- {========================================================================}
- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
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- {= All Rights Reserved =}
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- {= Loewenstr.7a = info@swiftsoft.de =}
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- {= Actual versions on http://www.swiftsoft.de/mmtools.html =}
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- {= for backup purposes. =}
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- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 20.01.1998 - 18:00:00 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- unit Fxalgo;
- interface
- const
- BFSZ = 4096 { main delay buffer }
- MAX_XTAB = 512; { crossfade lookup table size for pitch change }
- type
- // program description struct
- TProgram = record
- Name: String; // ASCII name of program */
- dry_mix: Double; // dry (unaffected) signal mix */
- wet_mix: Double; // wet (affected) signal mix */
- feedback: Double; // feedback */
- rate : Double; // usually rate of sweep */
- depth : Double; // width of sweep */
- delay : Double; // fixed delay factor (base pitch for phaser) */
- end;
- // handy typedefs
- Tbw = record
- case integer of
- 1: b: array [0..1] of Byte;
- 2: w: word;
- end;
- end;
- Twl = record
- case integer of
- 1: w: array [0..1] of Word;
- 2: l: Longint;
- end;
- end;
- implementation
- // macros for pitch_change delay index manipulation
- procedure inc_index(var x: integer);
- begin
- x := (x + 1) and (BFSZ - 1);
- end;
- procedure inc_indexes(var x1,x2: integer);
- begin
- x2 := x1;
- inc_index(x1);
- end;
- (*// table of programs (it's very easy to modify and add programs)
- var
- struct program programs[] = {
- /* Name/vector Dry Wet Feedback Rate Depth Delay */
- "Echoes", flange_chorus, 0.999, 0.999, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0},
- {"Slow flange",flange_chorus, 0.999, 0.999, 0.0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.0},
- { "Slow invert flange w FB",
- flange_chorus, 0.999, -0.999, -0.7, 2.0, 6.0, 0.0},
- { "Slow chorus",flange_chorus, 0.999, 0.999, 0.0, 11.0, 20.0, 20.0},
- { "Cheesy "take me to your leader" robot voice",
- flange_chorus, 0.0, 0.999, 0.75, 0.0, 0.0, 12.5},
- { "Crazy pitch bend chorus",
- flange_chorus, 0.999, 0.999, 0.3, 150.0, 40.0, 40.0},
- { "Darth",pitch_change, 0.0, 0.999, 0.0, -0.35, 25.0, 0.0},
- { "Major third up", pitch_change, 0.999, 0.999, 0.0, 0.2599, 35.0, 0.0},
- { "Octave up",pitch_change, 0.999, 0.999, 0.0, 1.0, 40.0, 0.0},
- { "Munchkins on helium",pitch_change,0.0, 0.999, 0.4, 0.3348, 35.0, 0.0},
- { "Descending echoes",pitch_change, 0.0, 0.999, 0.5, -0.2, 35.0, 120.0},
- { "Ascending echoes",pitch_change, 0.0, 0.999, 0.4, 0.2599, 35.0, 120.0},
- { "Phase shift", phase_shift, 0.999, 0.999, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 100.0},
- { "Slow invert phase shift with feedback",
- phase_shift, 0.999, -0.999, -0.6, 0.2, 6.0, 100.0},
- { "Noise gate", noise_gate, NA, NA, NA, 500.0, 0.05, NA},
- { "Straight Thru", thru, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA},
- };
- *)
- //#define NPROGS (sizeof(programs) / sizeof(struct program))
- // globals
- var
- SampleRate: Longint; // sample rate set by init_1848 */
- Buf: array[0..BFSZ-1] of Double;// buffer used by delay based effects */
- (*=======================================================================
- noise_gate
- Super simple noise gate to demonstrate how much of the hiss
- comes directly from the ADC on this card, but how quiet the
- DACs are by comparison.
- Only parms are:
- rate decay time in ms
- depth threshold for turn on
- ========================================================================*)
- procedure noise_gate(p: PProgram);
- var
- inval,decay_fac,gain: Double;
- data: tbw;
- scan: Longint;
- begin
- gain := 0;
- scan := 0;
- // calculate decay factor for 20db atten in spec'd time
- decay_fac := pow(10.0,1.0 / ((p^.rate/1000.0) * SampleRate));
- decay_fac := 1.0 / decay_fac;
- // disable interrupts, go to it
- while (True) do
- begin
- while((inp(SR) & 0x20) == 0); // wait for input ready
- data.b[0] := inp(PDR); // read input from chip
- data.b[1] := inp(PDR);
- inval := data.w;
- if (inval > p^.depth) then // see if we crossed threshold
- gain := 1.0; // turn gate on */
- data.w := (inval * gain);
- while((inp(SR) & 0x2) == 0); // wait for output ready */
- outp(PDR,data.b[0]); // write output to chip */
- outp(PDR,data.b[1]);
- gain := gain * decay_fac; // adjust attenuation */
- end;
- end;
- (*=======================================================================
- flange_chorus
- Does flanging/chorusing family of effects based on a single
- varying delay.
- dry_mix mix of unaffected signal (-0.999 to 0.999)
- wet_mix mix of affected signal (-0.999 - 0.999)
- feedback amount of recirculation (-0.9 - 0.9)
- rate rate of delay change in millisecs per sec
- sweep sweep range in millisecs
- delay fixed additional delay in millisecs
- ========================================================================*)
- procedure flange_chorus(p: PProgram);
- var
- fp,ep1,ep2: integer;
- step,depth,delay,min_sweep,max_sweep: integer;
- inval,outval,ifac: Double;
- scan: Longint;
- data: Tbw;
- sweep: Twl;
- begin
- ifac := 65536.0;
- scan := 0;
- // fetch params
- step := p^.rate * 65.536;
- depth := p^.depth * SampleRate div 1000;
- delay := p^.delay * SampleRate div 1000;
- // init/calc some stuff
- max_sweep := BFSZ - 2 - delay;
- min_sweep := max_sweep - depth;
- if (min_sweep < 0) then
- begin
- printf("Can't do that much delay or depth at this sample rate.n");
- exit(1);
- end;
- sweep.w[1] := (min_sweep + max_sweep) div 2;
- sweep.w[0] := 0;
- // init store and read ptrs to known value
- fp := 0;
- ep1 := 0;
- ep2 := 0;
- while (True) do
- begin
- data.b[0] := inp(PDR); /* read input from chip */
- data.b[1] := inp(PDR);
- // interpolate from the 2 read values
- outval := (Buf[ep1]*sweep.w[0]+
- Buf[ep2]*(ifac-sweep.w[0]))/ifac;
- // store finished input plus feedback
- inval := data.w + outval * p^.feedback;
- Buf[fp] := inval;
- // develop final output mix
- outval := outval * p^.wet_mix + inval * p^.dry_mix;
- if (outval > 32767.0) then
- data.w := 32767
- else if (outval < -32768.0) then
- data.w := -32768;
- else
- data.w := outval;
- outp(PDR,data.b[0]); // write output to chip
- outp(PDR,data.b[1]);
- // update ptrs
- fp := (fp + 1) and (BFSZ - 1);
- sweep.l := sweep.l + step;
- ep1 := (fp + sweep.w[1]) and (BFSZ - 1);
- ep2 := (ep1 - 1) and (BFSZ - 1);
- // check for sweep reversal
- if (sweep.w[1] > max_sweep) or // see if we hit top of sweep
- (sweep.w[1] < min_sweep) then // or if we hit bottom of sweep */
- step := -step; // reverse
- end;
- end;
- (*=======================================================================
- pitch_change
- dry_mix mix of unaffected signal (-0.999 to 0.999)
- wet_mix mix of affected signal (-0.999 - 0.999)
- feedback amount of recirculation (-0.9 - 0.9)
- rate amount of pitch change (see table below for values)
- depth sweep range in millisecs for generating pitch shift
- delay fixed additional delay
- Semitones Up Down
- 1 0.059463 -0.056126
- 2 0.122462 -0.109101
- 3 0.189207 -0.159104
- 4 0.259921 -0.206299
- 5 0.334840 -0.250846
- 6 0.414214 -0.292893
- 7 0.498307 -0.332580
- 8 0.587401 -0.370039
- 9 0.681793 -0.405396
- 10 0.781797 -0.438769
- 11 0.887749 -0.470268
- 12 1.000000 -0.500000
- =======================================================================*)
- procedure pitch_change(p: PPRogram);
- var
- fp,ep1,ep2,ep3,ep4: integer;
- depth,delay,min_sweep,max_sweep,sweep_up: integer;
- i,step,xfade,xfade_cnt,active,active_cnt,chanA: integer;
- scan: Longint;
- inval,outval,comp,ifac: Double;
- blendA,blendB: Double;
- fadeA,fadeB: ^Double;
- fade_out,fade_in: array[0..MAX_XTAB-1] of Double;
- data: Tdw;
- sweep: tlw;
- begin
- scan := 0;
- ifac := 65536.0;
- // fetch params
- step := p^.rate * 65535.0;
- sweep_up := 1;
- depth := (p^.depth * SampleRate div 1000;
- delay := (p^.delay * SampleRate div 1000;
- xfade := 12 * SampleRate div 1000;
- // init/calc some stuff
- max_sweep := BFSZ - 2 - delay;
- min_sweep := max_sweep - depth;
- active := max_sweep - min_sweep - (xfade * p^.rate) - 2;
- if (xfade > MAX_XTAB) then
- begin
- printf("Can't do pitch change crossfade at this sample rate.n");
- exit(1);
- end;
- if (min_sweep < 0) then
- begin
- printf("Can't do that much delay or depth at this sample rate.n");
- exit(1);
- end;
- // build the crossfade lookup tables
- for i := 0 to xfade-1 do
- begin
- fade_in[i] := cos(i * M_PI_2 / xfade);
- fade_out[i] := sin(i * M_PI_2 / xfade);
- end;
- // init store and read ptrs to known value, chanA active 1st
- fp := 0;
- ep3 := 0;
- ep4 := 0;
- xfade_cnt := 0;
- sweep.l := 0;
- if (sweep_up) then
- begin
- ep1 := min_sweep;
- ep2 := min_sweep;
- end
- else
- begin
- ep1 := max_sweep;
- ep2 := max_sweep;
- end;
- active_cnt := active;
- blendA := 1.0;
- blendB := 0.0;
- fadeA := fade_out;
- fadeB := fade_in;
- chanA := True;
- while (True) do
- begin
- data.b[0] = inp(PDR); /* read input from chip */
- data.b[1] = inp(PDR);
- // messy expression to interpolate from both pairs of read ptrs
- comp := ifac - sweep.w[0];
- outval := ((Buf[ep1] * sweep.w[0] + Buf[ep2] * comp) * blendA +
- (Buf[ep3] * sweep.w[0] + Buf[ep4] * comp) * blendB)
- / ifac;
- // store finished input plus feedback
- inval := data.w + outval * p^.feedback;
- Buf[fp] := inval
- // develop final output mix
- outval := outval * p^.wet_mix + inval * p^.dry_mix;
- if (outval > 32767.0) then // clip output if necessary
- data.w := 32767;
- else if(outval < -32768.0) then
- data.w := -32768;
- else
- data.w := outval;
- outp(PDR,data.b[0]); /* write output to chip */
- outp(PDR,data.b[1]);
- // see if crossfade active
- if (xfade_cnt > 0) then
- begin
- dec(xfade_cnt);
- blendA := fadeA[xfade_cnt];
- blendB := fadeB[xfade_cnt];
- end;
- // update store ptr
- inc_index(fp);
- // see which direction
- if (sweep_up) then
- begin
- // update sweep
- sweep.l := sweep.l + word(step);
- // always inc at least once
- inc_indexes(ep1,ep2);
- inc_indexes(ep3,ep4);
- // if sweep didn't overflow, we're done
- if(sweep.w[1] = 0) continue;
- // sweep overflowed, inc again
- inc_indexes(ep1,ep2);
- inc_indexes(ep3,ep4);
- sweep.w[1] := 0;
- // see if it's time to switch over to other delay channel
- dec(active_cnt);
- if (active_cnt = 0) then
- begin
- xfade_cnt := xfade; // initiate crossfade */
- active_cnt := active; // start counter on new channel */
- if (chanA) then // A has been active, go to B */
- begin
- chanA = FALSE;
- ep3 := (fp + min_sweep) and (BFSZ - 1);
- fadeA := fade_out;
- fadeB := fade_in;
- end
- else
- begin
- chanA := TRUE;
- ep1 := (fp + min_sweep) and (BFSZ - 1);
- fadeB := fade_out;
- fadeA := fade_in;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else // do downward sweep
- begin
- sweep.l := sweep.l + step; // update sweep
- // if sweep didn't overflow, inc ptrs, that's all
- if (sweep.w[1] = 0) then
- begin
- inc_indexes(ep1,ep2);
- inc_indexes(ep3,ep4);
- continue;
- end;
- // sweep overflowed, check on stuff but skip ptr inc
- sweep.w[1] := 0;
- // see if it's time to switch over to other delay channel
- dec(active_cnt);
- if(active_cnt = 0) then
- begin
- xfade_cnt := xfade;
- active_cnt := active;
- if(chanA) then // A has been active, go to B */
- begin
- chanA := FALSE;
- ep3 := (fp + max_sweep) and (BFSZ - 1);
- fadeA := fade_out;
- fadeB := fade_in;
- end
- else
- begin
- chanA := TRUE;
- ep1 := (fp + max_sweep) and (BFSZ - 1);
- fadeB := fade_out;
- fadeA := fade_in;
- end;
- end;
- end
- end;
- end;
- (*=======================================================================
- phase_shift
- Digital version of the popular '70s effect. This one
- does 4 stages just like old MXR Phase 90 stompbox.
- dry_mix mix of unaffected signal (-0.999 to 0.999)
- wet_mix mix of affected signal (-0.999 - 0.999)
- feedback amount of recirculation (-0.9 - 0.9)
- rate rate of sweep in cycles per second
- depth sweep range in octaves
- delay base frequency of sweep
- =======================================================================*)
- procedure phase_shift(p: PProgram);
- var
- wp,min_wp,max_wp,range,coef,sweepfac: Double;
- inval,x1,outval: Double;
- lx1,ly1,lx2,ly2,lx3,ly3,lx4,ly4: Double;
- data: Tdw;
- begin
- outval := 0.0;
- // calc params for sweeping filters
- min_wp := (M_PI * p^.delay) / SampleRate;
- wp := min_wp;
- range := pow(2.0,p^.depth);
- max_wp := (M_PI * p^.delay * range) / SampleRate;
- p^.rate := pow(range,p^.rate / (SampleRate / 2));
- sweepfac := p^.rate;
- while (True) do
- begin
- coef := (1.0 - wp) / (1.0 + wp); // calc coef for current freq
- data.b[0] = inp(PDR); /* read input from chip */
- data.b[1] = inp(PDR);
- inval := data.w + p^.feedback * ly4;
- x1 := inval;
- ly1 := coef * (ly1 + x1) - lx1; // do 1st filter
- lx1 := x1;
- ly2 := coef * (ly2 + ly1) - lx2; // do 2nd filter
- lx2 := ly1;
- ly3 := coef * (ly3 + ly2) - lx3; // do 3rd filter
- lx3 := ly2;
- ly4 := coef * (ly4 + ly3) - lx4; // do 4th filter
- lx4 := ly3;
- // develop final output mix
- outval := ly4 * p^.wet_mix + inval * p^.dry_mix;
- if (outval > 32767.0) then // clip output if necessary
- data.w := 32767
- else if (outval < -32768.0) then
- data.w := -32768
- else
- data.w := outval;
- outp(PDR,data.b[0]); // write output to chip
- outp(PDR,data.b[1]);
- wp := wp * sweepfac; // adjust freq of filters
- if (wp > max_wp) then // max?
- sweepfac := 1.0 / p^.rate // sweep back down
- else if (wp < min_wp) then // min?
- sweepfac := p^.rate; // sweep back up
- end;
- end;