- {*******************************************************************}
- { }
- { Almediadev Visual Component Library }
- { BusinessSkinForm }
- { Version 2.90 }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Almediadev }
- { }
- { Home: }
- { Support: }
- { }
- {*******************************************************************}
- unit bsColorCtrls;
- interface
- uses Windows, SysUtils, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- BusinessSkinForm, bsSkinData, bsSkinCtrls, bsSkinBoxCtrls, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, bsEffects;
- type
- TbsCustomColorValues = array[1..12] of TColor;
- TbsSkinCustomColorGrid = class(TbsSkinPanel)
- private
- FColorValue: TColor;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FColCount, FRowCount: Integer;
- FColorIndex: Integer;
- procedure SetColCount(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetRowCount(Value: Integer);
- protected
- procedure DrawCursor(Cnvs: TCanvas; R: TRect; pmNotMode: Boolean);
- procedure CreateControlDefaultImage(B: TBitMap); override;
- procedure CreateControlSkinImage(B: TBitMap); override;
- procedure PaintGrid(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); override;
- public
- CustomColorValues: TbsCustomColorValues;
- FColorsCount: Integer;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddColor(AColor: TColor);
- published
- property RowCount: Integer read FRowCount write SetRowCount;
- property ColCount: Integer read FColCount write SetColCount;
- property ColorValue: TColor read FColorValue;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- end;
- TbsEmptyControl = class(TCustomControl)
- protected
- procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
- public
- procedure Paint; override;
- end;
- TbsSkinColorGrid = class(TbsSkinPanel)
- private
- FColorValue: TColor;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FColCount, FRowCount: Integer;
- procedure SetColCount(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetRowCount(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetColorValue(Value: TColor);
- protected
- procedure DrawCursor(Cnvs: TCanvas; R: TRect; pmNotMode: Boolean);
- function CheckColor(Value: TColor): boolean;
- procedure CreateControlDefaultImage(B: TBitMap); override;
- procedure CreateControlSkinImage(B: TBitMap); override;
- procedure PaintGrid(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property RowCount: Integer read FRowCount write SetRowCount;
- property ColCount: Integer read FColCount write SetColCount;
- property ColorValue: TColor read FColorValue write SetColorValue;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- end;
- TbsColorViewer = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- FColorValue: TColor;
- procedure SetColorValue(Value: TColor);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- procedure Paint; override;
- published
- property ColorValue: TColor read FColorValue write SetColorValue;
- end;
- const
- CalcEpsilon: Double = 1E-8;
- CalcRadian: Double = 3.1415926536 / 180;
- RectPSP: TRect = (Left:44; Top:44; Right:150; Bottom:150);
- RectActCol: TRect = (Left:21; Top:20; Right:69; Bottom:70);
- RectPreCol: TRect = (Left:21; Top:95; Right:69; Bottom:145);
- PalettePSPCoord: TRect = (Left:0; Top:0; Right:195; Bottom:195);
- MaxPixelCount = 32768;
- type
- THSL = record
- H, S, L: Double;
- end;
- TRGB = record
- R, G, B : byte;
- end;
- THSLPSP = record
- H, S, L: Byte;
- end;
- TPSPColor = class
- private
- function HSLToRGB (Value: THSL): TRGB;
- function RGBToHSL (Value: TRGB): THSL;
- function HSLPSPToHSL:THSL;
- procedure SetRGB(const Value: TRGB);
- procedure SeTHSL(const Value: THSL);
- procedure SeTHSLPSP(const Value: THSLPSP);
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy;override;
- procedure Assign(const Value : TPSPColor);
- property RGB : TRGB read FRGB write SetRGB;
- property HSL : THSL read FHSL write SeTHSL;
- property HSLPSP : THSLPSP read FHSLPSP write SeTHSLPSP;
- end;
- TClickZonePSP = (czpspPnone, czpspPCircle, czpspPCar);
- TLineB = array of Byte;
- TLineI = array of Integer;
- PRGBArray = ^TRGBArray;
- TRGBArray = array[0..MaxPixelCount - 1] of TRGBTriple;
- TbsSkinColorDialog = class(TComponent)
- private
- RGBStopCheck: Boolean;
- HSLStopCheck: Boolean;
- FromPSP: Boolean;
- protected
- FColor: TColor;
- FCaption: String;
- FSD: TbsSkinData;
- FCtrlFSD: TbsSkinData;
- FButtonSkinDataName: String;
- FEditSkinDataName: String;
- FLabelSkinDataName: String;
- FDefaultLabelFont: TFont;
- FDefaultEditFont: TFont;
- FDefaultButtonFont: TFont;
- FAlphaBlend: Boolean;
- FAlphaBlendAnimation: Boolean;
- FAlphaBlendValue: Byte;
- FUseSkinFont: Boolean;
- //
- ColorGrid: TbsSkinColorGrid;
- CustomColorGrid: TbsSkinCustomColorGrid;
- OkButton, CancelButton, AddCustomColorButton: TbsSkinButton;
- ColorViewer: TbsColorViewer;
- REdit, GEdit, BEdit: TbsSkinTrackEdit;
- RLabel, GLabel, BLabel, EQLabel: TbsSkinStdLabel;
- HEdit, LEdit, SEdit: TbsSkinTrackEdit;
- HLabel, LLabel, SLabel: TbsSkinStdLabel;
- //
- PalettePSPPanel: TbsEmptyControl;
- PalettePSP: TImage;
- PosCircle, PosCar: Integer;
- ClickImg: TClickZonePSP;
- PSPColor : TPSPColor;
- CustomColorValues: TbsCustomColorValues;
- CustomColorValuesCount: Integer;
- function CalcAngle3Points(X1, Y1, Xc, Yc, X2, Y2: Double): Double;
- function CalcAnglePoints(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Double): Double;
- procedure CalcAngle360(var Angle: Double);
- function CalcDistancePoints(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Double): Double;
- function CalcArcCosRadians(CosAngle: Double): Double;
- function CalcArcSinRadians(SinAngle: Double): Double;
- procedure CalcRotationPoint(Xc, Yc: Double; Angle: Double; X1, Y1: Double; var X2, Y2: Double);
- procedure CalcPointSurEllipse(Xc, Yc: Double; RayonX, RayonY: Double; Angle: Double; var X, Y: Double);
- function CalcArcTan(TanAngle: Double): Double;
- procedure InitPSPPalette;
- procedure DrawPSPPalette;
- procedure DrawCursor;
- procedure PalettePSPMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
- procedure PalettePSPMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure PalettePSPMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- //
- procedure SetDefaultLabelFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure SetDefaultButtonFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure SetDefaultEditFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure ColorGridChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure CustomColorGridChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure RGBEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure HSLEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure AddCustomColorButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ChangeEdits;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Execute: Boolean;
- published
- property Color: TColor read FColor write FColor;
- property Caption: String read FCaption write FCaption;
- property AlphaBlend: Boolean read FAlphaBlend write FAlphaBlend;
- property AlphaBlendValue: Byte read FAlphaBlendValue write FAlphaBlendValue;
- property AlphaBlendAnimation: Boolean
- read FAlphaBlendAnimation write FAlphaBlendAnimation;
- property SkinData: TbsSkinData read FSD write FSD;
- property CtrlSkinData: TbsSkinData read FCtrlFSD write FCtrlFSD;
- property ButtonSkinDataName: String
- read FButtonSkinDataName write FButtonSkinDataName;
- property LabelSkinDataName: String
- read FLabelSkinDataName write FLabelSkinDataName;
- property EditSkinDataName: String
- read FEditSkinDataName write FEditSkinDataName;
- property DefaultLabelFont: TFont read FDefaultLabelFont write SetDefaultLabelFont;
- property DefaultButtonFont: TFont read FDefaultButtonFont write SetDefaultButtonFont;
- property DefaultEditFont: TFont read FDefaultEditFont write SetDefaultEditFont;
- property UseSkinFont: Boolean read FUseSkinFont write FUseSkinFont;
- end;
- implementation
- Uses bsUtils, Math, bsConst;
- const
- ColorValues: array[1..48] of TColor =
- (0, 64, 128, 4210816, 255, 8421631, 32896, 16512, 33023, 4227327, 65535, 8454143,
- 4227200, 16384, 32768, 65280, 65408, 8454016, 8421504, 4210688, 4227072, 8421376, 4259584, 8453888,
- 8421440, 8388608, 16711680, 8404992, 16776960, 16777088, 12632256, 4194304, 10485760, 16744576, 12615680, 16744448,
- 4194368, 5194368, 8388736, 4194432, 12615808, 12615935, 16777215, 8388672, 16711808, 8388863, 16711935, 16744703);
- procedure ColorToR_G_B(C: TColor; var R, G, B: Byte);
- begin
- R := C and $FF;
- G := (C shr 8) and $FF;
- B := (C shr 16) and $FF;
- end;
- function R_G_BToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
- begin
- Result := RGB(R, G, B);
- end;
- procedure RGBToHSL1(AR, AV, AB: Byte; var H, S, L: Double);
- var
- R,
- G,
- B,
- D,
- Cmax,
- Cmin: double;
- begin
- R := AR / 255;
- G := AV / 255;
- B := AB / 255;
- Cmax := Max (R, Max (G, B));
- Cmin := Min (R, Min (G, B));
- L := (Cmax + Cmin) / 2;
- if Cmax = Cmin
- then
- begin
- H := 0;
- S := 0
- end
- else
- begin
- D := Cmax - Cmin;
- if L < 0.5 then S := D / (Cmax + Cmin) else S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin);
- if R = Cmax
- then
- H := (G - B) / D
- else
- if G = Cmax then H := 2 + (B - R) /D else H := 4 + (R - G) / D;
- H := H / 6;
- if H < 0 then H := H + 1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure RGBToHSL2(AR, AG, AB: Byte; var H, S, L: Integer);
- var
- RGB: array[0..2] of Double;
- MinIndex, MaxIndex: Integer;
- Range: Double;
- H1 : Double;
- begin
- RGB[0]:= AR;
- RGB[1]:= AG;
- RGB[2]:= AB;
- MinIndex:= 0;
- if AG < AR then MinIndex:= 1;
- if AB < RGB[MinIndex] then MinIndex:= 2;
- MaxIndex:= 0;
- if AG > AR then MaxIndex:= 1;
- if AB > RGB[MaxIndex] then MaxIndex:= 2;
- Range:= RGB[MaxIndex] - RGB[MinIndex];
- if Range = 0
- then
- begin
- S := 0;
- L := Round(100 * AR / 255);
- end
- else
- begin
- H1 := MaxIndex * 2 + (AR - AG) / Range;
- S := Round(Range / RGB[MaxIndex] * 100);
- L := Round(100 * (RGB[MaxIndex] / 255));
- H1 := H1 / 6;
- if H1 < 0 then H1 := H1 + 1;
- H := Round(H1 * 359);
- end;
- end;
- procedure RGBToHSL(AR, AG, AB: Byte; var RH, RS, RL: Integer);
- var
- H, S, L: Double;
- begin
- RGBToHSL1(AR, AG, AB, H, S, L);
- if RS <> 0 then RH := Round(H * 359);
- end;
- procedure HSLToRGB(var R, G, B: Byte; RH, RS, RL: Integer);
- const
- SectionSize = 60/360;
- var
- Section: Double;
- SectionIndex: Integer;
- f, p, q, t, H, S, L: Double;
- begin
- H := RH / 360;
- S := RS / 100;
- L := (255 * RL / 100);
- if S = 0
- then
- begin
- R := Round(L);
- G := R;
- B := R;
- end
- else
- begin
- Section := H / SectionSize;
- SectionIndex := Floor(Section);
- f := Section - SectionIndex;
- p := L * ( 1 - S );
- q := L * ( 1 - S * f );
- t := L * ( 1 - S * ( 1 - f ) );
- case SectionIndex of
- 0:
- begin
- R := Round(L);
- G := Round(t);
- B := Round(p);
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- R := Round(q);
- G := Round(L);
- B := Round(p);
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- R := Round(p);
- G := Round(L);
- B := Round(t);
- end;
- 3:
- begin
- R := Round(p);
- G := Round(q);
- B := Round(L);
- end;
- 4:
- begin
- R := Round(t);
- G := Round(p);
- B := Round(L);
- end;
- else
- R := Round(L);
- G := Round(p);
- B := Round(q);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsEmptyControl.WMEraseBkgnd;
- begin
- Msg.Result := 1;
- end;
- procedure TbsEmptyControl.Paint;
- begin
- end;
- constructor TbsSkinColorGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls];
- CaptionMode := True;
- Caption := BS_COLORGRID_CAP;
- BorderStyle := bvFrame;
- Width := 280;
- Height := 115;
- FColorValue := 0;
- FColCount := 12;
- FRowCount := 4;
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinColorGrid.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.SetColCount(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value < 1 then Exit;
- FColCount := Value;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.SetRowCount(Value: Integer);
- begin
- FRowCount := Value;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.DrawCursor;
- var
- CX, CY, Rd: Integer;
- begin
- CX := R.Left + RectWidth(R) div 2;
- CY := R.Top + RectHeight(R) div 2;
- if RectWidth(R) > RectHeight(R)
- then
- Rd := RectHeight(R) div 2 - 2
- else
- Rd := RectWidth(R) div 2 - 2;
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- if pmNotMode then Pen.Mode := pmNot else Pen.Color := 0;
- MoveTo(CX - rd, CY); LineTo(CX - 2, CY);
- MoveTo(CX + 3, CY); LineTo(CX + rd + 1, CY);
- MoveTo(CX, CY - rd); LineTo(CX, CY - 2);
- MoveTo(CX, CY + 3); LineTo(CX, CY + rd);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.PaintGrid(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- var
- X, Y, CW, CH, i, j, k: Integer;
- R, Rct: TRect;
- begin
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- AdjustClientRect(R);
- CW := (RectWidth(R) - ColCount * 2) div ColCount;
- CH := (RectHeight(R) - RowCount * 2) div RowCount;
- Y := R.Top + 1;
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to RowCount do
- begin
- X := R.Left + 1;
- for j := 1 to ColCount do
- begin
- Inc(k);
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- Brush.Color := ColorValues[k];
- Rct := Rect(X, Y, X + CW, Y + CH);
- InflateRect(Rct, -1, -1);
- FillRect(Rct);
- InflateRect(Rct, 1, 1);
- if FColorValue = ColorValues[k]
- then
- begin
- if ColorValues[k] <> clGray
- then
- DrawCursor(Cnvs, Rct, True)
- else
- DrawCursor(Cnvs, Rct, False);
- end
- end;
- Inc(X, CW + 2);
- end;
- Inc(Y, CH + 2);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.CreateControlDefaultImage;
- begin
- inherited;
- PaintGrid(B.Canvas);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.CreateControlSkinImage;
- begin
- inherited;
- PaintGrid(B.Canvas);
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorGrid.CheckColor(Value: TColor): boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for I := 1 to 48 do
- if ColorValues[I] = Value
- then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.SetColorValue(Value: TColor);
- begin
- FColorValue := Value;
- if CheckColor(FColorValue)
- then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
- RePaint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- var
- X1, Y1, CW, CH, i, j, k: Integer;
- R, Rct: TRect;
- begin
- inherited;
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- AdjustClientRect(R);
- CW := (RectWidth(R) - ColCount * 2) div ColCount;
- CH := (RectHeight(R) - RowCount * 2) div RowCount;
- Y1 := R.Top + 1;
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to RowCount do
- begin
- X1 := R.Left + 1;
- for j := 1 to ColCount do
- begin
- Inc(k);
- Rct := Rect(X1, Y1, X1 + CW, Y1 + CH);
- if PtInRect(Rct, Point(X, Y))
- then
- begin
- ColorValue := ColorValues[k];
- Break;
- end;
- Inc(X1, CW + 2);
- end;
- Inc(Y1, CH + 2);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TbsColorViewer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
- FColorValue := 0;
- end;
- procedure TbsColorViewer.Paint;
- var
- B: TBitMap;
- begin
- B := TBitMap.Create;
- B.Width := Width;
- B.Height := Height;
- with B.Canvas do
- begin
- Pen.Color := clBlack;
- Brush.Color := FColorValue;
- Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
- end;
- Canvas.Draw(0, 0, B);
- B.Free;
- end;
- procedure TbsColorViewer.SetColorValue;
- begin
- if FColorValue = Value then Exit;
- FColorValue := Value;
- RePaint;
- end;
- function TPSPColor.RGBToHSL(Value: TRGB): THSL;
- var
- R,
- G,
- B,
- D,
- Cmax,
- Cmin: double;
- begin
- R := Value.R / 255;
- G := Value.G / 255;
- B := Value.B / 255;
- Cmax := Max (R, Max (G, B));
- Cmin := Min (R, Min (G, B));
- // calculate luminosity
- Result.L := (Cmax + Cmin) / 2;
- if Cmax = Cmin then
- begin
- Result.H := 0;
- Result.S := 0
- end else begin
- D := Cmax - Cmin;
- // calculate Saturation
- if Result.L < 0.5 then
- Result.S := D / (Cmax + Cmin)
- else
- Result.S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin);
- // calculate Hue
- if R = Cmax then
- Result.H := (G - B) / D
- else
- if G = Cmax then
- Result.H := 2 + (B - R) /D
- else
- Result.H := 4 + (R - G) / D;
- Result.H := Result.H / 6;
- if Result.H < 0 then
- Result.H := Result.H + 1
- end
- end;
- function TPSPColor.HSLToRGB(Value: THSL): TRGB;
- var
- M1,
- M2: double;
- function HueToColourValue (Hue: double) : byte;
- var
- V : double;
- begin
- if Hue < 0 then
- Hue := Hue + 1
- else
- if Hue > 1 then
- Hue := Hue - 1;
- if 6 * Hue < 1 then
- V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * Hue * 6
- else
- if 2 * Hue < 1 then
- V := M2
- else
- if 3 * Hue < 2 then
- V := M1 + (M2 - M1) * (2/3 - Hue) * 6
- else
- V := M1;
- Result := round (255 * V)
- end;
- begin
- if Value.S = 0 then
- begin
- Result.R := round (255 * Value.L);
- Result.G := Result.R;
- Result.B := Result.R
- end else begin
- if Value.L <= 0.5 then
- M2 := Value.L * (1 + Value.S)
- else
- M2 := Value.L + Value.S - Value.L * Value.S;
- M1 := 2 * Value.L - M2;
- Result.R := HueToColourValue (Value.H + 1/3);
- Result.G := HueToColourValue (Value.H);
- Result.B := HueToColourValue (Value.H - 1/3)
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result.H := round(FHSL.H*255);
- Result.S := round(FHSL.S*255);
- Result.L := round(FHSL.L*255);
- end;
- function TPSPColor.HSLPSPToHSL: THSL;
- begin
- Result.H := FHSLPSP.H/255;
- Result.S := FHSLPSP.S/255;
- Result.L := FHSLPSP.L/255;
- end;
- constructor TPSPColor.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- destructor TPSPColor.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TPSPColor.SetRGB(const Value: TRGB);
- begin
- FRGB := Value;
- end;
- procedure TPSPColor.SeTHSL(const Value: THSL);
- begin
- FHSL := Value;
- end;
- procedure TPSPColor.SeTHSLPSP(const Value: THSLPSP);
- begin
- FHSLPSP := Value;
- end;
- procedure TPSPColor.Assign(const Value: TPSPColor);
- begin
- FRGB := Value.FRGB;
- FHSL := Value.FHSL;
- end;
- constructor TbsSkinColorDialog.Create;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- RGBStopCheck := False;
- HSLStopCheck := False;
- FromPSP := False;
- FColor := 0;
- PSPColor := TPSPColor.Create;
- FAlphaBlend := False;
- FAlphaBlendAnimation := False;
- FAlphaBlendValue := 200;
- FCaption := 'Set color';
- FButtonSkinDataName := 'button';
- FLabelSkinDataName := 'stdlabel';
- FEditSkinDataName := 'edit';
- FDefaultLabelFont := TFont.Create;
- FDefaultButtonFont := TFont.Create;
- FDefaultEditFont := TFont.Create;
- FUseSkinFont := True;
- with FDefaultLabelFont do
- begin
- Name := 'Arial';
- Style := [];
- Height := 14;
- end;
- with FDefaultButtonFont do
- begin
- Name := 'Arial';
- Style := [];
- Height := 14;
- end;
- with FDefaultEditFont do
- begin
- Name := 'Arial';
- Style := [];
- Height := 14;
- end;
- for I := 1 to 12 do CustomColorValues[I] := clWhite;
- CustomColorValuesCount := 0;
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinColorDialog.Destroy;
- begin
- PSPColor.Free;
- FDefaultLabelFont.Free;
- FDefaultButtonFont.Free;
- FDefaultEditFont.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.ChangeEdits;
- var
- R, G, B: Byte;
- begin
- FromPSP := True;
- R := PSPColor.FRGB.R;
- G := PSPColor.FRGB.G;
- B := PSPColor.FRGB.B;
- REdit.Value := R;
- GEdit.Value := G;
- BEdit.Value := B;
- FromPSP := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.HSLEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- R, G, B: Byte;
- begin
- if HSLStopCheck then Exit;
- HSLTORGB(R, G, B, HEdit.Value, SEdit.Value, LEdit.Value);
- ColorViewer.ColorValue := R_G_BToColor(R, G, B);
- RGBStopCheck := True;
- //
- REdit.Value := R;
- GEdit.Value := G;
- BEdit.Value := B;
- //
- if not FromPSP
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- RGB.R := R;
- RGB.G := G;
- RGB.B := B;
- PSPColor.SetRGB(RGB);
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- //
- RGBStopCheck := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.AddCustomColorButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- CustomColorGrid.AddColor(ColorViewer.ColorValue);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.RGBEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- R, G, B: Byte;
- H, S, L: Integer;
- begin
- if RGBStopCheck then Exit;
- ColorViewer.ColorValue := R_G_BToColor(REdit.Value, GEdit.Value, BEdit.Value);
- ColorToR_G_B(ColorViewer.ColorValue, R, G, B);
- HSLStopCheck := True;
- RGBToHSL(R, G, B, H, S, L);
- HEdit.Value := H;
- SEdit.Value := S;
- LEdit.Value := L;
- //
- if not FromPSP
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- RGB.R := R;
- RGB.G := G;
- RGB.B := B;
- PSPColor.SetRGB(RGB);
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- //
- HSLStopCheck := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.CustomColorGridChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- R, G, B: Byte;
- H, S, L: Integer;
- begin
- ColorToR_G_B(CustomColorGrid.ColorValue, R, G, B);
- RGBStopCheck := True;
- REdit.Value := R;
- GEdit.Value := G;
- BEdit.Value := B;
- RGBStopCheck := False;
- ColorViewer.ColorValue := CustomColorGrid.ColorValue;
- RGBToHSL(R, G, B, H, S, L);
- HSLStopCheck := True;
- HEdit.Value := H;
- SEdit.Value := S;
- LEdit.Value := L;
- if not FromPSP
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- RGB.R := R;
- RGB.G := G;
- RGB.B := B;
- PSPColor.SetRGB(RGB);
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- HSLStopCheck := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.ColorGridChange(Sender: TObject);
- var
- R, G, B: Byte;
- H, S, L: Integer;
- begin
- ColorToR_G_B(ColorGrid.ColorValue, R, G, B);
- RGBStopCheck := True;
- REdit.Value := R;
- GEdit.Value := G;
- BEdit.Value := B;
- RGBStopCheck := False;
- ColorViewer.ColorValue := ColorGrid.ColorValue;
- RGBToHSL(R, G, B, H, S, L);
- HSLStopCheck := True;
- HEdit.Value := H;
- SEdit.Value := S;
- LEdit.Value := L;
- if not FromPSP
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- RGB.R := R;
- RGB.G := G;
- RGB.B := B;
- PSPColor.SetRGB(RGB);
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- HSLStopCheck := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.SetDefaultLabelFont;
- begin
- FDefaultLabelFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.SetDefaultEditFont;
- begin
- FDefaultEditFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.SetDefaultButtonFont;
- begin
- FDefaultButtonFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.Notification;
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSD) then FSD := nil;
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FCtrlFSD) then FCtrlFSD := nil;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.Execute: Boolean;
- var
- Form: TForm;
- BSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight: Integer;
- R, G, B: Byte;
- Temp : TRGB;
- I: Integer;
- PSPBGColor: TColor;
- begin
- Form := TForm.Create(Application);
- Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog;
- Form.Caption := FCaption;
- Form.Position := poScreenCenter;
- BSF := TbsBusinessSkinForm.Create(Form);
- BSF.BorderIcons := [];
- BSF.SkinData := SkinData;
- BSF.MenusSkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- BSF.AlphaBlend := AlphaBlend;
- BSF.AlphaBlendAnimation := AlphaBlendAnimation;
- BSF.AlphaBlendValue := AlphaBlendValue;
- try
- Form.ClientWidth := 378;
- ColorGrid := TbsSkinColorGrid.Create(Form);
- with ColorGrid do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- CaptionMode := True;
- RowCount := 8;
- ColCount := 6;
- Left := 5;
- Top := 5;
- Width := 167;
- Height := 195;
- SkinDataName := 'groupbox';
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- OnChange := ColorGridChange;
- end;
- CustomColorGrid := TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.Create(Form);
- with CustomColorGrid do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- CaptionMode := True;
- Left := 5;
- Top := ColorGrid.Top + ColorGrid.Height + 10;
- Width := 167;
- Height := 68;
- SkinDataName := 'groupbox';
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- OnChange := CustomColorGridChange;
- end;
- for I := 1 to 12 do
- CustomColorGrid.CustomColorValues[I] := Self.CustomColorValues[I];
- CustomColorGrid.FColorsCount := CustomColorValuesCount;
- //
- PalettePSPPanel:= TbsEmptyControl.Create(Form);
- with PalettePSPPanel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Top := 5;
- Left := ColorGrid.Left + ColorGrid.Width + 5;
- Width := 195;
- Height := 195;
- end;
- PalettePSP := TImage.Create(Form);
- with PalettePSP do
- begin
- Parent := PalettePSPPanel;
- Top := 0;
- Left := 0;
- Width := 195;
- Height := 195;
- OnMouseMove := PalettePSPMouseMove;
- OnMouseUp := PalettePSPMouseUp;
- OnMouseDown := PalettePSPMouseDown;
- Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
- Picture.Bitmap.width := PalettePSP.width;
- Picture.Bitmap.height := PalettePSP.Height;
- end;
- ClickImg := czpspPnone;
- Temp.R := 0;
- Temp.G := 0;
- Temp.B := 0;
- PSPColor.RGB := Temp;
- PosCircle := (PalettePSP.Width-PalettePSPCoord.Right)div 2;
- PosCar := PosCircle;
- InitPSPPalette;
- //
- RLabel := TbsSkinStdLabel.Create(Form);
- with RLabel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Left := PalettePSPPanel.Left;
- Top := ColorGrid.Top + ColorGrid.Height + 12;
- DefaultFont := DefaultLabelFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- Caption := 'R:';
- end;
- REdit := TbsSkinTrackEdit.Create(Self);
- with REdit do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- PopupKind := tbpLeft;
- SetBounds(RLabel.Left + RLabel.Width + 5, ColorGrid.Top + ColorGrid.Height + 10, 50, 21);
- TrackBarWidth := 200;
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 255;
- Value := 0;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- JumpWhenClick := True;
- OnChange := RGBEditChange;
- end;
- GLabel := TbsSkinStdLabel.Create(Form);
- with GLabel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Left := PalettePSPPanel.Left;
- Top := REdit.Top + REdit.Height + 12;
- DefaultFont := DefaultLabelFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- Caption := 'G:';
- end;
- GEdit := TbsSkinTrackEdit.Create(Self);
- with GEdit do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- PopupKind := tbpLeft;
- SetBounds(REdit.Left, REdit.Top + REdit.Height + 10, 50, 21);
- TrackBarWidth := 200;
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 255;
- Value := 0;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- JumpWhenClick := True;
- OnChange := RGBEditChange;
- end;
- BLabel := TbsSkinStdLabel.Create(Form);
- with BLabel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Left := PalettePSPPanel.Left;
- Top := GEdit.Top + GEdit.Height + 12;
- DefaultFont := DefaultLabelFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- Caption := 'B:';
- end;
- BEdit := TbsSkinTrackEdit.Create(Self);
- with BEdit do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- PopupKind := tbpLeft;
- SetBounds(REdit.Left, GEdit.Top + GEdit.Height + 10, 50, 21);
- TrackBarWidth := 200;
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 255;
- Value := 0;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- JumpWhenClick := True;
- OnChange := RGBEditChange;
- end;
- HLabel := TbsSkinStdLabel.Create(Form);
- with HLabel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Left := REdit.Left + REdit.Width + 5;
- Top := ColorGrid.Top + ColorGrid.Height + 12;
- DefaultFont := DefaultLabelFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- Caption := 'H:';
- end;
- HEdit := TbsSkinTrackEdit.Create(Self);
- with HEdit do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- PopupKind := tbpLeft;
- SetBounds(HLabel.Left + HLabel.Width + 5, ColorGrid.Top + ColorGrid.Height + 10, 50, 21);
- TrackBarWidth := 250;
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 359;
- Value := 0;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- JumpWhenClick := True;
- OnChange := HSLEditChange;
- end;
- SLabel := TbsSkinStdLabel.Create(Form);
- with SLabel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Left := REdit.Left + REdit.Width + 5;
- Top := HEdit.Top + HEdit.Height + 12;
- DefaultFont := DefaultLabelFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- Caption := 'S:';
- end;
- SEdit := TbsSkinTrackEdit.Create(Self);
- with SEdit do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- PopupKind := tbpLeft;
- SetBounds(HEdit.Left, HEdit.Top + HEdit.Height + 10, 50, 21);
- TrackBarWidth := 120;
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 100;
- Value := 0;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- JumpWhenClick := True;
- OnChange := HSLEditChange;
- end;
- LLabel := TbsSkinStdLabel.Create(Form);
- with LLabel do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- Left := REdit.Left + REdit.Width + 5;
- Top := SEdit.Top + SEdit.Height + 12;
- DefaultFont := DefaultLabelFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- Caption := 'L:';
- end;
- LEdit := TbsSkinTrackEdit.Create(Self);
- with LEdit do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- PopupKind := tbpLeft;
- SetBounds(HEdit.Left, SEdit.Top + SEdit.Height + 10, 50, 21);
- TrackBarWidth := 120;
- MinValue := 0;
- MaxValue := 100;
- Value := 0;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- JumpWhenClick := True;
- OnChange := HSLEditChange;
- end;
- ColorViewer := TbsColorViewer.Create(Form);
- with ColorViewer do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- SetBounds(HEdit.Left + HEdit.Width + 5,
- PalettePSPPanel.Top + PalettePSPPanel.Height + 10,
- PalettePSPPanel.Left + PalettePSPPanel.Width - (HEdit.Left + HEdit.Width + 5),
- PalettePSPPanel.Left + PalettePSPPanel.Width - (HEdit.Left + HEdit.Width + 5));
- end;
- ButtonTop := LEdit.Top + LEdit.Height + 15;
- ButtonWidth := 70;
- ButtonHeight := 25;
- OkButton := TbsSkinButton.Create(Form);
- with OkButton do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- DefaultFont := DefaultButtonFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- if (CtrlSkinData <> nil) and (CtrlSkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := CtrlSkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MSG_BTN_OK')
- else
- Caption := BS_MSG_BTN_OK;
- ModalResult := mrOk;
- Default := True;
- SetBounds(5, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
- DefaultHeight := ButtonHeight;
- SkinDataName := FButtonSkinDataName;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- end;
- CancelButton := TbsSkinButton.Create(Form);
- with CancelButton do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- DefaultFont := DefaultButtonFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- if (CtrlSkinData <> nil) and (CtrlSkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := CtrlSkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MSG_BTN_CANCEL')
- else
- Caption := BS_MSG_BTN_CANCEL;
- ModalResult := mrCancel;
- Cancel := True;
- SetBounds(90, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth,
- ButtonHeight);
- DefaultHeight := ButtonHeight;
- SkinDataName := FButtonSkinDataName;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- end;
- AddCustomColorButton := TbsSkinButton.Create(Form);
- with AddCustomColorButton do
- begin
- Parent := Form;
- DefaultFont := DefaultButtonFont;
- UseSkinFont := Self.UseSkinFont;
- if (CtrlSkinData <> nil) and (CtrlSkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := CtrlSkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('ADDCUSTOMCOLORBUTTON_CAP')
- else
- SetBounds(PalettePSPPanel.Left, ButtonTop, PalettePSPPanel.Width, ButtonHeight);
- DefaultHeight := ButtonHeight;
- SkinDataName := FButtonSkinDataName;
- SkinData := CtrlSkinData;
- OnClick := AddCustomColorButtonClick;
- end;
- Form.ClientHeight := AddCustomColorButton.Top + AddCustomColorButton.Height + 10;
- ColorViewer.ColorValue := Color;
- ColorGrid.ColorValue := Color;
- ColorToR_G_B(Color, R, G, B);
- REdit.Value := R;
- GEdit.Value := G;
- BEdit.Value := B;
- if Form.ShowModal = mrOk
- then
- begin
- Color := ColorViewer.ColorValue;
- for I := 1 to 12 do
- Self.CustomColorValues[I] := CustomColorGrid.CustomColorValues[I];
- CustomColorValuesCount := CustomColorGrid.FColorsCount;
- Result := True;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
- finally
- Form.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcAngle360(var Angle: Double);
- begin
- while (Angle < 0) do Angle := Angle + 360;
- while (Angle >= 360) do Angle:=Angle - 360;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcAngle3Points(X1, Y1, Xc, Yc, X2, Y2: Double): Double;
- var
- Angle1, Angle2, Angle: Double;
- begin
- Angle1 := CalcAnglePoints(Xc, Yc, X1, Y1);
- Angle2 := CalcAnglePoints(Xc, Yc, X2, Y2);
- Angle := Angle2-Angle1;
- CalcAngle360(Angle);
- CalcAngle3Points := Angle;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcRotationPoint(Xc, Yc, Angle, X1, Y1: Double; var X2,Y2: Double);
- var
- Angle0: Double;
- Distance: Double;
- begin
- Angle0 := CalcAnglePoints(Xc, Yc, X1, Y1);
- Distance := CalcDistancePoints(Xc, Yc, X1, Y1);
- CalcPointSurEllipse(Xc, Yc, Distance, Distance, Angle0 + Angle, X2, Y2);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcPointSurEllipse(Xc, Yc, RayonX, RayonY, Angle: Double;
- var X, Y: Double);
- var
- Angle1, AngleA: Double;
- A, B: Double;
- begin
- CalcAngle360(Angle);
- Angle1 := 90 - Angle;
- A := Cos(Angle1 * CalcRadian) * RayonX;
- B := Sin(Angle1 * CalcRadian) * RayonY;
- if (Abs(B) < CalcEpsilon)
- then
- if (Abs(Angle - 90) < 1E-7)
- then
- AngleA := 90
- else
- AngleA := 270
- else
- begin
- AngleA := CalcArcTan(A/B);
- if (Angle < 90)
- then
- else
- if (Angle < 270)
- then
- AngleA := AngleA + 180
- else
- AngleA := AngleA + 0;
- end;
- Y := Yc + Sin(AngleA * CalcRadian) * RayonY;
- X := Xc + Cos(AngleA * CalcRadian) * RayonX;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcArcTan(TanAngle: Double): Double;
- begin
- CalcArcTan := Arctan(TanAngle) / CalcRadian;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcAnglePoints(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Double): Double;
- var
- Distance, CosAngle, Angle: Double;
- begin
- Distance := CalcDistancePoints(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);
- if (Abs(Distance) < CalcEpsilon)
- then
- Angle := 0
- else
- begin
- CosAngle := Abs(X1 - X2) / Distance;
- Angle := CalcArcCosRadians(CosAngle);
- if (Abs(Y1 - Y2) >= CalcEpsilon) and (Y2 < Y1) then Angle := -Angle;
- if (Abs(X1-X2) >= CalcEpsilon) and (X2 < X1) then Angle := Pi-Angle;
- if (Abs(Angle) < CalcEpsilon) then Angle:=0;
- if (Angle < 0) then Angle := Angle + 2 * Pi;
- Angle := Angle / CalcRadian;
- end;
- CalcAnglePoints := Angle;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcArcCosRadians(CosAngle: Double): Double;
- var
- Angle: Double;
- begin
- Angle := Pi/2 - CalcArcSinRadians(CosAngle);
- CalcArcCosRadians := Angle;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcArcSinRadians(SinAngle: Double): Double;
- var
- Diviseur, Angle: Double;
- begin
- Diviseur := Sqrt(1 - Sqr(SinAngle));
- if (Abs(Diviseur) < CalcEpsilon)
- then
- if (SinAngle > 0)
- then
- Angle := Pi/2
- else
- Angle := -Pi/2
- else
- Angle := ArcTan(SinAngle / Diviseur);
- CalcArcSinRadians := Angle;
- end;
- function TbsSkinColorDialog.CalcDistancePoints(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Double): Double;
- begin
- CalcDistancePoints := Sqrt(Sqr(Y2 - Y1) + Sqr(X2 - X1));
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.InitPSPPalette;
- var
- GCircle, PCircle, Disque: HRGN;
- PLigneCircle: pointer;
- I, J : Integer;
- C_X, C_Y: Integer;
- Col: TPSPColor;
- Col2: THSL;
- Val: THSL;
- TabCol: array[0..359]of TRGB;
- Angle: Integer;
- PanelData: TbsDataSkinPanelControl;
- PanelDataIndex: Integer;
- NewClRect: TRect;
- w, h, rw, rh, X, Y, XCnt, YCnt, XO, YO: Integer;
- SB: TBitMap;
- begin
- Col := TPSPColor.Create;
- GCircle := CreateEllipticRgn(PalettePSPCoord.Left, PalettePSPCoord.Top,
- PalettePSPCoord.Right, PalettePSPCoord.Bottom);
- PCircle := CreateEllipticRgn((PalettePSPCoord.Left + 20),
- (PalettePSPCoord.Top + 20), (PalettePSPCoord.Right - 20), (PalettePSPCoord.Bottom - 20));
- Disque := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 2, 2);
- CombineRgn(Disque, GCircle, PCircle, RGN_DIFF);
- Val.S := 1;
- Val.L := 0.47;
- for I := 0 to 359 do
- begin
- Val.H := I/359;
- Col.HSL := Val;
- TabCol[I] := Col.RGB;
- end;
- C_X := PalettePSPCoord.Left + 98;
- C_Y := PalettePSPCoord.Left + 98;
- Val.S := 0.93;
- Val.L := 0.47;
- // Draw background
- if (FCtrlFSD <> nil) and not FCtrlFSD.Empty and
- (FCtrlFSD.GetControlIndex('panel') <> -1)
- then
- begin
- PanelDataIndex := FCtrlFSD.GetControlIndex('panel');
- PanelData := TbsDataSkinPanelControl(FCtrlFSD.CtrlList.Items[PanelDataIndex]);
- SB := TBitMap(FCtrlFSD.FActivePictures.Items[PanelData.PictureIndex]);
- NewClRect := Rect(0, 0, PalettePSP.Width, PalettePSP.Height);
- w := RectWidth(PanelData.ClRect);
- h := RectHeight(PanelData.ClRect);
- rw := RectWidth(NewClRect);
- rh := RectHeight(NewClRect);
- XCnt := rw div w;
- YCnt := rh div h;
- for X := 0 to XCnt do
- for Y := 0 to YCnt do
- begin
- if X * w + w > rw then XO := X * W + W - rw else XO := 0;
- if Y * h + h > rh then YO := Y * h + h - rh else YO := 0;
- PalettePSP.Canvas.CopyRect(
- Rect(NewClRect.Left + X * w, NewClRect.Top + Y * h,
- NewClRect.Left + X * w + w - XO, NewClRect.Top + Y * h + h - YO),
- SB.Canvas,
- Rect(PanelData.SkinRect.Left + PanelData.ClRect.Left,
- PanelData.SkinRect.Top + PanelData.ClRect.Top,
- PanelData.SkinRect.Left + PanelData.ClRect.Right - XO,
- PanelData.SkinRect.Top + PanelData.ClRect.Bottom - YO));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- PalettePSP.Canvas.Pen.Color := ColorToRGB(clBtnFace);
- PalettePSP.Canvas.Brush.Color := ColorToRGB(clBtnFace);
- Rectangle(PalettePSP.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, PalettePSP.Width, PalettePSP.Height);
- end;
- //
- for J := 0 to PalettePSPCoord.Bottom - 1 do
- begin
- PLigneCircle := PalettePSP.Picture.Bitmap.ScanLine[PalettePSPCoord.Top+J];
- for I := 0 to PalettePSPCoord.Bottom - 1 do
- if PtInRegion(Disque,PalettePSPCoord.Left+I,PalettePSPCoord.Top+J) then
- begin
- Angle := Round(CalcAngle3Points(C_X, 0, C_X, C_Y, I, J));
- if Angle = 360 then Angle := 0;
- Angle := 359 - Angle;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(PosCircle+I)*4 + 0] := TabCol[Angle].B;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(PosCircle+I)*4 + 1] := TabCol[Angle].G;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(PosCircle+I)*4 + 2] := TabCol[Angle].R;
- end;
- end;
- Col.Assign(PSPColor);
- Col2 := Col.HSL;
- for J :=RectPSP.Top to RectPSP.Bottom do
- begin
- PLigneCircle := PalettePSP.Picture.Bitmap.ScanLine[J];
- Col2.L := (J-RectPSP.Top)/(RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top);
- for I := RectPSP.Left to (RectPSP.Right) do
- begin
- Col2.S := (I-RectPSP.Left)/(RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left);
- Col.HSL := Col2;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(I+PosCar)*4 ] := Col.RGB.B;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(I+PosCar)*4 + 1] := Col.RGB.G;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(I+PosCar)*4 + 2] := Col.RGB.R;
- end;
- end;
- PalettePSP.Canvas.Pen.Color := $FFFFFF;
- PalettePSP.Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmXor;
- PalettePSP.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- DrawCursor;
- PalettePSP.Picture.Bitmap.modified := true;
- Col.Free;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.DrawPSPPalette;
- procedure DrawRect;
- var
- PLigneCircle : pointer;
- I, J : Integer;
- Col : TPSPColor;
- Col2 : THSL;
- begin
- Col := TPSPColor.Create;
- Col.Assign(PSPColor);
- Col2 := Col.HSL;
- for J :=RectPSP.Top to RectPSP.Bottom do
- begin
- PLigneCircle := PalettePSP.Picture.Bitmap.ScanLine[J];
- Col2.L := (J-RectPSP.Top)/(RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top);
- for I := RectPSP.Left to (RectPSP.Right) do
- begin
- Col2.S := (I-RectPSP.Left)/(RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left);
- Col.HSL := Col2;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(I+PosCar)*4 ] := Col.RGB.B;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(I+PosCar)*4 + 1] := Col.RGB.G;
- TLineB(PLigneCircle)[(I+PosCar)*4 + 2] := Col.RGB.R;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- DrawRect;
- DrawCursor;
- PalettePSP.Picture.Bitmap.Modified := true;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.DrawCursor;
- procedure DrawCircle(X,Y,R:Integer);
- begin
- Ellipse(PalettePSP.Canvas.Handle,X - R, Y - R,X + R, Y + R);
- end;
- var
- Angle: Integer;
- X,Y: Double;
- C_X,C_Y: Integer;
- begin
- X := round((PSPColor.HSL.S * (RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left)) + (PosCar + RectPSP.Left));
- Y := round((PSPColor.HSL.L * (RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top)) + RectPSP.Top);
- DrawCircle(Round(X), Round(Y),5);
- C_X := PosCar + RectPSP.Left + (RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left)div 2;
- C_Y := RectPSP.Top + (RectPSP.Bottom - RectPSP.Top)div 2;
- Angle := Round(PSPColor.HSL.H * 360);
- CalcRotationPoint(C_X, C_Y, -Angle, C_X, C_Y-((PalettePSPCoord.Bottom-20) div 2), X,Y);
- DrawCircle(Round(X),Round(Y),5);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.PalettePSPMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
- Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- GCircle, PCircle, Disque, Car: HRGN;
- C_X,C_Y: Integer;
- Angle: Integer;
- begin
- GCircle := CreateEllipticRgn(PosCircle+PalettePSPCoord.Left,PalettePSPCoord.Top,PosCircle+PalettePSPCoord.Right,PalettePSPCoord.Bottom);
- PCircle := CreateEllipticRgn(PosCircle+PalettePSPCoord.Left+20,PalettePSPCoord.Top+20,PosCircle+PalettePSPCoord.Right-21,PalettePSPCoord.Bottom-21);
- Disque := CreateRectRgn(0,0,2,2);
- CombineRgn(Disque,GCircle,PCircle,RGN_DIFF);
- Car := CreateRectRgn(PosCar+RectPSP.Left,RectPSP.Top,PosCar+RectPSP.Right,RectPSP.Bottom);
- if PtInRegion(Car,X,Y)
- then
- ClickImg := czpspPCar
- else
- if PtInRegion(Disque,X,Y)
- then
- ClickImg := czpspPCircle
- else
- ClickImg := czpspPnone;
- if mbLeft = Button then
- case ClickImg of
- czpspPCircle :
- begin
- C_X := PosCar+RectPSP.Left+(RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left)div 2;
- C_Y := RectPSP.Top+(RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top)div 2;;
- Angle := Round(CalcAngle3Points(C_X, 0, C_X, C_Y, X, Y));
- if Angle = 360 then Angle := 0;
- Angle := 359 - Angle;
- HSLPSP.H := Round(255 * (Angle / 359));
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- ChangeEdits;
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- end;
- czpspPCar :
- begin
- C_X := X;
- C_Y := Y;
- if C_X<PosCar+RectPSP.Left
- then
- C_X:= PosCar+RectPSP.Left
- else
- if C_X>PosCar+RectPSP.Right
- then
- C_X:= PosCar+RectPSP.Right;
- if C_Y<RectPSP.Top
- then
- C_Y:= RectPSP.Top
- else
- if C_Y>RectPSP.Bottom
- then
- C_Y:= RectPSP.Bottom;
- HSLPSP.S := Round(255 * ((C_X - (PosCar+RectPSP.Left)) / (RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left)));
- HSLPSP.L := Round(255 * ((C_Y - RectPSP.Top)/(RectPSP.Bottom - RectPSP.Top)));
- DrawCursor;
- ChangeEdits;
- DrawCursor;
- PalettePSP.Repaint;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.PalettePSPMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- var
- C_X,C_Y : Integer;
- Angle : Integer;
- begin
- if ssLeft in Shift then
- case ClickImg of
- czpspPCircle:
- begin
- C_X := PosCar + RectPSP.Left + (RectPSP.Right - RectPSP.Left)div 2;
- C_Y := RectPSP.Top + (RectPSP.Bottom - RectPSP.Top) div 2;
- Angle := Round(CalcAngle3Points(C_X, 0, C_X, C_Y, X, Y));
- if Angle = 360 then Angle := 0;
- Angle := 359 - Angle;
- HSLPSP.H := Round(255*(Angle/359));
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- ChangeEdits;
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- end;
- czpspPCar :
- begin
- C_X := X;
- C_Y := Y;
- if C_X < PosCar+RectPSP.Left
- then
- C_X := PosCar+RectPSP.Left
- else
- if C_X > PosCar+RectPSP.Right
- then
- C_X := PosCar+RectPSP.Right;
- if C_Y < RectPSP.Top
- then
- C_Y := RectPSP.Top
- else
- if C_Y > RectPSP.Bottom
- then
- C_Y := RectPSP.Bottom;
- HSLPSP.S := Round(255 * ((C_X-(PosCar+RectPSP.Left)) / (RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left)));
- HSLPSP.L := Round(255 * ((C_Y-RectPSP.Top) / (RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top)));
- DrawCursor;
- ChangeEdits;
- DrawCursor;
- PalettePSP.Repaint;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinColorDialog.PalettePSPMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var
- C_X,C_Y : Integer;
- Angle : Integer;
- begin
- if mbLeft=Button then
- case ClickImg of
- czpspPCircle :
- begin
- C_X := PosCar+RectPSP.Left+(RectPSP.Right-RectPSP.Left)div 2;
- C_Y := RectPSP.Top+(RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top)div 2;;
- Angle := Round(CalcAngle3Points(C_X, 0, C_X, C_Y, X,Y));
- if Angle = 360 then Angle := 0;
- Angle := 359 - Angle;
- HSLPSP.H := Round(255 * (Angle / 359));
- then
- begin
- DrawCursor;
- ChangeEdits;
- DrawPSPPalette;
- end;
- end;
- czpspPCar :
- begin
- C_X := X;
- C_Y := Y;
- if C_X<PosCar+RectPSP.Left
- then
- C_X:= PosCar+RectPSP.Left
- else
- if C_X>PosCar+RectPSP.Right
- then
- C_X:= PosCar+RectPSP.Right;
- if C_Y<RectPSP.Top
- then
- C_Y:= RectPSP.Top
- else
- if C_Y>RectPSP.Bottom
- then
- C_Y:= RectPSP.Bottom;
- HSLPSP.S := Round(255 * ((C_X - (PosCar + RectPSP.Left)) / (RectPSP.Right - RectPSP.Left)));
- HSLPSP.L := Round(255 * ((C_Y - RectPSP.Top) / (RectPSP.Bottom-RectPSP.Top)));
- DrawCursor;
- ChangeEdits;
- DrawCursor;
- PalettePSP.Repaint;
- end;
- end;
- ClickImg := czpspPnone;
- end;
- constructor TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls];
- CaptionMode := True;
- BorderStyle := bvFrame;
- Width := 280;
- Height := 115;
- FColorValue := 0;
- FColCount := 6;
- FRowCount := 2;
- for i := 1 to 12 do CustomColorValues[I] := clWhite;
- FColorsCount := 0;
- FColorIndex := 0;
- end;
- destructor TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.AddColor(AColor: TColor);
- begin
- if FColorsCount = 12 then FColorsCount := 0;
- Inc(FColorsCount);
- CustomColorValues[FColorsCount] := AColor;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.SetColCount(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value < 1 then Exit;
- FColCount := Value;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.SetRowCount(Value: Integer);
- begin
- FRowCount := Value;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.DrawCursor;
- var
- CX, CY, Rd: Integer;
- begin
- CX := R.Left + RectWidth(R) div 2;
- CY := R.Top + RectHeight(R) div 2;
- if RectWidth(R) > RectHeight(R)
- then
- Rd := RectHeight(R) div 2 - 2
- else
- Rd := RectWidth(R) div 2 - 2;
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- if pmNotMode then Pen.Mode := pmNot else Pen.Color := 0;
- MoveTo(CX - rd, CY); LineTo(CX - 2, CY);
- MoveTo(CX + 3, CY); LineTo(CX + rd + 1, CY);
- MoveTo(CX, CY - rd); LineTo(CX, CY - 2);
- MoveTo(CX, CY + 3); LineTo(CX, CY + rd);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.PaintGrid(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- var
- X, Y, CW, CH, i, j, k: Integer;
- R, Rct: TRect;
- begin
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- AdjustClientRect(R);
- CW := (RectWidth(R) - ColCount * 2) div ColCount;
- CH := (RectHeight(R) - RowCount * 2) div RowCount;
- Y := R.Top + 1;
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to RowCount do
- begin
- X := R.Left + 1;
- for j := 1 to ColCount do
- begin
- Inc(k);
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- Brush.Color := CustomColorValues[k];
- Rct := Rect(X, Y, X + CW, Y + CH);
- InflateRect(Rct, -1, -1);
- FillRect(Rct);
- InflateRect(Rct, 1, 1);
- if k = FColorIndex
- then
- begin
- if CustomColorValues[k] <> clGray
- then
- DrawCursor(Cnvs, Rct, True)
- else
- DrawCursor(Cnvs, Rct, False);
- end
- end;
- Inc(X, CW + 2);
- end;
- Inc(Y, CH + 2);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.CreateControlDefaultImage;
- begin
- inherited;
- PaintGrid(B.Canvas);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.CreateControlSkinImage;
- begin
- inherited;
- PaintGrid(B.Canvas);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinCustomColorGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- var
- X1, Y1, CW, CH, i, j, k: Integer;
- R, Rct: TRect;
- begin
- inherited;
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- AdjustClientRect(R);
- CW := (RectWidth(R) - ColCount * 2) div ColCount;
- CH := (RectHeight(R) - RowCount * 2) div RowCount;
- Y1 := R.Top + 1;
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to RowCount do
- begin
- X1 := R.Left + 1;
- for j := 1 to ColCount do
- begin
- Inc(k);
- Rct := Rect(X1, Y1, X1 + CW, Y1 + CH);
- if PtInRect(Rct, Point(X, Y))
- then
- begin
- FColorValue := CustomColorValues[k];
- FColorIndex := k;
- RePaint;
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
- Break;
- end;
- Inc(X1, CW + 2);
- end;
- Inc(Y1, CH + 2);
- end;
- end;
- end.