.Left, NewHitTestLBPoint.Y), P)
- then
- Result := HTLEFT
- else
- if PtInRect(Rect(NewClRect.Right, NewHitTestRTPoint.Y,
- CR.Right, NewHitTestRBPoint.Y), P)
- then
- Result := HTRIGHT
- else
- Result := HTCLIENT;
- end
- else
- Result := HTCLIENT;
- end
- else
- Result := HTCLIENT;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.FindHotKeyItem;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then
- Result := FMainMenuBar.FindHotKeyItem(CharCode)
- else
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible and
- IsAccel(CharCode, MenuItem.Caption)
- then
- begin
- MouseEnter;
- if (not InMenu) or (MenuItem.Count = 0) then MouseDown(0, 0, mbLeft);
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.CanNextMainMenuItem;
- var
- PW: TspSkinPopupWindow;
- begin
- if SkinMenu.FPopupList.Count = 0
- then
- Result := True
- else
- with SkinMenu do
- begin
- PW := TspSkinPopupWindow(FPopupList.Items[FPopupList.Count - 1]);
- if PW.ActiveItem <> -1
- then
- begin
- if TspSkinMenuItem(PW.ItemList[PW.ActiveItem]).MenuItem.Count = 0
- then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- Result := True
- end;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.CanPriorMainMenuItem;
- begin
- if SkinMenu.FPopupList.Count < 2 then Result := True else Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.NextMainMenuItem;
- function IsEndItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Index + 1 > ObjectList.Count - 1
- then
- Result := True
- else
- for i := Index + 1 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible then Result := False;
- end
- end;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- EndI: Boolean;
- FirstItem: Integer;
- begin
- EndI := False;
- FirstItem := -1;
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- if FirstItem = -1 then FirstItem := i;
- if (Active or FDown)
- then
- begin
- j := i;
- MouseLeave;
- EndI := IsEndItem(j);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if j = -1
- then
- begin
- j := FirstItem;
- if j <> -1 then
- TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[j]).MouseEnter;
- end
- else
- begin
- if EndI then j := 0 else j := j + 1;
- if j < ObjectList.Count then
- for i := j to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- MouseEnter;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.PriorMainMenuItem;
- function IsEndItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Index - 1 < 0
- then
- Result := True
- else
- for i := Index - 1 downto 0 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible then Result := False;
- end
- end;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- EndI: Boolean;
- LastItem: Integer;
- begin
- EndI := False;
- j := -1;
- LastItem := -1;
- for i := ObjectList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- if LastItem = -1 then LastItem := i;
- if Active or FDown then
- begin
- j := i;
- MouseLeave;
- EndI := IsEndItem(j);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if j = -1
- then
- begin
- j := LastItem;
- if j <> -1 then
- TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[j]).MouseEnter;
- end
- else
- begin
- if EndI then j := ObjectList.Count - 1 else j := j - 1;
- if j > -1 then
- for i := j downto 0 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- MouseEnter;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.ActivateMenu;
- var
- i: Integer;
- FirstItem: Integer;
- begin
- FirstItem := -1;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if FirstItem = -1 then FirstItem := i;
- if Active
- then
- begin
- FirstItem := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if FirstItem <> -1
- then
- begin
- TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[FirstItem]).MouseEnter;
- InMainMenu := True;
- HookApp;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnMainMenuEnter) then FOnMainMenuEnter(Self);
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.CheckReturnKey;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then
- Result := FMainMenuBar.CheckReturnKey
- else
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinMainMenuItem
- then
- with TspSkinMainMenuItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if (FDown and (MenuItem.Count = 0)) or
- (Active and not InMenu)
- then
- begin
- Active := False;
- MouseDown(0, 0, mbLeft);
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.FormClientWindowProcHook(var Message: TMessage);
- var
- FOld: Boolean;
- begin
- FOld := True;
- case Message.Msg of
- begin
- FOld := False;
- Message.Result := 1;
- end;
- begin
- FOLd := False;
- end;
- begin
- Message.Result := CallWindowProc(FPrevClientProc, FForm.ClientHandle, Message.Msg,
- Message.wParam, Message.lParam);
- ResizeMDIChilds;
- FOld := False;
- end;
- begin
- FOld := False;
- end;
- begin
- FOld := False;
- if (FSD <> nil) and not FSD.Empty
- then
- begin
- if FSD.BGPictureIndex = -1
- then
- else
- PaintBG2(TWMERASEBKGND(Message).DC);
- end
- else
- PaintMDIBGDefault(TWMERASEBKGND(Message).DC);
- end;
- end;
- if FOld
- then
- with Message do
- Result := CallWindowProc(FPrevClientProc, FForm.ClientHandle, Msg,
- wParam, lParam);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.FormKeyDown(Message: TMessage);
- var
- DSF: TspDynamicSkinForm;
- begin
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild)
- then
- begin
- DSF := GetDynamicSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if DSF <> nil
- then
- begin
- if DSF.InMenu or DSF.InMainMenu or DSF.SkinMenu.Visible
- then
- begin
- DSF.FormKeyDown(Message);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if InMainMenu and FindHotKeyItem(TWMKeyDown(Message).CharCode)
- then
- begin
- end
- else
- if (TWMKeyDown(Message).CharCode = VK_ESCAPE) and
- (InMainMenu and not InMenu)
- then
- SkinMainMenuClose
- else
- if (TWMKeyDown(Message).CharCode = VK_LEFT) and InMainMenu and
- CanPriorMainMenuItem
- then
- begin
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then FMainMenuBar.PriorMainMenuItem
- else PriorMainMenuItem;
- end
- else
- if (TWMKeyDown(Message).CharCode = VK_RIGHT) and InMainMenu and
- CanNextMainMenuItem
- then
- begin
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then FMainMenuBar.NextMainMenuItem
- else NextMainMenuItem;
- end
- else
- if TWMKeyDown(Message).CharCode = VK_RETURN
- then
- begin
- if not CheckReturnKey
- then
- with TWMKeyDown(Message), SkinMenu do
- begin
- if Visible and (FPopupList.Count > 0)
- then
- TspSkinPopupWindow(FPopupList.Items[FPopupList.Count - 1]).PopupKeyDown(CharCode);
- end;
- end
- else
- with TWMKeyDown(Message), SkinMenu do
- begin
- if Visible and (FPopupList.Count > 0)
- then
- TspSkinPopupWindow(FPopupList.Items[FPopupList.Count - 1]).PopupKeyDown(CharCode);
- if (CharCode = VK_ESCAPE) and (FPopupList.Count = 0)
- then
- if InMainMenu
- then
- SkinMenuClose2
- else
- SkinMenuClose;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.NewAppMessage;
- var
- MsgNew: TMessage;
- begin
- MsgNew.WParam := Msg.WParam;
- MsgNew.LParam := Msg.LParam;
- MsgNew.Msg := Msg.message;
- case Msg.message of
- begin
- FormKeyDown(MsgNew);
- Msg.message := 0;
- Handled := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CheckMenuVisible;
- var
- DS: TspDynamicSkinForm;
- begin
- if CanMenuClose(Msg)
- then
- begin
- // hide object hint
- if FShowObjectHint and (FSkinHint <> nil)
- then FSkinHint.HideHint;
- //
- if InMainMenu and not InMenu
- then
- SkinMainMenuClose
- else
- if (SkinMenu <> nil) and (SkinMenu.Visible or (InMenu))
- then
- begin
- if SkinMenu.Visible
- then SkinMenu.Hide
- else SkinMenuClose;
- end
- else
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm) and FForm.Visible
- then
- begin
- DS := GetMDIChildDynamicSkinFormComponent2;
- if DS <> nil then DS.CheckMenuVisible(Msg);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.NewWndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- const
- WM_SYNCPAINT = $0088;
- var
- Old: boolean;
- P: TPoint;
- CS: Boolean;
- L, T, i, j: Integer;
- B: Boolean;
- R: PRect;
- R1: TRect;
- begin
- CheckMenuVisible(Message.Msg);
- Old := True;
- with Message do
- begin
- case Msg of
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild)
- then
- begin
- if (Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild = FForm) and not FFormActive
- then
- begin
- FFormActive := True;
- if FWindowState = wsMaximized
- then FormChangeActive(False)
- else FormChangeActive(True);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- OldWindowProc(Message);
- if (FForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone) and
- not ((FForm.FormStyle = fsMDICHILD) and (WindowState = wsMaximized))
- then
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- SetDefaultCaptionText(FForm.Caption)
- else
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then UpDateChildCaptionInMenu(FForm);
- Old := False;
- end;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm
- then
- begin
- FMDIChildMaximized := True;
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil then FMainMenuBar.MDIChildMaximize;
- end;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm
- then
- begin
- if GetMaximizeMDIChild = nil then FMDIChildMaximized := False;
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil then FMainMenuBar.MDIChildRestore;
- end;
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDICHILD) and (FWindowState = wsMaximized)
- then
- begin
- R1 := GetMDIWorkArea;
- FForm.SetBounds(0, 0, RectWidth(R1), RectHeight(R1));
- end;
- begin
- if Message.WParam = SC_KEYMENU
- then
- begin
- if not InMainMenu then
- begin
- if SkinMenu.Visible then SkinMenuClose;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then FMainMenuBar.MenuEnter
- else ActivateMenu;
- end
- else
- if InMainMenu
- then
- SkinMainMenuClose;
- Old := False;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- SkinMenuClose;
- end;
- if (Message.WParam = 1) and CheckW2KWXP and (FAlphaBlend or FAlphaBlendAnimation)
- then
- begin
- KillTimer(FForm.Handle, 1);
- if FAlphaBlendAnimation and not FAlphaBlend
- then J := 255 else J := FAlphaBlendValue;
- if FAlphaBlendAnimation
- then
- begin
- I := 0;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- repeat
- Inc(i, 3);
- if I > J then I := J;
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(FForm.Handle, i);
- until i >= J;
- end
- else
- if J <> 255
- then
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(FForm.Handle, FAlphaBlendValue);
- if J = 255
- then
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and not WS_EX_LAYERED);
- end;
- begin
- if Message.wParam > 0
- then
- begin
- //
- if CheckW2KWXP and (FAlphaBlend or FAlphaBlendAnimation)
- then
- begin
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_LAYERED);
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(FForm.Handle, 0);
- SetTimer(FForm.Handle, 1, 1, nil);
- end;
- //
- if (FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIForm) and FSupportNCArea
- then
- UpdateForm
- else
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm) and (FForm.ClientHandle <> 0) and
- (FClientInstance = nil)
- then
- begin
- FPrevClientProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(FForm.ClientHandle, GWL_WNDPROC));
- FClientInstance := MakeObjectInstance(FormClientWindowProcHook);
- SetWindowLong(FForm.ClientHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(FClientInstance));
- UpDateForm;
- end;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild then AddChildToMenu(FForm);
- if not FSupportNCArea then ControlsToAreas;
- if FForm.Menu <> nil then FForm.Menu := nil;
- end
- else
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild then DeleteChildFromMenu(FForm);
- if CheckW2KWXP and FAlphaBlend
- then
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and not WS_EX_LAYERED);
- end;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- Result := NewNCHitTest(P)
- else
- Result := NewDefNCHitTest(P);
- if not MouseTimer.Enabled and (Message.Result = HTNCACTIVE)
- then
- begin
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, True);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- Old := False;
- end
- else
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- P := FForm.ScreenToClient(P);
- if not MouseIn
- then
- begin
- MouseIn := True;
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, True);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- Result := NewHitTest(P);
- Old := False;
- end
- else
- Result := HTCLIENT;
- if WParam = Integer(FSD)
- then
- begin
- FSkinSupport := False;
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- MorphTimer.Enabled := False;
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := False;
- ClearObjects;
- BeforeUpDateSkinControls(WParam, FForm);
- end;
- begin
- if (WParam = Integer(FSD)) and (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm)
- then
- begin
- ResizeMDIChilds;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if WParam = Integer(FSD)
- then
- ChangeSkinData;
- UpDateSkinControls(WParam, FForm);
- end;
- if (WindowState = wsMaximized) and (FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIChild)
- then
- begin
- L := FForm.Left;
- T := FForm.Top;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := L;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := T;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := L + FForm.Width;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := T + FForm.Height;
- end
- else
- if FMagnetic
- then
- begin
- L := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left;
- T := PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top;
- DoMagnetic(L, T, FForm.Width, FForm.Height);
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Left := L;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Top := T;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Right := L + FForm.Width;
- PRect(Message.LParam)^.Bottom := T + FForm.Height;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- FSizeMove := True;
- FFullDrag := GetFullDragg;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- FSizeMove := False;
- if FSupportNCArea and (FSD <> nil) and not FSD.Empty
- then
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end;
- if FSizeMove and FFullDrag
- then
- begin
- OldWindowProc(Message);
- Old := False;
- R := PRect(LParam);
- FFormWidth := RectWidth(R^);
- FFormHeight := RectHeight(R^);
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if (FSD <> nil) and
- (FForm.Width >= GetMinWidth) and
- (FForm.Height >= GetMinHeight)
- then
- CreateNewForm(True);
- end;
- end;
- if not FSizeMove or not FFullDrag
- then
- begin
- OldWindowProc(Message);
- Old := False;
- FFormWidth := FForm.Width;
- FFormHeight := FForm.Height;
- if not FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end
- else
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if (FSD <> nil) and
- (FFormWidth >= GetMinWidth) and
- (FFormHeight >= GetMinHeight)
- then
- CreateNewForm(True);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (FSD <> nil) and not FRollUpState
- then
- begin
- CS := CanScale;
- if CS or (not CS and (FForm.ClientWidth = FSD.FPicture.Width)
- and (FForm.ClientHeight = FSD.FPicture.Height))
- then CreateNewForm(CS);
- end;
- end;
- if FAlphaBlend and (FAlphaBlendValue <> 255) and CheckW2KWXP and
- FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- FForm.RePaint;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- MorphTimer.Enabled := False;
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := False;
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild)
- then
- begin
- FWindowState := wsNormal;
- SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, WM_MDICHILDRESTORE, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- FIsDragging := False;
- OldWindowProc(Message);
- if FSupportNCArea and Self.GetAutoRenderingInActiveImage
- then UpDateActiveObjects;
- if FSupportNCArea then SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPaint, 0, 0);
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (WindowState = wsMaximized)
- then
- FormChangeActive(False)
- else
- FormChangeActive(True);
- Old := False;
- end;
- WM_GetMinMaxInfo:
- begin
- MM := PMinMaxInfo(lParam);
- MM^.ptMinTrackSize.x := GetMinWidth;
- MM^.ptMinTrackSize.y := GetMinHeight;
- MM^.ptMaxTrackSize.x := GetMaxWidth;
- MM^.ptMaxTrackSize.y := GetMaxHeight;
- end;
- begin
- Old := False;
- if FSupportNCArea and
- not ((FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and
- (WindowState = wsMaximized)) and (FForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone)
- then
- if CanNCSupport
- then
- begin
- CalcRects;
- with TWMNCCALCSIZE(Message).CalcSize_Params^.rgrc[0], FSD do
- begin
- Inc(Left, ClRect.Left);
- Inc(Top, ClRect.Top);
- Dec(Right, FPicture.Width - ClRect.Right);
- Dec(Bottom, FPicture.Height - ClRect.Bottom);
- if Right < Left
- then Right := Left;
- if Bottom < Top
- then Bottom := Top;
- end;
- end
- else
- with TWMNCCALCSIZE(Message).CalcSize_Params^.rgrc[0] do
- begin
- Inc(Left, 3);
- Inc(Top, GetDefCaptionHeight + 3);
- Dec(Right, 3);
- Dec(Bottom, 3);
- if Right < Left then Right := Left;
- if Bottom < Top
- then Bottom := Top;
- end;
- end;
- if FRollUpState and FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- Message.Result := 0;
- Old := False;
- end;
- begin
- if (FForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone) and
- not ((FForm.FormStyle = fsMDICHILD) and (WindowState = wsMaximized))
- then
- if FSupportNCArea and FSkinSupport
- then
- PaintNCSkin
- else
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- PaintNCDefault;
- Old := False;
- end;
- begin
- FFormActive := TWMNCACTIVATE(Message).Active;
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm) or
- (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild)
- then
- OldWindowProc(Message)
- else
- Message.Result := 1;
- if not ((FForm.FormStyle = fsMDICHILD) and (WindowState = wsMaximized))
- and (FForm.BorderStyle <> bsNone)
- then
- begin
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- FormChangeActive(True);
- end
- else
- FormChangeActive(False);
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (WindowState = wsMaximized)
- then
- begin
- Application.MainForm.Perform(WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild then UpDateChildActiveInMenu;
- Old := False;
- end;
- begin
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- if FSD.BGPictureIndex = -1
- then
- PaintBG(wParam)
- else
- PaintBG2(wParam);
- end
- else
- PaintBGDefault(wParam);
- end
- else
- Paint(wParam);
- Old := False;
- end;
- end;
- if Old then OldWindowProc(Message);
- case Msg of
- begin
- MouseDown(mbLeft, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam));
- MouseDblClick;
- CheckWindowState;
- end;
- WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: MouseDown(mbRight, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam));
- begin
- if not FSupportNCArea
- then MouseMove(LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam));
- end;
- begin
- if not FSupportNCArea
- then MouseDown(mbLeft, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam));
- end;
- begin
- if not FSupportNCArea
- then MouseDown(mbRight, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam));
- end;
- begin
- if not FSupportNCArea
- then MouseUp(mbLeft, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam))
- else MouseUp(mbLeft, -1, -1);
- end;
- begin
- if not FSupportNCArea
- then MouseUp(mbRight, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam))
- else MouseUp(mbRight, -1, -1);
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- MouseMove(P.X, P.Y);
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(Message.lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(Message.lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, True);
- MouseDown(mbLeft, P.X, P.Y);
- MouseDblClick;
- if Message.wParam = HTCAPTION
- then
- if FSizeAble and (WindowState = wsMinimized)
- then
- begin
- WindowState := wsNormal;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end
- else
- if FSizeAble and (WindowState <> wsMaximized) and not FRollUpState and
- (biMaximize in BorderIcons)
- then
- begin
- WindowState := wsMaximized;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end
- else
- if FSizeAble and (WindowState = wsMaximized) and not MaxRollUpState
- then
- begin
- WindowState := wsNormal;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end
- else
- begin
- if FRollUpState
- then
- RollUpState := False
- else
- RollUpState := True;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(Message.lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(Message.lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, True);
- MouseDown(mbRight, P.X, P.Y);
- if wParam = HTCAPTION then MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, True);
- MouseDown(mbLeft, P.X, P.Y);
- if wParam = HTCAPTION then MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- MouseUp(mbLeft, LoWord(LParam), HiWord(LParam));
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y, True);
- MouseDown(mbRight, P.X, P.Y);
- if wParam = HTCAPTION
- then
- begin
- GetCursorPos(P);
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- TrackSystemMenu(P.X, P.Y);
- end;
- end;
- if FSupportNCArea then
- begin
- P.X := LoWord(lParam);
- P.Y := HiWord(lParam);
- PointToNCPoint(P);
- MouseUp(mbRight, P.X, P.Y);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CalcRects;
- var
- OX, OY: Integer;
- begin
- if FFormWidth = 0 then FFormWidth := FForm.Width;
- if FFormHeight = 0 then FFormHeight := FForm.Height;
- if (FSD <> nil) and not FSD.Empty then
- with FSD do
- begin
- OX := FFormWidth - FPicture.Width;
- OY := FFormHeight - FPicture.Height;
- NewLTPoint := LTPoint;
- NewRTPoint := Point(RTPoint.X + OX, RTPoint.Y);
- NewLBPoint := Point(LBPoint.X, LBPoint.Y + OY);
- NewRBPoint := Point(RBPoint.X + OX, RBPoint.Y + OY);
- NewClRect := Rect(ClRect.Left, ClRect.Top,
- ClRect.Right + OX, ClRect.Bottom + OY);
- NewCaptionRect := CaptionRect;
- if not IsNullRect(CaptionRect)
- then Inc(NewCaptionRect.Right, OX);
- NewButtonsRect := ButtonsRect;
- NewButtonsInLeft := CapButtonsInLeft;
- if not IsNullRect(ButtonsRect) and (ButtonsRect.Left > FPicture.Width div 2)
- then
- OffsetRect(NewButtonsRect, OX, 0)
- else
- if not IsNullRect(ButtonsRect) and (ButtonsRect.Left < FPicture.Width div 2)
- then
- ButtonsInLeft := True;
- NewButtonsOffset := ButtonsOffset;
- NewHitTestLTPoint := HitTestLTPoint;
- NewHitTestRTPoint := Point(HitTestRTPoint.X + OX, HitTestRTPoint.Y);
- NewHitTestLBPoint := Point(HitTestLBPoint.X, LBPoint.Y + OY);
- NewHitTestRBPoint := Point(HitTestRBPoint.X + OX, HitTestRBPoint.Y + OY);
- NewMaskRectArea := Rect(MaskRectArea.Left, MaskRectArea.Top,
- MaskRectArea.Right + OX, MaskRectArea.Bottom + OY);
- NewIconRect := Self.CalcRealObjectRect(IconRect);
- NewMainMenuRect := MainMenuRect;
- if CanScale
- then
- begin
- NewMainMenuRect.Right := MainMenuRect.Right + OX;
- if PtInRect(Rect(0, LBPoint.Y, LBPoint.X,
- FPicture.Height), MainMenuRect.TopLeft)
- then
- OffsetRect(NewMainMenuRect, 0, OY);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CreateNewForm;
- begin
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit;
- if FSD = nil then Exit;
- if FSD.Empty then Exit;
- CalcRects;
- if FCanScale then CalcAllRealObjectRect;
- CreateNewRegion(FCanScale);
- if Assigned(FOnChangeClientRect) then FOnChangeClientRect(NewClRect);
- if FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if FRgn = 0
- then SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end
- else
- begin
- FForm.RePaint;
- ControlsToAreas;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CreateNewRegion;
- var
- Size: Integer;
- RgnData: PRgnData;
- R1, R2, R3, R4, TempRgn: HRGN;
- begin
- if (FForm.BorderStyle = bsNone) and FSupportNCArea
- then
- begin
- if FRgn <> 0
- then
- begin
- SetWindowRgn(FForm.Handle, 0, True);
- DeleteObject(FRgn);
- FRgn := 0;
- end;
- end
- else
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (WindowState = wsMaximized) and not FSD.FMask.Empty
- then
- begin
- if FRgn <> 0
- then
- begin
- SetWindowRgn(FForm.Handle, 0, True);
- DeleteObject(FRgn);
- FRgn := 0;
- end;
- end
- else
- if FSD.FMask.Empty and (FRgn <> 0)
- then
- begin
- SetWindowRgn(FForm.Handle, 0, True);
- DeleteObject(FRgn);
- FRgn := 0;
- RMLeft.Assign(nil);
- RMTop.Assign(nil);
- RMRight.Assign(nil);
- RMBottom.Assign(nil);
- end
- else
- if not FSD.FMask.Empty
- then
- begin
- if FCanScale
- then
- begin
- CreateSkinMask(
- FSD.LTPoint, FSD.RTPoint, FSD.LBPoint, FSD.RBPoint, FSD.MaskRectArea,
- NewLtPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint, NewMaskRectArea,
- FSD.FMask, RMTop, RMLeft, RMRight, RMBottom,
- FFormWidth, FFormHeight);
- if RMTop.Height > 0
- then
- begin
- Size := CreateRgnFromBmp(RMTop, 0, 0, RgnData);
- R1 := ExtCreateRegion(nil, Size, RgnData^);
- FreeMem(RgnData, Size);
- end
- else
- R1 := 0;
- if RMBottom.Height > 0
- then
- begin
- Size := CreateRgnFromBmp(RMBottom, 0, NewMaskRectArea.Bottom, RgnData);
- R2 := ExtCreateRegion(nil, Size, RgnData^);
- FreeMem(RgnData, Size);
- end
- else
- R2 := 0;
- if RMLeft.Width > 0
- then
- begin
- Size := CreateRgnFromBmp(RMLeft, 0, NewMaskRectArea.Top, RgnData);
- R3 := ExtCreateRegion(nil, Size, RgnData^);
- FreeMem(RgnData, Size);
- end
- else
- R3 := 0;
- if RMRight.Width > 0
- then
- begin
- Size := CreateRgnFromBmp(RMRight, NewMaskRectArea.Right, NewMaskRectArea.Top, RgnData);
- R4 := ExtCreateRegion(nil, Size, RgnData^);
- FreeMem(RgnData, Size);
- end
- else
- R4 := 0;
- TempRgn := FRgn;
- FRgn := CreateRectRgn(NewMaskRectArea.Left, NewMaskRectArea.Top,
- NewMaskRectArea.Right, NewMaskRectArea.Bottom);
- CombineRgn(R1, R1, R2, RGN_OR);
- CombineRgn(R3, R3, R4, RGN_OR);
- CombineRgn(R3, R3, R1, RGN_OR);
- CombineRgn(FRgn, FRgn, R3, RGN_OR);
- SetWindowRgn(FForm.Handle, FRgn, True);
- if TempRgn <> 0 then DeleteObject(TempRgn);
- DeleteObject(R1);
- DeleteObject(R2);
- DeleteObject(R3);
- DeleteObject(R4);
- end
- else
- begin
- Size := CreateRgnFromBmp(FSD.FMask, 0, 0, RgnData);
- if Size <> 0
- then
- begin
- TempRgn := FRgn;
- FRgn := ExtCreateRegion(nil, Size, RgnData^);
- SetWindowRgn(FForm.Handle, FRgn, True);
- if TempRgn <> 0 then DeleteObject(TempRgn);
- FreeMem(RgnData, Size);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.GetFormActive;
- begin
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) or (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm)
- then
- Result := FFormActive
- else
- Result := FForm.Active and (Screen.ActiveCustomForm = FForm);
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.FormChangeActive;
- var
- i: Integer;
- FA: Boolean;
- begin
- FA := GetFormActive;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- with TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if AUpDate and CanObjectTest(RollUp)
- then
- begin
- if not FSupportNCArea then Active := FA;
- if not (FSupportNCArea and IsNullRect(ActiveSkinRect))
- then
- ReDraw;
- end
- else
- if Morphing then
- if FA then MorphKf := 1 else MorphKf := 0;
- end;
- if FA
- then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnActivate) then FOnActivate(Self);
- end
- else
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnDeActivate) then FOnDeActivate(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SetEnabled;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> -1
- then
- TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Enabled := Value;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.SwitchSetState;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinSwitchObject
- then
- with TspSkinSwitchObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SimpleSetState(AState)
- else State := AState;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.SwitchGetState;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1
- then
- begin
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinSwitchObject
- then
- with TspSkinSwitchObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do Result := State
- else
- Result := swOff;
- end
- else
- Result := swOff;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.CaptionSetText;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if i <> - 1 then
- if TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinCaptionObject
- then
- with TspSkinCaptionObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FInChangeSkinData
- then SimpleSetTextValue(AText)
- else TextValue := AText;
- end;
- function TspDynamicSkinForm.ButtonGetDown;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if (i <> -1) and (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinButtonObject)
- then
- Result := TspSkinButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Down
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TspDynamicSkinForm.ButtonSetDown;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(AIDName);
- if (i <> -1) and (TspActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TspSkinButtonObject)
- then TspSkinButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Down := ADown;
- end;
- end.