- ActiveObject := -1;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[0]).Free;
- ObjectList.Delete(0);
- end;
- ButtonsCount := 0;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MDIChildMaximize;
- var
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- if not FMDIChildMax
- then
- begin
- FMDIChildMax := True;
- OldActiveObject := -1;
- ActiveObject := -1;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- AddButtons;
- BS := GetMDIChildBusinessSkinFormComponent;
- if BS <> nil then CheckButtons(BS.BorderIcons);
- RePaint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MDIChildRestore;
- var
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- BS := GetMDIChildBusinessSkinFormComponent;
- if (BS = nil) and FMDIChildMax
- then
- begin
- FMDIChildMax := False;
- DeleteButtons;
- RePaint;
- end
- else
- if BS <> nil
- then CheckButtons(BS.BorderIcons);
- end;
- function TbsSkinMainMenuBar.GetMarkerRect;
- begin
- Result := Rect(NewItemsRect.Right - TRACKMARKEROFFSET, NewItemsRect.Top,
- NewItemsRect.Right, NewItemsRect.Bottom);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.DrawMarker;
- var
- C: TColor;
- begin
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- if MarkerActive
- then C := TrackMarkActiveColor
- else C := TrackMarkColor;
- end
- else
- begin
- if MarkerActive
- then C := clBtnText
- else C := clBtnShadow;
- end;
- DrawArrowImage(Cnvs, GetMarkerRect, C, 2);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.TrackScrollMenu;
- var
- i, VisibleCount: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- P: TPoint;
- ChildMainMenu: TMainMenu;
- begin
- if BSF = nil then Exit;
- VisibleCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Visible then Inc(VisibleCount);
- end;
- P := Point(NewItemsRect.Right, NewItemsRect.Top);
- P := ClientToScreen(P);
- P.X, P.Y + RectHeight(NewItemsRect));
- if BSF.FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm
- then
- ChildMainMenu := GetChildMainMenu
- else
- ChildMainMenu := nil;
- BSF.SkinMenuOpen;
- if ChildMainMenu = nil
- then
- BSF.SkinMenu.Popup(nil, FSD, VisibleCount, R, FMainMenu.Items, False)
- else
- BSF.SkinMenu.Popup2(nil, FSD, VisibleCount, R, FMainMenu.Items, ChildMainMenu.Items, False);
- end;
- function TbsSkinMainMenuBar.FindHotKeyItem;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (BSF <> nil) and (ObjectList <> nil) then
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible and
- IsAccel(CharCode, MenuItem.Caption)
- then
- begin
- MouseEnter;
- if (not BSF.InMenu) or (MenuItem.Count = 0) then MouseDown(0, 0, mbLeft);
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.NextMainMenuItem;
- function IsEndItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Index + 1 > ObjectList.Count - 1
- then
- Result := True
- else
- for i := Index + 1 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible then Result := False;
- end
- end;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- EndI: Boolean;
- FirstItem: Integer;
- begin
- EndI := False;
- FirstItem := -1;
- j := -1;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- if FirstItem = -1 then FirstItem := i;
- if (Active or FDown)
- then
- begin
- j := i;
- MouseLeave;
- EndI := IsEndItem(j);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if j = -1
- then
- begin
- j := FirstItem;
- if j <> -1 then
- TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[j]).MouseEnter;
- end
- else
- begin
- if EndI then j := 0 else j := j + 1;
- if j < ObjectList.Count then
- for i := j to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- MouseEnter;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.PriorMainMenuItem;
- function IsEndItem(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Index - 1 < 0
- then
- Result := True
- else
- for i := Index - 1 downto 0 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible then Result := False;
- end
- end;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- EndI: Boolean;
- LastItem: Integer;
- begin
- EndI := False;
- j := -1;
- LastItem := -1;
- for i := ObjectList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- if LastItem = -1 then LastItem := i;
- if Active or FDown then
- begin
- j := i;
- MouseLeave;
- EndI := IsEndItem(j);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if j = -1
- then
- begin
- j := LastItem;
- if j <> -1 then
- TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[j]).MouseEnter;
- end
- else
- begin
- if EndI then j := ObjectList.Count - 1 else j := j - 1;
- if j > -1 then
- for i := j downto 0 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled and Visible
- then
- begin
- MouseEnter;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TbsSkinMainMenuBar.CheckReturnKey;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if BSF <> nil then
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if (FDown and (MenuItem.Count = 0)) or
- (Active and not BSF.InMenu)
- then
- begin
- Active := False;
- MouseDown(0, 0, mbLeft);
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MenuEnter;
- var
- i: Integer;
- FirstItem: Integer;
- begin
- FirstItem := -1;
- MenuActive := True;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if FirstItem = -1 then FirstItem := i;
- if Active
- then
- begin
- FirstItem := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if FirstItem <> -1
- then
- begin
- TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[FirstItem]).MouseEnter;
- if BSF <> nil then
- with BSF do
- begin
- HookApp;
- InMainMenu := True;
- if Assigned(OnMainMenuEnter) then OnMainMenuEnter(Self);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MenuClose;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem then
- begin
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FDown then
- begin
- FDown := False;
- Active := True;
- DrawSkinObject(TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]));
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MenuExit;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- MenuActive := False;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem then
- begin
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if FDown or Active then
- begin
- Active := False;
- FMouseIn := False;
- FDown := False;
- ReDraw;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- ActiveObject := -1;
- OldActiveObject := -1;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.CalcRects;
- var
- Off: Integer;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- Off := RectWidth(SkinRect) - ItemsRect.Right;
- NewItemsRect := Rect(ItemsRect.Left, ItemsRect.Top, Width - Off, ItemsRect.Bottom);
- end
- else
- NewItemsRect := Rect(2, 2, Width - 2, Height - 2);
- if FMDIChildMax and (ButtonsCount = 4)
- then
- begin
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[0]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarButton
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarButton((ObjectList.Items[0])) do
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- ObjectRect := Rect(NewItemsRect.Left,
- NewItemsRect.Top +
- RectHeight(NewItemsRect) div 2 - RectHeight(SkinRect) div 2,
- NewItemsRect.Left + RectWidth(SkinRect),
- NewItemsRect.Top +
- RectHeight(NewItemsRect) div 2 - RectHeight(SkinRect) div 2 +
- RectHeight(SkinRect));
- Inc(NewItemsRect.Left, RectWidth(SkinRect) + 2);
- end
- else
- begin
- ObjectRect := Rect(NewItemsRect.Left,
- NewItemsRect.Top,
- NewItemsRect.Left + RectHeight(NewItemsRect),
- NewItemsRect.Bottom);
- Inc(NewItemsRect.Left, RectHeight(NewItemsRect) + 2);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 1 to 3 do
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinMainMenuBarButton
- then
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarButton((ObjectList.Items[i])) do
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- ObjectRect := Rect(NewItemsRect.Right - RectWidth(SkinRect),
- NewItemsRect.Top +
- RectHeight(NewItemsRect) div 2 - RectHeight(SkinRect) div 2,
- NewItemsRect.Right,
- NewItemsRect.Top +
- RectHeight(NewItemsRect) div 2 - RectHeight(SkinRect) div 2 +
- RectHeight(SkinRect));
- Dec(NewItemsRect.Right, RectWidth(SkinRect) + 2);
- end
- else
- begin
- ObjectRect := Rect(NewItemsRect.Right - RectHeight(NewItemsRect),
- NewItemsRect.Top,
- NewItemsRect.Right,
- NewItemsRect.Bottom);
- Dec(NewItemsRect.Right, RectHeight(NewItemsRect) + 2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.DrawSkinObject;
- begin
- if AObject.Visible then AObject.Draw(Canvas);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.GetSkinData;
- begin
- inherited;
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- if TbsDataSkinControl(FSD.CtrlList.Items[FIndex]) is TbsDataSkinMainMenuBar
- then
- with TbsDataSkinMainMenuBar(FSD.CtrlList.Items[FIndex]) do
- begin
- Self.SkinRect := SkinRect;
- Self.ItemsRect := ItemsRect;
- Self.MenuBarItem := MenuBarItem;
- Self.CloseButton := CloseButton;
- Self.MaxButton := MaxButton;
- Self.MinButton := MinButton;
- Self.SysMenuButton := SysMenuButton;
- Self.TrackMarkColor := TrackMarkColor;
- Self.TrackMarkActiveColor := TrackMarkActiveColor;
- if (PictureIndex <> -1) and (PictureIndex < FSD.FActivePictures.Count)
- then
- Picture := TBitMap(FSD.FActivePictures.Items[PictureIndex])
- else
- Picture := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.WMSize;
- begin
- inherited;
- CalcRects;
- end;
- function TbsSkinMainMenuBar.GetChildMainMenu: TMainMenu;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if (Application.MainForm <> nil) and (Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild <> nil)
- then
- with Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild do
- begin
- for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
- begin
- if Components[i] is TMainMenu
- then
- begin
- Result := TMainMenu(Components[i]);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.CreateMenu;
- function CompareValues(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- if TMenuItem(Item1).GroupIndex > TMenuItem(Item2).GroupIndex then Result := 1;
- if TMenuItem(Item1).GroupIndex = TMenuItem(Item2).GroupIndex then Result := 0;
- if TMenuItem(Item1).GroupIndex < TMenuItem(Item2).GroupIndex then Result := -1;
- end;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- MMIData: TbsDataSkinMainMenuBarItem;
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- ChildMainMenu: TMainMenu;
- miL: TList;
- HasExist: Boolean;
- begin
- ClearObjects;
- if FMainMenu = nil then Exit;
- if (BSF <> nil) and (BSF.FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm)
- then
- ChildMainMenu := GetChildMainMenu
- else
- ChildMainMenu := nil;
- if (FSD = nil) or (FSD.Empty)
- then
- MMIData := nil
- else
- begin
- j := FSD.GetIndex(MenuBarItem);
- if j <> -1
- then MMIData := TbsDataSkinMainMenuBarItem(FSD.ObjectList.Items[j])
- else MMIData := nil;
- end;
- ChildMenuIn := ChildMainMenu <> nil;
- if ChildMenuIn and ScrollMenu then ScrollMenu := False;
- if ChildMainMenu = nil
- then
- begin
- for i := 0 to FMainMenu.Items.Count - 1 do
- if FMainMenu.Items[i].Visible
- then
- begin
- ObjectList.Add(TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem.Create(Self, MMIData));
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- IDName := FMainMenu.Items[i].Name;
- Enabled := FMainMenu.Items[i].Enabled;
- MenuItem := FMainMenu.Items[i];
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- miL := TList.Create;
- for i := 0 to FMainMenu.Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- HasExist := False;
- for j := 0 to ChildMainMenu.Items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if ChildMainMenu.Items[j].GroupIndex = FMainMenu.Items[i].GroupIndex
- then
- begin
- HasExist := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if not HasExist then miL.Add(FMainMenu.Items[i]);
- end;
- for i := 0 to ChildMainMenu.Items.Count - 1 do
- miL.Add(ChildMainMenu.Items[I]);
- miL.Sort(@CompareValues);
- for i := 0 to miL.Count - 1 do
- if TMenuItem(miL.Items[i]).Visible
- then
- begin
- ObjectList.Add(TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem.Create(Self, MMIData));
- with TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem(ObjectList.Items[ObjectList.Count - 1]) do
- begin
- IDName := TMenuItem(miL.Items[i]).Name;
- Enabled := TMenuItem(miL.Items[i]).Enabled;
- MenuItem := TMenuItem(miL.Items[i]);
- end;
- end;
- miL.Free;
- end;
- if Self.FMDIChildMax
- then
- begin
- AddButtons;
- BS := GetMDIChildBusinessSkinFormComponent;
- if BS <> nil then CheckButtons(BS.BorderIcons);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.SetMainMenu;
- begin
- FMainMenu := Value;
- CreateMenu;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.UpDateItems;
- begin
- CreateMenu;
- RePaint;
- ActiveObject := -1;
- OldActiveObject := -1;
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.ClearObjects;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]).Free;
- ObjectList.Clear;
- ButtonsCount := 0;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.CMMouseEnter;
- begin
- inherited;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;
- if Assigned(FOnMouseEnter) then FOnMouseEnter(Self);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.CMMouseLeave;
- begin
- inherited;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;
- if Assigned(FOnMouseLeave) then FOnMouseLeave(Self);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- TestActive(-1, -1);
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MouseDown;
- begin
- inherited;
- TestActive(X, Y);
- if (ActiveObject <> - 1)
- then
- with TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]) do
- begin
- MouseCaptureObject := ActiveObject;
- MouseDown(X, Y, Button);
- if ssDouble in Shift then DblCLick;
- end
- else
- if Scroll and FScrollMenu
- then
- begin
- if PtInRect(GetMarkerRect, Point(X, Y)) then TrackScrollMenu;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MouseUp;
- begin
- if (MouseCaptureObject <> -1)
- then
- begin
- TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[MouseCaptureObject]).MouseUp(X, Y, Button);
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.MouseMove;
- begin
- if not MouseTimer.Enabled
- then MouseTimer.Enabled := True;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.BeforeChangeSkinData;
- begin
- FSkinSupport := False;
- inherited;
- ClearObjects;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.ChangeSkinData;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- FSkinSupport := FIndex <> -1;
- CreateMenu;
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- Height := RectHeight(SkinRect)
- else
- if FDefaultHeight > 0 then Height := FDefaultHeight;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.TestActive;
- var
- i: Integer;
- B: Boolean;
- begin
- if (ObjectList.Count = 0) then Exit;
- OldActiveObject := ActiveObject;
- i := -1;
- B := False;
- repeat
- Inc(i);
- with TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Enabled then B := PtInRect(ObjectRect, Point(X, Y));
- end;
- until B or (i = ObjectList.Count - 1);
- if not B and (OldActiveObject <> -1) and MenuActive and
- (TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]) is
- TbsSkinMainMenuBarItem)
- then
- ActiveObject := OldActiveObject
- else
- if B then ActiveObject := i else ActiveObject := -1;
- if (MouseCaptureObject <> -1) and
- (ActiveObject <> MouseCaptureObject) and (ActiveObject <> -1)
- then
- ActiveObject := -1;
- if OldActiveObject >= ObjectList.Count then OldActiveObject := -1;
- if ActiveObject >= ObjectList.Count then ActiveObject := -1;
- if (OldActiveObject <> ActiveObject)
- then
- begin
- if OldActiveObject <> - 1
- then
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).Enabled
- then TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[OldActiveObject]).MouseLeave;
- if ActiveObject <> -1
- then
- if TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).Enabled
- then TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[ActiveObject]).MouseEnter;
- end;
- if Scroll and FScrollMenu
- then
- begin
- if PtInRect(GetMarkerRect, Point(X, Y)) and not MarkerActive
- then
- begin
- MarkerActive := True;
- DrawMarker(Canvas);
- end
- else
- if MarkerActive and not PtInRect(GetMarkerRect, Point(X, Y))
- then
- begin
- MarkerActive := False;
- DrawMarker(Canvas);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.TestMouse;
- var
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- GetCursorPos(P);
- P := ScreenToClient(P);
- if (P.X >= 0) and (P.Y >= 0) and (P.X <= Width) and (P.Y <= Height)
- then
- TestActive(P.X, P.Y)
- else
- if MouseTimer.Enabled
- then
- begin
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- TestActive(-1, -1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.SetBounds;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- if FIndex <> -1 then AHeight := RectHeight(SkinRect);
- inherited;
- RePaint;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.PaintMenuBar(Cnvs: TCanvas);
- var
- Buffer: TBitMap;
- R: TRect;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- GetSkinData;
- Buffer := TBitMap.Create;
- R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- if FIndex <> -1
- then
- begin
- CreateHSkinImage(ItemsRect.Left, RectWidth(SkinRect) - ItemsRect.Right,
- Buffer, Picture, SkinRect, Width, Height);
- end
- else
- begin
- Buffer.Width := Width;
- Buffer.Height := Height;
- with Buffer.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(R);
- end;
- end;
- CalcRects;
- Scroll := False;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TbsMenuBarObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Visible then Draw(Buffer.Canvas);
- end;
- if Scroll and FScrollMenu then DrawMarker(Buffer.Canvas);
- Cnvs.Draw(0, 0, Buffer);
- Buffer.Free;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.Paint;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.WMEraseBkgnd;
- var
- Cnvs: TCanvas;
- begin
- Cnvs := TCanvas.Create;
- Cnvs.Handle := TWMEraseBkgnd(Message).DC;
- PaintMenuBar(Cnvs);
- Cnvs.Free;
- Message.Result := 1;
- end;
- procedure TbsSkinMainMenuBar.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FMainMenu)
- then FMainMenu := nil;
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = BSF)
- then BSF := nil;
- end;
- //============= TbsBusinessSkinForm =============//
- type
- TParentForm = class(TForm);
- constructor TbsBusinessSkinForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FClientWidth := 0;
- FClientHeight := 0;
- PreviewMode := False;
- FHideCaptionButtons := False;
- FAlwaysShowInTray := False;
- FLogoBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- FLogoBitMapTransparent := False;
- FAlwaysMinimizeToTray := False;
- FIcon := nil;
- FShowIcon := False;
- FMaximizeOnFullScreen := False;
- FAlphaBlendAnimation := False;
- FAlphaBlend := False;
- FAlphaBlendValue := 200;
- FSkinHint := nil;
- FShowObjectHint := False;
- FUseDefaultObjectHint := True;
- FSkinSupport := False;
- FDefCaptionFont := TFont.Create;
- FDefInActiveCaptionFont := TFont.Create;
- FMenusAlphaBlend := False;
- FMenusAlphaBlendValue := 200;
- FMenusAlphaBlendAnimation := False;
- with FDefCaptionFont do
- begin
- Name := 'Arial';
- Style := [fsBold];
- Height := 14;
- Color := clBtnText;
- end;
- with FDefInActiveCaptionFont do
- begin
- Name := 'Arial';
- Style := [fsBold];
- Height := 14;
- Color := clBtnShadow;
- end;
- InMenu := False;
- InMainMenu := False;
- RMTop := TBitMap.Create;
- RMLeft := TBitMap.Create;
- RMBottom := TBitMap.Create;
- RMRight := TBitMap.Create;
- BlackColor := RGB(0, 0, 0);
- ObjectList := TList.Create;
- FSD := nil;
- FMainMenu := nil;
- FSystemMenu := nil;
- FInChangeSkinData := False;
- MouseTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
- MouseTimer.Enabled := False;
- MouseTimer.OnTimer := TestMouse;
- MouseTimer.Interval := MouseTimerInterval;
- MorphTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
- MorphTimer.Enabled := False;
- MorphTimer.OnTimer := TestMorph;
- MorphTimer.Interval := MorphTimerInterval;
- AnimateTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := False;
- AnimateTimer.OnTimer := TestAnimate;
- AnimateTimer.Interval := AnimateTimerInterval;
- OldBoundsRect := NulLRect;
- OldActiveObject := -1;
- ActiveObject := -1;
- MouseCaptureObject := -1;
- MouseIn := False;
- FMinWidth := 0;
- FMinHeight := 0;
- FRGN := 0;
- FClientInstance := nil;
- FPrevClientProc := nil;
- FForm := TForm(Owner);
- FForm.BorderIcons := [];
- FForm.OnShortCut := FormShortCut;
- FForm.AutoSize := False;
- FForm.AutoScroll := False;
- FSysMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
- FUseDefaultSysMenu := True;
- FSysTrayMenu := TbsSkinPopupMenu.Create(Self);
- FSysTrayMenu.ComponentForm := FForm;
- CreateSysTrayMenu;
- SkinMenu := TbsSkinMenu.CreateEx(Self, FForm);
- FMagneticSize := 5;
- FBorderIcons := [biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize, biRollUp];
- FFullDrag := False;
- FSizeMove := False;
- FFormWidth := 0;
- FFormHeight := 0;
- FMainMenuBar := nil;
- FMDITabsBar := nil;
- FInShortCut := False;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- begin
- OldWindowProc := FForm.WindowProc;
- FForm.WindowProc := NewWndProc;
- TParentForm(FForm).ReCreateWnd;
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_STYLE,
- end;
- end;
- destructor TbsBusinessSkinForm.Destroy;
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (FForm <> nil)
- then
- FForm.WindowProc := OldWindowProc;
- FDefCaptionFont.Free;
- FDefInActiveCaptionFont.Free;
- FLogoBitMap.Free;
- FSysMenu.Free;
- FSysTrayMenu.Free;
- ClearObjects;
- RMTop.Free;
- RMLeft.Free;
- RMBottom.Free;
- RMRight.Free;
- MouseTimer.Free;
- MorphTimer.Free;
- AnimateTimer.Free;
- ObjectList.Free;
- SkinMenu.Free;
- if FRgn <> 0 then DeleteObject(FRgn);
- if FIcon <> nil then FIcon.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetRealHeight;
- begin
- if Self.RollUpState
- then
- Result := OldHeight
- else
- Result := FFormHeight;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetLogoBitMap;
- begin
- FLogoBitMap.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.DrawLogoBitMap(C: TCanvas);
- var
- X, Y: Integer;
- begin
- X := FForm.ClientWidth div 2 - FLogoBitMap.Width div 2;
- Y := FForm.ClientHeight div 2 - FLogoBitMap.Height div 2;
- if X < 0 then X := 0;
- if Y < 0 then Y := 0;
- if FLogoBitMap.Transparent <> FLogoBitmapTransparent
- then
- FLogoBitmap.Transparent := FLogoBitmapTransparent;
- C.Draw(X, Y, FLogoBitMap);
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetUseSkinFontInMenu: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := SkinMenu.UseSkinFont;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetUseSkinFontInMenu(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- SkinMenu.UseSkinFont := Value;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetShowIcon(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FShowIcon := Value;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- not (csLoading in ComponentState)
- then
- SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetIcon;
- var
- IX, IY: Integer;
- B: Boolean;
- begin
- if FIcon = nil
- then
- begin
- FIcon := TIcon.Create;
- B := False;
- IH := 0;
- if FForm.Icon.Handle <> 0
- then
- IH := FForm.Icon.Handle
- else
- if Application.Icon.Handle <> 0
- then
- IH := Application.Icon.Handle
- else
- begin
- IH := LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);
- B := True;
- end;
- GetIconSize(IX, IY);
- if B then DestroyIcon(IH);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.DrawFormIcon(Cnvs: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- GetIcon;
- if FIcon <> nil then
- DrawIconEx(Cnvs.Handle, X, Y, FIcon.Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetIconSize(var X, Y: Integer);
- begin
- X := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
- if X = 0 then X := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
- Y := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
- if Y = 0 then Y := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.MDIItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- I: Integer;
- S1, S2: String;
- MainBSF, ChildBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- MainBSF := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if MainBSF = nil then Exit;
- S1 := TMenuItem(Sender).Name;
- Delete(S1, Pos(S2, S1), Length(S2));
- for I := 0 to MainBSF.FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- if MainBSF.FForm.MDIChildren[I].Name = S1
- then
- begin
- ChildBSF := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(MainBSF.FForm.MDIChildren[I]);
- if (ChildBSF <> nil) and (ChildBSF.WindowState = wsMinimized)
- then
- ChildBSF.WindowState := wsNormal;
- MainBSF.FForm.MDIChildren[I].Show;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.UpDateChildCaptionInMenu(Child: TCustomForm);
- var
- WM: TMenuItem;
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- I: Integer;
- S1, S2: String;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if MainBSF = nil then Exit;
- WM := MainBSF.FForm.WindowMenu;
- if WM = nil then Exit;
- for I := 0 to WM.Count - 1 do
- if (Pos(MI_CHILDITEM, WM.Items[I].Name) <> 0)
- then
- begin
- S1 := WM.Items[I].Name;
- Delete(S1, Pos(S2, S1), Length(S2));
- if Child.Name = S1
- then
- begin
- WM.Items[I].Caption := Child.Caption;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.UpDateChildActiveInMenu;
- var
- WM: TMenuItem;
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- I: Integer;
- S1, S2: String;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if MainBSF = nil then Exit;
- WM := MainBSF.FForm.WindowMenu;
- if WM = nil then Exit;
- for I := 0 to WM.Count - 1 do
- if (Pos(MI_CHILDITEM, WM.Items[I].Name) <> 0)
- then
- begin
- S1 := WM.Items[I].Name;
- Delete(S1, Pos(S2, S1), Length(S2));
- if MainBSF.FForm.ActiveMDIChild.Name = S1
- then
- WM.Items[I].Checked := True
- else
- WM.Items[I].Checked := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.RefreshMDIBarTab(Child: TCustomForm);
- var
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if (MainBSF = nil) or (MainBSF.MDITabsBar = nil) then Exit;
- with MainBSF.MDITabsBar do
- for I := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsMDITab(ObjectList.Items[I]).Child = Child
- then
- TbsMDITab(ObjectList.Items[I]).Draw(MainBSF.MDITabsBar.Canvas);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.AddChildToMenu;
- var
- WM: TMenuItem;
- NewItem: TMenuItem;
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if MainBSF = nil then Exit;
- WM := MainBSF.FForm.WindowMenu;
- if WM = nil then Exit;
- NewItem := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- NewItem.Name := Child.Name + MI_CHILDITEM;
- NewItem.Caption := Child.Caption;
- NewItem.OnClick := MDIItemClick;
- WM.Add(NewItem);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.AddChildToBar;
- var
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if (MainBSF = nil) or (MainBSF.MDITabsBar = nil) then Exit;
- MainBSF.MDITabsBar.AddTab(Child);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.DeleteChildFromMenu;
- var
- WM, MI: TMenuItem;
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- I: Integer;
- S1, S2: String;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if MainBSF = nil then Exit;
- WM := MainBSF.FForm.WindowMenu;
- if WM = nil then Exit;
- for I := 0 to WM.Count - 1 do
- if (Pos(MI_CHILDITEM, WM.Items[I].Name) <> 0)
- then
- begin
- S1 := WM.Items[I].Name;
- Delete(S1, Pos(S2, S1), Length(S2));
- if Child.Name = S1
- then
- begin
- MI := WM.Items[I];
- WM.Delete(I);
- MI.Free;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if MainBSF.FForm.MDIChildCount = 0
- then
- for I := 0 to WM.Count - 1 do
- if (Pos(MI_CHILDITEM, WM.Items[I].Name) <> 0)
- then
- begin
- MI := WM.Items[I];
- WM.Delete(I);
- MI.Free;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.DeleteChildFromBar;
- var
- MainBSF: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- MainBSF := BusinessSkinForm.GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm);
- if (MainBSF = nil) or (MainBSF.MDITabsBar = nil) then Exit;
- MainBSF.MDITabsBar.DeleteTab(Child);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetAlphaBlend(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FAlphaBlend <> Value
- then
- begin
- FAlphaBlend := Value;
- if (ComponentState = []) and CheckW2KWXP
- then
- begin
- if FAlphaBlend
- then
- begin
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_LAYERED);
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(FForm.Handle, FAlphaBlendValue);
- end
- else
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and not WS_EX_LAYERED);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetAlphaBlendValue(Value: Byte);
- begin
- if FAlphaBlendValue <> Value
- then
- begin
- FAlphaBlendValue := Value;
- if FAlphaBlend and (ComponentState = []) and CheckW2KWXP
- then
- SetAlphaBlendTransparent(FForm.Handle, FAlphaBlendValue);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.TrackSystemMenu(X, Y: Integer);
- var
- MenuItem: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MenuItem := GetSystemMenu;
- SkinMenuOpen;
- if MenusSkinData = nil
- then
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, SkinData, 0, Rect(X, Y, X, Y), MenuItem, False)
- else
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, MenusSkinData, 0, Rect(X, Y, X, Y), MenuItem, False);
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetAutoRenderingInActiveImage: Boolean;
- begin
- if (FSD <> nil) and not (FSD.Empty)
- then Result := FSD.AutoRenderingInActiveImage
- else Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.UpDateActiveObjects;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if ObjectList <> nil
- then
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinAnimateObject
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- FMouseIn := False;
- Active := False;
- FFrame := 1
- end;
- end
- else
- if not (TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinCaptionObject)
- then
- with TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- Active := False;
- FMouseIn := False;
- FMorphkf := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.TestAnimate;
- var
- i: Integer;
- StopAnimate: Boolean;
- begin
- StopAnimate := True;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinAnimateObject
- then
- with TbsSkinAnimateObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if Active
- then
- begin
- ChangeFrame;
- StopAnimate := False;
- end;
- if StopAnimate
- then AnimateTimer.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.TestMorph;
- var
- i: Integer;
- StopMorph: Boolean;
- begin
- StopMorph := True;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- begin
- if Morphing and CanMorphing
- then
- begin
- DoMorphing;
- StopMorph := False;
- end;
- end;
- if StopMorph then MorphTimer.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetMenusAlphaBlend(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FMenusAlphaBlend := Value;
- if SkinMenu <> nil then SkinMenu.AlphaBlend := Value;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetMenusAlphaBlendAnimation(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FMenusAlphaBlendAnimation := Value;
- if SkinMenu <> nil then SkinMenu.AlphaBlendAnimation := Value;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetMenusAlphaBlendValue(Value: Byte);
- begin
- FMenusAlphaBlendValue := Value;
- if SkinMenu <> nil then SkinMenu.AlphaBlendValue := Value;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.IsSizeAble;
- begin
- Result := (FForm.BorderStyle = bsSizeAble) or
- (FForm.BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin);
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetDefCaptionHeight: Integer;
- begin
- if (FForm.BorderStyle = bsToolWindow) or
- (FForm.BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin)
- then
- else
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetDefButtonSize: Integer;
- begin
- if (FForm.BorderStyle = bsToolWindow) or
- (FForm.BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin)
- then
- else
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.ArangeMinimizedChilds;
- var
- I: Integer;
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- P: TPoint;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(FForm.MDIChildren[i]);
- if BS <> nil
- then
- begin
- if BS.WindowState = wsMinimized
- then
- begin
- P := BS.GetMinimizeCoord;
- FForm.MDIChildren[i].Left := P.X;
- FForm.MDIChildren[i].Top := P.Y;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetDefaultMenuItemHeight(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value > 0 then
- SkinMenu.DefaultMenuItemHeight := Value;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetDefaultMenuItemHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := SkinMenu.DefaultMenuItemHeight;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetDefaultMenuItemFont(Value: TFont);
- begin
- SkinMenu.DefaultMenuItemFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetDefaultMenuItemFont: TFont;
- begin
- Result := SkinMenu.DefaultMenuItemFont;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetBorderIcons;
- begin
- FBorderIcons := Value;
- LoadDefObjects;
- CheckObjects;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetDefCaptionFont;
- begin
- FDefCaptionFont.Assign(Value);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not FSkinSupport
- then SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetDefInActiveCaptionFont;
- begin
- FDefInActiveCaptionFont.Assign(Value);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not FSkinSupport
- then SendMessage(FForm.Handle, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CorrectCaptionText;
- var
- j: Integer;
- begin
- j := Length(S);
- with C do
- begin
- if TextWidth(S) > w
- then
- begin
- repeat
- Delete(S, j, 1);
- Dec(j);
- until (TextWidth(S + '...') <= w) or (S = '');
- S := S + '...';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CalcDefRects;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BSize: Integer;
- OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer;
- Button: TbsSkinStdButtonObject;
- procedure SetStdButtonRect(B: TbsSkinStdButtonObject);
- begin
- if B <> nil
- then
- with B do
- begin
- ObjectRect := Rect(OffsetX - BSize, OffsetY, OffsetX, OffsetY + BSize);
- OffsetX := OffsetX - BSize;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetStdButtonRect2(B: TbsSkinStdButtonObject);
- var
- IX, IY: Integer;
- begin
- if B <> nil
- then
- with B do
- begin
- if (Command = cmSysMenu) and Parent.ShowIcon
- then
- begin
- GetIconSize(IX, IY);
- ObjectRect := Rect(OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetX + IX, OffsetY + IY);
- OffsetX := OffsetX + IX;
- end
- else
- begin
- ObjectRect := Rect(OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetX + BSize, OffsetY + BSize);
- OffsetX := OffsetX + BSize;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function GetStdButton(C: TbsStdCommand): TbsSkinStdButtonObject;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- for I := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[I]) is TbsSkinStdButtonObject
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[I]) do
- if Visible and SkinRectInAPicture and (Command = C)
- then
- begin
- Result := TbsSkinStdButtonObject(ObjectList.Items[I]);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if (ObjectList = nil) or (ObjectList.Count = 0) then Exit;
- i := 0;
- OffsetX := FFormWidth - 3;
- OffsetY := 4;
- NewDefCaptionRect := Rect(3, 3, OffsetX, GetDefCaptionHeight);
- BSize := GetDefButtonSize;
- Button := GetStdButton(cmClose);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMaximize);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMinimize);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmRollUp);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- Button := GetStdButton(cmMinimizeToTray);
- SetStdButtonRect(Button);
- NewDefCaptionRect.Right := OffsetX;
- OffsetX := NewDefCaptionRect.Left;
- Button := GetStdButton(cmSysMenu);
- if Button <> nil
- then
- begin
- SetStdButtonRect2(Button);
- NewDefCaptionRect.Left := OffsetX;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PaintNCDefault;
- var
- PaintRect, R: TRect;
- CB: TBitMap;
- i: Integer;
- TX, TY: Integer;
- C: TColor;
- LeftOffset, RightOffset: Integer;
- S: String;
- DC: HDC;
- Cnvs: TControlCanvas;
- F: TForm;
- FA: Boolean;
- begin
- if FFormWidth = 0 then FFormWidth := FForm.Width;
- if FFormHeight = 0 then FFormHeight := FForm.Height;
- CalcDefRects;
- DC := GetWindowDC(FForm.Handle);
- Cnvs := TControlCanvas.Create;
- Cnvs.Handle := DC;
- CB := TBitMap.Create;
- CB.Width := FFormWidth - 6;
- CB.Height := GetDefCaptionHeight;
- LeftOffset := NewDefCaptionRect.Left - 3;
- RightOffset := CB.Width - NewDefCaptionRect.Right;
- // create caption
- with CB.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(Rect(0, 0, CB.Width, CB.Height));
- C := clBtnShadow;
- for i := 2 to GetDefCaptionHeight - 4 do
- begin
- if C = clBtnShadow then C := clBtnHighLight else C := clBtnShadow;
- Pen.Color := C;
- MoveTo(LeftOffset + 2, i); LineTo(CB.Width - RightOffset - 6, i);
- end;
- FA := GetFormActive;
- if FA
- then
- begin
- CB.Canvas.Font.Assign(FDefCaptionFont);
- Font := DefCaptionFont;
- end
- else
- begin
- CB.Canvas.Font.Assign(FDefInActiveCaptionFont);
- Font := DefInActiveCaptionFont;
- end;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- begin
- CB.Canvas.Font.Charset := SkinData.ResourceStrData.CharSet;
- Font.Charset := SkinData.ResourceStrData.CharSet;
- end;
- // paint caption text
- S := FForm.Caption;
- if (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm) and FMDIChildMaximized
- then
- begin
- F := GetMaximizeMDIChild;
- if F <> nil
- then
- S := S + ' - [' + F.Caption + ']';
- end;
- if S <> ''
- then
- begin
- CorrectCaptionText(CB.Canvas, S, CB.Width - LeftOffset - RightOffset);
- TX := LeftOffset + (CB.Width - LeftOffset - RightOffset) div 2 -
- (TextWidth(S) + 5) div 2;
- TY := GetDefCaptionHeight div 2 - TextHeight(S) div 2;
- R := Rect(TX, 0, TX + TextWidth(S) + 5, CB.Height);
- TextRect(R, TX + 3, TY, S);
- end;
- end;
- if (ObjectList.Count = 0) and not FSkinSupport then LoadDefObjects;
- if (ObjectList <> nil) and (ObjectList.Count > 0)
- then
- begin
- CalcDefRects;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if Visible then
- begin
- OffsetRect(ObjectRect, -3, -3);
- Draw(CB.Canvas, True);
- OffsetRect(ObjectRect, 3, 3);
- end;
- end;
- //paint border + caption
- with Cnvs do
- begin
- ExcludeClipRect(Cnvs.Handle, 3, GetDefCaptionHeight + 3, FFormWidth - 3, FFormHeight - 3);
- PaintRect := Rect(0, 0, FFormWidth, FFormHeight);
- Draw(3, 3, CB);
- Frame3D(Cnvs, PaintRect, cl3DLight, cl3DDKShadow, 1);
- Frame3D(Cnvs, PaintRect, clBtnHighLight, clBtnShadow, 1);
- Frame3D(Cnvs, PaintRect, clBtnFace, clBtnFace, 1);
- CB.Free;
- end;
- Cnvs.Free;
- ReleaseDC(FForm.Handle, DC);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PaintBGDefault;
- var
- C: TCanvas;
- begin
- C := TCanvas.Create;
- C.Handle := DC;
- with C do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- FillRect(FForm.ClientRect);
- if not FLogoBitMap.Empty then DrawLogoBitMap(C);
- end;
- C.Free;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PaintMDIBGDefault(DC: HDC);
- var
- C: TCanvas;
- begin
- C := TCanvas.Create;
- C.Handle := DC;
- with C do
- begin
- Brush.Color := clAppWorkSpace;
- FillRect(FForm.ClientRect);
- if not FLogoBitMap.Empty then DrawLogoBitMap(C);
- end;
- C.Free;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.HookApp;
- begin
- OldAppMessage := Application.OnMessage;
- Application.OnMessage := NewAppMessage;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.UnHookApp;
- begin
- Application.OnMessage := OldAppMessage;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMaximizeMDIChild: TForm;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- BS := nil;
- if Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild <> nil
- then
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild);
- if (BS <> nil) and (BS.WindowState = wsMaximized)
- then
- Result := Application.MainForm.ActiveMDIChild
- else
- for i := 0 to Application.MainForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Application.MainForm.MDIChildren[i]);
- if (BS <> nil) and (BS.WindowState = wsMaximized)
- then
- begin
- Result := Application.MainForm.MDIChildren[i];
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.IsMDIChildMaximized;
- begin
- Result := FMDIChildMaximized;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.Tile;
- var
- ColumnCount: Integer;
- FInColumnCount: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- W, H: Integer;
- i, j, X, Y, FW, FH, L, T: Integer;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIForm then Exit;
- RestoreAll;
- ColumnCount := Trunc(Sqrt(FForm.MDIChildCount));
- if ColumnCount <= 0 then Exit;
- FInColumnCount := FForm.MDIChildCount div ColumnCount;
- if FInColumnCount * ColumnCount < FForm.MDIChildCount
- then Inc(FInColumnCount, 1);
- R := GetMDIWorkArea;
- W := RectWidth(R);
- H := RectHeight(R);
- FW := W div ColumnCount;
- FH := H div FInColumnCount;
- X := W;
- Y := H;
- j := ColumnCount;
- for i := FForm.MDIChildCount downto 1 do
- begin
- L := X - FW;
- T := Y - FH;
- if L < 0 then L := 0;
- if T < 0 then T := 0;
- FForm.MDIChildren[i - 1].SetBounds(L, T, FW, FH);
- Y := Y - FH;
- if (Y - FH < 0) and (i <> 0)
- then
- begin
- Y := H;
- X := X - FW;
- Dec(j);
- if j = 0 then j := 1;
- FInColumnCount := (i - 1) div j;
- if FInColumnCount * j < (i - 1)
- then Inc(FInColumnCount, 1);
- if FInColumnCount = 0
- then FInColumnCount := 1;
- FH := H div FInColumnCount;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.Cascade;
- var
- i, j, k, FW, FH, FW1, FH1, W, H, Offset1, Offset2: Integer;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIForm then Exit;
- RestoreAll;
- R := GetMDIWorkArea;
- W := RectWidth(R);
- H := RectHeight(R);
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- Offset1 := NewClRect.Top
- else
- Offset1 := GetDefCaptionHeight + 3;
- Offset2 := W - Round(W * 0.8);
- j := Offset2 div Offset1;
- if FForm.MDIChildCount < j
- then
- begin
- FW := W - (FForm.MDIChildCount - 1) * Offset1;
- FH := H - (FForm.MDIChildCount - 1) * Offset1;
- end
- else
- begin
- FW := W - j * Offset1;
- FH := H - j * Offset1;
- end;
- if FW < GetMinWidth then FW := GetMinWidth;
- if FH < GetMinHeight then FH := GetMinHeight;
- k := 0;
- for i := FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do
- begin
- FW1 := FW;
- FH1 := FH;
- if (FForm.MDIChildren[i].BorderStyle = bsSingle)
- then
- begin
- FW1 := FForm.MDIChildren[i].Width;
- FH1 := FForm.MDIChildren[i].Height;
- end;
- if (k + FW1 > W) or (k + FH1 > H) then k := 0;
- FForm.MDIChildren[i].SetBounds(k, k, FW1, FH1);
- k := k + Offset1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.MinimizeAll;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIForm then Exit;
- for i := 0 to FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(FForm.MDIChildren[i]);
- if BS <> nil then BS.WindowState := wsMinimized;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.MaximizeAll;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIForm then Exit;
- for i := 0 to FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(FForm.MDIChildren[i]);
- if BS <> nil then BS.WindowState := wsMaximized;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CloseAll;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIForm
- then
- for i := FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do
- FForm.MDIChildren[i].Close;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.RestoreAll;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle <> fsMDIForm then Exit;
- for i := 0 to FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(FForm.MDIChildren[i]);
- if (BS <> nil) and (BS.WindowState <> wsNormal) then BS.WindowState := wsNormal;
- if BS.RollUpState and (BS.WindowState = wsNormal) then BS.RollUpState := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.ResizeMDIChilds;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FForm.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- SendMessage(FForm.MDIChildren[i].Handle, WM_MDICHANGESIZE, 0, 0);
- ArangeMinimizedChilds;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMDIWorkArea;
- function GetTop: Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- with Application.MainForm do
- begin
- j := 0;
- for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
- if Controls[i].Visible and (Controls[i].Align = alTop) and
- (Controls[i].Top + Controls[i].Height > j)
- then
- j := Controls[i].Top + Controls[i].Height;
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- function GetBottom: Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- with Application.MainForm do
- begin
- j := ClientHeight;
- for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
- if Controls[i].Visible and (Controls[i].Align = alBottom) and
- (Controls[i].Top < j)
- then
- j := Controls[i].Top;
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- function GetLeft: Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- with Application.MainForm do
- begin
- j := 0;
- for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
- if Controls[i].Visible and (Controls[i].Align = alLeft) and
- (Controls[i].Left + Controls[i].Width > j)
- then
- j := Controls[i].Left + Controls[i].Width;
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- function GetRight: Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- with Application.MainForm do
- begin
- j := ClientWidth;
- for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
- if Controls[i].Visible and (Controls[i].Align = alRight) and
- (Controls[i].Left < j)
- then
- j := Controls[i].Left;
- end;
- Result := j;
- end;
- begin
- if Application.MainForm <> nil then
- Result := Rect(GetLeft, GetTop, GetRight, GetBottom);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.TrayIconDBLCLK;
- begin
- RestoreFromTray;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.MinimizeToTray;
- begin
- if FTrayIcon <> nil
- then
- with FTrayIcon do
- begin
- FTrayIcon.MinimizeToTray := True;
- Application.Minimize;
- if Assigned(FOnMinimizeToTray) then FOnMinimizeToTray(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.RestoreFromTray;
- begin
- if FTrayIcon <> nil
- then
- with FTrayIcon do
- begin
- FTrayIcon.MinimizeToTray := False;
- FTrayIcon.ShowMainForm;
- Application.Restore;
- if not FAlwaysShowInTray then FTrayIcon.IconVisible := False;
- if Assigned(FOnRestoreFromTray) then FOnRestoreFromTray(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetTrayIcon;
- begin
- FTrayIcon := Value;
- if TrayIcon <> nil
- then
- with TrayIcon do
- begin
- if not FAlwaysShowInTray then IconVisible := False;
- MinimizeToTray := False;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and not
- (csLoading in ComponentState)
- then
- Self.BorderIcons := Self.BorderIcons + [biMinimizeToTray];
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
- then
- begin
- if PopupMenu = nil
- then
- begin
- PopupMenu := FSysTrayMenu;
- OnDblClick := TrayIconDBLCLK;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and not
- (csLoading in ComponentState)
- then
- Self.BorderIcons := Self.BorderIcons - [biMinimizeToTray];
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.TSM_Restore(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- RestoreFromTray;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.TSM_Close(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FForm.Close;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SM_Restore(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if MaxRollUpState or (FRollUpState and (WindowState = wsNormal))
- then
- RollUpState := False
- else
- WindowState := wsNormal;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SM_Max(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- WindowState := wsMaximized;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SM_Min(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FAlwaysMinimizeToTray
- then
- MinimizeToTray
- else
- WindowState := wsMinimized;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SM_RollUp(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- RollUpState := True;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SM_Close(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- FForm.Close;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SM_MinToTray(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- MinimizeToTray;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CreateUserSysMenu;
- procedure AddMaxItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biMaximize in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_MAXName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_MAXCAPTION')
- else
- Caption := BS_MI_MAXCAPTION;
- OnClick := SM_Max;
- end;
- FSystemMenu.Items.Insert(0, MI);
- end;
- procedure AddMinItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biMinimize in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_MINName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_MINCAPTION')
- else
- Caption := BS_MI_MINCAPTION;
- OnClick := SM_Min;
- end;
- FSystemMenu.Items.Insert(0, MI);
- end;
- procedure AddRestoreItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_RESTOREName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_RESTORECAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_Restore;
- end;
- FSystemMenu.Items.Insert(0, MI);
- end;
- procedure AddRollUpItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biRollUp in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_ROLLUPName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_ROLLUPCAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_RollUp;
- end;
- FSystemMenu.Items.Insert(0, MI);
- end;
- procedure AddCloseItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_CLOSEName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_CLOSECAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_Close;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then
- ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Ctrl+F4')
- else
- ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Alt+F4');
- end;
- FSystemMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddMinToTrayItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biMinimizeToTray in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_MINTOTRAYName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_MINTOTRAYCAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_MinToTray;
- end;
- FSystemMenu.Items.Insert(0, MI);
- end;
- var
- B: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if not FUseDefaultSysMenu then Exit;
- // delete old items
- repeat
- B := True;
- for i := 0 to FSystemMenu.Items.Count - 1 do
- if (FSystemMenu.Items[i].Name = MI_MINName) or
- (FSystemMenu.Items[i].Name = MI_MAXName) or
- (FSystemMenu.Items[i].Name = MI_CLOSEName) or
- (FSystemMenu.Items[i].Name = MI_MINTOTRAYName) or
- (FSystemMenu.Items[i].Name = MI_ROLLUPName) or
- (FSystemMenu.Items[i].Name = MI_RESTOREName)
- then
- begin
- FSystemMenu.Items[i].Free;
- B := False;
- Break;
- end;
- until B;
- //
- AddMinToTrayItem;
- if not ((FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (FWindowState = wsMaximized))
- then
- if not FRollUpState and (FWindowState <> wsMinimized)
- then AddRollUpItem;
- if FWindowState <> wsMaximized then AddMaxItem;
- if (FWindowState <> wsNormal) or FRollUpState then AddRestoreItem;
- if FWindowState <> wsMinimized then AddMinItem;
- AddCloseItem;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetSystemMenu;
- begin
- if FSystemMenu <> nil
- then
- begin
- CreateUserSysMenu;
- Result := FSystemMenu.Items;
- end
- else
- begin
- CreateSysMenu;
- Result := FSysMenu.Items;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CreateSysTrayMenu;
- procedure AddRestoreItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := TMI_RESTOREName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_RESTORECAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := TSM_Restore;
- end;
- FSysTrayMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddCloseItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := TMI_CLOSEName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_CLOSECAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := TSM_Close;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then
- ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Ctrl+F4')
- else
- ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Alt+F4');
- end;
- FSysTrayMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddDevItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- MI.Caption := '-';
- FSysTrayMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- begin
- AddRestoreItem;
- AddDevItem;
- AddCloseItem;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CreateSysMenu;
- procedure AddMaxItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biMaximize in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_MAXName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_MAXCAPTION')
- else
- Caption := BS_MI_MAXCAPTION;
- OnClick := SM_Max;
- end;
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddMinItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biMinimize in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_MINName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_MINCAPTION')
- else
- Caption := BS_MI_MINCAPTION;
- OnClick := SM_Min;
- end;
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddRestoreItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_RESTOREName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_RESTORECAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_Restore;
- end;
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddRollUpItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biRollUp in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_ROLLUPName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_ROLLUPCAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_RollUp;
- end;
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddCloseItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_CLOSEName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_CLOSECAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_Close;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then
- ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Ctrl+F4')
- else
- ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Alt+F4');
- end;
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddMinToTrayItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- if not (biMinimizeToTray in FBorderIcons) then Exit;
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- with MI do
- begin
- Name := MI_MINTOTRAYName;
- if (SkinData <> nil) and (SkinData.ResourceStrData <> nil)
- then
- Caption := SkinData.ResourceStrData.GetResStr('MI_MINTOTRAYCAPTION')
- else
- OnClick := SM_MinToTray;
- end;
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- procedure AddDevItem;
- var
- MI: TMenuItem;
- begin
- MI := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
- MI.Caption := '-';
- FSysMenu.Items.Add(MI);
- end;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := FSysMenu.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- TMenuItem(FSysMenu.Items[i]).Free;
- if FWindowState <> wsMinimized then AddMinItem;
- if FWindowState <> wsMaximized then AddMaxItem;
- if (FWindowState <> wsNormal) or FRollUpState then AddRestoreItem;
- if not ((FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild) and (FWindowState = wsMaximized))
- then
- if not FRollUpState and (FWindowState <> wsMinimized)
- then AddRollUpItem;
- AddMinToTrayItem;
- if FSysMenu.Items.Count > 0 then AddDevItem;
- AddCloseItem;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetFullDragg: Boolean;
- var
- B: Boolean;
- begin
- SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS, 0, @B, 0);
- Result := B;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMinimizeCoord;
- function GetMDIEqualCoord(P: TPoint): Boolean;
- var
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- MF: TForm;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- MF := Application.MainForm;
- for i := 0 to MF.MDIChildCount - 1 do
- if (MF.MDIChildren[i] <> FForm) and MF.MDIChildren[i].Visible
- then
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(MF.MDIChildren[i]);
- if (BS <> nil) and (BS.WindowState = wsMinimized) and
- (MF.MDIChildren[i].Left = P.X) and (MF.MDIChildren[i].Top = P.Y)
- then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function GetSDIEqualCoord(P: TPoint): Boolean;
- var
- BS: TbsBusinessSkinForm;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
- if (Screen.Forms[i] <> FForm) and (Screen.Forms[i] <> Application.MainForm) and
- (Screen.Forms[i].Visible)
- then
- begin
- BS := GetBusinessSkinFormComponent(Screen.Forms[i]);
- if (BS <> nil) and (BS.WindowState = wsMinimized) and
- (Screen.Forms[i].Left = P.X) and (Screen.Forms[i].Top = P.Y)
- then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- var
- R: TRect;
- P: TPoint;
- MW, MH, W, H: Integer;
- B: Boolean;
- begin
- P := Point(0, 0);
- MW := GetMinWidth;
- MH := GetMinHeight;
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then
- begin
- R := GetMDIWorkArea;
- W := RectWidth(R);
- H := RectHeight(R);
- P.Y := H - MH;
- P.X := 0;
- repeat
- B := GetMDIEqualCoord(P);
- if not B
- then
- begin
- P.X := P.X + MW;
- if P.X + MW > W
- then
- begin
- P.X := 0;
- P.Y := P.Y - MH;
- if P.Y < 0
- then
- begin
- P.Y := H - MH;
- B := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until B;
- end
- else
- begin
- R := GetMonitorWorkArea(FForm.Handle, True);
- P.Y := R.Bottom - MH;
- P.X := R.Left;
- repeat
- B := GetSDIEqualCoord(P);
- if not B
- then
- begin
- P.X := P.X + MW;
- if P.X + MW > R.Bottom
- then
- begin
- P.X := R.Left;
- P.Y := P.Y - MH;
- if P.Y < R.Top
- then
- begin
- P.Y := R.Bottom - MH;
- B := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until B;
- end;
- Result := P;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMinWidth: Integer;
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- if (FMinWidth > FSD.FPicture.Width) and
- not (FWindowState = wsMinimized)
- then Result := FMinWidth
- else Result := FSD.FPicture.Width;
- end
- else
- begin
- if FMinWidth > 0
- then Result := FMinWidth
- else Result := DEFFORMMINWIDTH;
- end;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMinHeight: Integer;
- begin
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- if (FMinHeight > FSD.FPicture.Height - RectHeight(FSD.ClRect))
- and not FRollUpState
- and not (FWindowState = wsMinimized)
- then Result := FMinHeight
- else Result := FSD.FPicture.Height - RectHeight(FSD.ClRect);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (FMinHeight > GetDefCaptionHeight + 6)
- and not FRollUpState
- and not (FWindowState = wsMinimized)
- then Result := FMinHeight
- else Result := GetDefCaptionHeight + 6;
- end;
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMaxWidth: Integer;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- R := GetMonitorWorkArea(FForm.Handle, not FMaximizeOnFullScreen);
- Result := RectWidth(R);
- end;
- function TbsBusinessSkinForm.GetMaxHeight: Integer;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- R := GetMonitorWorkArea(FForm.Handle, not FMaximizeOnFullScreen);
- Result := RectHeight(R);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.DrawSkinObject;
- var
- DC: HDC;
- Cnvs: TControlCanvas;
- begin
- if not(((WindowState = wsMaximized) and (FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild))
- or (FForm.BorderStyle = bsNone))
- then
- begin
- DC := GetWindowDC(FForm.Handle);
- Cnvs := TControlCanvas.Create;
- Cnvs.Handle := DC;
- //
- AObject.Draw(Cnvs, True);
- //
- Cnvs.Handle := 0;
- ReleaseDC(FForm.Handle, DC);
- Cnvs.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PointToNCPoint(var P: TPoint);
- begin
- if FForm.FormStyle = fsMDIChild
- then
- begin
- P := FForm.ScreenToClient(P);
- if FSkinSupport
- then
- begin
- P.X := P.X + NewClRect.Left;
- P.Y := P.Y + NewClRect.Top;
- end
- else
- begin
- P.X := P.X + 3;
- P.Y := P.Y + GetDefCaptionHeight + 3;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- P.X := P.X - FForm.Left;
- P.Y := P.Y - FForm.Top;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PaintNCSkin;
- var
- CaptionBitMap, LeftBitMap, RightBitMap, BottomBitMap: TBitMap;
- DC: HDC;
- Cnvs: TCanvas;
- TempRect: TRect;
- i: Integer;
- P: TBitMap;
- CEB, LEB, REB, BEB: TbsEffectBmp;
- begin
- if FFormWidth = 0 then FFormWidth := FForm.Width;
- if FFormheight = 0 then FFormHeight := FForm.Height;
- if (FFormWidth < GetMinWidth) or (FFormHeight < GetMinHeight) then Exit;
- CalcRects;
- CalcAllRealObjectRect;
- DC := GetWindowDC(FForm.Handle);
- Cnvs := TCanvas.Create;
- Cnvs.Handle := DC;
- CaptionBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- LeftBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- RightBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- BottomBitMap := TBitMap.Create;
- if not GetFormActive and not FSD.FInActivePicture.Empty
- then
- P := FSD.FInActivePicture
- else
- P := FSD.FPicture;
- // create borderbitmap
- with FSD do
- CreateSkinBorderImages(LTPoint, RTPoint, LBPoint, RBPoint, ClRect,
- NewLTPoint, NewRTPoint, NewLBPoint, NewRBPoint, NewCLRect,
- LeftBitMap, CaptionBitMap, RightBitMap, BottomBitMap,
- P, Rect(0, 0, P.Width, P.Height), FFormWidth, FFormHeight,
- LeftStretch, TopStretch, RightStretch, BottomStretch);
- // draw skin objects
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- with TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if Visible then
- begin
- if (ObjectRect.Bottom <= NewClRect.Top)
- then
- Draw(CaptionBitMap.Canvas, False)
- else
- begin
- TempRect := ObjectRect;
- OffsetRect(ObjectRect, 0, -NewClRect.Bottom);
- Draw(BottomBitMap.Canvas, False);
- ObjectRect := TempRect;
- end;
- end;
- //
- if NewClRect.Bottom > NewClRect.Top
- then
- ExcludeClipRect(Cnvs.Handle,
- NewClRect.Left, NewClRect.Top, NewClRect.Right, NewClRect.Bottom);
- // paint nc
- if GetFormActive or not GetAutoRenderingInActiveImage
- then
- begin
- Cnvs.Draw(0, 0, CaptionBitMap);
- Cnvs.Draw(0, CaptionBitMap.Height, LeftBitMap);
- Cnvs.Draw(FFormWidth - RightBitMap.Width, CaptionBitMap.Height, RightBitMap);
- Cnvs.Draw(0, FFormHeight - BottomBitMap.Height, BottomBitMap);
- end
- else
- begin
- CEB := TbsEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(CaptionBitMap.Handle);
- LEB := TbsEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(LeftBitMap.Handle);
- REB := TbsEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(RightBitMap.Handle);
- BEB := TbsEffectBmp.CreateFromhWnd(BottomBitMap.Handle);
- case FSD.InActiveEffect of
- ieBrightness:
- begin
- CEB.ChangeBrightness(InActiveBrightnessKf);
- LEB.ChangeBrightness(InActiveBrightnessKf);
- REB.ChangeBrightness(InActiveBrightnessKf);
- BEB.ChangeBrightness(InActiveBrightnessKf);
- end;
- ieDarkness:
- begin
- CEB.ChangeDarkness(InActiveDarknessKf);
- LEB.ChangeDarkness(InActiveDarknessKf);
- REB.ChangeDarkness(InActiveDarknessKf);
- BEB.ChangeDarkness(InActiveDarknessKf);
- end;
- ieGrayScale:
- begin
- CEB.GrayScale;
- LEB.GrayScale;
- REB.GrayScale;
- BEB.GrayScale;
- end;
- ieNoise:
- begin
- CEB.AddMonoNoise(InActiveNoiseAmount);
- LEB.AddMonoNoise(InActiveNoiseAmount);
- REB.AddMonoNoise(InActiveNoiseAmount);
- BEB.AddMonoNoise(InActiveNoiseAmount);
- end;
- ieSplitBlur:
- begin
- CEB.SplitBlur(1);
- LEB.SplitBlur(1);
- REB.SplitBlur(1);
- BEB.SplitBlur(1);
- end;
- ieInvert:
- begin
- CEB.Invert;
- LEB.Invert;
- REB.Invert;
- BEB.Invert;
- end;
- end;
- CEB.Draw(Cnvs.Handle, 0, 0);
- LEB.Draw(Cnvs.Handle, 0, CaptionBitMap.Height);
- REB.Draw(Cnvs.Handle, FFormWidth - RightBitMap.Width, CaptionBitMap.Height);
- BEB.Draw(Cnvs.Handle, 0, FFormHeight - BottomBitMap.Height);
- CEB.Free;
- LEB.Free;
- REB.Free;
- BEB.Free;
- end;
- //
- BottomBitMap.Free;
- RightBitMap.Free;
- LeftBitMap.Free;
- CaptionBitMap.Free;
- ReleaseDC(FForm.Handle, DC);
- Cnvs.Handle := 0;
- Cnvs.Free;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.FormShortCut;
- var
- MM: TMainMenu;
- begin
- if FInShortCut
- then
- begin
- FInShortCut := False;
- Handled := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (FMainMenuBar <> nil) and (FMainMenuBar.MainMenu <> nil)
- then
- MM := FMainMenuBar.MainMenu
- else
- MM := FMainMenu;
- if MM <> nil
- then
- if (KeyDataToShiftState(Msg.KeyData) = [ssAlt]) and FindHotKeyItem(Msg.CharCode)
- then
- Handled := True
- else
- begin
- FInShortCut := MM.IsShortCut(Msg);
- if FInShortCut then Handled := True else Handled := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetFormStyle;
- begin
- if (FS = fsNormal) or (FS = fsStayOnTop)
- then
- begin
- FForm.FormStyle := FS;
- UpDateSkinControls(0, FForm);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.CreateRollUpForm;
- begin
- FForm.Height := GetMinHeight;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.RestoreRollUpForm;
- begin
- FForm.Height := OldHeight;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SetRollUpState;
- begin
- if not (biRollUp in FBorderIcons) or
- (FRollUpState and (FWindowState = wsMaximized) and not MaxRollUpState) or
- (FWindowState = wsMinimized)
- then Exit;
- if WindowState = wsMaximized then MaxRollUpState := Value;
- FRollUpState := Value;
- if FRollUpState
- then
- begin
- OldHeight := FForm.Height;
- CreateRollUpForm;
- end
- else
- RestoreRollUpForm;
- if Assigned(FOnChangeRollUpState) then FOnChangeRollUpState(Self);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.BeforeUpDateSkinControls;
- procedure CheckControl(C: TControl);
- begin
- if C is TbsSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then BeforeChangeSkinData;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- CheckControl(WC);
- for i := 0 to WC.ControlCount - 1 do
- begin
- if WC.Controls[i] is TWinControl
- then
- BeforeUpDateSkinControls(AFSD, TWinControl(WC.Controls[i]))
- else
- CheckControl(WC.Controls[i]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.UpDateSkinControls;
- procedure CheckControl(C: TControl);
- begin
- if C is TbsSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TbsGraphicSkinControl
- then
- begin
- with TbsGraphicSkinControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinPageControl
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinPageControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinTabControl
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinTabControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinCustomEdit
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinEdit(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinMemo
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinMemo(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinMemo2
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinMemo2(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinStdLabel
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinStdLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinLinkLabel
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinLinkLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinButtonLabel
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinButtonLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinTextLabel
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinTextLabel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinCustomTreeView
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinTreeView(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinBevel
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinBevel(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinCustomListView
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinListView(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinHeaderControl
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinHeaderControl(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinRichEdit
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinRichEdit(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0)
- then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinControlBar
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinControlBar(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end
- else
- if C is TbsSkinSplitter
- then
- begin
- with TbsSkinSplitter(C) do
- if (Integer(SkinData) = AFSD) or (AFSD = 0) then ChangeSkinData;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- CheckControl(WC);
- for i := 0 to WC.ControlCount - 1 do
- begin
- if WC.Controls[i] is TWinControl
- then
- UpDateSkinControls(AFSD, TWinControl(WC.Controls[i]))
- else
- CheckControl(WC.Controls[i]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PopupSkinMenu;
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- SkinMenuOpen;
- R := Rect(P.X, P.Y, P.X, P.Y);
- if MenusSkinData = nil
- then
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, SkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, False)
- else
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, MenusSkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, False);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.PopupSkinMenu1;
- begin
- SkinMenuOpen;
- if MenusSkinData = nil
- then
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, SkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, PopupUp)
- else
- SkinMenu.Popup(nil, MenusSkinData, 0, R, Menu.Items, PopupUp);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SkinMenuOpen;
- begin
- if not InMainMenu
- then
- begin
- HookApp;
- end;
- if not InMenu
- then
- begin
- InMenu := True;
- if Assigned(FOnSkinMenuOpen) then FOnSkinMenuOpen(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SkinMainMenuClose;
- begin
- InMainMenu := False;
- if SkinMenu.Visible then SkinMenu.Hide;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then
- FMainMenuBar.MenuExit;
- UnHookApp;
- if Assigned(FOnMainMenuExit) then FOnMainMenuExit(Self);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SkinMenuClose2;
- begin
- InMenu := False;
- if FMainMenuBar <> nil
- then
- FMainMenuBar.MenuClose;
- if Assigned(FOnSkinMenuClose) then FOnSkinMenuClose(Self);
- end;
- procedure TbsBusinessSkinForm.SkinMenuClose;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- InMenu := False;
- for i := 0 to ObjectList.Count - 1 do
- if TbsActiveSkinObject(ObjectList.Items[i]) is TbsSkinButtonObject then
- begin
- with TbsSkinButtonObject (ObjectList.Items[i]) do
- if (MenuItem <> nil) and FDown then
- begin
- SetDown(False);
- Break;
- end;
- end;