- // *****************************************************************************
- // Author: komarov andrey.
- // Email:
- // This filter is a useful debugging tool. For example, you can verify,
- // bit by bit, the results of a transform filter. You can build a graph
- // manually by using GraphEdit, and connect the Dump filter to the output
- // of a transform filter or any other output pin.
- // *****************************************************************************
- unit Main;
- interface
- uses BaseClass, DirectShow9, ActiveX, Windows, classes, Dialogs, Sysutils;
- const CLSID_DumpNew : TGUID = '{62E78A56-7B3A-4CF0-B751-712B00C8E578}';
- MyPinType: TRegPinTypes =
- (clsMajorType: @MEDIATYPE_NULL;
- clsMinorType: @MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL);
- MyPins : array[0..0] of TRegFilterPins =
- ((strName: 'Input'; bRendered: FALSE; bOutput: FALSE; bZero: FALSE; bMany: FALSE;
- oFilter: nil; strConnectsToPin: nil; nMediaTypes: 1; lpMediaType: @MyPinType));
- Type
- TDump = class;
- TMyPin = Class (TBCRenderedInputPin) //TBCBasePin
- private
- FLast: TReferenceTime;
- FDump: TDump;
- {$ENDIF}
- FFile: integer;
- public
- mF:string;
- constructor Create(ObjectName: string; pUnk: IUnKnown; Filter: TBCBaseFilter;
- Lock: TBCCritSec; out hr: HRESULT; Name: WideString; mpFileN:string);
- function CheckMediaType(mt: PAMMediaType): HRESULT; override;
- function Receive(pSample: IMediaSample): HRESULT; override;
- function EndOfStream: HRESULT; override;
- function BreakConnect: HRESULT; override;
- procedure OpenFile;
- Procedure CloseFile;
- end;
- /////////////////// Dump Class ////////////////////
- TDump = class (TBCBaseFilter,IFileSinkFilter)
- private
- xxx: integer;
- yyy: integer;
- FPin: TMyPin;
- FfileName: String;
- protected
- function SetFileName(pszFileName: PWideChar; pmt: PAMMediaType): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetCurFile(out ppszFileName: PWideChar; pmt: PAMMediaType): HRESULT; stdcall;
- public
- function Stop: HRESULT; override;
- function Run(tStart: TReferenceTime): HRESULT; override;
- function GetPin(n: Integer): TBCBasePin; override;
- constructor Create(Name: string; // Object description
- Unk : IUnKnown; // IUnknown of delegating object
- Lock: TBCCritSec; // Object who maintains lock
- const clsid: TGUID // The clsid to be used to serialize this filter
- );
- function GetPinCount: integer; override;
- end;
- implementation
- procedure TMyPin.CloseFile;
- begin
- FileClose(FFile);
- end;
- procedure TMyPin.OpenFile;
- begin
- FFile := FileCreate(mF);
- end;
- constructor TMyPin.Create(ObjectName: string;pUnk: IUnKnown; Filter: TBCBaseFilter;
- Lock: TBCCritSec; out hr: HRESULT; Name: WideString; mpFileN:string);
- begin
- inherited Create(ObjectName, Filter, Lock, hr, Name);
- mF := mpFileN;
- OpenFile;
- CloseFile;
- FLast := 0;
- end;
- function TMyPin.BreakConnect: HRESULT;
- begin
- result := inherited BreakConnect;
- end;
- function TDump.Stop: HRESULT;
- begin
- FPin.CloseFile;
- result := inherited Stop;
- end;
- function TMyPin.EndOfStream: HRESULT;
- begin
- result := inherited EndOfStream;
- end;
- function TDump.Run(tStart: TReferenceTime): HRESULT;
- begin
- FPin.OpenFile;
- result := inherited Run(tStart);
- end;
- function TMyPin.Receive(pSample: IMediaSample): HRESULT;
- var
- pbData: PBYTE;
- tStart, tStop: TREFERENCETIME;
- begin
- pSample.GetTime(tStart,tStop);
- DbgLog(FDump,'Komar');
- {$ENDIF}
- pSample.GetPointer(pbData);
- FileWrite(FFile, pbData^, pSample.GetActualDataLength);
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TMyPin.CheckMediaType(mt: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TDump.GetPinCount: integer;
- begin
- result := 1;
- end;
- constructor TDump.Create(Name: string; // Object description
- Unk : IUnKnown; // IUnknown of delegating object
- Lock: TBCCritSec; // Object who maintains lock
- const clsid: TGUID // The clsid to be used to serialize this filter
- );
- begin
- inherited create(Name,Unk,Lock,CLSID_DumpNew);
- end;
- function TDump.GetPin(n: Integer): TBCBasePin;
- var
- hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- if (xxx = 0) then
- begin
- xxx := 1;
- FPin := TMyPin.Create('Null input pin', GetOwner, self, TBCCritSec.Create, hr, 'Input', FfileName);//,PINDIR_INPUT);
- end;
- result := FPin;
- end;
- function TDump.SetFileName(pszFileName: PWideChar; pmt: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- if Length(pszFileName) > MAX_PATH then
- begin
- exit;
- end;
- FFileName := copy(pszFileName, 1, Length(pszFileName));
- if (yyy > 0) then
- begin
- FPin.CloseFile;
- FPin.mF := FFileName;
- FPin.OpenFile;
- FPin.CloseFile;
- end;
- inc(YYY);
- if FfileName = '' then
- else
- result:=S_OK;
- end;
- function TDump.GetCurFile(out ppszFileName: PWideChar; pmt: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- ppszFileName := StringToOleStr(copy(FfileName, 1, Length(FfileName)));
- pmt.majortype := MEDIATYPE_NULL;
- pmt.subtype := MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL;
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- initialization
- TBCClassFactory.CreateFilter(TDump, 'Dump New', CLSID_DumpNew,
- CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory, MERIT_DO_NOT_USE, 1, @MyPins);
- end.