- unit fcCommon;
- {$T-} { Disable Typed@ Operator}
- {
- //
- // Components : Common routines
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Woll2Woll Software
- //
- // 3/10/99 - PYW - Changed TStringList to TStrings.
- // 6/28/99 - Support any TCustomGrid for future support in IP 5
- // 3/30/2001 - PYW - Made StripPreceding accessible.
- // 3/1/2002-PYW-Modified to support E notation in fcstrtofloat2
- }
- interface
- {$i fcIfDef.pas}
- uses Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs, Forms, Controls, Printers, Buttons,
- Windows, Graphics, Menus, StdCtrls, TypInfo, Math, Messages, ExtCtrls,{ JPEG,}
- {$ifdef fcDelphi4Up}
- ImgList,
- {$endif}
- Registry, CommCtrl, fcBitmap, ComCtrls;
- const
- clNullColor = $0FFFFFFF;
- type
- TfcPointSet = (psGlyph, psText, psOffset);
- TfcPointSets = set of TfcPointSet;
- TfcProcMeth = procedure of object;
- TfcBoolFunc = function: Boolean of object;
- TfcSetBoundsProc = procedure(Control: TWinControl; Rect: TRect) of object;
- TfcLayout = (loVertical, loHorizontal);
- TfcFontType = (ftPrinter, ftTrueType, ftOther);
- PfcFontType = ^TfcFontType;
- PfcPolyGonPoints = ^TFCPolyGonPoints;
- TfcPolyGonPoints = array[0..20] of TPoint;
- TwwDBGridOption = (dgEditing, dgAlwaysShowEditor, dgTitles, dgIndicator,
- dgColumnResize, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgRowFixedLines, dgTabs, dgRowSelect,
- dgAlwaysShowSelection, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit,
- dgWordWrap, dgPerfectRowFit, dgMultiSelect);
- TwwDBGridOptions = set of TwwDBGridOption;
- TwwListSortCompare = function (Item1, Item2: String): Integer;
- TwwGetCompareString = function (SList:TStrings; Index: Integer): String;
- TfcOrientation = (fcTopLeft, fcTopRight, fcBottomLeft, fcBottomRight,
- fcTop, fcRight, fcLeft, fcBottom);
- TfcDiagonals = fcTopLeft..fcBottomRight;
- TfcStraights = fcTop..fcBottom;
- TfcGetWordOption = (fcgwSkipLeadingBlanks, fcgwQuotesAsWords, fcgwStripQuotes,
- fcgwSpacesInWords);
- TfcGetWordOptions = set of TfcGetWordOption;
- fcstrCharSet = Set of char;
- //const
- // OFFSETCOORD: array[TfcOrientation] of TPoint = (
- // (x: 1; y: 1) {TopLeft}, (x: -1; y: 1) {TopRight},
- // (x: 1; y: -1) {BottomLeft}, (x: -1; y: -1) {BottomRight},
- // (x: 0; y: 1) {Top}, (x: -1; y: 0) {Right},
- // (x: 1; y: 0) {Left}, (x: 0; y: -1) {Bottom}
- // );
- //}
- procedure fcHelp(Handle: HWND; HelpTopic: PChar);
- procedure fcCalcButtonLayout(TopLeft: TPoint; TextRect, GlyphRect: PRect;
- TextSize, GlyphSize: TSize; Layout: TButtonLayout;
- Spacing: Integer);
- function fcGetComCtlVersion: Integer;
- procedure fcStripWhiteSpace(var s: string);
- procedure fcStripTrailing(var s: string);
- procedure fcStripPreceding(var s: string); // 3/30/2001 - PYW - Made StripPreceding accessible.
- function fcComponentFromString(Root: TComponent; Value: string): TComponent;
- function fcStringFromComponent(Root: TComponent; Value: TComponent): string;
- function fcGetRegionData(Rgn: HRGN): string;
- // Color related functions
- procedure fcColorToByteValues(AColor: TColor; var Reserved, Blue, Green, Red: Byte);
- function fcRGBToHexString(R,G,B: Byte): string;
- function fcColorToRGBString(AColor: TColor): string;
- function fcGetColorFromList(AList: TStrings; Index: Integer): TColor;
- function fcSetColorDialogCustomColors(AList: TStrings): TStrings;
- function fcModifyColor(Color: TColor; Amount: Integer; Percent: Boolean): TColor;
- function fcRGBToBGR(Color: TColor): TColor;
- function fcHighestRGBVal(Color: TColor): BYTE;
- // Stringlist related functions
- function fcGetValuesFromStringList(AList: TStrings; Index: Integer): string;
- function fcGetNamesFromStringList(AList: TStrings; Index: Integer): string;
- function fcGetItemsFromStringList(SList:TStrings;Index:integer): String;
- function fcValueInList(Value: string; List: TStrings): integer;
- function fcNameInList(Name: string; List: TStrings): integer;
- // Runtime Type Info Functions (RTTI)
- function fcGetPropInfo(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string): PPropInfo;
- function fcIsClass(ClassType: TClass; const Name: string): Boolean;
- function fcGetStrProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string): string;
- function fcGetOrdProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string): Integer;
- procedure fcSetStrProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string; Value: string);
- procedure fcSetOrdProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string; Value: Integer);
- procedure fcGetBooleanProps(Component: TPersistent; List: TStrings);
- // InfoPower Grid Functions
- function fcIsInwwGrid(AControl:TControl):boolean;
- {$ifdef fcDelphi4Up}
- function fcIsInwwObjectView(control: TWinControl):boolean;
- function fcIsInwwObjectViewPaint(control: TWinControl):boolean;
- function fcIsInwwGridPaint(control: TWinControl):boolean;
- {$endif}
- function fcGetGridOptions(AControl:TControl): TwwDBGridOptions;
- function fcParentGridFocused(AControl:TControl): boolean;
- // Miscellaneous
- function fcStrToFloat(str:string; DisplayFormat: string = ''):extended;
- function fcStrToFloat2(const S: string; var FloatValue: Extended; DisplayFormat: string): boolean;
- //function fcStrToFloat(str:string):extended;
- function fcStrToRealDef(const S: string; Default: Extended): Real;
- procedure fcPatternFill(Pattern: Pointer; SizeOfPat: Integer; Dst: Pointer; SizeOfDst: Integer);
- function fcGetShiftState:TShiftState;
- procedure fcParentInvalidate(Control: TControl; Erase: Boolean);
- procedure fcPlayKeystroke(Handle: HWND; VKChar: word; VKShift: Word);
- procedure fcQuickSort(SList: TStrings; L, R: Integer;
- SCompare: TwwListSortCompare; SGetString:TwwGetCompareString);
- function fcGetHintWindow: THintWindow;
- function fcGenerateName(Component: TComponent; const Base: string): string;
- procedure fcAdjustFlag(Condition: Boolean; var Flag: UINT; FlagVal: UINT);
- function fcGetCursorPos: TPoint;
- function fcCombineRect(r1, r2: TRect): TRect;
- procedure fcShowHint(Hint: string; Coord: TPoint);
- procedure fcInvalidateChildren(Control: HWND);
- procedure fcInvalidateOverlappedWindows(ParentHwnd: HWND; FirstChild: HWND);
- function fcProportionalRect(OrigRect: TRect; Width, Height: Integer): TRect;
- function fcProportionalCenterRect(OrigRect: TRect; Width, Height: Integer): TRect;
- function fcRectEmpty(r: TRect): Boolean;
- function fcLineHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; Flags: Integer; MaxWidth: Integer; Line: string): Integer;
- function fcUnionRect(R1, R2: TRect): TRect;
- function fcUpdatedComCtlVersion: boolean;
- procedure fcMakePagesResourceFriendly(PageControl: TPageControl);
- function fcRegionFromBitmap(ABitmap: TfcBitmap; TransColor: TColor): HRgn;
- procedure fcDrawEllipsis(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; State: TButtonState;
- Enabled: Boolean;
- Transparent: boolean;
- FlatButtonTransparent: boolean;
- ControlState: TControlState);
- procedure fcDrawDropDownArrow(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect;
- State: TButtonState; Enabled: Boolean; ControlState: TControlState);
- function fcExecuteColorDialog(AColor: TColor): TColor;
- procedure fcGetChildRegions(Control: TWinControl; Transparent: Boolean; Rgn: HRGN; Offset: TPoint; Flags: Integer);
- function fcFindGlobalComponent(const Name: string): TComponent;
- function fcIsDesigning(control: TControl): boolean;
- procedure fcDisableParentClipping(Parent: TWinControl);
- function fcIsInGrid(dtp:TWinControl):boolean;
- Function fcstrRemoveChar(str: string; removeChar: char): string;
- Function fcGetWord(s: string; var APos: integer; Options: TfcGetWordOptions;
- DelimSet: fcstrCharSet): string;
- Function fcMessageCodeToChar( code: Word ): Char;
- function fcUseThemes(Control: TControl): boolean;
- Function fcGetControlList(Controller: TComponent): TList;
- procedure fcUpdateController(
- var FController: TComponent;
- Value: TComponent;
- Control: TControl);
- type
- TfcInteger = record
- Value: Integer;
- end;
- function fcWithInteger(Value: Integer): TfcInteger;
- // Animation
- type
- TfcAnimateListItem = class
- Control: TWinControl;
- Bitmap: TBitmap;
- OrigRect: TRect;
- CurRect: TRect;
- FinalRect: TRect;
- end;
- TfcGroupAnimateItem = class
- MainItem: TfcAnimateListItem;
- SecondItem: TfcAnimateListItem;
- end;
- procedure fcAnimateControls(Control: TWinControl; ControlCanvas: TCanvas; AnimateList: TList; Interval: Integer; Steps: Integer; SetBoundsProc: TfcSetBoundsProc);
- procedure fcBufferredAnimation(ControlCanvas: TCanvas; AnimateList: TList; Interval: Integer; Steps: Integer);
- //Graphic Functions...
- procedure fcTileDraw(Source: TGraphic; Dest: TCanvas; DstRect: TRect);
- procedure fcDrawMask(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Bitmap, Mask: TBitmap; Buffer: Boolean);
- procedure fcPaintTo(Control: TWinControl; Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer);
- function fcBytesPerScanline(PixelsPerScanline, BitsPerPixel, Alignment: Longint): Longint;
- Function fcIsTrueColorBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap): boolean;
- function fcCreateRegionFromBitmap(ABitmap:TBitmap;TransColor: TColor) : HRgn;
- function fcGetDIBBitsFromBitmap(aBitmap: TBITMAP; var BitmapInfo:TBitmapInfo; var pixbuf:Pointer; var bytespscanline:Integer; var Hb:HBitmap): Boolean;
- procedure fcSetDitherBitmap(DitherBitmap: TBitmap;
- Color1, Color2: TColor);
- procedure fcDither(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Color1, Color2: TColor);
- procedure fcOffsetBitmap(Bitmap: TfcBitmap; Transparent: TColor; Offset: TPoint);
- procedure fcDottedLine(Canvas: TCanvas; p1, p2: TPoint);
- procedure fcTransparentDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Bitmap: TfcBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor);
- procedure fcImageListDraw(ImageList: TCustomImageList; Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- X, Y: Integer; Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean);
- procedure fcImageListDrawFixBug(ImageList: TCustomImageList; Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- X, Y: Integer; Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean);
- procedure fcPaintRegion(Rgn: HRGN; DoOffset: Boolean; ShowModal: Boolean);
- procedure fcPaintCanvas(ACanvas: TCanvas; Modal: Boolean);
- procedure fcPaintGraphic(AGraphic: TGraphic; Modal: Boolean);
- procedure fcPaintDC(DC: HDC; Modal: Boolean);
- procedure fcClipBitmapToRegion(Bitmap: TfcBitmap; Rgn: HRGN);
- function fcGetDitherBrush: HBRUSH;
- // Value Functions
- function fcMinFloat(Int1, Int2: Double): Double; overload;
- function fcMin(Int1, Int2: Integer): Integer; overload;
- function fcMax(Int1, Int2: Integer): Integer; overload;
- function fcMaxFloat(Int1, Int2: Double): Double; overload;
- function fcLimit(Val: integer; Int1, Int2: Integer): integer;
- function fcThisThat(const Clause: Boolean; TrueVal, FalseVal: Integer): Integer;
- // Windows Structure Functions
- function fcRectWidth(Rect: TRect): Integer;
- function fcRectHeight(Rect: TRect): Integer;
- function fcSize(cx, cy: Integer): TSize;
- function fcSizeEqual(Size1, Size2: TSize): Boolean;
- procedure fcIncSize(var Size: TSize; Amount: Integer);
- function fcMessage(Msg: Cardinal; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM; MsgRslt: Cardinal): TMessage;
- // String Functions
- function fcSubstring(s: string; Start, Stop: integer): string;
- function fcReplace(s, Find, Replace: string): string;
- function fcIndexOf(Substr, s: string; Index: integer): integer;
- function fcLastIndexOf(Substr, s: string; Index: integer): integer;
- function fcNthIndexOf(Substr, s: string; Index: integer): integer;
- function fcCountTokens(s, Delimiter: string): integer;
- function fcGetToken(s, Delimiter: string; Index: integer): string;
- function fcSetToken(s, Delimiter, Token: string; Index: integer): string;
- function fcFindToken(s, Delimiter, Token: string): Integer;
- function fcMultiLineTextSize(Canvas: TCanvas; Text: string; LineSpacing: Integer;
- MaxWidth: Integer; DrawFlags: Integer): TSize;
- function fcStripAmpersands(Value: string): string;
- // Integer Functions
- function fcSign(Value: Extended): Integer;
- procedure fcCreateDisabledBitmap(SrcBm, DstBm: TBitmap);
- // Font Functions
- function fcGetFontIcon(FaceName: string): TfcFontType;
- function fcGetFontType(AFontType: Integer): TfcFontType;
- function fcLogFont: TLogFont;
- var fcVersion1stClass: string;
- {$r-}
- const
- BitMask: array[0..7] of byte = (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1);
- fcComCtlVersionIE3 = $00040046;
- fcComCtlVersionIE4 = $00040047;
- fcComCtlVersionIE401 = $00040048;
- fcComCtlDllName = 'comctl32.dll';
- implementation
- {$ifdef fcDelphi7Up}
- uses Themes;
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef ThemeManager}
- uses thememgr, themesrv, uxtheme;
- {$endif}
- var fcComCtlVersion: Integer;
- {$r fcBrushes.res}
- {$r fcCmbBtn.res}
- function fcGetComCtlVersion: Integer;
- var
- FileName: string;
- InfoSize, Wnd: DWORD;
- VerBuf: Pointer;
- FI: PVSFixedFileInfo;
- VerSize: DWORD;
- begin
- if fcComCtlVersion = 0 then
- begin
- FileName := fcComCtlDllName;
- InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Wnd);
- if InfoSize <> 0 then
- begin
- GetMem(VerBuf, InfoSize);
- try
- if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), Wnd, InfoSize, VerBuf) then
- if VerQueryValue(VerBuf, '', Pointer(FI), VerSize) then
- fcComCtlVersion := FI.dwFileVersionMS;
- finally
- FreeMem(VerBuf);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := fcComCtlVersion;
- end;
- // Function for determining the current shiftstate
- function fcGetShiftState: TShiftState;
- begin
- Result := [];
- if GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 then Include(Result, ssShift);
- if GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 then Include(Result, ssCtrl);
- if GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt);
- end;
- // 3/1/2002-PYW-Modified to support E notation.
- function fcStrToFloat2(const S: string; var FloatValue: Extended; DisplayFormat: string): boolean;
- //var Buffer: array[0..63] of char;
- // Temp: Extended;
- var i, startpos: integer;
- FloatString, TempText: string;
- Negative: boolean;
- ValidSet: fcStrCharSet;
- begin
- result:= True;
- FloatString:= '';
- if length(s)=0 then exit;
- //StripLeading non digits
- for i:= 1 to length(s) do
- if s[i] in ['-', '0'..'9', DecimalSeparator, '('] then break;
- startpos:= i;
- Negative:= (s[i]='-');
- //StripLeading non digits again if found negative.
- if Negative then
- begin
- for i:= startpos to length(s) do
- if s[i] in ['0'..'9', DecimalSeparator, '('] then break;
- startpos:= i;
- end;
- //Remove commas and decimal point
- for i:= startpos to length(s) do begin
- if (i>startpos) then
- begin
- // 3/1/2002-PYW-Modified to support E notation.
- ValidSet:= ['0'..'9', '(', ')', DecimalSeparator, ThousandSeparator, 'E'];
- if length(CurrencyString)>0 then ValidSet:= ValidSet + [CurrencyString[1]];
- if not (s[i] in ValidSet) then continue; // 8/15/2001 - Keep scanning for other digits.
- end;
- if s[i]='(' then FloatString:= FloatString + '-';
- if (s[i] in ['0'..'9', DecimalSeparator, 'E']) then
- begin
- // 3/1/2002-PYW-Modified to support E notation.
- if (s[i]= 'E') then
- begin
- if (i>1) and (s[i-1] in ['0'..'9']) and
- (i<length(s)) and (s[i+1] in ['+','-', '0'..'9']) then
- FloatString:= FloatString + s[i]
- end
- else
- FloatString:= FloatString + s[i]
- end
- end;
- if Negative then FloatString:= '-' + FloatString;
- result:= TextToFloat(pchar(FloatString), FloatValue, fvExtended);
- if result and (FloatValue>0) and (DisplayFormat<>'') then begin
- TempText:= FormatFloat(DisplayFormat, FloatValue);
- if (TempText<>s) then
- begin
- TempText:= FormatFloat(DisplayFormat, -FloatValue);
- if TempText=s then FloatValue:=-FloatValue;
- end
- end;
- end;
- function fcStrToFloat(str:string; DisplayFormat: string = ''):extended;
- function Stripcomma(s:string):String;
- var i:integer;
- c:char;
- begin
- i:=1;
- result :='';
- while i<=length(s) do begin
- c:=s[i];
- if c <> thousandseparator then
- result := result + Copy(s,i,1);
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if not fcStrToFloat2(str, result, DisplayFormat) then
- result:= 0;
- // result:= fcStrToRealDef(stripcomma(str),0.00);
- end;
- function fcStrToRealDef(const S: string; Default: Extended): Real;
- var E: Integer;
- begin
- Val(S, Result, E);
- if E <> 0 then Result := Default
- end;
- { Return true if class is derived from 'Name' }
- { This code is more code efficient than InheritsFrom or 'Is'
- as it does not require that the compiler link in the class }
- function fcIsClass(ClassType: TClass; const Name: string): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- while ClassType <> nil do
- begin
- { if ClassType.ClassNameIs(Name) then Exit;}
- if uppercase(ClassType.ClassName)=uppercase(Name) then Exit;
- ClassType := ClassType.ClassParent;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- function fcParentGridFocused(AControl:TControl): boolean;
- begin
- result:= False;
- if fcIsClass(AControl.Parent.ClassType, 'TwwDBGrid') then
- if AControl.Parent.Focused then result:= True
- end;
- function fcIsInwwGrid(AControl: TControl): Boolean;
- begin
- result := False;
- if AControl.Parent = nil then Exit;
- if fcIsClass(AControl.Parent.ClassType, 'TCustomGrid') then { 6/28/99 - Support any TCustomGrid }
- result := True;
- end;
- {$ifdef fcDelphi4Up}
- function fcIsInwwObjectView(control: TWinControl):boolean;
- begin
- result := False;
- if fcisClass(control.Parent.classType, 'TwwDataInspector') then
- result := True;
- end;
- function fcIsInwwObjectViewPaint(control: TWinControl):boolean;
- begin
- result := False;
- if fcisClass(control.Parent.classType, 'TwwDataInspector') then
- if csPaintCopy in control.ControlState then
- result := True;
- end;
- function fcIsInwwGridPaint(control: TWinControl):boolean;
- begin
- result := False;
- if fcisClass(control.Parent.classType, 'TCustomGrid') then
- if csPaintCopy in control.ControlState then
- result := True;
- end;
- {$endif}
- function fcGetGridOptions(AControl:TControl): TwwDBGridOptions;
- begin
- Result := [];
- if fcIsClass(AControl.Parent.ClassType, 'TwwDBGrid') then
- PChar(@result)^ := Char(fcGetOrdProp(AControl.Parent, 'Options'));
- end;
- // String Functions for stripping out spaces
- procedure fcStripPreceding(var s: string);
- var i,len: integer;
- begin
- i:= 1;
- len:= length(s);
- while (i<=length(s)) and (s[i] in [' ',#9]) do i:= i+1;
- if ((len<>0) and (i<=len)) then
- s:= copy(s,i,len-i+1)
- else if (len<>0) then s:='';
- end;
- procedure fcStripTrailing(var s: string);
- var len: integer;
- begin
- len := length(s);
- while (len > 0) and (s[len] in [' ', #9]) do len := len - 1;
- SetLength(s, len);
- end;
- Procedure fcStripWhiteSpace(var s: string);
- var tempstr: string;
- begin
- tempstr := s;
- fcStripPreceding(tempstr);
- fcStripTrailing(tempstr);
- s := tempstr;
- end;
- {Gets the Byte Values for a color independent of order of Color}
- procedure fcColorToByteValues(AColor: TColor; var Reserved, Blue, Green, Red: Byte);
- var WinColor: COLORREF;
- begin
- WinColor := ColorToRGB(AColor);
- Reserved := ($FF000000 and WinColor) Shr 24;
- Blue := ($00FF0000 and WinColor) Shr 16;
- Green := ($0000FF00 and WinColor) Shr 8;
- Red := ($000000FF and WinColor);
- end;
- function fcRGBToHexString(R,G,B:Byte):String;
- begin
- result := Format('%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x',[R,G,B]);
- end;
- function fcColorToRGBString(AColor: TColor): string;
- var red1,blue1,green1,reserved:byte;
- begin
- fcColorToByteValues(AColor,reserved,blue1,green1,red1);
- result := 'RGB: '+IntToStr(red1)+', '
- +IntToStr(green1) + ', '
- +IntToStr(blue1);
- end;
- function fcGetItemsFromStringList(SList:TStrings;Index:integer): String;
- begin
- result := SList.Strings[Index];
- end;
- function fcGetNamesFromStringList(AList:TStrings;Index:integer): String;
- begin
- result := '';
- if (Index <> -1) then result := AList.Names[Index];
- end;
- function fcGetValuesFromStringList(AList:TStrings;Index: Integer): string;
- var temps:string;
- begin
- temps:=AList.Strings[Index]; //List is in RGB already...
- temps := Copy(temps,pos('=',temps)+1,length(temps));
- fcStripWhiteSpace(temps);
- result :=Temps;
- end;
- function fcGetColorFromList(AList:TStrings;Index: Integer): TColor;
- var temps:string;
- begin
- temps := fcGetValuesFromStringList(AList,Index);
- result := StringToColor('$'+temps);
- end;
- {Returns -1 if ColorValue is not found in the list;
- otherwise returns the index position in the list}
- function fcValueInList(Value: string; List: TStrings): integer;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- result := -1;
- for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
- if fcGetValuesFromStringList(List,i) = Value then begin result := i; break; end;
- end;
- function fcNameInList(Name: string; List: TStrings): integer;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- result := -1;
- for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
- if AnsiUppercase(List.Names[i]) = AnsiUppercase(Name) then { RSW }
- begin
- result := i;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- function fcSetColorDialogCustomColors(AList:TStrings):TStrings;
- var sList:TStringList;
- i:Integer;
- begin
- sList := TStringList.Create;
- for i:= ord('A') to ord('P') do
- sList.Add('Color'+Char(i)+'='+AList.Values[AList.Names[i-ord('A')]]);
- result := sList;
- end;
- procedure fcQuickSort(SList: TStrings; L, R: Integer;
- SCompare: TwwListSortCompare; SGetString:TwwGetCompareString);
- var
- I, J: Integer;
- P, T: String;
- begin
- repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- P := SGetString(SList,((L + R) shr 1));
- repeat
- while (i<=SList.count-1) and(SCompare(SGetString(SList,I), P) < 0) do
- Inc(I);
- while (j>=0) and (SCompare(SGetString(SList,J), P) > 0) do Dec(J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- T := SList[I];
- SList[I] := SList[J];
- SList[J] := T;
- Inc(I);
- Dec(J);
- end;
- until I > J;
- if L < J then fcQuickSort(SList, L, J, SCompare, SGetString);
- L := I;
- until I >= R;
- end;
- function fcIsTrueColorBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap): boolean;
- begin
- result:= Bitmap.PixelFormat = Graphics.pf24bit;
- end;
- function fcBytesPerScanline(PixelsPerScanline, BitsPerPixel, Alignment: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- Dec(Alignment);
- Result := ((PixelsPerScanline * BitsPerPixel) + Alignment) and not Alignment;
- Result := Result div 8;
- end;
- // This function creates a HBitmap that must be deleted using DeleteObject by the caller
- function fcGetDIBBitsFromBitmap(aBitmap: TBITMAP; var BitmapInfo:TBitmapInfo; var pixbuf:Pointer; var bytespscanline:Integer; var Hb:HBitmap): Boolean;
- begin
- FillChar(BitmapInfo, SizeOf(TBitmapInfo), 0);
- with BitmapInfo.bmiheader do
- begin
- biSize := sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
- biWidth := ABitmap.Width;
- biHeight := -ABitmap.Height; //DIBs are Bottom up
- biPlanes :=1;
- biBitCount := 24;
- biCompression := BI_RGB;
- bytespscanline := fcBytesPerScanline(LongInt(biwidth),biBitCount, 32);
- end;
- hb := CreateDIBSection(ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pixbuf, 0, 0);
- if (pixbuf = nil) or (hb = 0) then
- begin
- raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Could Not Create DIB Section');
- Exit;
- end;
- GetDIBits(ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, aBitmap.handle, 0, ABitmap.height, pixbuf, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- result := True;
- end;
- type TNewImageList = class(TImageList);
- function fcCreateRegionFromBitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap; TransColor: TColor): HRgn;
- var
- TempBitmap: TBitmap;
- Rgn1, Rgn2: HRgn;
- Col, StartCol, Row: integer;
- Line: PByteArray;
- function ColToColor(Col: integer): TColor;
- begin
- if fcIsTrueColorBitmap(TempBitmap) then
- result:= Line[Col * 3] * 256 * 256 + Line[Col * 3 + 1] * 256 + Line[Col * 3 + 2]
- else result := TColor(fcThisThat((Line[Col div 8] and BitMask[Col mod 8]) <> 0, clBlack, clWhite));
- end;
- begin
- result := 0;
- if (ABitmap <> nil) and (ABitmap.Width = 0) or (ABitmap.Height = 0) then Exit;
- Rgn1 := 0;
- TempBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- TempBitmap.Assign(ABitmap);
- if not fcIsTrueColorBitmap(TempBitmap) then
- begin
- TempBitmap.Mask(TransColor);
- TransColor := clBlack;
- end;
- with TempBitmap do
- begin
- for Row := 0 to TempBitmap.height-1 do
- begin
- Line:= scanLine[row];
- Col := 0;
- while Col < TempBitmap.Width do
- begin
- while (Col < TempBitmap.Width) and (ColToColor(Col) = TransColor) do inc(Col);
- if Col >= TempBitmap.Width then Continue;
- StartCol := Col;
- while (Col < TempBitmap.Width) and (ColToColor(Col) <> TransColor) do inc(Col);
- if Col >= TempBitmap.Width then Col := TempBitmap.Width;
- if Rgn1 = 0 then Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn(StartCol, Row, Col, Row + 1)
- else begin
- Rgn2 := CreateRectRgn(StartCol, Row, Col, Row + 1);
- if (Rgn2 <> 0) then CombineRgn(Rgn1,Rgn1,Rgn2,RGN_OR);
- Deleteobject(Rgn2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := Rgn1;
- TempBitmap.Free;
- end;
- function fcRegionFromBitmap(ABitmap: TfcBitmap; TransColor: TColor): HRgn;
- var
- Rgn1, Rgn2: HRgn;
- Col, StartCol, Row: integer;
- begin
- result := 0;
- if (ABitmap <> nil) and (ABitmap.Width = 0) or (ABitmap.Height = 0) then Exit;
- Rgn1 := 0;
- if TransColor = -1 then TransColor := fcGetStdColor(ABitmap.Pixels[0, 0]);
- with ABitmap do
- begin
- for Row := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- Col := 0;
- while Col < Width do
- begin
- while (Col < Width) and (fcGetStdColor(Pixels[Row, Col]) = TransColor) do
- inc(Col);
- if Col >= Width then Continue;
- StartCol := Col;
- while (Col < Width) and (fcGetStdColor(Pixels[Row, Col]) <> TransColor) do inc(Col);
- if Col >= Width then Col := Width;
- if Rgn1 = 0 then Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn(StartCol, Row, Col, Row + 1)
- else begin
- Rgn2 := CreateRectRgn(StartCol, Row, Col, Row + 1);
- if (Rgn2 <> 0) then CombineRgn(Rgn1,Rgn1,Rgn2,RGN_OR);
- Deleteobject(Rgn2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- result := Rgn1;
- end;
- procedure fcSetDitherBitmap(DitherBitmap: TBitmap;
- Color1, Color2: TColor);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- { if (Screen.ActiveForm<>nil) and (Screen.ActiveForm.Canvas.Handle<>0) then
- begin
- if GetDeviceCaps(Screen.ActiveForm.canvas.handle, BITSPIXEL)<=4 then
- DitherBitmap.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, 'SELECTIONBRUSH')
- else DitherBitmap.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, 'SELECTIONBRUSH256');
- end
- else}
- DitherBitmap.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, 'SELECTIONBRUSH');
- for i := 0 to DitherBitmap.Width - 1 do
- for j := 0 to DitherBitmap.Height - 1 do
- if (i + j) mod 2 = 0 then DitherBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[i, j] := clWhite
- else DitherBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[i, j] := clBlack;
- DitherBitmap.Monochrome := True;
- end;
- function fcMin(Int1, Int2: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if Int1 < Int2 then result := Int1 else result := Int2;
- end;
- function fcMinFloat(Int1, Int2: Double): Double;
- begin
- if Int1 < Int2 then result := Int1 else result := Int2;
- end;
- function fcMax(Int1, Int2: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if Int1 > Int2 then result := Int1 else result := Int2;
- end;
- function fcMaxFloat(Int1, Int2: Double): Double;
- begin
- if Int1 > Int2 then result := Int1 else result := Int2;
- end;
- function fcLimit(Val: integer; Int1, Int2: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- val:= fcMax(val, int1);
- val:= fcMin(val, int2);
- result:= val;
- end;
- procedure fcPlayKeystroke(Handle: HWND; VKChar: word; VKShift: Word);
- var
- KeyState: TKeyboardState;
- NewKeyState: TKeyboardState;
- begin
- GetKeyboardState(KeyState);
- NewKeyState:= KeyState;
- NewKeyState [VKShift] := $81;
- NewKeyState [VKChar] := $81;
- SetKeyboardState(NewKeyState);
- PostMessage(Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, VKChar, 1);
- PostMessage(Handle, WM_KEYUP, VKChar, 1);
- SetKeyboardState(KeyState);
- end;
- function fcRectWidth(Rect: TRect): Integer;
- begin
- result := Rect.Right - Rect.Left;
- end;
- function fcRectHeight(Rect: TRect): Integer;
- begin
- result := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top;
- end;
- function fcSubstring(s: string; Start, Stop: integer): string;
- begin
- if Stop = 0 then result := Copy(s, Start, length(s) - Start + 1)
- else result := Copy(s, Start, Stop - Start);
- end;
- function fcIndexOf(Substr, s: string; Index: integer): integer;
- begin
- result := pos(Substr, fcSubstring(s, Index, 0));
- if result <> 0 then result := result + Index - 1;
- end;
- function fcLastIndexOf(Substr, s: string; Index: integer): integer;
- begin
- if Index = 0 then Index := Length(s);
- for result := Index - Length(Substr) downto 1 do
- if Copy(s, result, Length(Substr)) = Substr then break;
- end;
- // Returns the position of Index'th (zero-based) occurance of Substring
- function fcNthIndexOf(Substr, s: string; Index: integer): integer;
- var Counter: integer;
- begin
- Counter := -1;
- result := 0;
- while Counter < Index do
- begin
- inc(Counter);
- result := fcIndexOf(Substr, s, result + 1);
- end;
- end;
- // Index is zero based. eg.
- function fcCountTokens(s, Delimiter: string): integer;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- result := 0;
- if length(s) > 0 then result := 1;
- for i := 1 to Length(s) do
- if Copy(s, i, Length(Delimiter)) = Delimiter then inc(result);
- end;
- // fcGetToken('RichEdit's are great!', ' ', 1) will return 'are'
- function fcGetToken(s, Delimiter: string; Index: integer): string;
- var Temp: integer;
- begin
- if (Index >= fcCountTokens(s, Delimiter)) then result := ''
- else begin
- Temp := fcNthIndexOf(Delimiter, s, Index - 1);
- if Temp <> 0 then inc(Temp, Length(Delimiter))
- else Temp := 1;
- result := fcSubstring(s, Temp, fcNthIndexOf(Delimiter, s, Index));
- end;
- end;
- // Set's a given token to the given value and returns the updated string.
- function fcSetToken(s, Delimiter, Token: string; Index: integer): string;
- var Temp: integer;
- begin
- Temp := fcNthIndexOf(Delimiter, s, Index - 1);
- if Temp <> 0 then inc(Temp, Length(Delimiter));
- if Temp = 0 then
- begin
- Temp := Length(s) + Length(Delimiter) + 1;
- s := s + Delimiter;
- end;
- if fcNthIndexOf(Delimiter, s, Index) <> 0 then
- result :=
- fcSubstring(s, 1, Temp) +
- Token +
- fcSubstring(s, fcNthIndexOf(Delimiter, s, Index), 0)
- else
- result :=
- fcSubstring(s, 1, Temp) +
- Token;
- end;
- function fcFindToken(s, Delimiter, Token: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- result := -1;
- for i := 0 to fcCountTokens(s, Delimiter) - 1 do
- if fcGetToken(s, Delimiter, i) = Token then
- begin
- result := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- function fcGetPropInfo(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string): PPropInfo;
- begin
- result := GetPropInfo(Component.ClassInfo, PropName);
- if result = nil then raise EInvalidOperation.Create(Format('Property %s does not exist.', [Propname]));
- end;
- function fcGenerateName(Component: TComponent; const Base: string): string;
- var i, j: Integer;
- Accept: Boolean;
- begin
- i := 1;
- while True do
- begin
- result := Base + InttoStr(i);
- Accept := True;
- for j := 0 to Component.ComponentCount - 1 do
- if Component.Components[j].Name = result then
- begin
- Accept := False;
- Break;
- end;
- if Accept then Break;
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- function fcGetCursorPos: TPoint;
- begin
- GetCursorPos(result);
- end;
- function fcThisThat(const Clause: Boolean; TrueVal, FalseVal: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if Clause then result := TrueVal else Result := FalseVal;
- end;
- function fcSize(cx, cy: Integer): TSize;
- begin
- result.cx := cx;
- result.cy := cy;
- end;
- function fcSizeEqual(Size1, Size2: TSize): Boolean;
- begin
- result := (Size1.cx = Size2.cx) and (Size1.cy = Size2.cy);
- end;
- function fcStripAmpersands(Value: string): string;
- begin
- result := fcReplace(Value, '&&', #0);
- result := fcReplace(result, '&', '');
- result := fcReplace(result, #0, '&');
- end;
- function fcReplace(s, Find, Replace: string): string;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- i := 1;
- result := '';
- while i <> 0 do
- begin
- result := result + fcSubstring(s, i, fcIndexOf(Find, s, i));
- if fcIndexOf(Find, s, i) = 0 then Break;
- result := result + Replace;
- i := fcIndexOf(Find, s, i);
- if i <> 0 then inc(i, Length(Find));
- end;
- end;
- function fcLineHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; Flags: Integer; MaxWidth: Integer; Line: string): Integer;
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- r := Rect(0, 0, MaxWidth, 0);
- DrawTextEx(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Line), Length(Line), r, Flags or DT_CALCRECT, nil);
- result := fcRectHeight(r);
- end;
- function fcMultiLineTextSize(Canvas: TCanvas; Text: string; LineSpacing: Integer;
- MaxWidth: Integer; DrawFlags: Integer): TSize;
- var i: Integer;
- s: string;
- TokenCount: Integer;
- r: TRect;
- begin
- TokenCount := fcCountTokens(Text, #13#10);
- result := fcSize(0, 0);
- for i := 0 to TokenCount - 1 do
- begin
- s := fcGetToken(Text, #13#10, i);
- if MaxWidth = 0 then
- begin
- inc(result.cy, Canvas.TextHeight(s));
- if Canvas.TextWidth(s) > result.cx then result.cx := Canvas.TextWidth(s);
- end else begin
- r := Rect(0, 0, MaxWidth, 0);
- DrawTextEx(Canvas.Handle, PChar(s), Length(s), r, DrawFlags or DT_CALCRECT, nil);
- inc(result.cy, fcRectHeight(r));
- if fcRectWidth(r) > result.cx then result.cx := fcRectWidth(r);
- end;
- if i < TokenCount - 1 then inc(result.cy, LineSpacing);
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcAdjustFlag(Condition: Boolean; var Flag: UINT; FlagVal: UINT);
- begin
- if Condition then Flag := Flag or FlagVal
- else Flag := Flag and not FlagVal;
- end;
- function fcSign(Value: Extended): Integer;
- begin
- if Value > 0 then result := 1 else if Value < 0 then result := -1 else result := 0;
- end;
- procedure fcOffsetBitmap(Bitmap: TfcBitmap; Transparent: TColor; Offset: TPoint);
- var TempBitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- TempBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- TempBitmap.Assign(Bitmap);
- TempBitmap.Width := TempBitmap.Width + Abs(Offset.x) * 2;
- TempBitmap.Height := TempBitmap.Height + Abs(Offset.y) * 2;
- TempBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := Transparent;
- TempBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, TempBitmap.Width, TempBitmap.Height));
- TempBitmap.Canvas.Draw(Offset.x, Offset.y, Bitmap);
- Bitmap.Assign(TempBitmap);
- TempBitmap.Free;
- end;
- procedure fcDottedLine(Canvas: TCanvas; p1, p2: TPoint);
- var i: integer;
- x, y: integer;
- tot: integer;
- begin
- {var ABrush: HBRUSH;
- begin
- ABrush := fcGetDitherBrush;
- SelectObject(Canvas.Handle, ABrush);
- SetTextColor(Canvas.Handle, clBlack);
- SetBkColor(Canvas.Handle, clWhite);
- SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- PatBlt(Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, 1, 20, $A000C9);
- DeleteObject(ABrush);}
- Canvas.Refresh;
- x := p1.x;
- y := p1.y;
- tot := fcMax(Abs(p2.y - p1.y), Abs(p2.x - p1.x));
- for i := 0 to tot do if i mod 2 = 0 then
- begin
- Canvas.Polyline([Point(x,y), Point(x+1,y+1)]);
- inc(x, (p2.x - p1.x) div fcMax(1, (tot div 2)));
- inc(y, (p2.y - p1.y) div fcMax(1, (tot div 2)));
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcTransparentDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Bitmap: TfcBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor);
- var MaskBm: TfcBitmap;
- Mask: TBitmap;
- TmpBitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- if TransparentColor = -1 then TransparentColor := fcGetStdColor(Bitmap.Pixels[0, 0]);
- MaskBm := TfcBitmap.Create;
- MaskBm.Assign(Bitmap);
- MaskBm.Mask(fcGetColor(TransparentColor));
- Mask := TBitmap.Create;
- Mask.Assign(MaskBm);
- Mask.Monochrome := True;
- MaskBm.Free;
- TmpBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- TmpBitmap.Assign(Bitmap);
- fcDrawMask(Canvas, ARect, TmpBitmap, Mask, True);
- TmpBitmap.Free;
- Mask.Free;
- end;
- function fcModifyColor(Color: TColor; Amount: Integer; Percent: Boolean): TColor;
- var Colors: TRGBQuad;
- function HighestOthers(Value: PByte): Byte;
- begin
- with Colors do
- begin
- result := 0;
- if Value = @rgbBlue then result := fcMax(rgbRed, rgbGreen)
- else if Value = @rgbRed then result := fcMax(rgbBlue, rgbGreen)
- else if Value = @rgbGreen then result := fcMax(rgbRed, rgbBlue);
- end;
- end;
- function Check(Value: Integer): Byte;
- begin
- result := Value;
- if Value < 0 then result := 0;
- if Value > 255 then result := 255;
- end;
- procedure DoChange(Value: PByte);
- begin
- if (Value^ = 0) and (HighestOthers(Value) = 255) and (Amount > 0) then
- begin
- if Percent then Value^ := Check(255 * Amount div 100)
- else Value^ := Check(Amount);
- end else begin
- if Percent then
- begin
- if Amount > 0 then Value^ := Check(Value^ + (255 - Value^) * Amount div 100)
- else Value^ := Check(Value^ + Value^ * Amount div 100);
- end else Value^ := Check(Value^ + Amount);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- with Colors do
- begin
- fcColorToByteValues(Color, rgbReserved, rgbBlue, rgbGreen, rgbRed);
- DoChange(@rgbRed);
- DoChange(@rgbBlue);
- DoChange(@rgbGreen);
- result := RGB(rgbRed, rgbGreen, rgbBlue);
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcImageListDraw(ImageList: TCustomImageList; Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- X, Y: Integer; Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean);
- const
- ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746;
- var
- R: TRect;
- DestDC, SrcDC: HDC;
- function GetRGBColor(Value: TColor): DWORD;
- begin
- Result := ColorToRGB(Value);
- case Result of
- clNone: Result := CLR_NONE;
- clDefault: Result := CLR_DEFAULT;
- end;
- end;
- var AMonoBitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- with ImageList do
- begin
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- if Enabled then
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0,
- GetRGBColor(TImageList(ImageList).BkColor), GetRGBColor(TImageList(ImageList).BlendColor), Style)
- else
- begin
- AMonoBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- with AMonoBitmap do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Width := TImageList(ImageList).Width;
- Height := TImageList(ImageList).Height;
- end;
- { Store masked version of image temporarily in FBitmap }
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, AMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,
- R := Rect(X, Y, X+TImageList(ImageList).Width, Y+TImageList(ImageList).Height);
- SrcDC := AMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle;
- { Convert Black to clBtnHighlight }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- DestDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Windows.SetTextColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- Windows.SetBkColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- BitBlt(DestDC, X+1, Y+1, TImageList(ImageList).Width, TImageList(ImageList).Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- { Convert Black to clBtnShadow }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnShadow;
- DestDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Windows.SetTextColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- Windows.SetBkColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- BitBlt(DestDC, X, Y, TImageList(ImageList).Width, TImageList(ImageList).Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- AMonoBitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcImageListDrawFixBug(ImageList: TCustomImageList; Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- X, Y: Integer; Style: Cardinal; Enabled: Boolean);
- const
- ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746;
- var
- R: TRect;
- DestDC, SrcDC: HDC;
- function GetRGBColor(Value: TColor): DWORD;
- begin
- Result := ColorToRGB(Value);
- case Result of
- clNone: Result := CLR_NONE;
- clDefault: Result := CLR_DEFAULT;
- end;
- end;
- var AMonoBitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- with ImageList do
- begin
- if HandleAllocated then
- begin
- if Enabled then
- if odd(x) then
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X-1, Y, 0, 0, //ImageList.Width, ImageList.Height,
- GetRGBColor(TImageList(ImageList).BkColor), GetRGBColor(TImageList(ImageList).BlendColor), Style)
- else
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, Canvas.Handle, X, Y, 0, 0,
- GetRGBColor(TImageList(ImageList).BkColor), GetRGBColor(TImageList(ImageList).BlendColor), Style)
- else
- begin
- AMonoBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- with AMonoBitmap do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Width := TImageList(ImageList).Width;
- Height := TImageList(ImageList).Height;
- end;
- { Store masked version of image temporarily in FBitmap }
- ImageList_DrawEx(Handle, Index, AMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,
- R := Rect(X, Y, X+TImageList(ImageList).Width, Y+TImageList(ImageList).Height);
- SrcDC := AMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle;
- { Convert Black to clBtnHighlight }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- DestDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Windows.SetTextColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- Windows.SetBkColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- BitBlt(DestDC, X+1, Y+1, TImageList(ImageList).Width, TImageList(ImageList).Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- { Convert Black to clBtnShadow }
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnShadow;
- DestDC := Canvas.Handle;
- Windows.SetTextColor(DestDC, clWhite);
- Windows.SetBkColor(DestDC, clBlack);
- BitBlt(DestDC, X, Y, TImageList(ImageList).Width, TImageList(ImageList).Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- AMonoBitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcIncSize(var Size: TSize; Amount: Integer);
- begin
- inc(Size.cx, Amount);
- inc(Size.cy, Amount);
- end;
- function fcGetHintWindow: THintWindow;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- result := nil;
- for i := 0 to Application.ComponentCount - 1 do
- if Application.Components[i] is THintWindow then
- begin
- result := Application.Components[i] as THintWindow;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- function fcMessage(Msg: Cardinal; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM; MsgRslt: Cardinal): TMessage;
- begin
- result.Msg := Msg;
- result.wParam := wParam;
- result.lParam := lParam;
- result.Result := MsgRslt;
- end;
- function fcGetFontType(AFontType: Integer): TfcFontType;
- begin
- if AFontType = DEVICE_FONTTYPE then result := ftPrinter
- else if AFontType and TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE <> 0 then result := ftTrueType
- else result := ftOther;
- end;
- function fcFontCallBack(lpelf: PEnumLogFontEx; lpntm: PNewTextMetricEx; FontType: Integer;
- FontIcon: PfcFontType): Integer; stdcall;
- begin
- result := 0;
- FontIcon^ := fcGetFontType(FontType);
- end;
- function fcGetFontIcon(FaceName: string): TfcFontType;
- var lf: TLogFont;
- begin
- FillChar(lf, SizeOf(lf), 0);
- StrLCopy(lf.lfFaceName, PChar(FaceName), 32);
- EnumFontFamiliesEx(Printers.Printer.Handle, lf, @fcFontCallback, Integer(@result), 0);
- end;
- function fcGetStrProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string): string;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- result := '';
- PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Component.ClassInfo, PropName);
- if PropInfo <> nil then result := GetStrProp(Component, PropInfo);
- end;
- function fcGetOrdProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string): Integer;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- result := 0;
- PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Component.ClassInfo, PropName);
- if PropInfo <> nil then result := GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo);
- end;
- procedure fcSetStrProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string; Value: string);
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Component.ClassInfo, PropName);
- if PropInfo <> nil then SetStrProp(Component, PropInfo, Value);
- end;
- procedure fcSetOrdProp(Component: TPersistent; PropName: string; Value: Integer);
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Component.ClassInfo, PropName);
- if PropInfo <> nil then SetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo, Value);
- end;
- procedure fcGetBooleanProps(Component: TPersistent; List: TStrings);
- var PropList: PPropList;
- i: Integer;
- PropCount: Integer;
- begin
- PropCount := GetTypeData(Component.ClassInfo).PropCount;
- GetMem(PropList, PropCount * Sizeof(Pointer));
- try
- GetPropInfos(Component.ClassInfo, PropList);
- for i := 0 to PropCount - 1 do
- if (PropList[i]^.PropType^.Kind = tkEnumeration) and
- (PropList[i]^.PropType^.Name = 'Boolean') then
- List.Add(PropList[i].Name);
- finally
- FreeMem(PropList);
- end;
- end;
- function fcLogFont: TLogFont;
- begin
- with result do
- begin
- FillChar(result, SizeOf(result), 0);
- lfFaceName := '';
- lfPitchAndFamily := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcShowHint(Hint: string; Coord: TPoint);
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- with fcGetHintWindow do
- begin
- r := CalcHintRect(Screen.Width - Coord.x, Hint, nil);
- OffsetRect(r, Coord.x, Coord.y + 20);
- ActivateHint(r, Hint);
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcPaintGraphic(AGraphic: TGraphic; Modal: Boolean);
- var ASize: TSize;
- Form: TForm;
- begin
- ASize := fcSize(AGraphic.Width, AGraphic.Height);
- Form := TForm.Create(Application);
- with Form do
- begin
- Width := ASize.cx;
- Height := ASize.cy;
- Left := (Screen.Width - Width) div 2;
- Top := (Screen.Height - Height) div 2;
- with TImage.Create(Form) do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Align := alClient;
- Picture.Bitmap.Width := Width;
- Picture.Bitmap.Height := Height;
- Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, AGraphic);
- end;
- if Modal then ShowModal else Show;
- end;
- end;
- // The following three functions are handy debugging functions to
- // display a Canvas or Region. Great for bitmaps and stuff. -ksw
- procedure fcPaintCanvas(ACanvas: TCanvas; Modal: Boolean);
- const SCALE = 2;
- var ASize: TSize;
- Form: TForm;
- begin
- ASize := fcSize(fcRectWidth(ACanvas.ClipRect), fcRectHeight(ACanvas.ClipRect));
- Form := TForm.Create(Application);
- with Form do
- begin
- Width := ASize.cx * SCALE;
- Height := ASize.cy * SCALE;
- Left := (Screen.Width - Width) div 2;
- Top := (Screen.Height - Height) div 2;
- with TImage.Create(Form) do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Align := alClient;
- Picture.Bitmap.Width := Width;
- Picture.Bitmap.Height := Height;
- Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, ASize.cx, ASize.cy),
- ACanvas, Rect(0, 0, ASize.cx, ASize.cy));
- end;
- if Modal then ShowModal else Show;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcPaintDC(DC: HDC; Modal: Boolean);
- var ACanvas: TCanvas;
- begin
- ACanvas := TCanvas.Create;
- ACanvas.Handle := DC;
- fcPaintCanvas(ACanvas, Modal);
- ACanvas.Handle := 0;
- ACanvas.Free;
- end;
- procedure fcPaintRegion(Rgn: HRGN; DoOffset: Boolean; ShowModal: Boolean);
- const SCALE = 2;
- var RgnData: PRgnData;
- Size: Integer;
- Offset: TPoint;
- RgnSize: TSize;
- i: Integer;
- ACanvas: TCanvas;
- r: TRect;
- Form: TForm;
- begin
- Size := GetRegionData(Rgn, 0, nil);
- if Size = 0 then Exit;
- GetMem(RgnData, Size);
- try
- GetRegionData(Rgn, Size, RgnData);
- Offset := Point(0, 0);
- if DoOffset then Offset := RgnData^.rdh.rcBound.TopLeft;
- with RgnData^.rdh.rcBound.BottomRight do
- RgnSize := fcSize(x - Offset.x, y - Offset.y);
- Form := TForm.Create(Application);
- with Form do
- begin
- Width := RgnSize.cx * SCALE;
- Height := RgnSize.cy * SCALE;
- Left := (Screen.Width - Width) div 2;
- Top := (Screen.Height - Height) div 2;
- with TImage.Create(Form) do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Align := alClient;
- Picture.Bitmap.Width := Width;
- Picture.Bitmap.Height := Height;
- ACanvas := Picture.Bitmap.Canvas;
- ACanvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to RgnData^.rdh.nCount - 1 do
- begin
- r := PRect(Integer(@RgnData^.Buffer) + i * SizeOf(TRect))^;
- OffsetRect(r, -Offset.x, -Offset.y);
- ACanvas.FillRect(r);
- end;
- Form.ShowModal;
- Form.Free;
- finally
- FreeMem(RgnData);
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcGetChildRegions(Control: TWinControl; Transparent: Boolean; Rgn: HRGN; Offset: TPoint;
- Flags: Integer);
- var TmpRgn: HRGN;
- i: Integer;
- r: TRect;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Control.ControlCount - 1 do
- begin
- if Boolean(fcGetOrdProp(Control.Controls[i], 'Transparent')) then Continue;
- // RgnFlag := RGN_OR;
- if (Control.Controls[i] is TWinControl) then
- begin
- GetWindowRect(TWinControl(Control.Controls[i]).Handle, r);
- with Control.ClientToScreen(Point(0, 0)) do OffsetRect(r, -x, -y);
- end else begin
- r := Control.Controls[i].BoundsRect;
- if r.Right>Control.Width then r.Right:= Control.Width; { 5/2/99 - Limit to parent's boundaries }
- if r.Bottom>Control.Height then r.Bottom:= Control.Height
- end;
- OffsetRect(r, Offset.x, Offset.y);
- with r do TmpRgn := CreateRectRgn(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, TmpRgn, Flags);
- DeleteObject(TmpRgn);
- // fcGetChildRegions(TWinControl(Control.Controls[i]), True, Rgn);
- end;
- end;
- // Changes the size and position of an array of controls from a
- // beginning rect to an ending rect and animates the resizing/positioning.
- //
- // AnimateList - A TList of TAnimateListItem of each control to be
- // resized. Each item contains an item consisting of
- // Control, OrigRect, and FinalRect; all of which must
- // be initialized to proper values.
- //
- // Interval - The amount of time (in milliseconds) to pause between
- // each step of the resizing (length of each frame).
- //
- // Steps: - The number of individual frames that the animation
- // will take.
- //
- // - ksw (12/10/98)
- procedure fcAnimateControls(Control: TWinControl; ControlCanvas: TCanvas; AnimateList: TList; Interval: Integer; Steps: Integer; SetBoundsProc: TfcSetBoundsProc);
- var FStep: Integer;
- Percent: Double;
- { procedure UpdateControls;
- var i: Integer;
- Rgn, TmpRgn: HRGN;
- begin
- Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]), MainItem do
- begin
- Control.Update;
- with fcUnionRect(CurRect, Control.BoundsRect) do TmpRgn := CreateRectRgn(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, TmpRgn, RGN_OR);
- DeleteObject(TmpRgn);
- end;
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]), MainItem do
- begin
- with Control.BoundsRect do TmpRgn := CreateRectRgn(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, TmpRgn, RGN_DIFF);
- DeleteObject(TmpRgn);
- end;
- ValidateRect(Control.Handle, nil);
- InvalidateRgn(Control.Handle, Rgn, True);
- Control.Update;
- DeleteObject(Rgn);
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]) do if SecondItem <> nil then with SecondItem do
- Control.Update;
- end;}
- procedure UpdateControls;
- var i: Integer;
- r: TRect;
- begin
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- if SecondItem <> nil then
- begin
- r := SecondItem.Control.BoundsRect;
- ValidateRect(SecondItem.Control.Parent.Handle, @r);
- end;
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- begin
- MainItem.Control.Invalidate;
- MainItem.Control.Update;
- if SecondItem <> nil then
- begin
- InvalidateRect(SecondItem.Control.Handle, nil, True);
- { RSW - 4/15/99 - Only invalidate portion of rectangle }
- if (SecondItem.Control.Top = SecondItem.CurRect.Top) and
- (SecondItem.Control.Left = SecondItem.CurRect.Left) {and
- ((SecondItem.Control.Height <= SecondItem.Currect.Bottom-SecondItem.Currect.Top) or
- (SecondItem.Control.Width <= SecondItem.Currect.Right-SecondItem.Currect.Left))}
- then
- begin
- r:= SecondItem.Currect;
- ValidateRect(SecondItem.Control.Parent.Handle, @r);
- SecondItem.Control.Update;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetBounds(Item: TfcAnimateListItem);
- var R: TRect;
- begin
- with Item do
- begin
- CurRect := Control.BoundsRect;
- R := Rect(
- OrigRect.Left + Trunc((FinalRect.Left - OrigRect.Left) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Top + Trunc((FinalRect.Top - OrigRect.Top) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Right + Trunc((FinalRect.Right - OrigRect.Right) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Bottom + Trunc((FinalRect.Bottom - OrigRect.Bottom) * Percent)
- );
- if Assigned(SetBoundsProc) then SetBoundsProc(Control, R) else Control.BoundsRect := R;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Animate;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Percent := FStep / Steps;
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- begin
- SetBounds(MainItem);
- if SecondItem <> nil then SetBounds(SecondItem);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if AnimateList.Count > 0 then for FStep := 1 to Steps do
- begin
- Animate;
- // if FStep=Steps then break; { 4/10/99 - RSW, let caller invalidate last time }
- // { to take care of problem with non-rectangular regions being painted correctly }
- UpdateControls;
- // 4/3/03 - ProcessMessages causes problems with themes so we do not call in this case
- if not fcUseThemes(Control) then Application.ProcessMessages;
- Sleep(Interval);
- if not fcUseThemes(Control) then Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- {
- procedure fcAnimateControls(Control: TWinControl; ControlCanvas: TCanvas; AnimateList: TList; Interval: Integer; Steps: Integer; SetBoundsProc: TfcSetBoundsProc);
- var FStep: Integer;
- Percent: Double;
- procedure UpdateControls;
- var i: Integer;
- Rgn, TmpRgn: HRGN;
- FirstRect, LastRect: TRect;
- begin
- with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[0]).MainItem do FirstRect := fcUnionRect(CurRect, Control.BoundsRect);
- with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[AnimateList.Count - 1]).MainItem do LastRect := fcUnionRect(CurRect, Control.BoundsRect);
- with fcUnionRect(FirstRect, LastRect) do Rgn := CreateRectRgn(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]), MainItem do
- begin
- Control.Update;
- with Control.BoundsRect do TmpRgn := CreateRectRgn(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, TmpRgn, RGN_DIFF);
- DeleteObject(TmpRgn);
- end;
- ValidateRect(Control.Handle, nil);
- InvalidateRgn(Control.Handle, Rgn, True);
- Control.Update;
- DeleteObject(Rgn);
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]) do if SecondItem <> nil then with SecondItem do
- Control.Update;
- end;
- procedure SetBounds(Item: TfcAnimateListItem);
- var R: TRect;
- begin
- with Item do
- begin
- CurRect := Control.BoundsRect;
- R := Rect(
- OrigRect.Left + Trunc((FinalRect.Left - OrigRect.Left) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Top + Trunc((FinalRect.Top - OrigRect.Top) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Right + Trunc((FinalRect.Right - OrigRect.Right) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Bottom + Trunc((FinalRect.Bottom - OrigRect.Bottom) * Percent)
- );
- if Assigned(SetBoundsProc) then SetBoundsProc(Control, R) else Control.BoundsRect := R;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Animate;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Percent := FStep / Steps;
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcGroupAnimateItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- begin
- SetBounds(MainItem);
- if SecondItem <> nil then SetBounds(SecondItem);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if AnimateList.Count > 0 then for FStep := 1 to Steps do
- begin
- Animate;
- UpdateControls;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- Sleep(Interval);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- }
- function fcWithInteger(Value: Integer): TfcInteger;
- begin
- result.Value := Value;
- end;
- function fcCombineRect(r1, r2: TRect): TRect;
- begin
- result := Rect(
- fcMin(r1.Left, r2.Left),
- fcMin(r1.Top, r2.Top),
- fcMax(r1.Right, r2.Right),
- fcMax(r1.Bottom, r2.Bottom)
- );
- end;
- procedure fcClipBitmapToRegion(Bitmap: TfcBitmap; Rgn: HRGN);
- var RectRgn: HRGN;
- begin
- RectRgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height);
- try
- if CombineRgn(RectRgn, RectRgn, Rgn, RGN_DIFF) <> ERROR then
- begin
- Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := Bitmap.TransparentColor;
- FillRgn(Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, RectRgn, Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Handle);
- end;
- finally
- DeleteObject(RectRgn);
- end;
- end;
- function fcRGBToBGR(Color: TColor): TColor;
- begin
- result := 0;
- result := result or ((Color and $00FF0000) shr 16);
- result := result or (Color and $0000FF00);
- result := result or ((Color and $000000FF) shl 16);
- end;
- function EnumChildProc(hwnd: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): Boolean; stdcall;
- begin
- fcInvalidateChildren(hwnd);
- result := True;
- end;
- procedure fcInvalidateChildren(Control: HWND);
- begin
- InvalidateRect(Control, nil, False);
- EnumChildWindows(Control, @EnumChildProc, 0);
- end;
- function fcGetWindowRect(Wnd: HWND): TRect;
- begin
- GetWindowRect(Wnd, result);
- end;
- function fcUnionRect(R1, R2: TRect): TRect;
- begin
- UnionRect(result, R1, R2);
- end;
- function fcIntersectRect(R1, R2: TRect): TRect;
- begin
- IntersectRect(result, r1, r2);
- end;
- function fcRectEmpty(r: TRect): Boolean;
- begin
- result := EqualRect(r, Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
- end;
- function InvalidateOverlappedProc(Child: HWND; ARect: PRect): Boolean; stdcall;
- begin
- if not fcRectEmpty(fcIntersectRect(ARect^, fcGetWindowRect(Child))) then
- fcInvalidateChildren(Child);
- result := True;
- end;
- procedure fcInvalidateOverlappedWindows(ParentHwnd: HWND; FirstChild: HWND);
- var ControlRect: TRect;
- begin
- GetWindowRect(FirstChild, ControlRect);
- EnumChildWindows(ParentHWND, @InvalidateOverlappedProc, Integer(@ControlRect));
- end;
- procedure fcParentInvalidate(Control: TControl; Erase: Boolean);
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- r := Control.BoundsRect;
- if Control.Parent <> nil then
- InvalidateRect(Control.Parent.Handle, @r, Erase);
- end;
- procedure fcPaintTo(Control: TWinControl; Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer);
- {var OldTop: UINT;
- DC: HDC;}
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_ERASEBKGND, Canvas.Handle, 0);
- SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_PAINT, Canvas.Handle, 0);
- for i := 0 to Control.ControlCount - 1 do if Control.Controls[i] is TWinControl then
- fcPaintTo(Control.Controls[i] as TWinControl, Canvas, Control.Controls[i].Left, Control.Controls[i].Top);
- { OldTop := $FFFFFFFF;
- if not Control.Visible then
- begin
- OldTop := Control.Top;
- Control.Top := -Control.Height;
- Control.Visible := True;
- end;
- DC := GetWindowDC(Control.Handle);
- BitBlt(Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Control.Width, Control.Height,
- DC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- ReleaseDC(Control.Handle, DC);
- if OldTop <> $FFFFFFFF then
- begin
- Control.Top := OldTop;
- Control.Visible := False;
- end;}
- end;
- procedure fcBufferredAnimation(ControlCanvas: TCanvas; AnimateList: TList; Interval: Integer; Steps: Integer);
- var FStep: Integer;
- procedure Animate;
- var i: Integer;
- Percent: Double;
- begin
- Percent := FStep / Steps;
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do with TfcAnimateListItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- begin
- CurRect := Rect(
- OrigRect.Left + Trunc((FinalRect.Left - OrigRect.Left) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Top + Trunc((FinalRect.Top - OrigRect.Top) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Right + Trunc((FinalRect.Right - OrigRect.Right) * Percent),
- OrigRect.Bottom + Trunc((FinalRect.Bottom - OrigRect.Bottom) * Percent)
- );
- ControlCanvas.StretchDraw(CurRect, Bitmap);
- end;
- end;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do
- with TfcAnimateListItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- begin
- Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- Bitmap.Width := Control.Width;
- Bitmap.Height := Control.Height;
- fcPaintTo(Control, Bitmap.Canvas, 0, 0);
- // SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_PAINT, Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0);
- // fcPaintCanvas(Bitmap.Canvas, True);
- end;
- if AnimateList.Count > 0 then for FStep := 1 to Steps do
- begin
- Animate;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- Sleep(Interval);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- for i := 0 to AnimateList.Count - 1 do
- with TfcAnimateListItem(AnimateList[i]) do
- Bitmap.Free;
- end;
- function fcHighestRGBVal(Color: TColor): BYTE;
- var Colors: TRGBQuad;
- begin
- with Colors do
- begin
- fcColorToByteValues(Color, rgbReserved, rgbBlue, rgbGreen, rgbRed);
- result := rgbRed;
- if rgbBlue > result then result := rgbBlue;
- if rgbGreen > result then result := rgbGreen;
- end;
- end;
- const
- DSx = $00660046;
- DSna = $00220326;
- procedure fcDrawMask(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Bitmap, Mask: TBitmap;
- Buffer: Boolean);
- var oldBkColor, oldTextColor: COLORREF;
- dcCompat: HDC;
- pbmpSave: HBITMAP;
- ABitmap: TBitmap;
- UseCanvas: TCanvas;
- Offset: TPoint;
- begin
- oldBkColor := SetBkColor(Canvas.Handle, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oldTextColor := SetTextColor(Canvas.Handle, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- ABitmap := nil;
- if Buffer then
- begin
- ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- ABitmap.Width := fcRectWidth(ARect);
- ABitmap.Height := fcRectHeight(ARect);
- ABitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height), Canvas, ARect);
- UseCanvas := ABitmap.Canvas;
- Offset := Point(0, 0);
- end else begin
- UseCanvas := Canvas;
- Offset := ARect.TopLeft;
- end;
- dcCompat := CreateCompatibleDC(Canvas.Handle);
- pbmpSave := SelectObject(dcCompat, Bitmap.Handle);
- BitBlt(UseCanvas.Handle, Offset.x, Offset.y, fcRectWidth(ARect), fcRectHeight(ARect), dcCompat, 0, 0, DSx);
- SelectObject(dcCompat, Mask.Handle);
- BitBlt(UseCanvas.Handle, Offset.x, Offset.y, fcRectWidth(ARect), fcRectHeight(ARect), dcCompat, 0, 0, DSna);
- SelectObject(dcCompat, Bitmap.Handle);
- BitBlt(UseCanvas.Handle, Offset.x, Offset.y, fcRectWidth(ARect), fcRectHeight(ARect), dcCompat, 0, 0, DSx);
- SelectObject(dcCompat, pbmpSave);
- DeleteDC(dcCompat);
- if Buffer then
- begin
- Canvas.CopyRect(ARect, ABitmap.Canvas, Rect(0, 0, ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height));
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- SetBkColor(Canvas.Handle, oldBkColor);
- SetTextColor(Canvas.Handle, oldTextColor);
- end;
- function fcProportionalRect(OrigRect: TRect; Width, Height: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- with OrigRect do
- if (Width / (Right - Left)) > (Height / (Bottom - Top)) then
- result := Rect(Left, Top, Left + fcRectWidth(OrigRect),
- Top + (Height * fcRectWidth(OrigRect) div Width))
- else result := Rect(Left, Top, Left + (Width *
- fcRectHeight(OrigRect) div Height), fcRectHeight(OrigRect));
- end;
- function fcProportionalCenterRect(OrigRect: TRect; Width, Height: Integer): TRect;
- var aheightpad,awidthpad:extended;
- begin
- with OrigRect do
- if (Width / (Right - Left)) > (Height / (Bottom - Top)) then begin
- aheightpad := (fcRectHeight(OrigRect)-(Height * (fcRectWidth(OrigRect) / Width))) / 2;
- result := Rect(Left, Top+Trunc(aheightpad), Left + fcRectWidth(OrigRect),
- Top + (Height * fcRectWidth(OrigRect) div Width)+Trunc(aheightpad));
- end
- else begin
- awidthpad := (fcRectWidth(OrigRect) - (Width * (fcRectHeight(OrigRect) / Height))) / 2;
- result := Rect(Left+Trunc(awidthpad), Top, Left + (Width *
- fcRectHeight(OrigRect) div Height)+Trunc(awidthpad), fcRectHeight(OrigRect));
- end;
- end;
- { Return true if ComCtl is later than 4.70 }
- function fcUpdatedComCtlVersion: boolean;
- var dummy: DWORD;
- verInfoSize, verValueSize: DWORD;
- verInfo: Pointer;
- verValue: PVSFixedFileInfo;
- V1,V2: WORD;
- begin
- verInfoSize:= GetFileVersionInfoSize('comctl32.dll', Dummy);
- if VerInfoSize = 0 then
- begin
- Dummy:= GetLastError;
- result:= True;
- exit;
- end;
- GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
- GetFileVersionInfo('comctl32.dll', 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo);
- VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
- with VerValue^ do begin
- V1:= dwFileVersionMS shr 16;
- V2:= dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF;
- end;
- result:= (v1>=4) and (v2>70);
- FreeMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
- end;
- procedure fcPatternFill(Pattern: Pointer; SizeOfPat: Integer; Dst: Pointer; SizeOfDst: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to SizeOfDst div SizeOfPat do
- CopyMemory(Dst, Pattern, SizeOfPat);
- if SizeOfDst mod SizeOfPat > 0 then
- CopyMemory(Dst, Pattern, SizeOfDst mod SizeOfPat);
- end;
- type TMyControl = class(TWinControl);
- procedure fcMakePagesResourceFriendly(PageControl: TPageControl);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- with PageControl do
- for i := 0 to PageCount - 1 do
- begin
- if not Pages[i].Visible then
- begin
- for j := 0 to Pages[i].ControlCount - 1 do
- if Pages[i].Controls[j] is TWinControl then
- TMyControl(Pages[i].Controls[j]).DestroyHandle;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcCreateDisabledBitmap(SrcBm, DstBm: TBitmap);
- const ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746;
- var AMonoBitmap: TBitmap;
- ARect: TRect;
- AWidth, AHeight: Integer;
- begin
- AMonoBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- with AMonoBitmap do
- begin
- Monochrome := True;
- Width := SrcBm.Width;
- Height := SrcBm.Height;
- end;
- AWidth := SrcBm.Width;
- AHeight := SrcBm.Height;
- ARect := Rect(0, 0, AWidth, AHeight);
- if DstBm.Width <> SrcBm.Width then DstBm.Width := SrcBm.Width;
- if DstBm.Height <> SrcBm.Height then DstBm.Height := SrcBm.Height;
- try
- with AMonoBitmap do
- begin
- Assign(SrcBm);
- HandleType := bmDDB;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
- Width := SrcBm.Width;
- if Monochrome then
- begin
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- Monochrome := False;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- end;
- Monochrome := True;
- end;
- with DstBm.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(ARect);
- Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack);
- SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite);
- BitBlt(Handle, 1, 1, AWidth, AHeight, AMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- Brush.Color := clBtnShadow;
- SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack);
- SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite);
- BitBlt(Handle, 0, 0, AWidth, AHeight, AMonoBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ROP_DSPDxax);
- end;
- finally
- AMonoBitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcDrawEllipsis(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect; State: TButtonState;
- Enabled: Boolean;
- Transparent: boolean;
- FlatButtonTransparent: boolean;
- ControlState: TControlState);
- var Flags: Integer;
- DC: HDC;
- w: integer;
- LeftIndent, TopIndent: integer;
- begin
- Flags:= 0;
- if (State = bsDown) and not (csPaintCopy in ControlState) then
- Flags := BF_FLAT;
- if not FlatButtonTransparent then Flags:= Flags or BF_MIDDLE;
- DC:= Canvas.Handle;
- if not Transparent then
- DrawEdge(DC, R, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT or Flags);
- // DrawEdge(DC, R, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT or BF_MIDDLE or Flags);
- LeftIndent:= ((R.Right - R.Left) shr 1) - 1 + Ord(State=bsDown);
- TopIndent:= ((R.Bottom+1-R.Top) shr 1) - 1 + Ord(State=bsDown);
- W := (R.Right+1 - R.Left) shr 3;
- if W = 0 then W := 1;
- PatBlt(DC, R.Left + LeftIndent, R.Top + TopIndent, W, W, BLACKNESS);
- PatBlt(DC, R.Left + LeftIndent - (W * 2), R.Top + TopIndent, W, W, BLACKNESS);
- PatBlt(DC, R.Left + LeftIndent + (W * 2), R.Top + TopIndent, W, W, BLACKNESS);
- end;
- procedure fcDrawDropDownArrow(Canvas: TCanvas; R: TRect;
- State: TButtonState; Enabled: Boolean; ControlState: TControlState);
- var Flags: Integer;
- begin
- if not Enabled then Flags := DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX or DFCS_INACTIVE
- else if (State=bsUp) or (csPaintCopy in ControlState) then
- DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, R, DFC_SCROLL, Flags);
- end;
- function fcExecuteColorDialog(AColor: TColor): TColor;
- begin
- with TColorDialog.Create(Application) do
- begin
- Color := AColor;
- Execute;
- result := Color;
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- function fcComponentFromString(Root: TComponent; Value: string): TComponent;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- result := Root;
- for i := 0 to fcCountTokens(Value, '.') - 1 do
- begin
- result := result.FindComponent(fcGetToken(Value, '.', i));
- if result = nil then Break;
- end;
- if result = Root then result := nil;
- end;
- function fcStringFromComponent(Root: TComponent; Value: TComponent): string;
- begin
- result := '';
- while not (Value = Root) do
- begin
- if result <> '' then result := '.' + result;
- result := Value.Name + result;
- Value := Value.Owner;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcCalcButtonLayout(TopLeft: TPoint; TextRect, GlyphRect: PRect;
- TextSize, GlyphSize: TSize; Layout: TButtonLayout;
- Spacing: Integer);
- function GetPoint(OffsetX: TfcPointSets; OffsetY: TfcPointSets;
- OffsetSize: TSize): TPoint;
- begin
- result := Point(
- TopLeft.x - (GlyphSize.cx * ord(psGlyph in OffsetX) +
- TextSize.cx * ord(psText in OffsetX) +
- Spacing * ord([psGlyph, psText] * OffsetX = [psGlyph, psText])) div 2 +
- ord(psOffset in OffsetX) * (OffsetSize.cx + Spacing),
- TopLeft.y - ((GlyphSize.cy + 1) * ord(psGlyph in OffsetY) +
- TextSize.cy * ord(psText in OffsetY) +
- Spacing * ord([psGlyph, psText] * OffsetY = [psGlyph, psText])) div 2 +
- ord(psOffset in OffsetY) * (OffsetSize.cy + Spacing)
- );
- end;
- procedure SetPoints(OffsetTX: TfcPointSets; OffsetTY: TfcPointSets;
- OffsetGX: TfcPointSets; OffsetGY: TfcPointSets);
- begin
- if TextRect <> nil then with GetPoint(OffsetTX, OffsetTY, GlyphSize) do
- TextRect^ := Rect(x, y, x + TextSize.cx, y + TextSize.cy);
- if GlyphRect <> nil then with GetPoint(OffsetGX, OffsetGY, TextSize) do
- GlyphRect^ := Rect(x, y, x + GlyphSize.cx, y + GlyphSize.cy);
- end;
- begin
- if (GlyphSize.cy=0) or (GlyphSize.cx=0) then Spacing := (Spacing-6) div 2; { 4/14/99 - RSW - Center text if no image } {??? why "6"? -ksw}
- case Layout of
- blGlyphLeft: SetPoints([psGlyph, psText, psOffset], [psText], [psGlyph, psText], [psGlyph]);
- blGlyphTop: SetPoints([psText], [psGlyph, psText, psOffset], [psGlyph], [psGlyph, psText]);
- blGlyphRight: SetPoints([psGlyph, psText], [psText], [psGlyph, psText, psOffset], [psGlyph]);
- blGlyphBottom: SetPoints([psText], [psGlyph, psText], [psGlyph], [psGlyph, psText, psOffset]);
- end;
- end;
- function fcGetRegionData(Rgn: HRGN): string;
- var RgnData: PRgnData;
- Size: Integer;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- result := '';
- Size := GetRegionData(Rgn, 0, nil);
- if Size = 0 then Exit;
- GetMem(RgnData, Size);
- try
- GetRegionData(Rgn, Size, RgnData);
- for i := 0 to RgnData^.rdh.nCount - 1 do
- with PRect(Integer(@RgnData^.Buffer) + i * SizeOf(TRect))^ do
- result := result + InttoStr(i + 1) + ': (' + InttoStr(Left) + ', ' + InttoStr(Top) + ', ' + InttoStr(Right) + ', ' + InttoStr(Bottom) + '), ';
- finally
- FreeMem(RgnData);
- end;
- end;
- function fcGetDitherBrush: HBRUSH;
- var hatchPattern: array[0..7] of WORD;
- i: Integer;
- hatchBitmap: HBITMAP;
- begin
- for i := 0 to 7 do if i mod 2 = 0 then hatchPattern[i] := $AAAA else hatchPattern[i] := $5555;
- hatchBitmap := CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, @hatchPattern);
- result := CreatePatternBrush(hatchBitmap);
- DeleteObject(hatchBitmap);
- end;
- procedure fcDither(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Color1, Color2: TColor);
- var TempBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- ABrush, OldBrush: HBRUSH;
- begin
- if Color2 = clNone then raise EInvalidOperation.Create('Color2 cannot be clNone');
- if (Color1 <> clNone) then
- begin
- ABrush := fcGetDitherBrush;
- SetTextColor(ACanvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(Color2));
- SetBkColor(ACanvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(Color1));
- OldBrush := SelectObject(ACanvas.Handle, ABrush);
- FillRect(ACanvas.Handle, Rect, ABrush);
- SelectObject(ACanvas.Handle, OldBrush);
- DeleteObject(ABrush);
- end else begin
- TempBitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- try
- TempBitmap.SetSize(fcRectWidth(Rect), fcRectHeight(Rect));
- Color1 := GetNearestColor(TempBitmap.Canvas.Handle, $00FFFFFF and (not Color2));
- fcDither(TempBitmap.Canvas, Rect, Color1, Color2);
- fcTransparentDraw(ACanvas, Rect, TempBitmap, TempBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0]);
- finally
- TempBitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure fcTileDraw(Source: TGraphic; Dest: TCanvas; DstRect: TRect);
- var x, y: Integer;
- begin
- x := 0;
- while x < fcRectWidth(DstRect) do
- begin
- y := 0;
- while y < fcRectHeight(dstRect) do
- begin
- Dest.Draw(x, y, Source);
- inc(y, Source.Height);
- end;
- inc(x, Source.Width);
- end;
- end;
- function fcFindGlobalComponent(const Name: string): TComponent;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
- begin
- Result := Screen.Forms[I];
- if CompareText(Name, Result.Name) = 0 then Exit;
- end;
- for I := 0 to Screen.DataModuleCount - 1 do
- begin
- Result := Screen.DataModules[I];
- if CompareText(Name, Result.Name) = 0 then Exit;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure fcHelp(Handle: HWND; HelpTopic: PChar);
- var HelpFile: string;
- Context: array[0..127] of Char;
- begin
- HelpFile := 'fc3000.hlp';
- (*
- {$ifdef ver100}HelpFile := '1stClass_D3.hlp';{$endif}
- {$ifdef ver110}HelpFile := '1stClass_C3.hlp';{$endif}
- {$ifdef ver120}HelpFile := '1stClass_D4.hlp';{$endif}
- {$ifdef ver125}HelpFile := '1stClass_C4.hlp';{$endif}
- *)
- StrCopy(Context, HelpTopic);
- WinHelp(Handle, PChar(HelpFile), HELP_KEY, LPARAM(@Context));
- end;
- function fcIsDesigning(control: TControl): boolean;
- var form: TCustomForm;
- begin
- form:= GetParentForm(control);
- if form<>nil then
- result:= (csDesigning in form.ComponentState)
- else
- result:= (csDesigning in control.ComponentState)
- end;
- { Parent clipping is required in order to ensure that the background is painted in all cases }
- { For instance, flat transparent buttons do not paint in certain cases if clipchildren is true }
- procedure fcDisableParentClipping(Parent: TWinControl);
- begin
- SetWindowLong(Parent.Handle, GWL_STYLE,
- GetWindowLong(Parent.Handle, GWL_STYLE) and not WS_CLIPCHILDREN);
- end;
- function fcIsInGrid(dtp:TWinControl):boolean;
- begin
- result := False;
- if fcisClass(dtp.Parent.classType, 'TCustomGrid') then
- result := True;
- end;
- Function fcstrRemoveChar(str: string; removeChar: char): string;
- var i,j: integer;
- s: string;
- begin
- j:= 0;
- setLength(s, length(str));
- for i:= 1 to length(str) do begin
- if (str[i] <> removeChar) then
- begin
- j:= j + 1;
- s[j]:= str[i]
- end
- end;
- setLength(s, j);
- result:= s;
- end;
- Function fcGetWord(s: string; var APos: integer;
- Options: TfcGetWordOptions; DelimSet: fcstrCharSet): string;
- var i: integer;
- Function max(x,y: integer): integer;
- begin
- if x>y then result:= x
- else result:= y;
- end;
- Procedure StripQuotes;
- begin
- if not (fcgwStripQuotes in Options) then exit;
- if (Result[1]='"') or (Result[1]='''') then
- if (Result[length(Result)] = '"') or
- (Result[length(Result)] = '''') then
- Result:= copy(Result, 2, length(Result)-2)
- else
- Result:= copy(Result, 2, length(Result)-1);
- end;
- begin
- result:= '';
- if APos<=0 then exit;
- if APos>length(s) then exit;
- i:= APos;
- if (fcgwSkipLeadingBlanks in Options) then
- begin
- while (i<=length(s)) and ((s[i]=' ') or (s[i]=#9)) do inc(i);
- APos:= i;
- end;
- if (fcgwQuotesAsWords in Options) then
- begin
- if s[i]='"' then begin
- inc(i);
- while (i<=length(s)) and (s[i]<>'"') do inc(i);
- if s[i]='"' then begin
- result:= copy(s, APos, i+1-APos);
- APos:= i+1;
- end
- else if (i>length(s)) then begin
- result:= copy(s, APos, length(s));
- APos:= length(s)+1;
- end;
- StripQuotes;
- exit;
- end
- end;
- if fcgwSpacesInWords in Options then
- begin
- while (i<=length(s)) and (s[i] in [#32..#255]) do begin
- if (s[i] in DelimSet) then break
- else inc(i);
- end
- end
- else begin
- while (i<=length(s)) and (s[i] in [#33..#255]) do begin
- if (s[i] in DelimSet) then break
- else inc(i);
- end
- end;
- result:= copy(s, APos, max(i-APos, 1));
- if length(result)>1 then APos:= i
- else APos:= i+1;
- end;
- Function fcMessageCodeToChar( code: Word ): Char;
- var mapcode:word;
- Begin
- if code In [VK_NUMPAD0..VK_NUMPAD9] Then
- Result := Chr( code - VK_NUMPAD0 + Ord('0'))
- else begin
- mapcode := MapVirtualKey(code, 2);
- Result := chr(mapcode);
- end;
- end;
- function fcUseThemes(Control: TControl): boolean;
- {$ifdef fcUseThemeManager}
- var DisableThemes: boolean;
- PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef fcUseThemeManager}
- result:= ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled;
- if Control=nil then exit;
- DisableThemes:= False;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(control.ClassInfo,'DisableThemes');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then DisableThemes:= Boolean(GetOrdProp(Control, PropInfo))
- else begin
- if Control.parent=nil then exit;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(Control.parent.ClassInfo,'DisableThemes');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then DisableThemes:= Boolean(GetOrdProp(Control, PropInfo));
- end;
- if DisableThemes then result:= False;
- {$else}
- result:=false;
- {$endif}
- end;
- procedure fcUpdateController(
- var FController: TComponent;
- Value: TComponent;
- Control: TControl);
- var OrigController: TComponent;
- begin
- OrigController:= FController;
- if Value <> nil then begin
- Value.FreeNotification(Control); // Notify us when controller destroyed
- end;
- if FController<>Value then
- begin
- FController:= Value;
- if FController<>nil then
- begin
- fcGetControlList(FController).Add(Control);
- end
- else begin
- fcGetControlList(OrigController).Remove(Control);
- FController:= nil;
- end
- end
- end;
- Function fcGetControlList(Controller: TComponent): TList;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= Nil;
- if Controller=nil then exit;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(Controller.ClassInfo,'ControlList');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then Result:= TList(GetOrdProp(Controller, PropInfo));
- end;
- {$r+}
- begin
- fcVersion1stClass:= '4000.01';
- end.