- {========================================================================}
- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= All Rights Reserved =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= D 01099 Dresden = Tel.: +0351-8012255 =}
- {= Loewenstr.7a = =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= Actual versions on =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= This code is for reference purposes only and may not be copied or =}
- {= distributed in any format electronic or otherwise except one copy =}
- {= for backup purposes. =}
- {= =}
- {= No Delphi Component Kit or Component individually or in a collection=}
- {= subclassed or otherwise from the code in this unit, or associated =}
- {= .pas, .dfm, .dcu, .asm or .obj files may be sold or distributed =}
- {= without express permission from SwiftSoft. =}
- {= =}
- {= For more licence informations please refer to the associated =}
- {= HelpFile. =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 20.01.1998 - 18:00:00 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- unit MMFFTFlt;
- interface
- uses
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Windows,
- {$ELSE}
- WinTypes,
- WinProcs,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- MMSystem,
- MMRegs,
- MMUtils,
- MMMath,
- {========================================================================}
- const
- { constants for the DataType fields }
- DT_8BIT = $00; { x0 b }
- DT_16BIT = $01; { x1 b }
- DT_MONO = $00; { 0x b }
- DT_STEREO = $02; { 1x b }
- { constants for channels }
- CH_BOTH = $00;
- CH_LEFT = $01;
- CH_RIGHT = $02;
- function GetDataType(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx): integer;
- {========================================================================}
- const
- DESM = 8;
- MAX_FFTLEN = 1024; { Define the maximum FFT buffer length.}
- type
- PFFTCplxArray = ^TFFTCplxArray;
- TFFTCplxArray = array[0..MAX_FFTLEN+1] of TfCplx;
- TFFTLongArray = array[0..MAX_FFTLEN+1] of Longint;
- TFFTFloatArray = array[0..MAX_FFTLEN+1] of Float;
- {-- TFilterParams ---------------------------------------------------------}
- PFilterParams = ^TFilterParams;
- TFilterParams = packed record
- Out_Buf : TFFTLongArray;
- old_r : TFFTFloatArray;
- end;
- {-- TFFTFilter ------------------------------------------------------------}
- PFFTFilter = ^TFFTFilter;
- TFFTFilter = packed record
- DataType : integer; { DT_8BIT,DT_16BIT,DT_MONO,DT_STEREO }
- SampleRate : Longint; { SampleRate for the samples }
- Channels : integer; { number of Channels }
- FFTLen : integer;
- FFTLen_2 : integer; { actual FFTlength }
- Order : integer;
- pfft : PFFTCplx; { instance for FFT calculation }
- BufIn : PChar;
- BufIn_Bytes : Longint;
- BufOut : PChar;
- BufOut_Bytes : Longint;
- MaxBufferSize: Longint;
- WindowFunc : Longint;
- Params : array[0..MAX_CHANNELS-1] of TFilterParams;
- {-- var for FFT ------------}
- ampl : TFFTFloatArray;
- fh : TFFTCplxArray;
- fx : TFFTCplxArray;
- DataSection : TRtlCriticalSection;
- end;
- function InitFFTFilter(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx; FFTLength, MaxBufSize: integer): PFFTFilter;
- procedure DoneFFTFilter(var pflt: PFFTFilter);
- procedure SetFFTFilterWindow(pflt: PFFTFilter; Window: integer);
- procedure SetFFTFilterBand(pflt: PFFTFilter; f1, f2, Gain: Float);
- procedure ResetFFTFilter(pflt: PFFTFilter);
- function DoFFTFilter(pflt: PFFTFilter; Channel: TMMChannel; pIn: PChar; Len: Cardinal): Boolean;
- implementation
- uses
- MMAlloc;
- var
- Allocator: TMMAllocator;
- {==============================================================================}
- function GetDataType(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if (pwfx <> Nil) and (pwfx^.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if (pwfx^.wBitsPerSample = 16) then Result := Result or DT_16BIT;
- if (pwfx^.nChannels = 2) then Result := Result or DT_STEREO;
- end;
- end;
- {==============================================================================}
- { -- FFT Filter -- }
- {==============================================================================}
- function InitFFTFilter(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx; FFTLength,MaxBufSize: integer): PFFTFilter;
- begin
- Result := Allocator.AllocBufferEx(GHND,SizeOf(TFFTFilter));
- if (Result <> nil) then
- with Result^ do
- begin
- DataType := GetDataType(pwfx);
- SampleRate := pwfx^.nSamplesPerSec;
- Channels := pwfx^.nChannels;
- FFTLength := Min(FFTLength, MAX_FFTLEN);
- FFTLen := 1;
- { Convert FFTLen to a power of 2 }
- Order := 0;
- while FFTLength > 1 do
- begin
- FFTLength := FFTLength shr 1;
- inc(Order);
- end;
- if (Order > 0) then FFTLen := FFTLen shl Order;
- FFTLen_2 := FFTlen div 2;
- WindowFunc := 1;
- pfft := InitCplxFFT(Order);
- MaxBufferSize := MaxBufSize;
- BufIn := Allocator.AllocBufferEx(GHND,2*MaxBufSize*sizeOf(Byte));
- BufOut := Allocator.AllocBufferEx(GHND,2*MaxBufSize*sizeOf(Byte));
- FillChar(DataSection, SizeOf(DataSection), 0);
- InitializeCriticalSection(DataSection);
- ResetFFTFilter(Result);
- SetFFTFilterBand(Result,0,SampleRate div 2,0);
- end;
- end;
- {==============================================================================}
- procedure DoneFFTFilter(var pflt: PFFTFilter);
- begin
- if (pflt <> nil) then
- begin
- DeleteCriticalSection(pflt^.DataSection);
- DoneCplxFFT(pflt^.pfft);
- Allocator.FreeBuffer(Pointer(pflt.BufIn));
- Allocator.FreeBuffer(Pointer(pflt.BufOut));
- Allocator.FreeBuffer(Pointer(pflt));
- end;
- end;
- {==============================================================================}
- procedure re_im_Init(pflt: PFFTFilter; amp: PFloatArray);
- var
- i: integer;
- ampl_1: TFFTFloatArray;
- begin
- with pflt^ do
- begin
- for i := 0 to FFTLen_2 do
- begin
- ampl_1[i] := amp[i];
- ampl_1[FFTLen_2+1+i] := 0
- end;
- ampl_1[0] := ampl_1[0] * 0.5;
- ampl_1[FFTLen_2] := ampl_1[FFTLen_2] * 0.5;
- for i := 0 to FFTLen_2 do
- begin
- fx[i].re := ampl_1[i]*cos(2*M_PI*i/4.0);
- fx[i].im := ampl_1[i]*sin(2*M_PI*i/4.0);
- fx[FFTLen_2+1+i].re := 0;
- fx[FFTLen_2+1+i].im := 0;
- end;
- DoCplxFFTb(pfft,@fx,1);
- {-- OTOBRASENIE 1 -------------------------------------------------}
- for i := 0 to FFTLen-1 do
- begin
- ampl_1[i] := fx[i].re*CalcWindowFunc(WindowFunc, i, FFTLen_2);
- fx[i].re := 0;
- fx[i].im := 0;
- end;
- for i := 0 to FFTlen_2 do fx[i].re := ampl_1[i];
- doCplxFFTb(pfft,@fx,-2);
- end;
- end;
- {==== INIT IMP-REACTION =======================================================}
- procedure InitImp(pflt: PFFTFilter; dx,dy: integer; Gain: Float);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with pflt^ do
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(DataSection);
- try
- for i := dx to dy do
- begin
- ampl[i] := pow(10.0,(Gain+6)/20.0);
- end;
- re_im_Init(pflt,@ampl);
- for i := 0 to FFTLen-1 do
- begin
- {-- No Normalization ---}
- fh[i].re := fx[i].re;
- fh[i].im := fx[i].im;
- end;
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(DataSection);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {== SetFFTFilter ==============================================================}
- procedure SetFFTFilterWindow(pflt: PFFTFilter; Window: integer);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with pflt^ do
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(DataSection);
- try
- WindowFunc := Window;
- re_im_Init(pflt,@ampl);
- for i := 0 to FFTLen-1 do
- begin
- {-- No Normalization ---}
- fh[i].re := fx[i].re;
- fh[i].im := fx[i].im;
- end;
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(DataSection);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {== SetFFTFilter ==============================================================}
- procedure SetFFTFilterBand(pflt: PFFTFilter; f1,f2,Gain: Float);
- var
- dx,dy: integer;
- f,fshag: FLoat;
- begin
- with pflt^ do
- begin
- if f1 >= SampleRate div 2 then f1 := SampleRate div 2-1;
- if f2 > SampleRate div 2 then f2 := SampleRate div 2;
- if f1 > f2 then
- begin
- f := f1;
- f1 := f2;
- f2 := f;
- end;
- if (f2 = f1) then f2 := f2+1;
- fshag:= SampleRate/FFTLen;
- dx := Trunc(f1/fshag);
- dy := Trunc(f2/fshag);
- InitImp(pflt,dx,dy,Gain);
- end;
- end;
- {== ResetFFTFilter ============================================================}
- procedure ResetFFTFilter(pflt: PFFTFilter);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with pflt^ do
- begin
- BufIn_Bytes := 0;
- BufOut_Bytes:= 0;
- for i := 0 to Channels-1 do
- with Params[i] do
- begin
- FillChar(Out_Buf, sizeOf(Out_Buf),0);
- FillChar(Old_r, sizeOf(Old_r),0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {== FFT Filter ================================================================}
- procedure FFT_Filter(pflt: PFFTFilter; pIn, pOut: PLongArray; channel: integer);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with pflt^,pflt^.Params[channel] do
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(DataSection);
- try
- {-- ZApolnenie dlya fft --}
- for i := 0 to FFTLen_2-1 do
- begin
- fx[i].re := pIn[i];
- fx[i].im := pIn[FFTLen_2+i];
- fx[FFTLen_2+i].re :=0;
- fx[FFTLen_2+i].im :=0;
- end;
- DoCplxFFTb(pfft,@fx,1);
- {-- PEREMNOSENIE Na Impl. Reaction --}
- fvecMul2(@fh, @fx, FFTLen);
- {-- IFFT ---------------}
- DoCplxFFTb(pfft,@fx,-1);
- {-- SUMMIR s Hvostom IMPuls reactsi --}
- for i := 0 to FFTLen_2-1 do
- begin
- pOut[i] := Trunc(fx[i].re+old_r[i]);
- pOut[FFTLen_2+i] := Trunc(fx[FFTLen_2+i].re+fx[i].im);
- old_r[i] := fx[FFTLen_2+i].im;
- end;
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(DataSection);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {== GetSignal =================================================================}
- procedure GetSignal(pflt: PFFTFilter; pIn: PSmallint; pOut: PIntArray);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- with pflt^ do
- for i := 0 to FFTlen-1 do
- begin
- pOut[i] := pIn^;
- inc(pIn,Channels);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- const
- ParmSize = sizeOf(TFilterParams);
- asm
- // EAX = pflt
- // EDX = pIn
- // ECX = pOut
- push ebx
- push esi
- push edi
- mov esi, TFFTFilter(eax).Channels
- mov edi, TFFTFilter(eax).FFTLen
- shl esi, 1
- xor ebx, ebx
- @@loop:
- movsx eax, word ptr [edx]
- add edx, esi
- mov [ecx+4*ebx], eax
- movsx eax, word ptr [edx]
- add edx, esi
- mov [ecx+4*ebx+4], eax
- movsx eax, word ptr [edx]
- add edx, esi
- mov [ecx+4*ebx+8], eax
- movsx eax, word ptr [edx]
- add edx, esi
- mov [ecx+4*ebx+12], eax
- add ebx, 4
- cmp ebx, edi
- jl @@loop
- @@exit:
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ebx
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {== Clip Output ===============================================================}
- function ClipOutput(pflt: PFFTFilter; pOut: PSmallArray; channel: integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: integer;
- outval: Longint;
- pS: PSmallint;
- begin
- Result := False;
- with pflt^,pflt^.Params[channel] do
- begin
- pS := Pointer(pOut);
- for i := 0 to FFTLen-1 do
- begin
- outval := Out_Buf[i];
- if outval > 32767 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- pS^ := 32767;
- end
- else if outval < -32767 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- pS^ := -32767;
- end
- else
- pS^ := outval;
- inc(pS,Channels);
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- const
- ParmSize = sizeOf(TFilterParams);
- asm
- // EAX = pflt
- // EDX = pOut
- // ECX = channel
- push ebx
- push edi
- push esi
- push ebp
- imul ecx, ParmSize/8
- lea esi, TFFTFilter(eax).Params+8*ecx
- mov ebx, TFFTFilter(eax).Channels
- shl ebx, 1
- mov ebp, TFFTFilter(eax).FFTLen
- xor eax, eax
- xor ecx, ecx
- @@loop:
- {--- 1. sample ---}
- mov edi, dword ptr TFilterParams(esi).Out_Buf[4*ecx]
- cmp edi, 32767
- jle @@skip1
- mov di, 32767
- mov eax, True
- jmp @@set1
- @@skip1:
- cmp edi, -32768
- jge @@set1
- mov di, -32768
- mov eax, True
- @@set1:
- mov word ptr [edx], di
- add edx, ebx
- {--- 2. sample ---}
- mov edi, dword ptr TFilterParams(esi).Out_Buf[4*ecx+4]
- cmp edi, 32767
- jle @@skip2
- mov di, 32767
- mov eax, True
- jmp @@set2
- @@skip2:
- cmp edi, -32768
- jge @@set2
- mov di, -32768
- mov eax, True
- @@set2:
- mov word ptr [edx], di
- add edx, ebx
- {--- 3. sample ---}
- mov edi, dword ptr TFilterParams(esi).Out_Buf[4*ecx+8]
- cmp edi, 32767
- jle @@skip3
- mov di, 32767
- mov eax, True
- jmp @@set3
- @@skip3:
- cmp edi, -32768
- jge @@set3
- mov di, -32768
- mov eax, True
- @@set3:
- mov word ptr [edx], di
- add edx, ebx
- {--- 4. sample ---}
- mov edi, dword ptr TFilterParams(esi).Out_Buf[4*ecx+12]
- cmp edi, 32767
- jle @@skip4
- mov di, 32767
- mov eax, True
- jmp @@set4
- @@skip4:
- cmp edi, -32768
- jge @@set4
- mov di, -32768
- mov eax, True
- @@set4:
- mov word ptr [edx], di
- add edx, ebx
- add ecx, 4
- cmp ecx, ebp
- jl @@loop
- pop ebp
- pop esi
- pop edi
- pop ebx
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- var
- p: PFFTFilter;
- {== FFT Filter ================================================================}
- function DoFFTFilter(pflt: PFFTFilter; Channel: TMMChannel; pIn: PChar; Len: Cardinal): Boolean;
- var
- i,ch,KOL,Count,chMin,chMax,BytesDone,nBytes: integer;
- pW,pS: PSmallArray;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (pflt <> nil) then
- with pflt^ do
- begin
- p := pflt;
- GlobalMoveMem(pIn^,(BufIn+BufIn_Bytes)^,Len);
- inc(BufIn_Bytes,Len);
- KOL := BufIn_Bytes div (Channels*sizeOf(Smallint)) div FFTlen;
- chMax := Channels;
- if (Channel = chLeft) then chMax := 1;
- chMin := 0;
- if (Channels = 2) and (Channel = chRight) then chMin := 1;
- for ch := chMin to chMax-1 do
- with Params[ch] do
- begin
- Count := 0;
- while (Count < KOL) do
- begin
- pW := @PSmallArray(BufIn)^[FFTLen*Count*Channels+ch];
- {-- get signal -------------------------------------------------}
- GetSignal(pflt,PSmallint(pW),@Out_Buf);
- {-- filter ---}
- FFT_Filter(pflt,@Out_Buf,@Out_Buf,ch);
- pW := @PSmallArray(PChar(BufOut+BufOut_Bytes))^[FFTLen*Count*Channels+ch];
- {-- formirov vixod signala -------------------------------------}
- if ClipOutput(pflt,pW,ch) then Result := True;
- inc(count);
- end;
- end;
- // TODO: Alles nochmal pr黤en
- BytesDone := KOL * (Channels*sizeOf(Smallint)) * FFTlen;
- if (BytesDone > 0) then
- begin
- inc(BufOut_Bytes,BytesDone);
- dec(BufIn_Bytes,BytesDone);
- GlobalMoveMem((BufIn+BytesDone)^,BufIn^,BufIn_Bytes);
- end;
- nBytes := Min(Len,BufOut_Bytes);
- GlobalFillMem(pIn^,Len-nBytes,0);
- if (Channels = 2) and (Channel <> chBoth) then
- begin
- pS := Pointer(BufOut+(Len-nBytes)+2*chMin);
- pW := Pointer(pIn+(Len-nBytes)+2*chMin);
- i := 0;
- while i < nBytes div 2 do
- begin
- pW^[i] := pS^[i];
- inc(i,2);
- end;
- end
- else GlobalMoveMem((BufOut+(Len-nBytes))^,(pIn+(Len-nBytes))^,nBytes);
- dec(BufOut_Bytes,nBytes);
- GlobalMoveMem((BufOut+nBytes)^,BufOut^,BufOut_Bytes);
- end;
- end;
- initialization
- Allocator := TMMAllocator.Create;
- finalization
- Allocator.Free;
- end.