- {========================================================================}
- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= All Rights Reserved =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= D 01099 Dresden = Tel.: +0351-8012255 =}
- {= Loewenstr.7a = =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= Actual versions on =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= This code is for reference purposes only and may not be copied or =}
- {= distributed in any format electronic or otherwise except one copy =}
- {= for backup purposes. =}
- {= =}
- {= No Delphi Component Kit or Component individually or in a collection=}
- {= subclassed or otherwise from the code in this unit, or associated =}
- {= .pas, .dfm, .dcu, .asm or .obj files may be sold or distributed =}
- {= without express permission from SwiftSoft. =}
- {= =}
- {= For more licence informations please refer to the associated =}
- {= HelpFile. =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 20.01.1998 - 18:00:00 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- unit MMFXGen;
- interface
- uses
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Windows,
- {$ELSE}
- WinTypes,
- WinProcs,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- Messages,
- Classes,
- Controls,
- Forms,
- MMSystem,
- MMObj,
- MMUtils,
- MMString,
- MMRegs,
- MMMulDiv;
- const
- TabLen = 100000; { precalc table length }
- type
- EMMGeneratorError = class(Exception);
- TMMWaveForm = (wfSine,wfSquare,wfTriangle,wfSawtoothPos,
- wfSawtoothNeg,wfNoise);
- TMMModulation = (moAM,moFM,moPM);
- {-- TMMGenerator ------------------------------------------------------}
- TMMGenerator = class(TMMDSPComponent)
- private
- FOpen : Boolean;
- FEnabled : Boolean;
- FSilence : SmallInt; { silence value 0 or 128 }
- FBits : TMMBits; { bit8 or bit16 }
- FChannel : TMMChannel; { chBoth, chLeft or chRigth }
- FMode : TMMMode; { mMono or mStereo }
- FSampleRate : Longint; { samplerate 8000..88200 }
- FBytesDone : Longint; { how many bytes created ? }
- FWaveForm : TMMWaveForm; { type of waveform to generate }
- FModulation : TMMModulation; { Modulation: moAM,moFM,mpPM }
- FFrequency : Double; { test frequency (1..44100.00) }
- FAmplitude : TMMVolumeRange;{ generator/modulator amplitude }
- FDryAmplitude: TMMVolumeRange;{ mix of original data mixed to output }
- FWaveFormat : TWaveFormatEx; { internal WaveFormatEx }
- FTable : PSmallArray;
- FOffset : Double; { internal table offset }
- procedure SetWaveForm(aValue: TMMWaveForm);
- procedure SetModulation(aValue: TMMModulation);
- procedure SetFrequency(aValue: Double);
- procedure SetAmplitudes(index: integer; aValue: TMMVolumeRange);
- procedure SetSampleRate(Rate: Longint);
- procedure SetBits(aValue: TMMBits);
- procedure SetChannel(aValue: TMMChannel);
- procedure SetMode(aValue: TMMMode);
- procedure SetWaveParams;
- procedure FillWaveTable(Len: Longint);
- protected
- procedure ChangeDesigning(aValue: Boolean); override;
- procedure SetPWaveFormat(aValue: PWaveFormatEx); override;
- procedure Opened; override;
- procedure Started; override;
- procedure Closed; override;
- procedure BufferReady(lpwh: PWaveHdr); override;
- procedure BufferLoad(lpwh: PWaveHdr; var MoreBuffers: Boolean); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Open;
- procedure Start;
- procedure Stop;
- procedure Close;
- procedure GenerateData(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- procedure ModulateDataAM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- procedure ModulateDataFM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- procedure ModulateDataPM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- published
- property Input;
- property Output;
- property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled default True;
- property SampleRate: Longint read FSampleRate write SetSampleRate default 11025;
- property BitLength: TMMBits read FBits write setBits default b8bit;
- property Channel: TMMChannel read FChannel write setChannel default chBoth;
- property Mode: TMMMode read FMode write SetMode default mMono;
- property WaveForm: TMMWaveForm read FWaveForm write SetWaveForm default wfSine;
- property Modulation: TMMModulation read FModulation write SetModulation default moAM;
- property Frequency: Double read FFrequency write SetFrequency;
- property Amplitude: TMMVolumeRange index 0 read FAmplitude write SetAmplitudes default 16384;
- property DryAmplitude: TMMVolumeRange index 1 read FDryAmplitude write SetAmplitudes default 0;
- end;
- implementation
- uses MMMath;
- {-- Sine ----------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Sine(t: Float): Float; Far;
- begin
- Result := Sin(t);
- end;
- {-- Square ----------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Square(t: Float): FLoat; Far;
- begin
- { Compute values of t normalized to 2*pi }
- t := ModR(t,2*M_PI);
- { The actual square wave computation }
- Result := 2*ModR(ord(t>M_PI)+1,2)-1;
- end;
- {-- SawtoothPos -----------------------------------------------------------}
- function SawtoothPos(t: Float): Float; Far;
- begin
- Result := 2*(ModR(t,2*M_PI)/2/M_PI - 0.5);
- end;
- {-- SawtoothNeg -----------------------------------------------------------}
- function SawtoothNeg(t: Float): Float; Far;
- begin
- Result := 2*(1-ModR(t,2*M_PI)/2/M_PI - 0.5);
- end;
- {-- Triangle --------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Triangle(t: Float): Float; Far;
- var
- rt: Float;
- begin
- rt := ModR(t+M_PI/2,2*M_PI)/2/M_PI;
- if (rt < 0.5) then Result := 4*(rt-0.25)
- else Result := 4*(-rt+0.75);
- end;
- {-- Noise ----------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Noise(t: Float): Float; Far;
- begin
- Result := 2*(Random-0.5);
- end;
- {-- VCO ------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function vco(x: Float; Fc, Fs: Longint; t: Float): FLoat;
- var
- kf: Float;
- begin
- kf := (Fc/Fs)*2*M_PI;
- Result := cos(2*M_PI*Fc*t + kf*x);
- end;
- {== TMMGenerator =========================================================}
- constructor TMMGenerator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FTable := nil;
- FEnabled := True;
- FSampleRate := 11025;
- FBits := b8Bit;
- FChannel := chBoth;
- FMode := mMono;
- FWaveForm:= wfSine;
- FModulation := moAM;
- FFrequency := 1000.0;
- FAmplitude := 16384;
- FDryAmplitude := 0;
- FBytesDone := 0;
- FSilence := 128;
- FOpen := False;
- Randomize;
- SetWaveParams;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- FTable := GlobalAllocMem(TabLen*sizeOf(Smallint));
- end;
- ErrorCode := ComponentRegistered(InitCode, Self, ClassName);
- if (ErrorCode <> 0) then RegisterFailed(InitCode, Self , ClassName);
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TMMGenerator.Destroy;
- begin
- GlobalFreeMem(Pointer(FTable));
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.ChangeDesigning(aValue: Boolean);
- begin
- inherited ChangeDesigning(aValue);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- FTable := GlobalAllocMem(TabLen*sizeOf(Smallint));
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.FillWaveTable(Len: Longint);
- var
- i: Longint;
- amp: integer;
- pt: PSmallint;
- begin
- { TODO: Wenn Table > 140k dann laufen die Multiplikationen 黚er }
- { TODO: Table Gr鰏se als power of 2 und mit AND wrappen }
- if not FOpen then exit;
- if FBits = b8Bit then
- amp := 127
- else
- amp := 32767;
- pt := PSmallint(FTable);
- case FWaveForm of
- wfSine:
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- begin
- pt^ := Round(amp*sin(i*2*M_PI/Len));
- incHuge(pt,sizeOf(pt^));
- end;
- wfSquare:
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- begin
- if i > Len div 2 then
- pt^ := amp
- else
- pt^ := -amp;
- incHuge(pt,sizeOf(pt^));
- end;
- wfTriangle:
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- begin
- if i <= Len div 4 then
- pt^ := i*amp div (Len div 4)
- else if i > 3*(Len div 4) then
- pt^ := (i-3*(Len div 4))*amp div (Len div 4) - amp
- else
- pt^ := (Len div 2-i)*amp div (Len div 4);
- incHuge(pt,sizeOf(pt^));
- end;
- wfSawtoothPos:
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- begin
- if i <= Len div 2 then
- pt^ := (i*amp) div (Len div 2)
- else
- pt^ := (i-Len div 2)*amp div (Len div 2) - amp;
- incHuge(pt,sizeOf(pt^));
- end;
- wfSawtoothNeg:
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- begin
- if i <= Len div 2 then
- pt^ := -(i*amp) div (Len div 2)
- else
- pt^ := -((i-Len div 2)*amp div (Len div 2) - amp);
- incHuge(pt,sizeOf(pt^));
- end;
- wfNoise:
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- begin
- pt^ := Random(2*amp)-amp;
- incHuge(pt,sizeOf(pt^));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure TMMGenerator.SetPWaveFormat(aValue: PWaveFormatEx);
- begin
- if (aValue <> nil) then
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- if not pcmIsValidFormat(aValue) then
- raise EMMGeneratorError.Create(LoadResStr(IDS_INVALIDFORMAT));
- SampleRate := aValue^.nSamplesPerSec;
- BitLength := TMMBits(aValue^.wBitsPerSample div 8 - 1);
- Mode := TMMMode(aValue^.nChannels-1);
- FillWaveTable(TabLen);
- end;
- inherited SetPWaveFormat(aValue);
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.SetWaveParams;
- begin
- pcmBuildWaveHeader(@FWaveFormat,(Ord(FBits)+1)*8,Ord(FMode)+1,FSampleRate);
- PWaveFormat := @FWaveFormat;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure TMMGenerator.SetSampleRate(Rate: Longint);
- begin
- if (Rate <> SampleRate) then
- begin
- FSampleRate := MinMax(Rate,8000,88200);
- SetWaveParams;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure TMMGenerator.SetBits(aValue: TMMBits);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FBits) then
- begin
- FBits := aValue;
- if (FBits = b8Bit) then
- FSilence := 128
- else
- FSilence := 0;
- SetWaveParams;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure TMMGenerator.SetChannel(aValue: TMMChannel);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FChannel) then
- begin
- FChannel := aValue;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- Procedure TMMGenerator.SetMode(aValue: TMMMode);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FMode) and (aValue in [mMono,mStereo]) then
- begin
- FMode := aValue;
- SetWaveParams;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.SetWaveForm(aValue: TMMWaveForm);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FWaveForm) then
- begin
- FWaveForm := aValue;
- FillWaveTable(TabLen);
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.SetModulation(aValue: TMMModulation);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FModulation) then
- begin
- FModulation := aValue;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.SetFrequency(aValue: Double);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FFrequency) then
- begin
- FFrequency := MinMaxR(aValue,0.01,100000);
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.SetAmplitudes(index: integer; aValue: TMMVolumeRange);
- begin
- case Index of
- 0: if (aValue = FAmplitude) then exit else FAmplitude := aValue;
- 1: if (aValue = FDryAmplitude) then exit else FDryAmplitude := aValue;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.GenerateData(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- type
- TGetSample = function: Smallint;
- var
- i,ReIndex: integer;
- pS: PSmallint;
- pB: PByte;
- Step: Double;
- function GetSample: Smallint;
- var
- pt: PSmallint;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Result := MulDiv32(FTable^[Round(FOffset)],FAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- {$ELSE}
- pt := Pointer(FTable);
- incHuge(pt, Round(FOffset)*sizeOf(pt^));
- Result := MulDiv32(pt^,FAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- {$ENDIF}
- FOffset := ModR(FOffset+Step,TabLen-1);
- end;
- begin
- ReIndex := Ord(FChannel)-1;
- Step := FFrequency*TabLen/FSampleRate;
- if (FBits = b8bit) then
- begin
- pB := PByte(Buffer);
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := GetSample+128;
- inc(pB);
- end;
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := GetSample+128;
- PByte(PChar(pB)+1)^ := pB^;
- inc(pB,2);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pB,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := GetSample+128;
- inc(pB,2);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- pS := PSmallInt(Buffer);
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := GetSample;
- inc(pS);
- end;
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 3) shr 2;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := GetSample;
- PSmallInt(PChar(pS)+2)^ := pS^;
- inc(pS,2);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pS, ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 3) shr 2;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := GetSample;
- inc(pS,2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.ModulateDataAM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- type
- TGetSample = function: Smallint;
- var
- i,ReIndex: integer;
- s: Smallint;
- Dry,Wet: Longint;
- pS: PSmallint;
- pB: PByte;
- Step: Double;
- function GetSample: Smallint;
- var
- pt: PSmallint;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Result := MulDiv32(FTable^[Round(FOffset)],FAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- {$ELSE}
- pt := Pointer(FTable);
- incHuge(pt, Round(FOffset)*sizeOf(pt^));
- Result := MulDiv32(pt^,FAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- {$ENDIF}
- FOffset := ModR(FOffset+Step,TabLen-1);
- end;
- begin
- { Amplitude Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct) * Am * sin(Wmt) }
- ReIndex := Ord(FChannel)-1;
- Step := FFrequency*TabLen/FSampleRate;
- if (FBits = b8bit) then
- begin
- pB := PByte(Buffer);
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Smallint(pB^-128)*GetSample) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB);
- end;
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- s := GetSample;
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Smallint(pB^-128)*s) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB);
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := ((pB^-128)*s) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pB,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Smallint(pB^-128)*GetSample) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB,2);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- pS := PSmallInt(Buffer);
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Longint(pS^)*GetSample) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS);
- end;
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 3) shr 2;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- s := GetSample;
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Longint(pS^)*s) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS);
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Longint(pS^)*s) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pS, ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 3) shr 2;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (Longint(pS^)*GetSample) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS,2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.ModulateDataFM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- type
- TGetSample = function: Smallint;
- var
- i: integer;
- //ReIndex: integer;
- // s: Smallint;
- // Dry,Wet: Longint;
- pS: PSmallint;
- // pB: PByte;
- // Step: Double;
- function GetSample(s: Float): Longint;
- begin
- Result := MulDiv32(FTable^[Round(FOffset)],FAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- FOffset := ModR(FOffset+FFrequency*TabLen/FSampleRate*(1+s),TabLen-1);
- end;
- begin
- { Frequency Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am * sin(Wmt)) }
- // ReIndex := Ord(FChannel)-1;
- // Step := FFrequency*TabLen/FSampleRate;
- pS := PSmallInt(Buffer);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- { Frequency Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am * sin(Wmt)) }
- pS^ := GetSample(pS^/32768);
- inc(pS);
- end;
- (* if (FBits = b8bit) then
- begin
- pB := PByte(Buffer);
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := ((pB^-128)*GetSample) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB);
- end;
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- s := GetSample;
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := ((pB^-128)*s) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB);
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := ((pB^-128)*s) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pB,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pB^-128,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := ((pB^-128)*GetSample) div 128;
- pB^ := pcmSampleClip8(Dry+Wet)+128;
- inc(pB,2);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- pS := PSmallInt(Buffer);
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 1) shr 1;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- { Frequency Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am * sin(Wmt)) }
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (pS^*GetSample) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS);
- end;
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 3) shr 2;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- { Frequency Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am * sin(Wmt)) }
- s := GetSample;
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (pS^*s) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS);
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (pS^*s) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pS, ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes and not 3) shr 2;
- for i := 0 to NumBytes-1 do
- begin
- Dry := MulDiv32(pS^,FDryAmplitude,VOLUMEBASE);
- Wet := (pS^*GetSample) div 32768;
- pS^ := pcmSampleClip16(Dry+Wet);
- inc(pS,2);
- end;
- end;
- end; *)
- end;
- (*
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.ModulateDataFM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- var
- i,amp: integer;
- Time,Sample: Float;
- NumSamples: Cardinal;
- ReIndex: integer;
- pB: PByte;
- pS: PSMallInt;
- FreqFactor: Float;
- begin
- { Frequency Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am * sin(Wmt)) }
- Sample := 1.0/FSampleRate;
- ReIndex := Ord(FChannel)-1;
- FreqFactor := 2*M_PI*FFrequency;
- if (FBits = b8bit) then
- begin
- pB := PByte(Buffer);
- Amp := Round(FAmplitude*(127/100));
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumSamples := NumBytes;
- Time := Sample * FBytesDone;
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+((pB^-128)/12.8))+128);
- inc(pB);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := NumBytes and $FFFE;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 1;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 1);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+((pB^-128)/12.8))+128);
- PByte(PChar(pB)+1)^ := pB^;
- inc(pB,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pB,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := NumBytes and $FFFE;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 1;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 1);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+((pB^-128)/12.8))+128);
- inc(pB,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- pS := pSmallInt(Buffer);
- Amp := Round(FAmplitude*(32767/100));
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumBytes := NumBytes and $FFFE;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 1;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 1);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- { Frequency Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am * sin(Wmt)) }
- pS^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time*(pS^/3276800)));
- inc(pS);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes shr 2) shl 2;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 2;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 2);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+(pS^/3276.8)));
- PSmallInt(PChar(pS)+2)^ := pS^;
- inc(pS,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pS,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes shr 2) shl 2;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 2;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 2);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+(pS^/3276.8)));
- inc(pS,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- *)
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.ModulateDataPM(Buffer: PChar; NumBytes: Cardinal);
- (*var
- i,amp: integer;
- Time,Sample: Float;
- NumSamples: Cardinal;
- ReIndex: integer;
- pB: PByte;
- pS: PSMallInt;
- FreqFactor: Float;
- *)
- begin
- (*
- { Phase Modulation: y(t) = Ac * sin(Wct* Am + sin(Wmt)) }
- Sample := 1.0/FSampleRate;
- ReIndex := Ord(FChannel)-1;
- FreqFactor := 2*M_PI*FFrequency;
- if (FBits = b8bit) then
- begin
- pB := PByte(Buffer);
- Amp := Round(FAmplitude*(127/100));
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumSamples := NumBytes;
- Time := Sample * FBytesDone;
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+((pB^-128)/12.8))+128);
- inc(pB);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := NumBytes and $FFFE;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 1;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 1);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+((pB^-128)/12.8))+128);
- PByte(PChar(pB)+1)^ := pB^;
- inc(pB,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pB,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := NumBytes and $FFFE;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 1;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 1);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pB^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+((pB^-128)/12.8))+128);
- inc(pB,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- pS := pSmallInt(Buffer);
- Amp := Round(FAmplitude*(32767/100));
- if (FMode = mMono) then
- begin
- NumBytes := NumBytes and $FFFE;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 1;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 1);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+(pS^/3276.8)));
- inc(pS);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else if (FChannel = chBoth) then
- begin
- NumBytes := (NumBytes shr 2) shl 2;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 2;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 2);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+(pS^/3276.8)));
- PSmallInt(PChar(pS)+2)^ := pS^;
- inc(pS,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(pS,ReIndex);
- NumBytes := (NumBytes shr 2) shl 2;
- NumSamples := NumBytes shr 2;
- Time := Sample * (FBytesDone shr 2);
- for i := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
- begin
- pS^ := Trunc(Amp*FWaveFunc(FreqFactor*Time+(pS^/3276.8)));
- inc(pS,2);
- Time := Time + Sample;
- end;
- inc(FBytesDone,NumBytes);
- end;
- end; *)
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Open;
- begin
- if not FOpen then
- begin
- FOpen := True;
- FillWaveTable(TabLen);
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Start;
- begin
- FOffset := 0;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Stop;
- begin
- ;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Close;
- begin
- if FOpen then
- begin
- FOpen := False;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Opened;
- begin
- inherited Opened;
- Open;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Closed;
- begin
- Close;
- inherited Closed;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.Started;
- begin
- inherited Started;
- Start;
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.BufferReady(lpwh: PWaveHdr);
- begin
- if Enabled then
- begin
- if FModulation = moAM then
- ModulateDataAM(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded)
- else if FModulation = moFM then
- ModulateDataFM(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded)
- else
- ModulateDataPM(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded);
- end;
- inherited BufferReady(lpwh);
- end;
- {-- TMMGenerator --------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMGenerator.BufferLoad(lpwh: PWaveHdr; var MoreBuffers: Boolean);
- var
- MustGenerate: Boolean;
- begin
- MustGenerate := True;
- if (Input <> nil) then
- begin
- inherited BufferLoad(lpwh, MoreBuffers);
- if (lpwh^.dwBufferLength > 0) then
- begin
- MustGenerate := False;
- if Enabled then
- begin
- if FModulation = moAM then
- ModulateDataAM(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded)
- else if FModulation = moFM then
- ModulateDataFM(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded)
- else
- ModulateDataPM(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if MustGenerate then
- begin
- if Enabled then
- GenerateData(lpwh^.lpData, lpwh^.dwBufferLength)
- else
- GlobalFillMem(lpwh^.lpData^, lpwh^.dwBufferLength, FSilence);
- lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded := lpwh^.dwBufferLength;
- end;
- MoreBuffers := True;
- end;
- (*
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- program SineMix; {$R-} {$S-} {$Q-}
- uses
- SBSample,
- CRT;
- const
- WaveLength = 32; {In samples, freq varies depending on CPU speed}
- Amplitude = 8; {Keep it low to eliminate wave-top clipping}
- var
- Sines: array[0..WaveLength-1] of ShortInt;
- Sample: byte;
- x: word;
- procedure InitSines;
- var
- i: word;
- begin
- for i := 0 to WaveLength-1 do
- Sines[i] := Round(Sin((2*Pi) * (i/WaveLength))*Amplitude);
- end;
- procedure ClipSample(var Sample: integer);
- begin
- if Sample > 127 then Sample := 127;
- if Sample < -128 then Sample := -128;
- end;
- procedure ProcessSample(var Sample: byte);
- {Make sure that you clip the sample so it stays in the proper range}
- var
- Temp: integer;
- begin
- Temp := Sample-128;
- {Process the sample here}
- Temp := Temp*2+Sines[x];
- ClipSample(Temp);
- Sample := Temp+128;
- end;
- begin
- ResetDSP;
- InitSines;
- x := 0;
- repeat
- Sample := GetSample;
- ProcessSample(Sample);
- OutputSample(Sample);
- Inc(x);
- x := x mod WaveLength;
- until KeyPressed; ReadKey;
- *)
- end.