- {========================================================================}
- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
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- {= All Rights Reserved =}
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- {= D 01099 Dresden = Tel.: +0351-8012255 =}
- {= Loewenstr.7a = =}
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- {= This code is for reference purposes only and may not be copied or =}
- {= distributed in any format electronic or otherwise except one copy =}
- {= for backup purposes. =}
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- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 20.01.1998 - 18:00:00 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- unit MMThunk;
- {$R-,S-,Q-,D+,L-}
- interface
- uses
- Windows;
- const
- ShowNTWarning: Boolean = True;
- type
- THandle16 = Word;
- { Windows 95 undocumented routines. These won't be found in Windows NT }
- var
- QT_Thunk: procedure;
- //procedure QT_Thunk;
- function LoadLibrary16(LibFileName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
- procedure FreeLibrary16(LibModule: THandle); stdcall;
- function GetProcAddress16(Module: THandle; ProcName: PChar): Pointer; stdcall;
- function GlobalAlloc16(Flags: Integer; Bytes: Longint): THandle16; stdcall;
- function GlobalFree16(Mem: THandle16): THandle16; stdcall;
- function GlobalLock16(Mem: THandle16): Pointer; stdcall;
- function GlobalUnLock16(Mem: THandle16): WordBool; stdcall;
- { Windows NT/95 documented but undeclared routines }
- { 16:16 -> 0:32 Pointer translation. }
- { }
- { WOWGetVDMPointer will convert the passed in 16-bit address }
- { to the equivalent 32-bit flat pointer. If fProtectedMode }
- { is TRUE, the function treats the upper 16 bits as a selector }
- { in the local descriptor table. If fProtectedMode is FALSE, }
- { the upper 16 bits are treated as a real-mode segment value. }
- { In either case the lower 16 bits are treated as the offset. }
- { }
- { The return value is NULL if the selector is invalid. }
- { }
- { NOTE: Limit checking is not performed in the retail build }
- { of Windows NT. It is performed in the checked (debug) build }
- { of WOW32.DLL, which will cause NULL to be returned when the }
- { limit is exceeded by the supplied offset. }
- function WOWGetVDMPointer(vp, dwBytes: DWord;
- fProtectedMode: Bool): Pointer; stdcall;
- { The following two functions are here for compatibility with }
- { Windows 95. On Win95, the global heap can be rearranged, }
- { invalidating flat pointers returned by WOWGetVDMPointer, while }
- { a thunk is executing. On Windows NT, the 16-bit VDM is completely }
- { halted while a thunk executes, so the only way the heap will }
- { be rearranged is if a callback is made to Win16 code. }
- { }
- { The Win95 versions of these functions call GlobalFix to }
- { lock down a segment's flat address, and GlobalUnfix to }
- { release the segment. }
- { }
- { The Windows NT implementations of these functions do *not* }
- { call GlobalFix/GlobalUnfix on the segment, because there }
- { will not be any heap motion unless a callback occurs. }
- { If your thunk does callback to the 16-bit side, be sure }
- { to discard flat pointers and call WOWGetVDMPointer again }
- { to be sure the flat address is correct. }
- function WOWGetVDMPointerFix(vp, dwBytes: DWord;
- fProtectedMode: Bool): Pointer; stdcall;
- procedure WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix(vp: DWord); stdcall;
- { compound memory routines }
- function GlobalAllocPtr16(Flags: Word; Bytes: Longint): Pointer;
- function GlobalAllocPointer16(Flags: Word; Bytes: Longint;
- var FlatPointer: Pointer; var Source; DataSize: Longint): Pointer;
- function GlobalFreePtr16(P: Pointer): THandle16;
- { utility routines }
- function Ptr16To32(P: Pointer): Pointer;
- function Ptr16To32Fix(P: Pointer): Pointer;
- procedure Ptr16To32Unfix(P: Pointer);
- function GetAddress16(Module: HModule; ProcName: String): TFarProc;
- function LoadLib16(LibFileName: String): THandle;
- function GDI16Handle: THandle;
- function Kernel16Handle: THandle;
- function User16Handle: THandle;
- implementation
- uses
- SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs;
- type
- EInvalidArgument = class(EMathError);
- EInvalidProc = class(Exception);
- EThunkError = class(Exception);
- const
- kernel32 = 'kernel32.dll';
- wow32 = 'wow32.dll';
- { These routines are exported with no names, hence the use of index }
- { Microsoft has changed the index for QT_THUNK !!! }
- //procedure QT_Thunk; external kernel32 index 561; //559;
- //procedure QT_Thunk; external kernel32 name 'QT_Thunk';
- function LoadLibrary16; external kernel32 index 35;
- procedure FreeLibrary16; external kernel32 index 36;
- function GetProcAddress16; external kernel32 index 37;
- function GlobalAlloc16; external kernel32 index 24;
- function GlobalFree16; external kernel32 index 31;
- function GlobalLock16; external kernel32 index 25;
- function GlobalUnLock16; external kernel32 index 26;
- { These routines are exported with names, hence the normal use of name }
- function WOWGetVDMPointer; external wow32 name 'WOWGetVDMPointer';
- function WOWGetVDMPointerFix; external wow32 name 'WOWGetVDMPointerFix';
- procedure WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix; external wow32 name 'WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix';
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GlobalAllocPtr16(Flags: Word; Bytes: Longint): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- //Ensure memory is fixed, meaning there is no need to lock it
- Flags := Flags or gmem_Fixed;
- LongRec(Result).Hi := GlobalAlloc16(Flags, Bytes);
- end;
- //16-bit pointer returned. FlatPointer is 32-bit pointer
- //Buffer is allocated and then DataSize bytes from Source
- //are copied in
- function GlobalAllocPointer16(Flags: Word; Bytes: Longint;
- var FlatPointer: Pointer; var Source; DataSize: Longint): Pointer;
- begin
- //Allocate memory in an address range
- //that _can_ be accessed by 16-bit apps
- Result := GlobalAllocPtr16(Flags, Bytes);
- //Get 32-bit pointer to this memory
- FlatPointer := Ptr16To32(Result);
- //Copy source data into the new bimodal buffer
- Move(Source, FlatPointer^, DataSize);
- end;
- function GlobalFreePtr16(P: Pointer): THandle16;
- begin
- Result := GlobalFree16(LongRec(P).Hi);
- end;
- //Turn 16-bit pointer (selector and offset)
- //into 32-bit pointer (offset)
- function Ptr16To32(P: Pointer): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := WOWGetVDMPointer(DWord(P), 0, True);
- end;
- function Ptr16To32Fix(P: Pointer): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := WOWGetVDMPointerFix(DWord(P), 0, True);
- end;
- procedure Ptr16To32Unfix(P: Pointer);
- begin
- WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix(DWord(P));
- end;
- function GetAddress16(Module: HModule; ProcName: String): TFarProc;
- begin
- Result := GetProcAddress16(Module, PChar(ProcName));
- if not Assigned(Result) then
- raise EInvalidProc.Create('GetProcAddress16 failed');
- end;
- function LoadLib16(LibFileName: String): THandle;
- begin
- Result := LoadLibrary16(PChar(LibFileName));
- if Result < HInstance_Error then
- raise EFOpenError.Create('LoadLibrary16 failed!');
- end;
- function GDI16Handle: THandle;
- begin
- //Get GDI handle by loading it.
- Result := LoadLib16('GDI.EXE');
- //Free this particular load - GDI will stay in memory
- FreeLibrary16(Result);
- end;
- function Kernel16Handle: THandle;
- begin
- //Get Kernel handle by loading it.
- Result := LoadLib16('KRNL386.EXE');
- //Free this particular load - Kernel will stay in memory
- FreeLibrary16(Result);
- end;
- function User16Handle: THandle;
- begin
- //Get User handle by loading it.
- Result := LoadLib16('USER.EXE');
- //Free this particular load - User will stay in memory
- FreeLibrary16(Result);
- end;
- var
- hKernel: THANDLE;
- initialization
- // if Win32Platform <> Ver_Platform_Win32_Windows then
- // raise EThunkError.Create('Flat thunks only supported under Windows 95');
- QT_THUNK := nil;
- if Win32Platform = Ver_Platform_Win32_Windows then
- begin
- hKernel := GetModuleHandle('KERNEL32.DLL');
- if (hKernel <> 0) then
- begin
- QT_THUNK := GetProcAddress(hKernel,'QT_Thunk');
- end;
- end;
- end.