- unit MMStretch;
- (*-------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Time domain harmonic scaling by
- * Pointer Inteval Controled OverLap and ADD (PICOLA) Method
- * C version by IKEDA Mikio
- * original argolithm is developed by MORITA Naotaka
- * about detail, see original paper.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Usage
- * PICOLA <source signal> <companded (destination) signal>
- * <compansion ratio>
- * <window length> <pitch minimum> <pitch maximum>
- * Last three arguments can be abbriviated.
- *------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- // Does not work (horrible quality) leave it for now....
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils,
- Windows,
- Classes,
- MMSystem,
- MMRegs,
- MMObj,
- MMUtils;
- type
- EMMTimeStretchError = class(Exception);
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ---------------------------------------------------------}
- TMMTimeStretch = class(TMMDSPComponent)
- private
- FEnabled : Boolean;
- FOpen : Boolean;
- FFirstRead : Boolean;
- // FPitch : Float;
- FWaveHdr : TMMWaveHdr;
- FRealBufSize : Longint;
- FBytesRead : Longint;
- FMoreBuffers : Boolean;
- FWriteBuffer : PChar;
- FBytesWritten : Longint;
- FDone : Boolean;
- procedure SetEnabled(aValue: Boolean);
- // procedure SetPitch(aValue: Float);
- function ReadData(Buffer: PChar; dwLength: Longint; var MoreData: Boolean): Longint;
- function WriteData(Buffer: PChar; dwLength: Longint): Longint;
- procedure ReadFromInput(lpwh: PWaveHdr; var MoreBuffers: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure SetPWaveFormat(aValue: PWaveFormatEx); override;
- procedure Opened; override;
- procedure Closed; override;
- procedure Started; override;
- procedure Reseting; override;
- procedure BufferReady(lpwh: PWaveHdr); override;
- procedure BufferLoad(lpwh: PWaveHdr; var MoreBuffers: Boolean); override;
- public
- constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Open;
- procedure Close;
- procedure Reset;
- published
- property Input;
- property Output;
- property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default True;
- // property Pitch: Float read FPitch write SetPitch;
- end;
- procedure StretchFile(SrcFile,DstFile: String);
- implementation
- {---- find maximum covariance = pitch ----------------------------------------}
- function covpitch(pitmin, pitmax, length: integer; _is: array of Smallint): integeR;
- var
- i,j,pitch: integer;
- covst, covs0t, covmax, s: Float;
- begin
- covmax := 0.0;
- pitch := pitmin;
- for i := pitmin to pitmax do
- begin
- covst := 0.0;
- covs0t := 0.0;
- for j := 0 to length-1 do
- begin
- s := _is[i+j];
- covs0t := covs0t + s * s;
- covst := covst + _is[j] * s;
- end;
- covst := covst / sqrt(covs0t);
- if (covst >= covmax) then
- begin
- covmax := covst;
- pitch := i;
- end;
- end;
- Result := pitch;
- end;
- {------------ PICOLA OverLap and Add (picOLA) stage ---------------------------}
- procedure ola(pitch: integer; is1, is2: PSmallint);
- var
- i: integer;
- s, w: Float;
- begin
- for i := 0 to pitch-1 do
- begin
- w := i / (pitch - 1);
- s := is1^ * (1.0 - w) + is2^ * w;
- inc(is1);
- is2^ := Trunc(s);
- inc(is2);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function amdfpitch(pitmin, pitmax, length: integer; _is: array of Smallint): integer;
- var
- i, j, diff, acc, accmin, pitch: integer;
- begin
- pitch := pitmin;
- accmin := 0;
- for j := 0 to length-1 do
- begin
- diff := _is[j+pitmin] - _is[j];
- if (diff > 0) then
- accmin := accmin + diff
- else
- accmin := accmin - diff;
- end;
- for i := pitmin+1 to pitmax do
- begin
- acc := 0;
- for j := 0 to length-1 do
- begin
- diff := _is[i+j] - _is[j];
- if (diff > 0) then
- acc := acc + diff
- else
- acc := acc - diff;
- end;
- if (acc < accmin) then
- begin
- accmin := acc;
- pitch := i;
- end;
- end;
- Result := pitch;
- end;
- var
- _is : array[0..4096] of Smallint; // signal buffer
- rate: Float = 1.1; // compansion rate
- //case of less than 1.0 compression,
- //case of greater than 1.0 expansion
- rcomp: Float; // internal compansion ratio
- sl: Float;
- err: float = 0.0; // compansion rate error estimate
- acclen: Float = 0.0;
- pitmin: integer = 32; // minimal pitch period //
- pitmax: integer = 1024; // maximal pitch period //
- pitch : integer; // detected pitch period */
- length: integer = 1024;
- total: integer;
- nread: integer; // number of read samples (from file) */
- wantread: integer; // desired number of read samples */
- lcp: integer; // number of copy samples */
- point: integer; // PICOLA's pointer */
- // i: integer; // loop counter */
- lproc: integer = 0; // processed speech samples */
- Src,Dst: THandle;
- procedure StretchFile(SrcFile,DstFile: String);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- // length := atoi(argv[4]); option
- // pitmin := atoi(argv[5]); option
- // pitmax := atoi(argv[6]); option
- //-------------- error check and initialize ---------------------
- {
- if (rate <= 0.0 || rate == 1.0)
- begin
- printf("illeagal compansion rate !!n");
- exit(0);
- end;
- if (pitmin < 16)
- begin
- printf("pitch detection minimum threshold modified !!n");
- pitmin = 16;
- end;
- if (pitmax > 256)
- begin
- printf("pitch detection maximum threshold modified !!n");
- pitmax = 256;
- end;
- if (length <= 64 || length + pitmax >= 1024)
- begin
- printf("frame length out of range !!n");
- exit(0);
- end;
- }
- total := length + pitmax;
- if (rate >= 1.0) then
- begin
- // TODO:rate darf nicht 1.0 sein, also bei rate := 1.0 skippen
- rcomp := 1.0 / (rate - 1.0);
- end
- else if (rate > 0) then
- begin
- rcomp := rate / (1.0 - rate);
- end
- else
- begin
- // fprintf(stderr, "Error from %s: illeagal compansion rate!n", argv[0]);
- // exit(0);
- end;
- Src := FileOpen(SrcFile,fmOpenRead);
- Dst := FileCreate(DstFile);
- //------------------- body ---------------
- wantread := total; // total muss gesetzt werden !!!
- nread := FileRead(Src,_is, 2*wantread) div 2;
- while (nread = wantread) do
- begin
- //---- pitch extraction ----
- pitch := amdfpitch(pitmin, pitmax, length, _is);
- //---- PICOLA OverLap and ADD stage ----//
- if (rate < 1.0) then
- begin
- ola(pitch, @_is, @_is[pitch]);
- point := pitch;
- end
- else
- begin
- FileWrite(Dst,_is, 2*pitch);
- ola(pitch, @_is[pitch], @_is);
- point := 0;
- end;
- //---- compensate compansion rate ----*/
- sl := pitch * rcomp;
- lcp := trunc(sl);
- err := err + lcp - sl;
- if (err >= 0.5) then
- begin
- dec(lcp);
- err := err - 1.0;
- end
- else if (err <= -0.5) then
- begin
- inc(lcp);
- err := err + 1.0;
- end;
- lproc := lproc + pitch;
- //---- PICOLA Pointer Interval Control (PIC) stage ----*/
- wantread := point + lcp;
- if (wantread > total) then
- begin
- wantread := total - point;
- FileWrite(Dst,_is[point], 2*wantread);
- lcp := lcp - wantread;
- wantread := total;
- while (lcp > 0) do
- begin
- if (lcp <= total) then
- begin
- wantread := lcp;
- nread := FileRead(Src,_is, 2*wantread)div 2;
- FileWrite(Dst,_is, 2*nread);
- if (nread <> wantread) then
- break;
- wantread := total;
- nread := FileRead(Src,_is, 2*wantread)div 2;
- end
- else
- begin
- nread := FileRead(Src,_is, 2*wantread)div 2;
- FileWrite(Dst,_is, 2*nread);
- if (nread <> wantread) then
- break;
- end;
- lcp := lcp - total;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FileWrite(Dst,_is[point], 2*lcp);
- point := total - wantread;
- // shift to next pitch period
- for i := 0 to point-1 do
- begin
- _is[i] := _is[i+wantread];
- end;
- nread := FileRead(Src,_is[point], 2*wantread)div 2;
- end;
- end;
- // write rest */
- FileWrite(Dst,_is, 2*(total - wantread + nread));
- FileClose(Src);
- FileClose(Dst);
- end;
- {== TMMTimeStretch ============================================================}
- constructor TMMTimeStretch.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(aOwner);
- FEnabled := True;
- FOpen := False;
- FWriteBuffer := nil;
- FFirstRead := True;
- //SetPitch(0.0);
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TMMTimeStretch.Destroy;
- begin
- Close;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.SetEnabled(aValue: Boolean);
- begin
- if (aValue <> FEnabled) then
- begin
- FEnabled := aValue;
- if FEnabled then Reset;
- end;
- end;
- (*
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.SetPitch(aValue: Float);
- begin
- // FPitch := MinMaxR(aValue,-50.0,+50.0);
- // FPitchInc := Trunc((FPitch+50)*65536/100+32768);
- end;
- *)
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.SetPWaveFormat(aValue: PWaveFormatEx);
- begin
- if (aValue <> nil) then
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- if not pcmIsValidFormat(aValue) or (aValue^.wBitsPerSample = 8) then
- raise EMMTimeStretchError.Create(LoadResStr(IDS_INVALIDFORMAT));
- end;
- inherited SetPWaveFormat(aValue);
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Open;
- begin
- if not FOpen then
- begin
- FRealBufSize := Max(BufferSize,Max(QUEUE_READ_SIZE,BufferSize));
- FWaveHdr.wh.dwBufferLength := 2*FRealBufSize;
- FWaveHdr.wh.lpData := GlobalAllocMem(FWaveHdr.wh.dwBufferLength);
- FWriteBuffer := GlobalAllocMem(FRealBufSize);
- FFirstRead := True;
- FOpen := True;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Close;
- begin
- if FOpen then
- begin
- FOpen := False;
- GlobalFreeMem(Pointer(FWaveHdr.wh.lpData));
- GlobalFreeMem(Pointer(FWriteBuffer));
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Reset;
- begin
- if FOpen then
- begin
- FWaveHdr.wh.dwBytesRecorded := 0;
- FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLooping := False;
- FBytesRead := 0;
- FBytesWritten := 0;
- FFirstRead := True;
- FDone := False;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Opened;
- begin
- Open;
- inherited Opened;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Closed;
- begin
- Close;
- inherited Closed;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Reseting;
- begin
- Reset;
- inherited Reseting;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.Started;
- begin
- Reset;
- inherited Started;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMTimeStretch.ReadData(Buffer: PChar; dwLength: Longint; var MoreData: Boolean): Longint;
- Label _Again;
- var
- nRead,nBytes: Longint;
- begin
- nRead := 0;
- MoreData := False;
- with FWaveHdr.wh do
- begin
- _Again:
- nBytes := dwBytesRecorded - FBytesRead;
- if (nBytes > 0) then
- begin
- nBytes := Min(nBytes,dwLength);
- GlobalMoveMem((FWaveHdr.wh.lpData+FBytesRead)^,(Buffer+nRead)^,nBytes);
- inc(nRead,nBytes);
- inc(FBytesRead,nBytes);
- dec(dwLength,nBytes);
- end;
- { do we need more data ? }
- if (dwLength > 0) and not FDone then
- begin
- dwBytesRecorded := 0;
- (*
- // TODO: LoopHandling !!!!
- if FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLooping then
- begin
- PMMWaveHdr(lpwh)^.LoopRec.dwLooping := True;
- PMMWaveHdr(lpwh)^.LoopRec.dwLoopTmpCnt := FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLoopTmpCnt;
- FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLooping := False;
- end;
- FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLoop := PMMWaveHdr(lpwh)^.LoopRec.dwLoop;
- if FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLoop then
- begin
- FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLoopCnt := PMMWaveHdr(lpwh)^.LoopRec.dwLoopCnt;
- FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLoopTmpCnt := PMMWaveHdr(lpwh)^.LoopRec.dwLoopTmpCnt;
- FWaveHdr.LoopRec.dwLooping := False;
- end;
- *)
- FMoreBuffers := False;
- inherited BufferLoad(@FWaveHdr,FMoreBuffers);
- if not FMoreBuffers or (dwBytesRecorded <= 0) then FDone := True;
- FBytesRead := 0;
- if (dwBytesRecorded > 0) then goto _Again;
- end;
- MoreData := FMoreBuffers or (dwBytesRecorded-FBytesRead > 0);
- end;
- Result := nRead;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMTimeStretch.WriteData(Buffer: PChar; dwLength: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- GlobalMoveMem(Buffer^,(FWriteBuffer+FBytesWritten)^,dwLength);
- inc(FBytesWritten,dwlength);
- Result := FBytesWritten;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.ReadFromInput(lpwh: PWaveHdr; var MoreBuffers: Boolean);
- var
- i: integer;
- nBytes: Longint;
- HasMoreData: Boolean;
- begin
- if (Input <> nil) then
- begin
- // TODO: wenn geskippt wird weil keine pitch 膎derung dann aufpassen das MoreBuffers richtig gesetzt wird
- HasMoreData := True;
- // lpwh.dwBytesRecorded := ReadData(lpwh^.lpData,lpwh.dwBufferLength,MoreBuffers);
- total := length + pitmax;
- if (rate >= 1.0) then
- begin
- // TODO:rate darf nicht 1.0 sein, also bei rate := 1.0 skippen
- rcomp := 1.0 / (rate - 1.0);
- end
- else if (rate > 0) then
- begin
- rcomp := rate / (1.0 - rate);
- end
- else
- begin
- // fprintf(stderr, "Error from %s: illeagal compansion rate!n", argv[0]);
- // exit(0);
- end;
- //------------------- body ---------------
- // Todo: nur bei Initial read
- if FFirstRead then
- begin
- wantread := total;
- nread := ReadData(@_is, 2*wantread, HasMoreData) div 2;
- FFirstRead := False;
- end;
- while (nread = wantread) and (FBytesWritten < lpwh.dwBufferLength) do
- begin
- //---- pitch extraction ----
- pitch := amdfpitch(pitmin, pitmax, length, _is);
- //---- PICOLA OverLap and ADD stage ----//
- if (rate < 1.0) then
- begin
- ola(pitch, @_is, @_is[pitch]);
- point := pitch;
- end
- else
- begin
- WriteData(@_is, 2*pitch);
- ola(pitch, @_is[pitch], @_is);
- point := 0;
- end;
- //---- compensate compansion rate ----*/
- sl := pitch * rcomp;
- lcp := trunc(sl);
- err := err + lcp - sl;
- if (err >= 0.5) then
- begin
- dec(lcp);
- err := err - 1.0;
- end
- else if (err <= -0.5) then
- begin
- inc(lcp);
- err := err + 1.0;
- end;
- lproc := lproc + pitch;
- //---- PICOLA Pointer Interval Control (PIC) stage ----*/
- wantread := point + lcp;
- if (wantread > total) then
- begin
- wantread := total - point;
- WriteData(@_is[point], 2*wantread);
- lcp := lcp - wantread;
- wantread := total;
- while (lcp > 0) do
- begin
- if (lcp <= total) then
- begin
- wantread := lcp;
- nread := ReadData(@_is, 2*wantread,HasMoreData)div 2;
- WriteData(@_is, 2*nread);
- if (nread <> wantread) then
- break;
- wantread := total;
- nread := ReadData(@_is, 2*wantread,HasMoreData)div 2;
- end
- else
- begin
- nread := ReadData(@_is, 2*wantread,HasMoreData)div 2;
- WriteData(@_is, 2*nread);
- if (nread <> wantread) then
- break;
- end;
- lcp := lcp - total;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- WriteData(@_is[point], 2*lcp);
- point := total - wantread;
- // shift to next pitch period
- for i := 0 to point-1 do
- begin
- _is[i] := _is[i+wantread];
- end;
- nread := ReadData(@_is[point], 2*wantread,HasMoreData)div 2;
- end;
- end;
- if not HasMoreData then
- begin
- // write rest */
- WriteData(@_is, 2*(total - wantread + nread));
- end;
- nBytes := Min(FBytesWritten,lpwh.dwBufferLength);
- GlobalMoveMem(FWriteBuffer^,lpwh^.lpData^,nBytes);
- GlobalMoveMem((FWriteBuffer+nBytes)^,FWriteBuffer^,FBytesWritten-nBytes);
- dec(FBytesWritten,nBytes);
- lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded := nBytes;
- MoreBuffers := HasMoreData or (FBytesWritten > 0);
- end
- else lpwh^.dwBytesRecorded := 0;
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.BufferReady(lpwh: PWaveHdr);
- begin
- if Enabled and FOpen then
- begin
- { TODO: Pitch f黵 recording schreiben }
- end;
- inherited BufferReady(lpwh);
- end;
- {-- TMMTimeStretch ------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMTimeStretch.BufferLoad(lpwh: PWaveHdr; var MoreBuffers: Boolean);
- begin
- // TODO: wenn Enabled auf False gesetzt wird dann ev. noch im Puffer befindliche Daten abspielen.
- if Enabled and FOpen {and ((FPitchInc <> $10000) or (FWaveHdr.wh.dwBytesRecorded - FBytesRead > 0))} then
- begin
- ReadFromInput(lpwh,MoreBuffers);
- end
- else inherited BufferLoad(lpwh, MoreBuffers);
- end;
- end.