- unit fcBitmap;
- {
- //
- // Components : TfcBitmap
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999 by Woll2Woll Software
- // 12/3/99 - Only use DibColor table if it is valid.
- // Previously just checked if colors[0] was 0 for valid determination
- // 12/4/99 - Support true color bitmaps in 256 color environments by creating
- // half-tone palette
- // 12/7/99 - new method Changecolor used by fcImgBtn
- // 11/1/2001 - Use Draw when loading from graphic as this is more generic and allows Graphic to define how it is drawn to the bitmap.
- }
- interface
- {$i fcIfDef.pas}
- uses Windows, Graphics, Classes, fcGraphics, fcChangeLink, SysUtils;
- type
- TfcColor = record
- b, g, r: Byte
- end;
- PfcColor = ^TfcColor;
- TfcLine = array[0..0] of TfcColor;
- PfcLine = ^TfcLine;
- TfcPLines = array[0..0] of PfcLine;
- PfcPLines = ^TfcPLines;
- TfcBitmap = class(TGraphic)
- private
- FSmoothStretching: Boolean;
- FTransparentColor: TColor;
- FWidth: Integer;
- FHeight: Integer;
- FGap: Integer;
- FMaskBitmap: TBitmap;
- FRowInc: Integer;
- FSize: Integer;
- FBits: Pointer;
- FHandle: Integer;
- FCanvas: TCanvas;
- FMemoryImage: Pointer;
- FMemorySize: Integer;
- FMemoryDim: TSize;
- FPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
- FPalette: HPALETTE;
- FRespectPalette: Boolean;
- FUseHalftonePalette: boolean;
- FIgnoreChange: Boolean;
- FChangeLinks: TList;
- // FPicture: TPicture;
- bmInfo: TBitmapInfo;
- bmHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader;
- function GetSleeping: Boolean;
- procedure InitHeader;
- protected
- Assigning: Boolean;
- SkipPalette: boolean;
- Procedure RestoreBitmapPalette(ACanvas: TCanvas; OldPalette: HPalette); virtual;
- Procedure SelectBitmapPalette(ACanvas: TCanvas; var OldPalette: HPalette); virtual;
- function GetEmpty: Boolean; override;
- function GetHeight: Integer; override;
- function GetWidth: Integer; override;
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override;
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure CleanUp; virtual;
- procedure Initialize; virtual;
- procedure NotifyChanges; virtual;
- procedure PaletteNeeded; virtual;
- property Gap: Integer read FGap;
- property RowInc: Integer read FRowInc;
- property DC: HDC read FDC;
- public
- Patch: Variant;
- Pixels: PfcPLines;
- Colors: array[Byte] of TRGBQuad;
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure RegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink); virtual;
- procedure UnRegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink); virtual;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- procedure FreeMemoryImage; virtual;
- procedure LoadBlank(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromJPEG(JPEG: TGraphic); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
- APalette: HPALETTE); override;
- procedure LoadFromGraphic(Graphic: TGraphic); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromMemory(ABits: Pointer; ASize: Integer; Dimensions: TSize); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap); virtual;
- procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
- var APalette: HPALETTE); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure SetSize(const AWidth, AHeight: Integer); virtual;
- function GetMaskBitmap: TBitmap;
- function CopyPixels: PfcPLines;
- procedure Fill(Color: TColor);
- procedure Resize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Sleep; virtual;
- procedure SmoothStretchDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect); virtual;
- procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); virtual;
- procedure TileDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); virtual;
- procedure TransparentDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); virtual;
- procedure Wake; virtual;
- // Filters
- procedure AlphaBlend(Bitmap: TfcBitmap; Alpha: Integer; Stretch: Boolean);
- procedure Blur(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Contrast(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Emboss; virtual;
- procedure Flip(Horizontal: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure GaussianBlur(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Grayscale; virtual;
- procedure Invert; virtual;
- procedure Brightness(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Mask(MaskColor: TfcColor); virtual;
- { 12/7/99 - new method Changecolor used by fcImgBtn }
- procedure ChangeColor(OldColor: TfcColor; NewColor: TfcColor); virtual;
- procedure ColorTint(ra, ga, ba: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Colorize(ra, ga, ba: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Rotate(Center: TPoint; Angle: Extended); virtual;
- procedure Saturation(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Sharpen(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Sponge(Amount: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Wave(XDiv, YDiv, RatioVal: Extended; Wrap: Boolean); virtual;
- property Bits: Pointer read FBits;
- property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
- property Handle: Integer read FHandle;
- property IgnoreChange: Boolean read FIgnoreChange write FIgnoreChange;
- property MaskBitmap: TBitmap read GetMaskBitmap;
- property RespectPalette: Boolean read FRespectPalette write FRespectPalette;
- property UseHalftonePalette: Boolean read FUseHalftonePalette write FUseHalftonePalette;
- property SmoothStretching: Boolean read FSmoothStretching write FSmoothStretching;
- property Sleeping: Boolean read GetSleeping;
- property Size: Integer read FSize;
- property TransparentColor: TColor read FTransparentColor write FTransparentColor;
- end;
- function fcGetColor(Color: TColor): TfcColor;
- function fcGetStdColor(Color: TfcColor): TColor;
- function fcRGB(r, g, b: Byte): TfcColor;
- function fcIntToByte(Value: Integer): Byte;
- function fcTrimInt(i, Min, Max: Integer): Integer;
- implementation
- uses
- {$ifdef fcdelphi6Up}
- variants,
- {$endif}
- fcCommon;
- {$R-}
- function fcGetColor(Color: TColor): TfcColor;
- begin
- //2/17/99 - Get Actual Color Value
- Color := ColorToRGB(Color);
- result.r := Color and $FF;
- result.g := Color and $FF00 shr 8;
- result.b := Color and $FF0000 shr 16;
- end;
- function fcGetStdColor(Color: TfcColor): TColor;
- begin
- with Color do result := RGB(r, g, b);
- end;
- function fcRGB(r, g, b: Byte): TfcColor;
- begin
- result.r := r;
- result.g := g;
- result.b := b;
- end;
- function fcIntToByte(Value: Integer): Byte;
- begin
- if Value > 255 then result := 255
- else if Value < 0 then result := 0
- else result := Value;
- end;
- function fcTrimInt(i, Min, Max: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if i > Max then result := Max
- else if i < Min then result := Min
- else result := i;
- end;
- constructor TfcBitmap.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FCanvas := TCanvas.Create;
- FChangeLinks := TList.Create;
- FTransparentColor := clNone;
- FPixelFormat := pf24Bit;
- Patch:= VarArrayCreate([0, 1], varVariant);
- Patch[0]:= False; { Color table not valid }
- Patch[1]:= False;
- end;
- destructor TfcBitmap.Destroy;
- begin
- FChangeLinks.Free;
- if Sleeping then FreeMemoryImage;
- CleanUp;
- FCanvas.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TfcBitmap.GetSleeping: Boolean;
- begin
- result := (FMemorySize > 0) and (FMemoryImage <> nil);
- end;
- function TfcBitmap.GetEmpty: Boolean;
- begin
- result := FHandle = 0;
- end;
- function TfcBitmap.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- result := FHeight;
- end;
- function TfcBitmap.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- result := FWidth;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if (Source is TBitmap) and not (Source as TBitmap).Empty then
- begin
- FPixelFormat := (Source as TBitmap).PixelFormat;
- LoadFromBitmap(Source as TBitmap);
- Transparent := (Source as TBitmap).Transparent;
- // TransparentColor := (Source as TBitmap).TransparentColor;
- end else if (Source = nil) or ((Source is TBitmap) and (Source as TBitmap).Empty) then
- begin
- CleanUp;
- Changed(self);
- end else if (Source is TGraphic) and not (Source is TfcBitmap) then
- begin
- LoadFromGraphic(Source as TGraphic);
- end else inherited;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Dest is TBitmap then
- begin
- (Dest as TBitmap).PixelFormat := self.FPixelFormat;
- SaveToBitmap(Dest as TBitmap);
- (Dest as TBitmap).Transparent := Transparent;
- (Dest as TBitmap).TransparentColor := TransparentColor;
- end else if Dest is TfcBitmap then
- with TfcBitmap(Dest) do
- begin
- if not self.Empty then
- begin
- IgnoreChange := True;
- RespectPalette := self.RespectPalette;
- UseHalftonePalette:= self.UseHalftonePalette;
- LoadBlank(self.Width, self.Height);
- CopyMemory(TfcBitmap(Dest).Bits, self.Bits, self.Size);
- Transparent := self.Transparent;
- SmoothStretching := self.SmoothStretching;
- TransparentColor := self.TransparentColor;
- FPixelFormat := self.FPixelFormat;
- CopyMemory(@(Dest as TfcBitmap).Colors, @self.Colors, SizeOf(self.Colors));
- Patch[0]:= self.Patch[0];
- Patch[1]:= self.Patch[1]; // Halftone value
- // FHalfTone:= self.FHalfTone;
- IgnoreChange := False;
- Changed(Dest);
- end else begin
- CleanUp;
- Changed(Dest);
- end;
- end else inherited;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Changed(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if not IgnoreChange then
- begin
- inherited Changed(Sender);
- NotifyChanges;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.NotifyChanges;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FChangeLinks.Count - 1 do with TfcChangeLink(FChangeLinks[i]) do
- begin
- Sender := self;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.RegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink);
- begin
- FChangeLinks.Add(ChangeLink);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.UnRegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink);
- begin
- FChangeLinks.Remove(ChangeLink);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.TransparentDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
- var Bmp: TBitmap;
- begin
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- Bmp.Width := Width;
- Bmp.Height := Height;
- Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
- Bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(Classes.Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), Canvas, Classes.Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
- fcDrawMask(ACanvas, Rect, Bmp, MaskBitmap, True);
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.StretchDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
- var TempBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- begin
- if Transparent then
- begin
- TempBitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- TempBitmap.LoadBlank(fcRectWidth(Rect), fcRectHeight(Rect));
- StretchBlt(TempBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, TempBitmap.Width, TempBitmap.Height,
- FDC, 0, 0, FWidth, FHeight, SRCCOPY);
- TempBitmap.TransparentDraw(ACanvas, Rect);
- TempBitmap.Free;
- end else begin
- SetStretchBltMode(ACanvas.Handle, COLORONCOLOR);
- with Rect do StretchBlt(ACanvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top,
- FDC, 0, 0, FWidth, FHeight, SRCCOPY);
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TfcBitmap.RestoreBitmapPalette(ACanvas: TCanvas; OldPalette: HPalette);
- begin
- if (GetDeviceCaps(FDC, BITSPIXEL) <= 8)
- and (RespectPalette or UseHalftonePalette) then
- begin
- SelectPalette(ACanvas.Handle, OldPalette, True);
- if FPalette <> 0 then
- begin
- DeleteObject(FPalette);
- FPalette := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Procedure TfcBitmap.SelectBitmapPalette(ACanvas: TCanvas; var OldPalette: HPalette);
- var
- DC: HDC;
- begin
- if (GetDeviceCaps(FDC, BITSPIXEL) <= 8) then begin
- if RespectPalette or UseHalftonePalette then
- begin
- if RespectPalette then
- begin
- PaletteNeeded;
- end
- else if UseHalftonePalette then begin
- DC := GetDC(0);
- FPalette := CreateHalftonePalette(DC);
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- end;
- OldPalette := SelectPalette(ACanvas.Handle, FPalette, True);
- RealizePalette(ACanvas.Handle);
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
- function Transparent: Boolean;
- begin
- result := self.Transparent and not Assigning;
- end;
- function SmoothStretching: Boolean;
- begin
- result := self.SmoothStretching and not Assigning;
- end;
- var OldPalette: HPALETTE;
- // DC: HDC;
- begin
- OldPalette := 0;
- if not SkipPalette then SelectBitmapPalette(ACanvas, OldPalette);
- { if (GetDeviceCaps(FDC, BITSPIXEL) <= 8) and (not SkipPalette) then begin
- if RespectPalette or UseHalftonePalette then
- begin
- if RespectPalette then
- begin
- PaletteNeeded;
- end
- else if UseHalftonePalette then begin
- DC := GetDC(0);
- FPalette := CreateHalftonePalette(DC);
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- end;
- OldPalette := SelectPalette(ACanvas.Handle, FPalette, True);
- RealizePalette(ACanvas.Handle);
- end
- end;}
- with Rect do
- begin
- if ((Right - Left) = Width) and ((Bottom - Top) = Height) then
- begin
- if Transparent then TransparentDraw(ACanvas, Rect)
- else BitBlt(ACanvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, FDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- end else begin
- if FSmoothStretching then SmoothStretchDraw(ACanvas, Rect)
- else StretchDraw(ACanvas, Rect);
- end;
- end;
- if not SkipPalette then RestoreBitmapPalette(ACanvas, OldPalette);
- {
- if (GetDeviceCaps(FDC, BITSPIXEL) <= 8) and (not SkipPalette)
- and (RespectPalette or UseHalftonePalette) then
- begin
- SelectPalette(ACanvas.Handle, OldPalette, True);
- if FPalette <> 0 then
- begin
- DeleteObject(FPalette);
- FPalette := 0;
- end;
- end;
- }
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Initialize;
- var x, i: Integer;
- TempDC: HDC;
- begin
- GetMem(Pixels, FHeight * SizeOf(PfcLine));
- FRowInc := (FWidth * 3) + FWidth mod 4;
- FGap := FWidth mod 4;
- FSize := FRowInc * FHeight;
- x := Integer(Bits);
- for i := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- Pixels[i] := Pointer(x);
- Inc(x, RowInc);
- end;
- TempDC := GetDC(0);
- FDC := CreateCompatibleDC(TempDC);
- ReleaseDC(0, TempDC);
- SelectObject(FDC, FHandle);
- if Handle = 0 then CleanUp;
- FCanvas.Handle := FDC;
- Changed(self);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.PaletteNeeded;
- var Pal: TMaxLogPalette;
- DC: HDC;
- begin
- if (FPalette <> 0) or (Patch[0]=False) then begin
- DC := GetDC(0);
- { 12/4/99 }
- if Patch[1]=true then FPalette := CreateHalftonePalette(DC);
- ReleaseDC(0, DC);
- exit;
- end;
- // if (FPalette <> 0) or (PInteger(@Colors[0])^ = 0) then Exit;
- Pal.palVersion := $300;
- Pal.palNumEntries := 256;
- Move(Colors, Pal.palPalEntry, 256 * 4);
- if (Pal.palNumEntries <> 16) then
- ByteSwapColors(Pal.palPalEntry, Pal.palNumEntries);
- FPalette := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@Pal)^);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- begin
- SetSize(Width, Height);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- begin
- SetSize(Value, Height);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.CleanUp;
- begin
- FCanvas.Handle := 0;
- if FDC <> 0 then DeleteDC(FDC);
- if FHandle <> 0 then DeleteObject(FHandle);
- if Pixels <> nil then FreeMem(Pixels);
- if FMaskBitmap <> nil then FMaskBitmap.Free;
- FDC := 0;
- FHandle := 0;
- Pixels := nil;
- FMaskBitmap := nil;
- FWidth := 0;
- FHeight := 0;
- FSize := 0;
- FBits := nil;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Clear;
- begin
- CleanUp;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.FreeMemoryImage;
- begin
- FreeMem(FMemoryImage);
- FMemoryImage := nil;
- FMemoryDim := fcSize(0, 0);
- FMemorySize := 0;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.InitHeader;
- begin
- with bmHeader do
- begin
- biSize := SizeOf(bmHeader);
- biWidth := Width;
- biHeight := -Height;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := 24;
- biCompression := BI_RGB;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadBlank(AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- begin
- CleanUp;
- if (AWidth = 0) or (AHeight = 0) then Exit;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- InitHeader;
- bmInfo.bmiHeader := bmHeader;
- FHandle := CreateDIBSection(0, bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, FBits, 0, 0);
- Initialize;
- FCanvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- FCanvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, FWidth, FHeight));
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadFromBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap);
- var MemDC: Integer;
- { RSW - 3/2/99}
- procedure SetPixelFormat;
- var DS: TDIBSection;
- begin
- DS.dsbmih.biSize := 0;
- GetObject(Bitmap.Handle, SizeOf(DS), @DS);
- MemDC := GetDC(0);
- Patch[1]:= { 12/4/99 }
- ((GetDeviceCaps(MemDC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(MemDC, PLANES)) <
- ((ds.dsbm.bmBitsPixel * ds.dsbm.bmPlanes)));
- ReleaseDC(0, MemDC);
- FPixelFormat:= Bitmap.PixelFormat;
- if Bitmap.PixelFormat <> pfCustom then exit;
- // DS.dsbmih.biSize := 0;
- // GetObject(Bitmap.Handle, SizeOf(DS), @DS);
- case DS.dsbmih.biBitCount of
- 1: FPixelFormat:= pf1bit;
- 4: FPixelFormat:= pf4bit;
- 8: FPixelFormat:= pf8bit;
- 16: FPixelFormat:= pf16bit;
- 24: FPixelFormat:= pf24bit;
- 32: FPixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- CleanUp;
- FWidth := Bitmap.Width;
- FHeight := Bitmap.Height;
- FSize := ((FWidth * 3) + (FWidth mod 4)) * FHeight;
- InitHeader;
- bmInfo.bmiHeader := bmHeader;
- FHandle := CreateDIBSection(0, bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, FBits, 0, 0);
- MemDC := GetDC(0);
- GetDIBits(MemDC, Bitmap.Handle, 0, FHeight, FBits, bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- ReleaseDC(0, MemDC);
- Initialize;
- // FPixelFormat := Bitmap.PixelFormat;
- SetPixelFormat;
- Patch[0]:= GetDIBColorTable(Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 256, Colors)<>0;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadFromJPEG(JPEG: TGraphic);
- var ABitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- ABitmap.Width := JPEG.Width;
- ABitmap.Height := JPEG.Height;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, JPEG);
- LoadFromBitmap(ABitmap);
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadFromGraphic(Graphic: TGraphic);
- var ABitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- //11/1/2001 - Use Draw as this is more generic...
- // ABitmap.Assign(Graphic);
- ABitmap.Width := Graphic.Width;
- ABitmap.Height:= Graphic.Height;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Graphic);
- LoadFromBitmap(ABitmap);
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
- APalette: HPALETTE);
- begin
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadFromMemory(ABits: Pointer; ASize: Integer; Dimensions: TSize);
- var MemDC: Integer;
- TempBmHandle: HBITMAP;
- begin
- CleanUp;
- FWidth := Dimensions.cx;
- FHeight := Dimensions.cy;
- FSize := ASize;
- InitHeader;
- bmInfo.bmiHeader := bmHeader;
- MemDC := GetDC(0);
- FHandle := CreateDIBSection(0, bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, FBits, 0, 0);
- TempBmHandle := CreateDIBitmap(MemDC, bmHeader, CBM_INIT, ABits, bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- GetDIBits(MemDC, TempBmHandle, 0, FHeight, FBits, bmInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- DeleteObject(TempBmHandle);
- ReleaseDC(0, MemDC);
- Initialize;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- var Bitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- LoadFromBitmap(Bitmap);
- finally
- Bitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SaveToBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap);
- begin
- Bitmap.PixelFormat := FPixelFormat;
- Bitmap.Width := Width;
- Bitmap.Height := Height;
- SetDIBColorTable(Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 256, Colors);
- Assigning := True;
- Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, self);
- Assigning := False;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SetSize(const AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- begin
- if (AWidth <> Width) or (AHeight <> Height) then
- LoadBlank(AWidth, AHeight);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
- var APalette: HPALETTE);
- begin
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- var Bitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- SaveToBitmap(Bitmap);
- Bitmap.SaveToStream(Stream);
- finally
- Bitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function TfcBitmap.GetMaskBitmap: TBitmap;
- var Bitmap: TfcBitmap;
- TranColor: TfcColor;
- begin
- if FMaskBitmap = nil then
- begin
- FMaskBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- Bitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- Bitmap.Assign(self);
- TranColor := Bitmap.Pixels[0, 0];
- if TransparentColor <> clNone then TranColor := fcGetColor(TransparentColor);
- Bitmap.Mask(TranColor);
- FMaskBitmap.Assign(Bitmap);
- FMaskBitmap.Monochrome := True;
- Bitmap.Free;
- end;
- result := FMaskBitmap;
- end;
- function TfcBitmap.CopyPixels: PfcPLines;
- begin
- GetMem(result, FHeight * SizeOf(PfcLine));
- CopyMemory(result, Pixels, FHeight * SizeOf(PfcLine));
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Fill(Color: TColor);
- var Brush: HBRUSH;
- begin
- Brush := CreateSolidBrush(ColorToRGB(Color));
- try
- FillRect(FDC, Rect(0, 0, FWidth, FHeight), Brush);
- finally
- DeleteObject(Brush);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Resize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- var ABitmap: TfcBitmap;
- begin
- if (AWidth = Width) and (AHeight = Height) then Exit;
- ABitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- try
- ABitmap.Assign(self);
- LoadBlank(AWidth, AHeight);
- Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, AWidth, AHeight), ABitmap);
- finally
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.SmoothStretchDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect);
- var x, y, xP, yP, yP2, xP2: Integer;
- Read, Read2: PfcLine;
- t, z, z2, iz2: Integer;
- pc: PfcColor;
- w1,w2,w3,w4: Integer;
- Col1,Col2: PfcColor;
- Dst: TfcBitmap;
- begin
- Dst := TfcBitmap.Create;
- Dst.LoadBlank(fcRectWidth(Rect), fcRectHeight(Rect));
- if(Dst.FWidth<1)or(Dst.FHeight<1)then Exit;
- if(Dst.FWidth=FWidth)and(Dst.FHeight=FHeight)then
- begin
- CopyMemory(Dst.FBits, FBits, FSize);
- Exit;
- end;
- xP2:=((FWidth-1)shl 15)div Dst.FWidth;
- yP2:=((FHeight-1)shl 15)div Dst.FHeight;
- yP:=0;
- for y:=0 to Dst.FHeight-1 do
- begin
- xP:=0;
- Read:=Pixels[yP shr 15];
- if yP shr 16<FHeight-1 then
- Read2:=Pixels[yP shr 15+1]
- else
- Read2:=Pixels[yP shr 15];
- pc:=@Dst.Pixels[y,0];
- z2:=yP and $7FFF;
- iz2:=$8000-z2;
- for x:=0 to Dst.FWidth-1 do
- begin
- t:=xP shr 15;
- Col1:=@Read[t];
- Col2:=@Read2[t];
- z:=xP and $7FFF;
- w2:=(z*iz2)shr 15;
- w1:=iz2-w2;
- w4:=(z*z2)shr 15;
- w3:=z2-w4;
- pc.b:=
- (Col1.b*w1+PfcColor(Integer(Col1)+3).b*w2+
- Col2.b*w3+PfcColor(Integer(Col2)+3).b*w4)shr 15;
- pc.g:=
- (Col1.g*w1+PfcColor(Integer(Col1)+3).g*w2+
- Col2.g*w3+PfcColor(Integer(Col2)+3).g*w4)shr 15;
- pc.r:=
- (Col1.r*w1+PfcColor(Integer(Col1)+3).r*w2+
- Col2.r*w3+PfcColor(Integer(Col2)+3).r*w4)shr 15;
- Inc(pc);
- Inc(xP,xP2);
- end;
- Inc(yP,yP2);
- end;
- if Transparent then Dst.TransparentDraw(ACanvas, Rect)
- else ACanvas.Draw(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Dst);
- Dst.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.TileDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect);
- var RectSize: TSize;
- i, j: Integer;
- OldPalette: HPalette;
- begin
- if Empty then exit; { 4/5/99 - RSW }
- { 4/10/99 - RSW - Code changed so that tiledraw paints at least to bottom right of ARect }
- with ARect, RectSize do
- begin
- cx := Right;
- cy := Bottom;
- end;
- { with ARect, RectSize do
- begin
- cx := Right - Left;
- cy := Bottom - Top;
- end;
- }
- j := 0;
- SkipPalette:= true;
- SelectBitmapPalette(ACanvas, OldPalette);
- while j < RectSize.cy do
- begin
- i := 0;
- while i < RectSize.cx do
- begin
- ACanvas.Draw(i - ARect.Left, j - ARect.Top, self);
- inc(i, FWidth);
- end;
- inc(j, FHeight);
- end;
- SkipPalette:= False;
- RestoreBitmapPalette(ACanvas, OldPalette);
- end;
- // Filter Methods
- procedure TfcBitmap.Brightness(Amount: Integer);
- var x,y: Integer;
- Table: array[0..255] of Byte;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- begin
- if Amount > 0 then
- for x:=0 to 255 do Table[x] := fcIntToByte(x + ((Amount * (x xor 255)) shr 8))
- else for x:=0 to 255 do Table[x] := fcIntToByte(x - ((Abs(Amount) * x) shr 8));
- CurBits := Bits;
- for y := 1 to FHeight do
- begin
- for x := 1 to FWidth do
- begin
- CurBits.b := Table[CurBits.b];
- CurBits.g := Table[CurBits.g];
- CurBits.r := Table[CurBits.r];
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Saturation(Amount: Integer);
- var Grays: array[0..255] of Byte;
- Alpha: array[0..255] of Word;
- Gray: Byte;
- x, y, ag: Integer;
- CurBits: TfcColor;
- pc: PfcColor;
- begin
- x:=0;
- y:=0;
- for ag := 0 to 85 do
- begin
- Grays[x + 0] := y;
- Grays[x + 1] := y;
- Grays[x + 2] := y;
- Inc(y);
- Inc(x, 3);
- end;
- for x := 0 to 255 do Alpha[x] := (x * Amount) shr 8;
- pc := Bits;
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- CurBits := pc^;
- Gray := Grays[CurBits.r] + Grays[CurBits.g] + Grays[CurBits.b];
- ag := Alpha[Gray];
- pc.b := fcIntToByte(Gray + (Alpha[CurBits.b] - ag));
- pc.g := fcIntToByte(Gray + (Alpha[CurBits.g] - ag));
- pc.r := fcIntToByte(Gray + (Alpha[CurBits.r] - ag));
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc := Pointer(Integer(pc) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.ColorTint(ra, ga, ba: Integer);
- var Table: array[0..255] of TfcColor;
- x, y, i: Integer;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- begin
- for i := 0 to 255 do
- begin
- Table[i].b := fcIntToByte(i + ba);
- Table[i].g := fcIntToByte(i + ga);
- Table[i].r := fcIntToByte(i + ra);
- end;
- CurBits := Bits;
- for y := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Width - 1 do
- begin
- CurBits.b := Table[CurBits.b].b;
- CurBits.g := Table[CurBits.g].g;
- CurBits.r := Table[CurBits.r].r;
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Colorize(ra, ga, ba: Integer);
- var x, y: Integer;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- Tran: Boolean;
- TranColor: TfcColor;
- begin
- CurBits := Bits;
- Tran := FTransparentColor <> clNone;
- TranColor := fcGetColor(FTransparentColor);
- for y := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Width - 1 do
- begin
- with TranColor do if not Tran or (Tran and not ((r = Pixels[y, x].r) and (g = Pixels[y, x].g) and (b = Pixels[y, x].b))) then
- begin
- CurBits.b := fcIntToByte((CurBits.b - 192) + ba);
- CurBits.g := fcIntToByte((CurBits.g - 192) + ga);
- CurBits.r := fcIntToByte((CurBits.r - 192) + ra);
- end;
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Contrast(Amount: Integer);
- var x, y: Integer;
- Table: array[0..255] of Byte;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- begin
- for x := 0 to 126 do
- begin
- y := (Abs(128 - x) * Amount) div 256;
- y := x - y;
- Table[x] := fcIntToByte(y);
- end;
- for x := 127 to 255 do
- begin
- y := (Abs(128 - x) * Amount) div 256;
- y := x + y;
- Table[x] := fcIntToByte(y);
- end;
- CurBits := Bits;
- for y := 1 to FHeight do
- begin
- for x := 1 to FWidth do
- begin
- CurBits.b := Table[CurBits.b];
- CurBits.g := Table[CurBits.g];
- CurBits.r := Table[CurBits.r];
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.AlphaBlend(Bitmap: TfcBitmap; Alpha: Integer; Stretch: Boolean);
- var x, y, i: Integer;
- c1, c2, c3: PfcColor;
- Table: array[-255..255] of Integer;
- TranColor: TfcColor;
- Tran: Boolean;
- PassedBm: TfcBitmap;
- begin
- PassedBm := nil;
- if (Width <> Bitmap.Width) or (Height <> Bitmap.Height) then
- begin
- if not Stretch then raise EInvalidOperation.Create('In Alpha Blend, Blend Bitmap must be same dimensions as Current Bitmap')
- else begin
- PassedBm := Bitmap;
- Tran := PassedBm.Transparent;
- PassedBm.Transparent := False;
- Bitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- Bitmap.Transparent := Tran;
- Bitmap.LoadBlank(Width, Height);
- Bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1), PassedBm);
- PassedBm.Transparent := Tran;
- end;
- end;
- for i := -255 to 255 do Table[i] := (Alpha * i) shr 8;
- TranColor := fcGetColor(0);
- c1 := Bits;
- c2 := Bitmap.Bits;
- c3 := Bits;
- Tran := Bitmap.Transparent and (Bitmap.Height = Height) and (Bitmap.Width = Width);
- if Tran then
- begin
- { if TransparentColor = clNone then TranColor := c2^
- else TranColor := fcGetColor(TransparentColor);}
- TranColor := c2^;
- end;
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- if not Tran or (Tran and not ((c2.r = TranColor.r) and (c2.g = TranColor.g) and (c2.b = TranColor.b))) then
- begin
- c1.b := Table[c2.b - c3.b] + c3.b;
- c1.g := Table[c2.g - c3.g] + c3.g;
- c1.r := Table[c2.r - c3.r] + c3.r;
- end;
- Inc(c1);
- Inc(c2);
- Inc(c3);
- end;
- c1 := Pointer(Integer(c1) + Gap);
- c2 := Pointer(Integer(c2) + Bitmap.Gap);
- c3 := Pointer(Integer(c3) + Gap);
- end;
- if PassedBm <> nil then Bitmap.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Grayscale;
- var Grays: array[0..256] of Byte;
- i, x, y: Integer;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- begin
- x := 0; y := 0;
- for i := 0 to 85 do
- begin
- Grays[x + 0] := y;
- Grays[x + 1] := y;
- Grays[x + 2] := y;
- Inc(y);
- Inc(x, 3);
- end;
- CurBits := Bits;
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- i := Grays[CurBits.b] + Grays[CurBits.g] + Grays[CurBits.r];
- CurBits.b := i;
- CurBits.g := i;
- CurBits.r := i;
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Invert;
- var x, y: Integer;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- begin
- CurBits := Bits;
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Width - 1 do
- begin
- CurBits.b := CurBits.b xor 255;
- CurBits.g := CurBits.g xor 255;
- CurBits.r := CurBits.r xor 255;
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Flip(Horizontal: Boolean);
- var w, h, x, y: Integer;
- CurBits: TfcColor;
- TmpLine, TmpLine2, Line: PfcLine;
- TopY: Integer;
- begin
- TmpLine := nil;
- w := FWidth - 1;
- h := FHeight - 1;
- TopY := FHeight - 1;
- if not Horizontal then
- begin
- TopY := h div 2;
- GetMem(TmpLine, RowInc);
- end;
- try
- Line := Bits;
- for y := 0 to TopY do
- begin
- if Horizontal then for x := 0 to w div 2 do
- begin
- CurBits := Line[x];
- Line[x] := Line[w - x];
- Line[w - x] := CurBits;
- end else begin
- TmpLine2 := Pointer(Integer(Bits) + (h - y) * RowInc);
- CopyMemory(TmpLine, Line, RowInc);
- CopyMemory(Line, TmpLine2, RowInc);
- CopyMemory(TmpLine2, TmpLine, RowInc);
- end;
- Line := Pointer(Integer(Line) + RowInc);
- end;
- finally
- if not Horizontal then FreeMem(TmpLine);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Blur(Amount: Integer);
- var Lin1, Lin2: PfcLine;
- pc: PfcColor;
- cx, x, y: Integer;
- Buf: array[0..3] of TfcColor;
- begin
- pc := Bits;
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- Lin1 := Pixels[fcTrimInt(y + Amount, 0, FHeight - 1)];
- Lin2 := Pixels[fcTrimInt(y - Amount, 0, FHeight - 1)];
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- cx := fcTrimInt(x + Amount, 0, FWidth - 1);
- Buf[0] := Lin1[cx];
- Buf[1] := Lin2[cx];
- cx := fcTrimInt(x - Amount, 0, Width - 1);
- Buf[2] := Lin1[cx];
- Buf[3] := Lin2[cx];
- pc.b := (Buf[0].b + Buf[1].b + Buf[2].b + Buf[3].b) shr 2;
- pc.g := (Buf[0].g + Buf[1].g + Buf[2].g + Buf[3].g) shr 2;
- pc.r := (Buf[0].r + Buf[1].r + Buf[2].r + Buf[3].r) shr 2;
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc := Pointer(Integer(pc) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.GaussianBlur(Amount: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := Amount downto 1 do
- Blur(i);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Sharpen(Amount: Integer);
- var Lin0, Lin1, Lin2: PfcLine;
- pc: PfcColor;
- cx, x, y: Integer;
- Buf: array[0..8] of TfcColor;
- begin
- pc := Bits;
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- Lin0 := Pixels[fcTrimInt(y - Amount, 0, Height - 1)];
- Lin1 := Pixels[y];
- Lin2 := Pixels[fcTrimInt(y + Amount, 0, FHeight - 1)];
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- cx := fcTrimInt(x - Amount, 0, FWidth - 1);
- Buf[0]:=Lin0[cx];
- Buf[1]:=Lin1[cx];
- Buf[2]:=Lin2[cx];
- Buf[3]:=Lin0[x];
- Buf[4]:=Lin1[x];
- Buf[5]:=Lin2[x];
- cx := fcTrimInt(x + Amount, 0, FWidth - 1);
- Buf[6]:=Lin0[cx];
- Buf[7]:=Lin1[cx];
- Buf[8]:=Lin2[cx];
- pc.b := fcIntToByte((256 * Buf[4].b - (Buf[0].b + Buf[1].b +
- Buf[2].b + Buf[3].b + Buf[5].b + Buf[6].b + Buf[7].b +
- Buf[8].b) * 16) div 128);
- pc.g := fcIntToByte((256*Buf[4].g - (Buf[0].g + Buf[1].g + Buf[2].g +
- Buf[3].g + Buf[5].g + Buf[6].g + Buf[7].g + Buf[8].g) * 16)
- div 128);
- pc.r := fcIntToByte((256*Buf[4].r - (Buf[0].r + Buf[1].r + Buf[2].r +
- Buf[3].r + Buf[5].r + Buf[6].r + Buf[7].r + Buf[8].r) * 16)
- div 128);
- Inc(pc);
- end;
- pc := Pointer(Integer(pc) + Gap);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Sponge(Amount: Integer);
- var r, x, y: Integer;
- begin
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- r := Random(Amount);
- Pixels[y, x] := Pixels[
- fcTrimInt(y + (r - Random(r * 2)), 0, FHeight - 1),
- fcTrimInt(x + (r - Random(r * 2)), 0, FWidth - 1)
- ];
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Emboss;
- var x, y: Integer;
- p1, p2: PfcColor;
- Line: PfcLine;
- begin
- p1 := Bits;
- p2 := Pointer(Integer(p1) + RowInc + 3);
- GetMem(Line, RowInc);
- CopyMemory(Line, Pixels[FHeight - 1], RowInc);
- for y := 0 to Height - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to Width - 1 do
- begin
- p1.b := (p1.b + (p2.b xor $FF)) shr 1;
- p1.g := (p1.g + (p2.g xor $FF)) shr 1;
- p1.r := (p1.r + (p2.r xor $FF)) shr 1;
- Inc(p1);
- if(y < FHeight - 2) and (x < FWidth - 2) then Inc(p2);
- end;
- p1 := Pointer(Integer(p1) + FGap);
- if y < FHeight - 2 then p2 := Pointer(Integer(p2) + Gap + 6)
- else p2 := Pointer(Integer(Line) + 3);
- end;
- FreeMem(Line);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Mask(MaskColor: TfcColor);
- var x, y: Integer;
- begin
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- with Pixels[y, x] do
- begin
- if (r = MaskColor.r) and (g = MaskColor.g) and (b = MaskColor.b) then
- Pixels[y, x] := fcRGB(0, 0, 0)
- else Pixels[y, x] := fcRGB(255, 255, 255);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.ChangeColor(OldColor: TfcColor; NewColor: TfcColor);
- var x, y: Integer;
- begin
- for y := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- for x := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- with Pixels[y, x] do
- begin
- if (r = OldColor.r) and (g = OldColor.g) and (b = OldColor.b) then
- Pixels[y, x] := NewColor;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Wave(XDiv, YDiv, RatioVal: Extended; Wrap: Boolean);
- type
- TArray = array[0..0]of Integer;
- PArray = ^TArray;
- var i, j, XSrc, YSrc: Integer;
- st: PArray;
- Pix: PfcColor;
- Line: PfcLine;
- Dst: TfcBitmap;
- Max: Integer;
- PInt: PInteger;
- begin
- if (YDiv = 0) or (XDiv = 0) then Exit;
- Line := nil;
- Max := 0;
- Dst := TfcBitmap.Create;
- Dst.LoadBlank(FWidth, FHeight);
- GetMem(st, 4 * FHeight);
- try
- for j := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- st[j] := Round(RatioVal * Sin(j / YDiv));
- if Wrap then Max := Integer(Pixels[FHeight - 1]) + RowInc;
- for i := 0 to FWidth - 1 do
- begin
- YSrc := Round(RatioVal * Sin(i / XDiv));
- if Wrap then
- begin
- if YSrc < 0 then YSrc := FHeight - 1 - (-YSrc mod FHeight)
- else if YSrc >= FHeight then YSrc := YSrc mod (FHeight - 1);
- end;
- Pix := Pointer(Integer(Dst.Bits) + i * 3);
- if ((YSrc >= 0) and (YSrc < FHeight)) or Wrap then Line := Pixels[YSrc];
- PInt := PInteger(st);
- for j := 0 to FHeight - 1 do
- begin
- if Wrap then
- begin
- XSrc := i + PInt^;
- Inc(PInt);
- if XSrc < 0 then
- XSrc := FWidth - 1 - (-XSrc mod FWidth)
- else if XSrc >= FWidth then
- XSrc := XSrc mod FWidth;
- Pix^ := Line[XSrc];
- Pix := Pointer(Integer(Pix) + Dst.RowInc);
- Line := Pointer(Integer(Line) + FRowInc);
- if Integer(Line) >= Max then Line := FBits;
- end else begin
- if (YSrc >= FHeight) then Break;
- XSrc := i + st[j];
- if (XSrc > -1) and (XSrc < FWidth) and (YSrc > -1) then
- Pix^ := Line^[XSrc]
- else if YSrc = -1 then
- begin
- Pix := Pointer(Integer(Pix) + Dst.RowInc);
- Line := FBits;
- YSrc:=0;
- Continue;
- end;
- Pix := Pointer(Integer(Pix) + Dst.RowInc);
- Line := Pointer(Integer(Line) + RowInc);
- Inc(YSrc);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- CopyMemory(FBits, Dst.Bits, FSize);
- finally
- FreeMem(st);
- Dst.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Rotate(Center: TPoint; Angle: Extended);
- var cAngle, sAngle: Double; // Cos Angle, Sin Angle, respectively
- SrcX, SrcY, px, py, x, y: Integer;
- CurBits: PfcColor;
- Dst: TfcBitmap;
- begin
- if Center.x < 0 then Center.X := FWidth div 2;
- if Center.y < 0 then Center.Y := FHeight div 2;
- Dst := TfcBitmap.Create;
- Dst.LoadBlank(Width, Height);
- Dst.Canvas.Brush.Color := fcGetStdColor(Pixels[0, 0]);
- Dst.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, Dst.Width, Dst.Height));
- Angle := -Angle * Pi / 180;
- sAngle := Sin(Angle);
- cAngle := Cos(Angle);
- CurBits := Dst.Bits;
- for y := 0 to Dst.Height - 1 do
- begin
- py := 2 * (y - Center.y) + 1;
- for x := 0 to Dst.Width - 1 do
- begin
- px := 2 * (x - Center.x) + 1;
- SrcX := ((Round(px * cAngle - py * sAngle) - 1) div 2 + Center.x);
- SrcY:= ((Round(px * sAngle + py * cAngle) - 1) div 2 + Center.y);
- if (SrcX > -1) and (SrcX < FWidth) and (SrcY > -1) and (SrcY < FHeight) then
- CurBits^ := Pixels[SrcY, SrcX];
- Inc(CurBits);
- end;
- CurBits := Pointer(Integer(CurBits) + Dst.Gap);
- end;
- CopyMemory(FBits, Dst.Bits, FSize);
- Dst.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Sleep;
- begin
- if Sleeping then FreeMemoryImage;
- FMemorySize := FSize;
- FMemoryDim := fcSize(Width, Height);
- GetMem(FMemoryImage, FMemorySize);
- CopyMemory(FMemoryImage, FBits, FMemorySize);
- CleanUp;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmap.Wake;
- begin
- if (FMemoryImage = nil) or (FMemorySize = 0) then Exit;
- LoadFromMemory(FMemoryImage, FMemorySize, FMemoryDim);
- FreeMemoryImage;
- end;
- {$R+}
- end.