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- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
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- {= D 01099 Dresden = Tel.: +0351-8012255 =}
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- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 20.01.1998 - 18:00:00 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- unit MMSearch;
- interface
- uses SysUtils;
- type
- TCompareFunc = function(p1, p2: Pointer): integer;
- function bsearch(key, base: Pointer; nelem, width: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc): Pointer;
- function lsearch(key, base: Pointer; var nelem: integer; width: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc): Pointer;
- function lfind(key, base: Pointer; nelem, width: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc): Pointer;
- procedure qsort(pBase: Pointer; nElem, width: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc);
- implementation
- var
- qWidth: integer;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* bsearch - binary search *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- function bsearch(key, base: Pointer; nelem, width: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc): Pointer;
- var
- kmin, probe: PChar;
- i, j: integer;
- begin
- kmin := base;
- while (nelem > 0) do
- begin
- i := nelem shr 1;
- probe := kmin + i * width;
- j := fcmp(key,Probe);
- if (j = 0) then
- begin
- Result := Probe;
- exit;
- end
- else if (j < 0) then nelem := i
- else
- begin
- kmin := probe + width;
- nelem := nelem - i - 1;
- end;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* Exchange - exchanges two objects *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- procedure Exchange(leftP, rightP: Pointer);
- var
- i: integer;
- c: char;
- lp,rp: PChar;
- begin
- lp := leftP;
- rp := rightP;
- for i := 0 to qWidth-1 do
- begin
- c := rp^;
- rp^ := lp^;
- inc(rp);
- lp^ := c;
- inc(lp);
- end;
- end;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* qsorthelp *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- procedure qsorthelp(pivotP: PChar; nElem: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc);
- label tailRecursion,qbreak;
- var
- leftP, rightP, pivotEnd, pivotTemp, leftTemp: PChar;
- lNum, retval: integer;
- begin
- tailRecursion:
- if (nElem <= 2) then
- begin
- if (nElem = 2) then
- begin
- rightP := qWidth + pivotP;
- if Fcmp(pivotP, rightP) > 0 then Exchange (pivotP, rightP);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- rightP := (nElem - 1) * qWidth + pivotP;
- leftP := (nElem shr 1) * qWidth + pivotP;
- { sort the pivot, left, and right elements for "median of 3" }
- if Fcmp(leftP, rightP) > 0 then Exchange(leftP, rightP);
- if Fcmp(leftP, pivotP) > 0 then Exchange(leftP, pivotP)
- else if Fcmp(pivotP, rightP) > 0 then Exchange(pivotP, rightP);
- if (nElem = 3) then
- begin
- Exchange(pivotP, leftP);
- exit;
- end;
- { now for the classic Hoare algorithm }
- leftP := pivotP + qWidth;
- pivotEnd := leftP;
- repeat
- retval := Fcmp(leftP, pivotP);
- while (retval <= 0) do
- begin
- if (retval = 0) then
- begin
- Exchange(leftP, pivotEnd);
- inc(pivotEnd, qWidth);
- end;
- if (leftP < rightP) then inc(leftP, qWidth)
- else goto qBreak;
- retval := Fcmp(leftP, pivotP);
- end;
- while (leftP < rightP) do
- begin
- retval := Fcmp(pivotP, rightP);
- if (retval < 0) then dec(rightP, qWidth)
- else
- begin
- Exchange(leftP, rightP);
- if (retval <> 0) then
- begin
- inc(leftP, qWidth);
- dec(rightP, qWidth);
- end;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- until (leftP >= rightP);
- qBreak:
- if Fcmp(leftP, pivotP) <= 0 then leftP := leftP + qWidth;
- leftTemp := leftP - qWidth;
- pivotTemp := pivotP;
- while (pivotTemp < pivotEnd) and (leftTemp >= pivotEnd) do
- begin
- Exchange(pivotTemp, leftTemp);
- inc(pivotTemp, qWidth);
- dec(leftTemp, qWidth);
- end;
- lNum := (leftP - pivotEnd) div qWidth;
- nElem := ((nElem * qWidth + pivotP) - leftP) div qWidth;
- { Sort smaller partition first to reduce stack usage }
- if (nElem < lNum) then
- begin
- qSortHelp(leftP, nElem, fcmp);
- nElem := lNum;
- end
- else
- begin
- qSortHelp(pivotP, lNum, fcmp);
- pivotP := leftP;
- end;
- goto tailRecursion;
- end;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* qsort - sorts using the quick sort routine *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- procedure qsort(pBase: Pointer; nElem, width: integer; fcmp: TCompareFunc);
- begin
- qWidth := width;
- if (qWidth = 0) then exit;
- qsorthelp(pBase, nElem, fcmp);
- end;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* _lsearch - searches a table *)
- (* *)
- (* Description performs lfind or lsearch depending on the value of flag.*)
- (* If flag is 1 it updates the table if no match, if flag *)
- (* is 0 it only searches. *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- function _lsearch(key, Base: Pointer; var nelem: integer; width: integer;
- fcmp: TCompareFunc; Flag: Boolean): Pointer;
- var
- Wrk: integer;
- bse: PChar;
- begin
- bse := PChar(Base);
- Wrk := nelem;
- while Wrk > 0 do
- begin
- if fcmp(key, bse) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := bse;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(bse, width);
- dec(Wrk);
- end;
- if Flag then
- begin
- inc(nelem);
- move(bse^, PChar(key)^, width);
- end
- else bse := nil;
- Result := bse;
- end;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* lsearch - searches and updates a table *)
- (* *)
- (* Description lfind and lsearch search a table for information. Because*)
- (* these are linear searches, the table entries do not need *)
- (* to be sorted before a call to lfind or lsearch. If the *)
- (* item that key points to is not in the table, lsearch *)
- (* appends that item to the table, but lfind does not. *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- function lsearch(key, base: Pointer; var nelem: integer; width: integer;
- fcmp: TCompareFunc): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := _lsearch(key,base,nelem,width,fcmp,True);
- end;
- (*======================================================================*)
- (* lfind - perform a linear search *)
- (*======================================================================*)
- function lfind(key, base: Pointer; nelem: integer; width: integer;
- fcmp: TCompareFunc): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := _lsearch(key,base,nelem,width,fcmp,False);
- end;
- end.