- {========================================================================}
- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= All Rights Reserved =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= D 01099 Dresden = Fax.: +49 (0)351-8037944 =}
- {= Loewenstr.7a = =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= Actual versions on =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= This code is for reference purposes only and may not be copied or =}
- {= distributed in any format electronic or otherwise except one copy =}
- {= for backup purposes. =}
- {= =}
- {= No Delphi Component Kit or Component individually or in a collection=}
- {= subclassed or otherwise from the code in this unit, or associated =}
- {= .pas, .dfm, .dcu, .asm or .obj files may be sold or distributed =}
- {= without express permission from SwiftSoft. =}
- {= =}
- {= For more licence informations please refer to the associated =}
- {= HelpFile. =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 06.09.98 - 02:53:10 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- Unit MMACMDlg;
- interface
- uses
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Windows,
- {$ELSE}
- WinTypes,
- WinProcs,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- Controls,
- Forms,
- Dialogs,
- MMSystem,
- MMUtils,
- MMObj,
- MMRegs,
- MMRiff,
- MMWaveIO,
- MMWave,
- type
- EMMACMError = class(Exception);
- TMMACMEnumFormats = (efAll,efInput,efOutput,efConvert,efSuggest,efRestrict);
- TMMACMCodecEnum = procedure (Sender: TObject; dwFormatTag: DWORD; Description: String; var Continue: Boolean) of object;
- TMMACMFormatEnum = procedure (Sender: TObject; pwfx: PWaveFormatEx; Description: String; var Continue: Boolean) of object;
- {-- TMMACM ---------------------------------------------------------}
- TMMACM = class(TMMNonVisualComponent)
- private
- FACMPresent : Boolean;
- FACMVersion : Longint;
- FNumDrivers : Longint;
- FNumCodecs : Longint;
- FNumConverters: Longint;
- FNumFilters : Longint;
- FMaxFormatSize: Longint;
- FMaxFilterSize: Longint;
- FEnumFormats : TMMACMEnumFormats;
- FTitle : String;
- FPWaveFilter : PWaveFilter;
- FPWaveFormatEx: PWaveFormatEx;
- FSource : TMMCustomWaveFile;
- FOnCodecEnum : TMMACMCodecEnum;
- FOnFormatEnum : TMMACMFormatEnum;
- procedure SetSource(aSource: TMMCustomWaveFile);
- procedure SetACMPresent(aValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetNumDrivers(aValue: Longint);
- procedure SetPWaveFormat(aValue: PWaveFormatEx);
- procedure SetPWaveFilter(aValue: PWaveFilter);
- function GetWave: TMMWave;
- protected
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AllocWaveHeader(var pwfx: PWaveFormatEx);
- procedure FreeWaveHeader(var pwfx: PWaveFormatEX);
- procedure AllocWaveFilter(var pwfltr: PWaveFilter);
- procedure FreeWaveFilter(var pwfltr: PWaveFilter);
- function GetFormatDescription(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx;var sFormatTag,sFormat: String): Boolean;
- function GetFilterDescription(pwfltr: PWaveFilter;var sFilterTag,sFilter: String): Boolean;
- function EnumerateFormats(wFormatTag: integer): Boolean;
- function EnumerateCodecs: Boolean;
- function SuggestFormat(pwfxSrc: PWaveFormatEx; dwSuggest: Longint): Boolean;
- function ChooseFormat(pwfxSrc: PWaveFormatEx; Title: String): Boolean;
- function ChooseFilter(pwfltrSrc: PWaveFilter; Title: String): Boolean;
- function QueryConvert(pwfxDst: PWaveFormatEx; pwfltr: PWaveFilter): Boolean;
- function ProcessFile(const FileName: TFileName; pwfxDst: PWaveFormatEx; pwfltr: PWaveFilter): Boolean;
- function FilterFile(const FileName: TFileName): Boolean;
- function CreateFile(const FileName: TFileName): Boolean;
- function ConvertFile(const FileName: TFileName): Boolean;
- property DriverVersion: Longint read FacmVersion;
- property PWaveFormat: PWaveFormatEx read FPWaveFormatEx write SetPWaveFormat;
- property MaxFormatSize: Longint read FMaxFormatSize;
- property PFilter: PWaveFilter read FPWaveFilter write SetPWaveFilter;
- property MaxFilterSize: Longint read FMaxFilterSize;
- property Wave: TMMWave read GetWave;
- published
- property OnCodecEnum: TMMACMCodecEnum read FOnCodecEnum write FOnCodecEnum;
- property OnFormatEnum: TMMACMFormatEnum read FOnFormatEnum write FOnFormatEnum;
- property ACMPresent: Boolean read FACMPresent write SetACMPresent;
- property NumDrivers: Longint read FNumDrivers write SetNumDrivers;
- property NumCodecs: Longint read FNumCodecs write SetNumDrivers;
- property NumConverters: Longint read FNumConverters write SetNumDrivers;
- property NumFilters: Longint read FNumFilters write SetNumDrivers;
- property EnumFormats: TMMACMEnumFormats read FEnumFormats write FEnumFormats default efAll;
- property Title: String read FTitle write FTitle;
- property Source: TMMCustomWaveFile read FSource write SetSource;
- end;
- function acmBuildTrueSpeechHeader: PTrueSpeechWaveFormat;
- function acmBuildGSM610Header(SampleRate: integer): PGSM610WaveFormat;
- function acmBuildADPCMHeader(SampleRate, Channels: integer): PADPCMWaveFormat;
- function acmBuildMPEG1Header(SampleRate, Bitrate, Channels: integer): PMPEG1WaveFormat;
- function acmBuildMP3Header(SampleRate, Bitrate, Channels: integer): PWaveFormatEx;
- function acmBuildMPEGHeader(Layer,SampleRate, Bitrate, Channels: integer): PWaveFormatEx;
- function acmGetFormatDescription(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx; var sFormatTag,sFormat: String): Boolean;
- function acmGetFilterDescription(pwfltr: PWaveFilter; var sFilterTag,sFilter: String): Boolean;
- procedure acmSaveFormatToRegistry(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx;
- RootKey: integer; const LocalKey,Field: String);
- function acmGetFormatFromRegistry(RootKey: integer; const LocalKey,Field: String): PWaveFormatEx;
- implementation
- uses MMString;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmBuildTrueSpeechHeader: PTrueSpeechWaveFormat;
- begin
- Result := GlobalAllocMem(sizeOf(TTrueSpeechWaveFormat));
- with Result^ do
- begin
- wfx.nChannels := 1;
- wfx.nSamplesPerSec := 8000;
- wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec:= 1067;
- wfx.nBlockAlign := 32;
- wfx.wBitsPerSample := 1;
- wfx.cbSize := 32;
- wRevision := 1;
- nSamplesPerBlock := $00F0;
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmBuildGSM610Header(SampleRate: integer): PGSM610WaveFormat;
- begin
- Result := GlobalAllocMem(sizeOf(TGSM610WaveFormat));
- with Result^ do
- begin
- wfx.wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_GSM610;
- wfx.nChannels := 1;
- wfx.nSamplesPerSec := SampleRate;
- wfx.wBitsPerSample := 0;
- wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec:= 0;
- wfx.nBlockAlign := 65;
- wfx.cbSize := 2;
- wSamplesPerBlock := 320;
- case Word(SampleRate) of
- 8000 : wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec := 1625;
- 11025: wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec := 2239;
- 22050: wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec := 4478;
- 44100: wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec := 8957;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmBuildADPCMHeader(SampleRate, Channels: integer): PADPCMWaveFormat;
- const
- gaiCoef1: array[0..MSADPCM_NUM_COEF-1]of Smallint = (256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460, 392);
- gaiCoef2: array[0..MSADPCM_NUM_COEF-1]of Smallint = (0, -256, 0, 64, 0, -208, -232);
- var
- wBitsperSample,
- wHeaderBytes,
- w: Word;
- dw: DWORD;
- begin
- wBitsPerSample := 4;
- { fill in destination header with appropriate ADPCM stuff based }
- { on source PCM header... }
- Result := GlobalAllocMem(sizeOf(TADPCMWaveFormat)+MSADPCM_NUM_COEF*sizeOf(TADPCMCOEFSET));
- with Result^ do
- begin
- wfx.wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM;
- wfx.nSamplesPerSec := SampleRate;
- wfx.nChannels := Channels;
- wfx.wBitsPerSample := wBitsperSample;
- { choose a block alignment that makes sense for the sample rate }
- { that the original PCM data is. basically, this needs to be }
- { some reasonable number to allow efficient streaming, etc. }
- { }
- { don't let block alignment get too small... }
- wfx.nBlockAlign := 256 * Channels;
- if (SampleRate > 11025) then
- wfx.nBlockAlign := wfx.nBlockAlign * (SampleRate div 11000);
- { compute that 'samples per block' that will be in the encoded }
- { ADPCM data blocks. this is determined by subtracting out the }
- { 'other info' contained in each block--a block is composed of }
- { a header followed by the encoded data. }
- { }
- { the block header is composed of the following data: }
- { 1 byte predictor per channel }
- { 2 byte delta per channel }
- { 2 byte first sample per channel }
- { 2 byte second sample per channel }
- { }
- { this gives us (7 * wChannels) bytes of header information that }
- { contains our first two full samples (so we add two below). }
- wHeaderBytes := (7 * Channels);
- w := (wfx.nBlockAlign - wHeaderBytes) * 8;
- wSamplesPerBlock := (w div (wBitsPerSample * Channels)) + 2;
- { now compute the avg bytes per second (man this code bites!) }
- dw := ((Longint(wBitsPerSample) * Channels * Longint(SampleRate)) div 8);
- wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec := (dw + wHeaderBytes + ((dw div wfx.nBlockAlign) * wHeaderBytes));
- { fill in the cbSize field of the extended wave format header. }
- { this number is the number of _EXTRA BYTES_ *after* the end }
- { of the WAVEFORMATEX structure that are need for the compression }
- { format. }
- { }
- { for Microsoft's 4 Bit ADPCM format, this number is 32: }
- wfx.cbSize := sizeof(TADPCMWAVEFORMAT) - sizeof(TWaveFormatEx) +
- { copy the Microsoft 4 Bit ADPCM coef's into the header }
- for w := 0 to MSADPCM_NUM_COEF-1 do
- begin
- aCoef[w].iCoef1 := gaiCoef1[w];
- aCoef[w].iCoef2 := gaiCoef2[w];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmBuildMPEG1Header(SampleRate, Bitrate, Channels: integer): PMPEG1WaveFormat;
- var
- wSamplesPerBlock: Integer;
- begin
- // Example: SampleRate: 44100, Bitrate: 128000, Channels: 2
- Result := GlobalAllocMem(sizeOf(TMPEG1WaveFormat));
- with Result^ do
- begin
- wfx.wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG;
- wfx.nChannels := Channels;
- wfx.nSamplesPerSec := SampleRate;
- wfx.wBitsPerSample := 16;
- wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec:= 0;
- wfx.nBlockAlign := 144 * (BitRate * wfx.nChannels) div SampleRate;
- wfx.cbSize := 22;
- wSamplesPerBlock := 1120;
- fwHeadLayer := ACM_MPEG_LAYER2;
- fwHeadModeExt := $0F;
- wHeadEmphasis := 1; // no emphasis
- dwPTSLow := 0;
- dwPTSHigh := 0;
- if (wfx.nChannels = 1) then
- else
- dwHeadBitrate := BitRate * wfx.nChannels;
- wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec:= (((wfx.nSamplesPerSec * 100) div wSamplesPerBlock)*wfx.nBlockAlign) div 100;
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmBuildMP3Header(SampleRate, Bitrate, Channels: integer): PWaveFormatEx;
- const
- MP3Ext: array[0..11] of Byte = ($01,$00,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$71,$05);
- var
- BlockAlign: Double;
- begin
- Result := GlobalAllocMem(sizeOf(TWaveFormatEx)+12);
- with Result^ do
- begin
- nChannels := Channels;
- nSamplesPerSec := SampleRate;
- wBitsPerSample := 0;
- nBlockAlign := 1;
- BlockAlign := (144 * BitRate) / SampleRate;
- nAvgBytesPerSec:= Round((((SampleRate*100) / 1152)*BlockAlign) / 100);
- cbSize := sizeOf(MP3Ext);
- GlobalMoveMem(MP3Ext,(PChar(Result)+sizeOf(TWaveFormatEx))^,sizeOf(MP3Ext));
- PWord(PChar(Result)+sizeOf(TWaveFormatEx)+6)^ := Trunc(BlockAlign);
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmBuildMPEGHeader(Layer,SampleRate, Bitrate, Channels: integer): PWaveFormatEx;
- begin
- if (Layer = 2) then
- Result := Pointer(acmBuildMPEG1Header(SampleRate, BitRate, Channels))
- else if (Layer = 3) then
- Result := Pointer(acmBuildMP3Header(SampleRate, BitRate, Channels))
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmGetFormatDescription(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx;var sFormatTag,sFormat: String): Boolean;
- var
- mmr : MMRESULT;
- aftd: TACMFormatTagDetails;
- afd : TACMFormatDetails;
- begin
- { get the name for the format tag of the specified format }
- Result := False;
- if (pwfx <> nil) then
- begin
- if acmDLLLoaded and (HiWord(acmGetVersion) >= $0200) then
- begin
- { get the name for the format tag of the specified format }
- { initialize all unused members of the TACMFORMATTAGDETAILS }
- { structure to zero }
- FillChar(aftd, sizeOf(aftd), 0);
- { fill in the required members of the TACMFORMATTAGDETAILS }
- { structure for the ACM_FORMATTAGDETAILSF_FORMATTAG query }
- aftd.cbStruct := sizeOf(aftd);
- aftd.dwFormatTag := pwfx^.wFormatTag;
- { ask the ACM to find the first available driver that }
- { supports the specified format tag }
- mmr := acmFormatTagDetails(0, @aftd, ACM_FORMATTAGDETAILSF_FORMATTAG);
- if (mmr = 0) then
- { copy the format tag name into the caller's buffer }
- sFormatTag := StrPas(aftd.szFormatTag)
- else
- { no ACM driver is available that supports the }
- { specified format tag }
- wioGetFormatName(pwfx, sFormatTag);
- { get the description of the attributes for the specified format }
- { initialize all unused members of the ACMFORMATDETAILS }
- { structure to zero }
- FillChar(afd, sizeOf(afd), 0);
- { fill in the required members of the ACMFORMATDETAILS }
- { structure for the ACM_FORMATDETAILSF_FORMAT query }
- afd.cbStruct := sizeof(afd);
- afd.dwFormatTag := pwfx^.wFormatTag;
- afd.pwfx := pwfx;
- { the cbwfx member must be initialized to the total size }
- { in bytes needed for the specified format. for a PCM }
- { format, the cbSize member of the WAVEFORMATEX structure }
- { is not valid. }
- afd.cbwfx := wioSizeOfWaveFormat(pwfx);
- { ask the ACM to find the first available driver that }
- { supports the specified format }
- mmr := acmFormatDetails(0, @afd, ACM_FORMATDETAILSF_FORMAT);
- if (mmr = 0) then
- { copy the format attributes description into the caller's buffer }
- sFormat := StrPas(afd.szFormat)
- else
- { no ACM driver is available that supports the specified format }
- wioGetFormat(pwfx, sFormat);
- end
- else
- begin
- wioGetFormatName(pwfx, sFormatTag);
- wioGetFormat(pwfx, sFormat);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmGetFilterDescription(pwfltr: PWaveFilter;var sFilterTag,sFilter: String): Boolean;
- var
- mmr : MMRESULT;
- aftd: TACMFilterTagDetails;
- afd : TACMFilterDetails;
- begin
- { get the name for the filter tag of the specified filter }
- Result := False;
- if acmDLLLoaded and (HiWord(acmGetVersion) >= $0200) and (pwfltr <> nil) then
- begin
- { initialize all unused members of the TACMFILTERTAGDETAILS }
- { structure to zero }
- FillChar(aftd, sizeOf(aftd), 0);
- { fill in the required members of the TACMFILTERTAGDETAILS }
- { structure for the ACM_FILTERTAGDETAILSF_FILTERTAG query }
- aftd.cbStruct := sizeOf(aftd);
- aftd.dwFilterTag := pwfltr^.dwFilterTag;
- { ask the ACM to find the first available driver that }
- { supports the specified filter tag }
- mmr := acmFilterTagDetails(0, @aftd, ACM_FILTERTAGDETAILSF_FILTERTAG);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- { no ACM driver is available that supports the specified filter tag }
- sFilterTag := LoadResStr(IDS_WAVEUNKNOWN) + ' FilterTag'
- else
- { copy the filter tag name into the caller's buffer }
- sFilterTag := StrPas(aftd.szFilterTag);
- { get the description of the attributes for the specified filter }
- { initialize all unused members of the TACMFILTERDETAILS }
- { structure to zero }
- FillChar(afd, sizeOf(afd), 0);
- { fill in the required members of the TACMFILTERDETAILS }
- { structure for the ACM_FILTERDETAILSF_FILTER query }
- afd.cbStruct := sizeOf(afd);
- afd.dwFilterTag := pwfltr^.dwFilterTag;
- afd.pwfltr := pwfltr;
- afd.cbwfltr := pwfltr^.cbStruct;
- { ask the ACM to find the first available driver that }
- { supports the specified filter }
- mmr := acmFilterDetails(0, @afd, ACM_FILTERDETAILSF_FILTER);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- { no ACM driver is available that supports the specified filter }
- sFilter := LoadResStr(IDS_WAVEUNKNOWN)+ ' Filter'
- else
- { copy the filter attributes description into the caller's buffer }
- sFilter := StrPas(afd.szFilter);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- procedure acmSaveFormatToRegistry(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx;
- RootKey: integer; const LocalKey,Field: String);
- begin
- SaveInRegistryBinary(RootKey,LocalKey,Field,pwfx^,wioSizeOfWaveFormat(pwfx));
- end;
- {========================================================================}
- function acmGetFormatFromRegistry(RootKey: integer; const LocalKey,Field: String): PWaveFormatEx;
- var
- wfx: array[0..1024] of Char;
- begin
- if GetFromRegistryBinary(RootKey,LocalKey,Field,wfx,sizeOf(wfx)) > 0 then
- Result := wioCopyWaveFormat(@wfx)
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {== TMMACM =============================================================}
- constructor TMMACM.Create(aOwner:TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(aOwner);
- FACMPresent := False;
- FEnumFormats := efAll;
- FSource := nil;
- FTitle := LoadResStr(IDS_ACMSELECT);
- if (not acmDLLLoaded) then
- begin
- MessageDlg(LoadResStr(IDS_ACMNOACM), mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
- end
- else
- begin
- FacmVersion := acmGetVersion;
- if HiWord(FacmVersion) < $0200 then
- begin
- MessageDlg(Format(LoadResStr(IDS_ACMBADVERSION),
- [HiWord(FacmVersion) shr 8,HiWord(FacmVersion) and $FF]),
- mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
- exit;
- end;
- FACMPresent := True;
- acmMetrics(0, ACM_METRIC_COUNT_DRIVERS, @FNumDrivers);
- acmMetrics(0, ACM_METRIC_COUNT_CODECS, @FNumCodecs);
- acmMetrics(0, ACM_METRIC_COUNT_CONVERTERS, @FNumConverters);
- acmMetrics(0, ACM_METRIC_COUNT_FILTERS, @FNumFilters);
- acmMetrics(0, ACM_METRIC_MAX_SIZE_FORMAT, @FMaxFormatSize);
- acmMetrics(0, ACM_METRIC_MAX_SIZE_FILTER, @FMaxFilterSize);
- AllocWaveHeader(FPWaveFormatEx);
- AllocWaveFilter(FPWaveFilter);
- end;
- ErrorCode := ComponentRegistered(InitCode, Self, ClassName);
- if (ErrorCode <> 0) then RegisterFailed(InitCode, Self , ClassName);
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- Destructor TMMACM.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeWaveHeader(FPWaveFormatEx);
- FreeWaveFilter(FPWaveFilter);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.SetACMPresent(aValue: Boolean);
- begin
- { dummy }
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.SetNumDrivers(aValue: Longint);
- begin
- { dummy }
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.SetSource(aSource: TMMCustomWaveFile);
- begin
- if (aSource is TMMCustomWaveFile) or (aSource = Nil) then
- begin
- if (FSource <> aSource) then
- begin
- FSource := aSource;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FSource) then
- FSource := Nil;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.SetPWaveFormat(aValue: PWaveFormatEx);
- begin
- if (aValue <> nil) then
- move(aValue^, FPWaveFormatEx^, sizeOf(TWaveFormatEx) + aValue^.cbSize);
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.SetPWaveFilter(aValue: PWaveFilter);
- begin
- if (aValue <> nil) then
- move(aValue^, FPWaveFilter^, aValue^.cbStruct);
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.GetWave: TMMWave;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if assigned(FSource) then
- begin
- Result := (FSource as TMMCustomWaveFile).Wave;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.AllocWaveHeader(var pwfx: PWaveFormatEx);
- begin
- if ACMPresent and (FMaxFormatSize > 0) then
- pwfx := GlobalAllocMem(FMaxFormatSize)
- else
- pwfx := nil;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.FreeWaveHeader(var pwfx: PWaveFormatEx);
- begin
- if ACMPresent then
- GlobalFreeMem(pointer(pwfx));
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.AllocWaveFilter(var pwfltr: PWaveFilter);
- begin
- if ACMPresent and (FMaxFilterSize > 0) then
- pwfltr := GlobalAllocMem(FMaxFilterSize)
- else
- pwfltr := nil;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TMMACM.FreeWaveFilter(var pwfltr: PWaveFilter);
- begin
- if ACMPresent then
- GlobalFreeMem(pointer(pwfltr));
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.GetFormatDescription(pwfx: PWaveFormatEx;var sFormatTag,sFormat: String): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := acmGetFormatDescription(pwfx,sFormatTag,sFormat);
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.GetFilterDescription(pwfltr: PWaveFilter;var sFilterTag,sFilter: String): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := acmGetFilterDescription(pwfltr,sFilterTag,sFilter);
- end;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function acmDriverEnumCallback(hadid: THACMDRIVERID; dwInstance, fdwSupport: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall;
- begin
- if (fdwSupport and ACMDRIVERDETAILS_SUPPORTF_CODEC <> 0) or
- begin
- TList(dwInstance).Add(Pointer(hadid));
- end;
- end;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function acmFormatEnumTagCallback(hadid: THACMDRIVERID; paftd: PACMFORMATTAGDETAILS;
- dwInstance, fdwSupport: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (dwInstance <> 0) then
- with TMMACM(dwInstance) do
- begin
- if assigned(FOnCodecEnum) then
- FOnCodecEnum(TMMACM(dwInstance), paftd.dwFormatTag, StrPas(paftd.szFormatTag), Result);
- end;
- end;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function acmFormatEnumCallback(hadid: THACMDRIVERID; pafd: PACMFORMATDETAILS;
- dwInstance, fdwSupport: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (dwInstance <> 0) then
- with TMMACM(dwInstance) do
- begin
- if assigned(FOnFormatEnum) then
- FOnFormatEnum(TMMACM(dwInstance), pafd.pwfx, StrPas(pafd.szFormat), Result);
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.EnumerateCodecs: Boolean;
- var
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ACMPresent then exit;
- FillChar(aftd,sizeOf(aftd),0);
- aftd.cbStruct := sizeOf(aftd);
- Result := acmFormatTagEnum(0, @aftd, acmFormatEnumTagCallback, Longint(Self), 0) = 0;
- if not Result then // Bug Fix for Win98, some times the first call fails...
- Result := acmFormatTagEnum(0, @aftd, acmFormatEnumTagCallback, Longint(Self), 0) = 0;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.EnumerateFormats(wFormatTag: integer): Boolean;
- var
- fdwEnum: DWORD;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ACMPresent then exit;
- FillChar(afd,sizeOf(afd),0);
- afd.cbStruct := sizeOf(afd);
- afd.pwfx := GlobalAllocMem(FMaxFormatSize);
- try
- afd.pwfx.wFormatTag := wFormatTag;
- afd.dwFormatTag := wFormatTag;
- afd.cbwfx := FMaxFormatSize;
- case FEnumFormats of
- efInput : fdwEnum := fdwEnum or ACM_FORMATENUMF_INPUT;
- efOutput : fdwEnum := fdwEnum or ACM_FORMATENUMF_OUTPUT;
- end;
- Result := acmFormatEnum(0, @afd, acmFormatEnumCallback, Longint(Self), fdwEnum) = 0;
- finally
- GlobalFreeMem(Pointer(afd.pwfx));
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.SuggestFormat(pwfxSrc: PWaveFormatEx; dwSuggest: Longint): Boolean;
- var
- mmr: MMRESULT;
- cbwfx,cbwfxSrc: Longint;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ACMPresent or (pwfxSrc = nil) then exit;
- { just in case no ACM driver is installed for the source format and }
- { the source has a larger format size than the largest enabled ACM }
- { driver... }
- cbwfxSrc := wioSizeOfWaveFormat(pwfxSrc);
- cbwfx := Max(FMaxFormatSize, cbwfxSrc);
- if (cbwfx > FMaxFormatSize) then
- begin
- FMaxFormatSize := cbwfx;
- FreeWaveHeader(FPWaveFormatEx);
- AllocWaveHeader(FPWaveFormatEx);
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- { 'suggest anything' }
- mmr := acmFormatSuggest(0, pwfxSrc, FPWaveFormatEx, cbwfx, dwSuggest);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- move(pwfxSrc^, FPWaveFormatEx^, cbwfxSrc);
- Result := True;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.ChooseFormat(pwfxSrc: PWaveFormatEx; Title: String): Boolean;
- Label Again;
- var
- mmr : MMRESULT;
- aBuf: array[0..255] of char;
- cbwfx,cbwfxSrc: Longint;
- TryCount: integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ACMPresent then exit;
- { initialize the TACMFORMATCHOOSE members }
- FillChar(afc, sizeOf(afc), 0);
- if pwfxSrc <> nil then
- begin
- { just in case no ACM driver is installed for the source format and }
- { the source has a larger format size than the largest enabled ACM }
- { driver... }
- cbwfxSrc := wioSizeOfWaveFormat(pwfxSrc);
- cbwfx := Max(FMaxFormatSize, cbwfxSrc);
- if (cbwfx > FMaxFormatSize) then
- begin
- FMaxFormatSize := cbwfx;
- FreeWaveHeader(FPWaveFormatEx);
- AllocWaveHeader(FPWaveFormatEx);
- end;
- { copy to our struc to init the dialog }
- move(pwfxSrc^, FPWaveFormatEx^, cbwfxSrc);
- end;
- afc.cbStruct := sizeof(afc);
- if (Owner <> nil) then
- afc.hwndOwner := (Owner as TWinControl).Handle;
- afc.pwfx := FPWaveFormatEx;
- afc.cbwfx := FMaxFormatSize;
- if (Title <> '') then
- afc.pszTitle := StrPCopy(aBuf, Title);
- afc.szFormatTag[0] := #0;
- afc.szFormat[0] := #0;
- afc.pszName := nil;
- afc.cchName := 0;
- afc.pwfxEnum := nil;
- afc.fdwEnum := 0;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- case FEnumFormats of
- efInput : afc.fdwEnum := ACM_FORMATENUMF_INPUT;
- efOutput : afc.fdwEnum := ACM_FORMATENUMF_OUTPUT;
- efConvert: if (pwfxSrc <> nil) then
- begin
- afc.pwfxEnum:= pwfxSrc;
- end;
- efSuggest: if (pwfxSrc <> nil) then
- begin
- afc.pwfxEnum:= pwfxSrc;
- end;
- efRestrict:if (pwfxSrc <> nil) then
- begin
- afc.pwfxEnum:= pwfxSrc;
- end;
- else afc.fdwEnum := 0;
- end;
- afc.hInstance := 0;
- afc.pszTemplateName := nil;
- afc.lCustData := 0;
- afc.pfnHook := nil;
- TryCount := 0;
- Again:
- mmr := acmFormatChoose(@afc);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- if (mmr <> ACMERR_CANCELED) then
- begin
- inc(TryCount);
- if (TryCount = 1) then goto Again; // Bug Fix for Win98
- raise EMMACMError.Create('acmFormatChoose failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.ChooseFilter(pwfltrSrc: PWaveFilter; Title: String): Boolean;
- var
- afc : TACMFilterChoose;
- aBuf : array[0..255] of char;
- mmr : MMRESULT;
- cbwfltr: Longint;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ACMPresent or (FNumFilters <= 0) then exit;
- { initialize the TACMFILTERCHOOSE members }
- FillChar(afc, sizeOf(afc), 0);
- cbwfltr := Max(FMaxFilterSize, sizeof(TWaveFilter));
- if (pwfltrSrc <> nil) then
- begin
- if (cbwfltr > FMaxFilterSize) then
- begin
- FMaxFilterSize := cbwfltr;
- FreeWaveFilter(FPWaveFilter);
- AllocWaveFilter(FPWaveFilter);
- end;
- move(pwfltrSrc^, FPWaveFilter, pwfltrSrc^.cbStruct);
- end;
- afc.cbStruct := sizeOf(afc);
- if (Owner <> nil) then
- afc.hwndOwner := (Owner as TWinControl).Handle;
- afc.pwfltr := FPWaveFilter;
- afc.cbwfltr := cbwfltr;
- if (Title <> '') then
- afc.pszTitle := StrPCopy(aBuf, Title);
- afc.szFilterTag[0] := #0;
- afc.szFilter[0] := #0;
- afc.pszName := nil;
- afc.cchName := 0;
- afc.fdwEnum := 0;
- mmr := acmFilterChoose(@afc);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- if (mmr <> ACMERR_CANCELED) then
- raise EMMACMError.Create('acmFilterChoose failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.QueryConvert(pwfxDst: PWaveFormatEx; pwfltr: PWaveFilter): Boolean;
- var
- mmr: MMRESULT;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if ACMPresent and (FSource<>nil) and (Wave<>nil) then
- begin
- mmr := acmStreamOpen(nil, 0, Wave.PWaveFormat, pwfxDst, pwfltr, 0, 0,
- if (mmr = 0) then Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.ProcessFile(const FileName: TFileName; pwfxDst: PWaveFormatEx;
- pwfltr: PWaveFilter): Boolean;
- var
- mmr: MMRESULT;
- Cancel: Boolean;
- FOnProgress: TMMWaveProgress;
- TmpFile, DestFile: PChar;
- CurByte, NumBytes, NumRead, dw: Longint;
- lpwioSrc, lpwioDst: PWaveIOCB;
- pSrc,pDst: PChar;
- SrcBufSize,DstBufSize: Longint;
- pwfxSrc: PWaveFormatEx;
- ash : TACMStreamHeader;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not ACMPresent or (FSource = nil) or
- (Wave = nil) or Wave.Empty or (FileName = '') then exit;
- Cancel := False;
- pSrc := nil;
- pDst := nil;
- lpwioSrc := Wave.PWaveIOInfo;
- lpwioDst:= nil;
- pwfxSrc := Wave.PWaveFormat;
- if (pwfxDst = nil) then pwfxDst := pwfxSrc;
- if not QueryConvert(pwfxDst, pwfltr) then
- raise EMMACMError.Create(LoadResStr(IDS_ACMBADFORMAT));
- { open the source file and set position to data chunk }
- if wioWaveOpen(lpwioSrc) <> 0 then
- { set the bytes to convert }
- NumBytes := lpwioSrc^.dwBytesLeft;
- { create the dest. WAVEIOINFO }
- if wioCreateFileInfo(lpwioDst, pwfxDst) <> 0 then
- { copy all known chunks to the destination }
- if wioCopyFileInfo(lpwioDst, lpwioSrc) <> 0 then
- TmpFile := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH+1);
- DestFile := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH+1);
- { first create a temporary file for the destination file }
- StrPCopy(TmpFile, FileName);
- if Not wioFileCreateTemp(TmpFile) then
- { write the new Header to disc }
- if wioWriteFileInfo(lpwioDst, TmpFile) <> 0 then
- { compute source bytes to read (round down to nearest }
- { block for one second of data) }
- with pwfxSrc^ do
- SrcBufSize := nAvgBytesPerSec-(nAvgBytesPerSec mod nBlockAlign);
- mmr := acmStreamOpen(@has, 0, pwfxSrc, pwfxDst, pwfltr, 0, 0,
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- ShowMessage('acmStreamOpen failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- mmr := acmStreamSize(has, SrcBufSize, DstBufSize,
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- ShowMessage('acmStreamSize failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- { allocate the src and dst buffers for reading/converting data }
- pSrc := GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, SrcBufSize);
- if (pSrc = Nil) then goto ERROR_CONVERT;
- pDst := GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, DstBufSize);
- if (pDst = Nil) then goto ERROR_CONVERT;
- { setup the stream header structure }
- ash.cbStruct := sizeof(ash);
- ash.fdwStatus := 0;
- ash.dwUser := 0;
- ash.pbSrc := pSrc;
- ash.cbSrcLength := SrcBufSize;
- ash.cbSrcLengthUsed := 0;
- ash.dwSrcUser := SrcBufSize;
- ash.pbDst := pDst;
- ash.cbDstLength := DstBufSize;
- ash.cbDstLengthUsed := 0;
- ash.dwDstUser := DstBufSize;
- mmr := acmStreamPrepareHeader(has, @ash, 0);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- ShowMessage('acmStreamPrepareHeader failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- FOnProgress := Wave.OnProgress;
- CurByte := 0;
- while CurByte < NumBytes do
- begin
- { read the data to convert }
- NumRead := min(SrcBufSize, NumBytes - CurByte);
- NumRead := wioWaveReadData(lpwioSrc, pSrc, NumRead);
- if (NumRead <= 0) then break;
- ash.cbSrcLength := NumRead;
- ash.cbDstLengthUsed := 0;
- mmr := acmStreamConvert(has, @ash, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- ShowMessage('acmStreamConvert failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- { wait until the converting is done }
- while (ash.fdwStatus and ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_DONE = 0) do;
- { adjust the current read position }
- NumRead := NumRead - ash.cbSrcLengthUsed;
- if (NumRead <> 0) then
- begin
- mmioSeek(lpwioSrc^.hmmio, -NumRead, SEEK_CUR);
- inc(lpwioSrc^.dwBytesLeft, NumRead);
- end;
- inc(CurByte, ash.cbSrcLengthUsed);
- NumRead := ash.cbDstLengthUsed;
- if (NumRead <= 0) then break;
- { have we space on the drive ? }
- if not GetDiskFree(ExtractFilePath(TmpFile),NumRead+10240) then
- { write the data out as we go... }
- if wioWaveWriteData(lpwioDst, pDst, NumRead) <> NumRead then
- { let the user have some time }
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- if assigned(FOnProgress) then
- FOnProgress(Self, CurByte, NumBytes, Cancel);
- if Cancel then goto ERROR_CONVERT;
- end;
- { cleanup pass }
- while True do
- begin
- dw := 0;
- NumRead := min(SrcBufSize, NumBytes - CurByte);
- if (NumRead > 0) then
- begin
- dw := wioWaveReadData(lpwioSrc, pSrc, NumRead);
- if (dw <= 0) then break;
- end;
- ash.cbSrcLength := dw;
- ash.cbDstLengthUsed := 0;
- mmr := acmStreamConvert(has, @ash, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN or
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- begin
- ShowMessage('acmStreamConvert failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- { wait until the converting is done }
- while (ash.fdwStatus and ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_DONE = 0) do;
- dw := ash.cbDstLengthUsed;
- if (dw = 0) then
- begin
- ash.cbDstLengthUsed := 0;
- mmr := acmStreamConvert(has, @ash, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_END);
- if (mmr = 0) then
- begin
- { wait until the converting is done }
- while (ash.fdwStatus and ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_DONE = 0) do;
- end;
- dw := ash.cbDstLengthUsed;
- if (dw = 0) then break;
- end;
- { have we space on the drive ? }
- if not GetDiskFree(ExtractFilePath(TmpFile),dw+10240) then
- { write the data out as we go... }
- if wioWaveWriteData(lpwioDst, pDst, dw) <> dw then
- { adjust the current read position }
- dw := NumRead - ash.cbSrcLengthUsed;
- if (dw <> 0) then
- begin
- mmioSeek(lpwioSrc^.hmmio, -dw, SEEK_CUR);
- inc(lpwioSrc^.dwBytesLeft, dw);
- end;
- inc(CurByte, ash.cbSrcLengthUsed);
- if (ash.cbDstLengthUsed = 0) then break;
- { let the user have some time }
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- if assigned(FOnProgress) then
- FOnProgress(Self, CurByte, NumBytes, Cancel);
- if Cancel then goto ERROR_CONVERT;
- end;
- { close source and temp file }
- wioWaveClose(lpwioSrc);
- wioWaveClose(lpwioDst);
- StrPCopy(DestFile, FileName);
- { delete the real destination file (if exits) }
- if wioFileExists(DestFile) then wioFileDelete(DestFile);
- { rename the temp file to the destination file }
- if mmioRename(TmpFile, DestFile, Nil, 0) <> 0 then
- Result := True;
- wioWaveClose(lpwioSrc);
- wioWaveClose(lpwioDst);
- wioFreeFileInfo(lpwioDst);
- { clear up the stream stuff }
- if (ash.fdwStatus and ACMSTREAMHEADER_STATUSF_PREPARED <> 0) then
- begin
- ash.cbSrcLength := SrcBufSize;
- ash.cbDstLength := DstBufSize;
- mmr := acmStreamUnprepareHeader(has, @ash, 0);
- if (mmr <> 0) then
- ShowMessage('acmStreamUnprepareHeader failed with error '+IntToStr(mmr));
- end;
- acmStreamClose(has, 0);
- if (pSrc <> nil) then GlobalFreePtr(pSrc);
- if (pDst <> nil) then GlobalFreePtr(pDst);
- { make sure we delete the temp file }
- if wioFileExists(TmpFile) then wioFileDelete(TmpFile);
- StrDispose(TmpFile);
- StrDispose(DestFile);
- if not Result then
- if not Cancel then
- raise EMMACMError.Create(LoadResStr(IDS_ACMERROR))
- else
- raise EMMACMError.Create(LoadResStr(IDS_ACMABORT));
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.CreateFile(const FileName: TFileName): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if ACMPresent and (FSource <> nil) and (Wave <> nil) then
- begin
- if not Wave.Empty and (FileName <> '') and (FPWaveFormatEx <> nil) then
- begin
- Wave.CreateFile(FileName, FPWaveFormatEx);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.ConvertFile(const FileName: TFileName): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if ACMPresent and (FNumConverters > 0) and (FSource <> nil) and
- (Wave <> nil) and not Wave.Empty and (FileName <> '') then
- begin
- Result := ProcessFile(FileName, FPWaveFormatEx, nil);
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMACM -------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMACM.FilterFile(const FileName: TFileName): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if ACMPresent and (FNumFilters > 0) and (FSource <> nil) and
- (Wave <> nil) and not Wave.Empty and (FileName <> '') then
- begin
- Result := ProcessFile(FileName, nil, FPWaveFilter);
- end;
- end;
- end.