- unit fcCanvas;
- {
- //
- // Components : TfcCanvas
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999 by Woll2Woll Software
- }
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Graphics, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, fcCommon;
- const
- DT_DISABLED = $80000;
- type
- TwwRectSide = (rsLeft, rsTop, rsRight, rsBottom);
- TwwRectSides = Set of TwwRectSide;
- TfcCanvas = class(TControlCanvas)
- public
- procedure Refresh;
- function DrawText(AText: string; ARect: TRect; Style: LongInt): TRect;
- procedure DottedLine(p1, p2: TPoint);
- procedure VCenterDrawText(AText: string; ARect: TRect; Style: Integer);
- procedure CenterDraw(SourceBitmap: TGraphic; ClipRect: TRect);
- procedure CenterRect(SourceBitmap: TBitmap; SourceRect, ClipRect: TRect);
- procedure DisabledDraw(X, Y: Integer; Bitmap: TBitmap);
- procedure FrameRectPen(ARect: TRect);
- procedure ClearRect(ARect: Trect; AGraphic: TGraphic; Stretch: Boolean; FillColor: TColor);
- procedure TileDraw(SourceBitmap: TBitmap);
- procedure Dither(r: TRect; ABrush: TBitmap);
- procedure DrawFrameControl(r: TRect; uType, uState: Integer);
- procedure ParseDraw(DestRect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap; NumImages, ImageIndex: Integer);
- procedure ParseCenterDraw(DestRect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap; NumImages, ImageIndex: Integer);
- end;
- implementation
- uses AxCtrls;
- procedure TfcCanvas.TileDraw(SourceBitmap: TBitmap);
- var CurLeft, CurTop: Integer;
- begin
- if (SourceBitmap.Width <= 0) or (SourceBitmap.Height <= 0) then Exit;
- CurLeft := 0;
- while (CurLeft < ClipRect.Right) do
- begin
- CurTop := 0;
- while (CurTop < ClipRect.Bottom) do
- begin
- Draw(CurLeft, CurTop, SourceBitmap);
- inc(CurTop, SourceBitmap.Height);
- end;
- inc(CurLeft, SourceBitmap.Width);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.Refresh;
- begin
- SelectObject(Handle, Pen.Handle);
- SelectObject(Handle, Font.Handle);
- SelectObject(Handle, Brush.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.DottedLine(p1, p2: TPoint);
- var i: integer;
- x, y: integer;
- tot: integer;
- begin
- Refresh;
- x := p1.x;
- y := p1.y;
- tot := fcMax(Abs(p2.y - p1.y), Abs(p2.x - p1.x));
- for i := 0 to tot do if i mod 2 = 0 then
- begin
- Polyline([Point(x,y), Point(x+1,y+1)]);
- inc(x, (p2.x - p1.x) div fcMax(1, (tot div 2)));
- inc(y, (p2.y - p1.y) div fcMax(1, (tot div 2)));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.CenterRect(SourceBitmap: TBitmap; SourceRect, ClipRect: TRect);
- var ALeft, ATop: Integer;
- ABitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- ALeft := (fcRectWidth(ClipRect) - fcRectWidth(SourceRect)) div 2 + ClipRect.Left;
- ATop := (fcRectHeight(ClipRect) - fcRectHeight(SourceRect)) div 2 + ClipRect.Top;
- FillRect(Rect(ALeft, ATop, ALeft + fcRectWidth(SourceRect), ATop + fcRectHeight(SourceRect)));
- ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- ABitmap.Transparent := True;
- SourceBitmap.Transparent := True;
- SourceBitmap.TransparentColor := SourceBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,0];
- // SourceBitmap.Mask($00808000);
- ABitmap.Width := SourceBitmap.Width;
- ABitmap.Height := SourceBitmap.Height;
- ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := SourceBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color;
- ABitmap.Canvas.FillRect(ABitmap.Canvas.ClipRect);
- ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, SourceBitmap);
- CopyRect(Rect(ALeft, ATop, ALeft + fcRectWidth(SourceRect), ATop + fcRectHeight(SourceRect)),
- ABitmap.Canvas, SourceRect);
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.CenterDraw(SourceBitmap: TGraphic; ClipRect: TRect);
- begin
- if (SourceBitmap.Width = 0) or (SourceBitmap.Height = 0) then Exit;
- Draw((fcRectWidth(ClipRect) - SourceBitmap.Width) div 2 + ClipRect.Left,
- (fcRectHeight(ClipRect) - SourceBitmap.Height) div 2 + ClipRect.Top, SourceBitmap);
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.Dither(r: TRect; ABrush: TBitmap);
- begin
- Brush.Bitmap := ABrush;
- SetBKColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(clRed));
- SetTextColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(clGreen));
- FillRect(r);
- Brush.Bitmap := nil;
- end;
- function TfcCanvas.DrawText(AText: string; ARect: TRect; Style: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- // Used by DrawText API Function when "Item" has focus.
- SetBkColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(Brush.Color));
- SetTextColor(Handle, ColorToRGB(Font.Color));
- Refresh;
- if (Style and DT_DISABLED <> 0) and (Style and DT_CALCRECT = 0) then
- begin
- Font.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- OffSetRect(ARect, 1, 1);
- Windows.DrawText(Handle, PChar(AText), Length(AText), ARect, Style);
- SetBkMode(Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- OffSetRect(ARect, -1, -1);
- Font.Color := clBtnShadow;
- end;
- Windows.DrawTextEx(Handle, PChar(AText), Length(AText), ARect, Style, nil);
- result := ARect;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.VCenterDrawText(AText: string; ARect: TRect; Style: Integer);
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- r := DrawText(AText, ARect, Style or DT_CALCRECT);
- r := Rect(ARect.Left, fcMax(ARect.Top, ARect.Top + ((fcRectHeight(ARect) - fcRectHeight(r)) div 2)), ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom);
- DrawText(AText, r, Style);
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.DisabledDraw(X, Y: Integer; Bitmap: TBitmap);
- const
- ROP_DSPDxax = $00E20746;
- var
- Bit: TBitmap;
- begin
- Bit := TBitmap.Create;
- Bit.Assign(Bitmap);
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- with Bit do begin
- HandleType := bmDDB;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
- if Monochrome then
- begin
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- Monochrome := False;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- end;
- Monochrome := True;
- end;
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(Rect(0,0,Bitmap.Width,Bitmap.Height));
- Brush.Color := clBtnHighlight;
- SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack);
- SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite);
- StretchBlt(Handle, 0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height,
- Bit.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Bit.Width, Bit.Height, ROP_DSPDxax);
- Brush.Color := clBtnShadow;
- SetTextColor(Handle, clBlack);
- SetBkColor(Handle, clWhite);
- StretchBlt(Handle, 0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height,
- Bit.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Bit.Width, Bit.Height, ROP_DSPDxax);
- Bit.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.FrameRectPen(ARect: TRect);
- begin
- // InflateRect(ARect, -(Pen.Width - 1), -(Pen.Width - 1));
- OffSetRect(ARect, Pen.Width - 1, Pen.Width - 1);
- Polyline([Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Top), Point(ARect.Right, ARect.Top),
- Point(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom), Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom),
- Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Top)]);
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.ClearRect(ARect: Trect; AGraphic: TGraphic; Stretch: Boolean; FillColor: TColor);
- var ABitmap: TBitmap;
- AColor: TColor;
- begin
- if AGraphic = nil then
- begin
- AColor := Brush.Color;
- Brush.Color := FillColor;
- FillRect(ARect);
- Brush.Color := AColor;
- end else begin
- ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- ABitmap.Width := fcRectWidth(ClipRect);
- ABitmap.Height := fcRectHeight(ClipRect);
- if Stretch then ABitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(ClipRect, AGraphic)
- else ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, AGraphic);
- ABitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(ARect, self, ARect);
- ABitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.DrawFrameControl(r: TRect; uType, uState: Integer);
- var bit, bit2: TBitmap;
- begin
- bit := TBitmap.Create;
- bit2 := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- bit.Width := fcRectWidth(r);
- bit.Height := fcRectHeight(r);
- bit.Transparent := False;
- bit2.Assign(bit);
- Windows.DrawFrameControl(bit.Canvas.Handle, bit.Canvas.ClipRect, uType, uState);
- bit2.Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed;
- bit2.Canvas.FillRect(bit2.Canvas.ClipRect);
- BitBlt(bit2.Canvas.Handle,
- 0, 0, bit2.Width, bit2.Height,
- Bit.Canvas.Handle,
- 0, 0,
- bit2.Transparent := True;
- Draw(r.Left, r.Top, bit2);
- finally
- bit.free;
- bit2.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.ParseDraw(DestRect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap; NumImages, ImageIndex: Integer);
- var AImageWidth: Integer;
- ALeft: Integer;
- begin
- AImageWidth := ABitmap.Width div NumImages;
- ALeft := AImageWidth * ImageIndex;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- BrushCopy(Rect(DestRect.Left, DestRect.Top, DestRect.Left + AImageWidth, DestRect.Top + ABitmap.Height),
- ABitmap,
- Rect(ALeft, 0, ALeft + AImageWidth, ABitmap.Height),
- ABitmap.TransparentColor);
- end;
- procedure TfcCanvas.ParseCenterDraw(DestRect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap; NumImages, ImageIndex: Integer);
- var AImageWidth: Integer;
- ALeft: Integer;
- ATop: Integer;
- begin
- AImageWidth := ABitmap.Width div NumImages;
- ALeft := DestRect.Left + (((DestRect.Right - DestRect.Left) - AImageWidth) div 2);
- ATop := DestRect.Top + (((DestRect.Bottom - DestRect.Top) - ABitmap.Height) div 2);
- ParseDraw(Rect(ALeft, ATop, ALeft + AImageWidth, ATop + ABitmap.Height),
- ABitmap, NumImages, ImageIndex);
- end;
- end.