- unit fcEvaluator;
- interface
- uses Classes, SysUtils, fcCommon;
- type
- TOperator = (opMultiply, opDivide, opAdd, opSubtract);
- TOperators = set of TOperator;
- TfcEvaluator = class
- protected
- class function GetOperands(s: string; Operators: TOperators;
- var LOperand, ROperand: string; var FoundOp: TOperator): Boolean;
- class procedure ValidateString(s: String);
- class procedure FixString(var s: String);
- public
- class function Evaluate(s: string): Integer;
- end;
- const
- OPERATORSCHAR: array[TOperator] of Char = ('*', '/', '+', '-');
- implementation
- class function TfcEvaluator.GetOperands(s: string; Operators: TOperators;
- var LOperand, ROperand: string; var FoundOp: TOperator): Boolean;
- var OpIndex, CurOpIndex: Integer;
- CurOp: TOperator;
- begin
- OpIndex := -1;
- for CurOp := Low(TOperator) to High(TOperator) do
- if (CurOp in Operators) then
- begin
- CurOpIndex := fcFindToken(s, ' ', OPERATORSCHAR[CurOp]);
- if (CurOpIndex <> -1) and ((OpIndex = -1) or (CurOpIndex < OpIndex)) then
- begin
- OpIndex := CurOpIndex;
- FoundOp := CurOp;
- end;
- end;
- if OpIndex = -1 then
- begin
- result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- LOperand := fcGetToken(s, ' ', OpIndex - 1);
- ROperand := fcGetToken(s, ' ', OpIndex + 1);
- result := True;
- end;
- class procedure TfcEvaluator.ValidateString(s: String);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 1 to Length(s) do
- if (not (s[i] in ['+', '-', '*', '/', ',', ' '])) and (not (ord(s[i]) in [48..57])) then
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Only alpha characters "+", "-", "x", and "/" are allowed.');
- end;
- class procedure TfcEvaluator.FixString(var s: String);
- var CurOp: TOperator;
- begin
- for CurOp := Low(TOperator) to High(TOperator) do
- s := fcReplace(s, OPERATORSCHAR[CurOp], ' ' + OPERATORSCHAR[CurOp] + ' ');
- while Pos(' ', s) > 0 do
- s := fcReplace(s, ' ', ' ');
- end;
- class function TfcEvaluator.Evaluate(s: string): Integer;
- var LOperand, ROperand: string;
- IntLOperand, IntROperand: Integer;
- FoundOp: TOperator;
- CurResult: Integer;
- begin
- ValidateString(s);
- FixString(s);
- CurResult := -1;
- while GetOperands(s, [opMultiply, opDivide], LOperand, ROperand, FoundOp) or
- GetOperands(s, [opAdd, opSubtract], LOperand, ROperand, FoundOp) do
- begin
- IntLOperand := StrtoInt(LOperand);
- IntROperand := StrtoInt(ROperand);
- case FoundOp of
- opMultiply: CurResult := IntLOperand * IntROperand;
- opDivide: if IntROperand <> 0 then CurResult := IntLOperand div IntROperand
- else raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Divide By Zero Error');
- opAdd: CurResult := IntLOperand + IntROperand;
- opSubtract: CurResult := IntLOperand - IntROperand;
- end;
- s := fcReplace(s, LOperand + ' ' + OPERATORSCHAR[FoundOp] + ' ' + ROperand, InttoStr(CurResult));
- end;
- result := StrToInt(s);
- end;
- end.