- {========================================================================}
- {= (c) 1995-98 SwiftSoft Ronald Dittrich =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= All Rights Reserved =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= D 01099 Dresden = Tel.: +0351-8012255 =}
- {= Loewenstr.7a = =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= Actual versions on =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= This code is for reference purposes only and may not be copied or =}
- {= distributed in any format electronic or otherwise except one copy =}
- {= for backup purposes. =}
- {= =}
- {= No Delphi Component Kit or Component individually or in a collection=}
- {= subclassed or otherwise from the code in this unit, or associated =}
- {= .pas, .dfm, .dcu, .asm or .obj files may be sold or distributed =}
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- {= HelpFile. =}
- {========================================================================}
- {= $Date: 13.02.98 - 17:04:35 $ =}
- {========================================================================}
- unit MMFFPrp;
- interface
- uses
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- Windows,
- {$ELSE}
- WinTypes,
- WinProcs,
- {$ENDIF}
- DesignIntf,
- DesignEditors,
- {$ELSE}
- DsgnIntf,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- Dialogs,
- Forms,
- Controls,
- StdCtrls,
- ComCtrls,
- Graphics,
- MMObj,
- MMUtils,
- MMFFile,
- MMFFEdit;
- type
- {-- TMMFastFileNameProperty -------------------------------------------}
- TMMFastFileNameProperty = class(TStringProperty)
- public
- procedure Edit; override;
- function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
- end;
- {-- TMMFastFileEditor -------------------------------------------------}
- TMMFastFileEditor = class(TComponentEditor)
- public
- procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override;
- function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; override;
- function GetVerbCount: Integer; override;
- end;
- implementation
- {== TMMFastFileNameProperty =============================================}
- procedure TMMFastFileNameProperty.Edit;
- begin
- with TOpenDialog.Create(nil) do
- try
- FileName := GetStrValue;
- Filter := 'FastFiles (*.ff)|*.ff';
- Options := Options + [ofPathMustExist, ofHideReadOnly];
- Title := LoadResStr(IDS_SELECTFILE);
- if Execute then SetValue(FileName);
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMFastFileNameProperty ---------------------------------------------}
- function TMMFastFileNameProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
- begin
- Result := [paDialog];
- end;
- {== TMMFastFileEditor ===================================================}
- procedure TMMFastFileEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer);
- begin
- with TMMFastFileDialog.Create(nil) do
- try
- Source := (Component as TMMFastFile);
- if Execute and (Designer <> nil) then Designer.Modified;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- {-- TMMFastFileEditor ---------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMFastFileEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): string;
- begin
- Result := 'FastFile Editor...';
- end;
- {-- TMMFastFileEditor ---------------------------------------------------}
- function TMMFastFileEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 1;
- end;
- end.